Thursday, November 7, 2013

Neil Keenan Responds to the Fulford/Hudes Interview -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Neil Keenan Responds to the Fulford/Hudes Interview -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 11:55:22

Ø Keenan is forced to clear the air one more time, as Hudes spreads misinformation
Ø Hudes would have had help from the Family – if she hadn’t tried to undermine Keenan
Ø Where’s the gold? Not in the Vatican, Karen…
Ø Speak whereof you know – Keenan on the Asian gold and why it won’t be going to the World Bank
Ø Update on funding and Nelu’s fight for freedom
Ø Keenan rebounds from attack – back in action
by Michael Henry Dunn
November 6, 2013
It is old news by now that picking a fight with Neil Francis Keenan is a bad idea. Certainly Karen Hudes had an instructive experience in that regard the last time around, as may be seen in this writer’s last post on the subject of her misinformation. It is also apparent to all that the bankster/bloodline cabal loves to see in-fighting within the freedom movement. Neil Keenan has much better things to do with his time than fighting off misinformed smears. But when he perceives an attack, his 29-and-0 Golden Glove fighter’s instincts kick in, and he hits back hard. Mr. Keenan clearly believes it is too late in the game to allow misinformation (whether accidentally or deliberately spread) to create fog on the battlefield – which can lead to “friendly-fire” casualties. The guns need to be pointed in one direction – at the enemies of humanity.
The accompanying 23 minute video is vintage Keenan, and is well worth viewing for those who have the time. Forcefully and unmistakably, he rebuts Ms. Hudes’ recent statements to Ben Fulford. It appears that Hudes realized too late that her unguarded words would cause trouble for her, and she made attempts to prevent the full interview from being distributed. However, her efforts were too late, and Mr. Keenan had no choice but to strongly rebut another round of misinformation from Karen Hudes.
Even so, he waited some days before responding. In a conversation with this writer, Keenan stated that he did not want to have to issue yet another rebuttal to misinformation, but once it became apparent that Hudes’ statements had been widely distributed, “enough is enough. It’s bad enough having to deal with the poison thing…but we don’t need this garbage out there, too.”

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Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Neil Keenan is always scrapping with someone and nothing ever gets done. Although I would like to believe that he is an important player for our future, more and more he just seems like a distraction and drama king.

K.Lau said...

Way to go Neil. Can't afford to have people sit on the fence and decide which way to go( Karen Hudes).
It is too late in the game for people on the other side to start having a conscious and say they want to jump ship. And yes, You are getting things done. Those of us that are really paying attention, know this.
It is time for the alliance to start this arrest and take over.We need to strike now before the elite have a chance to strike again. The American people will endure but will get through this. We are strong willed.
Stay safe and healthy.

Anonymous said...

I wish all these folks could get along. Individually they are great, but when they pair up it's a disaster.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Keenan has time for is breaking out another bottle of whiskey to suck down. This guy is a clown and slobbering drunk.

Anonymous said...

Keenan, the fed bonds is real but what a shame because keenan seems to have lost the plot and is just wandering around like a drift wood. Keenan have to reset his agenda and direction. He must refile the legal suit ASAP before he is looked upon as a self-exile clown abandoned by the circus that belongs to him once upon a time.