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Showing posts sorted by date for query vk durham. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014


V.K. Durham

Read the following... which I received yesterday, but need to do some 'thinking about it." 

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 7:45:59 PM
Subject: Fw:

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:14 AM

Cherokee has gotten rougher  since last knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Swat vehicle  from Storm  Lake,,,,, trying to teach  Cops Cherokee how to drive,,,,,,, told the officer in charge  just what i need    6 wheel drive bullet proof could haul my guns ammo  etc.,,, its something a guy could live in,,, cool...................... LATER              Bill

It seemed appropriate to send this to my State Senator representing the State of Iowa on the Federal Level who had taken the Oath to the People of the state of Iowa to represent the State, to uphold, protect and defend said constituencies of the state of Iowa as a member of the Union of Republics and as the US SENATE BANKING CHAIRMAN.. [gets confusing don't it?]
  A brief explanation.  The People Vote for their state representatives whereas, whereby and whereupon these state representatives go to Washington D.C. and are Sworn into Public Office "To uphold, protect and defend the constitution [laws of the Republic of the Union i.e., Iowa], against all parties foreign and domestic."
  That Oath is taken to prevent the very same or similar situation which brought our forefathers to the point of exasperation over "Taxation without Representation" on issues which involved the Foreign Crowns of Europe doing so with a "Petition"  citing THE INTOLERABLE ACTS
1774 see and plus

Those Petitions-Citations were ignored back then, just as they are today.. which brought about the subsequent DECLARATION OF THE CAUSE AND NECESSITY OF TAKING UP ARMS July 6, 1775 which those who take the time to open these documents up, study and evaluate them will most assuredly find a marked similarity between those years and what is going on in America today..  Read and and and signed by Order of Congress, John Hancock President.

By V.K. Durham
1/22/03 4:30PM

To: Charles E. Grassley U.S. Senator (IA)
Cc: William Anderson ; V.K. DURHAM
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: Your January 22, 2003 letter

U.S. Senator, Charles E. Grassley
135 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, District of Columbia 20510-1501

Sioux City Federal Offices
320 6t Street
Sioux City, IA. 51101-1244

Senator Grassley:

Your letter of the 22nd, January 2003 is a kind enough response in regards to "my continued concerns regarding "gold derivatives/debentures." Senator. Since I first contacted you regarding these matters and others on or about February 21, 1999; I have received very cordial letters from you acknowledging "receipt of my documented concerns."

However, Senator; Since my first contacting your office in person, tendering my concerns regarding these matters of "bogus gold instruments" and the underwriting of the Al Qaeda, and Warehousing of Gold Instruments in the Islamic & Asian Banks, your letters have done little, if anything to stop the 9/11 incident which is a part of this mess, which, Senator had the U.S. Secret Service done their jobs properly; "9/11" could possibly never happened, and approximately 3,900 lives would not have been lost. While on the other hand, we would not have the HOMELAND SECURITY ACT allegedly hunting down the AL QAEDA MONEY TRAIL when the paper trail has been in your offices all the way along?

In regards to the Bogus Gold Instruments; CHINA is reportedly holding over $400 Trillion Dollars in these instruments. While Korea holds another "bag with a hole in the bottom" full of these "gold instruments" as do the ISLAMIC & CHINESE BANKS.

Then, there is J.P.MORGAN-CHASE holding (per the SEC) another $21 Trillion Dollars in these "Non Performing Gold Derivatives?"

Senator Grassley. WHO DROPPED THE FREAKING BALL ON THIS? We now have a WAR in process, and not one single INVESTIGATION into these AL QAEDA ALL KADA GHANA S. AFRICA) UNDERWRITERS who sit in the Philippines, asking in writing in that encrypted message paper (you have copies of that bloody paper) asking the Fed. R. for "instructions as to when to bring the gold home."

Senator. What is going on here?


See Also:

by V.K. Durham

Ask not what your Country can do for you,
Ask what you can do for your Country.

Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States and this alleged; U.S. DEBT
By V.K. Durham

To: Chuck Grassley ; William_Anderson@grassley.senate.cov
Cc: Jack McCreery ; Katherin
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 1:41 AM
Subject: Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States and this alleged; U.S. DEBT

U.S. Senate Banking Committee, Senator Charles E. Grassley
135 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1501

Bureau of Public Debt/U.S. Dept. of the Treasury
Parkersburgvia fax (304)480-8601

U.S. Security Exchange Commission, Legal
Jack McCreery
Washington, D.C.

