Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NEW: Dr. Michael Parenti on 'The Make-Believe Media'

Episode 66: Dr. Michael Parenti on the 'Make-Believe Media'

Dr. Michael Parenti is an internationally-renowned lecturer and author, most recently of 'The Face of Imperialism'. In this interview, he discusses the use of entertainment media as propaganda, and the relationship between government agencies and the production of such content. Later on in the talk, Dr. Parenti also provides his take on the media's coverage of the Obama Administration's escalating use of drones, and the recent death of Margaret Thatcher. A great listen as always so enjoy, spread the word, and peace!
Note: Dr. Parenti previously appeared on the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast last August (click here to download that interview).
Subscribe to the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast on iTunes, follow us on Twitter @smellslikepod and 'like' our Facebook page at FB.com/SmellsLikeHumanSpirit for more great shows and news!

"THE ARMED CITIZEN PROJECT: Deterring crime by empowering neighborhoods" on WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS !

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Check out the blog post 'THE ARMED CITIZEN PROJECT: Deterring crime by empowering neighborhoods'
Blog post added by Regulator, WRAM Recruiter:

WELCOME TO THE ARMED CITIZEN PROJECT What is the Armed Citizen Project?The Armed Citizen Project is dedicated to facilitating the arming...
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BIG CALL: Foreclosure Prevention Call Notice-5-1-2013 at 6:00 PST - Forward to your lists

  May 4thEvent


CONFERENCE CALL Every Wednesday at
6:00 PDT
(712) 432-0075

Past Seminars

Level II




Regarding This Weeks Call:  Discussion with Kelby Smith/Moderator - (New Guest) Richard Mendez and Bob Shaefer.  Richard is going to discuss his successes that he is having attacking and getting a judgment over the weakest link in a chain of title.  THIS IS GROUND BREAKING INFORMATION.  IF YOU ARE IN FORECLOSURE YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS CALL.  

If you haven't already heard, the People now have a tool to help the People.  Please get your FREE account at HISAdvocates.org account.  Click here to reserve your spot for this Wed's call

Conference Number:
(712) 432-0075
Participant Code: 754245
Time: 6:00 P.M. Pacific
Moderator: Kelby Smith
Guests:  Richard Mendez & Bob Shaefer




Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 04/30/2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-Apr-2013 19:36:10

