Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Reptilians in the U.S.A. 'government'

President Bush's Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials

Once in a while we receive inquiries concerning aliens and, in particular, about the reptilians. Though this information pertains to reports about the former President George Bush administration, we are providing it to illustrate how the 'government' of the U.S.A. (crime syndicate corporation) was purported to be heavily infiltrated at the 'top' with the shape shifting reptilian race.  If true, this then would mean that the people have no say-so over the affairs of their nation and their lives, as all is under the control of the enemy of mankind.  If anyone can provide additional information to either deny or support the information below, please contact us at our email addresses at the top of the website.
Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson -- High Order Reptilian 
Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled 

Secretary of State Colin Powell -- Reptilian of the Highest Order
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian
    President Bush's Advisors
             White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card
             Director of the Office of Management and Budget
             Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled
             National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type

             Senators of the 107th Congress  
             Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian

             Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian
             Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type
             Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian
             Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian
             Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported
             Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported
             Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian
             Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side)
             Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported
             Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) -- Alien/other type
             Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type
             Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported
             Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian
             Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported
             Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian
             Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian
             Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported
             Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type
             Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian
             Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office
             Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office              

             Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type
             Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported
             Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian
             Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian
             Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian
             Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type
             McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid
             Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type
             Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported
             Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) -- Reptilian of very high office /
             Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type
             Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type
             Specter, Arlen (R - PA) Very high reptilian
             Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type
             Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader

             Reptilian's in the House (Not exactly The West Wing)
         House of Representatives:        

             Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of
             other aliens)           
             Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed)            
             Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type)          
             Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian)             
             Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type)             
             Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian)             
             Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office)           
             Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office)
             Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of    

             Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office)             
             Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian -- very
             high order)            
             Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type)            
             Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type)             
             Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer)            
             Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order)             
             Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out
             his  secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously)             
             Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order)           
             Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian)                       
             Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian)           
             DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order)            
             DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet    

             Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order)                          
             English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander)

             Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order)             
             Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type)                   
             Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order)           
             Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid)             
             Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type)            
             Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order)             
             Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader)            
             Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader)            
             Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type)             
             Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order)             
             Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command
             Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type)           
             Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command)             
             Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced)            
             Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command)

             Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order)            
             Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian)            
             Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order)            
             Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order)                   
             McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order) 
             McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order)                       
             Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order)                      
             Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme    

             Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order)             
             Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order)            
             Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --Very High Order)                          
             Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian)           
             Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order)            
             Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian)            
             Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian)
             Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order)                           
             Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type)                         
             Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian)                        
             Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order)             
             Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order)                     
             Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order)             
             Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order)                          
             Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type)             
             Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian)

Liddell appointed as one of Donald Trump's assistants

New Zealander appointed on Trump Team

Kiwi businessman Chris Liddell appointed as one of
Donald Trump's assistants
  Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
New Zealand businessman Chris Liddell. Picture / Doug Sherring.
New Zealand businessman Chris Liddell. Picture / Doug Sherring.
New Zealand businessman Christopher Liddell has been appointed to a powerful positionin Donald Trump's White House.
Liddell - one of New Zealand's most accomplished businessmen - has been announced as an assistant to the President and director of strategic initiatives. The 58-year-old will lead new White House Strategic Development Group - dubbed the
"White House think tank" - which has been tasked with bringing Trump's big picture 
transformative change items to fruition. He will also interface with private sector forums.
Liddell's appointment was announced along with that of Reed Cordish, who is an Assistant to the President for Intra-governmental and Technology Initiatives.

"Chris Liddell and Reed Cordish have led large complex companies in the private sector, and have played instrumental roles throughout the transition," said President-elect Trump. "Their skill sets are exactly what is needed to effect substantial change, including system wide improvement to the performance of the government.  I am delighted that they will be part of my executive team."

"It is an honor to take on this role for the President-elect and the country," Liddell said. The announcement comes just days ahead of Trump's inauguration as the 45th president of the United States and at a time when the American public is looking to the president-elect and his Administration to put the polarizing campaign behind them and get down to business.

