Saturday, June 18, 2016

U.S. Navy Held Meetings With Transhumanist



By Joseph Jankowski

The U.S. Navy has held meetings with American 'presidential' hopeful and transhumanist Zoltan Istvan to discuss the possibility of implanting humans with microchips fitted with global positioning (GPS) technology, reports The Sun.

According to Vice Admiral Wisecup, who has retired from full-time service to work in a Navy department called the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group, the meeting broadened “our understanding of the merger of humans and machines.”  “A bunch of navy officers came to my house and one of the main topics was this chip implant strategy,” transhumanist and futurist Istvan said.

Zoltan Istvan is currently running for 'president of the United States' as a part of the Transhumanist Party. The Transhumanist Party aims to “uphold the energy and political might of millions of transhumanist advocates out there who desire to use science and technology to significantly improve their lives.”

Istvan told The Sun that the Navy is worried that soldiers could enter service with chips already implanted into them and is “struggling to create policy” around this issue.  “You can imagine how challenging that would be if someone had a non-authorized chip implant on a nuclear base, so policy has to be created and created soon,” says Istvan.  I helped the US Navy do some policy work on this issue.

The 'presidential candidate' believes that within 10 to 15 years artificial intelligence will advance to the point of solving all of civilization’s most vexing problems, including death, and he has even traveled around America in an “immortality bus” mocked up like a coffin to promote his ideas. (should we be surprised at that?!) According to Istvan, the military has already experimented with chipping soldiers “so they can be tracked.”  “It’s crazy to me that we don’t develop it and use it in ourselves (humans) more, and especially in our children,” says the transhumanist.  (Are they considering at all what would happen when the EMP explodes and all that glass and radiation is moved throughout the human body, and radiation sores are growing throughout?  Apparently not - the igmoes.)

Istvan believes that GPS microchipping could be beneficial to parents who want to be able to keep track of their children and could have allowed investigators to find the body of Lane Graves who was killed in an alligator attack in just a matter of minutes.  “As a father of a two and five-year-old, I’m a big believer in the future that all children will get chipped, perhaps like all children get vaccines in the US,” Istvan told The Sun.

Joseph Jankowski is a contributor for Planet Free  (As it is right now, those vaccines are creating all manner of cancers and other abnormaladies in children, including autism, paralysis, even death, and he wants to risk this with radioactive chips in the body?) His works have been published by recognizable alternative news sites like,, and

NEIL KEENAN : How Many Times, How Many Ways…

How Many Times, How Many Ways…

Published on Jun 15, 2016
The Keenan Team

Response From ANONYMOUS Regarding Neil Keenan

Response From ANONYMOUS Regarding Neil Keenan

Published on Jun 15, 2016
Response From ANONYMOUS Regarding Neil Keenan
by Neil Keenan
June 15, 2016

In case you need another reason

What are the odds of catching this on film?

In case you need another
reason not to jump out of
a perfectly good airplane.....

Neither the pilot nor the skydiver was seriously injured when they hit the ground, according a local Sheriff's Office.

Both men were taken to a hospital. The skydiver was treated and released and the pilot was being held for observation overnight.

Both men received a badly needed change of underwear!!!

Illuminati Child Sacrifice in Denver on June 20th!

Illuminati  Child  Sacrifice  in  Denver  on  June  20th!   Pray!

Proof of the Illuminati Human Sacrifices Hit Mainstream News!   

Denver Colorado on June 20  each year at 12:00 am - 3:00 am mountain time known as the “Summer and Winter Solstice” the Illuminati Council of 13 Bankers hold their “Tiffany Lamp meetings”. 

These known satanists perform Human Sacrifices as part of their satanic rituals at the Old Navarre, a former Whore House and Casino located at 1725-1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado, across from the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.
The Navarre   1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado 80202 

They enter the Old Navarre through the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel.  Down a ramp between the restrooms is a door that is unlocked that enters a tunnel that goes across the street to The Navarre.