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 04/30/2013
1 Oc, 18 Kank'in, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We come again! Everywhere, your world is shifting quietly toward its divine transformation. Heaven continues to prepare for the sacred moment when a new reality is to be proclaimed, officially. Agartha is also preparing for this moment by reminding its numerous surface operatives to get ready to reveal publicly who they truly are. Our many liaison teams, as well, are preparing to disclose the work they are doing to bring your new reality into existence. We are also working with the many Ascended Masters to bring each of their secret sacred societies into public view. A unique moment is approaching when you will be able to learn how it was that your entire globe was able to switch so quickly into a new mode of local, regional, and national governance. This changeover will be followed swiftly by a series of special official announcements, and soon thereafter by the instigation of several unprecedented social services, helmed by these same sacred society spokespersons. These programs will be your first official glimpse of what is to come. A new reality is to be born which will include formal announcements about first contact and our benevolent presence.
We are presently placing more liaison personnel on your world and they will be working closely with the Agarthans. It is important to bring out the fact that the geophysical constitution of your home world is actually far different than is believed by most of you. As you absorb these new facts and the accompanying new relationships they bring, the relevance to your lives of the activities of the sacred societies will become much clearer to you. Beginning to understand the makeup of your reality and the presence of the Agarthans can prepare you for what is to follow. We of the Galactic Federation are here primarily to get you ready for your return to full consciousness, and thus it is important that our introduction to your world be not only official but in conformation with the precepts of divine law. Your trust in us is paramount! Once we have your trust, we will be able to set the scene to prepare you on all levels for your three days of metamorphosis in your individual Light chambers. We possess many teaching modalities which will allow you to understand all aspects of what is involved in your return to full consciousness, and we are ready to go over everything with you, step by step, and to answer all of your questions and doubts.
Your return to full consciousness is something that Heaven has mandated for you all. The surface population of Gaia has always been destined to return to this blessed state of Being as soon as your reality is given the green light to lift out of the present darkness. Your unusual state of limitation was only granted on a temporary basis after Atlantis sank and its fully conscious residents fled to the stars. The resulting rapid change in the energy makeup of the surface forced Mother Earth to alter her everyday reality. On top of this, the Anunnaki decided to take up residence in your solar system and negotiated with Heaven for a divine dispensation. This was granted, and a timetable and conditions were set up for the duration. You were then appointed by your Heavenly Administrators to be prototypes for limited consciousness with a view to then being capable of helping Anchara's children at a future date to also achieve the same divine state of Being. This is how you began a long sojourn through the shadow lands and now it is coming to its predestined end.
Your reemergence as fully conscious Beings provides a way for us to turn this immense galaxy to the Light. Your first tasks in this endeavor will be to arrange an ongoing liaison with the former star-nations of the Anchara Alliance as well as to use your good offices to help many fully conscious Beings, who are now Galactic Federation members, to interact harmoniously with one another. The goal here is eventually to produce a fully conscious realm which emits a most exquisite Light. As this new realm takes shape, you will shine and be most honored for accomplishing your grand and sacred task! Your home world will become a center for the movement that has already spread to over 50,000 galaxies?and this is just the beginning. You will be fĂªted and your accomplishments rejoiced in by both Heaven and physicality. Your name is to be proclaimed throughout physicality and your glorious history made known to every Being in service to the Light. Truly, you are about to catapult into the Light to create a most remarkable time for your new star-nation.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with a blessed message of Love, Light, and Truth! Your realm is now moving away from the darkness that has gripped it for the last 13 millennia. During this time each of us passed successfully through the various trials and tribulations that brought us to the very portal of Ascension. Once we crossed this threshold we ascended into the realm of Heaven and into the absolute joy that is divine service. What is so exceptional is that Heaven has given each of you a divine dispensation, a holy means for achieving quickly and easily what took us so long to achieve: namely, your specially created Light chambers. This work of the Most Divine is to provide you with a unique path to Immortality. In this way you can return to physical Angelhood and your vital service to the divine plan. We bless you and cry Hosannas to the Highest for the Grace and Mercy that you have been shown.
The moment has come when Heaven can lead you to a sacred, physical life full of joy, miracles, and blessings for each of you. We, too, prepare for our divine service, which is to explain the misjudgments that the dark foisted upon you those many millennia ago. The dispensation for your return to full consciousness is another indication of who you were truly created to be. Inside each of you sits the divine master appointed by the Supreme Creator to morally guide you in the holy truths of Heaven and Earth. This inner guidance was externalized by your need for an outside leader when you fell into limited consciousness and thus lost your connection to the Divine. Now the time comes for the resurrection within you of this sacred mentor. Some call it the Higher Self, while others refer to the I Am Presence. In either case, look within, blessed Hearts. What you will find is a master of Truth and integrity, who can provide you, day by day, with unerring guidance for all situations.
The coming days will be marked by a series of unusual events which are to manifest your new realm. In these messages we have been providing you with the context to enable you to understand that what is to happen is not some sort of salvation but a natural progression of events prophesied to lead you to a new land filled with prosperity and Love! Too long you have dwelled in a world of falsehoods, suspicion, and alienation. Now a wholly opposite reality is to unfold before you! Do not be in disbelief or mistrust at receiving the basics of a natural life. Your freedom and personal sovereignty are divine gifts bestowed on you when you were first conceived. Be once more the blessed children who are open to receive their divine bounty, and be willing to help your fellows as this prosperity spreads across the world. Use your talents and your Love to create a new realm gifted to you by the Heavenly Hosts. A time of great joy has arrived!
Today we talked about what is happening around your globe. We also reminded you that first contact is almost upon you. Each day we fly missions around your world which prepare us for the moment of our landings. As your inner Spirit advises you about full consciousness, so too do we remind you about what our mentoring is to provide. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Healing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Healing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Bertram B. Joyner

Apple cider vinegar is a brownish vinegar made from fermented apples.
The healing properties in apple cider vinegar have been used for thousands
of years to treat common ailments and infections such as sinusitis, colds,
and the flu.