Liddell - who served as executive director of transition planning for Mitt Romney's
Presidential campaign - joins the Trump Administration armed with huge experience preparing the prior Republican candidate.

A book he co-authored after the 2012 election - Romney Readiness Project: Retrospective and Lessons Learned - has been taken as a bible for presidential transition planning.

During the transition period, Liddell has been the Special Adviser on Presidential

Liddell joins other key players as Assistants to the President including chief strategist
Stephen K. Bannon. Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, and White House Chief of Staff
Reince Priebus, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Director of the National Trade Policy Council Peter Navarro, Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn, and, Homeland Security and counter terrorism Adviser Thomas Bossert.​ Liddell is the chairman of New Zealand accounting software firm Xero. Its chief executive, Rod Drury, said he and the team were very proud of Liddell.

"We're just really excited for Chris, it's a great opportunity and to have a New Zealander  in that role is I think really good for New Zealand." Drury said Xero was awaiting direction from the White House on whether Liddell could remain on with Xero. "We don't have clarity on that yet so we're just seeing what he can and can't do outside, so we'll work through that over the next few days. "If it does turn out he's not allowed to do external directorships we do have good planning in place so we're not too concerned." Asked if he had concerns about Liddell working for such a controversial figure as Trump,  Drury said: "We don't have a view we're just excited for Chris that he's that close to power.  Chris has strong Kiwi values and I think it can only be a really positive appointment for everybody."
Liddell has a distinguished international business career spanning roles as chief financial officer from companies ranging from General Motors, to Microsoft and International Paper, and counts helping engineer one of the biggest share market listings in history -- the US$23 billion float of General Motors, as a career highlight.

In 2014 he became CFO of US talent agency WME/IMG, which went onto buy the Miss Universe Organisation -- the owner of pageants including Miss Universe and Miss USA -- from then US presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
In a television interview late last year, Liddell said he expected people would see a more moderate Donald Trump presidency "than the one seen on the campaign trail."
"People focus on the president, as they should, because the president's the single most important person, but the president works through these huge numbers of other people running various departments and so forth, so who he starts to surround himself, how he manages those people, will define his success."

Liddell is now in a position to help define Trump's success. As he told TVNZ's Q&A programme: "Donald Trump's a very atypical president.  He's not a traditional Republican. He's not a traditional Democrat.  He's a mixture of both of them.  "And if you want to take an optimistic view, and I'm optimistic, I think he will actually come up with some policies that both sides will be willing to look at."

MLK’s son and Trump discuss national voting card ID

MLK’s son and Trump discuss national voting card ID MLK’s son and Trump discuss national voting card ID 

The solution to all the illegal 'voting' in our nation?

Jan 16, 2017 
Martin Luther King III, the son of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, has met with president-elect Donald Trump to discuss a national voting ID card.

The meeting coincides with Martin Luther King Day, and King III said they had “a constructive meeting,” on Monday about the “broken election system and we believe our solution… will give everyone an ID.”

Martin Luther King III and President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower

 Martin Luther King Jr and Donald Trump
meet at Trump Tower

King’s son wrote in his Op-ed in the Washington Post at the weekend about the broken electoral system that was hampered by legislative efforts to make it harder to vote. His solution is a national identification card, an idea supported by previous presidents and civil rights activists.

“All Trump has to do is direct the Social Security Administration to add a photo to the Social Security card of any citizen who needs it,” Martin Luther King III wrote in the Op-ed. “The likely cost of this move –about $18 million – would be virtually insignificant given the benefit of ensuring that every citizen has the opportunity to exercise his or her right to vote.” 

Many African American leaders see the distribution of a free government ID as a critical boost to low-income Americans who cannot open a bank account without one. The lack of an ID not only makes it more difficult to vote in several states, but it also often makes individuals dependent on check-cashing operations that charge high commissions.

King declined to get drawn into the Lewis-Trump dispute, saying "in the heat of emotion, a lot of things get said on both sides." 


