Monday, December 4, 2017

Step By Step -- Part Two -- The Gas

By Anna Von Reitz

So you now know what the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is and how it functions and why you authenticate it.

What else do you need to reclaim your identity and your Holder-In-Due Course/Subrogee/Priority Creditor status?

You have to correct the omission your parents made and record your Common Law copyright to your own name. 

The Session Laws of every State --- federated or not --- contain language guaranteeing your right to establish a Common Law copyright to your Assumed Name. 

Please note:  I said "Session Laws"---- not "statutes". 

Also note that the correct description of your Upper and Lower case name, First Middle Last, as in: Michael John Doe, is properly known as a "Trade Name" or a "Given Name" and this style of name is known as a "bicameral" name. 

It is "assumed" in the sense that when you came into this world you didn't have a name and were given one, but there are other kinds of assumed names including pen names and noms de guerre and corporate names, too. 

The Session Laws include all these kinds of names under the blanket description "assumed names". 

The name your parents gave you, your given Trade Name, has to be reclaimed and copyrighted and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the state where you were born, together with all styles, orders, forms, punctuation, variations, abbreviations and other derivatives of your basic Trade Name. 

This is done by recording your claim and Certificate of Assumed Name in a land recording office or a postal district court or both.  Please note that a "recording" is different from a "registration". 

You record a deed because it references a land asset. People and their names are naturally land assets, too: for dust Thou art and to dust returneth-- and so of course are other actual, factual things such as rocks and trees and farm fields and houses and houses and dogs and cats--- all land assets. 

Now, I have shared examples of CERTIFICATES OF ASSUMED NAMES on my website that people can observe and use as templates to create their own documents simply by replacing the names, dates, addresses, etc. with their own.

These examples cite the Session Laws of Alaska and Washington State simply because that is where they happened to be brought.  Other states have their own Session Laws regarding ASSUMED NAMES which guarantee your Common Law copyright, so if you live in Minnesota or Florida or some other State, by all means consider spending an afternoon at a law library or hiring a paralegal to dig through and find the "local" Session Law and cite that in addition to the Alaska and Washington State laws. 

That said, the Doctrine of Equal Protection mandates that a protection provided in one state must be provided in all states of the Union, and if you absolutely cannot find the right Session Law for your state, you may rely on the citations provided from Washington and Alaska.

Some land recording offices object and refuse to file any record that doesn't include the Session Law reference for their State; this is either ignorance or guile on the parts of the Clerks who don't know the difference between Session Laws and Statutes--- but no matter.

You are not dependent on the Land Recording Offices to record your claims.

It's nice if you can get it on the Public Record that way, but not critical. 

You can use the Post Office to create a record of your claim by sending yourself a Registered Letter containing a wet-ink original copy of the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME.  This is called a "Record Copy". When you receive the Registered Letter that you sent to yourself, you don't open it. You tuck it away in a file folder along with your own file copy of the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME.

If there is ever a question or you are forced to go to court, you certify a black and white copy of the CERTIFICATE from your file as "true, correct, and complete" and sign off on this as the "Document Custodian".  Then take your unopened Registered Letter to court as proof. Wave it at the Judge.  If the judge has temerity enough to open your letter (which he won't) he has to certify the Record Copy on the record of the court upon your request and that seals the doom of any claim against your claim.

You can further back up your claim by placing a briefly stated Public Notice in the local newspaper(s).  Just a couple sentences will do, for example, "The Trade Name "William Henry Doe" has been returned and re-conveyed to its natural permanent domicile on the land and soil of New Hampshire effective March 2nd 1950; Doe, Wm. Henry, Fiduciary, in care of 4109 Fairfield Street, Oxford Massachusetts, 01540."

Wave the newspaper clippings showing the dates of publication at the judge, too. 

Please note that the examples of the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME that are provided on my website include a permanent standing claim of the writ of Habeas Corpus, which allows you to come in and commandeer their courts if they address you improperly. 

With your Authenticated Birth Certificate and your recorded CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME firmly in hand, you are now ready to mow the grass. 

