Monday, May 18, 2015

EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : The Israeli Mossad has Flipped and it is Now 1967

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend
  your   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Monday   May 18, 2015
The Israeli Mossad has Flipped and it is Now 1967
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -  

excerpts of articles, color added

US special forces kill senior ISIS commander in Syria raid - DoD


Abu Sayyaf, a senior Islamic State leader, was killed by US forces, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Saturday, adding the terrorist was involved in the group's military operations, as well as helping to direct its "illicit oil, gas and financial operations."

It is believed Abu Sayyaf may have been in contact with IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, CNN reported, adding that the US military managed to capture some of the terrorist's communications equipment

ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal

The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.
NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.
Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.
ISIL seen as non-Islamic cult by Mideast intelligence services
By Wayne Madsen
October 23, 2014

Middle Eastern intelligence services have reported to WMR that they believe that the so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," or ISIL, also known as "Islamic State" and "Islamic State of Iraq and Sham," is actually a quite non-Islamic cult developed by Israel and the Central Intelligence Agency and funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to destabilize the entire Middle East and beyond.

 "Caliph" al-Baghdadi, aka Simon Elliot,
The self-proclaimed "Caliph" of ISIL's "Islamic State," Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was photographed with Senator John McCain and his fake PhD traveling partner Elizabeth O'Bagy in Syria last year, is reported by some circles to actually be Simon Elliot, an Israeli Jewish Mossad agent.

The Declaration of Independence

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism
, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
--Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President.

Ear – Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease...

Ear – Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease...


I had a doctor FRIEND that healed her cochlear hair cell hearing loss from 15% hearing to 85% heating in under 3 weeks...

J Laryngol Otol.  2013 Feb 21:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]

Effect of local irradiation with 630 and 860 nm low-level lasers on tympanic membrane perforation repair in guinea pigs.

Maleki S, Kamrava SK, Sharifi D, Jalessi M, Asghari A, Ghalehbaghi S, Yazdanifard P.
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Research Center, Rasool Akram Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Objective: In this study, we evaluated the effect of low-level lasers on the healing of tympanic membrane perforation, one of the most common otological pathologies.
Methods and materials: Twenty-four guinea pigs were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. One day after the induction of a 2 mm diameter, centred myringotomy in all animals, the tympanic membranes in the experimental group were irradiated with 630 and 860 nm lasers for 10 days. Two weeks later, histological changes in the membranes were evaluated.
Results: Tympanic membrane thickening and inflammatory cell infiltration in the tympanic membranes and surrounding tissues were significantly less in the experimental group (p < 0.001). The distance from the external auditory canal wall to the malleus tip did not differ significantly between the two groups (p = 0.42).
Conclusion: The results show that the combined application of 630 and 860 nm lasers had a significant effect on the healing of tympanic membrane perforation, and on the prevention of thick fibrotic or atelectatic neomembrane formation.
J Biomed Opt.  2012 Jun;17(6):068002.

Effect of low-level laser treatment on cochlea hair-cell recovery after acute acoustic trauma.

Rhee CK, Bahk CW, Kim SH, Ahn JC, Jung JY, Chung PS, Suh MW.
Dankook University, Medical Laser Research Center, Cheonan, Republic of Korea.
We investigated the effect of low-level laser radiation on rescuing hair cells of the cochlea after acute acoustic trauma and hearing loss. Nine rats were exposed to noise. Starting the following day, the left ears (NL ears) of the rats were irradiated at an energy output of 100 to 165??mW/cm(2) for 60 min for 12 days in a row. The right ears (N ears) were considered as the control group. Frequency-specific hearing levels were measured before the noise exposure and also after the 1st, 3rd to 5th, 8th to 10th and 12th irradiations. After the 12th treatment, hair cells were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Compared to initial hearing levels at all frequencies, thresholds increased markedly after noise exposure. After the 12th irradiation, hearing threshold was significantly lower for the NL ears compared to the N ears. When observed using an electron microscope, the number of hair cells in the middle turn of the NL ears was significantly larger than that of the N ears. Our findings suggest that low-level laser irradiation promotes recovery of hearing thresholds after acute acoustic trauma.
 Zhongguo Zhen Jiu.  2012 May;32(5):413-6.

Moderate and severe sudden deafness treated with low-energy laser irradiation combined with auricular acupoint sticking.

