Monday, November 30, 2015

What does the difference mean to you? unincorporated vs incorporated


And, now that you know, what are YOU going to do about it?

From the desk of Judge Anna Von Reitz
November 30, 2015
Big Lake Alaska

The answer is simple--- the counties have to operate as counties on the land again, that is, as UNINCORPORATED Body Politics.  Any time you incorporate something, you move it off the jurisdiction of the land and into the jurisdiction of the sea---- and therein lies the rub. 

Out of 50 "States" and 3100 counties all of them have incorporated and are therefore officially operating as "federal" franchises of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION---- like local Burger King franchises.  That does not prohibit any of them from ALSO functioning as states and counties on the land jurisdiction, but we've been such clueless dumb clucks that we weren't aware of any need to do so.  We have been deceived and "assumed" that that "thing" calling itself "Jackson County" or the "County of Jackson" was our lawful county on the land --- and that we didn't HAVE TO do anything more or organize anything or operate any Body Politic other than that. 

Now you can talk to the incorporated counties and their officers about this situation and encourage them to act in both roles---putting on one hat and singing the corporate song, and then putting on another hat and singing "Yankee Doodle"---- which is what they did for quite a number of years---- but in the end, no man can serve two masters.  It is best to just hold explicit elections for the land offices---- advertise public meetings to organize the county on the land, take nominations for the offices of the land jurisdiction--- call your courts, etc., by recognizable names like, "Jackson County Land Office" and "Jackson County Common Law Court" and so on.  At first, everyone has to serve pro bono and as volunteers.  That in no way alters the lawfulness of the office or our actions. 

And just let the incorporated "County" deal with its watery international issues and "US citizens" which are in reality few and far between. 

Once you have elected one or two County Judges, a County Sheriff, County Clerk, Bailiff, Coroner, etc., and sworn them in, the Sheriff can in turn (just like John Wayne) swear in as many Deputies on the Land as he needs to enforce the jurisdiction of the land. 

So what is the jurisdiction of the land?  It's everything and anything that was not specifically delegated as an enumerated "power"---and responsibility---- of the "federal government".  ALL other prerogatives are reserved to the States on the Land and the people.  

The position of all these "federal franchise" "States" and "Counties" is actually very weak and unattractive.  They are receiving back increasingly smaller dribs and drabs of "federal revenue sharing"---- which is their cut from the fraud that has been practiced against all of us by claiming that we "volunteered" to function as Federal United States Citizens and as chattel belonging to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and donated all our assets to the Public Charitable Trust in exchange for the privilege of receiving welfare benefits (and paying for them) and Social Security "benefits" (which we also had to pay for and never get any reasonable return from).  In other words, their kick-back for participating in the enslavement and abuse of their friends, families, and neighbors by private, mostly foreign-owned corporations follows a law of diminishing returns.   
Once people wake up and realize what a scourge and fraud scheme this has been, nobody will want to serve any "federal" county or "federal" state, either.  

Judge Anna

Also read:   Dear Federal Agents  

Dear Federal Agents - FBI and US Marshals Service

November 28, 2015
Big Lake, Alaska

Dear Federal Agents: 

I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service.   It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”  as back-up reference and evidence.

Since the publication of the affidavit a plethora of new supporting documentation and evidence has come to light.  We found, for example, that on June 30, 1864, the members of Congress acting as the Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” changed the meaning of “state”, “State” and “United States” to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”.

Like the 1862 change of the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” cited in our affidavit, these special coded meanings of words render a drastically different picture of the world around us.

It turns out that your “personal bank account” is actually a “corporate bank account”.   The “Colorado State Court” is actually the “Colorado District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Court”.

If you are shocked to learn these facts, you are not alone.  So are millions of other Americans.  These changes were made 150 years ago and tucked away in reams of boring meeting minutes and legalistic gobbledygook meant to be applied only to the internal workings of a private governmental services corporation and its employees. 

