Monday, May 18, 2015

Stop Breathing to Stop Global Warming

Climate Scientist Wants You to Stop Breathing to Stop Global Warming

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, climate alarmists, dressed in lab coats, and calling themselves scientists are becoming wackier with every passing year.

The latest demonstration of said wackiness was a recent and no doubt little heard NPR radio interview of Peter Tans, the chief greenhouse gas scientist at NOAA.

Tans says that in order to really fight climate change, carbon emission needs to be lowered to zero.
The NPR host Melissa Block throws a hanging curve over the plate.
Block: "How troubling is the new record number of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere -- 400 ppm?"
Tans: "What troubles me is that we're still headed at full speed in a direction that we should not be going. We are at the beginning of bringing about huge changes in the Earth's climate and ecosystems. The potential is there for us to make life hard, really, for future generations."
Block: "And what would it take to reverse the carbon dioxide concentration levels that you're seeing now?"
Tans: “See, that is really at the core of why we have made so little progress. The problem with CO2 in particular is that climate -- forcing of climate change by CO2 depends not so much on the rate at which we are admitting it. It depends primarily on the total amount of CO2 that we've emitted since preindustrial times. The implication is that if we want to stop this, we have to bring the omissions back down to zero."
Tans failed to postulate on just how this would be achieved, and, of course, Ms. Block didn't think it important enough to follow-up with something like “How in the heck would we do that?” In reality, all life forms we would all have to stop breathing since they emit CO2.


Never mind that there's not a shred of evidence that man-made CO2 or even naturally occurring CO2, causes global warming. Once again, it all comes back to these scientists who depend solely on their precious man-made computer models that depend on CO2 emissions from power plants to operate.
Consider the headline from the November 2, 1922 Anchorage Daily Times and the first line of the article: "The Arctic ocean is warming up, and icebergs are growing scarcer in some places, the seals finding the waters too hot…"

Innocuous CO2 data are loaded into faulty climate models creating bogus climate impact models. Warming alarmists, also called climate scientists, despite the debunking of the CO2 hockey stick, still insist that increased CO2 leads to warming, when historically it’s been the reverse.
Yet climate researchers like Katja Frieler insist that "Impact models are the second step after the climate models, and it's a relevant step for what climate change means for humans." Just one poorly constructed model feeding into another and then another and so on. It’s almost like it’s predetermined -- but upstanding men and women of science would never do such a thing, would they?
The fact is, virtually every climate model has been either dead wrong or the predictions haven’t even been close.
In 2013, a leaked Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) document confessed as much. The Daily Mail Online reported that "the leaked report makes the extraordinary concession that over the past 15 years, recorded world temperatures have increased at only a quarter of the rate of IPCC claimed when it published its last assessment in 2007."
In other words, they have no clue why the climate does what it does, but simply refuse to admit their ignorance, or denounce their ridiculous computer models
Other than being a weatherman, where can one be wrong all the time and still maintain his or her employment?
Yet facts never deter those like the esteemed Pieter Tans, chief greenhouse gas scientist with NOAA. None of these activists will be deterred until the country wises up to the scam of man-made global warming and shame these charlatans into going back underground. That and take their entire government largess away.