[Article in Chinese]
Zhou GY.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College, Weihui 453100, Henan Province, China.
To test the therapeutic effect on moderate and severe sudden deafness treated with low-energy laser irradiation on acupoint and external auditory canal combined with auricular point sticking (APS) and as compared with electroacupuncture.
Two hundred and fifty-eight cases of moderate and severe sudden hearing loss were randomly divided into an observation group 1, an observation group 2 and a control group, 86 cases in each group. In three groups, 10% low molecular Dextran 500 mL were used for intravenous infusion. Based on the above treatment, the observation group 1 was treated with low-energy laser irradiation on acupoint and external auditory canal (such as Ermen (TE 21), Tinggong (SI 19) and Tinghui (GB 2)), combined with APS at Gan (liver), Shen (kidney) and Neifenmi (endorine), etc. The observation group 2 was treated with electroacupuncture at the same acupoints as those point irradiation in observation group 1. Fifteen days made one session. The therapeutic effects were evaluated after one and two sessions.
After two sessions, The cured rate was 40.7% (35/86) in observation group 1 and 38.4% (33/86) in observation group 2,which were superior to 25.6% (22/86) in control group (both P < 0.05). Compared with one session, the therapeutic effects after two sessions were better in two observation groups (both P < 0.05), but there was no significant difference between two groups (both P > 0.05). In comparison of the improvements of frequency audiometry and auditory function, the two observation groups were better than those in control group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01), and the improvements after two sessions were better in two observation groups (both P < 0.01).
Both of low-energy laser irradiation on acupoint and external auditory canal combined with APS and electroacupuncture are able to decrease frequency audiometry, improve auditory function, and the therapeutic effects are better with prolongation of treatment time. The clinical efficacy of above two the rapies on moderate and severe sudden deafness is superior remarkably to that of conventional treatment. The therapy of low-energy laser irradiation on acupoint and external auditory canal combined with APS can replace the electroacupuncture therapy in treating moderate and severe sudden deafness.
Lasers Med Sci.  2011 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print]

Effect of low-level laser therapy on cochlear hair cell recovery after gentamicin-induced ototoxicity.

Rhee CK, He P, Jung JY, Ahn JC, Chung PS, Suh MW.
Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea.
Cochlear hair cells are the sensory receptors of the auditory system. It is well established that antibiotic drugs such as gentamicin can damage hair cells and cause hearing loss. Rescuing hair cells after ototoxic injury is an important issue in hearing recovery. Although many studies have indicated a positive effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on neural cell survival, there has been no study on the effects of LLLT on cochlear hair cells. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of LLLT on hair cell survival following gentamicin exposure in organotypic cultures of the cochlea of rats. The cochlea cultures were then divided into a control group (n=8), a laser-only group (n=8), a gentamicin-only group (n=8) and a gentamicin plus laser group (n=7). The control cultures were allowed to grow continuously for 11 days. The laser-only cultures were irradiated with a laser with a wavelength of 810 nm at 8 mW/cm(2) for 60 min per day (0.48 J/cm(2)) for 6 days. The gentamicin groups were exposed to 1 mM gentamicin for 48 h and allowed to recover (gentamicin-only group) or allowed to recover with daily irradiation (gentamicin plus laser group). The hair cells in all groups were stained with FM1-43 and counted every 3 days. The number of hair cells was significantly larger in the gentamicin plus laser group than in the gentamicin-only group. The number of hair cells was larger in the laser-only group than in the control group, but the difference did not reach statistical significance. These results suggest that LLLT may promote hair cell survival following gentamicin damage in the cochlea. This is the first study in the literature that has demonstrated the beneficial effect of LLLT on the recovery of cochlear hair cells.
Vestn Otorinolaringol.  2011;(2):43-5.


Benjamin Fulford: May 18th 2015: Khazarian mafia wants to donate funds..

Benjamin Fulford: May 18th 2015:
Khazarian mafia wants to donate funds to “repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,”
in exchange for “amnesty for certain Jewish bankers.
” Russia and “certain foundations” would be involved in this plan, the source said."





A representative of the G7 group of nations has been approached with a proposal by the Khazarian mafia banking community to “repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,” in exchange for “amnesty for certain Jewish bankers.” Russia and “certain foundations” would be involved in this plan, the source said.

The background for this offer may be found in an article in the Japanese language edition of the Reuters News Wire that claimed Reuters had obtained documents showing the Federal Reserve Board has made contingency plans for the bankruptcy of the United States of America.

