Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Tree of the Golden Light Update

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Greetings Dear Ones!
I've Created a New Place in the Emergence Button-Hereford to Share With You News, and also Poems  that I Have Written Over the Past 17 Years. Today's Poem is 'Love Expressed', from 1997

Love Expressed

Can we look beyond
The constraints of human frailty,
And consider all that we feel for each other
That is within the realm of God's great love?

We may put aside the ghosts
That no longer serve us.
We may welcome into our hearts
The ultimate peace that is within.

To share in this wonderful, coming opening
Of the realization of the Divine potential,
Is a condition of great fulfillment
Of our destiny.

The recognition of our separateness
As being an illusion of our own creation,
Enables us to realize our power to dissolve
That which gets in the way
Of our joy in each other.

It is merely a self-imposed protection
Against that, which in reality,
Has no substance.

Truth is reality.
Love is expressed in the truth.
Let us step from behind
The veil of illusion
Into the completeness of the love
Expressed in his name,
And in our hearts.

Nancy Tate

10 More, Worldwide Intent Declaration in 'Hands of Light' So far, 1864 Signatures. Two of the New Signatures came from Florida and William who Live in the Phillipines. Here is What they said in their email. "Hello from the Philippines. Everything is in Divine Order here, although the senses perceive otherwise, we KNOW all is well . And for this, we are thankful."

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('Dear Spanish speaking friends, we now offer Spanish translations for you. See link on English page to go to Spanish translation, which is usually there by the next day.')

Estimados amigos hispano-parlantes, ofrecemos ahora traducciones españolas para usted. Vea lazo en la página inglesa para ir a la traducción Española, que es generalmente allí por al día siguiente. Bendiciones de Amor.


Grandmother Ellie's Attic, New Book

Hatonn: No matter what happens in the outside world, peace will see you through it with a gladdened heart and a sureness of being.

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