Monday, January 9, 2017

Irony: Obama Admin Approves Large Shipment of Uranium to Iran from... Russia


Any respectful president at this point would basically be in a hover mode and simply helping a new administration transition, but not the Marxist Obama administration. No, they are still hard a work selling America out to our enemies. The latest sellout is ironic because it has been the Obama administration pushing the narrative of Russia hacking US elections. Now, the administration has joined five other world powers in approving the transfer of a large shipment of uranium from Russia to Iran.
The Associate Press reports:
Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact.

Two senior diplomats said the transfer recently approved by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium.

U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said.

The transfer is to come under the surveillance of the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency and allegedly be accountable to that agency for 25 years.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the transfers are "subject to the careful monitoring and inspections that are included in the deal to ensure that Iran is living up to the commitments that they made."

While Tehran has not said what it plans to do with the uranium, State Department spokesman John Kirby claims that natural uranium "cannot be used… for a weapon" in its original form.

Should Tehran decide to store the uranium, which amounts are very significant considering some of the possible uses once certain limits on Tehran's nuclear activities begin to expire within ten years.

The AP went on to report, "David Albright, whose Institute of Science and International Security often briefs U.S. lawmakers on Iran's nuclear program, says the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple nuclear bombs, 'depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon.'"
Is anyone buying that Iran won't try to develop a nuke even if just to defy the US and the world?

For those concerned about Israel, understand that the tiny nation has put a whipping on every attempt made against it to destroy it since its inception. In September 2016, it was reported that a 2015 email revealed that former Secretary of State Colin Powell said that Israel has 200 nukes of their own.
"Iranians can't use one if they finally make one," Powell wrote to Democratic donor Jeffrey Leeds, a hedge-fund founder who serves on the board of the Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York. "The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands."

Frankly, for Tehran to use a nuke against Israel or the US would be suicidal, but we are familiar with Islamic jihadists who will commit suicide to accomplish jihad. However, not many of their high ranking officials and leaders are ready to engage in an operation that will turn them into dust. I'm all for countries being able to defend themselves, but I find the irony of an administration blaming Russia for election hacking and then turning around and approving a uranium shipment to Iran so hypocritical that you just can't make it up.

One question I do have though is, where is this uranium coming from? Is it coming directly from Russia or is this the Clintons the uranium have been selling Russia out from under the land of America's ranchers? By the way, the Clintons made millions on the deal.

Political prisoner Pete Santilli exposed the fact that the central government's illegal land grabs are all about uranium. Don't think that Bundy Ranch and the Oregon protests were all about nothing! They were about federal tyranny and tied to that is arming our enemies. Somehow, I have to wonder if Lindsey Graham and John McCain are involved in this too.

