Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins – Case Brief Summary

Summary of Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 58 S. Ct. 817, 82 L. Ed. 1188 (1938).

Tompkins (P) sustained personal injuries when he was struck by an Erie Railroad Company (D) freight train in Pennsylvania while walking on a footpath adjacent to the tracks. Tompkins was a citizen of Pennsylvania and Erie Railroad Company was incorporated in New York.
Tompkins brought this personal injury lawsuit in diversity in federal district court in New York, asserting that he was lawfully on the property as a licensee, and that the accident occurred as a result of Erie Railroad’s negligence in the operation or maintenance of the train. Erie Railroad Company denied liability and asserted that the rule that had been established in the courts of Pennsylvania should apply. Under that rule, persons using pathways adjacent to railways were deemed trespassers and the railroad would not liable for injuries unless its actions were wanton or willful.
Tompkins denied that such a rule had been established by the Pennsylvania courts. He further contended that since no Pennsylvania statute addressed the issue of liability in such cases, the railroad’s duty and liability should be determined according to the rule established in federal court in light of Swift v. Tyson. Under federal common law Tompkins would be regarded as a licensee. Railroads owed a duty of ordinary care to pedestrians and would be liable upon a showing of ordinary negligence.
At trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Tompkins for $30,000. The Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed, holding that in regards to questions of general law that are not covered by state statute, federal courts are free to exercise their judgment as to what the law is. The Circuit Court of Appeals held that railroads owe a duty of ordinary care to those who use permissive pathways adjacent to railroad tracks. The defendant appealed and the Supreme Court granted certiorari.
  • In actions in diversity, except in matters governed by the Constitution or acts of Congress, must federal courts apply state common law in addition to statutory law?
Holding and Rule (Brandeis)
  • Yes. In actions in diversity, except in matters governed by the Constitution or acts of Congress, federal courts must apply state common law in addition to statutory law.
In diversity cases, federal courts must apply state law as declared by the highest state court in addition to state statutory law. There is no federal general common law. Congress has no power to declare substantive rules of common law applicable in a State and the Constitution does not confer such a power upon the federal courts.
In disapproving the doctrine of Swift v. Tyson, the Court does not hold section 34 of the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional. It merely declares that, by applying the doctrine of that case, rights which are reserved by the Constitution to the several States have been invaded.
The ruling in Swift v. Tyson is overruled. It was an unconstitutional assumption of powers by the Courts of the United States. Federal courts do not have the power to create federal common law as this gives federal courts powers not granted in the Constitution. Congress has no power to declare the substantive rules of common law in state actions.
The Swift decision is flawed because it promotes forum shopping. Citizens of one state could move to another state to create diversity and bring suit in federal court to take advantage of a more favorable choice of law. Such a defect is substantial and provides no benefit.
Reversed and remanded.
This case is also cited as Erie Railroad v. Tompkins and as Erie v. Tompkins. See Byrd v. Blue Ridge Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. for a law school civil procedure case brief in which the Supreme Court held that the Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury in civil lawsuits supersedes conflicting state law.

