Wednesday, February 24, 2016

District Court Demands Unseal Fast & Furious Records!

Yikes! District Court Demands Obama Administration Unseal Fast & Furious                            Records!

Government Watchdog Group Judicial Watch sued the DOJ after Congress found then Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt and after District Judge Amy Jackson ordered the Justice Department to provide certain documents.

The Hill reported:
A federal judge on Tuesday ruled President Obama cannot use executive privilege to keep records on the "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking program from Congress.
U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered the administration to release documents that it has been attempting to withhold by asserting executive privilege.
The ruling also requires the administration to release to Congress all "segregable portions" of records they are withholding that are considered "attorney-client privileged material, attorney work product, private information, law enforcement sensitive material, or foreign policy sensitive material."

"The Department itself has already publicly revealed the sum and substance of the very material it is now seeking to withhold. Since any harm that would flow from the disclosures sought here would be merely incremental, the records must be produced," Jackson wrote, referencing a report from the DOJ's Office of Inspector General regarding Operation Fast and Furious.

Now, US District Judge Richard Leon, though saying the evidence led him to grant a ruling in the DOJ's favor, instead reversed the decision on February 12.

According to Courthouse News:
"Judge Jackson's statement, 'I don't want to know,' clearly bars the parties from divulging the contents of their settlement discussions only to her; a broader bar, if any, would have to be inferred for it is not explicit," Judge Douglas Ginsburg wrote for a three-judge panel.
The statement does not clearly refer to third parties, let alone protect responsive records from a Freedom of Information Act request, the court found.
"The Department offers a good reason Judge Jackson might have wanted to prohibit disclosure to third-parties - because protection from disclosure promotes more open dialogue during settlement - but there is no extrinsic evidence that was what the judge intended; indeed, that concern is nowhere mentioned in the record in this case, and it is equally plausible that Judge Jackson wanted simply to preserve her objectivity in case she ultimately were to preside over a trial," Ginsburg continued.
On remand, Judge Jackson must clarify what she intended by her statement.
There is no question that the Justice Department and Eric Holder knew exactly what they were doing when they trafficked thousands of weapons into Mexico. That criminal action has cost the lives of hundreds of Mexicans, two US federal agents and no telling how many more that we have yet to discover.

Even as recently as January, we discovered that one of the guns from Fast and Furious, a .50-caliber rifle, made its way into the hands of drug kingpin El Chapo Guzman.

We know that there has been at least one drug cartel member that said the Obama administration was using Fast and Furious to supply guns to a Mexican drug cartel against a rival cartel.

The investigation into Fast and Furious has been met with roadblocks by the Obama administration as they are attempting to hide their crimes.

Remember, it was Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah who said, "The only people that don't want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide."

It appears, he still has much to hide!

Reposted with Permission from Freedom Outpost  


Forcibly Vaccinate Citizens Via Chemtrails

Australia To Forcibly Vaccinate Citizens Via Chemtrails


February 12, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Australia have approved a license application from Big Pharma company PaxVax for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into Queensland, via chemtrails. 

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000. reports:  PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera.

Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possiblity of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems.

Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters.

Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.


In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans.” The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures.

DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capside’s with multi human complement class II activators to neutralize antibodies. The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus. In early studies of DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research projects in gene therapy.

During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.


In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying while doing her daily exercise of walking several miles. Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain.

She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing. The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus.

Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bioengineering for gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology. The individual was positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.

Pentagon Document Revealed Aerial Vaccination Plans

In the Quarterly FunVax Review in June, 2007, the report lists the objective of a project listed as ID: 149AZ2 as a preparation of a viral vector that will inhibit/decrease the expression of a specific disruption gene (VMAT2) within a human population. It further indicates in the abstract that six methods of virus dispersal were tested including high altitude release, water supply release, insect transmission, and various methods of diffusion.

YouTube censorship of "Syrian Refugee/muslim" problems and Donald Trump?

(Syrian Refugees)  

Published on Jan 13, 2016

At a campaign stop in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump uses a dramatic reading of Al Wilson’s 1968 song to warn of the dangers of taking in refugees from Syria. “The Snake” tells the story of a trusting woman who invites a snake into her home and saves it from the cold, but is later tricked and bitten by it.