The Big Problem With Semi-Automatic Rifles For Survival

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With so many rifles to choose from, it can often be difficult to determine which rifle would be ideal for a survival situation, whether it’s one that you stash in the truck in the event that you’re stranded in the sticks — or you’re using that same truck to bugout to the sticks.
But all too often, I’ve seen folks reaching for that semi-auto beauty for such a purpose. While these weapons can certainly give you that needed fire superiority in a tactical situation, it’s going to fall short when you’re stuck in the backwoods and have to put meat on the fire to keep from starving.
The Fundamental
Just like with knives and secondhand tweed blazers, there is no one-size-fits-all option when it comes to firearms — even though we often try in vain to make it work sometimes.
In most cases, the best use for semi-auto rifles is for combat applications (or the occasional hunting weekend).
Essentially, the fundamental reason why a battle rifle is going to fall short when you’re stuck in the sticks is because you won’t be able to head back to the armory (or gun store) in the event that you’ve lost a spring, detent or some other tiny-but-critical mechanical part of the weapon. Now, I’m not necessarily saying that bolt or lever guns are completely exempt from this issue, but I AM saying that they are certainly simpler creatures, which don’t have near the number of moving parts that can break, wear out, or get lost.
Semi-auto weapons have an additional degree of mechanical complexity that gives them that additional functionality; however, any time you add complexity, that’s when you’re inviting problems.
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And a survival situation is certainly a scenario in which you’ll want to avoid problems to the very best of your ability.
Short-Term: What Are You Shooting At?
If you’re looking at a short-term survival scenario, the question at hand is not necessarily that of tactical or survival efficiency per se.  If anything, it’s a question of … what’s the point?
AK-47In this type of situation, chances are that you’re not going to be pitted against possible enemy hostiles. I’m basically talking about overturning your canoe somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and you might have to take a rabbit or two to keep yourself nourished as you find your way back to civilization. And if you need a 30-round magazine to take a meal, then you probably shouldn’t be toting around a rifle in the first place — at least until you visit your eye doctor.
If you’re basically just firing upon that which will soon become a meal (or you’re not fond of wolves), then you should probably stick to something that will have a near-obscene reliability factor … and the vast majority of your semi-autos will not.
Long-Term: Your Local Gun Store Will Probably Not Exist
As I said before, my fundamental point to saving semi-autos for your “typical” tactical situations is because all the gun stores and armories are most likely going to have had their inventories involuntarily liquidated via looting after your bugout op.
However, I’m not saying that your AK is going to be dead weight DURING your bug-out operation — especially since you might require its goodly services while making for the hills. But this scenario is hopefully going to be a very, very temporary one, and hopefully, you won’t even fire enough rounds to do a speed reload.
Over the long haul, however, you’ll most likely find these situational possibilities eventually fitting into your own unique situation …
  • In deeply wooded areas, your ranges will almost never extend past 100 yards. A shotgun, lever-action rifle, or revolver carbine would be your ideal options in this instance.
  • For regions like the desert or plains, your ranges could extend indefinitely. A bolt-action rifle would almost be the only real choice for this environment.
  • In a long-term survival scenario, your Rem oil and solvent is going to run out eventually, and the absence of these will basically render a working semi-auto into a blunt force weapon.
  • Life in the sticks without the luxury of an actual cabin will quickly get dirty, muddy and grimey. ARs, especially, are not fond of such environments
  • Even though an AR, AK, or M1A might provide you with a superior tactical footing in a tight spot, nothing beats the natural featherweight-ness of a lever or bolt-action rifle, especially since you’ll always be carrying it while trekking/scouting.
  • You’ll need to clean your semi-auto quite often (since you probably didn’t bother to load your pristine fridge-sized gun safe into the truck). However, cleaning your rifle is yet another instance when a small part could easily get lost, since the forest floor can hide a tiny spring like a needle … on a forest floor.
  • A well-picked retreat should result in extremely limited interaction with other humans (aka: possible hostiles during anarchy), and this means that the vast majority of your shots will be taken on critter targets. Because they’re probably not shooting back, then you most likely will not need to lay down 30 rounds of suppressing fire in order to fill your game bag.
self-defense weapons woods wildnerness gunsAt the end of the day, your battle rifles will not make much sense in the sticks. Starvation is most likely going to be your biggest threat, and that will set on quick if your rifle goes out of commission. And sure, you might be able to clear a room or keep hostiles pinned down, but your chances of running into a close-quarters combat or pitched battle scenario will (and should) be slim.
Personally, I’m thinking that you should be doing everything in your power to avoid such dangerous situations. Your best bet at surviving any battle is not in the capabilities of your firearms; it’s in the ability to avoid a fight before it even senses your presence.
Good Alternatives to a Semi-Auto
Of course, I’m also not one to simply denounce an entire class of rifles, while neglecting to offer a few positive mentions. That’s why I’ve named these two particular rifles below, as I feel like they’ve got a TON of promise for the situations that I managed to describe above. Basically, they’ve got just enough of what you might need out of a survival rifle, while keeping to a more simple, problem-lite approach in the process.
  • 30-30 Marlin 336 — The Marlin 336, chambered in 30-30, is a lever-action rifle, that I feel would be an extremely strong option for those of you in wooded areas. While you’re probably not going to get much more than 200 yards (due to the ballistic properties of the 30-30 round), you will have the additional advantage of being able to fire this weapon rather quickly after some practice, of course. Also, you’ll be able to take anything from coyotes to whitetail deer to black bear with the highly versatile round that the 336 is chambered in.
  • Mossberg MVP Series — This is one particular rifle series that has really grabbed my attention over the past few years. The MVP can be chambered in 7.62 (.308Win) or 5.56 (.223Rem), and can actually be setup similarly to that of a Col. Jeff Cooper scout concept system. If you’d like to maintain some faster handling capability, you might consider mounting a scope with a long eye relief, allowing you to keep your peripherals clear while engaging multiple targets. The kicker is that this rifle can accept AR magazines, making for a cheap, modular and highly capable rifle that can engage in both light combat and especially hunting purposes.
The important part about both of those rifles is that they’re man-powered. You’re not relying on gas or pistons to actuate the weapon, but instead, you’re removing that problematic variable possibility from the equation, making for a rifle that will be ready to go boom when you need it to …
… Because your survival should not be traded for a tactically efficient disadvantage.
Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts in the section below:
Most Shotguns In Homes Are NOT Suitable For Defense. Read More Here.

