Saturday, January 14, 2017

George Soros: The Man Behind the Mayhem

George Soros: The Man Behind the Mayhem

Photo taken by [ Jeff Ooi]. Posted to, which licenses all images under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence unless otherwise specified
I have struggled to understand George Soros because he is a character riddled with contradiction. His push to break down borders by increasing immigration all over the world is undermining his desire to establish a unified Europe and a unified world. By pushing too hard, too fast, he’s creating obvious pushback. So, I decided to work on an article that would help me get a little better sense of what drives him.

On the one hand, he openly acknowledged at the end of 2016 that an “immigration crisis” is busting Europe apart at the seams. On the other, he states that the EU has always been his cherished project. So, why is he pushing immigration to the EU’s breaking point?

I see the same contradiction in German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Europe is clearly her favorite project, too, and yet she seems hell-bent on stuffing immigrants from outside of Europe down every European nation’s throat, including her own, to a degree that is clearly over stressing indigenous cultures and creating fractures everywhere.

Clearly Europe already has financial fractures that risk busting apart Europe’s always-precarious union of iron bonded together with clay. Do these two leaders thrive on stress so much that they feel compelled to force more discontented and impoverished people into an already fractured vessel? Are they just pathologically inclined toward self-destruction? Are they immigration bulimics who can’t stop stuffing themselves –addicts who have to keep shoving another needle in their arm, no matter the harm?

Another full-on euro crisis in 2017 seems like an obvious prediction to me. Why is it not obvious to those who so want the eurozone to succeed?

Poor Sore Soros

George Soros lost a billion dollars because his READ MORE:

Paul Preston Interview: Red Dawn Has Started

Red Dawn Has Started

EMERGENCY!  From San Diego to Brownsville, Texas, will be an amassing of illegal immigrants starting January 18th
Hundreds of thousands to come streaming across the border January 18th!  Many, many ISIS will be included!
Hear the full interview! 
"California Governor Jerry Brown ready to declare himself President of California!"
"People need to arm themselves!"
"If you live near the border, get out of there and get out of harm's way!"
"Do not take trips to the southwest United States!"
"MS13 will be making political assassinations!"

Paul Preston Interview:
Red Dawn Has Started 
Jan 12 2017


TURD - Know the signs, spot the symptoms, and save a life.

Know the signs, spot the symptoms, and save a life

Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD)?

TURD is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time.
Sufferers of TURD often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of childlike rage, rioting and uncontrollable crying.
People with TURD are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again.
TURD Is caused by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. For many, both in America and worldwide, this was a shocking and unexpected outcome; their preferred news sources having failed to inform them that the alternative candidate was a criminal parasite in such ill health she got chucked into the back of a van like a kidnap victim.
Research is ongoing, but TURD appears to correlate closely with the following environmental and behavioral factors:
Membership in the Democratic Party
Identifying as a feminist
Possession of a Liberal Arts college degree
Living in a densely populated metropolitan area
Spotty or non-existent work history
Patients with TURD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus.  They cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement.
If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TURD, urge them to seek treatment. Together we can beat this scourge.

To Scott Susman for ALL OUR READERS TO SEE

Personal note to our readers:

Our staff received similar emails this morning.  I am posting two of them so that you can see them for yourselves and know what we receive from time to time, fortunately very rarely but it does happen.  

Our friends hosting other blog sites have reported to us that the attacks on them and their alternative news reporting have increased by over 50%, and they are taking steps to block it.  It is a sad day in America when our nation is so divided that one cannot provide articles, pictures and pertinent information without being attacked for doing so. 

To Scott:  THANK YOU!  We KNOW we are doing the right thing when those like you make such comments. We will continue as always, perhaps putting out MORE than ever, and you can thank yourself for encouraging us to do so! 

From: scott susman <>
Date: Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 11:36 AM
Subject: Sending 10k emails trashing your site...

You guys TOTALLY suck now... Vile and disgusting, absolutely irrelevant.

from:scott susman <>
date:Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 11:33 AM
subject:Cleaning up vomit...

Your site is horrible now...A real piece of propaganda bullshit. Your are a piece of (probably Rockefeller) disinformation Scum....please commit suicide. Thank you. 

NO Scott!   THANK YOU!!!!