Or maybe I should liken it to saying the magic words:

"I claim the writ of Habeas Corpus allowing me to operate in this court while maintaining my true position and domicile on the land of these United States. I am the living Subrogee and Priority Creditor of the DEFENDANT. I claim all exemptions and bonds related to this case contract number and as an innocent Third Party controlling interest move the court to dismiss these allegations for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted."

This is a fancy way of saying that any money owed by the DEFENDANT is owed to you, not them, and that they don't have the jurisdiction to make any claims favoring themselves or to say jack-diddly-squat otherwise. 

This works in all cases regardless of what the case may be, so long as you have not murdered anyone (in which case the Prosecutor stands for the injured party) or actually injured a living man or woman or their property. 

This works on all cases brought against YOU including foreclosure cases, child custody cases, statutory crimes, traffic tickets, tax cases--- anything bogus that does not actually involve a living Injured Party who is willing to stand up in court and accuse you of actual injury to them or their private property--- and so long as you are not in fact a federal citizen.  

So there at last is your Administrative Process which frees you from the dread of these liars and flim-flam artists.  In fact, unless you are actually a federal citizen, I recommend that you just stay home and send the Judge and the Court Clerk a nice, polite Registered Letter in lieu of appearing physically at all. 

Just take black and white photocopies of your Authenticated BC, your CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME, the mailing receipts, mark everything "private and confidential", certify it all as "true, complete, and correct" as the Document Holder, and explain that you don't exist in their jurisdiction and don't acquiesce to their jurisdiction and object to having their court mis-address you. Note that you are the Holder in Due Course of your Trade Name and Estate and all Derivatives thereof---and request that they drop all charges and return the balance of any court bonds to you, the Subrogee and Priority Creditor of the DEFENDANT at the address shown above, sincerely......

So long as you provide a polite answer nobody can accuse you of being in contempt of court, and so long as you reply to a summons in proper character there is no basis for issuing a warrant. 

And if by any chance they ignore the facts and continue their prosecution, start thumping on the military authorities, especially the US Army, which is supposed to be riding herd on the Bar.  Instead, they have been letting the Bar ride herd on them.  They have entrusted this function to Provost Marshals who are all members of the Bar, so they have the foxes guarding the other foxes and the hen house at the same time--- a situation that has to stop. 

Start banging your dishes on the floor like angry dogs and demand that the Army get up off its complacent rump, read Title IV, then read Title XXXVII and realize the crimes that these disguised "Uniformed Officers" --- conscripted doctors-- are being forced to commit in hospitals throughout America and then finally read their own Field Manuals.  It's all there in black and white. 

We, the American states and people, are being subjected to vicious crimes--- press-ganging, identity theft, kidnapping, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, forced enslavement and conscription, mis-characterization of our nationality and political status, virulent fraud and racketeering, genocide on paper--- at the hands of people on our payroll, by attorneys operating outside their jurisdiction, and by banks operating as crime syndicates on our shores--- and the US Army and the Coast Guard which are both specifically tasked to protect us from all this are part of the problem.

They have let the "Rat Problem" get totally out of control and have failed to protect us and our actual borders. 

So, given this overall deplorable circumstance, please tell me what we are paying billions upon billions of dollars in "national security" expenses for?  It's like paying for a fur coat and being given a Do-It-Yourself paper raincoat instead.

But I digress.... you now know exactly what has been done and how you need to reply to it, and if the Bar members do anything but the right thing, you now know who to complain to. 

Time to mow the lawn, America, and do a damn good job.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

Vatican Christmas Ritual Exposed

Vatican Christmas Ritual Exposed

Published on Dec 14, 2016

(2016) Illuminati Ritual at VATICAN birth of "Son of Satan"

December, 2016 - It appears that they see this month as the concepton of Jesus and invert this with ritualistic 'imitative magic'. The goal is to break the veil and birth the abyss - they use the story of the birth of Jesus we read in the book of Luke as a masquerade for Revelation 9 (birth of the abyss). This is not a Christian organization, but the capstone of the mystery schools of Egypt / Babylon.

Remember Moses vs. the lying signs and wonders of Egypt? This is what we are dealing with here.