Democrats' 'Progressive Agenda' is Outright Communism

Democrats' 'Progressive Agenda' is Outright Communism

It's never been a secret that the Democrat agenda has been quietly driven by the philosophies of Karl Marx and every radical socialist who ever lit a fuse against the United States.
With a long line of public figures who have idolized or modeled themselves after Alinsky, Mao, Lenin or Castro, the Democratic Party has been home to the despicably anti-American and their foolishly misguided followers.
Anybody who paid any attention to the party's politics and had a modicum of historical knowledge could spot the connections.
But leftists being leftists, the DP leadership has always tried to pretend otherwise because their hold on many of the low-information voters is all based on perceptions.
Which is what makes it remarkable that the Progressive Agenda to Combat Income Inequality, a document put together by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, so clearly patterns itself after Communist Party and Socialist Party doctrine.
Even more remarkable is that de Blasio and others are trying to make this the official Democratic Party platform for the 2016 presidential election.
The Democrats are calling the Progressive Agenda their "Contract With America," which is as frightening as it is insulting.
Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America" was a stroke of political brilliance that helped pull together congressional conservatives to pass important legislation and help America get back on track.
The Progressive Agenda is aimed at turning us into something just shy of the Soviet Union. (How about WORSE then the Soviet Union, as the SU appears to have moved more toward democracy and freedom while the corporation USA rogue 'government' has DEFINITELY moved toward loss of all freedoms and in to total slavery???)
All the hallmarks are there:
hike the minimum wage (c'mon, if it's such a great idea, why not make it $100 per hour, guys?);
national paid family and sick leave;
pass laws to make it easier to force workers to unionize; "immigration reform" to organize illegals;
refinance student debt;
expanding state brainwashing with mandatory pre-kindergarten, after-school and child-care programs; increasing taxes on "the rich"; etc.De Blasio, who calls President Obama "too conservative" to lead a Progressive economic policy, said last week at the agenda's rollout, "It’s time to take that energy and crystallize it into an agenda that will make a difference. We’ll be calling on leaders and candidates to address these issues, to stiffen their backbones, to be clear and to champion these progressive policies."
Democrat officials had a variety of silly metaphors about cavalry and "meat on the bones" to use in praise of de Blasio's manifesto. The most interesting remark, however, came from Rep. Charles Rangel, who talked about "revolution."
Buzzword alert.
The Revolution, of course, was the crucible in which the United States was formed. But there's a world of difference between the way the Founding Fathers meant it and the way modern Regressives mean it.
The Founders meant to take back something that never belonged to the King in the first place: our
independence. Regressives mean to assert everyone's dependence on government and take things from the public treasury that never have belonged to them.
To facilitate the fattening of their own purses, Progressive leaders will begin by taking away your rights.
If you don't believe that, then you are dangerously naive.
Look at history. That's always how "progressive revolutions" begin.
It's already started here. Obama was the warmup act. Now we've got closet socialist Hillary, open socialist Bernie and B-string socialist Fauxcahontas (aka Elizabeth Warren), all eyeing the Oval Office.
And leftists hope their Communist Manifesto, er, Progressive Agenda will pave the way.
Lurking in the background, supporting de Blasio's agenda, is Dan Cantor, executive director of the Working Families Party and founder of the New Party.
The openly socialist New Party, Chicago branch, once claimed a young Barack Obama as a member, something his flying monkeys have denied for years.
De Blasio was executive director of the New Party's New York branch.
The basis of his plan was a report by Nobel prize-winning Columbia University economist Joseph Stiglitz, who also held "teach-ins" at Occupy Wall Street.
Stiglitz has accepted funding from billionaire George Soros, the ex-Nazi employee who helped fund Obama's career and who has hosted fundraisers for Elizabeth Warren and donated to Hillary Clinton's PAC.
Stiglitz also sits on the boards of several Soros organizations, including one whose aim is to remake the global economy.
You start to see how the pieces fit together?
Who says there aren't any real-life conspiracies to destroy America? Oh, right, mostly the people involved in them.



