Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 22, 1963 - A commentary.

Dear Joe (Sharing with ALL Patriots bcc herein),

  Sharing with ALL bcc herein.
  Once one begins to ‘Connect the Dots’, it is NOT difficult to begin the ‘back-tracking’ process to discover the inter-relationship of many events that equate to how this Country has been Transitioned & Transformed.

  The ‘era’ you describe was inter-twined with that which WE Confederates describe as the ‘Tipping Point’ wherein the 1960’s, with ALL that was going on, represented the Last Leg of the Reconstruction Process for this Country.

  What you failed to mention, as it is equally IMPORTANT, was JFK’s intentions to Eliminate the Federal Reserve System.

  Couple that with ALL else and the significance of that decade takes on a greater perspective and meaning.

  In any event, when one considers the IDIOCY associated with the Lie surrounding a “Lone Gunman’ with a bolt action rifle having killed him, it flies in the face of Common Sense much the same as those LIES advanced by the same Oligarchy that has attempted the ‘sale’ of the Lame Argument that the Civil War was exclusively fought over the ‘same’ Single Issue Mantra they have packaged & sold to the American People.

  ALL flies in the face of Common Sense raising the underlying question of WHY?  

  So, and in conclusion, that which you have analyzed, the ‘Connection of those Dots’ mentioned herein and thank you for sharing…..it becomes NOT that far of a stretch to see where and why the Two-Party Duopoly was coming from, its basis et al over the previous 95 years PRIOR to the 1960’s, and the manner in which the Republic has been continually prepped much like the Hawaiian Pig for the FEAST that was coming by the One World New World Order Masters.

  Remember Papa George Bush’s’ slip in a moment of Human Euphoria after the ‘first’ Desert Storm?

  They just got the entire Middle East to drive Hussein out of Kuwait and spanked him pretty bad resulting in his exclaim to the American People and subsequently in his address to the Congress that:

  By the time any thinking American could wrap themselves around this & ask ‘just what in the hell does that mean’, their ‘Think Tanks’ had already ‘explained it away’ just as they have been explaining away everything associated with the Reality they have engineered to ALTER this Republic.

  Yes, I remember where I Was when Kennedy was killed and I also remember Bush’s comment and where I was.

  He slipped pure and simple but I was paying attention and ALL that has followed has been the extension of ALL that began in April 1865.
  You can see Papa Bush’s comments (on video) on OUR website (The Confederate Society of America at www.deovindice.org )

  BOTH parties are simply Two-Wings of the same incarnate Bird of Prey with each passing the baton off to the other every so many years in the Name of an ‘Election’ that has already been decided.

Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

We Have Been Telling the Folks for 150 Years What has been Going On and it is Appearing They are Finally Listening.
The Question IS: Is it too little too late or….., is there still time to Save Ourselves and this Republic?
Deo Vindice

From: Joseph Grisafi Jr. [mailto:eagle100@att.net]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 1:32 PM
To: Joe Grisafi Jr.
Subject: November 22, 1963 - A commentary

Yes folks, I had to write a short commentary about this date for a few reasons. I knew exactly where I was. I was in between classes at my high school and was on my way to Mrs. Kruse's history class. I walked in and almost everyone was crying. I asked what happened and when told I just couldn't believe it. The rest of the day went down hill from there. I'm sure you also knew. And if you were/are a conspiracy theorist, as I am, your beliefs (and mine) have come true.

I just finished reading Jerome Corsi's book "Who Really Killed Kennedy". Corsi is nothing short of brilliant. The video's he watched, the books he read, and the documents he read using FOIA, must have been enormous. I can see the mountains of papers, books, and video's sitting on his desk and on the floor.

I have great respect for Corsi. I met him at an annual convention here in Texas at Washington on the Brazos many years ago and we spoke candidly about different topics. I remember one thing he said to me that will remain with me.

I will quote Corsi many times for he has a much better use of the language than I. If you want to understand why our country is in the condition it is at this time in history I suggest you read the book. He time travels from pre-WWII to the present. He pieces everything together. At times I had to back track to understand something I think I may have missed. And boy does he name names. To be able to put this in some chronological order must have been a feat in itself. But he does bounce around, which is understandable.