We were unable to find an English language version of this article but the Japanese version says the documents were obtained from Jeb Hensarling, the Head of the US House Financial Services Committee. The documents call for delaying payments on bonds issued by the US government and for giving priority to certain bond holders over others in repayment.

Further confirmation that things are not running normally in Washington D.C. came from the recent visit by US Secretary of States John “stole the Heinz fortune” Kerry to Russia where he announced he supported the Minsk peace agreements: a 180 degree change in policy. This came on a visit to Russia that started immediately after Kerry snubbed the Russian May 9th parade in celebration of Russia’s victory over the Nazis in the great patriotic war (World War 2). The fact the Chinese and Indian armies both marched in that parade appears to have rattled the Washington DC gangsters.

It is also no coincidence that Kerry’s turnaround at the same time as the Chinese government once again started buying US government bonds and once again surpassed Japan to become the largest holder of these cabal debt notes. Clearly the Chinese told the Americans: “if you want us to pay your bills, you have to stop being a bad boy in the Ukraine."

There was also an unusually blatant propaganda shouting match that followed the Kerry visit. Here are two headlines that appeared after this meeting:
“Poroshenko says there is no alternative to complete fulfillment of Minsk agreements” "

Poroshenko says Minsk deal ‘pseudo-peace’ vows to fight to the last drop of blood”

The top headline is from the official Russian government Tass News Service and has a URL ending in .ru meaning it is based in Russia. The war-mongering headline comes from Russia Today a news site with a .com domain meaning it is not based in Russia. This clumsy propaganda headline has outed RT as a sophisticated Western agency run news service pretending to be based in Russia.

Another news service pretending to be Russian, by the way, is that usually starts its articles with “according to Kremlin information” or something like that, even though its server has been traced to CIA headquarters in Virginia.

In any case, propaganda aside, severe cabal infighting is yet another signs it is not business as usual. A cabal insider told this writer the Lehman shock of 2008 was really a fight between David Rockefeller and his nephew J. Rockefeller. David Rockefeller is really the most junior member of the third generation of the Rockefeller family, says this source, who has had top level access to every Japanese Prime Minister since the 1970’s.

He says the original will of John Rockefeller the 1st, the stipulated his dynasty was to be controlled via primogeniture. However, David was trying to change that by handing over control to his own sons. In other words John “J” Rockefeller the fourth was due to take over the family foundations and David was trying to prevent this, according to this source. For that reason, two of David’s flagship companies, Lehman Brothers and Citibank, were bankrupted by J. Rockefeller’s Goldman Sachs, he says.

This may well be true but, the situation has now evolved way beyond a fight between would be hereditary god kings of the sheeple. The issue now is should we give these people amnesty, as they are now asking for, or should they be “strung up from the nearest lamppost” as George Bush Sr. famously predicted would happen “if the American people ever find out what we did to them.”
In fact, feeding these people to the vultures is probably a more likely outcome than either amnesty or stringing them from lampposts. Large law firms are getting ready for a feeding frenzy in retribution against US branch of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate.

Here are two suggestions for big law firms to pursue. The first is to go after General Electric and Westinghouse for their role in the March 11th tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. GE and Westinghouse sold their nuclear power divisions respectively to Japan’s Hitachi and Toshiba in the years before the 311 attacks.

Since all Japanese nuclear reactors were shut down after 311 and the nuclear power plant business worldwide was badly hit, if I were Hitachi and Toshiba, I would hire the world’s best lawyers to see if this was not a big insider deal to dump these businesses before the sabotage took place.

The other place clever and ambitious lawyers should be looking at is DuPont and the entire ozone layer scam. According to sources at Japanese refrigerator and air-conditioner manufacturers, DuPonts’ patent on the Freon gas used for refrigeration around the world were about to expire, threatening a huge business.

The story about Freon destroying the ozone layer was created so that DuPont could get Freon banned just in time for the patent expiration. Conveniently, DuPont has a fresh patent on HFC, the replacement for Freon. It is worth nothing that all the scare-mongering headlines about the ozone layer being destroyed vanished as soon as the HFC business got started. Somebody can hit up DuPont big time over this.

This sort of revelation is going to come out for many other businesses and governments now that the Khazarian mafia faces worldwide defeat.

