Sunday, November 24, 2013

Who's on FIRST...What's on SECOND & where is......

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  Do you recall the Classic Abbott & Costello monologue & their ‘Baseball’ Merry-Go-Round that’s in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

  The same can be applied today to the Washington Demagogues whose Marxist-Progressives actually believe themselves to be ‘major-leaguers’.

  Now that they have confirmed & exposed their Ideology that MOST ‘Baseball Watchers’ have denied, Destroying this Country in the ‘bargain’, they are ‘focusing’ on
‘Inter-League Play’….you know, they want to play ‘Internationally’ and take their ‘Game’ abroad and expand it.

  Never mind these guys can’t hit a Nolan Ryan fastball much less play the field as they are Error-Prone (kind of reminds me of the 1962 Mets where Casey Stengel said,
“Doesn’t anybody know how to play this game?” At least they were a lovable lot- these guys are NOT!)

  But it is their Stadium and Their rules now and as long as they can force us to pay their inordinate ‘salaries’, they can continue to play ‘Foul Ball’….at our expense.

  So the question becomes, where is ‘I Don’t Know’? What position is he playing among these Foul Balls?

  Why he is the manager…err, and he refers to himself as ‘President’.
 (Who actually ‘bought’ a ticket to this game and believes these Guys can really play? Did you ever see Nolan Ryan in his prime when he was playing for the underdogs- NOBODY COULD HIT HIM. But to recall that TIME YOU would also have to know how the game of Baseball was once played)

  Sort of reminds me of History. You had to KNOW IT to realize how bad This ‘Team’ really is.

  So let’s  get back to ‘I DON’T KNOW’- the manager, shall we, who now calls himself ‘President’.

  Oh, did I forget to mention that the stadium & entire ‘Franchise’ is run & owned by his 2-Best-Friends:
  ‘Tomorrow’ (Abbott & Costello) is Pitching for ‘I Don’t Know’ and her name is Valerie Jarrett- the Iranian born madam of this ‘Franchise.

  And ‘Today’ (Catching) for ‘I DON’T KNOW’S’ team is George Soros.

  Now this ‘TEAM’ has just cut a deal with IRAN to play ‘abroad’.

  They will lift the sanctions against Iran if Iran PLAYS BALL WITH THEM and does NOT further ENRICH the Uranium they have that they heretofore CLAIMED THEY NEVER HAD……
  Iran has 6 months to learn this Game, otherwise, well, I don’t know what ‘I DON’T KNOW’ will do but given his in-ability from NEVER playing ANYTHING (other than us),
probably NOTHING!

   Oops, seems as though ‘I DON’T KNOW’S’ ‘TODAY’ (catching), just miss-played a pitch from ‘TOMORROW’ (pitching) and another run has been SCORED AGINST THE

   Let’s back to the game, shall we?

   Let us examine how this Game is being lost:

Ø Who’s on First can’t play first;
Ø What’s on Second was NEVER a second baseman;
Ø I DON’T KNOW should have NEVER BEEN A MANAGER of Anything, much less a ‘president’ and couldn’t play the Hot Corner at third if his sorry ass (life) depended on it and,

Ø Their ‘Outfield’ ,  the ‘WHY’s and BECAUSE’S’, are just a further example of those on a horribly miss-cast team YOU thought were major-leaguers while…….

Ø TOMORROW (PITCHING) was throwing ‘Under-Handed’ from the start and,


  That’s America’s TEAM and oh, by the way, it only takes 20% to enrich uranium to bring it up to weapons grade BUT… could they, when they claimed they never were… but were just given 6 months to learn how to play with I DON’T KNOW’S Team?

  ….but what do WE Confederates know?
Hell, OUR Team had names like Lee, Jackson, Forrest, Davis, Calhoun, Cleburne, Beauregard, Morgan, Mosby, Stuart, Alexander, Breckenridge, Taylor, Jefferson, Madison and so many others.

What a Heckuva Team WE had until the ‘Franchise’ was Taken from Us!
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
PS- Care to ‘play’ with the ole Team once again-
why NOT become a Member and join us?

WE MUST SEPARATE THE MEN FROM THE BOYS and once again, Re-create the Ole League!

PPS- Go to Google and type in Abbott & Costello and see How the Game is Played?
Deo Vindice!

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