According to Dr. D.C. Jarvis, author of Folk Medicine, apple cider vinegar
taken daily will improve digestion and heal many chronic ailments, such
as depression, fatigue, and arthritis, as well as lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

1.              History

o   Apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years for treating a variety of complaints. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recommended the use of apple cider vinegar mixed with honey to treat colds and the flu in 400 BC. Since then, apple cider vinegar has continued to be used for treating a variety of ailments including aches and pains and was used by Roman soldiers and Japanese samurai as a healing elixir for health, strength, and vitality. It was used in the American Civil War as an antiseptic to clean the wounds of soldiers and continued to be used in this way up until World War I.


o   It is the sour taste of apple cider vinegar that also gives it its cleansing and antiseptic properties. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which helps to get rid of harmful bacteria and yeast in the digestive tract. It assists with digestion and the absorption of vitamins from food. It also contains pectin, which is a water-soluble fiber. It absorbs water, fat, toxins, and cholesterol in the digestive tract and flushes it out of the body.


o   Apple cider vinegar has a large number of uses. It has powerful cleansing properties and assists in the healing of many ailments. It is used to cleanse the colon and digestive tract. There are many books that detail the benefits of apple cider vinegar, and according to authors such as Dr. Earl Mindell and Dr. D. C. Jarvis, it has the ability to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as clear fats and toxins from the body. The other uses listed include cleansing the skin and fighting acne. It has also been known to have antibacterial properties and will reduce the symptoms and severity of colds, the flu, sinus problems, and infections.


o   According to Dr. D.C. Jarvis, when taken each day first thing in the morning, apple cider vinegar will greatly increase your energy levels and general health and vitality. Pain from chronic illness will decrease and may go away altogether. Skin will be clearer, digestion easier, and the overall health of your heart and nervous system will be greatly improved.


o   Apple cider vinegar can be taken everyday. Two to four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily will improve overall health and vitality. When taken first thing in the morning, the apple cider vinegar will have a powerful cleansing effect on the body. When using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, take three tablespoons in water three times a day. A popular way of consuming apple cider vinegar is to add it to a cup of purified water

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

Illegal Immigrant Pop. Equivalent to 20 New Cities onto Taxpayer

Veil Of Politics

Bank Cabal’s $2.6 Trillion Senate Amnesty Bill: Adds Illegal Immigrant Population Equivalent To 20 New Cities onto U.S. Taxpayer’s Welfare System!

April 30, 2013 by Volubrjotr0 Comments

Obama Unemployment Math

Senate amnesty bill like adding Top 20 U.S. cities full of foreign workers!

1.      States To Nullify Illegal Gang Bang Of Eight: NWO Sleeper Cell Rubio Is Wrong – The Mafioso IS Selling An ‘Amnesty’ ~ Amnesty For Bernie Madoff First!

2.      U.S. Catholic Bishops Immigration: Church Not Political Sanctuary ~ Amnesty Will Cost Lawful U.S. Taxpayers At Least $2.6 Trillion

food stamps

At a time when Mexico’s Unemployment is falling and currently at 4.85%

Ron Paul: The Real U.S. Unemployment Rate Is Over 20%!Journal: The REAL Unemployment Rate Is Near 20%.

1.      No More Unemployment Extensions: But Make Sure You Bailout Your International Banks Through Exorbitant Taxation!

2.      2012 Worst Year In U.S. History For Citizens Leaving The Work Force: Obama’s Magic Unemployment Numbers Manipulation!

33 million lifetime work permits to be given to foreign citizens in the first decade after the bill passes.
That’s the number our analysts came up with after nearly two weeks deciphering the 844-page bill created by the “Senate Gang of Eight” to give amnesty to illegal aliens.

As bad as the amnesty is, the Gang of Eight legislation is much more than an amnesty.

Unbelievably, the 11 million illegal aliens to be given work permits are merely the visible Trojan Horse. That’s right, the 11-million amnesty — as bad as it is — amounts to the best face of the bill.
Wrapped inside that amnesty bill is something even worse — WORK PERMITS FOR 22 MILLION FOREIGN CITIZENS in the frist decade, in addition to the 11 million illeg
Taking America's Land And Giving It To Centralized Federal Government - Agenda 21
Taking America’s Land And Giving It To Centralized Federal Government – Agenda 21
al aliens!
11 million + 22 million = 33 million.
In every decade after that, it appears the bill may be forcing another 20 million lifetime work permits, but we’re still working on those numbers.
33 million” is the number that should start every conversation about the “comprehensive immigration reform” bill being rushed through the Senate Judiciary Committee by Chairman Pat Leahy (D-Vermont).
And it’s the number that has to stop this bill before it can do unalterable damage to our country. No matter what your Members of Congress may think about giving an amnesty to 11 million, they can’t possibly justify immediately over the next decade adding 33 million more potential competitors for scarce U.S. jobs.
Food Stamps