The real Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the way, truth and life and no-one can come to the Father but by Him. Go to a private place and call on Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, confess your sin and believe in your heart that He rose from the grave to truly defeat death. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be born again into a new life of purpose, hope and forgiveness. Salvation from death is in Jesus Christ alone. They are tireless in their efforts to invert and pervert the real truth of the Bible, don't reject the only way to everlasting life.

Vatican Secret Illuminati Ritual will shock you!

Col. Roy Potter Military 72 Hour Alert

Military 72 Hour Alert
Dec 3, 2017

Mueller's Nothing Burger Exposed by Wapo! End of Story!
Attention patriots worldwide!  Get this story out everywhere!  If this story goes viral there's no way Robert Mueller's evil plan to get rid of Trump will work!
The deep state filthy fake rag "Washington Post" totally destroyed Robert Mueller's Nothing Burger regarding Trump dealing with Russia!   This was done in an old article from earlier this year.  Make sure you copy this page now because I guarantee, Bezos' demons at the Washington Post will delete the following two lines that totally destroys Robert Mueller's entire investigation of President Trump.  Copy and share and make this story go viral.  When we force them to delete it we will make an even BIGGER story about what they did!
The Washington Post just proved it's all the Trump Russia thing is a total "nothing burger" with this snippet from their article linked below.

Former U.S. officials also said aggressive enforcement would probably discourage appropriate contact. Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, said that he was in Moscow meeting with officials in the weeks leading up to Obama’s 2008 election win.

“As a former diplomat and U.S. government official, one needs to be able to have contact with foreigners to do one’s job,” McFaul said. McFaul, a Russia scholar, said he was careful never to signal pending policy changes before Obama took office.

From the Washington Post article
"National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say"

So, Michael McFaul who served as the US ambassador to Russia just admitted he was meeting in Moscow with officials BEFORE ObamaFraud was even elected!   The FBI investigation led by Robert Mueller (who committed treason regarding the Uranium One deal) is trying to make a big deal out of Flynn doing his job and opening up a channel to Russia AFTER Trump was elected!  What a total joke!  Thank you Washington Post!  You just blew up this hoax!

All of us who voted for Trump had to endure 8 years of ObamaFraud who wasn't even legal to run!  If the criminals in DC  think they're going to get rid of Donald Trump they're sadly mistaken!  Trump is under God's protection now and they will NOT get rid of him!   All the weapons of satan turned on Donald Trump will not prosper and will in fact backfire!  During the election, every time somebody began attacking Donald Trump they got destroyed quickly!   God protected Trump through all the dirty tricks of the election and he is protecting him now!  There's not a power in this universe that can stop Trump with God's protection over him.  Millions of us are praying for Donald Trump daily.  He is anointed by God to clean up this country and he will do so.  The enemy knows they are going to jail when justice comes knocking so are trying every evil trick they can think of to stop him and lie about him on their fake news but none of it will work.

We're not going to let the demons get rid of Trump when they are the ones who looted this country and  committed treason in many cases!  The white hats in the intelligence agencies will now begin to step up and release everything they've done!  Just as these white hats released the information on Hollywood and on the Fake News court jesters!

Some people say Mueller is actually playing some kind of game here and is actually going after the Swamp to save his own skin.  I don't believe this personally.  I think Mueller is so evil and corrupted he will do anything to bring Trump down.  I can promise you all one thing.  No matter how bad things look, God will save Donald Trump in the end.  God told me his hand was on him and that while it will be "close" and look like all is lost, Trump will emerge victorious!   God is not a liar!  Watch and see Donald Trump emerge victorious in the end!  In the meantime I urge everybody to keep praying for Donald Trump's wisdom and protection!




This Is Really BIG

Published on Nov 23, 2017
Barack Obama’s bribery plot with the Russian government has been uncovered by the FBI. Right before this bribery occurred, Obama approved a very controversial nuclear deal with Moscow that will turn the “Russian meddling” narrative on its head.
According to government documents and interviews, before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill

Step By Step -- What You've All Been Screaming For -- Part One

By Anna Von Reitz

There have been so many piteous outcries coming in from people who are totally confused or partially befuddled that I have once again faced the necessity of sitting down at my computer and.....