Feds Steal $16,000 From Innocent Man On Train, Because, Well, He Shouldn’t Be Carrying That Much

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It apparently is no longer safe to carry large sums of cash with you when you travel in America.
Joseph Rivers learned this lesson the hard way when the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) took his entire life’s savings — $16,000 — while he was riding on an Amtrak train in April to Los Angeles. The 22 year old is an aspiring music video producer.
Like many drivers, Rivers was never arrested or charged with a crime. Instead, DEA agents used civil asset forfeiture law to seize the cash he was carrying on a passenger train he had boarded in Michigan. Agents entered the train in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The agents took the cash after asking Rivers a series of questions. When he told them he was going to Los Angeles to make a music video, the agents asked for permission to search his luggage, which was granted. The DEA found the cash and seized it.
The money still was in the bank envelopes that were used when he made the withdrawal.
Learn How To Become Invisible In Today’s Surveillance State!
“These officers  took everything that I had worked so hard to save and even money that was given to me by family that believed in me,” Rivers told Albuquerque Journal writer Joline Gutierrez Krueger. “I told (the DEA agents) I had no money and no means to survive in Los Angeles if they took my money. They informed me that it was my responsibility to figure out how I was going to do that.”
Rivers was only able to get home because another traveler who had witnessed the incident helped him. If the Good Samaritan had not come forward, Rivers would have been left stranded, homeless and broken in a strange city – all because the government stole his cash.
“We don’t have to prove that the person is guilty,” Sean Waite, the head DEA agent in Albuquerque, admitted to Krueger. “It’s that the money is presumed to be guilty.”
Even if a state has laws restricting civil forfeiture, federal agents have free reign.

All agents need to do to seize money under forfeiture is to claim they think it is related to a crime. Nor are they obligated to listen to the travelers or verify their suspicions, as Rivers discovered.
“I even allowed him to call my mother, a military veteran and (hospital) coordinator, to corroborate my story,” Rivers said of the DEA agent. “Even with all of this, the officers decided to take my money because he stated that he believed that the money was involved in some type of narcotic activity.”
The agents may have targeted Rivers because he was the only black passenger on a portion of an Amtrak train, attorney Michael Pancer charged. Pancer is representing Rivers in an effort to get back the cash.
Seizure Corridor on the Rail
Waite admitted that the DEA has a regular practice of stopping travelers and seizing cash in Albuquerque. He told Krueger that his agents had conducted at least five such seizures in the previous week.
Last year a Washington Post investigation found that local, state and federal agents have seized $2.5 billion in cash from 62,000 people since 2001 – all without warrants or indictments.
Waite denied Pancer’s allegations of racial profiling. Instead, he said agents look for indicators of drug activity, such as “whether the person bought an expensive one-way ticket with cash, if the person is traveling from or to a city known as a hot spot for drug activity, if the person’s story has inconsistencies or if the large sums of money found could have been transported by more conventional means,” the newspaper reported.
If they suspect a traveler is guilty of being tied to criminal activity, the agents can ask for a consensual search, Waite said. If the person refuses, the agents can seize his or her luggage – but not the person — and hold it until they get a search warrant.
The seizures are necessary because Albuquerque is a major corridor for the shipment of illegal drugs and cash, Waite said. Pancer saw the seizures in a very different light.
“What this is, is having your money stolen by a federal agent acting under the color of law,” the attorney said. “It’s a national epidemic. If my office got four to five cases just recently, and I’m just one attorney, you know this is happening thousands of times.”
If you want to help Joseph Rivers you can donate at his Go Fund me page.
Should Rivers get his money back? Share your thoughts in the section below:
7 Unexpected Ways The Government Is Tracking Your Every Move. Read More.


Baby Found Buried Alive In Cemetery, Survives For A Week Underground.......


Baby Found Buried Alive In Cemetery, Survives For A Week Underground.......

Baby hand
In a story of miraculous survival, a newborn baby boy was found still alive after being buried in a shallow grave eight days before discovery.
The baby boy was unearthed from his shallow grave located in the mountains of Guangxi province in southern China, found by a woman who heard his desperate cries as she collected herbs intended to be used in Chinese medicine. The woman, named Lu Fenglian, believed the location to be haunted and so when she heard the cries, she thought the sounds to be supernatural in nature. She quickly fled to a nearby Buddhist temple for help.
Because Fenglian is a regular volunteer at the Siping Temple, she easily enlisted the help of 75-year-old priest Zhao Shimin, who returned with her to the cemetery. He, too, heard the crying, but knew that it was coming from a real baby rather than a ghost, and that the cries originated from a spot in the cemetery full of unmarked graves. The priest quickly contacted the authorities.
It took police just mere moments to uncover the baby, who was buried in a box just five centimeters beneath the surface. The baby was covered in soil that had leaked through the damp box, which also contained blankets and other items.
The baby also had a cleft lip. The cleft lip is believed to be the reason why the baby was buried alive.
Authorities rushed the baby boy to a nearby hospital, where he received emergency medical treatment. It was reported that he was in extremely poor condition upon arrival and had to be kept in an incubator for several days.
As doctors cleaned the baby of the dirt and grime encrusted on his tiny body, he began to cough up a thick black substance that doctors say was soil that the baby had ingested while being underground.
It is estimated that the baby survived his shallow grave for a shocking eight days before being found. Sources indicate that the baby was able to survive because rainwater that seeped into the box provided the infant with sufficient water.
The baby has now recovered enough to be removed from the incubator, although he remains hospitalized.
Priest Zhao, who noted that many people choose the cemetery where the baby was found because of its good Feng Shui, said, “The baby was buried among numerous unmarked graves and was still found alive, so he must be blessed.”
Authorities have tracked down the baby’s parents, who are a young couple living in a nearby village. Although the Public Security Bureau has arrested several people in connection with the baby being buried alive, including the newborn’s grandmother and three other relatives, it is reported that the parents themselves have yet to be arrested, due to a lack of evidence.
Another newborn in China survived being buried alive, but her story is much different than this little boy’s. For more on that, click here.