How Government Inaction Ended the Depression of 1921

By the time the federal government even began considering intervention, the crisis had ended
How Government Inaction Ended the Depression of 1921
As the financial crisis of 2008 took shape, the policy recommendations were not slow in coming: why, economic stability and American prosperity demand fiscal and monetary stimulus to jump-start the sick economy back to life.
And so we got fiscal stimulus, as well as a program of monetary expansion without precedent in US history.
David Stockman recently noted that we have in effect had fifteen solid years of stimulus — not just the high-profile programs like the $700 billion TARP and the $800 billion in fiscal stimulus, but also $4 trillion of money printing and 165 out of 180 months in which interest rates were either falling or held at rock-bottom levels. The results have been underwhelming: the number of breadwinner jobs in the US is still two million lower than it was under Bill Clinton.
Economists of the Austrian school warned that this would happen. While other economists disagreed about whether fiscal or monetary stimulus would do the trick, the Austrians looked past this superficial debate and rejected intervention in all its forms.
The Austrians have very good theoretical reasons for opposing government stimulus programs, but those reasons are liable to remain unknown to the average person, who seldom studies economics and who even more seldom gives non-establishment opinion a fair hearing. That’s why it helps to be able to point to historical examples, which are more readily accessible to the non-specialist than is economic theory. If we can point to an economy correcting itself, this alone overturns the claim that government intervention is indispensable.
Possibly the most arresting (and overlooked) example of precisely this phenomenon is the case of the depression of 1920–21, which was characterized by a collapse in production and GDP and a spike in unemployment to double-digit levels. But by the time the federal government even began considering intervention, the crisis had ended. What Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover deferentially called “The President’s Conference on Unemployment,” an idea he himself had cooked up to smooth out the business cycle, convened during what turned out to be the second month of the recovery, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).
Indeed, according to the NBER, which announces the beginnings and ends of recessions, the depression began in January 1920 and ended in July 1921.
James Grant tells the story in his important and captivating new book The Forgotten Depression — 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself. A word about the author: Grant ranks among the most brilliant of financial experts. In addition to publishing his highly regarded newsletter, Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, for more than thirty years, Grant is a frequent (and anti-Fed) commentator on television and radio, the author of numerous other books, and a captivating speaker. We’ve been honored and delighted to feature him as a speaker at Mises Institute events.
What exactly were the Federal Reserve and the federal government doing during these eighteen months? The numbers don’t lie: monetary policy was contractionary during the period in question. Allan Meltzer, who is not an Austrian, wrote in A History of the Federal Reserve that “principal monetary aggregates fell throughout the recession.” He calculates a decline in M1 by 10.9 percent from March 1920 to January 1922, and in the monetary base by 6.4 percent from October 1920 to January 1922. “Quarterly average growth of the base,” he continues, “did not become positive until second quarter 1922, nine months after the NBER trough.”
The Fed raised its discount rate from 4 percent in 1919 to 7 percent in 1920 and 6 percent in 1921. By 1922, after the recovery was long since under way, it was reduced to 4 percent once again. Meanwhile, government spending also fell dramatically; as the economy emerged from the 1920–21 downturn, the budget was in the process of being reduced from $6.3 billion in 1920 to $3.2 billion in 1922. So the budget was being cut and the money supply was falling. “By the lights of Keynesian and monetarist doctrine alike,” writes Grant, “no more primitive or counterproductive policies could be imagined.” In addition, price deflation was more severe during 1920–21 than during any point in the Great Depression; from mid-1920 to mid-1921, the Consumer Price Index fell by 15.8 percent. We can only imagine the panic and the cries for intervention were we to observe such price movements today.
The episode fell down the proverbial memory hole, and Grant notes that he cannot find an example of a public figure ever having held up the 1920–21 example as a data point worth considering today. But although Keynesians today, now that the episode is being discussed once again, assure everyone that they are perfectly prepared to explain the episode away, in fact Keynesian economic historians in the past readily admitted that the swiftness of the recovery was something of a mystery to them, and that recovery had not been long in coming despite the absence of stimulus measures.
The policy of official inaction during the 1920–21 depression came about as a combination of circumstance and ideology. Woodrow Wilson had favored a more pronounced role for the federal government, but by the end of his term two factors made any such effort impossible. First, he was obsessed with the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, and securing US membership in the League of Nations he had inspired. This concern eclipsed everything else. Second, a series of debilitating strokes left him unable to do much of anything by the fall of 1919, so any major domestic initiatives were out of the question. Because of the way fiscal years are dated, Wilson was in fact responsible for much of the postwar budget cutting, a substantial chunk of which occurred during the 1920–21 depression.
Warren Harding, meanwhile, was philosophically inclined to oppose government intervention and believed a downturn of this kind would work itself out if no obstacles were placed in its path. He declared in his acceptance speech at the 1920 Republican convention:
We will attempt intelligent and courageous deflation, and strike at government borrowing which enlarges the evil, and we will attack high cost of government with every energy and facility which attend Republican capacity. We promise that relief which will attend the halting of waste and extravagance, and the renewal of the practice of public economy, not alone because it will relieve tax burdens but because it will be an example to stimulate thrift and economy in private life.
Let us call to all the people for thrift and economy, for denial and sacrifice if need be, for a nationwide drive against extravagance and luxury, to a recommittal to simplicity of living, to that prudent and normal plan of life which is the health of the republic. There hasn’t been a recovery from the waste and abnormalities of war since the story of mankind was first written, except through work and saving, through industry and denial, while needless spending and heedless extravagance have marked every decay in the history of nations.
Harding, that least fashionable of American presidents, was likewise able to look at falling prices soberly and without today’s hysteria. He insisted that the commodity price deflation was unavoidable, and perhaps even salutary. “We hold that the shrinkage which has taken place is somewhat analogous to that which occurs when a balloon is punctured and the air escapes.” Moreover, said Harding, depressions followed inflation “just as surely as the tides ebb and flow,” but spending taxpayer money was no way to deal with the situation. “The excess of stimulation from that source is to be reckoned a cause of trouble rather than a source of cure.”
Even John Skelton Williams, comptroller of the currency under Woodrow Wilson and no friend of Harding, observed that the price deflation was “inevitable,” and that in any case “the country is now [1921] in many respects on a sounder basis, economically, than it has been for years.” And we should look forward to the day when “the private citizen is able to acquire, at the expenditure of $1 of his hard-earned money, something approximating the quantity and quality which that dollar commanded in prewar times.”
Thankfully for the reader, not only is Grant right on the history and the economics, but he also writes with a literary flair one scarcely expects from the world of financial commentary. And although he has all the facts and figures a reader could ask for, Grant is also a storyteller. This is no dry sheaf of statistics. It is full of personalities — businessmen, union bosses, presidents, economists — and relates so much more than the bare outline of the depression. Grant gives us an expert’s insight into the stock market’s fortunes, and those of American agriculture, industry, and more. He writes so engagingly that the reader almost doesn’t realize how difficult it is to make a book about a single economic episode utterly absorbing.
The example of 1920–21 was largely overlooked, except in specialized treatments of American economic history, for many decades. The cynic may be forgiven for suspecting that its incompatibility with today’s conventional wisdom, which urges demand management by experts and an ever-expanding mandate for the Fed, might have had something to do with that. Whatever the reason, it’s back now, as a rebuke to the planners with their equations and the cronies with their bailouts.
The Forgotten Depression has taken its rightful place within the corpus of Austro-libertarian revisionist history, that library of works that will lead you from the dead end of conventional opinion to the fresh air of economic and historical truth.



The need for a new way of thinking of how our public officials work for us is necessary.
The Sheeple have been programed to believe that there is no way we can address or correct
the abuses of office and power the government agents, a.k.a. Public Servant, who continues to deny our requests for reasonable service.

There are ways that this problem can and has been corrected in 9 different states and a hundred plus communities in our Nation.
We THE People of Michigan need to investigate and take peaceful reasonable action in conjunction with these other communities.

If this is of interest to you, then it would be good to have as many people in the community to assemble and discuss the
possibilities at having an effect on these outrageous actions that offend and alienate us/We THE People of Michigan.

For more information, call 1-989-450-5522, between 2: PM to 7: PM Monday thruThursday.

Johnny Angel, Grayling Mich.


