Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obama Is Qualified

Obama Is Qualified
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 09:17:31
This lady's description of the O she knew is part and parcel of 'what it takes make it to the top' in Corporate politics, and explains why everyone covers for him.
You could take her description of O, and transfer it to MOST of Corpo-rat(e) DC, and it would still fit.
Ask Dennis Kucinich how many strait shooters - honest people - get to be heard in DC gangsterland.
In the business of fascist, Corporate-serving politics, the dirtier you are, the higher you climb.
That's why O is the perfect puppet.
No leadership skills. Totally self-focused, narcissistic megalomaniac, and a past-present that is the exact opposite of what his public handlers want to portray.
Control and blackmail of individuals like O, is easy as taking candy from a baby.
Why do you think the controller factions put him there to begin with?
If you look at the rest of the gangsters on Capitol Hill that are not one iota better, is it any wonder WHY DC is in the shape it is?
The Band - The Shape I'm In
Uploaded on Jun 9, 2009 By TheRedunzl
From "The Last Waltz"
: Sent to us from a RMN reader.. Manning is out to get Obummer,
: for sure but if this is true and I were this woman, I'd go
: into deep hiding.

: Susoni
: **************************************

: Gotta watch this. This lady says Obama was a consummate liar,
: drug user and known homosexual. She claims to have known
: him personally in school. M


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