This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Regarding the "Republic" and its "return to a gold standard" and other
rumors ----this is all "internal domestic" reshuffling of the "United
States" and its corporations. Strictly speaking has nothing to do with
us or with our states of the Union.
of it this way--- you hire a lawn care company to take care of your
grass and hedges and tree trimming, etc., They incorporate (1868) ----
no big deal so far as you are concerned. They spud off some
subsidiaries (municipal governments, 1878)---- and again, no big deal in
your view. Who cares how the lawn care company decides to organize
itself, so long as the work gets done at a price you can afford?
The problem has been that we let them
run wild and do whatever they wanted for so long, they began to think
that they were the beneficial owners of the whole shebang. Some cretins
(Clintons, Bushes) made deals and deceived other countries about their
status and their ownership interests---- made agreements to sell off
assets that actually belong to us, etc.--- in our names while pretending
to represent us.
now under Trump's guidance, they are reshuffling again and dusting off
their laurels and the old names and their red-white-blue bunting and
they are making some really needful changes in the way their
corporations have been operating and that is all to the good. Long
overdue. A big relief.
some other countries who have also been bamboozled and swindled by
earlier administrations going all the way back to the Civil War are
angry, cheated, and upset. And I don't blame them. Amends have to be
made, and who is going to make them? Not us--- we have been the victims
and been bamboozled ourselves. Not the other countries--- they
shouldn't have to take losses because of criminals misrepresenting
themselves as our agents and representatives.
And that is where it stands.
have worked out a means of gradually erasing all world debt. It may
take ten years, but we can do it without hurting anyone. At the same
time, we can introduce a new "mixed" global economy based on actual
asset-backed currencies and asset-backed credit securities. And people
all over the world can enjoy a higher standard of living while we are
doing it.
there is a Win-Win Option on the table for everyone concerned. Nobody
goes home hungry. Nobody is cheated--- including us. Nobody has to die
to raise money. (See "How Insurance Fraud Funds "Your" Government(s)")
is in that arena that I am active--- letting other governments know
what has happened and where the actual American states and people stand,
and that is, no, we aren't letting Secondary Creditors come in here and
claim our assets as "abandoned property" and no, we aren't assuming the
odious debts that these animals have racked up and tried to foist off
on us, either--- but we do have sympathy with other victims and we have
ways and means to end the fraud and balance the books in a way that
benefits everyone.
So let's make nice and do what has to be done in justice for all.
Toss up to all of you--- some people are stumbling over the Roman Numeral representation of the 19th Amendment as XVIIII
all I can tell you is that is how it is in the desk copy of the
Territorial Constitution I have on my desk. I know the correct way to
do Roman Numerals is XIX, but given who and what we are dealing with I
put it down the same way they published it. Perhaps best to correct to
XIX so that people don't hang up on it, but flag the alternative for
your own knowledge and future reference. They have done so much with
similar names deceits, why not similar number systems, too?
On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Anna von Reitz <> wrote: Doctor
Coffman forgot or doesn't know one particularly vitally important
fact: Andrew Jackson paid off the debt that western state land
originally secured back in 1804.
has been no valid debt against our land since 1804 in the western
states or any other state. This is an unforeseen affect of the fraud.
Though the perps have tried their best to harm us and palm off their
debts, they can't have it both ways at the same time.
George down the street make you liable for his debts? For example, can
he go to the garage and have his car repaired in your name? No?
why is everyone standing around "accepting the debts" of the
Territorial and Municipal United States "as if" the debts of these
foreign entities were yours?
Wake up! Here are the magic words: "Non-Assumpsit".
assuming that you owe the debts of the foreign Territorial United
States and equally, stop assuming that you owe the debts of the foreign
Municipal United States.
These entities which claim to "represent" you --- don't.
have pretended to be your agents. They've told you that. They've told
other people that all around the world the same lie.
the fact is that they haven't been your representatives since the
passage of their very own corporate XVIIIIth Amendment. They have had
no Fiduciary relationship to you or your states at all for a hundred and fifty years!
without a Fiduciary capacity, they have no ability to sign contracts,
no ability to obligate you in any manner whatsoever. Neither do the
municipalities formed under their territorial government auspices.
They got around this fact by deceit---- fraud, in other words.
Here's an example: "Congress"
passes an act changing the meaning of "state, States and United
States" to mean "the territories and District of Columbia".