EPA Sends Over 1 Million Pounds of Toxic Metals Into Lake Powell

The Rest of the Story, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 16


By Anna Von Reitz

So we covered the Law of the Sea, both Maritime and Admiralty, and you know now that Maritime Law is also called Commercial Law, Roman Civil (or just "Civil") Law, Maritime Law, and Law Merchant. 
You know that Admiralty is distinguished from Maritime in that Admiralty pertains to military and governmental affairs on the High Seas, while Maritime concerns itself with civilian transport of goods, services, and "persons" on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  This is the same difference as the difference between the U.S. Navy and the Merchant Marine Service.
All these activities fall under the Law of the Sea, which is a very ancient venue of the law that first arose thousands of years ago and which was based on pagan religious beliefs and ethical principles.  The most recent overhaul of Maritime Law ---also known as Roman Civil Law --- took place in the Second Century BC.
So, no, Dorothy, when you step out into international jurisdiction, you are not in Kansas anymore, and the rules and standards of behavior and the guarantees you are owed on land no longer apply.
Satan, aka, Poseidon, was the original "God of the Sea" known as the "Father of All Lies", so you can pretty much figure out what his "Law" is like and can now understand why the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure demand an "appearance" of Justice, and not the actual thing. 
This foreign, pagan, Satanic form of law governs worldwide shipping to this day and  its "legal" practices are often "unlawful".  Only corporations can form the maritime or admiralty agreements known as contracts and only corporations can be held accountable for contracts.
So how is it that you, a living man, are being "held to account"?
It's largely because you have an ACCOUNT----and you have what is presumed to be a "Legal Name" and a "Signature" written in "Cursive"---- as in "curse of the Sea".   
Normal average land-lubbers have no such things, so when a judge sees an ACCOUNT and a legal name like "JOHN M. DOE" and receives paperwork that is "signed"---- as in American Sign Language--- in cursive writing, he has to assume that you are acting as a corporation operating under the legal name "JOHN M. DOE" and that you have an ACCOUNT as a franchise of a federal corporation (a Federal Reserve Bank) and that you have entered into "legal contracts" --- that is, Maritime contracts of some kind--- and that you are to be "held accountable". 
Now, none of this is true.  You have--most likely--never knowingly, willingly, nor under conditions of full disclosure entered into a Maritime contract in your entire life, but the way the rats have set things up, you are automatically presumed to be operating in this venal, foreign, pagan system and to be voluntarily subjecting yourself to the Law of the Sea----either Maritime or Admiralty. 
And you can scream and shout until the cows come home about your rights and guarantees owed to you on the land, but none of that counts at sea.
You have been press-ganged. 
"Illegally transported".
Your identity has been stolen along with your money and your credit cards.
And the so-called "beauty" of the scheme is that nobody told you or your Mother or anyone that had a legitimate interest in you what was being done behind the scenes.  The entire "transport" took place under color of law, silently, when you were only a few weeks old, and nobody was the wiser except the Bar Association crooks and the feckless politicians responsible for this outrage.
Their excuse?  Oh, it was all for the war effort.  It's always a war effort in which you are called upon to defend them from their well-earned enemies and wind up fighting the people that are at the very least your natural allies.
The perpetrators have given you the "gift" of a Legal Name and an ACCOUNT as a presumptive "ward" of their state.  Wasn't that nice of them, to claim ownership of your name and steal your identity and misrepresent your political status, so as to take you into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and "legally" rob and rape you? 
So they press-ganged you into their service and claimed that you were a "citizen" and subject to the international law of the sea.  And you let them do this to you, because you were deliberately dumbed down, misinformed, and left as prey to these vile monsters when you were just a baby in your cradle. 
Well, as it turns out, your ancestors "reserved" all "non-delegated powers" in international jurisdiction to the states and the people (Article X of the actual Constitution) and since you were born as one of the "people" owed the land jurisdiction of this nation, you can kick the ever-loving Bejeezus out of these vermin using those reserved powers. 
For starters, you own and control the Federal Postal Districts, which are land-based and which underlie and occupy the same space as the "United States Districts" ---- only this is your international jurisdiction on the land as opposed to their international jurisdiction on the sea. 
You can now discern the difference between a "Federal Marshal" and a "United States Marshal".
The men and women responsible for this criminal scheme and treason against you stopped hiring Federal Marshals a few years back, because, after all, there are so few people left who are still claiming to be American state nationals--- that is, knowledgeably claiming their birthright as Virginians, Californians, Coloradans, and so on.   And because it doesn't suit their agenda against you to hire men and women to fill those peace officer slots, they've just neglected to fund them.
Ah, but as the source of all money and all credit on this planet, you can fund those positions.  You can fill those positions with volunteers, too.  And you can actually serve as a Federal Marshal yourself, if you have the time and the expertise and desire to make a difference in this situation and put an end to the crimes being carried out against Americans.
You can assemble your jural assemblies at the county and state levels throughout this once-great nation and you can make it great again, to borrow a tag line from Donald Trump.  You can start by recognizing the venal crimes that have been committed and you can start by objecting to any claim that you are any form of "citizen".  
Most of all, you can realize that the "federal government" is a foreign entity with respect to you and your states of the union, and that it has committed crimes against you and your states under the guise of serving you. 
You can "surrender" the PERSON they created for you a few days after your birth --- the legal name they substituted for your proper English name---
and "assign" its assets to your benefit and the benefit of your country.

You don't have to act as a "citizen" of anything and you don't have to live under the venal Law of the Sea.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Info From the Fringe with Alex Jones: VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Seg...


