Thursday, May 21, 2015

The sense of impending doom


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The sense of impending doom

Jim Stone May 20 2015


Alex Jones did a report about an impending sense of doom and that for the last three weeks there has been a sense that something has changed in this world, and not for the better. I agree. I have documented on this page (and used the mail window to add content so the report stays close to the top of this page) that only approximately 10 percent of American readers who try to access this site actually get to see this site. All the while this is happening, traffic from America looks normal, but it is all synthetic, a "stuxnet on the server" to keep anyone from realizing they are being destroyed. Because no one seems to have paid attention to this, the alternative media in America is destroyed and will die. The shot to the heart has been delivered but the body is not yet cold. This could seriously contribute to a "sense of impending doom" with no one really knowing what the doom is.

But that is not the point, really.

I think whatever this sense of doom is goes WAY BEYOND web censorship. I believe it has more to do with GMO, tainted vaccines and a huge push for war, at the same time a huge push is on to get Europe to go cashless, and Europe would be a stunning milestone in getting the entire world to go cashless. And most of us know what that means. A cashless society is what is needed to make the mark of the beast happen. A cashless society is what is needed to put in place the ultimate control grid, where absolutely every aspect of your life is tracked. If you are a political undesirable, a totally cashless society could be used to kill you just by poisoning the right batch of apples, because the computerized transaction database knows exactly where you buy and when. And worse - you could be rendered destroyed by the system on a whim. Interesting it is that they are trying to FORCE Europe to go cashless, all the while they are writing all kinds of new laws saying the money you have in the bank is not yours, and that it can be "bailed in" to "save the bank" at any time.
I certainly would not go for that! Yet in a cashless society, where else other than the bank can your money be? Folks, this is the biggest setup in the history of the world, a setup that represents a final victory over every last non-Jewish man woman and child - they will be forced to put their money in a Jewish bank that can just take it on a whim, and when they do spend what they are allowed to keep, absolutely everything about it is known. I can't even begin to state how bad that is, even if at this point people who are slammed into that system are wealthy, it won't last long, they will be wiped out promptly if in any way they stand against Jewish supremacy, and this can and will happen even if the people who are "in the way" don't even realize it. For example -
Let's say an independently wealthy family wants to set up a school that is actually a school and not just a mind wipe. THAT would get in the way of Jewish supremacy, and they would quickly discover the bank needed their money for some reason and it will be gone. Just for even thinking about delivering a real education they will secretly be deemed an "enemy of the state" and would suddenly find themselves without a dime to get by on. That is one of a billion examples that could be given, even if the family was clueless about the conspiracy and only wanted to teach the kids real science, it would be perfect justification for wiping them out, and a "cashless" society would make it happen on a whim. Ditto for a company that makes a product that competes with a Jewish product, a farmer who chose to not grow GMO, the list is ENDLESS.
And what about the other things that are in our face like a raging bull? IF GMO corn and other agriculture were good, why would they push it so hard, leaving the public without options? The American people have clearly stood up and stated they don't want to eat GMO, yet the response from the government has been so bolshevik communist that it is obvious we don't have an America in this world anymore. What about the new vaccine mandates which seem to be going in place globally all at the same time? For what reason would the world power structure be pushing for mandated vaccinations, all the while nothing is up?

There is only one answer - and that is CONTROL.

It is well proven that GMO's make anything that eats them passive, fat and sterile. PERFECT for the globalist quest for a passive population they want reduced in number. This means GMO foods have been specifically engineered to cause this, and explains perfectly why they WILL NOT be labeled. It is well proven that if you allow the banks to take money never owed them, they will, which is PERFECT for the globalist quest for financial control and a cashless society where the law says the bank owns your money, not you, which can be used to destroy anyone who ends up not being passive or "reduced in number" as the Globalists all obviously wish to accomplish with GMO.
It is well proven by now that the vaccines are NOT GOOD ANYMORE (they were at one time excellent) but we live in different times now where the vaccines are nothing but a weapon used to MAKE PEOPLE PASSIVE, STUPID, AND LESS FERTILE to reduce their ability to resist tyranny, which is the ONLY CONCEIVABLE REASON TO PUSH FOR A GLOBAL VACCINE MANDATE all the while they chip away at progress towards mandated vaccines at a local level as well,
Folks, we are in the opening rounds of the final smack down and they don't want people waking up more than they have, which is precisely why the FCC took over the web and shut off access to real information to approximately 90 percent of the American fence sitters, ALEXA PROVES IT, WE ARE GOING TO LOSE OUR BEHINDS IN THIS IF PEOPLE DO NOT WAKE UP NOW,
And that is not even getting into the need to have the web 100 percent working to warn real patriots of an internal gun grabbing attack related to Jade Helm or whatever else the "elite" happen to dream up,

Sense of impending doom? Yeah, I'd say I am feeling it!