In his final CONCLUSION chapter "The JFK Assassination and the New World Order", he brings everything together - the events, the names - everything. I will not attempt to place names with positions because it would be too tedious. I will just mention names and hopefully the names will sound familiar and you will know who I'm talking about and the roll they played in this "conspiracy".

"The day JFK removed Allen Dulles from directing the CIA was the day JFK signed his death warrant." Dulles was involved in many different areas, especially with his brother. Corsi explains in detail how and why he came to this conclusion.

"It should come as no surprise that LBJ appointed Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission." After reading the book you'll understand why LBJ did this.

Here's a good quote. This may come as a shock to many who think a couple of our recent past president's were the "good guys". "As we shall see next (Corsi means in the next section of this chapter), prior to World War II, the grandfathers of President George H. W. Bush and the Dulles brothers were among a small group of Americans working hard to finance Hitler's rise to power in Germany." Whew! So the next section explains how and why.

In the next section of this chapter he again mentions Allen Dulles and introduces Gen. Walter Bedell Smith and John McCloy.McCloy, in 1950, was High Commissioner of Germany. Hmmmmmmm.

"Note that Allen Dulles followed Gen. Walter Bedell Smith as CIA Director. Note also that Allen Dulles and John McCloy both ended up being appointed to the Warren Commission." Hmmmmmm again.

"He (Kennedy) learned in the Bay of Pigs not to trust the CIA and the military industrial complex." Throughout the book, if you read it, you will learn why Kennedy came to this realization.

"Kennedy refused to use the US military in both Laos and Vietnam, seemingly rejecting the Eisenhower-era notion of the "domino" theory that a victory for the Communists in any Third World country would inevitably spread Communism around the globe." Kennedy did not want to commit ground troops in Vietnam. Something everyone else wanted to do. Kennedy was under the belief that if you wanted freedom you would fight for it. Not have it "given" to you.

"JFK, in sharp contrast, seriously questioned whether the United States needed the CIA at all." Oh boy, does this give you any inklings?

"When asked where he was when Kennedy was shot, George H. W. Bush has said vaguely that he was "somewhere in Texas." Do you know where you were?

"There are over fifty-eight thousand names carved into black granite walls of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon both made the Vietnam War a centerpiece of their presidential administrations, continuing the conflict until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. In retrospect, JFK was right. The Vietnam War was not a war the United States could win, if fought the way the military industrial complex wanted the war to be fought."

"President George W. Bush, in response to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, launched a US military invasion of Afghanistan, followed by an invasion of Iraq. In so utilizing US military force in major foreign entanglements, President George H. W. Bush and his son, President George W. Bush , have followed in the footsteps of LBJ and Richard Nixon." If necessary, go back and re-read the previous quote.

I can go on and on. I highlight key points throughout the book and my highlights do not end here. The book, as I mentioned above, will, or should, give you an insight as to the reasons of our country's current situation. Also, politicians are not the only ones mentioned in the book. Do names like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Jimmy Hoffa, J.D. Tippet, Charles Nicoletti, Joseph Civello, Carlos Marcello sound familiar? There are more but hopefully you get the picture.

Let me end with this final quote.

"Who really killed JFK? When the answer turns out be "all of the above," as it is here, the inquiry turns from an identification of the players to an investigation of the political context in which these players worked together."

JFK was a Democrat. Most likely our last "decent" Democrat (notice I said Democrat and quoted "decent"?). Sure he had some bad qualities, but after reading the book I have some new found respect for the man. He wasn't all bad. If he was able to "survive" and go on for a second term would we have a CIA? Would there have been a Vietnam War?

Anyway, a great book. I highly recommend it. It's a good learning tool about how politics works. Get the inside scoop. Hate LBJ as I do. Hate Richard Nixon as I do. And other names as I do. Some who are still with us today.......from both party's.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I yield back.

Joe Grisafi
Eagle 1 Metal Works
All Things Metal

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