Sources at the Asian Development Bank say the right to produce US dollars has already been taken away from this family mafia. The international US dollar is now controlled by a combination of the Chinese government, Asian royal families and European royal families. The US dollars issued inside the United States are now issued by the Treasury Department, he says.

Another indication the US power structure has changed was seen last week when US “acting president” Barack Obama invited the heads of the Gulf Cooperation Council to a summit meeting in the US. Only two of the heads of state bothered to show up. At the media photo event at the end of the summit, this photo was posed:

In terms of diplomatic protocol, this was an unprecedented snub. The message was clear, “no oil money for you."

There are also fresh indications the Greek crisis is going to mean the end of the Euro. The announcement last week that Greece staved off bankruptcy by using IMF money to pay money it owed to the IMF was clearly bizarre. This is nothing more than a delaying tactic. The Chinese are offering to back both the German Deutschemark and the Greek Drachma with gold if they dump the cabal controlled Euro. A hint can be seen at this site if you click on the pictures of Deutschemark and Drachma bills:

The message is “join the BRICS and your financial problems will end because your money will be backed by gold.”

Clearly though, as long as the Khazarian owned media corporations inside the US continue to spew headlines about Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as if these two widely disliked characters are the only real choice for US president in 2016, then the battle is not over. When we see them being dragged away in handcuffs on charges of mass murder, then we will know it is over.

In these circumstances the military industrial complex needs to start taking urgent action to prevent a total Western rout. The key is to push for a meritocratic world federation as an alternative to trading Khazarian hegemony for Chinese hegemony.

In military terms, the first thing they need to do is to twist arms in Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. to put an end to the Khazarian provoked infighting in the region. This might mean some pinpoint military operations to remove key Khazarian agents provocateurs. Last week there were indications this is exactly what has been going on with the US raids against ISIS in Syria and the capture of detailed information about their financing. The US needs to then coordinate with Russia and China to oversee the creation of a moderate Sunni/Shia federation to unify the Middle East.

The other thing they need to do is to remove that last of the Khazarian control grid in Japan. People close to slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe approached the White Dragon Society last week with just such a plan. Remove Michael Green, Abraham Cooper and Richard Armitage and go through Gerald Courtis if you want to keep Japan friendly to the military industrial complex. The three legged crow, the Yakuza and other Japanese power groups will then cooperate with the restored United States Republic.

Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms

May 11, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford

The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say.
The world missed a recent window of opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the financial war, they said. As a result, several stubborn hold outs of the cabal, like Israel and their Washington DC stooges, will have to be removed through war and through the engineered collapse of most of the large cabal financial companies, the sources say.
This will result in chaos in Europe and several regional wars notably in the Korean peninsula, the Middle East and the US.
The situation in Europe might be the first to blow up as a result of a financial chain reaction expected to be triggered by an unavoidable Greek default, the sources agreed.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visits to China and Japan were aimed at getting money to prevent the collapse of the German financial system when Greece defaults. She returned mostly empty handed, Japanese and Chinese government sources say.
Note: In the context, it is very interesting, and even revealing, to take a look at the extremely harsh statement by Putin on May 10, 2015, that sounded like a wartime ultimatum: either you do this NOW, "or else". One may hardly be able to find such a harsh statements from Putin, one of the most artful and careful politicians on this planet. Putin does not talk like this. Here's the news article translation of it:
"The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, at the meeting with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, called for the resolutions of any existing problems between Russia and Germany.
"The sooner these problems cease to exert the negative influence on development of relations, the better" - said the Head of State.
Basically, what he said is that Germany has to decide, and NOW, not "later", where it stands with Russia.
The very use of the term "exert the negative influence" means those problems represent a threat that HAS to be dealt with, and it will be dealt with, as indicated by "The sooner ... the better", and that sounds like an ultimatum, and not just some "difference of opinion on SOME issues", as Putin usually comments on the Russia/US relations.
The very use of "resolutions of any existing problems" indicates, first of all that, he confirms there ARE PROBLEMS, and not merely differences of opinion, and he basically demands that these "problems" have to be resolved, and not merely talked about, ad nausea.
Now, for Putin to challenge no one less than Germany, the leading power in Europe, something pretty bad must be cooking, and there is no time to wait for it any longer. Either Germany "cleans up their act" and decides where it stands in relations with Russia, or what might happen is that, which may nail the last nail, not only in the coffin of the so-called EU, but the Germany itself.
Because Putin is not just some "sweet talker" about nothing. When he talks, and especially using the terms he chose to use with Merkel, you'd better listen, and VERY carefully. Because this is not just words, but a loud and clear message to Germany to decide NOW. At least that is how it sounds, according to the very tone of his words.
Well, what can be said in this case, but "hold on to your seats" now.