During these rituals a Human Infant is killed and sacrificed to satan.  The satanists drink the blood of the Infant Human they sacrifice.

IlluminatiThis group is known as the Illuminati Bankers, the U.S. “Shadow Government” leaders who dictate U.S. World Policy, that are known as satanists.  Among them have been George HW Bush, Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, Henry Kissinger, Meyer Rothchild, David Rockefeller, Grace of Grace and Company, Answer Bin, the head Rabbi of Israel and others unnamed.

They hold pre-ritual parties where they have sex with children.  Many of these pre-ritual parties were held at Leonard and Elaine Millman’s house.

Anthony Lavey, son of Anton Lavey, founder Church of satan in America, was castrated by George H. W. Bush and Leonard Millman, among others, at age 13 at the ritual party. Listen to the full one hour interview below.

Anthony Lavey Exposes Bushes!

All of a sudden in America

The following was received today from Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta

Recent Winner Of An Art Contest In The Netherlands

Recently there was an amateur art contest in the Netherlands, and people were invited to create a work of art depicting the current era of multiculturalism in Europe — a depiction of their experience in the modern ‘melting pot’. 

This Was The Winner:
ALL Of A Sudden...Seven Short Years Have Passed!

Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.

• All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools.
• All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.
• All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons.
• All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.
• All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.
• All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.
• All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in "anti-Muslim speech".
• All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like 'workplace violence."
• All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
• All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the middle east, giving rise to ISIS.
• All of a sudden, America has reduced its nuclear stockpiles to 1950 levels, as Obama's stated goal of a nuke-free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.
• All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
• All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.
• All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10 Thunderbolt close air support fighter.  A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress.
• All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unguarded, NONE are in the Middle East.
• All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Jihadists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states.  He demands to close the facility.
• All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.
• All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama's "Syrian refugee" resettlement programs.
• All of sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.
• All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is disarm American Citizens.
 • All of a sudden, the President of the United States cannot attend the Christian Funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments.                                                

 • All of a sudden, I’m sick to my stomach.  I’m not sure the majority of Americans recognize the seriousness of the situation and how much “progress” has been made by Islam these last 7 years, a very brief time compared to a 75 year lifetime!

If you agree, be strong enough to at least forward this to a few friends! 





It is very difficult for those of us in the generation following the generation that fought and sacrificed life and limb to win WWll that saved the freedom we, as a nation, are guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States of America, seeing our elected officials allowing the desecration of the flag of the United States of America.

There are hundreds of thousands of young Americans that gave the ultimate sacrifice that still occupy graves all over Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Philippines, Pearl Harbor, the Islands of the South Pacific and all those who came home in a casket covered with the flag of the United States of America.

Those of us that entered school were taught patriotism, to pledge our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and we sang the national anthem and the anthem of one of the branches of our military every day. 

We learned to respect and appreciate the men and women that served our country and were furious when Vietnam veterans came home and the disgusting draft dodgers spat on them and called them disgusting names.

Those draft dodgers, many of whom now occupy and control Washington D.C., refuse to secure our borders and, as a result, illegals of all descriptions are pouring across our borders that have no intention of assimilating and becoming an American but to enjoy our freedoms and benefits and remain separate and loyal to their faith and country of origin and therefore they are un-American.

The most recent example of this is the out-of-control thugs demonstrating at the Trump rally in San Jose. In an outrageous show of contempt for the very flag of the United States of America they set fire to it, stomped it, all the while waving the Mexican flag. What are the odds that we the people are giving them a welfare check? 

These disgusting low-life dregs of humanity did this to the flag that is draped over the caskets of our fallen heroes.  The Mayor of San Jose should be arrested for letting this atrocity happen.

I submitted President Teddy Roosevelt’s 1907 speech “Becoming an American” several years ago and a couple of times since then as others have also. I submit it again.  It cannot be presented to the public too many times.

