The Autism Action Network wishes to remind everyone that this is the perfect opportunity to apply pressure to our so-called leaders in Washington to begin addressing the issues regarding the causes of autism, and what can be done in terms of prevention and treatment.
With the notable exception of Florida Congressman Bill Posey, our elected representatives have done little or nothing to investigate the epidemic or take any meaningful action towards resolving it.
The Autism Action Network is urging voters to contact congressmen from their states and ask them:
"What have you done since the last election in your capacity as a member of Congress to help find the causes of autism, develop effective prevention and treatment, improve educational outcomes, and improve the lives of people with autism. Please be specific."
Consumer healthcare researcher Catherine Frompovich is also asking citizens to send the following question to the presidential candidates:
"What will you do, if elected into office, to investigate and to stop the fraud and collusion regarding vaccine research, plus the dissemination of fraudulent vaccine science and data by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?"
Frompovich recommends referring anyone asking for proof of the fraud to the following video:
Those with questions should also be urged to watch the documentary Vaxxed.
The evidence won't go away
The evidence continues to mount regarding the CDC and FDA's collusion with the vaccine industry to hide the truth concerning the link between childhood vaccines and the increasing incidence of autism in America.In fact, the CDC has ignored the results of 165 studies showing that the thimerosal (mercury) added to vaccines as a preservative is harmful and does indeed increase the risk of autism.
Even one study conducted by the CDC's own epidemiologists showed a "7.6-fold elevated relative risk of autism from exposure to thimerosal during infancy."
But the CDC's current stance on thimerosal is based on only six specific studies it coauthored and sponsored – studies which, according to research published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) were "flawed," and in direct contradiction of more than 75 years of scientific research.
And, as Congressman Posey relates in the above video, whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, has revealed that the CDC actually instructed its own researchers to omit evidence of the link between thimerosal and autism in one of the agency's studies.
The only feasible explanation for this is that the CDC is attempting to protect the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry.
The documentary Vaxxed explores this story in detail, which is obviously why so much effort was put into preventing its widespread distribution and its inclusion in the lineup of the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival.
Even though the CDC, FDA and vaccine industry shills continue to claim that thimerosal is safe, the evidence of the truth is becoming harder to suppress; too many experts and whistleblowers have come forward at this point to allow the secret to be hidden any longer.
Send a message to Washington: 'Acknowledge the problem or we will vote you out'
But so far, our elected leaders in Washington have refused to acknowledge the facts.That's why it's so important – on the eve of the next elections – to let them know that we demand a full review of the issue, along with the taking of necessary actions, or else we will use our votes to throw them out of office.
Too many children have already suffered from the effects of vaccine poisoning; we cannot allow this to continue any longer.
Sources: (AutismActionNetwork)