One indicator of how unusual the situation is was a joint statement published last week by European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas that called for higher pensions and wages for Greeks. In other words it showed political opposition to bank imposed austerity.
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, for his part, proposed creating a new development agency or economic planning agency to start rebuilding the Greek economy. To make this possible he proposes putting all of Greek bad debts into a “bad bank” or garbage can bank. This is in effect proposing a default.
If the Greeks default on their over $300 billion in debts, this will create a domino effect that will pull the rug out from over $500 trillion worth of derivatives that are creating the appearance the European banking system is solvent, MI5 and other sources say.

A Japanese fixer in charge of high level financial transactions and an MI5 source both said the BIS or central bank for central banks in Switzerland was broke and was jacking up stock prices in Europe, Japan and the US to try to camouflage this. However, the sources said the Greek can might be kicked down the road until September or October.

The Greeks have also been working closely with the Russians and Chinese to make sure they get new financing from the East in the event of a default to the IMF and the Germans. This Greek situation is likely to put an end to a different scenario being engineered in the UK by newly re-elected Prime Minister David Cameron and his EU masters in Brussels. The scenario they planned was to use the boogeyman of Scottish independence to force greater UK integration into the EU and put an end to British moves away from the EU.
It is clear that Nigel Farage, head of the UK Independence Party, was put under some sort of threat to force him to pull his punches during the recent UK election campaign. However, the Greek situation is expected to make this whole plan obsolete because the EU itself will be struggling to survive.

The British financial elite have, in any case, already linked their financial system with China and Asia in order to insulate themselves from the upcoming German/EU collapse, Japanese, Chinese and British sources agree.
The situation in the United States is also headed for more chaos and possibly even civil war. The clearest sign of this has been all the major explosions of oil trains, power plants, factories and other infrastructure across the US. Here for example you can see pictures of a nuclear power plant explosion and a train fire that took place last week:

Pentagon sources say that a civil war is possible between the US military and mercenary armies paid by the Khazarian Mafia. The recent talk in the Khazarian propaganda press about some operation called “Jade Helm” is aimed at inciting Americans into believing US armed forces are their enemy. In addition, the Khazarians are now saying ISIS is in the US ready to start trouble.

The latest economic indicators further show the US economy has fallen off a cliff in April that is even bigger than what was seen after the Lehman shock of 2008. 

The Khazarian Mafia is also issuing veiled threats it will “blow up” emerging markets. Timothy Adams, head of the Institute of International Finance, which represents the world’s biggest banks, issued this threat in a recent report.

However, US and Asian government sources say most of these big banks would be shut down despite these threats because they represent the Babylonian debt slavery system that is being dismantled in order to free humanity. A visible sign of this dismantling was also seen in Canada last week. There, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation nationally broadcast a detailed program about a victorious but now being appealed lawsuit to force the Bank of Canada to cut its ties with overseas financial oligarchs and return to its original mandate of providing interest free money to the government. In other words, the Bank of Canada is likely to once again become a government institution and not a tool of Khazarian Mafiosi. 

The situation in the Middle East is also going very badly for the Khazarian mafia. The pentagon is aligning with the Iranians against the Zionazi Khazarian regime there. Japanese intelligence agency and pentagon sources both say some sort of final showdown is expected before the situation there finally calms down.

The Saudi Arabian government is also now waking up to the new reality and may cut off its secret alliance with Israel in an attempt to keep in power, the sources said. The Israelis and Saudis have already used nuclear weapons against both Syria and Yemen though, so some sort of payback is inevitable. The turbulence in that region is expected to continue for some time.

There is also going to be some trouble in the Korean peninsula because one of the most stubborn cabal hold-outs is the regime in South Korea, according to a high level Japanese intelligence agency source. Their refusal to accept peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula means that a war will have to be started between North and South Korea, he said.