“Becoming an American”
 President Theodore Roosevelt

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” 

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

end of author's submission 

NOTE: As Theodore Roosevelt points out in the excerpt above, how should it be possible to refer to oneself as a 'Mexican American' or an 'African American' or as a 'German American' or as any other kind of ****** American?  Either you ARE an 'AMERICAN' - or you are not

If one cannot fully assimilate oneself to BE fully an 'AMERICAN', then perhaps it is advisable for those individuals to go back to where they came from - whether they came here on their own - OR - were brought in to this nation to divide and conquer it and who REFUSE to BECOME an "American".  

We are referring here specifically to 'Mexican Americans' and to 'African Americans' and especially to the muslims who, by their 'political' and 'religious' war, death and destruction belief system will NEVER assimilate fully to become an American.  

If one's native country is THAT important that the nation's name HAS to be inserted BEFORE "American", and one's intentions are to CHANGE our nation to become like what you came here from, and to USE our nation as a financial support system while you do nothing positive to contribute to that system, then we would recommend that you go back to your country and contribute the wealth of knowledge you have learned here in America to making your native country and all of its inhabitants a better nation.  

Most of us AMERICANS would be very supportive in helping you to do that. 

These self serving attitudes and demonstrations of hate and division against America will cause any nation to fall apart.  A nation divided will fall - exactly what the current 'leaders' of America have been and continue to create by their continued creation of 'false flags', division, strife, racial riots, 'ruling' over the people with their 'rule of law' and bypassing our national Republic Constitution altogether, and by their plans to fully implement the coming martial law. WHY would Americans not recognize this and why would Americans allow them to continue with their deceitful plans? Are we not intelligent enough to recognize their 'plan', and are we not able to OVERCOME it?
Iceland's people used their rakes and pitchforks to chase the traitors and bastards out of their government buildings.  Americans are fortunate to have GUNS.  Why do we do NOTHING to turn our nation around, throwing out the thieves and gangsters of the U.S.A. corporation and the "federal reserve bank system" and resurrect our true Republic government?

Perhaps that process is somewhat being implemented right now. We can only hope that Americans are wise enough to recognize the need for certain steps to be taken to accomplish that and to support that process.  If and when accomplished, then our nation will once again UNITE and become AMERICA, the REPUBLIC.

May Americans REPENT before the Lord God Almighty for our personal sins and the sins of our nation, and return this nation back to putting Him at its helm, and may He forgive us and the sins of this nation. Without these steps being taken, this nation is doomed no matter what else may be attempted to be done, and the plans of the enemy to divide and CONQUER will have been accomplished. It won't matter, then, if one is a ******** American because there won't be anything left of America. oo

Funny! Recent Winner Of An Art Contest In The Netherlands - Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta

Recent Winner Of An Art Contest In The Netherlands
Recently there was an amateur art contest in the Netherlands, and people were invited to create a work of art depicting the current era of multiculturalism in Europe — a depiction of their experience in the modern ‘melting pot’. 
                                                This Was The Winner:

                                 ALL Of A Sudden...Seven Short Years Have Passed!
                  Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.
• All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools.
• All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.
• All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons.
• All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.
• All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.
• All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.
• All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in "anti-Muslim speech".
• All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like 'workplace violence."
• All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
• All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the middle east, giving rise to ISIS.
• All of a sudden, America has reduced its nuclear stockpiles to 1950 levels, as Obama's stated goal of a nuke-free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.
• All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
• All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.
• All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10 Thunderbolt close air support fighter.  A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress.
• All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unguarded, NONE are in the Middle East.
• All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Jihadists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states.  He demands to close the facility.
• All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.
• All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama's "Syrian refugee" resettlement programs.
• All of sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.
• All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is disarm American Citizens.
 • All of a sudden, the President of the United States cannot attend the Christian Funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments.                                                   
 All of a sudden, I’m sick to my stomach.  I’m not sure the majority of Americans recognize the seriousness of the situation and how much “progress” has been made by Islam these last 7 years, a very brief time compared to a 75 year lifetime!
    If you agree, be strong enough to at least forward this to a few friends!