(13 Stat. 223,
306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864. Bear in mind that at this
point in history "Congress" wasn't acting as any Congress related to
you or your states of the Union. It was acting as the governing body of
the "territories and District of Columbia".
second similar "redefinition" makes "United States" equivalent to
"District of Columbia Municipal Corporation"----- much to the dismay of
certain parties in the Philippines who thought they had a contract with
the "United States" when in fact all they had was a contract with a
defunct corporation.
Don't you all think its time you heard the birds sing again?
these yahoos have done and whatever they are claiming, they are wrong.
They have no jurisdiction related to the Bundys. They have no ability
to claim the lands of the western states. All the "western states"
have to do is organize their actual land jurisdiction government and
accept the federal lands they are owed. So do it.
the steps I have given you. Surrender the "FEDERAL PERSON" named after
you, expatriate back to your actual birth right political status, form
your county jural assemblies, then your state assembly----- and claim
your land back to your own ownership.
is past time for all of you to get up on your hind legs and learn your
own history and operate your own government. Thanks to the Fifty
States Claim you still have a home state to go "home" to and a
government to operate it.
Coffman has shed light on the history of the abuse of the western states
and their land holdings by the federal government and its agencies---
entities that have at best a proprietorship---- but the whole truth of
the matter is that we have allowed this abuse by our failure to operate
our own actual state governments.
Most people have forgotten or never known the essentials facts.
states are our nations. We are born as Wisconsinites, Minnesotans,
Texans, Floridians, and so on. That's why state banks are national
banks. That's why we are a union of fifty nation-states, not a nation
of fifty-seven "states of states".
have let the "hired help" run rampant for so long that they have
assumed that they are in charge and are the actual beneficial owners.
Time to inform them --- and the rest of the world --- otherwise.
Bundys have begun that noble effort--- and maybe they did it without
all the facts firmly in view, including all the lies that have been told
about them and about us and about our states --- but in truth.
And the truth shall set you---and the Bundys---- free.
Here is your Test Question for today: What is the UN?
All those who answered, "Why, the United Nations, of course." --- get an "F" and go to the back of the line.
"UN" is a corporation founded in France several years before the United
Nations Charter was ever created. And here, for your edification, are
the Principal Parties of Interest driving the "UN Agenda"-----
Current version UN Corp dba World Bank dba FEDERAL RESERVE --- 52% owned
by Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin; 8% owned by Lazard Freres Bank of
Paris; 8% owned by Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, 8% owned by Warburg Bank of
Hamburg and Amsterdam; 6% owned by Lehman Brothers of New York; 6% owned by
Kuhn Loeb of New York; 6% owned by Chase Manhattan/Rockefeller Bank of New
York; 6% owned by Goldman Sachs.
(There may be some changes in ownership(s) since this list was compiled, but the above is accurate for the most part.)
for all those who are alarmed about the UN, perhaps you should share
this information about what the "UN" really is? And maybe you should be
bringing appropriate political and international scrutiny to bear on
the owner/operator/shareholders of the "UN"???
And also on the French Government, meaning the Rothschild dominated corporation dba FRANCE?
It's time to bust these bunko artists and take back control of the world for sane people.
Doctor Coffman forgot or doesn't know one particularly vitally
important fact: Andrew Jackson paid off the debt that western state
land originally secured back in 1804.
has been no valid debt against our land since 1804 in the western
states or any other state. This is an unforeseen affect of the fraud.
Though the perps have tried their best to harm us and palm off their
debts, they can't have it both ways at the same time.
George down the street make you liable for his debts? For example, can
he go to the garage and have his car repaired in your name? No?
why is everyone standing around "accepting the debts" of the
Territorial and Municipal United States "as if" the debts of these
foreign entities were yours?
Wake up! Here are the magic words: "Non-Assumpsit".
assuming that you owe the debts of the foreign Territorial United
States and equally, stop assuming that you owe the debts of the foreign
Municipal United States.
These entities which claim to "represent" you --- don't.
have pretended to be your agents. They've told you that. They've told
other people that all around the world the same lie.
the fact is that they haven't been your representatives since the
passage of their very own corporate XVIIIIth Amendment. They have had
no Fiduciary relationship to you or your states at all for a hundred and fifty years!
without a Fiduciary capacity, they have no ability to sign contracts,
no ability to obligate you in any manner whatsoever. Neither do the
municipalities formed under their territorial government auspices.
They got around this fact by deceit---- fraud, in other words.
