My comment: Oprah and all the rest of the people need to
stop the blame game to keep the racism going! Through out the years, Oprah has
changed in alot of bad ways, She also thinks she can buy anyone she wants.
Well, opinions don't count for much!!! Oprah along with a lot of people need to
start taking the responsibility for what they have done in this racism battle
to keep it going. Get rid of the color problem because we all put on our pants,
one leg at a time. I don't believe Oprah is any different in that. If Oprah is
so rightous, then maybe she ought to shut her mouth and do some more helping
of humanity instead of wheeling and dealing as she does. Disrespect is not
racism !!! And everyone has that problem. Oprah is not alone in this world and
it's time the people of the world GROW-UP (ARE YOU LISTENING OPRAH AND THE REST
Oprah: Old People have to die to end racism!
Someone needs to tell Oprah that racism goes both ways. As President Barack Obama’s approval ratings continue to plummet and the ‘Obamacare debacle’ is still unfolding, his foot soldiers are on the march, defending his failed tenure, stoking ‘ socially engineered’ racial tension… American media mogul Oprah Winfrey, has been busy the circuit plugging her Hollywood production entitled, ‘The Butler’, but in a recent interviewed on the BBC, she claimed that the current U.S. President has been ‘disrespected’ because of the color of his skin, but rest assured, as Winfrey has a ‘final solution’ to end racism in the world today. She tells the BBC: “there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.” Early this year billionaire Winfrey, one of the world’s wealthiest women, claimed that she too was a victim of modern-day racism. Back in July of 2013, jet-setting TV icon walked into Trois Pommes high-end fashion boutique in Zurich, Switzerland, and stated the a shop assistant wouldn’t show her a specific handbag based on its price. The shop assistant quickly branded Oprah a ‘liar’, which prompted Oprah to go into PR damage control mode, before saying that she regretted mentioning the store and that the incident had been overblown: “I think that incident in Switzerland was just an incident in Switzerland. I’m really sorry that it got blown up.” Continuing, Oprah added: “I purposefully did not mention the name of the store. I’m sorry that I said it was Switzerland.” prompted the fair in August, “Why didn’t Oprah want to announce to the world the name of a store that practices racism?” (To be fair, the incident should be of major concern to our readers who can afford to fly via private jet, shop and do their banking in Switzerland over a weekend) Oprah also compared the death of Trayvon Martin to that of Emmett Till. Til was a 14-year old, who was apparently viciously murdered for flirting with a white woman in 1955. George Zimmerman was found by Florida courts to have killed Martin in self-defense – vastly different from what Til endured, nonetheless Winfrey put this highly divisive talking point out in the public discourse. more
CGI's Cmanynames: I agree with Oprah .... old people need
to die including her
In Response To: Oprah: Old
People have to die to end racism! (RumorMail)
To receive respect one has to be be respectable, and to be respectable one must be honest. The disrespect for the person occupying the WH is due to his actions and his inability to say what he means and meas what he says...such as telling the truth. Also, he repeatedly by-passes our constitutional republic to rule over all. He cannot dictate from his office per our Constitution. This is the disdain for this man, not his color. The remark O and in prah, no bama... is going to open many eyes to her true nature and who she is serving.
There are probably more black people speaking out against the man in the WH as white people or at least as many, as well as many other ethnic backgrounds. We cannot allow these progressives to draw our attention away from the 'real' issues to chase this illusive race issue they are trying to create. The people, ALL RACES, are smarter and see through what they are doing.
I can say is, "SHAME ON YOU "O"...both of you".
No one disrespects Obama because of the color of his skin. Oprah is dead wrong on this! He is disrespected because he is a liar, a cheat, and he did not win a seat as the President of our great country America. He is a racist and he has done all kinds of things to try and divide people and try to get them to fight each other. Normally one is supposed to be an upstanding citizen to win an office in our government, not a former crack addict, pot smoking homosexual. This flat out looks bad, and sets a horrible example for anyone to follow. Oprah Winfrey should watch what she promotes to people.
Better watch out Oprah or you'll get what you ask for! You're no spring chicken yourself!
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