Thursday, June 16, 2016

Colloidal Silver - - And The Big Pharma Charade....

 Repost for those that requested this....
Colloidal Silver -- And The Big Pharma Charade....
Posted By: WatchmanDate: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 10:57:25
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Have you heard of a ‘miracle’ product known as colloidal silver? The basic reason for any colloidal silver efficacy and safety controversy is that the medical establishment (medical mafia) and the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) see colloidal silver as a financial threat. While you may have been cautioned against using colloidal silver, know that colloidal silver benefits are tried and true.
Both the medical establishment and Big Pharma have put silver medical products to work in hospital equipment and medical tools as well as anti-infection burn remedies to prevent MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections, which are potentially lethal and have become antibiotic resistant.
Yet the medical establishment promotes fear mongering lies through various media outlets and threatens colloidal silver manufacturers through various federal, state, and local health agencies.
The difference between their medical products and colloidal silver is patent rights that yield royalties for several years. Colloidal silver can be made by anyone with inexpensive equipment and it can’t be patented.
As of January 2009, the EU has banned colloidal silver manufacturing in its European member nations. Whenever Codex Alimentarius gets “harmony” compliance from the USA, the same will happen here.
So now is the right time to stock up and try it yourself or buy a kit permitting you to make it yourself indefinitely.
How Colloidal Silver (CS) Works and Colloidal Silver Benefits...
Many consider colloidal silver an antiseptic and not an antibiotic because it kills more than bacteria; it destroys viruses and eliminates fungal infections. So far, bacteria that are resistant to silver haven’t developed, while colloidal silver can destroy antibiotic-resistant pathogens, even the dreaded MRSA.
As a matter of fact, now the medical mafia has been covertly adding colloidal silver into antibiotics to conquer the super-bug strains that have developed immunity to those antibiotics. I say covertly because they aren’t talking too much about it!
Keep in mind that while antibiotics don’t touch viruses and fungus’s, colloidal silver eliminates them – making colloidal silver benefits incredibly useful. It eliminates anaerobic pathogens by destroying the enzymes that fend off oxygen molecules, thus oxidizing them to death.Conversely, the silver nano-particles neutralize the minority of aerobic pathogens by disrupting their ability to use oxygen. This begs the question: will colloidal silver destroy friendly gut bacteria the way pharmaceutical antibiotics do? Some colloidal silver advocates claim it is so readily assimilated into the blood through the stomach and gut linings before it can linger in the lower intestines where our friendly bacteria mostly reside. Therefore, it isn’t an issue.
Others consider electrical charge bonding as the main factor for eliminating pathogens while sparing gut friendly bacteria. Most friendly bacteria are not negatively charged, eliminating any attraction to the positively charged silver particles.
However, a couple of key colloidal advocates, one from whom I purchased my colloidal silver making machine, don’t think that the intestinal flora issue has been clearly established. They recommend the following:
Have probiotic materials on hand and use them an hour or more after ingesting colloidal silver.
Swish and hold a dose of colloidal silver in your mouth to absorb most of the particles sublingually into the bloodstream through the capillaries under and around your tongue as long as possible before swallowing.
Nebulize the colloidal silver solution, making it go directly into your bloodstream via the lungs blood vessels.
As magnetic scavengers, they don’t have to collide into pathogens by chance the way antibiotics do. Because the tiny colloidal silver particles (colloids) have strong positive charges, they are attracted to or attract negatively charged microbes, including viruses.
How It’s Made
A colloidal silver solution is made from a small electrical current applied to silver strips placed in distilled water. After some time, the distilled water becomes flooded with tiny nanoparticles of silver.
The liquid itself should be clear, and it’s important that it be shielded from sunlight exposure. As the nanoparticles get oxidized from light exposure and they settle out of solution, coloration occurs.
Since colloidal silver may become banned someday, because it’s so effective and safe, it would be wise to purchase the apparatus for making your own to protect you from epidemics, whether incidental or created. Its cost makes future colloidal silver use very cost-effective.
Here a site I have personally used for reasonably priced silver or gold colloidal products and a silver colloidal machine.
Big Pharma’s Colloidal Silver Bad Press
The blue grandpa “smurf” photos of Paul Karason’s Argyria (an almost permanent blue skin disease) has made the mainstream media rounds for anti colloidal silver propagandists.
What isn’t mentioned is that Paul made his own crude large particle colloidal silver and drank at least a pint and up to quart a day for years! The normal dosage is a teaspoonful one to three times daily, depending on the severity of infection.
Another disinformation meme is that the silver accumulates in the kidneys and creates a toxic situation. This would only happen if the kidneys are already defective, and even then accumulation factor has not been actually established or proven. 