Here's an example: "Congress"
passes an act changing the meaning of "state, States and United
States" to mean "the territories and District of Columbia".
(13 Stat. 223,
306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864. Bear in mind that at this
point in history "Congress" wasn't acting as any Congress related to
you or your states of the Union. It was acting as the governing body of
the "territories and District of Columbia".
second similar "redefinition" makes "United States" equivalent to
"District of Columbia Municipal Corporation"----- much to the dismay of
certain parties in the Philippines who thought they had a contract with
the "United States" when in fact all they had was a contract with a
defunct corporation.
Don't you all think its time you heard the birds sing again?
these yahoos have done and whatever they are claiming, they are wrong.
They have no jurisdiction related to the Bundys. They have no ability
to claim the lands of the western states. All the "western states"
have to do is organize their actual land jurisdiction government and
accept the federal lands they are owed. So do it.
the steps I have given you. Surrender the "FEDERAL PERSON" named after
you, expatriate back to your actual birth right political status, form
your county jural assemblies, then your state assembly----- and claim
your land back to your own ownership.
It is
past time for all of you to get up on your hind legs and learn your own
history and operate your own government. Thanks to the Fifty States
Claim you still have a home state to go "home" to and a government to
operate it.
Coffman has shed light on the history of the abuse of the western
states and their land holdings by the federal government and its
agencies--- entities that have at best a proprietorship---- but the
whole truth of the matter is that we have allowed this abuse by our
failure to operate our own actual state governments.
Most people have forgotten or never known the essentials facts.
states are our nations. We are born as Wisconsinites, Minnesotans,
Texans, Floridians, and so on. That's why state banks are national
banks. That's why we are a union of fifty nation-states, not a nation
of fifty-seven "states of states".
have let the "hired help" run rampant for so long that they have
assumed that they are in charge and are the actual beneficial owners.
Time to inform them --- and the rest of the world --- otherwise.
Bundys have begun that noble effort--- and maybe they did it without
all the facts firmly in view, including all the lies that have been told
about them and about us and about our states --- but in truth.
And the truth shall set you---and the Bundys---- free.
Because Russia is used to working with high pressure oil wells, they offered to cap off the still leaking BP oil well in the Gulf. Obama said 'No'.
Now look what they are doing in the article below. They truly need to be stopped and now. The whole planet is at risk.
They still have a 'no-fly zone' over the BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico and declared it 'off limits' because the well is still leaking and the 'government' doesn't want people to see or take pictures of it.
This new man-made bacteria could destroy our Planet and all life on it, so please read the article and form your own opinion.
About 80% PLUS of our Oxygen comes from the PLANKTON/ seaweed/algae in the ocean.
Russia could come in and cap off the leaking well or have the US Nationalize the well as abandoned and partner with Russia to develop the well and share the revenue.
It's been said that BP along with the PTB wanted to pump the oil in that location so as to destabilize the fault that runs along the Mississippi, so that should be checked out before pumping any oil.
May God Bless Us as we sure need it.
Ken T.
The reports about tests on human beings that are being routinely carried out by certain Western corporations have become sort of a trend these days.
Among others, one can recall the story about the long struggle between civil authorities of various states and the US chemical giant Monsanto provoked by research in the potential dangers of GMO products, and the Monsanto-produced herbicide Roundup in particular. The actual damage inflicted on the agricultural business of various states is yet to be carefully assessed, but even at this stage it is safe to say that Monsanto’s expansion into India and surrounding markets resulted in deaths of thousands of people.
However, in the nearest future, the planet could face yet another “monster” that was bred deep inside US corporate laboratories. We are talking about the first synthetic bacteria – 'Cynthia', created “to combat oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico” which, according to the various reports that are often ignored by the corporate media, has mutated and has started attacking animals and humans. Now this highly lethal microorganism is on its way to Europe.
One could recall that back in April 2010 an explosion at a British Petroleum oil rig resulted in millions of barrels of oil contaminating the Gulf of Mexico. Despite the drastic measures taken to prevent an environmental catastrophe, an oil slick produced by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill covered over sixty thousand square miles.
As one of the means of addressing the environmental catastrophe on their hands, Washington decided to take drastic measures, regardless of the possible consequences of those actions. It was at that time when an artificially created microorganism nicknamed 'Cynthia' was unleashed without any kind of examination of the possible threat it may pose to the environment.