There was no public announcement, just as there was no public announcement or explanation when Congress created “municipal citizenship” known as “US citizenship” in 1868.  Properly, technically, even to this day, this form of “citizenship” applies only to those born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, so there was no real reason to educate the general public about the topic. As Congress was secretively using the labor and the private property assets of these  “citizens” as collateral backing the corporate debts of “The United States of America, Inc.” there was plenty of reason to obscure this development.  At the end of the Civil War it would have been very unpopular to reveal that they were simply changing gears from private sector slave ownership to public sector slave ownership. 
You may be surprised to learn that slavery was not abolished by the Thirteenth or any other Amendment to any constitution then or now.   Instead, slavery was redefined as the punishment meted out to criminals. Look it up and read it for yourselves.

It remains perfectly legal to enslave criminals, and it was left to Congress to define who the criminals were, because Congress was given plenary power over the District of Columbia and its citizenry by the original Constitution of the Republic and could do whatever it liked within the District and the Washington, DC  Municipalities.  

 A child picking dandelions on the sidewalk could be arbitrarily defined as a criminal and enslaved for life by the renegade Congress functioning as the government of the District of Columbia and as the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, but for starters, Congress simply defined “US citizens” as debt slaves under the 14th Amendment of their corporation’s articles and by-laws----which they deceptively named the “Constitution of the United States of America”.

The actual Constitution was and still is called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, but most people untrained in the Law and trusting what they believed to be their government didn’t notice the difference between “The Constitution for the united States of America” and the “Constitution of the United States of America”. 

Are you beginning to see a pattern of deliberate deceit and self-interest and double-speak and double-dealing?   And are you also beginning to catch the drift---the motivation---behind it?

Let’s discuss the concept of “hypothecation of debt”.   This little gem was developed by the bankers who actually owned and ran the governmental services corporations doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.” and as the “United States, Incorporated”.

When you hypothecate debt against someone or against some asset belonging to someone else, you simply claim that they agreed to stand as surety for your debt --- similar to co-signing a car loan --- and as long as you make your payments, nobody is any the wiser.   Normally, it’s not possible for us to just arbitrarily claim that someone is our surety for debt without proof of consent, but that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Conference of Governors did in March of 1933.   They named all of us and all our property as surety standing good for the debts of their own bankrupt governmental services corporation during bankruptcy reorganization----and got away with it by claiming that they were our “representatives” and that we had delegated our authority to them to do this “for” us.

The exact date and occasion when this happened and where it is recorded, is given in our affidavit.

In order to pull this off, however, they had to allege that we were all “US citizens”, and therefore, all subject to the plenary power of Congress acting as an oligarchy ruling over the District of Columbia and the Federal Territories.   They did this by abusing the public trust and creating and registering millions of foreign situs trusts named after each of us.  Under their own diversity of citizenship rules, corporations are considered to be “US citizens”.   So they created all these foreign situs trusts as franchises of their own bankrupt corporation, used our names styled like this: John Quincy Adams----and placed commercial liens against our names as chattel owned by their corporation and standing as surety for its debts.

A group of thugs elected to political office grossly transgressed against the American people and the American states and committed the crime of personage against each and every one of us without us ever being aware of it. 

They couldn’t enslave us, but they could enslave a foreign situs trust named after us--- that we conveniently didn’t know existed--- and by deliberately confusing this “thing” with us via the misuse of our given names, they could bring charges against what appeared to be us and our private property in their very own corporate tribunals.

And so the fleecing of America began in earnest.  The hirelings had our credit cards, had stolen our identities, and were ready to begin a crime spree unheralded in human history.