  1. It is Corporations That Profit From The $75 Billion Tax Payer Funded Food Stamps Program!
  2. Deadly Levels Of Radiation Found In Food 225 Miles From General Electric Designed Fukushima: General Electric Media Blackout On Nuclear Fallout Continues!
  3. Paranoid Resident Obama Now Needs A Food Tester: For Real!!
  4. Rothschild’s Corporate Fascist Empire: Food Crisis, Land Grabs, Poverty, Slums, Environmental Devastation And The Resistance To The People’s Justice!
  5. 80% Of Obama Farm Bill Going To Food Stamps: Thats $770 Billion [Charged To Tax Payers] & Then Diverted To Companies Like Monsanto!
  6. Republican Paul Ryan: Ryan Raised Taxes While Obama Already Cut Education Assistance By $100 Billion, Cut Food Stamps By $2.2 Billion, & Health Care By +$6.6 Billion.
  7. SAVE THE BANKS ~ SPREAD THE DEBT: Labor Force Participation Plummets by 63.7% ~ Government Food Stamps Increases To 46.5 Million Citizens ~ But Unemployment is only 8.3%? ~ Here’s His Trick!
Our cities, suburbs, towns and rural areas already have 20 million Americans who want a full-time job but can’t find one.
It is hard to imagine what adding another 33 million foreign citizens with work permits would look like.
But try this:
33 million is like adding an entire new city of New York, PLUS . . .
. . . adding duplicate cities of Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix and San Antonio, PLUS . . .
. . . also adding duplicate cities of San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Jacksonville and Indianapolis, PLUS . . .
. . . finally adding duplicates of Austin, San Francisco, Columbus, Fort Worth, Charlotte, Detroit, El Paso, Memphis and Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hunger rage

1.      Obama’s U.S. Austerity In Motion: Genocide Of 50 Million American Citizens Coming Our Way!

2.      When Obama Strikes In Earnest Against The United States: The Coming EBT (ELECTRONIC FOOD STAMP) Riots ~ When Food For 47.3 Americans Is Stopped By A Push Of A Computer Button ~ Why Its Important To Understand!

If Congress passes this bill it would be like re-creating ALL of the Top 20 cities in the United States, filling them entirely with foreign citizens and giving them lifetime work permits to compete with America’s struggling workers — and in just 10 years time.
At this moment, your Members of Congress probably don’t even know about the 33 million.
“33 million” is the number that should finally shake your Members of Congress out of any infatuation they have with this comprehensive amnesty bill.
The authors of this bill have claimed that they never stopped to add up the total number of foreign workers that this bill would add to the job competition in America.
Can you believe it? Actually, I may believe it because I don’t think they want to know. They just want to give every Robber Baron corporate lobbist whatever foreign workforce they demand in return for their campaign contributions. Nobody stops to calculate what it all adds up to.
Well, we at NumbersUSA always believe that numbers matter. 33 MILLION is a number that cannot be allowed to happen.
ROY BECK is Founder & President of NumbersUSA
NumbersUSA’s blogs are copyrighted and may be republished or reposted only if they are copied in their entirety, including this paragraph, and provide proper credit to NumbersUSA. NumbersUSA bears no responsibility for where our blogs may be republished or reposted.
Views and opinions expressed in blogs on this website are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect official policies of NumbersUSA.



No Bank Deposits will be spared .......CONFISCATION...

Subject: No Bank Deposits will be spared .......CONFISCATION....

REVIEW:   Why does a bank robber rob banks?
ANSWER:  Because...that is where the money is.
"Confiscation"....is called an "inside job."                

Some of you know this data, some don’t. FYI.

 No Bank Deposits will be Spared from Confiscation

  Spirit12 Today at 4:43 pm
This article was emailed to me and you can find it at this LINK

This is very well written, even I could understand it. I would highly recommend taking a few minutes and reading up on what your REAL role is, when you deposit money in a bank.

No Bank Deposits will be Spared from Confiscation

I challenge anyone to prove me wrong that confiscation of bank deposits is legalized daylight robbery

Bank depositors in the UK and USA may think that their bank deposits would not be confiscated as they are insured and no government would dare embark on such a drastic action to bail out insolvent banks.

Before I explain why confiscation of bank deposits in the UK and US is a certainty and absolutely legal, I need all readers of this article to do the following:

Ask your local police, sheriffs, lawyers, judges the following questions:

1) If I place my money with a lawyer as a stake-holder and he uses the money without my consent, has the lawyer committed a crime?

2) If I store a bushel of wheat or cotton in a warehouse and the owner of the warehouse sold my wheat/cotton without my consent or authority, has the warehouse owner committed a crime?

3) If I place monies with my broker (stock or commodity) and the broker uses my monies for other purposes and or contrary to my instructions, has the broker committed a crime?