Cynthia is the brainchild of the J. Craig Venter Institute — which was engaged in genetic engineering experiments since the beginning of the 21st century — and Synthetic Genomics Inc, and was created and funded directly by BP. It was believed that Cynthia feeds on oil, but it turns out now that it is equally willing to consume all forms of organic life as well…
In 2011, Cynthia was unleashed in the Gulf of Mexico and in its initial stages of life it was absorbing oil slicks at breathtaking speed. In January, 2011 the Register reported that scientists were particularly impressed by the speed with which the bacteria was eating up its “meal”.
But then this bacteria mutated and soon was feeding on organic lifeforms. Strange reports started coming from the US, like five thousand birds falling victims of an “unknown disease” in Arkansas, or more that a hundred thousand dead fish found off the coast of north Louisiana. It was also reported that a total of 128 British Petroleum employees that participated in the liquidation of the oil slick were struck by some mysterious illness. According to various sources, they were forbidden to seek relief in public hospitals to prevent them from talking to anyone about what has happened to them…
Soon it was recorded that the disease and the symptoms that are now associated with the coastal zone of the Gulf of Mexico began spreading to the continental United States – for example, people who were caught by heavy rains that came from the Gulf of Mexico were also exposed to it.
In fact, such disturbing reports have become pretty common in spite of the restrictive measures taken by the US government to prevent this information from spreading. In particular, it’s been reported that certain individuals who were unfortunate enough to take take a swim in the Gulf of Mexico often found themselves covered with itching sores only to die in agony a few days later due to extensive internal bleeding.
According to media reports, a person can become Cynthia’s victim under two circumstances: if it penetrated the skin barrier through a wound or if they were unfortunate enough to eat raw seafood infected by this bacteria. Once the bacteria is in the system, it penetrates into the layer between the skin and muscles and starts producing a toxin that disrupts tissues. It is known that Cynthia is capable of reproducing itself rapidly within the infected cells, and that it is immune to antibiotics.
According to the University of the District of Columbia (UDC), up to 40% of the residents of the territories adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico have become infected with severe respiratory and skin diseases, and one in four residents is planning to pack up and leave in the nearest future.
Still, Washington has been pretty determined to mute these reports by announcing that the growing death toll can be attributed to some “unknown virus.”
At the same time, we’ve been witnessing disturbing reports that Cynthia has started spreading to different regions of the world, since the mass death of seals in Alaska, near the town of Barrow, was accompanied by skin lesions and extensive damage to internal organs of the deceased animals.
At the rate the bacteria is spreading together with the Gulf Stream, Europe is definitely at risk. What can the consequences of this voyage be if the reports about high lethality among those infected by the bacteria are proven right – one can only guess … It means that the famous beaches of France, Italy and even Greece and Turkey are to be closed permanently. The microscopic Cynthia might swallow the tourist industry of Southern Europe.
What is happening in the Gulf of Mexico is not a regional problem and the residents of this area are not the only ones at risk. This is a problem of global proportions.The signs of a possible bacterial viral infection are already beginning to appear everywhere. The mysterious, unexplained illness affecting fish, marine mammals, animals, poultry, trees, and plants arise from the synthetic genomes that transforms natural organisms and force them to mutate.
However, even at the initial stage of the test trials of Cynthia, many experts were vocal in stressing the danger of synthetically created living organisms. For instance, Dr Helen Wallace the Executive Director of the British organization Genewatch that oversees research in the field of genetics pointed out in an interview that this synthetic bacteria could pose a serious danger. In turn, the Friends of the Earth movement has stressed time and time again that this scientific achievement of J. Craig Venter is a threat to the entire world, and all the research of this institute should be put on hold.
Many environmentalists and human rights activists on the back of those disturbing reports say that the US government is not prepared to regulate this revolutionary domain of science. An international civil society organization based in Ottawa, Canada known as the ETC Group has sounded the alarm, arguing that Venter opened a “Pandora’s box” and that an international moratorium on the development in the field of synthetic biology in private laboratories must be introduced immediately, since such research may pose a threat to all life on the planet.
So what are we witnessing here if not the manifestation of Washington’s secretive policy on the development of new types of biological weapons? The US has been hard at work on the weakening of the international norm that prohibits the development of biological weapons, while building up its own military biological infrastructure and creating a string of microbiological laboratories across the world that are being run by the Pentagon. The activities of such laboratories are not being supervised, so there’s absolutely no guarantee that a new kind of monster that can outmatch Cynthia is not being created in their depths.