The Amtrak Crash: Why The FBI Lied

When the tragic Amtrak crash happened, initially, the media and the FBI reported that foul play or terrorism was ruled out. When this misinformation came out on the 13th of this month, reported on the same day, that such reports are not likely accurate, and that foul play or terrorism cannot be ruled out:
Just before Tuesday’s deadly Amtrak derailment, at about 9:25 p.m, Tuesday, SEPTA’s northbound Train 769, en route to Trenton on tracks on the Northeast Corridor beside the Amtrak rails, was struck by “an unknown projectile” that broke the engineer’s window, SEPTA spokeswoman Jerri Williams said.
Strange that about three minutes later and four miles away, near Frankford Junction, Amtrak’s northbound Train 188 derailed on the Northeast Corridor tracks, killing at least six and injuring scores.
Two trains, separate incidents within three minutes from each other and both incidents caused damage on the engineer’s window (one confirmed due to a projectile) which now some photos surfaced of the Amtrak crash also showing signs of engineer’s window shatter. Whether this is another projectile or was caused by the crash is unknown, but what is known is that both incidents were either coordinated around the same time with damage to the engineer’s window. Were these simply due to accidents? One is not. But this new revelation begins to lessen the possibility that chance was involved and that foul play becomes a possibility.
Get Bradlee Dean's My War, a DVD series that takes on the issues of today and gives understanding and clarity of who our Founders were, and their true intentions when they established our Judeo-Christian nation stated this 5 days before the news came out confirming our suspicion. But this was not only of two incidents, but three confirmed “projectile story.” It then becomes probable that what we are dealing with is a coordinated attack:
The FBI is looking into whether there is any link between three different trains that were all apparently hit by objects just a few miles apart, within a few minutes, the night of the deadly Amtrak derailment.

Prior to these reports, we even provided photos of the Amtrak train showing that a projectile also had hit the derailed Amtrak train:
  The SEPTA incident which is a confirmed projectile also shows a similar concentric window shatter, a confirmed “projectile”:
  The third train was “another Amtrak train, a southbound Acela train that was apparently hit in a passenger window” as ABC reported. The SEPTA “train personnel believed someone had shot at them” which “Philadelphia transit police dispatchers can be heard on scanner audio from Tuesday night, warning that a commuter train may have been shot at.”
  Amtrak and SEPTA windows with apparent holes and a concentrated shatter due to projectile
Such concentrated shatter holes are not easily formed by flying debris. Train driver windows are 223 Type 1 standard windows which have “minimum requirements for glazing materials in order to protect railroad employees and railroad passengers from injury as a result of objects striking the windows of locomotives.”
The driver’s window are not the same as the side windows of passenger trains which must meet Type II standards. According to federal standards, the driver windows need to have glazing that will withstand a 40 grain .22 caliber bullet travelling at 960 feet per second, or a 24 lb cinderblock travelling at 44 feet per second.
Debris is unlikely to have caused such damage. From the Amtrak driver photo one can see what seems like a possible bullet size hole which may rule out that such “projectile” was a rock.
One could argue that the derailment shattered the Amtrak train’s windshield, but this was rejected by Robert L. Sumwalt, the safety board official who is leading the investigation said “there were concentric circles on the lower left corner of the glass.” Concentrated circles are not caused by a crash trauma, but by a projectile.
The NTSB said that the second Amtrak train (third incident) — this one headed south — that had a window shattered in the same area around the same time. NBC reported that “on southbound Amtrak Acela 2173 and nearing the Philadelphia 30th Street Station around 9:20 p.m. when he was jolted by the sound of an object hitting and shattering the window of his train car.”
  The ‘projectile’ be it a “rock” or a “bullet” does not eliminate an act of terrorism and three trains being hit at the same time with such projectiles minimizes the possibility of a mere “accident.” Rocks, as some might laugh this off, are used by desperate terrorists, and if in doubt try living in Israel.
As far as the crash, indeed it is likely to have been caused by speeding. But such a scenario as a projectile hitting the engineer’s window could easily distract the engineer at the worst time while the conductor notices the curve when it was too late and applies the brakes sending the train off the tracks. The other scenario was that the engineer fell forward against the throttle, and then reacted too late.
Such scenario cannot be ruled out. Mark Rosenker, a former N.T.S.B. chairman, said the impact from a thrown object could have affected the engineer and led to the crash.
“He could have been startled to a point of distraction to lose situational awareness and forget that he was supposed to slow down instead of accelerating,” Mr. Rosenker said in an interview Friday.
Karl Edler, a retired engineer who drove the line hundreds of times, said an impact could help explain the wreck. When a train pulls out of the North Philadelphia station, the engineer usually twists the throttle “up to notch eight, which is engineer-speak for wide open,” he said.
It is about three miles to the curve where Amtrak 188 derailed.
“Usually, you just leave the throttle open until you get up to 80 miles per hour, then put on the brake for the curve,” he said. “Seems reasonable that something happened right about that time he would have started slowing down that kept him from taking the throttle off. He was startled by the impact or whatever. And by the time he realized it, it was too late.”
While the Amtrak conductor does not have recollection (perhaps due to memory loss), The New York Times reported that “Robert L. Sumwalt, the safety board official who is leading the investigation, said an assistant conductor had reported that she believed she heard a radio transmission in which an engineer on a regional line said his train had been struck by a projectile and the engineer on the Amtrak train replied that his had been struck, too.” But this report was rejected later as no such transmission was heard from the recordings. This would mean that the engineer on the crashed train never reported a projectile hitting his window, even though the evidence shows an impact that could only be caused by a projectile.
While the possibilities of an attack of some sort is high, it being a terror attack, begs the question: why has no terrorist group made any claims? Usually terrorist groups, especially ISIS sympathizers, take pride in such a successful mission as derailing an American train.
Railroads have been the target of terrorists in the past. The FBI on Friday announced a $310,000 reward for information that would lead to the arrests of people responsible for derailing an Amtrak train in Palo Verde, Arizona in October 1995. There were 258 passengers on board, and the crash caused the death of Amtrak employee Mitchell Bates. The $310,000 reward was being provided by the FBI, Amtrak, and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Notes signed “Sons of Gestapo” were found along the site, and authorities at the time discovered railroad spikes had been removed prior to the crash. There has been no information about who the Sons of Gestapo were in two decades.
Yet there is no such claim from anyone regarding this latest incident. So the mystery thickens, but what is becoming certain is that foul play is a likely possibility, as we stated prior to the news just from a simple observation of the windows. The chances of more than one incident around roughly the same time, sets a higher probability for an attack and foul play rather than the media’s initial “accident” claim and the FBI’s “no terrorism” claim. This becomes especially concerning when we have three incidents, not one.
While the FBI ruled out terrorism, the question that begs an answer is: how could the FBI rule out such a scenario before the investigation is completed? This makes zero sense. This lends another possibility for the FBI’s initial claim, that is, they did not want to alarm the public, lest all transportation systems come to a screeching halt.
Wisdom says, it’s always code red, especially when they say its code orange, since code red is usually set after an attack and rarely just prior to an attack. Being somewhat paranoid when traveling is a healthy dose of reality.


