Monday, April 24, 2017

A Very Important Announcement--- The Nature of the Battle

By Anna Von Reitz

This morning it comes across my desk that the foreign organization calling itself "General Post Office" is assembling an "army" to invade the Continental United States. 
Let me point out that no such foreign entity has any right to be on our soil ---and that includes the forces of the UN Corp and NATO and the US ARMY. 
We are not allowing any additional illegal commercial mercenary actions to take place on our soil and we don't care who is trying to do it or under whatever name or NAMES they are seeking to accomplish these venal ends.  You can call yourselves God, Mother, and Apple Pie for all I care and the answer is still the same.  You have no right to be here causing trouble on our soil.
Just because they got away with it during the so-called Civil War and succeeded in getting us to stupidly fight against each other instead of dispatching the perpetrators of these illegal "wars" doesn't mean that they are going to pull it a second time. 
We will not fight among ourselves, but will draw the distinction and the line very clearly for all the world to see. 
The foreign corporations inhabiting the foreign jurisdiction of the Municipality of Washington and the District of Columbia have nothing whatsoever to do with the American states or their people---- these entities are subcontractors who are supposed to be here providing "essential government services" in Good Faith. 
Judge for yourselves if they are doing that and who the aggressors and criminals are? 
This is a criminal matter--- not a political one.
And it needs to be addressed in terms of crime and it will be. 
These corporations that are offering to do violence on our soil need to be liquidated and the person(s) uniquely responsible for doing that duty are Pope Francis and the Roman Curia. This is because they created all forms of corporations that exist in this world and they are responsible for making sure that they operate lawfully. 
If they fail to pull the plug and the funding of the "General Post Office" and the "UN Corp" and any other corporation that offers to harm us---- "JAPAN", "Raytheon", "General Electric" or any other incorporated organization bent on harming actual people and our land, then it is clear to the entire world that they are part of the problem, not the solution.  
These corporations have one duty--- to fulfill the contractual obligations created by the actual constitution; instead, they are fighting among themselves and making all sorts of insupportable claims about land, gold, and other assets that belong to the American states and people and not to them at all.
Enough of this ridiculous situation. 
The land belongs to us as it always has and titles taken and enforced under color of law and in breach of trust and under conditions of self-evident deceit and fraud are crimes.  Nothing more. 
Today, it is possible to simply cut the availability of funds to such organizations and dissolve their charters---- deny them the ability to exist and identify them as outlaw organizations, aka, international crime syndicates--- and in very short order, they cease to exist in any effective sense of the word. 
Any assets then revert to their creditors and in this case, the American states and people are the priority creditors bar none. 
For those faithful militiamen and others who are concerned and "getting ready"---- being ready for whatever comes is always a good idea and Nature does not absolve us from that responsibility--- but this is not a battle of arms and armies.  This is a battle of truth against falsehood and fact against fiction----criminal corporations against the organic states and people of the entire world. 
Participants in any commercial mercenary action on our shores will be identified simply as what they are-----criminals, whether they wear uniforms or not.  And we could care less what flag they fly or what ditty they whistle. 
Anyone including the Pope who fails to take drastic action to prevent any such unpleasantness is a criminal also, as an accomplice to the crime. 
So use your mouths to get the word out and raise your voices and point your fingers at the actual source of the problem----- dishonest politicians and dishonest international bankers making insupportable "claims on abandonment" and seeking unjust enrichment.

If the Pope fails his duty to liquidate the offending corporations causing these dangers and problems, then point your fingers at the Pope, too.  Don't bother to fight among yourselves.  Just hunt down the politicians and the bankers responsible and bring them to trial for crimes against humanity.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website


Anonymous said...

will we ever get to enforcement ? cause to date these criminal psychopaths are still getting away with murder rape theft no matter how true and correct the paper work is

Unknown said...

Please Re enter your link to your original post / link is bad URL or no space between http://www please n thank you - Great Honest Truthful Report