Gitmo and Guantanamo Bay - Why all the fuss?

Guantanamo Bay [GTMO] "GITMO"

U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay is the oldest U.S. base overseas and the only one in a Communist country.

Located on the southeast corner of Cuba, in the Oriente Province, the base is about 400 air miles from Miami, Florida. The terrain and climate of Guantanamo Bay make it a haven for iguanas and banana rats.  

In December 1903, the United States leased the 45 square miles of land and water for use as a coaling station. A treaty reaffirmed the lease in 1934 granting Cuba and her trading partners free access through the bay, payment of $2,000 in gold per year, equating to $4,085 today, and a requirement that both the U.S. and Cuba must mutually consent to terminate the lease.

U.S. diplomatic relations with Cuba were cut on
January 3, 1961 by President Dwight Eisenhower; shortly prior to John F. Kennedy's inauguration on January 20, 1961. At that time, many Cubans sought refuge on the base.

U.S. Marines and Cuban militiamen began patrolling opposite sides of the base's 17.4 mile fenceline. Today, U.S. Marines and Cuba's "Frontier Brigade" still man fenceline posts 24 hours a day.

In October 1962, family members of service people stationed here and many base employees were evacuated to the United States as President John F. Kennedy announced the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

This was the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis which resulted in a naval quarantine of the island until the Soviet Union removed the missiles. The evacuees were allowed to return to the base by Christmas 1962.

Another crisis arose just 14 months later on Feb. 6, 1964, when Castro cut off water and supplies to the base in retaliation for several incidents in which Cuban fishermen were fined by the U.S. 'government' for fishing in Florida waters. Since then, Guantanamo Bay has been self-sufficient and the Naval Base desalination plant produces 3.4 million gallons of water and more than 800,000 kilowatt hours of electricity daily.

The base is divided into two distinct areas by the 2 1/2 mile-wide Guantanamo Bay. The airfield is located on the Leeward side and the main base is on the Windward side.

Ferry service provides transportation across the bay. The primary mission of Guantanamo Bay is to serve as a strategic logistics base for the Navy's Atlantic Fleet and to support counter drug operations in the Caribbean.

In 1991, the naval base's mission expanded as some 34,000 Haitian refugees passed through Guantanamo Bay. The refugees fled Haiti after a violent coup brought on by political and social upheaval in their country. The naval base received the Navy Unit Commendation and Joint Meritorious Unit Award for its effort.

In May 1994, Operation Sea Signal began and the naval base was tasked to support Joint Task Force 160, here providing humanitarian assistance to thousands of Haitian and Cuban migrants.

In late August and early September 1994, 2,200 family members and civilian employees were evacuated from the base as the migrant population climbed to more than 45,000 and the Pentagon began preparing to house up to 60,000 migrants on the base.

The last Haitian migrants departed here Nov. 1, 1995.

The last of the Cuban migrants left the base Jan. 31, 1996.

In October 1995, family members were authorized to return, marking an end to family separations.

An immediate effort began to restore base facilities for family use, including a child development center, a youth center, two schools and Sunday school.

Additionally, the revitalization of Boy and Girl Scout Camps and the Guantanamo Bay Youth Activities (a free sports program for children) was enacted.

During the Haitian migrant operation "Operation Sea Signal" at Guantanamo Bay, a number of migrant camps were set-up at "Radio Range" the site of the Naval Base's radio antennas on the south side of the base, and the future site of the more permanent detainee facility. To identify the camps, a name was designated to each to correspond with the phonetic alphabet used for official military "radio" communication (Camp Alpha, Camp Bravo up to Camp Golf).

When additional sites were established on the north side of the base, camp names were designated using the opposite end of the alphabet, to include Camp X-Ray. Camp X-Ray is the only camp site on the northern side of the base and is currently used as a temporary detention facility.

Since Sea Signal, Guantanamo Bay has retained migrant operations mission with an ongoing steady state migrant population of approximately 40. The base has also conducted two contingency migrant operations: 

Operation Marathon in October 1996 and Present Haven in February 1997. Both of these short-fused events involved the interception of Chinese migrants being smuggled into the United States.