Under these circumstances, there’s an urgent need to force Washington into singing the verification mechanism of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction that it blocked unilaterally in 2001. Moreover, there must be a verification mechanism that would guarantee that all the provisions of this convention are observed to the letter by all those who signed it.
An eagle's flight from the top of the world's tallest building to his handler below. An eagle was fitted with a camera and released from the top of the 2,715 foot Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai.
Some how from that altitude the eagle actually picks out and recognizes the trainer from all of the other objects, people, etc.
You can see him looking, looking, looking for the trainer, completely invisible to a human eye and the camera, then fold his/her wings and then drop like a bullet straight to that trainer.
To all of you out there who think those of us who supported, and voted for, then candidate Donald Trump because we are xenophobic and racist, here is your wake up call. A former United States Marine Patrolling the Mexico-Texas Border has a chilling message for you and all Americans.
“In an interview with Dennis Michael Lynch, a former U.S. Marine who served in the Middle East is now an active member of a border group that patrols the southern border. He is a former bomb expert trained by the Department of Defense. Known to his pals as “Talon,” he shared his thoughts about the “other than Mexicans” that have been coming through the border for years.
“The Chinese and Middle Eastern people coming through the border are not coming here to cut our lawns and wash dishes. They hate us with a passion,” said Talon. When referring to the Muslims who hate the U.S. he said, “We are the infidels and they think we deserve to die.” DML asked him how long until another 9/11? Talon answered, “I’m shocked it hasn’t happened yet. Let me tell you that once they figure out how to get a nuke through the border, we will lose a U.S. city.”
There are congressional reports that reveal the drug cartels work with terror groups from the Middle East.” All this isn’t news to those of us already living in border states. We see what’s coming in on a daily basis. Our cities are being overrun by gang crime like never before. The best of the best doesn’t just walk across our borders. These aren’t children with “Divinity in their Eyes” as Nancy Pelosi calls them. Since President Trump’s inauguration, there has been a sharp decrease in illegals crossing the border illegally, but we won’t be secure until the wall is built and we are able to stop them completely.
Last week Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent official letters to the 9 different cities, counties and the whole state of California ordering them to stop the madness and let The Department of Homeland Security and ICE do their job. If not they will be punished by ceasing to send these 9 entities federal funds. I know my home state of California can’t survive long on its own although liberals and loony politicians actually believe it can. Maybe legalizing Marihuana in this state wasn’t such a great idea after all.
To all you Liberals out there, please, stop with the finger pointing and accusations. This isn’t about being bigoted, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, or whatever “phobic” you want to invent next. It’s about our very survival of as a nation, as a culture and as a people. If you need to, pretend the bad people slipping in through the border are Christians and Jews. I’m sure if they were you would have no issue whatsoever in building a wall to stop them, but please to play with our security and very existence only because you believe in the madness that is Political Correctness.
Representative Peter T. King,
left, Republican of New York, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the
United States Courthouse in Central Islip on Friday.Credit
Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
ISLIP, N.Y. — The attorney general of the United States, Jeff Sessions,
came on Friday to this Long Island area besieged by the transnational
gang known as MS-13, and in a 20-minute speech to local police
commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by cracking down
on illegal immigration.
Sessions said the gang, which is linked to El Salvador, carries a
threat similar to the Colombian cartels and the mafia. He said it
smuggled gang members across the United States border and recruited
young immigrants.
message was familiar, and it bore the wishes of President Trump, who
Mr. Sessions said was “particularly alert to” the violence affecting
Suffolk County, where the bodies of four young men who had been brutally
killed were found near a park on April 13.
authorities contend the killings had the markings of MS-13, which would
bring the gang’s body count to 15 in Suffolk County since the beginning
of 2016, the most violent stretch since MS-13 took hold on Long Island
in the late 1990s.
MS-13 motto is kill, rape and control,” Mr. Sessions said at the United
States Courthouse here. “Our motto is justice for victims and
consequences for criminals. That’s how simple it is. Prosecute them, and
after they’ve been convicted, if they’re not here lawfully, they’re
going to be deported.”
Sessions talked tough, declaring that “this is the Trump era,” when the
federal government would back law enforcement. He said that he would
add prosecutors to the Eastern District of New York. On Wednesday, Gov.
Andrew M. Cuomo of New York had come to the area to announce that he
would add 25 State Police officers to the gang-fighting efforts.