I understand Y'all may have listened to this before....Perhaps this needs to be listened to again....
Off the charts funny...
Related image

Mass persecution of Christians under reported

christian-persectutionBREAKING  NEWS


By: Devvy Kidd    
January 9, 2017

"An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery."  Joseph Pulitzer

Americans have been doing the job of the disgraced media including cable 'news' networks for decades. In-depth, thorough investigations of corrupt politicians, legislation, scandals and events like OKC, TWA flight 800, 9/11 and too many more.
President-elect Donald Trump blew the lid off the fake media practically from day one of his run for president. He has continued to pound on them relentlessly and shows no signs of giving them a break. The so-called 'mainstream' media, owned by six major corporations, quit being mainstream decades ago. That would be ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC as well as every major newspaper in this country.
FOX News Network is one of the worst. Sure, they have their anchors who draw big numbers but those big names have refused to tell the American people the truth either by complete omission or by bashing the messenger. The biggest example is the continuing cover up regarding the Marxist in the White House and his fake presidency. 
Sheriff Arpaio and his investigator, Mike Zullo, held a final press conference three weeks ago regarding Barry Soetoro aka Obama and his fake birth certificate. Two different forensic document examiners with credentials a mile long on two different continents both came to the same conclusion: The birth certificate Barry presented to the American people is a forgery.  They nailed down a real birth certificate, who it belonged to and how the forgery was clumsily done using that birth certificate. 
Soetoro/Obama committed fraud along with his forged Selective Service Registration card. Both are crimes. FOX News, the 'fair and balanced', ignored the press conference. It was to be expected for the prostitute media, but FOX consistently brags they bring it all to you when in fact they simply ignored what should have been a major news story. Just like the other liars for hire: NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CNN and the list goes on. USA Today did a short sarcastic piece that cheated their readers out of the truth.
Of course, the unknown birth place for bouncing Barry so long ago has nothing to do with his eligibility to serve as president. Without rehashing years of columns, it all comes down to one fact: BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth. That leaves out Soetoro/Obama, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and another loser, Bobby Jindal.
The fake news scandal has been dominating the Internet for the past month. What you and I know and millions of Americans have known for a long time has finally blown up in their faces. The phony story about how the Russians hacked and influenced the presidential election last November has been flogged to death by the lying agenda-driven media. They hoped by telling the same whopper over and over and over, gullible Americans would swallow it hook, line and sinker. That may be true for a segment of the population who voted for career criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, but for those of us who do the research and carefully consider sources, we know it's all a big, fat lie to brand Trump's presidency as illegitimate.
Those same useful fools screamed, yelled and jumped up and down over the war to expose Barry Soetoro as ineligible and that his 'presidency' for 8 years was illegitimate. You're all racists, blah, blah, blah. Well, the chickens have come home to roost as they say and the day of triumph for what's referred to as the 'alternative media' - NOT the stupid moniker 'alt-right' (or even 'alt left') - has arrived.
Of course, the disinformation industry is out there in full force, pretending to be truth tellers on web sites that appear to be conservative. I receive email all the time asking me, 'Is this true'? I'm glad people are taking to heart how important it is to be wary of false information and outright lies. Verify is everything.
I've been in the trenches for 26 years. Twenty years ago WorldNetDaily came on the scene on the heels of The Drudge Report. A year later, July 4, 1998, my web site went up; I believe NewsWithViews went on line in 2002. Today there are thousands of web sites all competing for that hot story that can be uploaded in minutes. But, over the decades I have learned which web sites are consistently accurate, which are BS flame throwers (yellow journalism to sell products on web sites), which deliberately put out disinformation and which are party oriented and that goes for talk radio as well.
It's so frustrating to listen to some talk show host who doesn't know what he/she is talking about. They either have no clue regarding the U.S. Constitution, they do nothing but parrot the party line or in their arrogance brush off someone who does know what they're talking about and slap them with the some worn out label. Either deliberately deceptive or intellectual laziness, too many big name talk show hosts never talk about the cure, only more of the same party bickering. It's their cash cow.
So, who should the American people believe? The writers at NWVs and other big web sites who consistently bring verifiable facts in their columns over the decades. Journalists and columnists who consistently back up their allegations and research. I've seen too many web sites with lots of opinions and 'facts' where no source is provided just lots of hype. You know the old saying in media: If it bleeds it leads. I see too much of that on the Internet, much of which turns out to be either outright false or a foul distortion of facts.
As for talk show and cable network hosts, the same rule applies. Sadly, the majority in my opinion fail miserably. It wasn't until the 2016 election that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity finally got fed up with the lying scum bag RINOs who keep getting reelected to Congress (94% again in 2016) and started going after the GOP. That's all well and fine, but some subjects that are critical to 'draining the swamp' they simply refuse to cover.
That's why it's up to yours truly to do my part in covering what 'conservative' talk radio isn't interested in bringing to the American people. I am back on the radio with my own show again and I promise you, it will not be the same old GOP-DNC tennis match of back and forth politics.
There's so much going on right now. We are living in a very historical moment that is also very dangerous. The shadow government isn't just going to roll over and go away. Their plans to destroy this republic is experiencing a set-back with the election of Donald Trump, but make no mistake: The evil doers think years ahead, not days or weeks.
I firmly believe if it wasn't for the Internet we would already be toast. If it wasn't for 'alternative' talk radio we would already be toast. Talk radio is like networking and it works. Just like networking on the Internet and through social media. When my eyes were first opened more than a quarter century ago, comparatively speaking, it would have been like the days of the settlers. All we had back then was fax machines, newsletters and very little radio exposure. Rush Limbaugh owned the market back then.
Today it's totally different. We need to keep hammering on getting the truth out. We need to keep networking to bring like minded Americans together on the same page to get critical legislation passed in Congress. We need to keep the information highway flowing with truth. We need radio shows like mine to keep Americans informed in real time so they can be a force to be reckoned with instead of chasing Band Aids
So, please join me Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 5:00 pm PST, 7:00 pm CST and 8:00 pm EST, to hear my guests, get up to date accurate information and call in with your thoughts and/or suggestions on the issues. Wednesday the 11th my guest is constitutional attorney, Larry Becraft. You won't want to miss it. And, every show this month for a lucky caller: A free copy of my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. To listen, click here.
[Devvy's hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2017 - and Devvy - All Rights Reserved