Secret Laws, Secret Courts, Secret Prisons… Now Secret Treaties

As most of you are aware, The Obamanation in the White House has been diligently working to drive the last nail into the coffin of this once great nation.
Although it is called a
“free trade” agreement,
the TPP is not really
mainly about trade.

Of the TPP’s 29 draft chapters, only 5 deal with traditional trade issues. Most would set rules on non-trade matters that affect our daily lives:
food safety, internet freedom, medicine costs, job off-shoring, financial regulation, and more.
Our domestic policies
would be required to
comply with the TPP rules.
Now the Republicans are crowing that they have the votes to give the jester what he wants. They are selling the country down the river… damn them all to hell.

Obama’s TPP “Secret Treaty”: Toward A One World Economic System
Barack Obama is secretly negotiating the largest international trade agreement in history, and the mainstream media in the United States is almost completely ignoring it.  If this treaty is adopted, it will be the most important step toward a one world economic system that we have ever seen.  The name of this treaty is “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the text of the treaty is so closely guarded that not even members of Congress know what is in it.  Right now, there are 12 countries that are part of the negotiations: the United States, Canada, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.  These nations have a combined population of 792 million people and account for an astounding 40 percent of the global economy.  And it is hoped that the EU, China and India will eventually join as well.  This is potentially the most dangerous economic treaty of our lifetimes, and yet there is very little political debate about it in this country.
Even though Congress is not being allowed to see what is in the treaty, Barack Obama wants Congress to give him fast track negotiating authority.  What that means is that Congress would essentially trust Obama to negotiate a good treaty for us.  Congress could vote the treaty up or down, but would not be able to amend or filibuster it.
Of course now the Republicans control both houses of Congress.  If they are foolish enough to blindly give Barack Obama so much power, they should all immediately resign.
And it is critical that people understand that this is not just an economic treaty.  It is basically a gigantic end run around Congress.  Thanks to leaks, we have learned that so many of the things that Obama has deeply wanted for years are in this treaty.  If adopted, this treaty will fundamentally change our laws regarding Internet freedom, healthcare, copyright and patent protection, food safety, environmental standards, civil liberties and so much more.  This treaty includes many of the rules that alarmed Internet activists so much when SOPA was being debated, it would essentially ban all “Buy American” laws, it would give Wall Street banks much more freedom to trade risky derivatives and it would force even more domestic manufacturing offshore.
In other words, it is the treaty from hell.
In addition to imposing Obama’s vision for the world on 40 percent of the global population, it is also being described as a “Christmas wish-list for major corporations”.  Of the 29 chapters in the treaty, only five of them actually deal with economic issues.  The rest of the treaty deals with a whole host of other issues of great importance to the global elite.
The following list of issues addressed by this treaty is from a Malaysian news source
• domestic court decisions and international legal standards (e.g., overriding domestic laws on both trade and nontrade matters, foreign investors’ right to sue governments in international tribunals that would overrule the national sovereignty)
• environmental regulations (e.g., nuclear energy, pollution, sustainability)
• financial deregulation (e.g., more power and privileges to the bankers and financiers)
• food safety (e.g., lowering food self-sufficiency, prohibition of mandatory labeling of genetically modified products, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease)
• Government procurement (e.g., no more buy locally produced/grown)
• Internet freedom (e.g., monitoring and policing user activity)
• labour (e.g., welfare regulation, workplace safety, relocating domestic jobs abroad)
• patent protection, copyrights (e.g., decrease access to affordable medicine)
• public access to essential services may be restricted due to investment rules (e.g., water, electricity, and gas)
Why can’t we get this type of reporting in the United States?
And if this treaty is ultimately approved by Congress, we will essentially be stuck with it forever.

OBAMA killed the pipeline, seized the Internet & cut off your ammo in just ONE WEEK!
Obama Secretly Signs No Free Speech Bill
Long gone may the days be where the people of the United States have the right to express themselves freely under the First Amendment.  Obama just signed a bill into law secretly that allows for Secret Service to arrest anyone publicly protesting within their vicinity.
The bill turned law, H.R. 347, has passed through congress with little objection from either side, or the American public.  This could be on account of lawmakers sneaking it through congress allowing for no real discussion on the matter until after it was passed.
Secret Court Approves Obama’s Changes to NSA Phone Sweeps
The decision allows the agency to continue collecting records on billions of calls.
February 6, 2014 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has approved President Obama’s changes to the National Security Agency program that collects records on virtually all U.S. phone calls, the administration announced late Thursday.
In a bid to ease growing outrage over NSA surveillance, Obama announced immediate changes last month to the controversial program, which was first revealed by Edward Snowden. Obama ordered the NSA to seek court approval every time it wants to access the vast database of phone records. NSA analysts were previously supposed to have a “reasonable, articulable suspicion” that a phone number was associated with terrorism before accessing its call records—but it was up to the NSA and not any outside judge to make that determination.
Obama also reduced the degrees of separation that NSA analysts could stray from their initial target from three to two.
According to the announcement by the director of national intelligence, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees the NSA programs, approved Obama’s new tougher privacy standards on Wednesday. The actual court ruling remains secret.
Obama’s Secret Court for Killing
Secret Prisons and Torture to Continue under Obama



