Wednesday, November 13, 2013

News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Wed. AM

News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Wed. AM



wantingfreedom] ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) just completed purchase of NY Stock Exchange and Nasdaq:

[Yme] wantingfreedom now we have one market controlled by ICE globally

[wantingfreedom] Yme I don't understand all the implications . . but know it is HUGE in the scheme of things from what I hear

[Yme] wantingfreedom that means that now all systems are interlinked and the exchange(GCR) can go smoothly it's a key announcement signal

[wantingfreedom] Yme There ya go! Thanks!!

[Palmfly] wantingfreedom GM That's very important news! It's like this jigsaw puzzle, if you look at it from plan view. Thanks for bringing us the info.!

[normanross] Yme ya what a coincedence to announce that today
Read More link on Right

[Yme] normanross had to be announced so it could happen without interruption

[wantingfreedom] normanross LOL It came from Bloomberg . . get it?

[Yme] IWANTANRV ICE now controls the bulk of all markets and the (GCR) can be implemented with just one click

 [alwaysconfused] Yme is that part of the GCR?

[bubby77] Yme what is ICE?

 [Yme] alwaysconfused it was necessary before the GCR could take place is my thinking

[Yme] gjacksont ICE Intercontinental Exchange

loechin] 10:30am 11/13/13 OK all I can say is at this moment the UST is doing their thing and I am waiting for my 800 number...

Loechin: I'm waiting for announcements & freedom

[lanalane] Loechin has his own Group WF 800#, different than any of the numbers we will get from Tony

[loechin] I just confirmed again that the RV is being released by the UST.... They are now in control of rolling this thing out

[SWFLdinar] Since CL wants this to hit everywhere all at once, do u think we are waiting till 2-3pm east

[loechin] I just confirmed a third time that the RV was released to the UST from as high up as you can go this time.... No time was given

[tsasser121206] After its been released to the UST didn't Tony say it would take 2-6 hours from then

[irishladdie] Tony's 8-Step Process: The UST has 2 hours to complete step 1 to 8 process. 1. IMF notifies UST to activate process 2. UST runs codes, report back to IMF when completed 3. IMF gives OK for next step 4. If "go" from IMF, UST to call in people and activate call centers 5. UST reports to IMF call centers are ready 6. IMF tells UST to notify banks and currency dealers. 800 #s released! 7. UST reports to IMF all is ready 8. UST notifies banks to start doing exchanges

[fred99] Lol...I have to get this through my thick head...the highest up you can go at the UST said yep we got it and its done and all we have to do is release it...but can't tell you when...OK, just had to repeat it to myself

[Moonchild] I wonder how long it will take the UST to release it.

[skysthelimit] my guess is aftr 2pm to tonite into the am

rich17] loechin's post says "the RV WAS released to the UST and they are rolling it out." We don't know the time frame...but it would seem the 2 hours has begun

[loechin] No time frame was given to me this morning

[Leoff] Loechin - thank you for your patience with us...

[tking] loechin ,,thank you

[Lifetalker] If it is in the UST hands... This puts us on Step 2 or more in the 8 step process.

[rocky751] I guess we are possibly at stage 5 in the below process (just a guess)??? irishladdie: Tony's 8-Step Process: The UST has 2 hours to complete step 1 to 8 process. 1. IMF notifies UST to activate process 2. UST runs codes, report back to IMF when completed 3. IMF gives OK for next step 4. If "go" from IMF, UST to call in people and activate call centers 5. UST reports to IMF call centers are ready 6. IMF tells UST to notify banks and currency dealers. 800 #s released! 7. UST reports to IMF all is ready 8. UST notifies banks to start doing exchanges

[Leoff] rocky 751 - if we are at stage 5...shouldn't be much longer than if the whole process is only a couple of hours...

 [heyaht111] Do you all really think the high up agencies will tell you the truth until the final moment ? I heard the name of the game is to deceit, mislead to achieve their plan



[obxlady1] Just read PAPA BEAR and now I am confused - I thought KCMana was giving us the WF 800 number - if I am mistaken - where do we get the WF 800 number please.

[misskitty05] obxlady1 apparently WF database can send out the emails a lot faster ... only takes a couple hours. It took a full day for the G64 system to get all the emails out.... so they have moved it to WF from what we've heard.

[obxlady1] Papa Bear Almost clear - so I am to be looking not for an email from KCMana but from WF - and it is the same thing? Meaning that if I signed up and am already receiving the KCMana emails I will automatically get THE one from WF?

 [@theend] obxlady1 By Goerge I think you've got it!

 [Gdsgrl21] obxlady1 that is correct

 [obxlady1] Guess I missed the day that WF took it over - sorry!


[Papa Bear] The closing on the buyout of the NYSEEuro Next by ICE INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE CLOSES today .Cash and stock = 11 b$ pairs global exchanges and combined capitalization of $23 B [Gdsgrl21] Papa Bear ty

 [Papa Bear] 16 gobal exchanges and 5 ctral clearing houses combined

[sonnayhwh] Papa Bear Does that integrate the NYSE and Euronet?

[chefbear96] Papa Bear wow -

 [sonnayhwh] Papa Bear Wow. Wasn't that what Bush Jr. put into motion 7 or so years ago?

[klee123] papa bear; does that have a bearing on our quest?

 [Papa Bear] Has been known deal for 3 months brought it to your attention earlier and was ask what ICE was which is Intercontinental Exchange

 [dinardiamonds] Papa Bear any word on the Wg and PP

 [Papa Bear] sonnayhwh No Ice has been exchange for some time

[Doolittle] Papa Bear What does that mean for a country boy.

[Papa Bear] dinardiamonds Watch WGR when see know WGS and PP on way

[sonnayhwh] Papa Bear Thx. I had heard about some deal that B Jr. put together with Merkel to combine the markets of North America and Europe. Wondered if this was it. . . . grin

 [Papa Bear] Doolittle NYSE was for sale and ICE was highest bidder in simplest terms was not only bidder though

 [Papa Bear] sonnayhwh Does what I said answer what u said?

[sonnayhwh] Papa Bear Yes, it did. Thank you! . . . grin

[Papa Bear] YW


[thebuzz] GM, This is the only guru that ever make sense to me. He is straight up and to the point. Go to Dinarrecaps and read his post. TD Tuesday night post - Comments on the Baghdad Invest Article

[sailman] sananddan24 thebuzz TD has always taken the view that IRAQ must control EVERYTHING and that until a stable Gov't is in there could be no revaluation of the Dinar

[sananddan24] Sailman imho they will cannot do anything unless they have the money to



[BOBGETZ6] Shasta7 Update: As of last night, Shasta7 was still in ICU. He anticipates he will be moved to a rehabilitation facility/hospital for a yet to be determined time. He has a tough month ahead of him. He wishes to thank all for their prayers as well as your concerns.

[BOBGETZ6] Dinarrecaps You may post that if so inclined.

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