Friday, November 8, 2013

MONUMENTAL BREAKTHROUGH in Birth Certificate Case!

MONUMENTAL BREAKTHROUGH in Birth Certificate Case!
Friday, November 8, 2013
“This entire affair is now much bigger than the birth certificate. It is much bigger than you ever imagined…This is monumentally huge.”

Carl Gallups (founder of PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network and host of Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups on 1330 WEBY - Gulf Coast Talk Radio) has just released the following statement concerning the White House birth certificate investigation and the ongoing investigation by the Cold Case Posse.

“Many of you have been asking by email, telephone, FB, YT, tweets, and blog posts – “What’s going on with the birth certificate investigation? 

Why have you gone silent? 

Is it over?

Did you hit a roadblock?”

While I am not an official spokesperson for Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio - here is what I can tell you at this point:

The investigation has never gone silent and it has never stopped. Mike Zullo and I have been telling you (for months) that this investigation took a deeper turn some time back. Well – it not only took a deeper turn – but it has now become much, much deeper!  Deeper than you could ever imagine!

Mike has been traveling around the country the last two weeks as a result of this new branch of investigation. The implications of what has been uncovered (with hard documentation and evidence) are absolutely astounding – it is beyond monumental.  As a result  - the investigation work has increased 100-fold in intensity. This is why Mike Zullo has made no recent comments. The necessity for absolute 100% confidentiality is too important. I would not expect a detailed comment from Mike Zullo or Sheriff Arpaio for a while. This is simply too big to let even a hint out about what they now know.

I can also tell you that – based upon what I know – the birth certificate issue has been 100% settled. I cannot tell you how we know, but we now know without any argument or shade of doubt – the birth certificate posted on the White House website is a 100% fabrication.

All the talk about the Xerox machine and reproducing certain anomalies found on the White House birth certificate has now been completely, forensically, and in 100% evidentiary fashion – debunked! The entire Obot minutia portfolio has been completely eviscerated. To all of those who have had deep concerns about the matter of the authenticity of the birth certificate – you have been vindicated. You were right! This will eventually come to light. Be patient.

Again – this entire affair is now much bigger than the birth certificate.  As soon as I am at liberty to say more I will. Until then America will simply have to be patient, pray, and trust.

Sheriff Arpaio, Mike Zullo, have not lied to you or misled you in the past. They will not in the future, either. They are working tirelessly as I speak.  You will see the results one day in the future – and then you will know.

Let me add – this is the first time that Mike Zullo hasn’t told me everything that he knows. I know enough to tell you with confidence what I have just told you.

Trust me  – this is huge… it is so monumentally huge.”


LATEST! MONUMENTAL Breakthrough in Birth Certificate Case! (Nov 2013)


Dan said...

It is a Lot Bigger as Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio may have just come about the FACT about the Act of 1871 of THE UNITED STATES. INC. NOW being our Government, a Corporation has control of us and we are NO Longer Sovereign!

Anonymous said...

So what? Nothing's going to happen to Obama. Congress and the Supreme Court will do nothing even if they're handed the hard evidence on a silver platter. Hell, Obama could even admit it and they would do nothing. So forget it people.

Anonymous said...

Why do guys who come across info always do this? (Breitbart for example)

" I would not expect a detailed comment from Mike Zullo or Sheriff Arpaio for a while. This is simply too big to let even a hint out about what they now know."

Ummmm . . . Isn't the above comment a "hint"?

Anonymous said...

John, I think you need to ratchet-down some of your derogatory posting about President Obama. I am enclosing a posting I just received, which explains a great deal about what has been going on and what has been achieved. I am sending it because it directly compliments St. Germain whose work you supported.

Sent to you via your e-mail

John MacHaffie said...

Just reporting what is coming in on a daily basis. I don't make up stories. PERHAPS MAYBE YOUR ADORATION OF OBAMA IS AT FAULT!

Anonymous said...

think of a duck that just recieved a 12 ga.load of lead shot in the butt.thier ass droops low ,they beat their wings twice as hard ,but still come down fast! thats obama , FRAUDSTER!