Remember 'Kramer' on Seinfield??? "Be proud to be white!"

Be proud to be White !!
 I have been wondering about why Whites are racists,
and no other race is...
               Proud to be White                
Michael Richards makes his point...

Michael Richards better known as Kramer
from TVs' Seinfeld does make a good point.
This was his defense speech in court
after making racial comments in his comedy act.
In it he raised a few interesting points...

Someone finally said it.
But how many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans,
Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans...
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.

You call me 'White boy', 'Cracker', 'Honkey', 'Whitey', 'Caveman'...
And that's OK...
But when I call you Nigger, Kike,
Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink...
You call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you...
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live in?

You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET...

Imagine if we had WET
(White Entertainment Television)...
we'd be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day,
you would call us racists.

If we had White History Month,
we'd be racists.

If we had any organization for whites only to 'advance' OUR lives,
we'd be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that???

A white woman could not be in the
Miss Black American pageant,
but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...
You know we'd be racists.

There are over 60 openly proclaimed
Black Colleges in the US ...
Yet if there were 'White colleges',
that would be a racist college.

In the Million Men March,
you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights,
you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange,
and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride,
you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud...
But you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists???

There is nothing improper
about this e-mail...
But let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
I sadly don't think many will.

That's why
we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS
in this country.
We won't stand up for ourselves!
It's not a crime YET...
But getting very close!

Illegal Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.

'Islamic refugee' caught in U.S. with gas-pipeline plans

Mideastern woman apprehended in New Mexico

How do you suppose this woman came by these highly sensitive plans - what U.S.A. department would have made these available to her??

June 16 2016

In an eerie development on concerns about Islamic terrorism, New Mexico police have apprehended an illegal Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.

According to Judicial Watch, authorities in Luna County – which borders Mexico – pulled the woman over during a traffic stop. The woman was described as an “Islamic refugee.” After the plans were found, county authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces, or JTTF, which has been deployed to the area to investigate.

The pipeline plans include the Deming region, situated about 35 miles north of the Mexican border and with a population of about 15,000. Deming is considered one of the “10 worst places” to live in New Mexico due to drug cartels, gangs, unemployment, poverty and crime.

The constant smuggling across the porous southern border extends beyond drugs. Organizations such as Judicial Watch have documented how Mexican drug traffickers also smuggle Islamic terrorists into the U.S. via remote farm roads or rural airfields. An internal Texas Department of Public Safety report leaked by the media in 2014 documents several members of known Islamist terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing the southern border in recent years.

According to information forwarded to Judicial Watch by a high-ranking Homeland Security official in a border state, Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks. Such jihadists crossing back and forth across the border include a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir has trained hundreds of al-Qaida fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year. He now concentrates on training men to fight in an ISIS base near Ciudad Juárez, situated in the U.S.-Mexico border region.

An article appeared in an Italian newspaper in which Khabir brags how easy it is to stake out U.S. targets. He says the border region is so open that he “could get in with a handful of men, and kill thousands of people in Texas or in Arizona in the space of a few hours.”

The threat is so considerable that Foreign Affairs Secretary Claudia Ruiz, Mexico’s top diplomat, says in the Italian article she doesn’t understand why the Obama administration and the U.S. media are “culpably neglecting this phenomenon,” adding that “this new wave of fundamentalism could have nasty surprises in store for the United States.”

In December 2015, Judicial Watch broke a story in which five Middle Eastern men were apprehended crossing the border with stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, one of numerous arrests or apprehensions of Middle Eastern men on the border. It is not reported what the cylinders contained.

Mexican authorities have confirmed ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known has “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The same Mexican source confirmed another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States.

During a joint operation in April 2015, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

The Anapra region is controlled by Mexican drug cartels, making it “an extremely dangerous and hostile operating environment” for federal police and Mexican army authorities.
Judicial Watch notes, “Mexican intelligence sources report that ISIS intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, NM (a US port-of-entry).

The sources also say that ISIS has ‘spotters’ located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations.

ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM.”

Orlando Shooter DID NOT USE AR-15 Rifle

Orlando Shooter DID NOT USE AR-15 Rifle – Despite False Media Reports

Shooter  actually  used  Sig  Sau... ah,  who  cares.

What is with the mainstream media’s obsession with the AR-15 rifle?