Step 1: Sit down and look at your "Birth Certificate" and understand what it is and how it functions. 

It has two basic functions.  First, it is an Insurance Indemnity Receipt which is required under the Lieber Code/Hague Conventions.  They have to give you an indemnity receipt for the property they are stealing from you--- essentially an insurance policy guaranteeing that your property won't be harmed as a result of their use of it. 

This makes you the "Subrogee" --- the Insured Party and Priority Creditor of your own ESTATE holdings.  This process of "registration" (as opposed to "recording") creates a separate PERSON named after your Given Trade Name, yet owned and operated by a franchise of the MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES--- the separate government of Washington, DC, operated as an international city-state by the members o Congress.

When you get your BC "Authenticated" by the United States of America State Department you find out for sure which federal corporation is issuing the BIRTH CERTIFICATE you have been issued.  In most cases it will be a STATE OF STATE, like THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, but in some cases will be a federal department, such as THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

Second, the Birth Certificate is a Bond---literally.  It is a bond issued against the value of the ESTATE (or more recently, Public Transmitting Utility) assets that belong to you.  A bond is an I.O.U. --- a promise to pay under stipulated conditions.  You have the certificate proving that you are the actual owner of the assets being bonded, but until and unless you claim your exemption from their system of things, the benefit of the bond goes to the STATE OF STATE or DEPARTMENT that is insuring your purloined property against loss or damage. 

Now notice a couple other things about your Birth Certificate that prove that what I am telling you is true. 

A. There are two prominent dates displayed on the certificate.  One is your actual birth day.  The other is the "File Date" when the PERSON (a corporate municipal franchise) was created and replaced you as the beneficiary of your own assets.  So you, the living man or woman, have a birth day--- and the corporate franchise "PERSON" named after you has a birth date which is always a few days or weeks after your birth day.  In effect, the BIRTH CERTIFICATE records the "death" of your claim to own your own estate and Trade Name, and the "birth" of the federal PERSON's claim upon your assets.  You are always the Holder-in-Due-Course, the Party having the first claim (first in line, first in time) to the Trade Name and Estate, but if you don't claim it, or know how to claim it, you are out of luck and disinherited.

B. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is signed by the Registrar -- an Officer of the Probate Court, which proves that your estate was probated.  The living American state national, for example, the Minnesotan named William Bales Jensen, was taken off the title of his natural estate and his natural nationality and political status was changed to that of "WILLIAM BALES JENSEN" ---a federal Municipal franchise corporation and "citizen of the United States"---- that is, a citizen under the Diversity Clause of the old Federal Code which allows corporations to be citizens.. 

C. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is issued on bond paper, giving you "silent Notice" that the assets named on the face of the document --- your unlawfully converted estate assets including the copyright to your Trade Name, your land, your labor, everything that you could ever own--- has been seized upon and bonded by the organization issuing the certificate. 

D. The process of false probate just described results in the unlawful conversion of your name and estate assets, makes you a "US citizen" instead of an "American state national", removes you from the jurisdiction of the land and deprives you of your constitutional protections, makes you indebted and obligated to pay the bills of foreign corporations, and otherwise plays havoc with you and your entire country.

E. This is done without your knowledge or consent, without your parent's knowledge or consent, and the people doing this to you are on your payroll, supposed to be rendering you Good Faith service the whole while.  Because you don't know that this is being done to you and that these false claims against you are being made, you have no opportunity to object to them, much less delve through it to rebut all these lies and claim your exemption and exercise your indemnity.

Now a few further notes:

For many years the vermin seized upon your Given Christian Trade Name, just as you were taught to print it in First Grade with a first name, middle name, and last name all written in Upper and Lower Case like this: John Michael Doe. 

Their federal franchise was structured as a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust operated under the same name written in all capital letters:  JOHN MICHAEL DOE. 

Most recently, the vermin have tried to change their stripes and instead of creating their fictional PERSONS as Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trusts, they have been creating Public Transmitting Utility franchises named after you.  How can you tell the difference? 

The ESTATE trusts are all named with the full first, middle, and last names appearing in all capital letters: JOHN MICHAEL DOE.  The PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES all appear with only a Middle Initial, but still in all capital letters: JOHN M. DOE. 