William Anderson, Aide to U.S. Senator, Charles E. Grassley
Sioux City Iowa Federal Offices

Ref: U.S. Debt Due on or about 15 days from this days date, February 7, 2003, and

Ref: Bogus GOLD INSTRUMENTS aimed at the United States Dept. of the Treasury and Fed. R. by the Al

Senator Grassley, Mr. McCreery and Mr. Anderson.


On this date, February 7, 2003, a long conversation was held with Senator Charles E. Grassley's aide, Mr. William Anderson of the Senator's Sioux City Federal Offices in regards to the before mentioned "Al Qaeda" which is further supported by documents, memorandums, tape recordings, news paper articles, Saudi Internet Articles, and current news events in regards to "Global Financial Problems" of the United States, the UK and U.S. Allies.

A "Call on the U.S. Debt" was made to the BUREAU OF PUBLIC DEBT by this DURHAM HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) as the outstanding, primary creditor of the United States and all debtor nations.

The HOLDING TRUST'S LIENS held by this Trust which encumbers by Recorded Lien of Record; All gold held in repositories, depositories, in reserve, in the Accounts of the Company of the United States, the Corporation of the United States, and all Debtor Nations, held privately or in Accounts, Foreign and/or Domestic; Have been recorded and further posted on THE GOLD TRADER'S BOARD.

Further, This Holding Trust has notified (a) The World Bank, James Wolfsen (b) THE IMF (c) All International Banks (d) All Standard Charter Banks (e) The UK Parliament (f) PM Tony Blair of the UK (g) The Organization of American States (OAS) (h) The President of the United States (i) The U.S. Bureau of Public Debt (j) Secretary of the U.S. Treasury (k) U.S. Allies (l) The Islamic Development Banks (m) The Attorney's for the Islamic Development Bank (Jeddah) (n) Interpol (o) The FBI (p) BATF (q) FINCEN (r) Security Exchange Commission Regulators (s) The International Gold Traders (t) U.S. House Oversight Committee Chairman, Dan Burton (u) China Banking Financial Representatives etc of these Bogus Gold Instruments written on our Bonus 3392-181 Held in Trust, used in these International Banking & Financing, Gold Markets without our Authorization, though allegedly authorized by certain "High ranking U.S. Fed. Govt. Officials in agreement to "split 50-50" the monies taken down on Bonus 3392-181" (made public in public print), alleging an agreement (published) with the Federal Reserve/U.S. Treasury, while currently sitting in the Philippines "asking the fed for instructions as to when to bring the gold home" (also in public print).

We have formally noticed all the above, We, this Holding Trust as "Owner of Bonus 3392-181" will not be responsible to any nation or any nation's people having been harmed by these Bogus Gold Instruments written by the parties identified as Corporate Officers of Global Alliance Investment Association, Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID# 1707-85 (Identity theft), The Inter-American Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Corporation and/or any of the 100's of other corporations formed to conduct business Victimizing Unsuspecting Nation's and Individuals by Fraudulent Bogus Bonus 3392-181 Gold Instruments currently in the International Banking & Financing Markets. We stand HOLD HARMLESS against these acts of willful, malicious, deliberate frauds designed "to take the entire Global Finances & Economics Hostage, and only V.K. DURHAM would know the truth (tape recording of meeting)."

Additional documentation from the internationally respected Accounting Firm of Ernst & Young relates THE GAIA-EKKER'S are collecting up to 50% up front in gold from unsuspecting victims of these BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS aimed at the United States in this current JIHAD of the Al Qaeda.

Senator Grassley, Mr. Anderson in your Sioux City Federal Offices has more than sufficient documentation regarding these before mentioned matters as equally held by the U.S. Security Exchange Commission Legal Department of Jack McCreery, Washington D.C. Offices as well as U.S. House Oversight Committee Chm. Dan Burton.

Our Financial Statement is with the Washington Offices of Mr. McCreery of the Security Exchange Commission, and the Bureau of Public Debt in regards to the "Outstanding Debt of the United States" as calculated from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 (remainder's not calculated but due) by the Fed. R. in Los Angeles August 1989. Further, said NOTARIZATION is filed of Recorded Record.