They claimed that we all knew about this arrangement and consented to it, because we “voluntarily” gave up our gold when FDR sent his henchmen around to collect it----when as millions of Americans can attest, people gave up their gold in preference to being shot or having to kill federal agents.  They chose life for everyone concerned over some pieces of metal, and for that, they are to be honored; unfortunately, their decision gave the rats responsible an excuse to claim that Americans wanted to leave the gold standard and wanted the “benefits” of this New Deal in “equitable exchange” for their gold, their identities, the abuse of their good names as bankrupts and debtors, the loss of allodial title to their land and homes, and their subjection as slaves to the whims of Congress.

According to them---that is, those who benefited from this gross betrayal of the public trust--- we all voluntarily left the Republic and the guarantees of the actual Constitution behind, willingly subjected ourselves to Congressional rule, donated all our assets including our labor and property to the Public Charitable Trust (set up after the Civil War as a welfare trust for displaced plantation slaves), and agreed to live as slaves owned by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in exchange for what? 

Welfare that we paid for ourselves.  Social Security that we paid for ourselves. 

The criminality of the “US Congress” and the “Presidents” acting since 1933 is jaw-droppingly shocking. Their abuse of the trust of the American people is even worse.

They have portrayed this circumstance as a political choice instead of an institutionalized fraud scheme, and they have “presumed” that we all went along with it and agreed to it without complaint.  Thus, they have been merrily and secretively having us declared “civilly dead” as American State Citizens the day we are born, and entering a false registration claiming that we are “US Citizens” instead.

We are told, when we wake up enough to ask, that we are free to choose our political status.  We don’t have to serve as debt slaves.  We can go back and reclaim our guaranteed Republican form of government and our birthright status if we want to---- but that requires a secret process in front of the probate court and expatriation from the Federal United States to the Continental United States and all sorts of voo-doo in backrooms that can only be pursued by the few and the knowledgeable and the blessed.  Everyone else has to remain as a debt slave and chattel serving whatever corporation bought the latest version of corporate “persona” named after us.

So let me ask you, as members of the FBI and as US Marshals---- does this sound like something you want to be involved with enforcing on innocent people, or does it sound like something you want to end as expeditiously as possible?

The frauds that took root in the wake of the Civil War and which blossomed in the 1930’s have come to their final fruition.   Employees of the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” and its United Nations successors are being used as jack-booted thugs to throw Americans into privately owned “federal correctional facilities” when those who need correction---- the members of the American Bar Association and the euphemistically named and privately owned and operated “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”---continue to ignore the fact that Americans DO have a choice and that by the millions we are demanding our freedom from all these pathetic false commercial claims and presumptions.

We are standing up before the whole world and telling these privately owned “governmental services corporations” to go bankrupt like any other corporation that doesn’t do its job and mind its budget.  These entities deserve to go bankrupt and worse.  They have spent money and credit that was never theirs to spend.  They have defrauded millions if not billions of innocent people and they have prevented Americans from claiming their birthrights for far too long.

These people--- the members of Congress and the various “Presidents” of the numerous “United States” corporations --- have acted as criminals.  They deserve to be recognized as such. 

The members of the American Bar Association have attempted to wash their hands while profiting from the situation and obstructing justice.  They stand around shrugging and saying, “Well, it’s a political choice.  We don’t have anything to say about that.”-----yet at the same time, they refuse to correct the probate records to reflect our chosen change of political status when we plainly identify ourselves and enunciate our Will for them.  They, too, deserve to be recognized as self-interested criminals and accomplices to identity theft, credit fraud, and worse--- which is why we have recently issued a $279 trillion dollar commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.   

All our assets--- our bodies, homes, businesses, lands, and labor---have been signed over into the “Public Charitable Trust” by con men merely claiming to represent  us.  Then, when we object to their lies and entrapment, they use the same fraud against us as their excuse for bringing more false claims against us and throwing us in jail.  Enough is enough.

The British Monarch and the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted this fraud against us at the same time they have claimed to be our trustees, allies and friends in perpetuity.  It’s time to clear the way for us to politely and peaceably exit from any presumption that we are or ever were “US citizens”, willing participants in the “Public Charitable Trust”, or willing “sureties” for the debts of any private bank-run governmental services corporation merely calling itself the United States of Something or Other.

