Hi John,
This question is NOT up for a debate
!!!! Before anyone can make the comments that have been stated, maybe they
ought to find the RIGHT NESARA and do some thinking. Just because the question
was raised, does not say that anyone, or everyone is out for just the money. I
know alot of people that would really like to have this amount so they can help
fix the planet, humanity all over the world, give PRIDE AND HONOR BACK TO
HUMANITY OF THE WORLD !!!! Yes, that does take money to do!!!!!
Until the people who make such
comments know, actually know the people asking questions, maybe they ought to
look in the mirror and ask themselves where their HEARTS ARE !!!!! I KNOW THAT
As for this website being known for
BS, well, I guess some people will just have to wake up more to what is
actually going on around them..I have seen and read alot of things but that
doesn't say that my brain is all on the bad stuff !!!! Then again, if these
people think that this site is all BS, WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE ????
Well, John, not much on the comments
Annonymous #3
Went to the internet for information on Nesara... Reading on several available, found the first and the one for the law presented in the government. Then there was the one that spoke about the dark side of things and how different people and views have attached to the name.
What was to benefit our nation rolled over into the news of other reasons. Research.. its good to find the true beginning and reason behind the name.
I second Annonymous #3 comments
These people wanting the money to save the planet.
Ask if they are prepped and locked and loaded and ready to take down anyone that comes near their prep?
Ask them if they know that to have the money to make changes to the world will mean hiring someone to provide the supplies and labor for whatever it is they think they need to get it done.
When controlling money and controlling people with how you will pay them, will they discriminate and say only US Citizens can help clean up the planet and tell people they think are here illegally to 'go home'?
What about political affiliation? Some haven't even matured past the us against them stage for any conflict they have been trained to join?
How often have they taken their last and shared it or gave it away?
Did they file for bankruptcy? They never know how these accounts have some value that they themselves cleaned out with the help of a trustee and then they want full value in there when there is a shift from one paradigm to another.
It sounded like greed. The announcement hadn't even been made and they are thinking of getting their house back and most of those people the first thing they would do is put the money right back in with the controllers trying to buy some gold where there is no delivery, or trying to get the riches the Dinar hasn't given them yet, if ever.
Nesara should have been about being free from the control of men with guns or three letter agencies that step between you and the remuneration for your labor and moving us away from money.
That's what it should have been about.
Something this big don't take this long to announce.
Where's David Wilcock, Ben Fulford, Bix Weir, American Kabuki, George Celente, The President of the United States, some public service announcement, like an advertisement on t.v and radio, how about an airplane hired in major cities and flying in the sky over cities with a banner, an e-mail from the bank. beforeitsnews, Sorcha Faal, Neil Keenan, Karl Denninger (ticker-guy), somebody, something?
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