Please note that any name in any style that uses only a Middle Initial is not a legal name.  It is meaningless and void for lack of specificity.  Was that John Michael Doe or John Mark Doe or John Marvin Doe or John Maxwell Doe or.....or....or....

You can always call the vermin on that, because lack of specificity destroys the existence of any jurisdiction actual or fictional.  A claim against such a named entity can only stand if you just assume it is your name and accept the charges without objection. 

This technicality is not the essence of the problem nor your strongest defense.  This is just to point out that what they are doing is blatantly, obviously, on-the-face-of-it-illegal, and you don't need any rocket science to prove that it is, nor any other cause to object. If you raise this objection and they proceed against you, they are dead meat upon appeal --- a fact that may not be known to you, but which is written in stone above their heads: if you don't properly identify the parties, you have no claim.

Now that you know what the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is and what its functions are, it will make more sense to you that you need to get it verified as a genuine document ---and this is where the process of authentication comes in. 

Why "authentication" and why not an "apostile" nor a "certification"? 

Countries that are signers on the Hague Conventions use apostiles to verify genuine documents passing between themselves.  Countries that are not part of the Hague Conventions use authentication for the same purpose.  Certification is an "in-house" domestic equivalent of a guarantee and isn't strong enough for international use.

The United States of America never signed the Hague Conventions.  The United States did. 

As a result, documents issued by or pertaining to The United States of America and its international functions have to be "authenticated" while documents issued by or pertaining to the United States have to "apostiled".  Both processes serve the same purpose of verifying the record and the paper.

When you act as an American state national you are acting under the auspices of The United States of America, so when you are ready to reclaim your assets and exercise your exemptions, you use documents that are authenticated. 

If you were an actual federal employee or dependent and acting under the auspices of the United States, Inc. as a franchise of the Municipal government or as a citizen of the Territorial government (either one) you would use documents that are apostiled.

All that is the reason why you go through the turkey trot of getting your records officially verified and why you need to do this correctly. 

I recommend getting at least two if not three copies of your Birth Certificate ordered from the Vital Statistics people.  Keep one and send two to the State Secretary of State and ask for an "authentication" to do business in Indonesia--- a non-Hague Convention country.  They will add a cover sheet, signature, and seal guaranteeing that the attached BC is genuine. 

Next, take the state-authenticated documents and send them to the United States of America Secretary of State's Office in DC and request the same service --- authentication of the BC for use in Indonesia.

Each authentication requires a small fee.  At the end of the day, you get back a three page document --- the original BC you got from Vital Statistics, the State Secretary of State's cover page, and on top of that, a yellow, heavy-weight cover page from the USA Secretary of State's Office. 

That yellow page verifies the authenticity of the State Secretary of State's guarantee and it tells you explicitly which federal entity--STATE OF STATE franchise or DEPARTMENT--- issued the indemnity receipt and is responsible for guaranteeing your exemption from all this rot.

Now, finally, you have the proof in your hand of what has been done to you, who did it, and who is liable for it.  You have the lawn mower, and now all you need is the gas. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:



Obama Just Committed Huge Felony


Everyone Is Calling For Obama To Be Brought Back by US Marshals for What He Just Did Overseas


Days After Meeting With Obama, 
Chinese President Xi Reveals 
Shocking Thing Barack Told Him

Published on Dec 3, 2017
Days After Meeting With Obama, Chinese President Xi Reveals Shocking Thing Barack Told Him
Former U.S. President Barack Obama was in Beijing on Wednesday for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Days after their meeting, President Xi revealed the shocking thing that Obama said to him during the course of their conversation.
Last month, President Donald Trump embarked on a twelve-day trip throughout Asia. The historic journey saw the president visit five Pacific Rim nations and attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vietnam.

President Trump’s overseas Asia trip also took him to China, where he met with President Xi Jinping. Trump’s visit with Xi was immensely successful, with his Chinese counterpart even hosting Trump and First Lady Melania for dinner in the Forbidden City, an honor which no other U.S. president or foreign leader has ever been given.