Saudi Arabia Hosts Yemen Talks, Houthi Rebels Not Present

Saudi Arabia Hosts Yemen Talks, Houthi Rebels Not Present

The Houthi rebels, one of the major factions in the war, are not attending.
Talks on the ongoing civil war in Yemen have begun in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. ABC News and the Associated Press report that close to 400 Yemeni leaders and politicians are attending the conference, where it is hoped a peace could be brokered. Notably, the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, who currently have control of almost the entire western third of the country, including the former capital Sana’a, are not attending.
Yemen has been in almost constant crisis for several years, with Sana’a falling in September of last year. On March 19, the opposing forces clashed at the airport in Aden, the government’s new capital. Following four suicide bombings in Sana’a the next day, which killed 142 people, the deadliest terrorist attack in Yemen’s history, the conflict intensified.
Saudi Arabia has become the temporary home of Yemen’s President, Abd Hadi, after he fled on March 25 to escape fighting in Aden. On the same day, Saudi Arabia and other Arab League nations started their intervention in Yemen, launching airstrikes in the country.
Speaking at the conference, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the UN envoy to Yemen, spoke on behalf of Ban-Ki Moon and pleaded for the conference to be peaceful, ABC and AP reported.
“I call on all parties to refrain from any action that disturbs the peace of airports, main areas and the infrastructure of transport.”
Ahmed hoped that the 5-day truce to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid could be indefinitely extended, according to The Middle East Eye.
“I call on all parties to renew their commitment to this truce for five more days at least.” He went on to say that “This humanitarian truce should turn into a permanent ceasefire.”
According to Al Arabiya, Hadi has a different hope for the conference. He is hoping that UN Resolution 2216 will be implemented by the Security Council. The resolution puts sanctions on Al-Houthi as well as the former Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Saleh transferred the presidency to Hadi following the 2011-12 revolution. Representatives of Saleh’s government are also present at the conference.
The civil war in Yemen has been a humanitarian disaster, with the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator for the nation, Johannes Van Der Klaauw, reporting a heavy death toll, according to Sputnik News. The official said that more than 1600 people have been killed in the war and that close to half a million people have been displaced.
How successful the talks in Saudi Arabia will be without one of the largest Yemeni factions remains unclear.



Today, there is much talk about the rise of the Muslim Caliphate and the CIA; the latter’s former members are not immune from blame. We can even take former CIA Director James Woolsey (1993-95) as an example of someone spreading a disinformation campaign.
I met Woolsey and found him to be a fox in sheep’s clothing the moment I spoke with the man. He lauded the Sufi brand of Islam when I met him in Detroit years prior to the Arab Spring. I asked him “Indeed, if Sufi Islam is peaceful, name me the Sufi leader who promotes peace?” He responded, “Hisham Kabbani”. But before we expose both Kabbani or Woolsey, let us present a speech Woolsey gave a year or two prior to that meeting in order to show the fox. In that speech he strongly implied that leaders of Middle Eastern countries should be toppled in order to make the Saudis and Egyptian regime of Mubarak ‘nervous’ while he neglected to explain what would fill the vacuum: 

“The problem is not Islam …” bla bla bla … and note that other knucklehead, the so-called conservative, Mr. Frank Gaffney, from Center for Security Policy idiotically clapping the loudest.
All this goes to show the American naiveté in all directions. I suppose after this report here, he will no longer take my calls but no worries; I lost his number already.
Since the Arab Spring began in 2011, there have been two primary beneficiaries generally – the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey which all analysts with half a brain would agree, desires to revive the Muslim Ottoman Caliphate.
The Brotherhood itself was founded to restore the Caliphate known as the Ottoman Empire and it was the Sufis who are at the forefront and have been working hand-in-glove with the Muslim Brotherhood toward that common goal; my repeated warnings have fallen on deaf ears for years. This is why those who supported regime change in places like Libya, Syria, Tunisia, and Egypt in 2011-2012 in both Republican and Democrat camps were so dangerous.
Woolsey hung his hat on the idea that moderate Islam exists and Sufi Islam is its face. He seemed particularly impressed by Hisham Kabbani because that slick-willy had spoken out against terrorism. 
Kabbani (L) with his mentor Kibrisi (R).
Kabbani (L) with his mentor Kibrisi (R).