Sessions did not, however, offer assurances to the sizable immigrant
community that its members could report crime to the police without
worrying about their immigration status.
has been a concern for local law enforcement officials, who fear that
the Trump administration’s promise to crack down on undocumented
immigrants will destroy trust in the community and hamper
investigations. In presentations throughout the county, the Suffolk
County police commissioner, Timothy Sini, said that if crime victims or
witnesses came forward, the police would not ask about their immigration
A memorial in Central Islip for victims of the MS-13 gang.Credit
Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
Sessions called the notion of strict immigration enforcement eroding
trust an “exaggerated argument” and said that people could still call
911 anonymously to report crime.
said that prosecuting immigrants who had entered the country illegally
and committed crimes was still the federal government’s priority, and
that the government was not “out seeking witnesses to crimes to deport.”
But he added, “It cannot be that the attorney general grants immunity
contrary to law for people who violate the laws of the United States.”
Sessions then met with law enforcement officials from Suffolk County,
Nassau County and the State Police to discuss ways to best fight a gang
whose hallmark weapon is the machete.
Mr. Sessions arrived, about 200 protesters gathered in the early
morning outside the courthouse, across the lawn from the armored cars
and Homeland Security guards.
concerned that his response is anti-immigrant, which would lead to
racial profiling Latinos, African-Americans,” said the Rev. Calvin O.
Butts III, the president of the State University of New York at Old
Representative Peter T. King, a Republican from the Second District of
New York, which includes Central Islip and neighboring Brentwood, was
visibly angered by the protesters. He had invited Mr. Sessions to Long
Island to meet with law enforcement officials to help solve the problem,
and attended a news conference after Mr. Sessions’s speech.
should be on their knees thanking him, not out there protesting,” Mr.
King said at the news conference. “It’s shameful, it’s disgraceful that
leaders in the community would criticize the attorney general.”
Sessions said the first step to combating criminal groups like MS-13
was to secure the border and restore “a lawful system of immigration.”
He noted that the administration was adding immigration judges at the
border to expedite deportations, and criticized the “lawless practice”
of sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with immigration authorities.
(Though, in a reversal, he said that he was “a big admirer” of the New
York Police Department for leading the way in community-based
procedures, and proving that “broken-windows strategies work,” referring
to aggressively policing minor violations to prevent more serious
cannot continue with this transporting across our border illegal
immigrants who have not been properly vetted and actually are part of
criminal organizations,” Mr. Sessions said.
About 200 protesters gathered in the early morning before Mr. Sessions arrived.Credit
Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
He did not elaborate on how MS-13 smuggles gang members into places like Long Island, but last week, Mr. Sini did.
is no question that MS-13 members who have immigrated illegally here
have recruited individuals coming over,” he said. Mr. Sini added that
intelligence showed that MS-13 was threatening local families to become
legal guardians for gang members.
numbers, he said, are indicative of this trend: seven of the 13 MS-13
gang members indicted in a sweep by the United States attorney’s office
in March had entered the country as unaccompanied minors. Ten of those
indicted were undocumented immigrants.
4,000 unaccompanied minors have settled in the county in the last
several years after fleeing the violence-racked countries of Central
America, and gang members have preyed on them. About 400 children who
entered the country unaccompanied and relocated to Brentwood are now
enrolled in the school district, Levi McIntyre, the superintendent, said
last week.
best way to tackle the problem is to convince young people to stay away
from the gangs,” Mr. Sessions said. During a news conference, he would
not commit to providing financial resources to Suffolk County for
intervention or prevention programs.
when he met with the families of two teenage girls from Brentwood who
were killed in September, he did make that promise, said Evelyn
Rodriguez, the mother of one of the girls, Kayla Cuevas, 16.
told me, ‘Rest assured that this is going to be spoken abou
t, talked
about, and there will be more resources and programs to our community
and schools,’” Ms. Rodriguez said. “I’m happy that he did come out and
hear our concerns.”
Mara Salvatrucha, shortened to MS-13, originated as a street gang in
Los Angeles in the 1980s, with members who were refugees from El
Salvador. It developed into a transnational organization. Mr. Sessions
said he was told that the gang had headquarters in the jails of El
Salvador and had 30,000 members, 10,000 of them in the United States.
paper, the Suffolk police seemed to make progress after the killings of
Ms. Cuevas and the other girl, Nisa Mickens, 15, arresting 170 gang
members. Then came the deaths of the four young men. Two of them were
immigrants from Honduras who had escaped gangs there.
have a message for the gangs that target our young people: We are
targeting you,” Mr. Sessions said. “We are coming after you.”