Our "Collateral" has been used to create this JIHAD against the United States of "Israel" as these individuals call the United States, and used without "authorization" from the "Owner/Holder of Recorded Record."

Gentlemen; You have less than 15 days to "meet" with the "Signatory/Holder/Owner" of Bonus 3392-181 i.e., The Outstanding Primary Creditor of the United States "to obtain Resolution."

We will Back the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Trust of the Government of the United States. We will not back the Fed. R. considering the roll played with those actively engaged in this current JIHAD conducting business in the Philippines. We will not do that.

The U.S. Senate Banking Committee Representatives with "full capacity and authorization" and the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Representatives "with full capacity to do the business of the United States" must come to the Trust for Resolution. Due to this present SCALAR weapons events, We do not travel. Gentlemen; You have less than 15 days for resolution & remedy.

William Anderson is the designated "go between all of us."

I remain-

Yours truly,

PO BOX 113

----- Original Message -----
From: "V.K. DURHAM" vkdtdht@..........
To: "V.K. DURHAM" vkdtdht@........
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 1:44 AM
Subject: Read: Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States and this alleged; U.S. DEBT

This is a receipt for the mail you sent to
"Chuck Grassley";
William_Anderson@grassley.senate.cov at 2/8/03 1:41 AM

This receipt verifies that the message has been displayed on the recipient's computer at 2/8/03 1:44 AM

Plain Text (text/plain)


Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Sep 14, 1998 ... Clinton CFR Speech "If a President of the United States ever lied to the. American people"

By now you should have figured out these Presidents are trying to overthrow the Nation and kill off the People anyway they can.. now it's allowing illegal aliens with here-to fore U/K DISEASES in this nation, or diseases that were killed off years ago in the U.S.A.

Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann on his return visit to Hawaii, December 1971
During Obama’s campaign for the 2008 presidential election he portrayed his mother as a conservative girl from Kansas; however in reality she was a radical leftist and cutural Marxist.  She lived in the Seattle area; spending her teenage years in Seattle’s coffee shops with other young leftist radicals. Obama claims his mother’s family were conserevative Methodists or Baptists from Kansas. However his mother’s parents were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was nicknamed “the little red church,” because of it’s communist leanings.

The school Ann attended, Mercer Island High School, was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers. John Stenhouse, board member, told the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party USA and this school has a number of Marxists on it’s staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, both Frankfurt School style Marxists, taught a critical theory curriculum to students which included; rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between Foubert’s and Wichterman classrooms was sometimes called “anarchy ally.”
Dunham has been described by her friends as “a fellow traveler…” meaning a communist sympathizer. [6]
In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his mother as “the dominant figure in my formative years… The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics.”

Memo: Obama Eyes Bringing Foreign Ebola Patients to US

Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 08:08 PM
By Greg Richter

Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!


Did you know he and his wife left Arkansas a tad under $300,000.00 in debt, the wife absconded with the Yellow Diamond that the State of Arkansas loaned her which she never returned.. and that little $300K Debt along with the CFR and the Office of Public Trust called the Office of the President of the United States.. with cutting a deal here and there.. or here a deal there a deal.. end up with a 20 Acre Estate, a Mansion, and life time pensions, guards, staff etc..  Oh well.. it's Politics you say..

Ever notice where the politics of these Nazi-Fascist, and Marxists, -Communist presidents have tried to make the world believe THE CONSTITUTION IS JUST A G#D Damned piece of paper as they destroyed the International Good Faith and Credit of this Nation with "Bogus Derivatives"...?

Sep 14, 1998 ... Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998. clinton_face.gif (49243 bytes). "If a President of the United States ever lied to the. American people



During the 1980s, Lee Wanta was brought into the White House as the first National Intelligence Coordinator. He was tasked by President Reagan and CIA Director William Colby to destabilize the Soviet Union through establishment, with funds from the US Treasury, of a worldwide currency trading scheme.

Wanta, with the help of Reagan, amassed a fortune of $27 trillion, funds earmarked by Reagan to pay America’s national debt, restore the nation’s infrastructure and fund a world free of debt based currencies.