The overwhelming success of Trump’s trip to China must have left Obama feeling particularly pathetic because he flew to China just a couple of weeks later to meet with President Xi himself in an apparent attempt to prove that he is still relevant in the world of politics.

It should be noted that when Obama was president, he was never shown the level of respect in China which Trump was last month. Just take a look at the hero’s welcome Trump received when he touched down in Beijing

Obama Just Committed Huge Felony 
With What He Secretly Did Behind Trump’s Back 

Published on Dec 3, 2017
Obama Just Committed Huge Felony With What He Secretly Did Behind Trump’s Back To DESTROY Him
It has been a longstanding tradition that the former and current president of the United States work together for their love of country. Both men would put aside their differences and political ideology to focus on what is good for the American people and our future. However, that is not the case when it comes to Barack Obama and his lack of respect for our country and President Trump, but is anyone honestly shocked?

This past year, Obama was finally reduced back to just being an average citizen of the country, and no longer the most powerful man on the planet which apparently has not settled well with the egotistical Obama. So, every chance that Obama gets he takes a jab at the president and virtually undermining his role in leading the country efficiently. Not only has Obama been vocal about his displeasure with President Trump in the White House, but he has also set up residence just a few miles away from the White House to continue monitoring Trumps’ movements.

Now, it appears that Obama really stepped over the line after being caught red-handed attempting to destroy President Trump which happens to be a federal crime.

Over the past year, Obama has been doing all that he can to undermine President Trump’s administration, whether it was when Obama followed Trump overseas during his first trip as president or the G20 Summit meeting in Germany Obama has always been close behind.   


The TIME of TROUBLE has just 
Been Forecasted By TRUMP!
Nov 9, 2017

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Obama Presidential Center - GOT TO BE KIDDING

Obama Presidential Center Goes to Federal Review

The process will assess the impact of the proposed 20 acre complex on Chicago’s historic Jackson Park

Perfect location for this travesty - Chicago - mob city - a 'presidential library' dedicated to a liar - dictator - thief -  pretend American - pretend Christian - murderer -  drug lord - pervert - gangster - pedophile - homosexual -  illegal - TRAITOR - what would be a better place than Chicago to represent Obama and Mikie?

A rendering of the Presidential Library as seen from the south side.

After clearing local hurdles, the Obama Presidential Center will begin the first round of the federal review process on Friday, December 1, and the monumental project will face a few new challenges before it can go forward.

Set to occupy 20 acres within Jackson Park on the South Side of Chicago, the OPC would significantly change usage patterns to a green space that’s been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1974.  

As such, the proposal triggers an environmental impact study under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and a review by the National Historic Preservation Act to ensure that the park’s history and design legacy aren’t irreparably harmed.

The proposal for a 200,000-square-foot plaza containing a museum, a forum, and a library, designed by the New York firm Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects, seems straightforward enough, but a plan to pave over five acres of green space to add an above-ground parking garage has raised eyebrows. 

And given that the OPC build would take place around the same time as a proposed merger of the nearby Jackson and South Shore golf courses (insert presidential golf joke here), there are a number of moving parts that might make preserving the park’s present character a challenge.

 The Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects plan incorporates plenty of outdoor space.

That point was echoed by Charles Birnbaum, president and CEO of the Cultural Landscape Foundation: 

“Altogether the confiscation of 20-plus acres for the Obama Presidential Center, golf course consolidation and expansion, new roads, impacts on the lakefront, loss of historic trees, and a parking garage at the Midway, result in a massive adverse effect on the National Register of Historic Places–designated park,” he told the Chicago Sun-Times.

What an insult to the city of Chicago and the good people of the state of Illinois, both of which already suffer enough humiliation and travesty what with homosexual Rahm Emmanuel and other questionable individuals running/ruining the city. 

And all this negative impact on Chicago behalf of the worst 'president' this nation has ever suffered - and Chicago and the nation give honor to this by providing a 'presidential library?'  Does this not fully demonstrate just how far down in the pit this nation has slithered on behalf of this snake? 

What is going to be put in this 'library'?  All manner of deceitful pictures, records and outright LIES?  Or the TRUTH?  Documents of investigations of the Obamas, of the findings, of high TREASON, of Obama's arrest, indictments and court records? And for this he deserves his own 'library'?  I think not.