President Donald Trump promised guns rights advocates gathered in
Atlanta on Friday that he'd come through for them as they did for him
during the 2016 campaign.
"The eight-year assault on your Second
Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," Trump told the members
of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now "have a
true friend and champion in the White House."
"I will never, ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms," Trump said. "Never ever."
He is the first sitting president since Ronald Reagan to speak to the NRA.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer called
the speech to the NRA's leadership forum, which comes on the 99th day
of Trump's presidency, a "good way to end an incredible week."
The influential lobbying group endorsed Trump
early on during the Republican 2016 primaries — a backing he often
reminded his crowds about during his long shot bid for office. He drew
cheers from supporters amid frequent promises to "save" the Second
Amendment, which he said was under siege from opponents, like Hillary
During one August campaign rally in North Carolina, Trump raised eyebrows when he suggested that "Second Amendment people" could do something if Clinton were elected and got to pick anti-guns rights Supreme Court justices.
"By the way, and if she gets to pick her
judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people,
maybe there is, I don't know."
Trump shakes hands with NRA president Wayne LaPierre on stage at the NRA leadership forum. Jim Watson / AFP - Getty Images
The campaign defended the comments then as a reference to the gun rights group's lobbying power.
The NRA, for their part, helped bring Trump's
pro-gun message to the airwaves, spending three times as much for Trump
as it did for Mitt Romney in 2012, a Washington Post analysis found.
Once in office, Trump quietly signed
a bill in February rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it
harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun. The
now-rescinded rule added people receiving Social Security checks for
mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial
affairs to the national background check database.
The NRA, among other pro-gun groups, supported
the move, with NRA-ILA executive director Chris Cox saying the
executive order "marks a new era for law-abiding gun owners, as we now
have a president who respects and supports our arms.".
Had the regulation fully taken effect, the
Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to
the background check database.
Gun control advocates worry about Trump's relationship with the gun lobby.
Ahead of the president's remarks, Shannon Watts of Moms Demand
Action said in a statement that "NRA leaders are hoping their investment
in the election will help them pass dangerous legislation that would
enrich gun manufacturers while endangering Americans. This includes
dismantling the criminal background check system, making gun silencers
more accessible, and — their ultimate goal — passing 'Concealed Carry
Bonds from the campaign may have brought Trump
to Atlanta to speak with members of the gun lobby, but the prospect of
future elections loomed large over the event. Trump stumped for Karen
Handel, running in Georgia's Sixth Congressional District against
Democratic newcomer Jon Ossoff.
"She's totally for the NRA and second amendment, so get out and vote," Trump instructed the estimated crowd.
Trump also revived a derogatory campaign nickname for Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, surmising that she may be among those to run for the Democratic nomination in 2020.
"I have a feeling that in the next election
you're going to be swamped with candidates," he imagined, concluding
these voters will be saying no sir — or ma'am — to these prospective
Democrats. "It may be Pocahontas, remember that."
In shouting out fellow pro-gun attendees, Trump called out Sen. Ted
Cruz, R-Texas, summing up their tumultuous relationship as someone he
really liked, then didn't like, now likes again.
"Like, dislike, like," he simplified, just as
he did with his branding of the Texas senator as "lyin' Ted" during the
2016 presidential campaign season.
US threatens decisive response as North
Korea fires ANOTHER failed ballistic missile just hours after Donald
Trump warned of ‘major conflict’ with rogue state
Medium range rocket - which may have been nuclear capable - crashed down into the Sea of Japan minutes after launch
US threatened a swift response after North Korea fired another ballistic
missile last night, ratcheting up tensions with the West.
Trump administration chiefs said a raft of new economic sanctions and
military manoeuvres may be speedily deployed after the rocket threat.
A North Korean ballistic missile is fired from a submarine during an earlier rocket test this week
North Korea fired a volley of missiles towards Japan in March.
Tensions with the West have reached fever pitch over recent weeks
US Government source says North Korea's missile test was unsuccessful
North Korea disrespected the wishes of China
& its highly respected President when it launched, though
unsuccessfully, a missile today. Bad!
And China ordered it to stand down its rocket testing or risk harsh sanctions.
In a failed test, a missile was launched from Pukchang Airfield north of the capital Pyongyang at around 9:30pm GMT.
