Thursday, November 21, 2013

Only one posting per day for dinar gurus

From Now On - there will only one posting per day for the dinar gurus. The one posting shall have all the gurus lies for the day.

That is all for now.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, Yes, Now you are talking John!!!! Very proud of you and your decision to knock these carrot hangers off the wagon!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Same ole spin "cycle", different day. Last summer when we were "this close' per the gurus (hahaha) to seeing the RV released, a bus load of "crazies" was in a Reno WF parking lot to exchange dinar. Then all gurus come on to lecture, berate & chastise dinarians on proper behavior. HOW DARE YOU? Those "crazies @ banks" are paid actors. Is this not blatantly obvious? The IMF/WB/UST-guru contacts/paid-disinfo-schills are re-playing old scenarios to keep the hype, frustration alive while paying out the big boys. It ALL SMELLS and the smell is becoming more n more rancid. They are not even creative in their dis-info, their "spin" anymore. Just keep recycling the same ole 4 or 5 excuses over n over, 'need more signatures', 'timing wasn't right', 'last minute changes', 'crazies crashing the banks', or 'US patsy maliki... ' so pathetically obvious. hahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Not wanting to sound overly religious here, but.
THANK GOD for your new policy!!!

Anonymous said...

Judging from the combined record thus far, one post per day still too darn much... Personally, I am getting to the point where "when it happens, it happens"... No more BS... Thanks

Anonymous said...

Right on John,..Right on!!! Don't give them a platform from which to spew lies and misinfo. When it happens it happens. Thank you John

Anonymous said...

As one who worked hard to get info on our PP's for 20 years to pass on to others at great financial cost to me, I know how it feels to talk to disgruntled people everyday. The message given was from other messengers. How can one be a 'liar' if they are just the messenger? I feel NO ONE is 'ENTITLED to information freely given' . If you are so 'thankless' for info, maybe we should ALL just stop trying to help people. Perhaps Zap and Susan should stop the weekly reports, 'Gurus' should close down the forums. Then when would you be? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Just like the Boston massacre, Sandy Hook and Colorado false flags. They are getting old don't you all think?

Anonymous said...

[kyblue] There truly may be a herd of idiot Dinarians but I can't help but wonder if a lot of those callers and stampeeders are plants to make us look bad and to mess things up for us. they moved awfully fast???

I think that kyblue is onto something.

They're called Agent Provocateurs, made famous by Occupy Wall Street. Undercover cabal agents "injected" into the crowd to stir things up and cause arrests of innocent peaceful protestors.

This is the same old "parking lot" story from several months ago revisited. Not buying it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've thought about it.... Please stop and we would all be much better off. Please go ahead and close down the disinfo forums... we can all go get better sources ourselves... that shouldn't be too difficult! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I don't know about you but the gurus get paid good money to keep the lies going and it works. I read the recaps just to see how stupid people can really be and keep buying Dinar even when Iraq is in a civil war and they believe the garbage that any day it's going to be the richest nation on earth. INSANE and if you've been working on info for 20 yrs spending good money on the pps you are insane

Anonymous said...

you don't get it. There was no callers or bus loads, it was an excuse that it didn't revalue. Nobody needs to make Dinarians look bad, you all are doing a good job of that yourself buying the worthless paper. The oil workers are leaving because it's lawless, a 1000 people are dying a month and you idiots believe that the country is going to be the richest in the world IDIOTS