In the aftermath of Sunday’s shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Florida, Orlando Police Chief John Mina described the weapon suspect Omar Mateen used to kill 50 as an “AR-15 style rifle.”

Specifically, reports:
The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.
But leave it to the leftist media to misconstrue the facts, then run with their distorted versions of reality.

Note the following publishers’ false headlines and their insistence on hammering the American people on the evil AR-15:

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Surely Vice cares about accuracy in their headlines?

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How about the UK’s Telegraph?

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Certainly we can count on Mic to uphold the Constitution…

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 Think Progress?


And the Washington Post maybe should have checked their facts before presuming to give a history lesson on the AR-15.


The same WaPo author later wrote an article with a revised headline pointing out the shooter DID NOT USE AN AR-15 – but “that doesn’t change much,” he wrote.


Of course, all the misreporting has caused AR-15 sales to skyrocket…
One store in Georgia sold 35 rifles within 3 hours of opening – roughly 11 guns per hour.
And gun stocks, including Smith & Wesson, Sturm, and Ruger & Company shares, all rallied following the early Sunday morning shooting in Orlando.
But the media’s not alone in their bumbling knee jerk reaction to blindly demonize a gun – any gun – in the wake of tragedy.
After all, President Obama described the gun which Omar Mateen used as a “Glock which had a lot of clips in it,” when caught off guard without his trusty teleprompter.
“It should be noted that Glocks do not have ‘clips’; they have magazines,” quipped Breitbart’s AWR Hawkins. 


Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Judge Jeanine Nails It. Says Everyone Must Get Guns & Prepare To Defend...

Why Do We Need a Totally Different Kind of Law Firm --- And Why NOW?

by Anna Von Reitz

Here's some good reasons for you all:
1. Millions of Americans are incarcerated in federal prisons and "federated state" prisons, even though they haven't violated any Public Law.  They are being cashiered --literally-- under pernicious and known false presumption that they are "United States Citizens" and obligated to obey the various statutory laws, when in fact they are not citizens and provably never have been.  These millions of Americans are being used as slave labor in these prisons, paid $0.25 an hour in many cases, and then the rest of us are being charged up the wazoo to keep them in these prisons.  This is the reason that America, with roughly five percent of the world's population has 25% of the world's prisoners.
These Euro Scum bankers are making money off of us and that's the only reason for this bizarre statistical aberration.
Most of these Americans are being held against their will and exploited like this even though they haven't harmed anyone or anything.  They have refused to pay taxes that in fact they do not owe.  They have had the temerity to grow crops and to smoke substances that they are in fact free to grow and to smoke.  They have been arrested and detained for things like driving without a license, when in fact, they are not under any obligation to have a license to travel anywhere they want to go. They have been arrested for debts and thrown in the equivalent of Debtor's Prison long after such institutions have been outlawed.
Our one of a kind People's Law Firm has pioneered a Writ of Habeas Corpus that works 100% of the time to return non-violent American prisoners home to their families.  With your support, literally millions of people can be freed from the oppressive so-called "prison industries" without further ado and the organizations promoting this abuse can be shut down permanently.  
2.  Millions of Americans have lost their homes in violent evictions and fraudulent foreclosure actions.  Millions more continue to lose their homes every year.  This is the result of a factory-like fraud system created and patented by Merrill Lynch and promoted by Freddie and Fanny Mae, Bank of America and other bank players to enrich themselves via illegal "government" takings and exercise of undisclosed trademarks and practices amounting to counterfeiting and identity theft.
This false claims process has also been applied to vacant land holdings, farm land, industrial and commercial and recreational properties and patents.
There is no doubt now that virtually ALL of these property asset foreclosures are fraudulent and that all the processes used to solicit and process and administer mortgages throughout the American States are nothing but crimes layered on crimes.
Our one of a kind People's Law Firm has discovered that: (1) There is never a loan made to the presumed Borrower; (2) The nature of the transaction misrepresented as a "loan" is instead a secured sale re-purchase agreement in which an undisclosed third party (MERS, usually) acted as the actual Borrower; (3) All the so-called Promissory Notes are misrepresented and are in fact Security Notes; as a result everyone thinks that the Notes are negotiable instruments under Article 3 of the UCC, when in fact they are all subject to Article 9; (4) The signatures of the victims of this vicious scam are being enclosed within Trademarked documents and false claims of Power of Attorney are being applied to control and reproduce the victim's signature to create "derivatives" ---- like copies of a book--- which results in counterfeiting against our currency. 
These and other atrocities have been allowed by the various "agencies" that are on the public dole to protect us from such crimes, including the court system, the FBI and the DOJ, because all these agencies and the courts have been bought up as brand names by the same banks and related investment firms guilty of these crimes.
Addressing this mess requires out-of-the-box expertise to invoke the proper venues of the courts in this country, including the One Supreme Court of the People, and to bring the prosecution of these corporations forward to liquidate them and punish those responsible for this entire circumstance.  
Bar attorneys can't do it.  United States Citizens can't do it.  Neither can "citizens of the United States".  Only those who have recouped their standing as American State Nationals and who have "studied to make themselves approved" can carry the action forward. 
Our proposal is to set up branch offices of the People's Law Firm in California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Oregon, Colorado, and Alaska for starters and expand as quickly as possible to all states of the Union, where we will employ non-Bar member attorneys and paralegals to bust these crime syndicates wide open and return the stolen assets to the American people. 
3. The criminal elements fostered by the two international banking cartels primarily responsible for this state of affairs--- the IMF which fronted the UNITED STATES and the Federal Reserve which fronted THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA haven't been content with the crimes and frauds enumerated above. They have seized upon all the land, public and private, all the businesses, all the municipalities, and even upon our given names and claimed to own everything under this same system of pernicious fraud.
They have recently claimed that our country and our lawful government no longer exists, that we no longer have representation in the international community of nations, that we no longer have a national currency in circulation. They are trying to peddle their lies to justify a claim that we have "abandoned" our property and that it is free for the taking by secondary creditors--- themselves, of course.
If this claim is not rebutted with force and determination, loudly, and with international clout--- they just might get away with it.  If we are too dumb to stand up and reclaim our own property and kick our so-called public servants who have disserved us so abominably to the curb, then what is the rest of the world supposed to think? 
This job requires lawyers who have torn up their Bar Cards into little itty-bitty shreds, men and women who have to face the possibility that they are flushing their careers down the proverbial toilet to save their country and their countrymen. 
Are these people worthy of your support---- ? 
Are these issues "worthy"? 
Do you know anyone who is being held in prison unjustly?  Do you know anyone who has lost their home?  Their land?  Their businesses? Their patents and copyrighted works?  Their savings?  Even their children?  
It's past time to get off the sofa and into the game for your own sakes---time to kick these Euro Trash pirates back into the sea. 
I've been asked a whole bunch of leading questions---again---by Arnie Rosner at Scanned Retina.  (1) Who am I going to hire?  (2) How am I going to set up these offices?  (3) Who will profit by them?  (4) Who is going to own them?  Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....
And the answers in order are:  (1) The best, most dedicated experts I can find; (2) Each state hub office will be set up by the non-Bar lawyers and paralegals involved; (3) Every American in this country will benefit. (4) These offices will be owned by the people who staff them and once up and running they will be supported by the funds they recoup. 