The scenario, worked out between China, Russia and the Pentagon, calls for Russian and Chinese threats of all-out war to prevent US forces stationed in South Korea from coming to the South’s aid during a series of missile attacks on Seoul. After some retaliatory attacks against Pyongyang a missile is going to hit Japan.  This missile will be used as an excuse by the US military to act as a peacemaker and force reunification of the Korean peninsula, according to this source. At the end of the day North Korean strongman Kim Jon Un’s older brother, Kim Jong Nam, would become the ruler of the unified Korean peninsula, he said. Korean royal family sources agree the regime in South Korea has gone rogue and is headed for serious trouble. 

The situation in Japan, too, is headed for a sea change, multiple sources agree. Prime Minister Abe is only being kept in power because no suitable replacement has been found. However, Abe has been poisoned and can be killed at any moment so Abe will read whatever script is put in front on him in order to survive, multiple Japanese power brokers say. His recent disgusting performance in Washington, though, has led to a renewed campaign to replace Abe. This can be seen by the fact that nationally broadcast TV shows have come out and said the 311 nuclear and tsunami disaster was a terrorist attack on Japan.

In retaliation, the Zionazi submarine base in New Guinea where the 311 attack was coordinated from was hit four times last week with major bunker busting weapons, Pentagon sources say. This has been reported as four earthquakes in the propaganda press.

In addition, national newspapers have reported that even Japanese Members of Parliament are now allowed to read the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement documents. The fact that this is in all the newspapers and TV shows makes it clear nobody in Japan is going to allow Abe’s slave regime to stuff TPP down Japanese throats. 

The Rockefeller family has already pulled out of Japan meaning that their stooges like Abe no longer have any real backing. That can be seen by the fact that Citibank’s Japanese operations have been sold and Rockefeller oil companies have also left the country. 

Finally, Russia staged a big parade on May 9th to celebrate its victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany. What was interesting about this years’ celebration is that soldiers from China, India, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kirghistan and Azerbaijan also participated in the parade. This is a clear message that any attempt to provoke Russia further in the Ukraine will lead to a full world war. The Pentagon is not about to take on this coalition to help Ukrainian Zionazis.

Mass Exodus Has Begun - CEO's Bugging Out!

Mass Exodus Has Begun - CEO's Bugging Out! 500+ Retiring CEO's Another Sign Of Something Ominous To Come?


May 4, 2015
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In a follow-up to Susan Duclos' recent story "Movement To The Bunkers: 'They Know It Is Coming' - Elite Actively Practicing Bug-Out Scenario," we have embedded the scribd document below that contains the names of over 500 CEO's of large companies that have either retired from their CEO positions in 2015, late 2014 or plan on doing so within the next month or so as we begin to see a mass exodus from the business world has begun.With the US dollar poised to soon lose its' world reserve currency status and the US and global economies teetering on the edge of destruction, a brand new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reveals that 96% of Americans believe there will be more civil unrest and possible race wars in cities across the country this summer, is this another reason why so many CEO's have chosen to 'retire' now? The list below of CEO's 'getting out of Dodge' is like a 'Who's Who' of the corporate business world in America. Are these retirements just a coincidence or another sign of something omnious coming? From Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog.:Only 4 percent of people that believe that everything will be just fine.  In this day and age, it is virtually impossible to get 96 percent of Americans to agree on anything.  So the fact that just about everyone agrees that we are going to see more civil unrest should really tell you something.  The anger that has been building under the surface for so many years in this country has finally started to erupt.  If you have been following my website for a while, you know that this is something that I have been warning about for a very long time.  Many people may have thought that I was exaggerating when I talked about the civil unrest that was coming to American cities.  But I was not exaggerating at all.  In fact, if anything I was downplaying it.  In the years to come, we are going to see things happen in our cities that are going to absolutely shock the world.

Gawker's Phase Zero's William Arkin has an excellent new story out called
"The Secret Mountain Our Spies Will Hide In When Washington Is Destroyed" which uncovers a secret mountain bunker 100 miles outside of Washington DC in Virginia that leads us to ask, how many more of these secret bunkers are out there that have yet to be discovered? Do these billionaires and multi-millionaires have 'inside information' that the rest of us do not have access to? With all of this information now coming forth, we think that it's very interesting that the Pentagon has also chosen now to be the time that they move much of their HQ and equipment back into their cold war era Cheyenne Mountain bunkers. The list below goes on like a 'Who's Who' in the corporate business world. Every day more names are being added to the list. What do these people know that we don't know? Several videos below on the elite's underground lairs as well as more up-to-date info and questions asked about Jade Helm 15.