Bulgarian Communist Is Now “Frontrunner” to Lead UN

Alex Newman
New American
May 15, 2015
With an apparent nod from the Obama administration, Bulgarian Communist Party operative and current UNESCO boss Irina Bokova is reportedly the “frontrunner” to become the next secretary-general of the United Nations. The controversial radical, whose communist roots run deep, is being touted to lead the UN by the Western globalist establishment and totalitarian Third World regimes — and not just because of her close ties with Moscow and reported acceptability to Obama. However, despite her past and her views being largely suppressed in the establishment press, Bokova’s candidacy should be troubling to all supporters of freedom, Judeo-Christian values, national sovereignty, and free markets.
The latest establishment media organ to tout Bokova’s bid for the top UN post was the Financial Times, a newspaper that is always well represented at the shadowy Bilderberg meetings bringing together top globalists from around the world. “It is perhaps no coincidence that of all the candidates touted so far the one most often considered to be the frontrunner is Irina Bokova,” reported Chair David Clark with the mysterious “Russia Foundation,” which, despite being virtually unknown and having a bizarre website that for some reason featured pornographic images on May 14, is being widely promoted by establishment and government-run media outfits. It was not immediately clear who Clark was referring to that was touting Bokova, but it is true that the establishment appears fully supportive of her bid.
In his piece published by the Financial Times, Clark suggests that the Bulgarian communist and humanist is well suited for the job. “She certainly ticks many of the right boxes: heavyweight UN experience, educated in Washington and Moscow, and a fluent French speaker to boot,” he wrote, without noting that her “education” in Moscow was at the mass-murdering Soviet regime’s State Institute of International Relations. “She is said to be acceptable to the U.S. and has been nominated by her own government, one of the few in the region that maintains cordial relations with Russia,” Clark reported. “Sources say she also enjoys the support of Poland, now very much a regional leader.”
Clark makes clear that the implications of the ongoing selection process to find a new UN boss go far beyond who will administer the giant and increasingly lawless bureaucracy. “The growing demands from emerging countries of the Global South for a UN that reflects twenty-first century realities adds a new factor to an already complex equation,” he claimed. “The old order is dying but a new one has scarcely been conceived. Whoever ends up being tasked with responsibility for managing that change will need considerable skill to ensure that the UN is still capable of contributing to a peaceful, rules-based world order.”
Full article here