We repudiate any presumption of private municipal citizenship or obligation to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or any successor thereof, and demand an immediate and permanent correction of the civil record to reflect our birthright status as American State Citizens, nunc pro tunc.  

As for you, as “Federal Agents”, you have a lot to think about.  For starters--- who really pays your paycheck?   Is it the goons in Washington, DC?  Or does it all come from the American people you are supposed to be serving?  Do you believe for one moment that anyone just lined up and gave their gold to FDR voluntarily?  Do you believe that anyone gave away all their property and the guarantees of the actual Constitution for the “privilege” of paying for Social Security?  No?

Wake up and smell the java and start doing your real jobs.  If anyone complains---arrest him.  We are reopening the American Common Law Courts expressly for the purpose of settling disputes related to living people and their property assets in excess of $20 as mandated by the Seventh Amendment.  

We, the American people, are the ones holding absolute civil authority upon the land of the Continental United States, and we give you permission to arrest the members of Congress, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and any other politician or appointee pretending to speak for us so as to enslave us and bring false claims against us via this institutionalized fraud scheme.  We want it recognized for what it is and dismantled and repudiated tout de suite.

Any court that is caught arresting and prosecuting Americans under the presumptions just described to you--- such as bringing charges against foreign situs trusts with names styled like this: John Quincy Adams, or Cestui Que Vie trusts styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, or Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities styled like this: JOHN Q. ADAMS----it  is your responsibility to make sure that any individuals being addressed by these courts were actually born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or one of the other Insular States and that they are not ignorant American State Citizens being falsely registered and railroaded.

Do you understand?  Is it now completely clear who the criminals are?  Your actual employers and benefactors are being attacked and defrauded by criminals pretending to act as their elected representatives and accomplices in black robes who are serving as enforcers of this fraud for profit.    This has been happening right under your noses.

This whole circumstance has escaped broad scale public understanding because it was being pursued by private governmental services corporations owned and operated by international banking cartels who claimed that these “private arrangements” were none of the public’s business, despite the grotesque and far-ranging impact these cozy understandings have had upon the people of this and many other countries.

Let it be perfectly clear to you that the business of these private corporations has become our business because they have operated in violation of their charters, in violation of the treaties allowing their existence, and in violation of the National Trust.  The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated as private foreign bill collectors and trust administrators by Northern Trust, Inc., in violent conflict of interest.  They are not professional associations, non-profits, nor units of government.  They are con artists and privateers whose licenses expired as of September 1, 2013.  

The United States Marshals Service is enabled to act in the capacity of constitutionally –sworn Federal Marshals and we invoke their office and service as such; failure to accept the public office means rejection of all authority related to us.   The same may be said of the FBI.   Either you do your jobs as constitutionally sworn public officers, or you act as private mall cops in behalf of the offending corporations and under color of law when you pretend to have any public authority or function.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.   

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Alaska State Superior Court

The actual lien filed:

See: What does it mean to you?

Restore the Republic and Your Freedom

Judge Anna Von Reitz 

A collection of research to "Restore the Republic and Your Freedom"

28 Nov 2015 11:24 PM PST

If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom, you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.

Knowledge is power, and the ultimate civil power resides in every individual in America. By studying the following links in the order presented, you will know more about freedom and what the Creator expected from us and endowed us with Through His Divine Son, and you will know your responsibility in that regard.

The last link is a link to this page, so to send this whole compendium to someone, you should just send the last link to let them have the whole series.

Anna has two books. They are both very important to freedom. Here are the links.