This is to all those who oppose the American people who work hard to live by their own hands with no free handouts! This image on the left is describing all the Hillary supporters including Scott Susman who have been seeded by the New World Order and their plan to take down America. Wealth extraction, Color of law, Slavery, Population Reduction by a soft kill system, Islamic Jihad, and many other tools created and used in the name of a demented agenda of a tiny elite hell bent on ruling and having the world for themselves!  Are you proud of what you have become? 

Men don't follow titles, they follow courage

Braveheart : Full movie

"Men don't follow titles, they follow courage"

CIA / Obama sponsoring communism, 'fake news' and riots

In the Name of Humanity We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America

Here is what's going on across the nation - right now. 

The CIA and the communist fronts and their 'fake news' and the financing of the illiterate stoned 'stars' and 'celebrities' along with the many 'foundations' such as Soros' are on the move to stop the inauguration and with it the return of our nation to its original Republic government, Constitution and freedom.  

Following is another example of the propaganda currently being broadcast, influencing in particular America's youth who can't add 1 + 1 and get 2 for an answer. The 'education system' in this nation has been so dumbed down and the kids (up to ages mid 40s) so misled (all planned by the enemy within) that they don't even know the names of the 'leaders' - such as the 'president' or how to spell U.S.A.  This is that part of America's 'society' that is high on drugs and can't keep their legs together, and who expect the rest of us to pay their way for them.

According to them (CIA / Obama team) .................

The Trump/Pence Regime Is Illegitimate.

Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million. He won in the electoral college – founded to reinforce slavery, used since to embed inequality in voting. Trump has no “mandate”. More fundamental: Trump promises to inflict repression and suffering in this country, to deport millions, to increase violence up to the use of nuclear weapons internationally, and to inflict catastrophes upon the planet itself. He has assembled a cabinet of Christian fundamentalists, war mongers, racists, science deniers, and woman haters. His entire regime is illegitimate, and must not be allowed to rule. We REFUSE to accept a Fascist America!

Fascism on the March

During his presidential campaign Donald Trump promised to build a wall along the U.S./Mexico border.
At his press conference Wednesday, Trump echoed his threat: “It’s not a fence. It’s a wall. We’ll start immediately after we get to office. I don’t want to wait.”
NO! This must not happen. We don’t have time to wait. 

Voices of Resistance & Conscience Against Trump & Pence

From 8 March Women Organisation (Iran-Afghanistan): In Solidarity with “NO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE TO Accept a Fascist America!” We all know that 20th January Donald Trump will be inaugurated as ...
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By Joe Veale and Terry Cotton: We former members of the Black Panther Party call upon ALL former members—and ALL people—to sign and ACT on the Call from which appeared on in the ...
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By Bonnie Darves: I missed the protests of the 1960s because I was too young. I was on the sidelines of 1970s activism because I was working and trying to get through college. In ...
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By David Zeiger (co-initiator, Refuse Fasism): Kurt Gerron was a successful and beloved Jewish actor and director in Berlin during the heady days of the Weimar Republic. He lived and breathed film. Nothing else ...
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Immigrants Rights Activist From CASA Latino at the Sessions Hearing: “We are all going to lose if we don’t fight for justice and real democracy” Q: Tell us what happened in the confirmation hearing ...
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Scott Gilbert, RefuseFascism-Boston: "In the Name of Humanity, Never Again" Revolution ( recently interviewed Scott Gilbert, an activist with Refuse Fascism, whose family's experience with Nazi Germany is very relevant to what is happening ...
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More voices of conscience here 


NavyJack – Communists  Intend  to  Overthrow  the  United  States  before  Inauguration  Day  (Updated 01/12/2017)

In previous articles I have reviewed the planned activities of the ANSWER Coalition, #DisruptJ20 and the ANTIFA during the week leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. In this article we will review a new and even more dangerous organization, Refuse Fascism, which has stated their intent to stop the inauguration and prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.


On the surface this stated goal may seem unclear, but when you review their action plan you find the following:
“It is true that the current widespread opposition to this fascist regime could end up becoming deeply disoriented, demoralized, and decimated through repression. But it is also true that the current angst and outrage could be transformed, in a very short, telescoped period of time, into resistance which reaches such massive proportions, and is characterized by such a depth of determination, that it actually creates a ‘crisis of rule,’ and prevents the Trump/Pence fascist regime from consolidating its hold on the governance of society.”

