Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obamacare vs. 'Dead Persons'!

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

For Obamacare You the People have NO Authority to Claim Anything with Obamacare!
As Long as you have a 'Certificate of Live Birth' You are Declared a 'DEAD person' and have NO Say So!
See Here: 
The 'Act of 1871' has given Obama the Authority as CEO of THE UNITED STATES, INC. to do whatever he WANTS!!!
As a 'DEAD person' you CAN NOT Claim something for which you are dead!
But we can Claim you to be a SLAVE as you Agreed to be a 'fictitious person' by your Mother's Approval, so you need to pay the Fees or the Penalties! 
If you Sheriffs and Attorneys nationwide Refuse to Verify the 'Act of 1871' then you have committed a Violation of the People, as ALL Government Officials are Committing Felonies and will have to answer to God Almighty!



Anonymous said...

Define "Persons" and "Dead Persons", por favor. . . . .

Anonymous said...


Your mother had nothing to do with anything. YOU are civilly dead before all their fictitious laws because living beings cannot be recognized before their laws.

You are not considered dead. you are only considered CIVILLY DEAD.

YOU have nothing at all to do with THEIR Certificate of Live Birth. That is THEIR form, THEIR creation, THEIR property and ONLY pertains to that fictitious name on that document.

YOU the living being are just a USER of THEIR fictitious legal name.

All they did was take and use the same "Given Name" [first-middle] you were given, and they took the SEPARATE AND DISTINCT Surname of the FAMILY you were born FROM, and they COMBINED those two SEPARATE Names TOGETHER creating the fictitious legal; person Name.

There is no such thing as a LAST Name for living beings. Living beings ONLY have a "Given Name" which is only the first and middle name. The LAST Name AKA Surname is only the name of the FAMILY you are born from. These are two complete separate and distinct names from one another and have nothing to do with each other insofar as names for living beings.

YOU then VOLUNTEER to be the SURETY for the State created and owned fictitious legal Name by YOU merely CLAIMING that Name AS IF that is your Name! When YOU CLAIM that Name by YOU claiming YOU ARE that Name or by claiming that is YOUR Name, i.e., YOUR Property, YOU then CONSENT to be the surety for that property.

Those who do not CLAIM it as their property do not have the problems everyone else has by their claiming the State property fictitious name as if it was their property.

YOU a living being are not A name. A name is just a title one is merely called by. You can't be a fiction title. You can only be called BY a title. The title you USE belongs to the State.

The Given Name [first-middle] is the true name you are called by.

The Surname [last name] is just the title your family name is called by.

The First Middle Last name is the State created legal fiction name. This is the name the State created and holds original title to [original Certificate of Live Birth]

You must USE the State's legal name to conduct any commerce with. All commerce is just FICTION created by the State. Everything done in that fictitious name automatically vests in the State as State property because the State holds title to that name you merely USE for the State's benefit.

All things registered in that fictitious name is all fictitious property created by pieces of PAPER! All things on PAPER is ALL FICTION created in the IMAGE of things that are real. That PAPER created as just mere IMAGES of things real is all part of the ILLUSION to deceive you into believing that PAPER is the actual things that are real. It's all just illusion and because you BELIEVE that illusion is real YOU claim that PAPER as if that was your real property where you then consent to be the surety for the State's liability for the PAPER FICTION property that belongs to the State!

Stop making those false claims and all your troubles go away and the State then remains the surety for its own property.

Anonymous said...

So, oh wise one with all of your worldly knowledge, if you want to buy a house then how does a living being buy a house or a car without becoming a surety for the state? You can use JANE ANN DOE, as an example. Please wise one, educate us. You gave us information that we already know but tell us something that we do NOT know. How do claim control of our trust?? Please give us your knowledge.