Do the good people of Chicago and of Illinois and this nation not have enough backbone to just say 'NO'! to this?  Obama was the 'president' of a cabal crime syndicate and NOT the government of this nation. Since when do we give honor to such criminals? Includes Bush, Clinton and others as well. Time to reverse our pattern of 'political tolerance speech' and call a spade a spade.

Hey guys! Remember the earlier post about the motorcycle accident?!

Remember this earlier post - that the video would not play?  Well, here it is!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I'd like to report a motorcycle accident  

Caller:  Hello Police?  I'd like to report a motorcycle accident.   

911 : Any injuries?
 Caller :  Yes, at least 10 passengers on a motorcycle:
Mohammed, Abadhalla, Hassan,  Omar, Youssef, Ahmed, Ali, Hocine, Yadira, Recip.

911:  You do know that making a fake call to 911 is a criminal offense?
Caller :  You don't believe me, watch the video I'm sending you...

We have been conned, and I fell for it

Sent to us by a friend in Britain with a request to post on this blog. This is happening there - and it is happening here.  America is losing her First Amendment right to 'free speech', that is unless you say what the enemy within wants you to say - which isn't the truth!  Watch and listen. Both sides of the big pond are experiencing the 'thought police.' Time to put a stop to this........
Dec 3, 2017 5:47 am

My dear friends around the world,

We have been conned, and I fell for it back in 2011 when I published articles about Planet X which some refer to as Nibiru. Fortunately, I saved this link:
If you don't believe me, read this and the insert PDF in it. You can read the comments to it too if you want. Some of them are legitimate while others are by infiltrators whose goal is to keep you in fear.  See what the stories on Planet X were designed to do was put fear in your mind. When people fear, they can't think. Thus the powers-that-be can carry out what they have been planning for centuries without being exposed.

Here's one I just found in Google if you still don't believe me:

But no more, because I have asked my Website developer to remove all the dishonest info and replace it with what is true.

I am asking you to now log onto the following links:
Regarding the last link, you may want to listen to this YouTube: 8:57

These links are what the powers-that-be DO NOT want you to know.

I have made Charles Savoie aware that I feel that Amber Rudd, UK Home Secretary, and Theresa May UK Prime Minister are Pilgrims Society members based on their backgrounds and why, in the case of Theresa May, she is still in power.

Now, PLEASE share this Email with everyone you know regardless if you feel they are interested or not because none of us want another world war. It is VITAL if we are to experience life as we have known it in the past when we weren't faced with another world war.


Britain's Hate Speech Police

Published on Nov 30, 2017
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UK police have been politicised by Common Purpose cultural Marxism, and are no longer neutral.

My previous video on Common Purpose: The Real Enemy Within

Police arresting nine people a day for online trolling

Arrests for social media posts surge in London

UK special police unit for online “hate crime”

London’s online “hate crime” hub

UK police won’t charge shoplifters and vandals, but arrests for “offensive comments” rise by 53%.

Arrests for ‘offensive’ Twitter and Facebook messages up by a third in London

Dislike and unfriendliness can be “hate crimes”, UK police confirm

Female detective says fellow officers made her life torture for trying to stop Muslim grooming gang

Rotherham sex abuse still going on

UK government’s legal expert says returning ISIS jihadis should not be prosecuted.

Only 5% of UK ‘honour’ crimes are referred for prosecution

Lincolnshiire police face backlash for video promoting Islam

Honour crimes police whistleblower charged with gross misconduct

Girl,13, told police she had been repeatedly raped, but officers did nothing.

Police made Rotherham rape victim feel like a racist

Crime is up, arrests are down, and UK police are busy with publicity stunts

Wiltshire police try to intimidate people on social media

Cheshire police warn Facebook users about posting offensive comments

Man sentenced for harmless comments deemed “grossly offensive”

Silenced: A third of Britons feel they are denied free speech

A third of Brits too scared to speak out on immigration and religion

Common Purpose: A secret society?

UK police forces spend £470000 sending people to be trained by Common Purpose

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