Is any of this too hard to grasp?
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


The Dude Drops Orlando Shooting Hoax Truth Bomb LIVE on TV!!!

Published on Jun 14, 2016
Never in all my years of researching, studying & making & uploading Youtube videos about these shooting hoaxes & fake terrorist attacks that are being STAGED by the media & government have I come across a video where a guy has spoken THE TRUTH so much

This guy drops the bomb on them all Charlie Hebdo, Sandy Hook, Boston, Bataclan, Orlando pulse, you name it, he truth bombs them all LIVE on Press TV
Full credit to Richmond Peace for the original upload, and subscribe to his channel guys & gals if you like his work

Chief Admits COPS May Have Shot VICTIMS at Pulse, Gun Control Now A Matter Of DHS

Published on Jun 14, 2016
Orlando police are facing questions over why it took three hours for a SWAT team to storm the nightclub where ISIS fanatic Omar Mateen slaughtered 49 people.
As the largest mass shooting in modern U.S. history began to unfold, an off-duty police officer working at a gay nightclub exchanged gunfire with the suspect.
But authorities chose to hold off on letting the tactical units enter Pulse nightclub, where more than 100 people were shot.
Police Chief John Mina has also admitted that some of the victims may have been hit by officers’ gun fire.
Read more:…
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Global Elite Jubilee Plans at Bilderberg Will Drive Bitcoin and Precious Metals Higher