"Disclosure 101" is a compilation of some of her earlier writings: Disclosure 101

"You Know Something Is Wrong When... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" is the blockbuster you need to read. This book blows the lid off the corrupt corporate entity calling itself our Federal government, and shows the entire history of Fraud, Deception, Threat, Duress, Coercion, and Intimidation the perpeTRAITORS have used to steal our entire heritage and prosperity for over 150 years: Get it Here at Amazon

To see the articles from Judge Anna on the same day they come out, and to be able to comment on those articles, you need to subscribe to the Lincoln County Watch Blog. Here is the address to go to the blog.

INTRODUCTION: Notice To Congress

1. My Dear Archbishop George

2. The Nut is Cracked

3. For a Deeper Understanding

4. Open Letter to Karen Hudes

5. Final Judgment and Civil Orders

6. Final Judgment with Addendums

7. Civil Orders 6 10 2014

8. Civil Orders 7 4 2014

9. Notice of Default

10. Regarding "Political Action"

11. The Cheapest, Most Efficient Prison of all, Your Mind

12. I am Your Anchorbaby

13. Defined: The Source of the Fraud! From the Beginning!

14. To the adults in the room

15. An in depth explanation of the games that have been played on the American sovereigns

16. Open letter to Jack Lew Secretary of the Treasury

17. Starting at first base

18. Second base What "They" have done "For" You

19. Third base The Guilty Parties

20. General Civil Orders

21. (W)rit of Assistance and Affidavit of Truth

22. Signed - Sealed - Proof of Delivery

23. Confirmation of Delivery by USPS

24. Final Judgment and Civil Orders with Final Addendums updated 10-14-14

25. Live People seal documents with an autograph; Corporations use signatures

26. The Real Criminals

27. US Corporation Fraud: Why the Courts are at Fault

28. US Corporation Fraud: What Can Be Done

29. What is the Constitution?

30. Your Offer to Contract is Rejected

31. Did you give your Consent to any of this?

32. Role of the Trustee - Members of Congress

33. Anna's Vetted Notice to the World

34. Anna's Will to the American People

35. Anna's Letter to Angela Merkel

36. Words of Wisdom from Anna

37. Sovereignty vs 515 members of Congress

38. Just So You Know

39. How the US Corporation changes shells

40. Dissecting the Maze

41. Honor ... The Lack of..

42. The Constitution is a LAW for rulers and the people in war and peace.

43. The Rod Class Case

44. One more time…Judge Anna attempts to Straighten out the old man.

45. A lot of information for individual people

46. The “Condo Association” Analogy – Re: the united States

47. Removing the Fangs

48. A statement of fact for the Bundy family in Nevada

49. Writ of Quo Warranto
I can't verify yet that the above document was authored by Anna von Reitz but it sounds like it might be.