I am confident that the answer to the above questions is a Yes!

However, for the purposes of this article, I would like to first highlight the situation of the deposit / storage of wheat with a warehouse owner in relation to the deposit of money / storage with a banker.

First, you will notice that all wheat is the same i.e. the wheat in one bushel is no different from the wheat in another bushel. Likewise with cotton, it is indistinguishable. The deposit of a bushel of wheat with the warehouse owner in law constitutes a bailment. Ownership of the bushel of wheat remains with you and there is no transfer of ownership at all to the warehouse owner.

And as stated above, if the owner sells the bushel of wheat without your consent or authority, he has committed a crime as well as having committed a civil wrong (a tort) of conversion – converting your property to his own use and he can be sued.

Let me use another analogy. If a cashier in a supermarket removes $100 from the till on Friday to have a frolic on Saturday, he has committed theft, even though he may replace the $100 on Monday without the knowledge of the owner / manager of the supermarket. The $100 the cashier stole on Friday is also indistinguishable from the $100 he put back in the till on Monday. In both situations – the wheat in the warehouse and the $100 dollar bill in the till, which have been unlawfully misappropriated would constitute a crime.

Keep this principle and issue at the back of your mind.

Now we shall proceed with the money
that you have deposited with your banker.

I am sure that most of you have little or no knowledge about banking, specifically fractional reserve banking.

Since you were a little kid, your parents have encouraged you to save some money to instil in you the good habit of money management.

And when you grew up and got married, you in turn instilled the same discipline in your children. Your faith in the integrity of the bank is almost absolute. Your money in the bank would earn an interest income.

And when you want your money back, all you needed to do is to withdraw the money together with the accumulated interest. Never for a moment did you think that you had transferred ownership of your money to the bank. Your belief was grounded in like manner as the owner of the bushel of wheat stored in the warehouse.

However, this belief is and has always been a lie. You were led to believe this lie because of savvy advertisements by the banks and government assurances that your money is safe and is protected by deposit insurance.

But, the insurance does not cover all the monies that you have deposited in the bank, but to a limited amount e.g. $250,000 in the US by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Germany €100,000, UK £85,000 etc.

But, unlike the owner of the bushel of wheat who has deposited the wheat with the warehouse owner, your ownership of the monies that you have deposited with the bank is transferred to the bank and all you have is the right to demand its repayment. And, if the bank fails to repay your monies (e.g. $100), your only remedy is to sue the bank and if the bank is insolvent you get nothing.

You may recover some of your money if your deposit is covered by an insurance scheme as referred to earlier but in a fixed amount. But, there is a catch here. Most insurance schemes whether backed by the government or not do not have sufficient monies to cover all the deposits in the banking system.

So, in the worst case scenario – a systemic collapse, there is no way for you to get your money back.

In fact, and as illustrated in the Cyprus banking fiasco, the authorities went to the extent of confiscating your deposits to pay the banks’ creditors. When that happened, ordinary citizens and financial analysts cried out that such confiscation was daylight robbery. But, is it?

Surprise, surprise!

It will come as a shock to all of you to know that such daylight robbery is perfectly legal and this has been so for hundreds of years.

Let me explain.

The reason is that unlike the owner of the bushel of wheat whose ownership of the wheat WAS NEVER TRANSFERRED to the warehouse owner when the same was deposited, the moment you deposited your money with the bank, the ownership is transferred to the bank.

Your status is that of A CREDITOR TO THE BANK and the BANK IS IN LAW A DEBTOR to you. You are deemed to have “lent” your money to the bank for the bank to apply to its banking business (even to gamble in the biggest casino in the world – the global derivatives casino).

You have become a creditor, AN UNSECURED CREDITOR. Therefore, by law, in the insolvency of a bank, you as an unsecured creditor stand last in the queue of creditors to be paid out of any funds and or assets which the bank has to pay its creditors. The secured creditors are always first in line to be paid. It is only after secured creditors have been paid and there are still some funds left (usually, not much, more often zilch!) that unsecured creditors are paid and the sums pro-rated among all the unsecured creditors.

This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

The law has been in existence for hundreds of years and was established in England by the House of Lords in the case Foley v Hill in 1848.

When a customer deposits money with his banker, the relationship that arises is one of creditor and debtor, with the banker liable to repay the money deposited when demanded by the customer. Once money has been paid to the banker, it belongs to the banker and he is free to use the money for his own purpose.