However, after Reagan left office and George H.W. Bush assumed the Presidency, Wanta was kidnapped and imprisoned in Switzerland, transferred to an American prison where he was held without due process for years and the money disappeared, taken by the Bush family.
The rest is history, stolen elections, 9/11, war upon war, and a world that has descended into crashing debt with nearly every currency floating on “air,” derivatives and a sea of Rothschild debt.

Who influenced Ronald Reagan into executing Executive Order 12333?  Could it be..
UP FRONT AND IN YOUR FACE.. We have a Big time NAVY LEAGUE problem.. starting at the very TOP of the US CORPORATE GOVERNMENT, the Corporate US House and Senate. Beginning with the individual disclosed in DEATH BED STATEMENT OTTO SKORZENY i.e. former president of the United States G.H.W. Bush confirmed by former NAZI associate “Otto Skorzeny”

Per: Earl Hightower [Senior International Corporate Counsel Tennaco Oil Corp]; The meeting consisted of personages such as the details, and the agenda of that meeting at

HUD scams dealt with insurance premiums. People buying properties with mortgages provided by HUD paid mortgage
insurance premiums up front for the life of the loan, amounting to several thousands dollars on each HUD transaction.
Formerly, the buyer of HUD properties paid their insurance premiums on a monthly basis with their mortgage payments.
But in 1983, the same Congress that passed legislation making the looting of savings and loans possible, passed legislation
known as “HURRA” (Housing and Urban- Rural Recovery Act), pushed by Philip Winn, one of Denver’s high flyers, requiring
the mortgage insurance premiums to be paid up front.
CIA asset Gunther Russbacher described to me how this worked, as he saw when he headed Red Hill Savings and Loan.
He said that this was another of the many CIA scams that defrauded the American people of many millions of dollars.
It is probable that the CIA involvement in this scam is what kept the Justice Department from prosecuting those guilty
of the mortgage premium insurance fraud.
Russbacher described how the scram worked:
  They were using reinsurance companies with policy premiums that were never paid. Money was paid for the reinsurance
but it was never paid [to the reinsurers]. The policy money, the premiums, were never paid in to where the policies were active.
American International Groups was one of the big ones [involved in the scam]. Transatlantic Holdings was involved, as well as
Transpacific Holdings. Maurice Greenberg, a close associate of Denver’s Leonard Millman, headed some of these companies.
Dublin International Insurance was part of AI [American International]. We insured Putnam and Company.
  Upon close of escrow, the insurance premiums were to be sent to brokerage companies that would then order the mortgage
insurance. Among the companies involved in these activities was the American International Group, headquartered in New York.
AIG was at the head of hundreds of companies and trusts throughout the world, and reportedly headed by Maurice Greenberg,
a close friend of Denver-based Leonard Millman.

AIG owned other companies involved in these activities, including Transatlantic Holdings and Putnam Reinsurance, which are
in the reinsurance business. continued;read=141853

Stew Webb another Investigative Journalist tangled with “MILLMAN”.. as did Durham Holding Trust and
Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd;   Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House 911 finance
 an as yet unidentified operation; however, a far more important piece with more “congressional and senate bad
boys covering up the financial frauds..

(Posted 11.10.05)
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Office of Deputy Attorney General
Washington, D.C.
Declassified by James A. Baker

Mary Jo White
United States Attorney
Southern District of New York
Louis Freech
Federal Bureau of Investigation
LOUIS FREECH [Freeh?] comes under Presidential scrutiny ..
Pegasus Targets Freeh – On Orders From The President.  The attack on Freeh sends a clear message. “We are aware of your intentions. Stand Down or Pay the Price.”

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


A MOTHER FORMS A CHILDS MENTAL ATTITUDE FOR THE FUTURE; Ann Dunham a radical leftist and cutural Marxist and Barack Obama, Jr.

Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro
Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro
Stanley Ann Dunham, Mercer Island High School

Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995), also known as Ann Dunham and Stanley Ann Dunham, was an American cultural anthropologist, cultural Marxist activist, and the mother of Barack Obama and Maya Soetoro. She was born on an Army base at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Stanley and Madelyn Dunham. Her father (who gave his only child his name) was a furniture salesman and her mother a bank vice president. The family lived in Kansas, California, Texas and in 1955 moved to Seattle, Washington.[1] A year later they moved to nearby Mercer Island so that 13-year old Ann could attend the communist Mercer Island High School that had just opened. At the school she was on the debate team and graduated in 1960.[2]
Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Jr.
When her family moved to Hawaii she started classes on September 26, 1960 at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, studying anthropology.[3] Ann Dunham arrived in Hawaii as a full fledged radical leftist and practitioner of “critical theory.” She also began to engage in miscegenation as part of her attack on society. Susan Blake, one of her friends has stated she never dated “the crew-cut white boys,” “She had a world view, even as a young girl. It was embracing the different, rather than that ethnocentric thing of shunning the different. That was where her mind took her.”

In Hawaii she met Barack Obama, Sr. from Kenya in her Russian language class.[4] It has been claimed they were married February 2, 1961 in Maui.[5] However, no marriage certificate has ever been seen and no witnesses were present at the supposed ceremony. Also, there is no evidence Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham lived together sharing a common residence or he ever financially supported his new ‘wife’.[6] The date and place of the ‘marriage’ appears only in the divorce record. Barack Obama, Jr. was born August 4, 1961.
University of Washington in Seattle
Fifteen days after Barack Obama’s birth, Ann enrolls in extension classes at the University of Washington in Seattle on August 19, 1961.[7]Ann tells her babysitter she is anxious to return to her husband–which suggests the couple still have a relationship. She reveals to the babysitter they plan to move to Kenya where Obama Sr. will take another wife, a full blooded Kenyan, as an obligation to his tribe.[8]
By April 1963 Ann returns to Hawaii–after Barack Obama Sr. departed to study at Harvard– where she enrolles again at the University of Hawaii.[9]
Ann Dunham Obama was divorced January 20, 1964,[10] citing “grievous mental suffering.” Ann would later earned a bachelor’s degree in anthropology at the University of Hawaii.
Lolo Soetoro, Ann Dunham, Barack Obama, and infant daughter Maya
In 1967 Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian oil manager and practicing Muslim whom she meet at the university. [1] Later that year they moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. While in Indonesia Ann got a job at the American embassy teaching English. [2]

Barack’s half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born in Indonesia in 1970. Ann, Obama and his sister Maya moved back to Hawaii in 1974 attending the University of Hawaii as a graduate student. Three years later Ann Dunham returned to Indonesia with Maya, leaving Barack to be raised by his grandparents. [3] She divorced Soetoro in 1980.
Dunham traveled around the world, pursuing a career in rural development that took her to Ghana, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal and Bangladesh. She learned to speak Javanese, French, Indonesian and some Urdu. [4] In 1986 Ann Dunham worked on a developmental project in Pakistan. Later that year Ann and her daughter traveled the Silk Road in China. [5] In 1992 she earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Hawaii. Her dissertation, “Peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia: Surviving and Thriving Against All Odds,” was 1067 pages long. She worked for the Ford Foundation and promoted Microlending.
Political views
Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann on his return visit to Hawaii, December 1971
During Obama’s campaign for the 2008 presidential election he portrayed his mother as a conservative girl from Kansas; however in reality she was a radical leftist and cutural Marxist. She lived in the Seattle area; spending her teenage years in Seattle’s coffee shops with other young leftist radicals. Obama claims his mother’s family were conserevative Methodists or Baptists from Kansas. However his mother’s parents were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was nicknamed “the little red church,” because of it’s communist leanings.

The school Ann attended, Mercer Island High School, was a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers. John Stenhouse, board member, told the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party USA and this school has a number of Marxists on it’s staff. Two teachers at this school, Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman, both Frankfurt School style Marxists, taught a critical theory curriculum to students which included; rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. The hallway between Foubert’s and Wichterman classrooms was sometimes called “anarchy ally.”
Dunham has been described by her friends as “a fellow traveler…” meaning a communist sympathizer. [6]
In an interview, Barack Obama referred to his mother as “the dominant figure in my formative years… The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics.”
Before she died Ann Dunham wanted to adopt a mixed-race Korean baby father by a Black American stationed in South Korea. [7] Ann Dunham died in Hawaii in 1995 of ovarian cancer and uterine cancer.
Dreams from My Father
She helped her son write his book, Dreams from My Father, while she was battling cancer. Obama wrote:
During the writing of this book, she would read the drafts, correcting stories that I had misunderstood, careful not to comment on my characterizations of her but quick to explain or defend the less flattering aspects of my father’s character.[11]