White Hats Report #58

White Hats Report #58 – Fake news, continued exposure, a look back at the election and wannabe thieves in the night

Being so deep down the rabbit hole is sometimes a benefit and a curse. In determining the information to release in our reports, it’s difficult to unknow what we already know so that we can present information in a clear, cogent and understandable format. This report will attempt to offer additional information in the hopes that  dots can be connected so that the readers can have an outline of what is happening and what to expect in the next few months but first, we’ll take a look back…

The Election
Elections of any significance occur every two years (mid terms) and every four years (Presidential) with the most significant being (predictably) every 8 years when the current, cabal controlled puppet has served their two terms and must leave office. (A phenomenon that may be expounded upon in a future report.) So every four years we gather around the TV sets after the polls close and watch the drama of the election unfold as the MOP gives us the results while they interview a multitude of experts between their “calls” of winners of the states and running tallies of the electoral scorecard. As entertaining as a sporting event and what’s even better, you can pick your announcers depending on your political bent and preferences.

As the map gets colored blue or red, has it occurred to anyone why the networks of propaganda are the ones who have been tasked with determining the election results? Isn’t it interesting that we aren’t getting results from the FEC (Federal Election Commission) or the Secretary of State’s office for each state? What massive computer tabulates the tens of thousands of polling places (precincts) across the USA? How do they get the % “in” or “counted” when they don’t know how many votes were cast until they count them? When they do “call a state” for either candidate, how can they do it when only a small % of the votes are in?

Given what we observe and experience, doesn’t it seem like an elaborate, sophisticated show for our eager consumption and entertainment?

The Recounts
Jill Stein’s attempt to gain favor with the Clinton crime family failed after Wisconsin completed their recount with Trump gaining over a 100 votes. The recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania were denied due to the requests being what they were, frivolous and without merit, according to judges overseeing lawsuits regarding same. It wasn’t a coincidence, as we mentioned in our last article, that the three states Stein filed in for a recount were considered paramount to Trump gaining enough electoral votes to be president.  We can only wonder how Clinton surrogate Stein will be repaid for her incompetent efforts. Even in interviews, Stein was far from convincing and at times, seemed to be disingenuous and defensive, perhaps for good reason.