Back in December of 2014, Susan Duclos took a look at the underground lairs the elite were preparing for themselves.

In this next video Professor Doom2 shares with us how Jade Helm 15 is training to take down the nation. Did these CEO's who are suddenly retiring know about all of this coming and did this knowledge 'help' them to make their decisions?


The images below are of the secretive mountain bunker in Virginia. How many more bunkers such as this have been secretly prepared by the elite for their ultimate escape from the coming doom they've helped bring to the world?  



The 'Big Event' as condensed and as clear as possible

Navy Seal Explains the 'BIG EVENT'
 "I'm going to explain the big 'big event' as condensed and as clear as possible"

SealMan May 12, 2015
This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions This is a loaded question I was hoping to put off as long as possible.  There are events within events and this is very complex. I'm going to explain the big 'big event' as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions. I will provide basic key events and information in layman's terms that will help those who choose to travel down the rabbit hole to do so and research what I provide on their own.

For a number of years this event has been shown to us in movies, example Melancholia, and other mediums. If you do the research you will find them. This, associated with the combination of dead scientists, astronomers and bankers, is the biggest cover up secret in world history.

Many people believe asteroids will kick off a foreseen world calamity. Many have had dreams and visions of asteroids hitting the earth and hitting the oceans, triggering off massive tsunamis and devastating earthquakes. In all probability, what they have dreamed and seen are correct,but there is a prelude, an event that begins all of this.

In revelation 8:8 we read a mountain of fire is thrown into the sea - a mountain - not something from outer space, clearly a mountain, or it would describe something from outer space. If this mountain is of fire, that indicates a volcanic mountain, something from earth.

Asteroids is something that would come shortly after, sporadically for a period of time and increasing substantially later during what is referred to in the Bible as "God's Wrath."  You don't want to be here for that.

Every several hundreds or thousands of years a planetary system enters earth's orbital plane.  When it does, it causes the earth to tilt or rotate several degrees off its axes. When this occurs, it causes changes in the earth's magnetosphere, ecosystem and overall planet environment. Much of this event is depicted at several locations around the globe on cave walls, with artifacts etc, so it has clearly happened before (Noah's Flood).
The calculated time for this planet and its accompanying moons and other planets to enter earth's atmosphere is now - within the next few years - and I am being very conservative with this estimated time. The government actually calculates it to be here/visible at the end of this year, and the effects being felt by the end of the first quarter of next year.

This is why you are seeing all the pre-staging of equipment. Also, this is why you see CERN ramping up its activity.  They actually believe if they alter time, they can hold things off or even possibly divert the event. Unfortunately, they're going to make things much worse, adding a spicy sprinkling of hell creatures running around, a result from CERN opening the pit of hell.

CERN is what I believe to be the key spoken about in the Bible. In addition, CERN is being used to do other things, all extremely evil, but that is for another discussion.

Continuing - world governments have known about this big big event for a very long time, and they have calculated what they believe to be the correct preparation time for this event. Before the event, the world powers / military's monitoring systems, evaluation programs, joint logistic networks and currency exchange systems must all be connected up to a certain level before the planetary system enters earth's atmosphere.

This is the reason for the historical military exercises around the globe, emergence of the AIIB, BRICS, CHIPS, massive seed banks, state size underground storage facilities and unprecedented amount of FEMA installations. 

The powers at be are scared to death. In addition, public control (martial law-via fanned civil unrest) must be implemented and working before the event so when the first pass by of the planetary system occurs, creating total chaos, there is a manageable cohesive system in place to operate from after the destruction, and this is the New World Order,just as you have seen/heard about over the past many years. So, world governments are actually going to use the event to usher in The New World Order/world management system.

It won't go as everyone has agreed upon or predicted. They'll be a lot of backstabbing and advantage taken of one another going on. Again, another subject in itself.

So, what is 'the big event'?  A planet and it's accompanying moons, planets and debris entering our atmosphere and creating massive destruction and chaos. This is the ultimate reason for all the preparations, civil changes and world restructuring. Would I believe me if I was someone who has never studied this, or been a part of this or seen certain things occur first hand?

The ultimate, and most important, answer to all your question is this: Have you accepted Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ  of Nazareth) as your Lord and Savior?

Repent and Believe that Yeshua (Jesus) Loves you!

Hope this helps.

May 12, 2015

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