And just in case you are angered at my name-calling, it would be understandable that a newcomer to the Islamic threat to America could be excused for such a faux pas but a former CIA Director on whose watch the first World Trade Center bombing took place? You see, Kabbani believes and as I pointed out to Woolsey, in the return of the Mahdi and once wrote:
“Hadith indicates that black flags coming from the area of Khorasan [Iran] will signify [that] the appearance of the Mahdi is nigh. Khorasan is in today’s Iran, and some scholars have said that this Hadith means when the black flags appear from Central Asia, i.e., in the direction of Khorasan (Iran), then the appearance of the Mahdi is imminent.”
More specifically, Kabbani’s brand of Sufism is of the Naqshbandi Order, which is featured prominently on his website [1]. For some context, the diabolical Prime Minister of Turkey (soon to be President) Recep Tayyip Erdogan is from the Naqshbandi background. He is also adamant in his support of Hamas in Gaza and ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria as revealed. Evidence strongly suggests that the Hitler-loving Erdogan was actually behind last year’s chemical attack in Syria the Obama administration attempted to blame on Bashar al-Assad. 

Consider Kabbani’s mentor, Nazeem Kibrisi. Right in the middle of Woolsey’s tenure as CIA Director (1993-1995), Kibrisi gave a Hitler-like speech in Belgium in 1994 in which he was met with raucous approval while seated in the front row was none other than Erdogan. Kibrisi said the Ottomans will “make the world tremble again” while calling for the return of that empire, saying that the “unbelievers will be brought down to their knees”:

Anyone who buys the notion that Sufi Islam is a safe manifestation of Islam is feeding right into the desires of those who wish to see the return of the Ottoman Empire as Erdogan does. This is why it is so dangerous to seek the overthrow of leaders of Middle Eastern nation states, a predictable consequence of the Arab Spring.
Each time this happens, it strengthens Turkey, Erdogan, and the Naqshbandi Sufis whom Woolsey has lauded.


Not coincidentally, this has all coincided with the sharp rise in Christian genocide. It was the Ottomans who perpetrated the Armenian genocide holocaust that Erdogan himself denies today. We are indeed beginning to see history repeating itself as the Ottoman eggs are re-hatching. Unfortunately, there has been a culture of denial and avoidance incubating in the west for years when it comes to the desires of the Turks.  
Kirbrisi and Kabbani in 1998

Ground Zero Mosque’s Sufi Imam
But to these knuckleheads, it doesn’t matter what happens in the Middle East. All that matters is what happens in the Middle West. During the Ground Zero mosque (GZM) controversy in 2010, Woolsey was part of a team that compiled and published a comprehensive – and largely helpful – Team B II Report [2]. The report dealt extensively with Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. and the corresponding threat of Sharia law, even showing ties between the GZM and Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
However, it neglected to point out that the Imam behind it, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is a Sufi Muslim. In fact, it was us who finally broke the news in August of 2010 when published Rauf’s full Islamist Manifesto in which he expressed clearly his goal to establish a caliphate. Perhaps no other figure represents better the nexus where the Muslim Brotherhood, Sufism, and stealth jihad meet than Rauf. Yet, he was not even mentioned in the report. In 2011, Rauf told the Daily Beast about a conversation between he and Woolsey three years prior to Woolsey’s 2006 speech: "I remember coming here in 2003 and meeting the former head of the CIA, Jim Woolsey, who told me this Muslim problem is going to take 100 years to fix,” Rauf says. “And I said it can be fixed in 10 years."  And while Woolsey was silent about who Kabbani and Rauf really are, I was on the run being interviewed by Fox News at the time and explained exactly how dangerous Rauf is to America by reading his own word

The word “Sufi” appears in Woolsey’s Team B II report one time and its use comports with what Woolsey told me just two years earlier:
…any Muslim individual or organization that does not embrace shariah and the MB line has not been able to gain broad recognition as a Muslim-American force in America. Instead, they are systematically ostracized, delegitimized and, in some cases, directly threatened. We saw this in the Alamoudi network’s bid to marginalize the Islamic Supreme Council of America, a Sufi organization led by Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani who warned often about Muslim Brotherhood operations against the United States as they were being put into place.
So there you have it. Despite my warnings to Woolsey in 2008, as recently as 2010, he was still holding Kabbani up as a paragon of peace by portraying him as a victim of convicted terrorist Abdurahman Alamoudi.
Consider that one of the authors of Team B II – former FBI Agent John Guandolo – appeared on the radio show of another Team B II author – Tom Trento – last year and reported that the current head of the CIA John Brennan converted to Islam while the station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s.