It should be noted, massive fraud was discovered in Michigan which is probably why the Judge shut it down rather than risk a full recount with documentation verifying the fraud. (See you tube linked at the end of the report titled “Voter fraud in Michigan”)

Our suggestions for future election are the following, not all inclusive but perhaps a good start:
  • Clean up the voter registration rolls, deleting deceased, illegal and out of state voters.
  • Outlaw all electronic voter machines until clear, easy and verifiable audit trails can be established. If not, get rid of all of them.
  • Require a photo ID for all elections for Federal office. If states wish to allow illegal aliens and unregistered voters to cast ballots, so be it, but not on the Federal elections which affect all of us.
Unfortunately, any discussion of strengthening the voting process will go back into hibernation until the next election in two years and the fraud and registration farce will continue.

And currently, the latest attempt by the cabal through their stooges in the Democratic Party to steal the election from Trump is in the….

Electoral College
The constant complaining by the MOP about the irrelevant results of the popular vote have morphed into a  psyop targeted at  the state electors who make up the Electoral College after the failed recounts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Led by the daughter of Nancy Pelosi, some electors are seeking an intelligence briefing that will never happen on evidence that Russian hacking resulted in Trump winning the election. 

This push began when the MOP’s star shills, the Washington Post and the NY Times ran stories citing unnamed “senior administration officials” as the source of leaks regarding Russia’s involvement in influencing the election for Trump.  Never mind that NO ONE has connected any hacks of the DNC and the HRC campaign to Wiki leaks. Further, no one has provided solid proof of this other than innuendo and whining from the cabal controlled MOP and their mindless minion followers in the Democratic Party.  The various intelligence agencies have switched positions on this topic more times than can be counted and it should be noted they failed to even appear before Congress to testify under oath this past week to provide testimony and details of this supposed hack.

There are so many holes in this Russian hacking theory we won’t waste time citing them all but it is rather amusing to watch the desperation of the cabal leading up to the EC vote. They’ve even invoked their elitist shills in Hollywood to produce a video of actors imploring the electors to change their votes. It seems they still haven’t gotten the message that the rest of America could care less what overpaid, irrelevant, out of touch liberals think. 

One has to believe this will only harden the resolve of the Trump electors much to the chagrin of the liberal cabal.

Lastly, the Liar in Chief, in his final press conference (hopefully), weighed in on the subject of Russian hacking, stating he told Putin in September to “cut it out” in his last meeting with the Russian president.  Cut it out?

Let’s face facts. Putin has OWNED the sissy boy in the White House for 8 years and continues to do as he wishes without concern over what Obama will do. The Kenyan is too busy drawing lines in the sand and then running away when they’re crossed. He’s more concerned with pushing gender neutral bathrooms in schools. Or meeting with members of BLM in the White House to further undermine race relations in the US. Or patting himself on the back for an anemic economy after doubling the debt to $20 trillion. Or playing golf.

Cut it out? Obama continues to be spineless to the very end.

January 20, 2017 can’t come soon enough as this fraudulent, incompetent hustler is finally relegated to irrelevance when Trump is sworn in as our 45thPresident.

“Russian hacking”- NO PROOF
As mentioned in the Electoral College section of this report, the cabal lapdogs in the Democratic Party and their controlled media operatives at the NY Times and the Washington Post have “leaked” information from completely unnamed “government sources” that the Russian hacking affected the election results. 

Interestingly enough, not one of the Agency heads, including John Brennan (CIA), James Clapper (NSA) or James Comey (FBI) have publicly acknowledged, confirmed or provided evidence or proof that this has occurred. The Agencies refused to send representatives to Congress last week to testify on the matter and it’s shameful that the Liar in Chief and other government officials including the MOP have treated this lie as fact. 

Interestingly enough, even Clapper and Brennan, who have lied to Congress in previous testimony, will not weigh in on this subject under oath. Ironies too, continue to pervade as Brennan was caught in a lie when he denied that his Agency was hacking the Senate staffers looking into the CIA’s torture methods and Clapper lied when he denied that the NSA was spying on ALL American’s emails and phone conversations. 