2 More Days Until the Inauguration! - Revised for card signing

Wasn't accepting signatures  - Try new http address below ..

Paid for by the Republican National Committee. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.

HUGE: TRUMP to Include Bloggers & Alt Media in PRESS BRIEFS - MOVES PRES...

Exclusive: Trump Operative Roger Stone Survives Assassination Attempt

Doctors suspect longtime political adviser poisoned with radioactive substance used to murder spies

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone was recently targeted for assassination, he revealed on the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show.

The renowned Republican operative says he’s usually very healthy, but became violently ill unexpectedly several weeks ago.

“I am generally a healthy person. I have been a runner and a weight lifter. I am very careful in my diet. I’m a user of the Infowars supplements. I have been treated with acupuncture by perhaps the greatest acupuncturist in the state of Florida if not the United States,” Stone told radio host Alex Jones.

Stone went on to describe that his symptoms presented themselves first as a “routine stomach virus,” but that he eventually grew “exceedingly ill.”
“So I ultimately went to the doctors at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach, my own personal physician. They conducted extensive blood tests. Those blood tests were passed on to CDC.”

“The general consensus is that I was poisoned,” Stone says.
“I was poisoned with, they now say, a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium. This made me exceedingly ill. The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill.”

Polonium-210 is a radioactive substance that releases extremely harmful alpha particles throughout the body producing cancer-causing free radicals. It has been used in numerous high profile assassinations, including that of former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko, and was suspected in the death of former PLO leader Yassar Arafat.
Stone went on to contemplate who may have been behind the possible assassination attempt, fingering Democrat opposition and the intel community.
“Who would want to do this to me? I am an enemy of the deep state. I think people know that I was an insider in American politics I was close to power in nine presidential elections. Everything Glenn Greenwald says [about the “deep state”] is true,” Stone claimed, referring to a recent The Intercept article which outlined how the intelligence community is attempting to stifle Trump.

“The Republican/Democrat Bush Clinton deep state has manufactured this Russia fraud. They have compounded it by pushing a clearly fabricated document.”

“Perhaps the fact that I’m effective on behalf of my beliefs has something to do with it,” Stone theorizes.

James Okeefe Exposes Leftist Terror Threats

Dear Doctor Trowbridge.....