50. Dear John - Regarding the IRS

51. Top 5 Banking Acts – UNITED STATES of AMERICA Inc Released from Bankruptcy July 1, 2013

52. Kevin Annett vs. Russell Means, Leonard Peltier, and Me — Or What’s Real –

53. Many politicians are just now beginning to wake up

54. America is a corporation and the state owns your children

55. Look up Public Laws governing Citizen’s Arrest in your state; get ready to use them.

56. The federal fiat U.S. dollar VS. The New Treasury Dollar

57. An Update from Anna von Reitz

58. The specific details of how you were defrauded

59. Declaration of Law by Anna Von Reitz

60. They cannot say that they were not told the truth!

61. The Civil Judge Advocates Council

62. Relief Is NOT Remedy

63. Before Things Get Out of Hand

64. In our quest for a “JUST” Society – Judge Anna von Reitz offers the following:

65. Public Order Document  http://public-order-with-cover-2.pdf

66. Public Order Timeline Document

67. Top 12 Steps to regain your Estate

68. Public Notice - Buyer Beware

68. Acting as a judge of a superior court

69. Folks, think about what you are doing

70. The Fourteenth Amendment Hoax

71. Alaska State Superior Court Judge, Anna von Reitz

72. Public Notice to Law Enforcement

73. Wait a Moment - How can it be illegal for people to get married?

74. It's In The Box

75. Anna von Reitz shares an important document

76. Another Book coming from Anna von Reitz

76. The "Pope" in America

77. The Correct Gun Control Argument

78. The Diabolical Nature of What Has Been Done

79. For the [Stupid] Love of Money

80. Here You Go.... Hot Off the Presses from Judge Anna

81. Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 1

82. Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 2

83. The Importance of County Sheriffs

84. Affidavit of Obligation and Commercial Lien against the American Bar Association

85. The actual document of the Affidavit of Obligation and Commercial Lien against the American Bar Association

86. Dead Man Pays Multiple Mortgages 34 Years After His Death -- Notice to Sheriffs, Troopers, FBI, Militia

87. New Post About Karen Hudes and "The Rule of Law"

88. Be aware, a huge war is going on"

89. So What Does It All Mean?"

90. A Reply to Karen Hudes"

91. Far Behind the Curve - For Marge"

92. Begin at the Beginning

93. An Open Letter to General Dunford and the Joint Chiefs of Staff

94. Judge Anna on the Second Amendment

95. Open Letter to Sheriff Ward

How the Secret Goverment Works

  steven_greer_from_video    Dr. Steven Greer 11-21-15:   “How the Secret Government Works”

Dr. Greer has been involved in the highest levels of governments and military for over 25 years and will share what he has learned on the who, what, where and why of UFO secrecy and the deep transnational security state and the constellation of illegal projects that are currently operating.




Published on Nov 23, 2015

Join the founder of the global Disclosure movement, Dr. Steven Greer, in Washington D.C. for a unique opportunity to listen to the most comprehensive and explosive expose of UFO secrecy ever presented! 


Bill Gates to face trial in India

Rothschild Czar Bill Gates To Face Trial In India: Millions Of Children Poisoned By Vaccine!

Posted by:

bill gates vaccine

Alright Billy Bop..... Time to get ready for one of these ties... So start getting used of this idea .... they come custom fitted...
Image result for hangmans rope

Has Bill Gates and his eugenicist foundation’s crimes against humanity finally caught up with him? If the Supreme Court of India has anything to say about it, he will face the ramifications of poisoning millions of Indian children with vaccines.

A recent report published by Health Impact News shows that a vaccine empire built on lies can only go on for so long. The reports states:

“While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news  in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet.” 

Autism & Brain Damage Caused By Big Pharma Vaccine!

Breaking => U.S. Federal Court Rules Autism & Brain Damage Caused By Big Pharma Vaccine!


It is clear that the stance from mainstream science is that there is no link between vaccines and autism. You can find more about that here. But for many people this does not dispel all concern.

Dr. Hooker, PhD, PE says that the recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study on vaccines and autism is “perhaps the most flawed and disingenuous study” he has ever encountered.

Given the number of firsthand cases that make their rounds stating that children are immediately affected by certain vaccines, and parents are noticing something is ‘wrong’ suddenly with their child, it is easy to see why people are still concerned.

In every vaccine and autism link article we have on CE, there are many comments from parents stating that they watched their child change within hours and days of getting certain vaccines.

So is there truly reason to be concerned? Are we just paranoid? Or is there something we have not figured out completely yet?

Regardless of the droves of faithful people hanging onto every word the CDC gives them about the safety of vaccines, I think it is incredibly important that we look at all of the information that truly exists and make our own educated decision.

Many claim it is dangerous to question vaccines, and I have been threatened on many occasions for writing about it, but it isn’t going to take away the fact that people are being damaged by vaccines.

That is a cold hard fact that every parent needs to know before deciding to vaccinate their child.

The truth is, there have been several court cases where families have been granted damage payouts due to what vaccines and their ingredients have done to their children.  The cases are directly linked to autism and brain damage, and each injury has been deemed “caused by vaccines.” 

Below I have supplied three links to court cases. Please take the time to check out each one to understand them further.
Is there more evidence linking vaccines to autism? Yes. While some studies exist to state that there is no link between vaccines and autism, I have found several that do show a link.

