Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tidbit Rumors & Opinions

Tidbit Rumors & Opinions


Post From Dinar Detectives

11-4-13 Loechin: As of right now we simply are waiting for Iraq to tell it and they deserve that right. As far as the rates...we are in the $30 plus range.

I encourage you to stay in the game and see what happens in the next few days.

I believe we are within several days of our event.
Read More Link On Right

11-4-13 Doc: As predicted Nov 1 came and went with no fan fare. We warn all that you will see many rumors that the shorter than planned trip to the US by Maliki is due to him rushing back to Iraq with his tail between his legs to announce the RV.

This true will prove false and, in general, our opinion holds that there will be no substantial currency move in the immediate term. We continue with our conclusion that the month of November will pass with no fan fare.

Our conclusions continue to be based on the facts that there is no creditable public or private sources confirming an immediate RV and simply Iraq's infrastructure is not completely in place to support currency reform for the long haul.

The reason for Maliki's short trip will only be know in due time. Our speculation is he did get his tail handed to him but most probably due to lack of progress in meeting timelines as related to the Strategic Framework Agreement and his friendliness toward Iran.

As we have suggested over the years progress in Iraq is 2 steps forward, one step back. Unfortunately the one thing that is vividly glaring as too slow is political stability.

Several articles pointed this out and directly blamed in on Maliki's lack of support for implementing the power sharing arrangements he has at least publicly supported.

We can speculate that Washington told him to meet his timelines and his obligations or the US will not support his presidency

1-4-13 BGG: there seems to be a "significant divergence" of narratives on the situation in Iraq. On one side Maliki's Press Office seems to want to push the story of a "complete embrace" by Washington - However... On the other side there seems to be a very different perspective.

1) Maliki put out press that he was going to a meeting with President Obama and discuss the future of Iraq...In fact, he met with President Obama very little.

2) Upon hearing this narrative by Maliki, Vice President Biden immediately invited ALL the opposition leaders - not a good sign for Maliki to have a series of "negotiations" in DC followed immediately by a visit with all of your opposition members.

3) Maliki made quite a case for arms support from the US (based on faux terrorism fears).

The US was supportive but not particularly forthcoming with public confirmations of any future weapons shipments.

This is a problem for Maliki. Personally, I think he needed the US to fork over the weapons without the money.

He has deals cooking with Russia, but I am not so sure he's got the money.Further - no one really believes he won't try to use these weapons on his own people (aka - terrorists).

4) Maliki's trip to DC got "mysteriously" cut short by a day. It was supposed to be 5 days and Maliki was called back by an emergency (we still haven't heard what that is)...let's give the "dissenters" here in the US a couple of days to write a few pieces...then give the Arabic feeds a couple of days to figure out what happened and "have at" Maliki for a couple of days.

I think by about Wednesday we should have an idea of how badly things are going to get for Maliki. I think this DC trip went about as good for us as it could have. Hang in there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the next few days this is what's going to happen......No Dinar so this Gurus are going to come up with more internal conflict being the reason is not happening, then in 2014 they are going to come up with more "Crucial Dates" another wave of buyers means more Dinar sold means more profits for the brokers , means more profits for the Gurus and on and on and on.....HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP THE BLINDFOLD ON??