After 52 years of service, Guantanamo's Fleet Training Group relocated to Mayport, Florida, in July 1995. One month later, the naval base lost another major tenant command when the base's Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity disestablished after 92 years of service.

On 13 June 2003 Brown & Root Services, a division of Kellogg Brown & Root, Arlington, Va. was awarded a $12,495,601 modification to Task Order 0038 at under a cost-reimbursement, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity construction contract for various facilities, Radio Range, U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay.

The work to be performed included new facilities for traffic control checkpoints (main and secondary checkpoints), troop bed-down facility, troop dining facility and destructive weather improvements to detention facility structures. The project was to also include site work, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, plumbing and electrical work, as required for the various facilities.

Work was to be performed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and was expected to be completed by June 2004. Contract funds would not expire at the end of the fiscal year. The basic contract was competitively procured with 44 proposals solicited, three offers received and award made on June 29, 2000. The total contract amount was not to exceed $300,000,000, which included the base period and four option years.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division, Norfolk, Va., was the contracting activity (N62470-00-D-0005).  The Naval Base includes, as separate commands, a Naval Hospital and Branch Dental Clinic, detachments of the Personnel Support Activity, Naval Atlantic Meteorologic and Oceanographic Command, Naval Media Center, Naval Communications Station, Department of Defense Dependent Schools and a Navy Brig.

Directly supporting the base as departments of Naval Station are Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Resident Officer in Charge of Construction, Human Resources Office, Family Support and Service Center, Red Cross, Security and Navy Exchange/Commissary.

Guantanamo Bay, located on the southeast coast of the island of Cuba about 500 statute miles southeast of Miami, Florida, is approached via the Windward Passage from the north or the Caribbean Sea from the south.

Guantanamo Bay is the largest bay on the extreme south coast of Cuba, and affords anchorage for deep-draft ships. The bay is a pouch-shaped indentation about 12 miles long in a northeast-southwest direction and about 6 miles across at its greatest width.

Guantanamo Valley, a low, hilly district, extends westward from the bay along the Sierra Maestra. The deep bay is sheltered by the nearby Cuzco Hills (elevations to 495 ft) to the south and east and by mountains to the north.

Entrance into the bay, between Leeward Point and Windward Point, is made through a 1 1/4 mile-wide channel with 42 ft least dredged depth up to a point westward of Fisherman Point. From there to a point southwestward of Caravela Point, the least dredged depth is 32 ft.

The bay complex is divided into an Outer Harbor and an Inner Harbor. The Outer Harbor stretches from the entrance to the Naval Reservation Boundary about 5 miles northeastward. The channel narrows to 250 yards here at Palma Point, then widens into two separate bays whose total width is about 5 miles.  The upper half, known as Ensenada de Joa, forms the Inner Harbor in which commercial ports are located. The naval base and the main anchorage area are contained within the Outer Harbor area.

The naval complex is located on the east side of the harbor between Fisherman Point (1 3/4 miles north of Windward Point) and Granadillo Point, abut 2 3/4 miles northeastward. The area contains many coves and peninsulas and a few islands. Much of the land here is elevated well above water level. The western side of Guantanamo Bay, generally low and mangrove-covered, contains many mud flats.

The more important coves, located between Corinaso Point and Deer Point, contain the pier and wharf facilities of the naval base. The land is lower and flatter here for a few hundred yards inland.

Two airfields are located within the naval complex: McCalla Airfield, on the east side of the harbor entrance, is inactive; Leeward Point Field on the west side is an active naval air station.

Water depths vary from about 60 ft just inside the harbor entrance to approximately 30 ft in Granadillo Bay (on the east side of the Outer Harbor) and at the entrance to Eagle Channel. Many of the coves are only 25 ft deep.

The mean tide range is 1.0 ft and the spring tide range is 1.3 ft. Periodic tidal variations as great as 4-5 ft have been observed, but these probably were meteorological versus astronomical phenomena. Harbor tidal currents in Guantanamo Bay are estimated to be about .25 kt on the flood to .50 kt on the ebb.

Locally at the river mouth, stronger currents are observed periodically. Swells ranging 3-5 ft are common during the afternoons and nights, extending upbay from the harbor entrance to Fisherman Point. During an extended period of fresh southerly winds from a recent winter storm on the Gulf of Mexico (Apr 83), waves up to 10-12 ft were observed in the outer harbor.  These disrupted the lifeline ferry service from Leeward Point for two days.

At Guantanamo Bay, the Outer Harbor is used by the US Navy and the Inner Harbor serves as a commercial (Cuban) port. This evaluation deals with the facilities of the Outer Harbor only, although the climatology section is appropriate for both harbors. The Outer Harbor includes that portion of Guantanamo Bay from the entrance north to Palma Point (approximately 19° 58' 24"N).

The major naval facilities are contained within Corinaso Cove from Corinaso Point to Radio Point. There are five piers available, varying in length from 180-900 ft with depths alongside from 20 to 35 ft. Three wharves provide accommodations up to 1065 ft with depths to 38 ft. Piers and wharves range from 6 to 10 ft in height above MSL. It should be noted that dredge depths decrease along some piers (see Pier B) and also that dredge width may be minimal and maneuvering is consequently difficult. Berths and anchorages in Guantanamo Bay are assigned by the Port Services Officer.

The naval anchorage areas for deep-draft vessels are in the Outer Harbor. Pilots are available and required for ships engaged in commercial trade, but are not compulsory for ships of the US Navy. Tugs (normally two available) and other harbor services may be arranged through Port Control. Emergency harbor services are available 24 hours a day.

In early 2005, four white wind turbines began operating John Paul Jones Hill, the base's highest point, named after the Revolutionary War naval hero. The turbines, standing at 80 meters (262 feet) high, feature three-blade turbines. The four turbines were estimated to provide as much as a quarter of the base's power generation during the high-wind months of late summer and fall; an appreciable fact given that Guantanamo Bay is completely self-sustaining, generating its own power and water without having to rely on Cuban municipal sources.

In addition to generating power, the turbines have significantly cut down on emissions of greenhouse gases created through burning diesel fuel. Black clouds containing carbon dioxide can routinely be seen pouring from the diesel generators supplying power to the base's energy grid. Each turbine is anchored in a giant block of concrete, through which 22 soil anchors are drilled into the mountain to a depth of 30 to 40 feet deep. These are then sealed with grout. The automated turbines are rated to withstand winds of up to 140 miles per hour.

Obama 'aiding and abetting the enemy'

U.S. General: Obama 'aiding and abetting the enemy'


'Why would we give Gitmo detainees the rights of every American citizen'?

Greg Corombos
February 23 2016

Obama is urging Congress to approve the closing of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, allow for the transfer of remaining detainees to the U.S. and try them in U.S. 'courts'.

In calling for the policy change, Obama said the move would save taxpayers money without compromising security. In fact, Obama argues that America is less safe because of the facility.

“For many years, it’s been clear that the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay does not advance our national security. It undermines it,” said Obama Tuesday. “This is not just my opinion. This is the opinion of many in our military. It’s counterproductive to our fight against terrorists because they use it as propaganda in their efforts to recruit."

Retired three-star U.S. Air Force Gen. Tom McInerney isn’t buying it.  “That absolutely false. It’s like, ‘If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan.’ There is no truth to that whatsoever,” McInerney told WND and Radio America.

McInerney, who rose to the third highest position in the Air Force, is also a Fox News military analyst. He said the U.S. can’t be safer when 30 percent of the detainees released return to radical groups and continue their efforts to kill Americans and other enemies.

He said the existence of the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay doesn’t change the terrorists’ game plan one iota.  “They’re beheading people because of their radical ideology of radical Islam, the Quran, the hadith and Shariah law,” he said. “That’s what motivates those people, not because they’ve got people in Gitmo.”

The general sees countless downsides to Obama trying to shutter the camp, and he struggles to see any good reasons to do it.  He asked, “Why would we do this and encourage other future radical Islamists to think, ‘Well, it doesn’t matter if I’m captured?  They’re not going to do anything to me’?"

When asked to answer his own question, McInerney said Obama has committed a series of national security blunders that make the U.S. more vulnerable.  “I do not know why he did all the things he does. Why did he exchange Sgt. (Bowe) Bergdahl for five four-star general equivalents? Why did he not respond in Benghazi and send reinforcements?” McInerney asked. “Why did he flip to supporting radical Islamists in 2012? I don’t have those answers, except every one of them ends up with aiding and abetting the enemy."

McInerney also referenced the Obama administration releasing more than $100 billion in frozen Iranian assets as part of the Iran nuclear deal, even as Secretary of State John Kerry admitted some of that money would likely sponsor terrorism.

Obama said the American people should be reassured that 'federal courts' can handle most of the remaining cases originating from Guantanamo, but McInerney is outraged that Obama would extend the constitutional protections enjoyed by all citizens to America's enemies. "Why would we give them the rights of every American citizen? That makes no sense," he said. "What kind of 'president' do we have that is basically aiding and abetting the enemy?"

Obama says access to American courts did not stop the convictions of would-be terrorists such as attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid, attempted Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and attempted Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. He says they were found guilty and pose no threat to the U.S. even though they remain on U.S. soil.

Does that assuage McInerney's concerns? "They were not caught on the battlefield," he said. "If you're caught on the battlefield, then you should be treated appropriately. We didn't let the German and Japanese POWs go before the end of World War II, did we?"

He said closing Guantanamo would be a huge mistake.

"Who knows? We may have to put a lot more in there depending how the situation goes in the Middle East," McInerney said. "We ought to keep them there for the rest of their lives until the war is over. We should not be releasing any of them."

Obama will travel to Cuba in March to highlight the restoration of diplomatic relations between the long-estranged countries. One of the conditions the U.S. imposed for improved ties was for Cuba to radically improve its human rights record. That has not happened, and Cuba now says it not only wants the detention camp shut down but that it wants the U.S. Navy to abandon Guantanamo Bay altogether.

While the administration has said that's not on the table, McInerney fears Obama may be open to it.  "I do believe he is, and that's why he's trying to get that number (of detainees) down. We do not want to give Guantanamo back," he said. "That is a valuable piece of real estate, even if it isn't a prison. It was a very important naval gunnery range that we had for many years. So we should not want to give that back."

(Guantanamo Bay is 668 miles off the southern tip of Florida. It serves as a 'guard' and potential defense position for the united states.  It can also serve as a point to ATTACK THE US if this land gets back in the hands of our enemies.)

Judge Anna: Notice in regard to Continuing Abuses

Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses 


February 23, 2016

Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon       via Certified Mail #7006 0810 0003 3541 5717
United Nations Secretariat
New York, New York  10017

John Forbes Kerry                            via Certified Mail # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5724
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses

Dear Sirs:

This business concerns both of you, so both are being addressed.

Mr. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: It is our understanding that the UNITED STATES CONGRESS named the United Nations the Trustee of our states and the laws thereof beginning in 1976 and there has been no other appointment since.   This was caused by the wholesale incorporation of former State and County government operations on the land jurisdiction of the United States, which left the land jurisdiction Public Offices (which are still owed to us) vacated though we were not informed at the time.

It is our further understanding that the service contract of the IMF sponsored UNITED STATES (INC) was defaulted in March of 2015 when that entity --together with its numerous franchises--- was declared insolvent and entered receivership.   This circumstance left the federal services contract portion of The Constitution for the united States of America vacated, too.

We became aware shortly afterward that unscrupulous persons have self-interestedly claimed that we were operating as franchises of the insolvent UNITED STATES and that vessels in commerce including STATES and ESTATE trusts named after the States of America and the living American Nationals were to be considered sureties and franchises of the UNITED STATES and sold as abandoned properties to pay the debts of the insolvent governmental services corporation.

As our Trustee in this matter, we protest to you in your office as Secretary General of the United Nations and also wish you to make our objections known to the General Secretary of the United Nations that none of these arrangements supposedly made in our behalf are true or equitable.  We have repudiated the so-called National Debt of the UNITED STATES (INC) as odious debt that is not owed by the people of the (Continental) United States, testified that the people of the (Continental) United States are not sureties for the debts of the UNITED STATES and that our public and private property interests have not been abandoned.  

We have refused offers by both the World Bank and FEDERAL RESERVE dba THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, (INC) to act as successors to contract.  This is the result of the obvious wrong-doing of these organizations in the past documented by the wet-ink, autographed, and sealed affidavit of probable cause which we have delivered to your offices in New York.  We have issued new Sovereign Letters Patent and have Declared Joint Sovereignty and established arrangements for the co-signing Native American Nations to act as our new federal service providers.  It should be apparent that we are of age, competent, acting with complete commercial liability, are birthright people of the (Continental) United States and hereditary beneficiaries of the unincorporated united States of America.

While this no doubt comes as a surprise to you, it is our wish and Will in this matter acting as the entitlement holders, beneficiaries, and sovereigns of the land jurisdiction of the United States.  We object to the continuing criminality of the international banks and governmental services corporations involved in this ongoing attempted institutionalized theft of our identities, mischaracterization of our political status, and securities fraud upon the probate courts and the bankruptcy courts throughout America.

We hold you and the United Nations fully accountable for the safety, support, welfare, and security of the living people of the (Continental) United States, the prosecution of the criminal elements in the international banking community and governmental services industry responsible for these outrages, and the return of our unencumbered property interests which have been falsely indebted under conditions of fraud and inland piracy.

Mr. Secretary Kerry:  We have ourselves fully and freely declared our disenfranchisement and revoked our election to pay federal income taxes since 1998.  We are what you call exempt non-resident aliens and American Nationals.  All reversionary interest in our estates returns to the united States of America on the land and United States of America on the sea.

These are Matters of Fact well-demonstrated in the public record, and they should be well-understood by those administering the Seattle Passport Office. We have been informed of stubborn refusals of service from passport agents and decided to check it out for ourselves. Accordingly, I, my husband, and grown son made request for new passports in August of 2015.

It is now approaching the end of February 2016 and despite copious correspondence and the plain Matter of Fact that we do not live in any Federal Enclave, do not reside in any municipal nexus, and are in fact Zip Code exempt ---the passport agents have failed to perform and deliver the red jacket and properly styled passports we are owed, have objected to our use of the actual physical location of our home on the land as established by GPS as the basis of our land domicile, and refuse to understand  Title 39 U.S.C. Section 3003, 1341, 1342, which is punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and $1,000,000.00 fine. Use of ZIP CODE is voluntary. (Domestic Mail Services Regulation Section 122.32 Nondiscrimination for NON-USE of ) and ZIP CODE per Public Law 91-325, section 403.

The Seattle Passport Agency has been offering to obstruct our ability to travel freely for six months over these petty obstructions and refusals to provide services owed and failure to obey the Public Law.  This is in itself a crime against humanity and an insufferable mis-administration of essential governmental services which are owed to us and to all American Nationals.

It is just one more example of the way in which governmental services corporations in this country have put self-interest ahead of service commitment and perpetuated commercial fraud against their employers and benefactors via obstruction, monopoly inducement, and disregard of Public Law.

We wish to see a prompt correction leading to the immediate issuance of passports bearing the proper color, proper style of name, proper mailing address (Rural Route Number), proper seal, stamp, and date. To that end I am returning the incorrect version of both the Passport and the Passport Card that were issued to me directly to your attention, Mr. Kerry, and requesting expedited service and issuance of the proper passport documents for me, Anna Maria Riezinger, my husband James Clinton Belcher and our son Eric Jon Belcher who still haven’t received anything at all from the Seattle Passport Agency, all non-combatant American Nationals, all living peacefully in Big Lake, Alaska.

Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry:  As we write this letter yet another governmental services corporation doing business as GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, DUNS Number 16-190-6193, is terrorizing other innocent non-combatant Americans throughout the Western States.  This referenced corporate entity is the parent corporation of the FBI and BLM, both of which are operating on our soil as commercial mercenary forces under color of law. 

This constructive fraud and deceit is brought about by the misuse and abuse of old trademarks and copyrighted names that were obtained as the result of corporate takeovers and mergers among governmental services corporations in the past and it has served to promote the impersonation of peacekeeping officers and other public officials by private, mostly foreign corporations having no more granted authority to “serve us” in this manner than employees of Target have authority to rob their customers.

This blatant lawlessness on the part of this foreign corporation run amok on our shores has resulted in the premeditated murder of an innocent American on our soil, and the false arrest of at least fifty other non-combatant American State Citizens who are being purposefully mischaracterized as “Enemies of the State” when they are in no way associated with any such “State” referenced in the entirety of Title 50. As the Trustee of our state offices and laws, Mr. Secretary General, this situation should be of vital concern to you, along with the continued purposeful and self-interested mischaracterization of the political status of the victims.

The American Nationals being mischaracterized by these vermin on our shores are innocent Third Parties and Priority Creditors of these same corporations, which are intent upon acts of inland piracy, armed international racketeering, and murderous insurance fraud against their employers.

We call upon you, Mr. Secretary General, to engage the necessary diplomatic process to free those Americans being held under false arrest and we call upon you, Secretary of State Kerry, to bring charges against these criminal entities masquerading as our lawful government.

The arrest and punishment of the bankers, attorneys, and administrators responsible is eminently more sensible in all respects than allowing these same criminals to continue to mis-characterize, murder and rob their Priority Creditors in an effort to avoid paying them.  This lawlessness must be brought to a swift end and the perpetrators must be recognized as the criminals they are with no more scape-goating of the innocent victims of these crimes.   They have already paid all the costs with their labor and natural resources; it is completely insane to expect them to pay again with their blood.

A policy of silence and failure to take action is not an acceptable response.  Both of you, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary of State Kerry, are responsible in different ways for controlling the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) and both will be accountable if you do not take prompt and effective action to correct the operations of this erring corporation.

Continuing to allow the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) to operate commercial mercenary armies under conditions of fraud and color of law on our shores will result in violent Breach of Trust and the lasting destruction of all respect for civil law and government.  

Please note that the Federal Government has at most a proprietary interest as a caretaker of the property assets of the Western States.  That role does not include any authority to act against the actual owners and beneficiaries of the land assets nor allow any failure to recognize them as American State Citizens owed all the guarantees of their Statehood Compacts.  

Our repudiation of the actions which have been taken in our names without our knowledge or consent by men and institutions merely pretending to represent us and which have been used as a means to establish institutionalized fraud and to hypothecate debt against our names and property assets is complete, final, and firmly established on the public records of all nations. 

Although these crimes do involve mischaracterization of our political status, the entire scam is nothing more or less than garden variety bunko practiced on a vast scale, a matter of national identity theft and credit fraud engineered by international banks, attorneys, and politicians who have served themselves at the expense of those they are bound by treaty, trust indenture, commercial contract, and all forms of moral conscience to serve.

Correction must be viewed as a criminal matter, not misrepresented as a political one. 


Anna Maria Riezinger
For the Alaska Civil Judge Advocates Council
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
RR 99652
(907) 250-5087

General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.          via Certified Mail 7006 0810 0003 3541 5731
c/o Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


















Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight

Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight

As if the Clintonistas long list of infractions isn't already enough to put these two away permanently, WHEN is this traitorous bitch going to be indicted, tried and hung on live TV before the entire nation for her continual traitorous actions against this nation and its people?

Cop Beats Man for Praying on the Beach

American Police Brutality 
Cop Beats Man 
for Praying on the Beach
Published on Jan 6, 2016

To the Police: You Are NOT the Enemy (Unless You Choose to Be.) The Supreme Court recommends you DON'T talk to police officers, but you must say out loud "I'M GOING TO REMAIN SILENT."  

Jamie Kilani Rice was jailed for five days for harassing a Hawaiian monk seal.  The 41-year-old was recorded throwing sand at the mammal in September 2014.

Police officer Ming Wang pepper sprayed him, hit him with a baton nine times and appeared to kick him on the ground while arresting him.  Prosecutors initially decided not to charge Wang with police brutality but they are taking a second look at the case and Rice plans to sue the cop.