Published on Jun 13, 2016
Jeff is interviewed by Jay Taylor for Jay Taylor Media. Topics include: a sudden price rise for Bitcoin, a billion dollar invested in Bitcoin businesses in 2015, growing wealth in China coupled with capital controls are fueling the Bitcoin price, the internet is allowing freedom, centralized power is starting to lose control and Bitcoin can help that process, there is no risk that they can take over or end Bitcoin, worldwide taxation schemes, FATCA to drive Bitcoin adoption, Panama Papers a CIA op, debt jubilee, Japan to go through bankruptcy, the collapse of the Eurozone, US dollar collapse, Bitcoin to flourish along with gold and silver, gold is God’s money, Bitgold and Goldmoney, one world government, the US to follow Venezuela, television brainwashing, Jeff’s visit to the Bilderberg meeting in Germany

The Jay Taylor’s website:
TDV article on Bill Gross:…
Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante:
The Dollar Vigilante on Facebook:…


To learn more on the Perpetual Traveler/Prior Taxpayer (PT) theory, you can see an hour long presentation on it as well as more than a dozen other related presentations here:

CONTRARY TO GENERAL AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION... Russian Federation and New Republic/USA Financial Group Ltd.GES.m.b.H.

Date: Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 5:52 PM
Subject: CONTRARY TO GENERAL AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION... Russian Federation and New Republic/USA Financial Group Ltd.GES.m.b.H., vIENNA, AUSTRIA.
To: "" <>

Intel.ops/all stations/ksi536/kbf373

A Rothschild Passed on the Day of the Orlando Shooting

Lord Leach of Fairford – obituary

Rodney Leach in 2005 CREDIT: JULIAN ANDREWS
13 JUNE 2016 • 4:59PM

Lord Leach of Fairford, who has died aged 82, was a merchant banker who became the éminence grise of Jardine Matheson, the Far East trading group; but he was better known as a highly effective campaigner against British membership of the euro and for democratic reform of the European Union.

Rodney Leach was often described as an unsung hero – and a voice of sanity – in the long-running debate over British involvement in Europe in all its aspects. Cerebral and forensic in his approach, he stayed out of the political limelight but was a formidable behind-the-scenes persuader and organiser.

When he read the 1992 Maastricht Treaty Leach became convinced the EU was 'a bureaucratic oligarchy, not a democracy'

It was when he first read the full text of the 1992 Maastricht Treaty that Leach became convinced the EU was “a bureaucratic oligarchy, not a democracy”. He opposed the idea of a “European constitution” that would be designed to centralise power in Brussels. And as support grew in the mid-1990s for British membership of the single currency, he became convinced that a “one-size-fits-all” monetary policy could not work for widely differing national economies.

In 1998 – at a time when the prime minister Tony Blair was positioning the UK to join the euro with the full-hearted support of the CBI and many members of the business establishment – Leach founded Business for Sterling to co-ordinate the case against.

The lobby group gradually recruited a thousand chairmen and chief executives to its cause and gathered momentum around the country until the pro-euro side largely faded away. But when asked whether he had personally saved Britain from a dangerous fate, Leach was self-effacing: “If there was credit it should be spread very, very broadly. I was just the chairman.”
On the issue of enlargement, Leach remarked that 'the democratic deficit … gets worse every time there is more Europe'

In 2005 he set up Open Europe, a think-tank dedicated to scrutinising and challenging every aspect of the European project, from the minutiae of financial regulation to the constitutional issues of enlargement, on which Leach remarked that “the democratic deficit … gets worse every time there is more Europe”.

But his approach was constructive. Having won the battle against euro membership, he said, “we now want to fight a much longer war to make something good happen.” His vision was of “a much more efficient Europe… that Britain would be at ease with”: a “neighbourly alliance” in which those nations that wanted to share economic sovereignty and those that just wanted co-operation and trade would be equally welcome.

As for the 2016 referendum on UK membership of the EU, Leach condemned what he called “adversarial claptrap” from the opposing politicians, and was guarded in expressing his own preference. In contrast to many voices warning that “Brexit” could bring economic disaster, Open Europe’s research indicated that the impact of British departure could be positive or negative, depending on subsequent trade deals and deregulation measures – but either way was likely to be relatively modest in scale.

In an interview for The Spectator conducted in February (before David Cameron’s “renegotiation” of membership terms) Leach spoke of the value of continuing UK pressure for EU reform, and seemed to lean towards Remain. He had still made no public declaration when in mid-April, while chairing an Open Europe debate, he suffered a severe stroke.

However, an email he had sent to a friend in March was subsequently published: “We aren’t ever going to sacrifice our democracy, and the EU cannot ever develop a democracy, as it hasn’t got a demos… So it has to be exit, painful though that may temporarily be.”