“And this must be done before this regime officially takes power, isolates and crushes opposition, and moves forcefully to implement its fascist program.  The aim must be nothing less than to create such a profound political crisis before the intended inauguration (January 20, 2017) that the fascist regime is actually not able to take the reins of government.
This organization is clearly promoting treason against the people and the Constitution of United States of America. 

Our Operation HYPO team has penetrated this organization, attended their meetings and communicated with their leadership. Their intent is to create a crisis in Washington, D.C. before January 20, 2017. The crisis will manifest thru sustained protests starting on January 14, reaching a crescendo not later than January 19 with supporting “direct” actions including blocking roads, vandalism, and stopping Metro subway service starting on January 17. 

The following is an example of the scenario they envision:
“As 2011 dawned, President Hosni Mubarak had ruled Egypt for decades and seemed to be immovably implanted in power.  But Mubarak was forced to leave office and actually arrested after being confronted by massive demonstrations that braved very severe repression, focused in the main square in Cairo, along with opposition from all sectors of society manifesting in different ways.  From the time of the first demonstrations to the removal of Mubarak took less than a month.”
'Refuse Fascism' is promoting riots as a method to achieve their stated goals, suggesting the need for much larger events than the massively destructive and deadly riots that occurred in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD.
“These protests could be something with the character of the protests against police murder over the past few years… but larger by several orders of magnitude and even more determined.  Such protests would have to have the effect of figuratively ‘stopping society in its tracks’…”
Clearly this organization has crossed the line and its leadership should be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit treason, conspiracy to incite violence and other charges as appropriate. If the Obama Justice Department and the FBI does not immediately move to halt their schemes, we will know that they are complicit. One of the demands of this organization will be to stop the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States and hold new elections. 

We also know that in the past week, the DHS has made the unprecedented move to inject Federal oversight of the election systems. While these items could be a coincidence, it is certainly suspicious timing with President Obama having less than 10 days remaining in office.

#NoFascistUSA Cooper Union Emergency Meeting NYC December 19, 2016 

Published on Dec 27, 2016
Millions and millions know in their gut that Trump and Pence are terrible news. But on Monday night, December 19th, a powerful line up of speakers brought the truth to many tens of thousands that it is far worse than most can yet imagine. But that was not all, the evening was the launch of an audacious new movement,, which aims to rapidly transform the deep anguish and outrage, the something and outright terror that is felt by millions and millions in this country, into resistance and defiance and acts of political rebellion and radical art and No! Powerful enough to STOP Trump and Pence BEFORE they start. Yes, you read that right. The way to deal with fascism is to stop it before it starts. Get with it!

The key element of the Refuse Fascism argument for new elections is the CIA sponsored propaganda related to Russian interference in the U.S. Presidential Election. This “fake news” appears to be integrally connected with their overthrow plot and could indicate some level of cooperation. The level of deception contained in the most recent two reports alleging Russian interference in the election is quite remarkable. I suggest the following article from ZeroHedge is a responsible overview of the issues.

The Refuse Fascism leadership is the “who’s who” of Communist and Islamic Revolutionaries, including:
They have also received significant support and endorsement from members of the media and entertainment industry, including:
  • Marc Lamont Hill, CNN
  • Ed Asner, actor
  • Rosie O’Donnell, comedian, actor
  • Margaret Cho, comedian, actor
The organization is “a project of Alliance for Global Justice”. The Alliance for Global Justice was founded in February 1979 when solidarity activists formed the Nicaragua Network.
“The Nicaragua Network was the leading Nicaragua solidarity organization in the 1980s after the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution over the US-backed Somoza dictatorship. Tens of thousands of current and former activists throughout the progressive movement cut their activist teeth on coffee or cotton picking brigades to Nicaragua or by building schools, health clinics and houses in Nicaragua and witnessing directly the consequences of US imperialism, but also the courage of ordinary people who were fighting back.”

“Sandinistas always told the Nicaragua Network, “What you can do to most help us is to change your own government.”  We took that instruction to heart in 1990 when the Sandinistas lost an election due to overwhelming US interference and funding as well as the Nicaraguan peoples’ exhaustion from nine years of the US-sponsored Contra terrorist war.”
The Alliance for Global Justice receives funding from a number of left-wing philanthropies, including George Soros‘s Open Society Institute and the Tides Foundation. All information that our Operation Hypo team has collected, including video, audio, planning documents and personnel rosters will be delivered to the DC Metropolitan Police Department and other authorities as appropriate.