Obama noted in the book that it was Ann rather than his natural father who taught him about his African American heritage.
She would come home with books on the civil rights movement, the recordings of Mahalia Jackson, the speeches of Dr. King. When she told me stories of schoolchildren in the South who were forced to read books handed down from wealthier white schools but who went on to become doctors and lawyers and scientists, I felt chastened by my reluctance to wake up and study in the mornings… Every black man was Thurgood Marshall or Sidney Poitier; every black woman Fannie Lou Hamer or Lena Horne. To be black was to be the beneficiary of a great inheritance, a special destiny, glorious burdens that only we were strong enough to bear.[12]

Obama noted in the book that he might have written a different book if he had known she was dying when he wrote it:
I think sometimes that had I known she would not survive her illness, I might have written a different book—less a meditation on the absent parent, more a celebration of the one who was the single constant in my life. In my daughters I see her every day, her joy, her capacity for wonder. I won’t try to describe how deeply I mourn her passing still. I know that she was the kindest, most generous spirit I have ever known, and that what is best in me I owe to her.[13]

Barack Obama has said of Ann Dunham, “My mother was a Christian from Kansas.”[14][15] Earlier he had said, “I was not raised in a religious household… My mother’s own experiences… only reinforced this inherited skepticism. Her memories of the Christians who populated her youth were not fond ones… And yet for all her professed secularism, my mother was in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I’ve ever known.”[16] And his half-sister, Maya said, when asked if their mother was an atheist, “I wouldn’t have called her an atheist,” she said. “She was an agnostic. She basically gave us all the good books—the Bible, the Hindu Upanishads and the Buddhist scripture, the Tao Te Ching—and wanted us to recognize that everyone has something beautiful to contribute.”[17] And, from another source, “She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she’d read about and could argue,” said Maxine Box, who was Dunham’s best friend.”[18] One of her freinds said of her “She always felt that marriage as an institution was not particularly essential or important,”[8]
1.↑ A Free-Spirited Wanderer Who Set Obama’s Path
2.↑ Memories of Obama’s mother
3.↑ Was Obama’s birth out of wedlock?
4.↑ ‘08: Year of Obama
5.↑ The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother
6.↑ Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity
7.↑ Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity
8.↑ Baby Sitting Barack Obama on Seattle’s Capitol Hill
9.↑ New doubts revealed in Obama’s nativity story
10.↑ New doubts revealed in Obama’s nativity story
11.↑ Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama – Three Rivers Press – 2004 – Excerpt via ISBN: 1-4000-8277-3
12.↑ Excerpts from Dreams of My Father (via
13.↑ Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama – Three Rivers Press – 2004 – Excerpt via ISBN: 1-4000-8277-3
15.↑ Michael, Saul (2007-12-23). “I’m no Muslim, says Barack Obama”. New York Daily News. Retrieved 2008-01-04.

External links
## The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother
## Obama’s women reveal his secret
## Obamination. Chicago Tribune blows lid of more Obama lies.
## Obama’s mom: Not just a girl from Kansas
## Free-spirited wanderer set Obama’s path
## Barack Obama’s mother wasn’t just a girl from Kansas

Part of this article consists of modified text from Wikipedia, and the article is therefore licensed under GFDL.
Categories: Content from Wikipedia | Barack Obama | 1942 births | 1995 deaths | Communists in the United States | Miscegenationists | Fellow traveler | Unitarians
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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Non-Human DNA Found in Elongated Paracas Skulls

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 9:45:23 AM
Subject: Non-Human DNA Found in Elongated Paracas Skulls

Dear V.K. Durham,  
A DNA analysis of elongated Paracas
skulls has shown that they may not
be human and that they could come
from an entirely new species that fits
outside of the known evolutionary

This belief stems from a test that
showed a DNA sample taken from the
skulls turned out to be unlike any
known human DNA.

Mark Sovel and Lissette Padilla discuss
the skepticism behind this test, in this
clip from the Lip News.

Video Total: (almost 4 and a half mins)          


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