11 Recent Headlines Offer Hope That The New World Order Is Dying

11 Recent Headlines Offer Hope That The New World Order Is Dying  May 19, 2015, alternative news, ALTERNATIVE NEWS DAILY, DAILY NEWS, December, in5d, in5d alternative news, news, schumann resonance
by Bernie Suarez, Activist Post
We know the saying, you either see a glass half empty or half full. Your attitude, mindset and expectations guide your perceptions which in turn will guide your stated views and opinions of the world you live in. That said, depending on how you view the world one might make an argument for why the new world order is slowly dying out.
Perhaps I’m being overly optimistic or perhaps my intuition is correct on this one. One thing I strongly believe: humanity is not designed to live in false government paradigms of slavery and statism. Those who live for government and the state will hold these beliefs, but nature and the rest of humanity tells another story. Humanity naturally yearns to be free of all control systems. Though a certain percentage of humanity actually needs and wants to be under the control of government, this segment of humanity only wishes this because they know nothing else and they are afraid of a stateless world where they might have to care for themselves. For now, let’s set aside these individuals who live in fear and need the state to be part of their lives, and let’s focus instead on the rest of humanity who is awakened. Let’s realize how amazing, gifted and how blessed we are as humans, and how natural it is to be free.
For those of us who have moved past the modern-day mental enslavement at the hands of the control system, it is much easier to see the victories being chalked up by humanity with every day that goes by. For those of us who are committed to viewing the world in a positive way, it is not very difficult to glance at some of the recent headlines and see where once again there are signs that show that new world order globalist elite plan at global enslavement may be postponed indefinitely. That is, the new world order is failing even though they are very much fighting back and doing everything they can to continue pushing their plan forward.
Here are just 10 recent stories that indicate the new world order could in fact be slowly dying out. These 10 stories barely scratch the surface of things that are happening at the local level everywhere in the U.S. and around the world. People really are beginning to realize that the wealthy elites and governments are the root of the problem. People are realizing how corrupt they are and how they intend to enslave us all forever. Many people are starting to see the bigger picture and this is driving a new consciousness.
1 – Baltimore cops criminally charged
Not long ago in America we saw multiple cases where police murdered unarmed civilians. From Michael Brown to Eric Garner, for months we’ve seen injustice as police literally get away with cold-blooded murder. For a change, however, we are now seeing multiple police officers profiled before America as ordinary criminals. Finally we are building the courage here in the U.S. to confront police homicide. We are finally willing to see a person for what they are without a badge distorting your perception of the truth.
Slowly the paradigm shift of judging police for their actions is headed in the direction of becoming the norm. Yes we have a long way to go, but we are headed in the right direction.
2 – Montana passes law to nullify militarization of police
In Montana Governor Steve Bullock signed a law essentially protecting the state of Montana from becoming an arm of the federal government and being given military equipment. House bill 330 protects the independence of Montana’s law enforcement. How big a paradigm shift is this? This is a direct result of humanity waking up to the police state which is a big part of the new world order plans.
A law like this would never have been considered were it not for the expanding and noticeable militarized police state. Americans everywhere are now seeing the end result of a violent police state which attacks with immunity. People everywhere are sick and tired of the videos and images showing police in military gear, tanks, and unnecessary weapons. These images imprint in our minds and eventually carry over to action.
3 – Jade Helm cancelled in parts of Colorado and Texas after strong opposition
Bad enough that operation Jade Helm is occurring right here in the U.S. starting this July. The good news is that in a short period of time the military operation has received so much attention that already we’re seeing cancellations in certain parts of Texas and Colorado. If there is any silver lining it is that when enough people speak out someone will listen.
4 – Not enough votes in Congress to reauthorize Patriot Act
Will the Patriot Act actually go away? Who knows, but even if it doesn’t go away now, think of how many more people are now aware that perhaps it’s time to say goodbye to the Patriot Act. Only time will tell what eventually happens with the Patriot Act. According to Michigan Congressman Justin Amash there are not enough votes. It is not difficult to see that the longstanding pushback against the Patriot Act is definitely there and may be finally coming to fruition.
Should the Patriot Act finally go away, it would be a huge blow to the new world order plans. For that reason we should expect strong opposition to the idea of not renewing the Act.
5 – Polls show young Americans are skeptical of Global Warming
Even in 2015, the year of the planned return of the “global warming” hoax theme disguised under the “climate change” banner, it may appear the young generation is not fooled by the global elite climate religion agenda concocted in the late 1950s and initiated in the 1960s by the Club of Rome. Despite that the climate change movement is in full gear this year, people are holding on to their common sense, critical thinking and rational thought and have not fallen for the agenda. Anyone can clearly see that the Climate Change hoax completely ignores the greatest threat to the planet and that is the planned, documented and carried out geoengineering spaying of our planet. As humanity watches in horror as our blue skies and fluffy white clouds turn to nasty feathery linear tic-tac-toe skies, the climate change hoaxer watches in a silence of betrayal, not willing to say a word to expose the 150 patents the Department of Defense has for spraying our skies. That youngsters are on to some of this and/or are not buying the global warming lie is another sign that we are headed in the right direction in terms of overall human consciousness and awakening, thus bad news for the new world order.
6 – Chipotle Mexican Grill becomes first fast food restaurant to reject GMOs.
A clear blow to the new world order and Monsanto, a company very much at the core of most genetic engineering of food. Chipotle Mexican Grill is now the first of many other fast food chains who will hopefully do the same. Soon we hope to see a trend of other restaurant chains dropping GMOs all together. I expect that consumer demand may play a role in making Genetically Modified Organism food obsolete. As time goes by more and more people are finding out about the dangers of GMOs. People are now becoming familiar with the Seralini studies which proved the cancer-causing risk of GMO foods. Soon, many millions more will start to think about GMOs as a result of this decision by Chipotle. Another example of how Monsanto and the new world order may be losing its tight grip on humanity.
7 – 30,000 doctors in Argentina demand ban of Monsanto’s glyphosate
As with the Chipotle story, that 30,000-plus doctors are willing to get together to try and make a difference in their country is remarkable and could present another death blow to Monsanto who makes glyphosate. Let’s not forget that every victory to ban GMOs is a huge victory against the new world order. Hopefully in the coming years we will see more action like this taken by other countries.
8 – TPP opposition growing. Obama increasingly frustrated
Obama’s super secret Trans Pacific Partnership agreement is struggling. People are quickly deducing that secret = bad. No good plan is held in secret from the public and nothing good could even come out of a plan that undermines individual sovereignty globally. We can expect opposition to the TPP to only grow. Now is the time to get familiar with TPP and all that is happening surrounding this weird international secret trade agreement. The TPP is also integral to the new world order plans, therefore let us keep fighting to expose this.
9 – Obama’s own brother says Barack is a ruthless, cold, deceitful liar
This story may seem like an odd one to include here but is it really? Foreign born Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, has been exposed as a fraud since before he was elected in 2008 when many things about his past first came out. So why is this story important? And how is this a sign that the new world order could be crumbling? Because throughout history brothers of the sitting president don’t usually come out and boldly tell the world their own brother is a liar, and a ruthless person. Unfortunately, the magnitude of this story is actually distorted by today’s controlled mainstream media; but keep in mind, at any other time in American history this may be the top story in the nation or top story of the year. But in a nation deeply tangled in a cesspool of lies, deceit and propaganda, many Obama supporters see this headline and think nothing of it.
10 – CIA/CNN puts out major ISIS psyop report, no one cares!
I covered some of this in my April 2015 report exposing a CNN report by Evan Perez who apparently delivers an entirely false and unreliable/unbelievable ISIS report. But, more importantly, and bad news for the new world order plans, no one seems to care about the ISIS show. Americans everywhere have finally given up on the ISIS show. They are immune to fear, and government uses ‘fear’ to push their agendas. Without the effectiveness of fear the new world order plans are arguably in severe jeopardy.
What we are seeing now is the CIA pushing their staged reports through mainstream media (particularly CNN), each ISIS script is intended to keep ISIS going – that is, prolong the existence of ISIS.
Paradigm Shift and the Saying Goodbye to the NWO
Americans everywhere and people all around the world should be seeing the glass half full, because it is half full. The new world order really is dying out, but it is dying out slowly. It’s dying out slowly because there are more of us than there are of them. It’s dying out because people have had enough. It’s dying out because people are using the power of the Internet to look things up and they are confirming the truth about who we are and our political world. They are finding out that government ONLY operates via “conspiracy”. They are realizing that conspiracy is the norm not some special category which needs special consideration. This global realization is part of the paradigm shift we are all experiencing.
This global paradigm shift does not, however, prevent the control system from continuing their attempt to march toward a new world order of global tyranny. Nothing will stop this control system except the expiration date they are all on now. Everything that they are doing will expire at some point. Soldiers who are part of the system will all have to make a moral decision to either follow illegal orders or to follow their conscience. There are too many factors contributing to the slow death of the new world order to mention here. Their death is real and we should keep focused on this slow process in order to remind ourselves to keep fighting the good fight and that everything we do to make others more aware is paying off.
Here’s to a dying system.
About the author:
Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.

In5D Addendum

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
11. USDA Introduces Official Non-GMO Label
The world is awakening to the lies and atrocities of GMO food and have hit Monsanto where it hurts the most… in the wallet by buying organic food in record numbers.  The shift towards a healthier food lifestyle is also being reflected in sales losses (and subsequent store closings) at McDonald’s along with the push for new labeling of foods that do not contain toxins such as high fructose corn sugar.
Since people began the current mass awakening process, I’ve paid close attention to what has NOT happened, such as the New World Order coming to fruition by 2000, the North American Union, and Edgar Cayce’s prediction of Armageddon in 1999. If all probabilities exist, then in an alternate reality, these events already happened and came to fruition but because of the shift in consciousness, the reality has changed to a more positive timeline where these events will not happen.
There are probably a lot more events that have not happened but were expected to by now, so pay close attention to these non-events because they are signs that we are winning!
About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.

‘We the People’ Need to Circle the Wagons Against Government's Warpath

By John W. Whitehead

“The government is merely a servant―merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn’t. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.” ― Mark Twain
How many Americans have actually bothered to read the Constitution, let alone the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights (a quick read at 462 words)?