As has reported, the first World Trade Center bombing is what led to Sudan being put on the U.S. State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism in 1993. Woolsey took his job as CIA Director just weeks prior to that bombing.
As a result, being a CIA Director, he must know all about Sudan, right? As such, he must know all about Abubaker Y. Al Shingieti, a high-ranking official in Sudan’s government from 1990-98, both before and after that country was identified as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. The same Muslim Brotherhood government in place and led by Omar al-Bashir then is still in power today. In 2014, Shingieti is a mover and a shaker… in the U.S. He holds positions of prominence with Muslim Brotherhood front groups, as has reported.
Shingieti is also very cozy around the Sufi Rauf, whom Woolsey admires. Here are the two men caught conspiring together at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) convention:
Shingieti (L) with Feisal Abdul Rauf (R) at CFR event in 2013.
                      Shingieti (L) with Feisal Abdul Rauf (R) at CFR event in 2013.
Earlier this year, reported on Rauf being honored by the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD). Shingieti is the Vice President. Former National Security Adviser to Ronald Reagan – Robert “Bud” McFarlane – was in attendance. Evidence strongly suggests – presented by – that McFarlane inked a deal with the government of Qatar to assist in an Obama administration effort to have Sudan removed from the terrorism list.Obama’s brother Malik Obama is closely connected to the government of Sudan through his work as Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO).
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Woolsey serves as the current Chairman of a group known as Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). It is noteworthy that McFarlane is identified as one of FDD’s
“distinguished advisors”. As we’ve demonstrated above, McFarlane is not qualified to be such an advisor.
Former Reagan Nat'l Security Advisor McFarlane applauds Ground Zero mosque imam at ICRD event on May 30, 2014.
Former Reagan Nat’l Security Advisor McFarlane applauds Ground Zero mosque imam at ICRD event on May 30, 2014.

We are quite familiar with FDD. Last year, Senior Fellow Daveed Gartenstein-Ross attempted to dismiss our findings by finagling the Arabic in a video during the Benghazi attack showing that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was involved. Quite curiously, Gartenstein-Ross downplayed such findings by acknowledging the involvement of… wait for it… a Muslim Brotherhood group from Egypt – the Jamal Network – in those attacks:


Here is a screen shot of the FDD website which features and promotes Gartenstein-Ross (far left) and McFarlane (far right):

Gartenstein-Ross and McFarlane promoted by FDD.
Gartenstein-Ross and McFarlane promoted by FDD.

In the days after last year’s chemical attack in Syria, FDD President Clifford May and Executive Director Mark Dubowitz were signatories to a letter to Barack Obama that carelessly urged him to launch “military strikes against the pillars of the Assad regime” and to arm “moderate elements”.
The thinking can’t get any stupider than this. But it gets even worse. Since that time, as has sufficiently demonstrated, the chemical attack was not perpetrated by Assad (as FDD and others claimed) but such strikes would have greatly benefited… you guessed it… Turkey.


Sufi in Syria

Another sign that Woolsey’s history of touting Sufi ‘moderates’ is shared by others can be found in Syria. The Obama administration has been hard at work for years now in an attempt to aid the Syrian rebels, as has Woolsey! A figure the administration pushed to be the face of the opposition was a Sufi Muslim named Ahmed Muaz Al-Khatib Alhassani. As reported, this continued after the Benghazi attacks that resulted in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. In fact, it was Stevens’ Syrian counterpart Robert Ford who aggressively led this effort.
Khatib’s replacement Ahmad Jarba has a checkered past as has reported. Perhaps more important is that if Woolsey’s premise that Sufi leaders are the path to peace, why is the U.S. supporting a Sunni to lead the opposition coalition in Syria?

Skype Sex Scandal

Earlier this year, reported on a skype sex scandal involving a woman named Medea Daghestani and Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander Abdul Razzaq Tlas, who later fled to… Turkey. It was Daghestani who, a few months prior to her skype sex, met with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Istanbul. While Reuters identified Daghestani as a “Syrian activist”, the sex scandal pointed to something more sinister.
Middle East media confirmed the scandal, which Tlas confessed was true, and included this photo of Daghestani. Once translated, the Arabic in this below photo reads:
“Medea Daghestani sent photos to Abdul Razzaq Tlas from her base in Turkey.”
From her base in Turkey?
Medea Daghestani
Medea Daghestani

It is worth noting that the mentor to Kibrisi was a man named Abdullah Daghestani. Essentially, he was to Kibrisi what Kibrisi was to Kabbani, the same Kabbani touted by Woolsey.

Abdullah Daghestani (L) and a much younger Kibrisi (R).
Abdullah Daghestani (L) and a much younger Kibrisi (R).
It is not known how close familial ties are between Medea and Abdullah but what is known is that after Jarba replaced Khatib, he hired Medea Daghestani as a Public Relations specialist, as reported.