Hawaiian monk seals are highly endangered with just 1,000 left in the wild.

The police officer who pepper sprayed, beat and kicked a man who was harassing an endangered Hawaiian monk seal by throwing sand at it could face police brutality charges.

Officer Ming Wang was called out to a beach near Nanakuli, Hawaii after reports that a man was bothering a seal.

A video taken at the scene shows Jamie Kilani Rice, 41, throwing sand at the animal as it basks on the beach.

The Hawaiian monk seal - one of around just 1,000 left in the wild - seems uncomfortable with Rice's attention and rears its head at the man in a sign he wants him to back off.

After a few minutes officer Wang approaches and orders Rice to leave, but he refuses to do so until the seal eventually rolls off towards the water.

Rice then walks away with Wang following before shouting something at the police officer and continuing to rub sand on his bare chest.

The cop pepper sprays him in the face before hitting him in the legs and arm nine times with his baton.

As Rice lays on the ground, the cop then appears to kick him before putting him in handcuffs. He was later treated for broken bones in his hand, the Hawaii Tribune Herald reported.

According to Hawaii News Now, the officer wrote in his police report that Rice had refused to step away from the seal when ordered to and did not stop walking when he was told he was under arrest.

Harassing a Hawaiian monk seal can carry a sentence of up to five years in jail, as well as fines exceeding $25,000.

Rice, who is said to be bipolar, accepted a plea deal and was jailed for five days following the incident in September last year.

He claimed he thought the seal was sick and was rubbing sand on himself and throwing some at the mammal to make it feel better.

Initially prosecutors decided not to take action against officer Wang - who has returned to active duty - but they are now taking a second look at the case. If they press charges, the officer could be put before a grand jury.

As well as facing the prospect of prosecution, the cop is also being sued by Rice's family.

His attorney, Michael Green,said: 'This guy was a threat to no one other than the seal, and the seal and he had parted ways long before that. This is shameful.'

Honolulu mayor Kirk Caldwell told Hawaii News Now's Sunrise program that the footage 'troubles him immensely'.

'What you show on this video is way over the top in my mind in terms of use of excessive force,' he said.  "If I was the chief of police, I probably would put this guy on desk duty, take away his badge, his baton and his gun and say until this investigation is completed, 'we want you to sit at a desk'.'

Barbara Billand, who was on the beach and saw the incident taking place, said officer Wang 'did what he had to do'.

If you feel you've been abused by the police, you may learn how to file a police complaint here:
police brutality harassment abuse officer misconduct ethics video cop filming complaint Police Crimes corrupt HPD cop beats man harassing monk seal American Police Officer Beats Man for Praying on a Beach Officer Ming Wang
After watching the video, the actions by Rice appear to be non-threatening to the overall safety of the seal.  For this cop to abuse Rice as he did - even to the point of following Rice and continuing his abusive behavior to Rice - appears well over the top of Wang's authority and right to do.
What do you think about Rice and Wang?  Do you think Rice deserved the abusive treatment by the officer? What would you do if you were similarly challenged by this officer?

Trooper Attacks Terrified Woman on Lonely Road!

Trooper Attacks Terrified Woman on Lonely Road!


She crossed the center line!

Sickening. No drugs, no alcohol, no crime. After being pulled over for crossing the center line, this woman who had previous problems with made police harassment was genuinely terrified, so this bureaucratic terrorists assaults and arrest her.

Protecting the system and serving you right into jail! -- Don't tell me most cops are good when they sit and tolerate the constant abuse of the people -- God help us. Liberty is so lost!

I discovered this from an indecent that happened a few years back and is still in the courts. I went through the video and compiled it. I don't have a lot more info here other than when I search Kay Pruczinski I see she has a pending lawsuit against them. 
I just wanted to get this out to try and show what really happened. Here is a link to the police report:
Unfortunately this type of incident is not random. It is happening more frequently across the nation.  It is victim's word against cops. Fortunately there may be a video but turns out many times the victim gets the bad end regardless.
What do you think about this?  
How would you treat the situation should this happen with you?