US officials confirmed they had tracked the medium range weapon,
which may have been nuclear capable, and that President Trump had been
He later tweeted: "North Korea disrespected the wishes of China &
its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessfully,
a missile today. Bad!"
The rocket exploded within North Korean territory above the Sea of Japan minutes after it was fired, military chiefs said.
"It's possible that something could be sped up," a senior White House
official said of the potential for imposing new sanctions on North
"Something that's ready to go could be taken from the larger package and expedited."
Just hours earlier, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned that
failure to stop North Korea's nuclear and missile development could lead
to "catastrophic consequences".
China, which has long provided a lifeline to the rogue nation, upped
its effort to rein in its trigger-happy neighbour by threatening
economic curbs if it further posed a risk.
But the Chinese echoed the Russians by cautioning the West against threatening brute force against skittish Kim.
Donald Trump, pictured travelling to a National Rifle Association meeting on Friday, was informed of the launch
AP:Associated Press
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned the UN on Friday of 'catastrophic consequences' if North Korea wasn't stopped
President Duterte has vowed to “eradicate all traces of Rothschild financial criminality”
from the Philippines, announcing that he will no longer respond to
pressure or financial blackmail from the US government or
Rothschild-controlled global banking institutions.
The president, who claims to have killed cartel bosses with his own
hands, is not one to be bullied, and he has now set his sights on
cleaning up the financial corruption in his country, promising to “drive them out like the scavengers they are.“
Before Rodrigo Duterte assumed the office of president, the
Philippines was suffering from the effects of IMF/World Bank-imposed
austerity and privatization that exploited its people and resources. It
was also one of Asia’s most corrupt and troubled nations.
Though the Filipino people, through strong showings of popular
resistance over a period of years, were able to curb some of the most
rampant crony corruption, many of the shackles imposed by these
Rothschild-controlled institutions remained.
President Duterte rode into power campaigning on a ticket of major
change, but unlike Western politicians who pay lip service to change
before letting down their supporters, the Philippines president has
delivered on his promises – in spades.
During the election campaign Duterte urged the people to kill him if he failed to resolve crime and corruption in the country during the first six months of his term.
Over one year into his term and he has delivered on his promises. He’s now famous for more than calling President Obama a “son of a whore”
at a regional summit in Laos last year. Much to the
Rothschild-controlled international community’s outrage, Duterte is
shooting from the hip, and cleaning up his country.
[embedded content]
In 2016, after warning those involved in the narcotics trade that “it’s either you kill me or I kill you“,
an astonishing 1,007,153 narcotics criminals surrended to government,
and 73 government officials were arrested for involvement in the illegal
drug trade.
Billions of dollars worth of narcotics were seized, showing what can
be done in a short timeframe if the problem is tackled seriously.
Now the president is going after tax-dodging oligarchs
and multination corporations who haven’t paid a cent for decades. The
elites and their media empires held former regimes to ransom. But they
have no power over Duterte. And they are actually paying up.
How does Duterte get away with taking on the rich and powerful? It’s simple. He boasts a massive 83% popular approval rating
across the country. The oligarchs cannot use the mainstream media to
destroy him because the people don’t trust what the media says anymore.
The people trust Duterte because unlike generations of politicians
who came before him, he actually does what he says. His plain speaking
enrages the powers that be in the West, who have waged war against him
through their propaganda channels in the media.
But whose judgement should we trust – the global cabal, or his own people?
Duterte delivers
When he says he will “eradicate all traces of Rothschild financial criminality” from his country, there is no question he will follow through, despite the inherent risks.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and US-dominated World Bank
have been major players in the global economic landscape ever since
their creation in 1944.
These international banking organizations, which are privately
controlled by the notorious Rothschild banking family, first pressure
nations to deregulate their financial sector, allowing private banks to
loot their economies.
Once the governments are forced to bail-out their deregulated
financial sector, the IMF or World Bank sets up a loan package written
in secret by central bankers and finance ministers that undermine their
national sovereignty and force them to adopt policies of austerity that
harm workers, families, and the environment.
The Philippines have become the first Asian country to grow wise to
the ruse. They have worked hard to gain financial independence and are
now in the process of kicking the Rothschild controlled banks out of
their country.
The Philippines transformation under Duterte proves that any nation,
no matter how impoverished and troubled, can throw off the shackles
imposed by international bankers and trade in death and destruction and
return the power to the people.
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