Given the existence of these studies and their results, I think we need to truly examine whether or not vaccines are safe and if it makes sense for us to blindly follow what we are told to do when it comes to vaccines regardless of the dangers.

I can already hear the comments that will come in from people stating the dangers of this post and that this is some conspiracy, but it is not. Realize that this is much more of a real and serious issue than many think.

Below is what I have come across in terms of studies, thanks to the tireless research of people out there who care about uncovering the truth.

Read more at:

Putin Warns Obama


President Vladimir Putin and President Barack Obama       
Paris, France   30 Nov 2015

A sensational report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that President Putin, during a private meeting with 'president' Barack Obama earlier today in Paris, presented to America’s leader a 23rd November document written by the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church under the authority of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia proclaiming that the “Times of the Messiah” have now begun.  

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill (far right) at the 23 Nov 2015 meeting of the Supreme Church Council

According to this MoFA report, this extraordinary Supreme Church Council “end of times” document was initiated nearly 5 years ago at the behest of Israel’s top religious leader, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky who, even before this document was finished last week, became so concerned about it that he warned the Jewish peoples all over the world this past July that the Messiah was soon to come—and named a date of significance to be 12 September 2015, the exact date President Putin formally authorized Aerospace Forces to begin bombing in Syria—and which began on 30 September.   

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (center, seated), July, 2015, Warning His Followers That The Arrival Of The Messiah Is Imminent

The main substance of this “end of times” document presented to 'president' Obama by President Putin today, this report continues, concerns the prophecies made in the 18th century by one of histories most powerful Jewish scholars, Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman (Rabbi Elija ben Solomon) who is also known as Vilna Gaon—the genius of Vilna.

And most critical of these prophecies made by Vilna Gaon that exactly pertains to today’s world events, this report states, and examined in depth by both the Supreme Church Council and Rabbi Kanievsky was the one he gave shortly before his death in 1797 that warned:

When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.”

Contemporaneous wood block printed depiction 
of Vilna Gaon circa 1790

Important to note about this Vilna Gaon prophecy, too, this report says, are that there are two translations of it, the second being:

When the ships of the kingdom of Russia will cross the Dardanelles you [Israel] should dress in Sabbath clothes because this means that the arrival of the Messiah is close. When you see the Russian armies begin to move southward and enter Turkey, put on your Sabbath garments and get ready to welcome the Messiah.”

Together with the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, this report explains, the Dardanelles connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea which is a vital transit route for Russian Naval ships conducting their mission against Islamic State terrorists, and which many believe Turkey may close—and should that happen would mean an immediate invasion of Turkey by Russia to reopen it.

As to the methods employed by Vilna Gaon in making this prophecy, this report continues, centers upon his genius level intelligence first exhibited when he was a child, and by the time he was an adult made him one of the greatest scholars of Jewish mathematical-religious studies the world has ever known—an art that was only recently rediscovered in 1994 by the publication of the scientific article titled “Equidistant letter sequences in the Book of Genesis”. 

Known more popularly in today’s culture as the Bible Code (or Torah Code), this report further explains Vilna Gaon discovered a set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah and this hidden code has been described as a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message.

Contributing to this Supreme Church Council’s document now in the possession of 'president' Obama, this report concludes, was the Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum in Vilnius, Lithuania, and the Federal Security Services (FSB) historical archives—and which upon these documents being discovered in 2014 Russian FSB researchers were then provided not only to the Church, but also to the great-grandson of Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch

And even though this report doesn’t speculate on what 'president' Obama will do with this “Times of the Messiah” document, it is important to note that with Russia’s retaking of Crimea in March 2014 and now war appearing likely to occur at any moment between Russia and Turkey, one would surely hope that even in today’s world God’s warnings and messages to humanity will be heeded. 

Sorcha Faal