Charles Guy Rodney Leach was born in Dublin on June 1 1934. He was educated at Harrow and Balliol College, Oxford – where he took a First in Greats and won all four of the Latin and Greek verse and prose composition prizes (his older brother Colin having won three). He embarked on an academic career, having “never given the slightest thought” to what he might do otherwise. It was the Hungarian uprising of 1956 that jolted him into a wider awareness: he helped to found the Oxford-Hungarian relief fund for refugee camps, recalling later: “This was the real world and it was a revelation… Here were people longing to be free, and it was deeply exciting.”

Thereafter he decided on a financial career and – as many bright young men did in that era – embarked for Canada, where he worked for the brokerage and investment firm of Greenshields in Montreal, under the tutelage of George Cretzianu, a former Romanian finance minister who had escaped from the Russians.

Returning to London, Leach was recruited into NM Rothschild & Sons in 1963 by his Oxford friend Jacob (now Lord) Rothschild, who was a junior partner in the family banking house. As a partner from 1968, and joint head of corporate finance, Leach acquired a reputation as a master of financial complexities: the triumvirate of Leach, Jacob Rothschild and the former barrister Philip (later Sir Philip) Shelbourne took the bank to the forefront of City dealmaking, both in the fast-growing Eurobond market and in mergers and acquisitions.

In the latter sphere, as adviser to the American company Leasco in its bid for Pergamon Press in 1969, Leach was obliged to face down Pergamon’s owner, Robert Maxwell. The Rothschild team rightly suspected false accounting behind Pergamon’s reported profits – and Leach was invited to discuss the matter at Maxwell’s home, Headington Hall, near Oxford. Having received sinister warnings about what Maxwell might be capable of, Leach agreed to attend only on the basis that telephone calls would be made to the mansion at specified times – and if Leach did not answer them, the police would be called. Maxwell was unperturbed by the condition, appearing to think it quite normal – but he treated Leach more respectfully thereafter.

In 1972 Leach first came to the attention of the then taipan of Jardines in Hong Kong, Henry Keswick, when Rothschild was called in to defend Dairy Farm, a local retail chain with valuable property assets, against a hostile takeover bid by Jardines’ subsidiary Hong Kong Land. In a bitter battle the bidder eventually prevailed, but Leach extracted a rich price.

Four years later – having become caught up in tensions between Jacob and his cousin (Sir) Evelyn de Rothschild, by then chairman of the bank – Leach left Rothschilds to work for the Lebanese financier Edmond Safra (who had been a Rothschilds client) in his Swiss-based Trade Development Bank. But when Safra sold most of the business in 1983 to American Express, Leach left for Matheson & Co, the London holding company of Jardine Matheson. Its Lombard Street office became his base of operations for the rest of his life; he was an executive director until he was past 80, squeezing his campaigning activities “between the hours of 6am and 8am and after 6pm, at weekends and on holiday”.

As Jardines’ financial strategist, and a director of its group companies, Leach devised the structure of cross-shareholdings which maintain Keswick family control and protect the group against takeover bids. He was also behind the controversial transfer of domicile of group companies from Hong Kong to Bermuda in the mid-1980s and their stock market listing in London as well as Hong Kong, in anticipation of the transfer of sovereignty to communist China.

In 2006 he returned to the Rothschild fold in a non-executive capacity as a director of Paris Orléans (now Rothschild & Co), the holding company of the French and British branches of the empire. He was a member of the British Library’s board.

Rodney Leach published Europe: a Concise Encyclopedia of the European Union in 1998. He was created a life peer, as Lord Leach of Fairford, in 2006, having been nominated by the Conservative leader Michael Howard in recognition of his European campaigns: one commentator imagined Tony Blair eyeing the list of nominations and muttering: “Not that man Leach, dammit.”

Leach was also a force behind the “No to AV” campaign which in 2011 helped defeat the Liberal Democrats’ proposal to replace first-past-the-post parliamentary elections with the “alternative vote” system of proportional representation.

Leach was an avid competitive bridge player at the Portland Club. He married first, in 1963, Felicity Ballantyne, whom he had met in Canada. The marriage was dissolved in 1989 and he married secondly, in 1993, Jessica Douglas-Home, widow of the Times editor Charles Douglas-Home.

Jessica had worked with Romanian dissidents before the fall of the Soviet empire and was, Rodney observed, “more of a revolutionary than me”: it was she who first urged him to immerse himself in the small print of the Maastricht treaty. She survives him with two sons and three daughters of the first marriage.

Lord Leach of Fairford, born June 1 1934, died June 12 2016