Comey….well, we know about Comey so all this chatter about Russian hacking is baseless.

Notice the reasons cited for not briefing Congress on the matter is because “the review isn’t complete”. If the review isn’t complete then how is the conclusion of the review already determined? This ploy is obviously aimed solely to convince enough Electoral College voters to either change their vote or cast it for someone other than Trump.

Lastly, where is the FBI and why are they doing nothing in view of a number of electors stating they’ve received death threats to their person and families?

On cue, the government sub-contractors in both the House and Senate have eagerly jumped on the Russian hacking bandwagon, predictably, including such notable Republican shills as Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Mitch McConnell and of course the cabal’s golden boy, Paul Ryan. Whenever needed to further the narrative of the MOP, their strings are simply pulled and they engage the talking points of their masters in the shadows. 

Expect this to continue after Trump is inaugurated and despite the Republican members of both houses pledging allegiance to the party and the new President, they will undermine his agenda and the will of the people who voted him into office at every turn.

Forged birth certificate
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao’s cold posse finished a five year investigation confirming what most already knew, the birth certificate offered by the Liar in Chief is, in essence just like him, a fraud. Two forensic document examiners, one in Hawaii and the other in Italy, arrive at the exact same conclusion that the birth certificate proffered by Soetoro back in 2011 is a forgery. 

Sheriff Arpaio indicated he would forward his investigation to the Federal government and Congress for review but we are expecting them to do exactly what they’ve done for the last 8 years.


They are all complicit in this fraud, both sides of the aisle, and they will continue to ignore this issue and run out the clock until January 20. Sheriff Arpiao stated he had more “sensitive” information that would not be released; most likely it includes the social security number fraudulently utilized by the occupier of the White House. We can only hope when the Kenyan leaves office and is no longer afforded the protection of the office of President that the new Justice Department will pursue him with vigor.

Latest from Oregon
Portland, Oregon continues to be the example of deception of the liberal Democrats in this country as reports of a Christmas party where a piñata created to resemble Trump was hanged in effigy and attacked with a baseball bat while party goers yelled “lynch him!” 
Predictably, this has not been reported in the left wing liberal newspaper, The Oregonian, nor has any MOP site disclosed this. It’s become apparent that the party of inclusion and tolerance is actually the party of haters and violence.

If this had happened in December, 2008, it would’ve been reported as what it is, racism, and blasted all over the evening news and calls for hate crimes to be established or used against the perpetrators would’ve reached a fever pitch. But since it happened in Oregon and was instigated by the sore loser liberals, not a peep.

Fake News update
We could write books on the pathetic and treasonous tenure of Harry Reid but we’d have to interrupt our celebration of his retirement from the Senate to do so and the effort would be redundant. However, his retirement party brought out Hillary Clinton to speak and what did she talk about? Yes, fake news. 

While Democrats were nostalgic about Harry’s retirement and Republicans were celebrating, Hillary couldn’t resist her moment in the limelight to caution us about fake news and “malicious false propaganda.” 

Admittedly an odd subject to be discussing during a retirement party for a colleague but when you’re about to be exposed for the satanic rituals and pedophilia you engage in, you take every opportunity to debunk the truth and attempt to throw the dogs off your trail.

Megyn Kelly has emerged as the MOP’s newly appointed Queen of Disinformation as she ran an interview last week of Comet Ping Pong owner James Alfantis, utilizing her weak talents and unconvincing rhetoric to confer sympathy on Alfantis, this poor business owner who has fallen victim to fake news. As the cabal gets more and more desperate to derail the oncoming train called justice, more and more of their puppets will surface and reveal themselves. The times of exposure continue.

Lastly, the shooter at Comet Ping Pong, Edgar Maddison Welch, has been exposed as another crises actor in this latest false flag offered by the cabal to disguise their misdeeds. Mr. Welch has an IMdB page and his father has ties to charities involving children which give rise to many unanswered questions. 

Another question is, given the gun grabbing DC liberals, how can someone go into a public restaurant, shoot the place up and be arrested without being shot and killed?

Finally, we ask our readers to report information they have relating to satanic rituals or pedophilia in their areas involving government officials, politicians and/or media. We will follow up and report any developments.