Khatib’s Sufi Solidarity with Muslim Brotherhood

Despite Khatib being Sufi, he has shown tremendous solidarity with the Muslim Brothehrood and with Turkey. Here is Khatib sharing a baby-holding photo-op with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, whom many nominate as a candidate for anti-Christ:

Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib Alhassani (R) and Turkish PM Erdogan (L).
Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib Alhassani (R) and Turkish PM Erdogan (L). 

In this photo, Khatib is meeting with Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu:
Al-Khatib (R) in Cairo with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
Al-Khatib (R) in Cairo with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Here is Khatib in Cairo standing with and holding the hand of Syrian Sunni Bassam Estwani, former chairman of the notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA
Ahmed Muaz Al-Khatib Alhassani (L) with Bassam Estwani (R) in Cairo.
Ahmed Muaz Al-Khatib Alhassani (L) with Bassam Estwani (R) in Cairo.

During a trip to Istanbul in September of 2012, Estwani rubbed elbows with Davutoglu as well:
Estwani (R) and Turkey's Foreign Minister Davutoglu in Istanbul during September, 2012 conference.
Estwani (R) and Turkey’s Foreign Minister Davutoglu in Istanbul during September, 2012 conference.

Dar al-Hijrah and First World Trade Center Attack

The first World Trade Center attack occurred on the watches of President Bill Clinton and none other than his CIA Director James Woolsey. There was Sudanese involvement in the attack, which made it a CIA matter generally and a Woolsey matter specifically.However, in 1995, Woolsey would have known that the Dar al-Hijrah mosque – which would later be visited by no fewer than two 9/11 hijackers, Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan; and led by an Imam named Anwar al-Awlaki – hired Mohammed al-Hanooti as an Imam as reported. Al-Hanooti was an unindicted co-conspirator in the WTC bombing and hired by Estwani. Al-Hanooti served as an imam at Dar al-Hijrah for four years.

Perhaps more disturbing are the powerful politicians with whom Estwani was able to curry favor. Shockingly, two of those politicians include Bill and Hillary Clinton all during the time that al-Hanooti was serving as an Imam in Estwani’s mosque. If anyone should be outraged with the Clintons, it should be Woolsey. Yet, he remains silent on this connection (a Google search of Woolsey and Estwani points you solely to our work). Whether a conscious factor or not, this has the effect of protecting Woolsey’s former boss – Bill Clinton.

Estwani meets with Bill and Hillary Clinton in White House.
Estwani meets with Bill and Hillary Clinton in White House.

When people like Woolsey champion Sufi Muslims, they are facilitating the restoration of the Ottoman Empire. These same Sufi Muslims use the Muslim Brotherhood – a willing participant group – to work toward that goal. In the 2006 video of Woolsey above, he expressed a desire to make the Saudis and Hosni Mubarak ‘nervous’. This was music to the ears of exactly two entities – the nation of Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood.
As recently reported, Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (Ret.) recently told Fox News when discussing the Caliphate declared by ISIS that Turkey would not allow it and that Turkey would be home to the only Caliphate. He then backpedaled, saying he didn’t think that would ever happen.
Just last year, Woolsey was featured prominently in a book and DVD designed to warn people about the dangers of disinformation. Ironically, when it comes to Sufism, he’s part of advancing the Sufi agenda.

Appendix: Three other Team B II Figures

Not long after the release of the Team B II report, we sponsored a memorial even in remembrance of the one year anniversary of the victims of the Fort Hood jihadist attack one year earlier in Killeen, TX not far from Post and we wasted some good money to have Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin (one of two Team Leaders of Team B II) give the keynote address. After all, Boykin spent time working for the CIA in the 1990’s.
During the speech, Boykin made the claim that “Islam is not at war with Christianity or Judaism” and that America’s enemies are comprised of “radical people who are following the exact dictates of the Qur’an”:  
If Islam was not the causer of the war, than who produced the Quran which causes the war? Boykin did not know a lick about Islam or his Bible which he touted to teach Bible Prophecy alongside Tim Lahaye who still thinks that Antichrist is some European Union leader.
Another figure involved in Team B II also has many years with the CIA under her belt is Center for Security Policy Vice President Clare Lopez who reported, twice last year, she attempted to discredit our work on an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood connection to Benghazi and the Syrian chemical attacks. She was wrong as the evidence mounted that chemical attacks were not launched by Bashar al-Assad but by the rebels so that Assad could be blamed. With the passage of time, we have been – and continue to be – vindicated in both instances.
Of course, CSP President Frank Gaffney can be seen in the 2006 video with Woolsey applauding in adamant support of a strategy that has ultimately resulted in the strengthening of Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Caliphate, and the Antichrist.
The stupidity will continue and we will make sure to report on it.

[1] Hisham Kabbani website:

[2] Team B II report: