Sunday, November 10, 2013

News Roundup - Nov 10th

News Roundup - Nov 10th

Mainstream Media See Racism in Ron Paul's Support of Nullification

Written by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. 
 Nov 8, 2013
The New American

During a speech in support of Ken Cuccinelli's now-failed gubernatorial campaign, Ron Paul (shown with Cuccinelli on right)
predicted the increase in state resistance to federal overreach.
“I’ve been working on the assumption that nullification is going to
come. It’s going to be a de facto nullification if it’s not legalized.
 pretty soon things are going to get so bad that we’re just going to
ignore the feds and live our own lives in our own states,” Paul told a
cheering crowd gathered in Richmond, Virginia on November 4.
“Why should we grant this authority to a few thugs who want to take
over the government to make all our decisions for us?” he added later.
 to form, when the state-run media — in this case, MSNBC — learned of
Paul’s statement in favor of state sovereignty, they quickly associated
the subject with slavery and racism.
"Paul pegged his “nullification” talk to the famous Virginian who’s
credited with coining the concept: Thomas Jefferson. But the term has a
particular controversial history in the South, having been used by
segregationists rejecting federally mandated desegregation during the
civil rights movement," the MSNBC report says.
 to be outdone, in a report on the former Texas congressman’s
speech,Politico informs readers that nullification is a concept
“brimming with connotations” of connections with the Confederacy.
MSNBC and Politico, as members of the mainstream media, are
comfortable with not having to provide any historical context for their
claims. It’s a good thing, too, because when it comes to the
relationship of slavery to nullification, the latter was one of the most potent weapons in the arsenal of abolitionists.
 the case ofAbelman v. Booth. The story of this little-known case was
recounted by The New American in an article published in May.........

.....Dismissing MSNBC’s incorrect interpretation of nullification as
 one would expect of such an organization, the question becomes can
nullification be used as an effective tool to dismantle federal
despotism, including ObamaCare?
As ObamaCare has rolled out, the specter of such widespread
manipulation of the country’s medical care system by way of the
ObamaCare legislation’s uncountable layers of bureaucracy was a primary
impetus for state attempts to stop enforcement of the federal healthcare leviathan at state borders.
Nullification, state lawmakers across the country argue, is the way
to save citizens from suffering the ravages of ObamaCare and its legal
plundering of the middle class.
Nullification is a concept of constitutional law that recognizes the
right of each state to nullify, or invalidate, any federal measure that
exceeds the few and defined powers allowed the federal government as
enumerated in the Constitution......

Rick Santorum On The Record

by Proud American First
Sat, 11/09/2013
Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Richard John "Rick" Santorum  was born May 10,
1958 in Winchester, Virginia to Aldo Santorum who immigrated to the
United States, and Catherine (Dughi) Santorum.
- Santorum quoted: “They have this idea that people should be left
alone, be able to do whatever they want to do, government should keep
our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn’t get
involved in the bedroom, we shouldn’t get involved in cultural issues.
That is not how traditional conservatives view the world.”
- Santorum voted in favor of the Patriot Act and its reauthorization.
- Santorum does not believe that the NDAA changes the law. However,
it does give the president the power to indefinitely detain U.S.
citizens without trial and due process, an unprecedented violation of
the Constitution.
Santorum is Roman Catholic and publicly against abortion, but voted at
least six times to fund Planned Parenthood. “It was against the
principles I believe in…sometimes you have to take one for the team”.
Endorsed Pro-Choice Arlen Specter.
- Santorum defends freedom of religion, but stated “Privacy is not a Constitutional right”.
- Santorum voted to increase the debt limit five times, adding $3 trillion to the national debt.
- In a single session, Santorum co-sponsored 51 bills to increase spending.
- Santorum said he opposes bailouts, but he voted in favor of the
bailouts of the Airline and Steel industries. Santorum declared in 2003
“I am no longer a deficit hawk.”
- Santorum supported the “Bridge to Nowhere” twice, and voted to raise his own pay.
- Santorum quoted: "One of the things I will talk about, that no
president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of
in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's
okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things
in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are
supposed to be." — Rick Santorum, interview with (October 2011)
Defiant of his church’s decree, Santorum fully supports pre-emptive
war. Santorum has a long history of voting in favor of foreign aid;
sent billions to countries like North Korea and Pakistan. Prefers
isolationism over diplomacy toward countries like Cuba.
- Under Rick Santorum, deficits would have increased $4.5 trillion
over two years, under the intermediate projection, leaving a debt equal
to 104% of GDP.
- Santorum’s top contributors are Universal Health Services, Blue
Cross/Blue Shield and Achristavest. Santorum was director of the
Health Services, which was sued by the federal government over
allegations of Medicare fraud. His SuperPac received donations from
wealthy mutual fund manager Foster Friess and multi-millionaire William
- When asked to explain at a public rally why he voted for 'No Child
Left Behind', Medicare Part D, five debt ceiling increases, what's
limited government about that? Ricks response was: "Vote for Ron Paul,
that's what you should do".

Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, And It Isn’t Weapons

November 10, 2013 (originally April 1, 2013)
By Dan Roberts
(Ammoland. com)-

Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and
multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.
The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor
in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were
 actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point
in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.
Multiple credible scientific studies going back more then a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical
 that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs ( Selective
Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side
effects, including but not limited to
suicide and other violent behavior. One need only Google relevant key
words or phrases to see for themselves. is one
 site that has documented over 4500 “ Mainstream Media “ reported cases
from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking
these powerful drugs…
…On to the list of mass shooters and the stark link to psychotropic drugs......

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great
moral crises maintain their neutrality" -Dante Alighieri

They who watch while our elected officials are ravaging our country
should consider that...Vin

Join The Fight - Expose Globalism and The New World Order

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