Thursday, November 7, 2013

Stop the illegals

I strongly encourage you to open and read the two page attachment.  There is so much that history can teach us if we would review it and be aware of the path we are now on, and pretty far down the road that we, or our children, may well experience and regret.  But by then it will be too late.
On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 10:55 AM, :

-----  Original Message ----- From: Jerry  Krueger
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 10:45  AM
Subject: Stop the  illegals

Have you noticed that the liberals invoke    morality, religion etc., when it suits their purpose? But will deny    Christianity when used by Christians? The liberals say it is the moral thing    to do, the right thing to do by letting the illegals have amnesty and legal    status. Various civic groups and religious groups say it is cruel and inhumane    to deny the illegals legal status. Where are these civic and religious groups    when the liberals ignore the 7th and 10th commandments?

VII. Thou    shalt not steal. When an illegal takes benefits and jobs from legal citizens    that is stealing.
X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors    property..........nor whatever belongs to thy neighbor. When the purpose is to    overwhelm the U.S.A. by shear numbers of illegal aliens you are attempting to    take over this country.

Never mind that the illegals broke the law when    they entered this country without permission or stayed here without    persmission. 
When are we going to stop this craziness? One    thing for sure, we cannot stop the craziness if the liberals gain complete    control of the U.S.A. We have two strikes against us, the senate and the WH,    if we lose the U.S. House we have struck out.

Please read below. 

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill had a way with words.  A person with a varied and storied history.  Many have said he was the statesman of all times.  Certainly beyond my limited writing skills to pay tribute to.  There are so many “finest hour” sayings and speeches that he put forth as a result of WWII.  And possibly none as astute as the “iron curtain” speech. 
W.C. had the task of mobilizing Great Britain against the Nazi regime.  Undersized, under populated, lacking resources and public enthusiasm for the war, he cobbled together support both home and abroad to hold off the Nazi’s until the U.S.A. entered the war.  And adding to the task was the fact that Great Britain was subjected to massive bombings of their civilian personnel.  W.C. as able to maintain the morale of the British during these bombings.  After the U.S.A. entered the war W.C. carried on the diplomacy for Great Britain and the U.S.A. to successfully coordinate military forces to achieve their individual war time goals.  
Going through my e-mails I ran across a reference to one of W.C.’s speeches and would like to show a part of it, this speech was given promote better cooperation of the British political parties so that the war effort could proceed more harmoniously.
“Now it is in the face of this danger that I ask: How long are we going to continue to allow the artificially fomented jealousies and quarrels of Conservatives and Liberals to play into the hands of the Socialists? How long are the interests of the country to suffer from sterile party conflicts in the presence of an advancing peril? How long are the Liberals and Conservatives to paralyze each other so that both may be ruled by a Socialist minority?
The deliberate policy of the Socialists is, of course, to prevent any common action between Liberals and Conservatives in order that Socialism may progress and devour the Liberals at leisure. All their tactics are conceived with this intention.”  Winston Churchill
How familiar this sounded.  If this was rephrased using today’s journalistic style this would still be as meaningful today as was 70+ years ago.
I have stated that the liberals are only a vehicle for the socialist movement.  And when the socialist’s get to where they are going the liberals will cease to exist.  There will be no room for either liberals or conservatives in a socialist society.  What the rank and file members of a socialist society become are actually conservatives in the sense that not only are they limited in their political freedom they will have to be conservative in their use of goods and services as the socialists are not known for their production of goods and services for civilian consumption.
Great Britain and other countries have centuries more of civilization than the U.S.A.  Have we learned and benefited from the experiences of the other countries?  Some.  But not nearly enough.  We have seen what governments work and those that have not.  We have seen those leaders that can lead toward democracy and those that will lead to chaos and destruction.  We have seen those with financial stability and those that have experienced financial ruin.  We have seen many and varied politicians; some could lead and some could not. 
Why have we not learned from our past successes and failures?  One U.S. Admiral made the statement that we have to learn from other peoples mistakes; we can’t live long enough to make all of own mistakes.
I have begun to question myself. And more often as I get older.  Why don’t I get more done each day?  And this did not take a whole lot of time and reflection.  I can be lazy, undisciplined and unorganized.  When I am motivated and organized with clear objectives I function quite well. 
When I am not I don’t get much done.  This is not earth shaking for my personal issues as I am a retired person.  Not really.  I still have to function as a citizen that has an obligation to help our government and society function.  But when my whole day is consumed with goof off time my commitment to help this nation function is not carried out.  When too many of us do not carry out our function to help government function some of the politicians will get out of the corral.
When our politicians get out of their corral they may eat out of the wrong pasture or roam where they shouldn’t.  Sometimes a sidewinder will come along with a running iron and rebrand them.  Or tell them there is greener pasture on the other side of that gate.  Once you enter the socialist utopia there is very little opportunity to back out.  Unfortunately many of our politicians, lacking adult supervision, have succumbed to liberalism as the panacea for all that ails.  The only problem is not only do you not have the freedom it is only a matter of time before you will lacking in goods and services.  You can’t have things both ways.  You can have freedom and democracy by working for it or you can have liberalism, less freedom, no democracy and few goods and services.
Let’s get the politicians back into the corral.  Tell them to stop amnesty or legalization of any illegal alien or anyone here as a result of an illegal entry.  No exceptions.  This is not a matter of being kind or nice.  This is a matter of saving this country.  If our laws had been enforced we would not have this problem today.    The cornerstone of our immigration system was that immigrants were allowed in numbers that could be assimilated into our population.  This was to encourage, and in a timely fashion, the immigrant to blend in and be accepted into the general population and.  This would allow the immigrant to be a part of the general population and discourage the forming of subcultures.  To allow subcultures would eventually undermine our political foundation and our constitution.  We must protect this country from being overwhelmed with illegal aliens and ideologies that will undermine our existing political system.  We are not dealing with nice people, we are dealing with people that have broken our laws and/or want to change our political system.



Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when the "Christians" spout off about morality. Perhaps they should look up the definition of "morality". It references a code of conduct, right and wrong, character, integrity, and COMPASSION. As you can see the far right Christian movement believes morality only applies to them. If your religious belief differs then you must be immoral.

We as Americans are lucky the Native American Indians didn't adopt that same attitude. We (illegal immigrants) took their land, killed off their food sources, and stuck them on reservations. Of course this moral group would argue "we immigrated legally". A as set forth by the white man's law.

That doesn't mean that we don't need immigration reform .. which the "Christian Right" (isn't that an oxymoron) is so opposed to.

To refresh your christian education ... Let ye that is without sin cast the first stone!!

Anonymous said...

I agree! This article is based on no real facts, just another biased perspective. Illegals are not the problem, its the "regulators" that let this problem get out of hand that should be reprimanded. I can remember years ago when I worked for the Migrant Council and it's a far cry from what is happening today. It was structured and temporary help, was just that "temporary". It isn't the "illegals" at's the government heads as usual!

Anonymous said...

We don't need immigration reform we need to enforce the laws we have period! The illegals are only here to collect free hand outs,food stamps,welfare,free medical,and the list goes on.We need to take care of American citizen FIRST!

Anonymous said...

BULL.. ..the vast majority are here just to provide for and feed their families just as your ancestors did. A great many have taxes ans SS withheld from there paychecks with no intent on ever collecting on it. The gov doesn't want to lose that revenue source as well as many businesses don't want to lose the cheap labor.