Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Third Row

----- I find myself in agreement with the sender of this email. Each person must decide for themselves how they feel about it.
Subject: The Third Row - This is so disgraceful
The Third Row
The very sad part about this email is, that ALL the recipients will NOT forward
it to those they are connected with. Most will take a look at it, and then delete
it because it may be controversial. And, that is the problem with the world
we live in today. Most are not willing to admit to how badly things are right now
and are unwilling to step up and be heard.

Think about this
The Third Row?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who would do this?
The converse of a brainwashed US soldier that celebrates pretty much the same thing!
Do yourself a favor - Project LOVE towards those who are helplessly ignorant.