Friday, November 11, 2016

Help Wanted: 4,000 Presidential Appointees

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Folks need to wake the heck up and soon.

They are lying to you, openly. Every single thing they've ever said on the internet or elsewhere is a lie plain and simple, it will never happen at all.

That people can openly believe garbage day in and day out about a pending currency swap, a white ancient society or anything else tells the absolute rock bottom truth of where they've sunk to.

No. What is coming is the US dollar dropping straight through the ground. This is what is guaranteed, it will plummet like a rock. When it does you need to be prepared, since that's when the entire IMF will rip up the old contract and usher in a new currency.

Absolutely no one in those banks will tell you when that is. They officially don't want anyone to even have anything. The day after the us dollar crashes, every single currency will finally be re-adjusted.

One thing is guaranteed to occur, the us dollar is coming up on a full monetary crash and then a devalued dollar will be announced. That's not like the dollar out there you see with a ten percent drop already, that means the dollar will lose its reserve status.