Comments and Opinion from NavyJack:

I get in a lot of hot water with Yoda, Cal, Chip and others here if I speculate or provide my opinion in an article, so as a general rule I refrain from offering my opinion. This time I am going to break that rule. Please consider the following as my opinion.  Because of the dedication of the Oath Keepers involved in Operation HYPO, we are currently the leading experts on the issue of protest organizations planning to stop or screw-up the Presidential Inauguration. Because of OPSEC you can either choose to believe me or not. If you have any doubts that I am being truthful, ask Stewart for his opinion.

My opinion, which I will not be able to defend until all of this is over, is that DC Metro Police can’t find their way out of a paper bag. Their senior leadership is retired on duty. I have the upmost respect for their mid and lower ranks, but the people in charge, no. Once the festivities start on Saturday the 14th, DC Police will be 100% reactive as a force even though they have enough information from our efforts and the efforts of many other organizations to be proactive. The main issues are that they have weak senior leadership and they just do not have enough officers. DC is not like New York City. DC lets crime happen and then investigates. A great number of crimes in DC go unsolved. DC is a scary city with a very high murder rate and officers just will not venture into many neighborhoods. That’s the way it is. Those wishing to commit a crime have safe havens that will never see a DC Police Officer.

What I believe will happen is a series of increasingly agitated protests starting this Saturday January 14. As new protesters are bused into town, the level and number of issues will escalate. These protests could easily result in riots. The DC Police will be stretched beyond capacity by the 18th. The National Guard will be sitting at the DC Armory waiting for orders that will never get issued. None of the violence will be all that serious. A few assaults, small fires, broken windows, vehicles destroyed, traffic jams because of road closures, disruption of Metro subway service, etc. The DC residence of VP-Elect Mike Pence will be protested on the afternoon/evening of the 18th. There will be vandalism.

On the evening of the 19th things will escalate significantly. Guests attending the Citizens for Trump “DeploraBall” at the National Press Club will be assaulted just like we saw on TV in Albuquerque and San Jose during the run-up to the election.  I will be there as a concerned citizen with other Patriots doing whatever I can to help the police protect innocent civilians. I just cannot sit and watch another Albuquerque or San Jose attack on innocent women and children. I can’t do it. 

Once this violence ends, they will either have the number of protesters needed to start making demands or not. I believe they will fall short. I believe they will still make demands, but they will not have the weight of enough protesters to justify any action other than containment.  

Because of the increased level of violence, by the evening of the 19th, the DC National Guard will be on the street. SpecOps personnel from Ft. McNair will be on the street. FBI HRT and other sniper teams will be on every rooftop.  I believe the protesters will be largely contained to McPherson Square Park and the White House Ellipse. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Inauguration Day will be marred with hundreds of “Direct Action” events. Key roads and bridges into the city will be blocked at least temporarily. The DC Police have decided to just “wait and see” instead of being proactive and arresting those plotting these direct actions.  The security entrances into the inauguration viewing areas will be blocked with protesters chained together and chained to the entry portal fences. Protesters will attempt to block the Inauguration Parade following the Inauguration Ceremony at 13th Street. USMC personnel will most likely have to clear them out if they succeed. 

There are literally hundreds of these actions planned by dozens of organizations. Training for these actions will be taking place at various locations including American University starting on Saturday. It could all be stopped, but it won’t be stopped. You already know why it won’t be stopped. It will be a long day for all of us there.

Donald Trump will become our 45th President, but the stain caused by the protests will be permanent. On the evening on the inauguration, three of the major inauguration balls will be disrupted; two in DC and one in Virginia. Authorities and organizers have been informed. Protests will continue until at least January 23.

Navy Jack

I enlisted in the USN in 1977 and was honorably discharged in 1986. During my service I deployed on various platforms, including submarines, amphibious assault units and special boats. I participated in expeditionary and humanitarian missions to the North Atlantic, Iran, Beirut, Libya, and the Caribbean. After leaving the U.S. Navy I went to work for a large DoD contractor. I became President of that company in 1993. In 2002, I founded an Internet service company and I am currently the CEO of that company. I am a Patron Life Member of the NRA. I am an Oath Keeper Life Member. I have worked diligently to defend the Bill of Rights and have testified many times before various Federal and State legislative committees.