Take a few minutes and read those words for yourself—rather than having some court or politician translate them for you—and you will be under no illusion about where to draw the line when it comes to speaking your mind, criticizing your government, defending what is yours, doing whatever you want on your own property, and keeping the government’s nose out of your private affairs.

In an age of overcriminalization, where the average citizen unknowingly commits three crimes a day, and even the most mundane activities such as fishing and gardening are regulated, government officials are constantly telling Americans what not to do. Yet it was not always this way. It used to be “we the people” telling the government what it could and could not do. Indeed, the three words used most frequently throughout the Bill of Rights in regards to the government are “no,” “not” and “nor.”

Compare the following list of “don’ts” the government is prohibited from doing with the growing list of abuses to which “we the people” are subjected on a daily basis, and you will find that we have reached a state of crisis wherein the government is routinely breaking the law and violating its contractual obligations.

For instance, the government is NOT allowed to restrict free speech, press, assembly or the citizenry’s ability to protest and correct government wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the government continues to prosecute whistleblowers, persecute journalists, cage protesters, criminalize expressive activities, crack down on large gatherings of citizens mobilizing to voice their discontent with government policies, and insulate itself and its agents from any charges of wrongdoing (or what the courts refer to as “qualified immunity”).

The government may NOT infringe on a citizen’s right to defend himself. Nevertheless, in many states, it’s against the law to carry a concealed weapon (gun, knife or even pepper spray), and the average citizen is permitted little self-defense against militarized police officers who shoot first and ask questions later.

The government may NOT enter or occupy a citizen’s house without his consent (the quartering of soldiers). Nevertheless, government soldiers (i.e., militarized police) carry out more than 80,000 no-knock raids on private homes every year, while maiming children, killing dogs and shooting citizens.

The government may NOT carry out unreasonable searches and seizures on the citizenry or their possessions. NOR can government officials issue warrants without some evidence of wrongdoing (probable cause). Unfortunately, what is unreasonable to the average American is completely reasonable to a government agent, for whom the ends justify the means. In such a climate, we have no protection against roadside strip searches, blood draws, DNA collection, SWAT team raids, surveillance or any other privacy-stripping indignity to which the government chooses to subject us.

The government is NOT to deprive anyone of life, liberty or property without due process. Nevertheless, the government continues to incarcerate tens of thousands of Americans whose greatest crime is being poor and brown-skinned. The same goes for those who are put to death, some erroneously, by a system weighted in favor of class and wealth.

The government may NOT take private property for public use without just compensation. Nevertheless, under the guise of the “greater public interest,” the government often hides behind eminent domain laws in order to allow megacorporations to tear down homes occupied by less prosperous citizens in order to build high-priced resorts and shopping malls.

Government agents may NOT force a citizen to testify against himself. Yet what is the government’s extensive surveillance network that spies on all of our communications but a thinly veiled attempt at using our own words against us?

The government is NOT allowed to impose excessive fines on the citizenry or inflict cruel and unusual punishments upon them. Nevertheless Americans are subjected to egregious fines and outrageous punishments for minor traffic violations, student tardiness and absence from school, and generally having the misfortune of being warm bodies capable of filling privatized, profit-driven jails.

The government is NOT permitted to claim any powers that are not expressly granted to them by the Constitution. This prohibition has become downright laughable as the government continues to claim for itself every authority that serves to swell its coffers, cement its dominion, and expand its reach.

Despite what some special interest groups have suggested to the contrary, the problems we’re experiencing today did not arise because the Constitution has outlived its usefulness or become irrelevant, nor will they be solved by a convention of states or a ratification of the Constitution.

No, as I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the problem goes far deeper. It can be traced back to the point at which “we the people” were overthrown as the center of the government. As a result, our supremacy has been undone, our authority undermined, and our experiment in democratic self-governance left in ruins. No longer are we the rulers of this land. We have long since been deposed and dethroned, replaced by corporate figureheads with no regard for our sovereignty, no thought for our happiness, and no respect for our rights.

In other words, without our say-so and lacking any mandate, the point of view of the Constitution has been shifted from “we the people” to “we the government.” Our taxpayer-funded employees—our appointed servants—have stopped looking upon us as their superiors and started viewing as their inferiors. Unfortunately, we’ve gotten so used to being dictated to by government agents, bureaucrats and militarized police alike that we’ve forgotten that WE are supposed to be the ones calling the shots and determining what is just, reasonable and necessary.

Then again, we’re not the only ones guilty of forgetting that the government was established to serve us as well as obey us. Every branch of government, from the Executive to the Judicial and Legislative, seems to be suffering this same form of amnesia. Certainly, when government programs are interpreted from the government’s point of view (i.e., the courts and legislatures), there is little the government CANNOT do in its quest for power and control.

We’ve been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing that the government is actually looking out for our best interests, when in fact the only compelling interesting driving government programs is maintain power and control by taking away our money and control. This vital truth, that the government exists for our benefit and operates at our behest, seems to have been lost in translation over two centuries dominated by government expansion, endless wars and centralized federal power.

Have you ever wondered why the Constitution begins with those three words “we the people”? It was intended to be a powerful reminder that everything flows from the citizenry. We the people are the center of the government and the source of its power. That “we” is crucial because it reminds us that there is power and safety in numbers, provided we stand united. We can accomplish nothing alone.

This is the underlying lesson of the Constitution, which outlines the duties and responsibilities of government. It was a mutual agreement formed by early Americans in order to ensure that when problems arose, they could address them together.

It’s like the wagon trains of the Old West, comprised of individual groups of pioneers. They rarely ventured out alone but instead traveled as convoys. And when faced with a threat, these early Americans formed their wagons into a tight circle in order to defend against invaders. In doing so, they presented a unified front and provided protection against an outside attack. In much the same way, the Constitution was intended to work as an institutionalized version of the wagon circle, serving as a communal shield against those who would harm us.

Unfortunately, we have been ousted from that protected circle, left to fend for ourselves in the wilderness that is the American frontier today. Those who did the ousting—the courts, the politicians, and the corporations—have since replaced us with yes-men, shills who dance to the tune of an elite ruling class. In doing so, they have set themselves as the central source of power and the arbiters of what is just and reasonable.