British diplomat claims he saw leaked emails

CNN Anchor melts down over voter fraud discussion

Election fraud in Nevada

Voter fraud in Michigan 

A Rant Against Hypocrisy

A Rant Against Hypocrisy
in the U.S. Leftist Cult
Col Roy Potter

Senator Charles Schumer Threatens Trump

Senator Charles Schumer Threatens
Trump with CIA Revenge
Col Roy Potter

ARREST ALL MAYORS.......... Trump to take on 482 sanctuary cities; New study shows Christian face genocide

During his presidential campaign against the Democrat’s heir apparent Hillary Clinton, President-elect Donald Trump used the murder case of San Franciscan woman Kate Steinle — an American citizen murdered by a notorious illegal alien — to illustrate the evils of so-called sanctuary cities. Now that he’s set to be sworn in as President, he may find his promise an arduous and complicated one since he will have to deal with more than 500 cities, counties and towns in the state of California alone.
There are exactly 482 sanctuary cities and towns in the Golden State plus another 58 sanctuary counties. That is because California is a sanctuary state. And under the Democratic Party, that state’s officials are more concerned with the health, safety and welfare of illegal immigrants than that of U.S. citizens.
The late celebrity attorney Vincent Bugliosi while lecturing police officers on prosecuting homicides said: Reporters as a group can always be counted on to use a minimal amount of intelligence.
The late celebrity attorney Vincent Bugliosi while lecturing police officers on prosecuting homicides said: Reporters as a group can always be counted on to use a minimal amount of intelligence.
Under Gov. Jerry Brown, the state passed a law that mandates a minimum sanctuary status. All municipalities and counties in California are sanctuaries. It is not necessary for cities to declare themselves sanctuaries any longer. If they do, it is just because they want to do it to be “in your face.” California is in a state of insurrection against the federal government.
And rather than the current president directing his Justice Department to stop the violation of federal law by states lacking jurisdiction as far as immigration, the Justice Department actually defends these cities whose Democrat politicians thumb their noses at the law.
A litigation battle is raging between the states and President Barack Obama over his attempt to impose a nationwide “sanctuary” policy for illegal aliens. Yet, there is no question that existing sanctuary policies implemented by numerous towns and cities have victimized innocent Americans. Those sanctuary policies have enabled illegal aliens to commit thousands of crimes –crimes that would not have occurred had their perpetrators been deported in keeping with existing law,” stated Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation.
The Trust Act is a sanctuary law for the entire state of California. It applies to counties and local cities as you can read in the actual text of the law (attached) in paragraph 7282(d). Therefore, there is no need for California city councils or counties to declare themselves sanctuary cities any longer. They are already (informal) sanctuaries by state law. Cooperation with ICE is only allowed under certain conditions. That is, the inmate has been convicted of one of a list of serious crimes that the law spells out. If you live in California, you are already living in a sanctuary for illegal aliens.
The TRUST Act (AB 4 – Ammiano) became law on January 1st, 2014 and limits local jails from holding people for extra time just so they can be deported. County jails can no longer respond to requests to hold individuals solely based on their immigration status, unless certain conditions are met. Even then, local law enforcement always has the discretion not to use local resources to detain immigrants for extra time. The TRUST Act ensures that, as of January 1st, people with most low-level, non-violent offenses (misdemeanors) are not wastefully held for deportation purposes. At the same time, the law allows detention of people with felony convictions and of those charged with felonies under certain circumstances. It also allows detention for people with a number of higher level misdemeanor (or “wobbler”) convictions within the past 5 years, and for certain federal criminal offenses.
The TRUST Act addresses the harmful impact of California’s participation in the federal government’s controversial “Secure Communities” (S-Comm) deportation program, which has led to the deportation of over 90,000 individuals in California. The law will begin to repair relationships between the immigrant community and local law enforcement and limit the use of local resources to detain immigrants. It provides essential safeguards for public safety, community policing and civil liberties. The TRUST Act is a statewide minimum standard, and local jurisdictions can and should go farther to limit to harmful impact of S-Comm and detention of immigrants in local jails.
The ACLU of California was a sponsor of AB 4, along with four other organizations, and is now working on implementation of the new law.
Recent illegal immigration and sanctuary city news updates (Just click each state):