I will now quote the relevant portion of the judgment of the House of Lords handed down by Lord Cottenham, the Lord Chancellor. He stated thus:

“Money when paid into a bank, ceases altogether to be the money of the principal… it is then the money of the banker, who is bound to return an equivalent by paying a similar sum to that deposited with him when he is asked for it.

The money paid into the banker’s, is money known by the principal to be placed there for the purpose of being under the control of the banker; it is then the banker’s money; he is known to deal with it as his own; he makes what profit of it he can, which profit he retains himself,…

The money placed in the custody of the banker is, to all intent and purposes, the money of the banker, to do with it as he pleases; he is guilty of no breach of trust in employing it; he is not answerable TO THE PRINCIPAL IF HE PUTS IT INTO JEOPARDY, IF HE ENGAGES IN A HAZARDOUS SPECULATION; he is not bound to keep it or deal with it as the property of the principal, but he is of course answerable for the amount, because he has contracted, having received that money, to repay to the principal, when demanded, a sum equivalent to that paid into his hands.” (quoted in UK Law Essays, Relationship Between A Banker And Customer,That Of A Creditor/Debtor, emphasis added,)

Holding that the relationship between a banker and his customer was one of debtor and creditor and not one of trusteeship, Lord Brougham said:

“This trade of a banker is to receive money, and use it as if it were his own, he becoming debtor to the person who has lent or deposited with him the money to use as his own, and for which money he is accountable as a debtor. I cannot at all confound the situation of a banker with that of a trustee, and conclude that the banker is a debtor with a fiduciary character.”

In plain simple English – bankers cannot be prosecuted for breach of trust, because it owes no fiduciary duty to the depositor / customer, as he is deemed to be using his own money to speculate etc. There is absolutely no criminal liability.

The trillion dollar question is, Why has no one in the Justice Department or other government agencies mentioned this legal principle?

The reason why no one dare speak this legal truth is because there would be a run on the banks when all the Joe Six-Packs wise up to the fact that their deposits with the bankers CONSTITUTE IN LAW A LOAN TO THE BANK and the bank can do whatever it likes even to indulge in hazardous speculation such as gambling in the global derivative casino.

The Joe Six-Packs always consider the bank the creditor even when he deposits money in the bank. No depositor ever considers himself as the creditor!

Yes, Eric Holder, the US Attorney-General is right when he said that bankers cannot be prosecuted for the losses suffered by the bank. This is because a banker cannot be prosecuted for losing his “own money” as stated by the House of Lords. This is because when money is deposited with the bank, that money belongs to the banker.

The reason that if a banker is prosecuted it would collapse the entire banking system is a big lie.

The US Attorney-General could not and would not state the legal principle because it would cause a run on the banks when people discover that their monies are not safe with bankers as they can in law use the monies deposited as their own even to speculate.

What is worrisome is that your right to be repaid arises only when you demand payment.

Obviously, when you demand payment, the bank must pay you. But, if you demand payment after the bank has collapsed and is insolvent, it is too late. Your entitlement to be repaid is that of a lonely unsecured creditor and only if there are funds left after liquidation to be paid out to all the unsecured creditors and the remaining funds to be pro-rated. You would be lucky to get ten cents on the dollar.

So, when the Bank of England, the FED and the BIS issued the guidelines which became the template for the Cyprus “bail-in” (which was endorsed by the G-20 Cannes Summit in 2011), it was merely a circuitous way of stating the legal position without arousing the wrath of the people, as they well knew that if the truth was out, there would be a revolution and blood on the streets. It is therefore not surprising that the global central bankers came out with this nonsensical advisory:

“The objective of an effective resolution regime is to make feasible the resolution of financial institutions without severe systemic disruption and without exposing taxpayers to losses, while protecting vital economic functions through mechanisms which make it possible for shareholders and unsecured and uninsured creditors to absorb losses in a manner that respects the hierarchy of claims in liquidation.”(quoted in FSB Consultative Document: Effective Resolution of Systemically …)

This is the kind of complex technical jargon used by bankers to confuse the people, especially depositors and to cover up what I have stated in plain and simple English in the foregoing paragraphs.

The key words of the BIS guideline are:

“without severe systemic disruptions” (i.e. bank runs),

“while protecting vital economic functions” (i.e. protecting vested interests – bankers),

“unsecured creditors” (i.e. your monies, you are the dummy),

“respects the hierarchy of claims in liquidation” (i.e. you are last in the queue to be paid, after all secured creditors have been paid).

This means all depositors are losers!

Please read this article carefully and spread it far and wide.

You will be doing a favour to all your fellow country men and women and more importantly, your family and relatives.