Once again we’re forced to navigate hostile terrain, unsure of how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from militarized police, weaponized drones, fusion centers, Stingray devices, SWAT team raids, the ongoing military drills on American soil, the government stockpiling of ammunition, the erection of mass detention centers across the country, and all other manner of abuses.

Read the smoke signals, and the warning is clear: It’s time to circle the wagons, folks. The government is on the warpath, and if we are to have any hope of surviving whatever is coming at us, we’ll need to keep our wits about us and present a unified front. Most of all, we need to restore “we the people” to our rightful place at the center of government. How we do that depends largely on each community’s willingness to get past their partisan politics and blind allegiance to uniformed government officials and find common ground.

To put it a little more bluntly, stop thinking like mindless government robots and start acting like a powerhouse of citizens vested with the power to say “enough is enough.” We have the numbers to stand our ground. Now we just need the will.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute where this article first appeared. He is the author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People, and A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and The Change Manifesto.

This article may be re-posted in full with attribution.

Ruptured pipeline on South California coast spills 21,000+ gallons of crude oil into the ocean

An environmental disaster is underway along the California coastline near Santa Barbara, CA.
A large oil spill has occurred from a ruptured pipeline along California’s Hwy 101, extending approximately 4 miles along the Refugio State Beach natural reserve.

THEY SAY the cause of the rupture is “undetermined”, however yesterdays 4.0 magnitude SURFACE earthquake (at 0.0km depth) in Central California along the coast, the swarm of earthquakes due East of Santa Barbara at the fracking operation in Los Angeles, and the flurry of earthquakes at the dormant volcanoes up the West coast all seem like possible culprits for this pipeline rupture.
Compare the location of the earthquakes at the fracking operation to the location of the Oil spill yesterday (into today May 19, 2015)…. clearly they are close enough to indeed be related.
california pipeline fracking

Ruptured pipeline spills 21,000 gallons of oil on California coast–finance.html
“A pipeline ruptured along the scenic California coastline on Tuesday, spilling some 21,000 gallons (79,000 liters) of oil into the ocean and on beaches before it could be secured, a U.S. Coast Guard spokeswoman said.
The pipeline, which runs parallel to Highway 101 near Santa Barbara, left a slick extending about four miles (6.4 km) along Refugio State Beach, extending about 50 yards (46 meters) into the water, Petty Officer Andrea Anderson of the Coast Guard said.
Anderson said the company responsible for the 24-inch (61- cm) pipeline was identified as Plains All American Pipeline, which had brought in a company to begin cleaning up the spill. Refugio State Beach was closed.
The cause of the rupture had not been determined, Anderson said.
Richard Abrams, emergency manager for Santa Barbara County, said the Coast Guard, Department of Fish and Wildlife and Santa Barbara County were assisting on the clean-up.
“We haven’t seen any reports of impacts on wildlife but it is in the water so it is impacting the environment,” Abrams said.
Representatives for Plains All American were not immediately available for comments.”

The End Game and Jade Helm 15...Good or Bad?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bix Weir <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2015 at 12:29 PM
Subject: The End Game and Jade Helm 15...Good or Bad?

 I think it's time to get a little perspective on "Operation Jade Helm 15" and the coming monetary meltdown. The common understanding being promoted in the Conspiracy Realm is that Jade Helm is positioning troops around the nation for the final takeover by the US Government and those who control it. It is a forward preparation for the end game when Obama declares Martial Law and suspends all of our civil liberties. From then on "they" will take full control of our nation and our people pushing forward a totalitarian rule and changing America forever.

Pretty bleak and scary if that is the goal.

But is that story credible? The press releases from the government claim the operation will include 1,000 to 2,000 of our special forces from four branches of the military. Hmm. Do you think it is possible for that amount of forces to control a nation of 330 million people most of whom are armed with an estimated 300 million guns? Not likely.

Also, even the individuals in the military have minds of their own and even though they are trained to take orders - there is a limit. The concept that individuals within the military will all follow the will of the controllers blindly is patently false. They have friends and families at the other end of those rifles who will be screaming at them to turn their guns towards whomever gave them the orders to take down We the People.

So what is the real purpose of Jade Helm 15?

I don't think the timing of the operation is an accident. There is something very big coming down the Road and it will be very disruptive but it is not a take over of our country by our is the opposite! It is the taking BACK of our country and the taking OUT of our controllers!

I have long shown how there are Good Guys working to take down the Bad Guys and they have come a long way in the past 10 years. The only way to take the Bad Guys out is to end their control of the monetary system and that is why we are on the very brink of an implosion which should culminate before the year is out. Once that takes place there will be people to blame...especially those tried to take down our government. Yes, they have been around a long time and we have known about them since US Major General, Smedley Butler, spilled the beans in 1933 (the year gold was confiscated).

"In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the the Business Plot, when he told a congressional committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to other Fascist regimes at that time. The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot and the media ridiculed the allegations. A final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler's testimony."

President Eisenhower called them the "Military Industrial Complex", JFK warned the "we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" and even Jimmy Carter warned of the power of the NSA and actually fired 20% of the CIA's top leadership when he became President.

So the fight against the Bad Guys has been going on for a long, long time but the key to their power lies in the control of the monetary system.  That is were the fight can be WON and that is the most likely reason to situate our Special Forces around the nation directly before the Global Monetary Meltdown. The Bad Guys will have to be rounded up and there will be pockets of resistance so having our Special Forces strategically placed makes sense to me.

However this all turns out it is important that We The People continue our vigilance in the times ahead. Watch for signs for who is fighting for whom. Keep in mind that all is not what it may seem and use your head first and guns second in these times of chaos.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - The fact that Jade Helm 15 ends directly after the Jewish Shemitah (forgiveness of all debts) is not a coincidence. After all...aren't our Federal Reserve Notes also just debt that must be forgiven?!!

Buy my book as it tells you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

The Book: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

Fwd: ZeroHedge Frontrunning: May 20

Frontrunning: May 20

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