Shoebat: Muslim atrocities update


Church  Invites  Muslims  To  Recite  Koran  And  Blaspheme  Jesus’  Divinity  During  Services  For  Epiphany

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
Epiphany is one of the important holy days of the Christian year, as it is the celebration of the revelation of God to the world through the coming of the Wise Men. On this holy day, the Anglican Communion’s Church of St. Mary’s in Glasgow, Scotland invited a Muslim woman to recite part of the […]

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Muslim  Suicide  Bomber  Goes  Into  Grocery  Store  In  Spain,  Shouts  “Allahu  Akbar”  And  Then  Starts  Shooting,  Off-Duty  Police  Officer  Stops  Him

Posted in Featured
  More details are emerging about this story, and we will update them as they come in. The man who did this was from Bilbao, which is the Basque region of Spain. While his identity is yet to be revealed, was he possibly a convert? AN off-duty policeman has prevented a possible terrorist bloodbath, arresting […]

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Deaf  Muslim  Goes  To Church  And  Hears  The  Gospel  In  Sign  Language,  And  Then  Declares: “I have  made  up  my  mind  to  follow  Jesus  Christ,  as  taught today  from  God’s  Word… I  know  God  accepts  me  just  as  the  father  accepted  the  prodigal  son  when  he  came  back  home.”

Posted in General
By Theodore Shoebat A deaf Muslim named Ayo went to a church after being invited by a friend, and heard a sermon in sign language. After being convinced of the Gospel, he gave his life to Christ, saying: “I have made up my mind to follow Jesus Christ, as taught today from God’s Word… I know […]

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German  Man  Declares  ‘We  Are  Sick  Of  'Immigrants'  And  We  Are  Going  To  Teach  You  A  Lesson

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
This video is a parody made by a German man named Hagen Grell on his Youtube channel. While done as a parody, the attitude in the video is EXACTLY what we have been warning would rise up in Germany regarding Islam, Muslims, and ultimately anybody who looks like he was not born there: Germans are angry, […]

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‘Everybody  Will  Be  Muslim  Because  Of  Our  Stupidity’  Respected  Catholic  Archbishop  Blasts  ‘Weak’  ‘Decadent’  Church,  Moral  Decay  And  Rise  Of  Islam  And  Paganism

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
In a scathing and long overdue realtalk criticism of the situation of the Church in Europe and with Islam, Archbishop Carlo Liberati said that because of the moral decadence of the European people they have become modern day pagans who have rejected Christianity and hurt the most vulnerable among them and that people are refusing […]

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Theodore  Shoebat  Schools  Europe’s  Alt-Right  Neo-Nazi  Leader,  He  Is  So  Embarrassed  That  Now  He  Is  Threatening  To  Have  The  Video  Censored

Posted in FeaturedGeneralHighlight
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Special) Most apologists for the Alt-Right and neo-Nazi movements have a policy to shy away from serious dialogue with the opposite side, and only appear on the media of their allies. They are, after all, in the propaganda business and not truth. But to reveal the truth we initially thought to […]

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Muslim  Men  Kidnap  Swedish  Woman,  Take  Her To  A  Muslim-Owned  Store,  Chain  Her  To  A  Water  Pipe  In  The  Basement  And  Take  Turns  Savagely  Raping  Her

Posted in Featured
In a shocking story out of Sweden, several Muslims have been arrested for kidnapping a young Swedish woman, chaining her to a water pipe in the basement of a Muslim-owned vape shop, and then keeping her as a sex slave: Originally there were seven Arab men arrested for kidnapping a woman at gunpoint and raped […]

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Christians  Complain  About  Muslims  Blaspheming  Christ  In  Anglican  Church  During  Services,  Now  UK  Police  Are  Investigating  Christians  For  “Hate  Crimes”  Against  Muslims !

Posted in Featured
Several days ago, we wrote about how an Anglican Church in the UK invited a Muslim in to blaspheme Christ on the holiday of the Epiphany. In an Orwellian move, UK police are investigating Christians for “hate crimes” after some Christian complained about the Muslim’s blasphemy online: Offensive comments directed at clergy at St Mary’s […]

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