from Anna Von Reitz

The Final Straw from Dr. John Parks Trowbridge: 
I want all of my readers to read this updated posting from Dr. Trowbridge.  For the past three years he has been dueling with the so-called "federal courts" which are indeed nothing more than corporate municipal courts and are not vested with any authority related to us, our states, or our judicial powers. 
Dr. Trowbridge has exposed the seedy underbelly of the "UNITED STATES" incorporated, which is nothing but a private, for-profit, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation operated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on our shores, and he has also exposed the treasonous "Oath Tampering" of its Board of Directors, masquerading as members of a legitimate and lawfully organized "Congress" in 1991.
Indeed, John Parks Trowbridge has fought the good fight.
The one aspect of this circumstance which he has not taken into consideration is that all their actions against him and against other Americans depend upon falsification of public records (Birth Certificates) enabling these Grifters to "presume" that we are all "voluntarily submitting" to their municipal jurisdiction and that we are not owed the guarantees of the actual Constitution as a result. 
We are not now and the vast majority of us have never been either "United States Citizens" (Territorial Citizens) nor "citizens of the United States" (Municipal CITIZENS)---but our names have been "registered" as such and we have been falsely held under the legal presumptions that apply in that foreign international jurisdiction as a result. 
Unable to change or overcome our actual Constitution, the treasonous corporate vermin have instead connived to mischaracterize each one of us and to falsely claim that we have knowingly and willingly volunteered to serve as "citizens" in their "democracy" instead of living as non-citizen American state nationals in the republic we are owed. 
And that fundamental fraud is what underlies all that Dr. Trowbridge and many other honest Americans have detected and experienced.  These dishonest "courts" are not offering to try John Parks Trowbridge, but a corporate franchise ACCOUNT named after him: JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE, or a bankrupt public utility franchise ACCOUNT also named after him: JOHN P. TROWBRIDGE by the perpetrators of this vast, convoluted scheme.
Congressional Record: June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646------ "A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust set up for the welfare of freed plantation slaves in the wake of the Civil War), the private constructive, cestui que vie trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.
There--- once and for all --- in plain English--- is what a "citizen of the United States" is: a dead legal fiction entity presumed to be operating as a recipient of federal corporation welfare benefits in exchange for guaranteeing ( underwriting and acting as a surety for) the debts of the USA, Inc. and the US, Inc., both.
There, too, is the explanation of how you are being enslaved and "presumed upon" by these vermin.  As a "citizen of the United States" you are on the hook for paying their debts and presumed to be operating a public trust franchise, a Cestui Que Vie constructive trust named after you under the JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE ACCOUNT or to be a bankrupt public transmitting utility franchise operating under the JOHN P. TROWBRIDGE ACCOUNT.  
These criminals are getting away with these frauds and deceits and operating these "courts" as private debt collection agencies in behalf of the creditors of "JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE" (benefiting the US, Inc.) and "JOHN P.TROWBRIDGE" (which isn't even a legal name for lack of specificity, benefiting the USA, Inc.) under color of law. 
This has been going on for 150 years, ever since the close of the so-called "American Civil War" which was never declared and which was never ended by any peace treaty and which is therefore nothing but an illegal and illicit commercial mercenary action on our shores.
They have usurped upon our rightful jurisdiction----the land and the undelegated portion of international jurisdiction, too---and promoted global enslavement and false indebtedness--via the pernicious practice of registering people as "things"---- Cestui Que Vie trusts and bankrupt public transmitting utility franchises---without the victim's knowledge or consent. They seize upon us when we are babies in our cradles, force our Mothers to sign undisclosed contracts, and register our given names as franchises of corporations indebted to them. 
And, because there is no law against enslaving a corporate fiction or robbing a corporate fiction or falsely arresting a corporate fiction, they have made very merry on our shores, operating this con game and substituting their private corporation for the public government we are owed. 
Doctor Trowbridge, you are wasting your time making arguments "in Law" against vermin operating "at law".  In their fraudulent system of things, JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE has already consented to their municipal jurisdiction and submitted his body, soul, and any other assets he may have or earn to serve their benefit and not his own.  In their fraudulent system of things, JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE has owed an insurmountable debt from the day of his birth---which is not the day you were born, but the date your given name was registered (filed) as property belonging to them and offered for the benefit of their creditors.  In their fraudulent, foreign system of things, JOHN PARKS TROWBRIDGE is --- by definition --- a criminal, already convicted, and all that is left for them to discuss is how much he owes their masters and how long they may put him in jail.
And now, without further adieu, may we all agree that the Pope and the British Monarch and the Lord Mayor of London, all of whom have acted in Gross International Breach of Trust with respect to the America people since 1822, are to be recognized as criminals for creating and promoting and using and abusing this system of fraud and mischaracterization and operating it throughout the world?  That they are to be universally condemned for the practice of preying upon helpless babies and alleging false and self-interested contracts against them and their parents? 
Dear Doctor Trowbridge, I could weep for the beauty of your logic and your research, because except for the erudition of the ignorant concerning what should be honored by any honest court--- I know it is beyond hope to expect these private bill collection agencies being run as courts under color of law to respond to your complaint.
Even among the Bar Association Members bright enough to understand what you are saying, there isn't the courage or the honor or the strength of character necessary for these men and women to denounce what has gone on here. To do so would be to admit their own guilt and without the power to guarantee their safety, you cannot expect them to yield.  At most you may expect a private settlement and the dismissal of any charges held against you, the return of your house, and a quick sideways scuttle like cockroaches fleeing the light. 

And that, I think, is not your object, Sir.  I think that you, like me, are determined to see correction of this entire system of things and that nothing but an end to business as usual for these con artists will do. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website