During May 2012, a retired United States Judge released an article in which he exposed the entire banking and corporate government scam. I sincerely hope that this will be picked up by judges all over the world, as they realise they are being used as instruments of an unjust, corrupt system, which is enslaving their brother and sisters and all other fellow human beings. This is what Judge Dale has to say:
THE-GREAT-AMERICAN-ADVENTURE   is the whole text. Read a summary below:
PREFACE: By Judge Dale (Retired)
I didn’t plan on writing a PART 5 but given the global movement in play to collapse the fiat financial dominance, historically created and controlled by the Vatican; European Royal and Elite plus the retaliatory efforts by the United States Corporation to recoup their control of America; I felt a need to point out the flaws in their CORPORATE PROCESS.
You probably identify with this CORPORATE PROCESS as LEGAL PROCESS but it really isn’t about what is legal or lawful because all process is about the enforcement of CONTRACTS or the imposition and enforcement of CORPORATE REGULATIONS called STATUTES. The best advice you will ever receive is to: AVOID THEIR COURTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. There is NO justice to be found in those Courts unless you are a member of the Vatican; the Royal or Elite, or have purchased Diplomatic Immunity!
The only Constitutional Court in America is the International Court of Trades, which was created because no Foreign Nation Government would Trade with the Corporate United States, until they provided a way for these Foreign Nations to enforce their Trade Agreements with America.
NOTE: Historically, the World Court was created to provide Nations with a venue to enforce their Trade Agreements but the Corporate United States refused the Courts invitation to participate because they were denied control over the Court.
All of the other American Courts are pseudo courts or fictions and simply are Corporate Administrative Offices designed to resemble Courts and all of their Judges are simply Executive Administrators designed to resemble Judges.
The purpose of these pseudo Corporate Courts are only to settle contract disputes and since George Washington’s government was military in structure; if either party refuses to participate, these Courts cannot become involved and the dispute is dead in the water! My use of the term “dead in the water” is not a canard because these pseudo Courts are unconstitutional Courts of Admiralty, the International Law of the Sea!
The Washington Monument was completed in 1884, as a tribute to George Washington and his military government, which is actually a sea-level obelisk that infers that all of America is “under water” and thus subject to the Laws of Admiralty as opposed or contrary to the intended Constitutional Civilian Government under Common Law.
The pseudo Judges of these pseudo Courts have NO powers without the Consent of both the Plaintiff and the Defendant. [AND] In every case the Judge must determine that he has Consent; Personam and Subject Matter Jurisdiction before he can act or access the Cesta Que Trust.
NOTE: All tradeable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security Applications are converted into Government Securities; assigned a CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marketed as a Mutual Fund Investment. Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a GOVERNMENT CESTA QUE TRUST and if you are still alive, the certified documents are reinvested. It is the funds contained in this CESTA QUE TRUST that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in! This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you that because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those Investments.
Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare and Medicaid are all financed by the Trust. The government makes you pay TAXES and a portion of your wages supposedly to pay for these services, which they can borrow at any time for any reason since they cannot access the CESTA QUE TRUST to finance their Wars or to bail out Wall Street and their patron Corporations.
The public is encouraged to purchase all kinds of insurance protection when the TRUST actually pays for all physical damages; medical costs; new technology and death benefits. The hype to purchase insurance is a ploy to keep us in poverty and profit off our stupidity because the Vatican owns the controlling interest in all Insurance Companies.
You may receive a monthly statement from a Mortgage Company; Loan Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the TRUST. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to pay them a second time. Instead of paying that Statement next time, sign it approved and mail it back to them. If they then contact you about payment, ask them to send you a TRUE BILL instead of a Statement and you will be glad to pay it? A Statement documents what was due and paid, whereas a TRUE BILL represents only what is due. Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these CESTA QUE TRUST and all they needed was your name; social security number and signature.
There are NO Criminal Laws in America because Criminal Laws would imply that the Corporate United States Government are Sovereign that have absolute power over all living, flesh and blood Americans, which of course is not true because a corporation is a fiction and therefore cannot be Sovereign. Man is Sovereign and is in control of his own destiny and one day he will finally wake up and realize this to be true!
There is however Criminal Contracts being enforced against us and with our Consent, which are surreptitiously called: Criminal Statutes. Our Consent has been obtained by them visa vie our silence and failure to act or protest, which under law is defined as: Tacit Procuration.
(e.g.) Tacit Procuration: If someone accuses you of theft in writing and you fail to respond or deny those allegations in writing, your failure to deny or act is considered an admission of guilt! (or) You receive a Bill for goods or services that you never ordered or received, and you fail to deny those allegations, your omission represents the truth of the matter, which imposes an obligation to pay! Collection companies frequently use Tacit Procuration to establish indebtedness to them on a discharged debt they had purchased from some corporate business.
“Now you’re probably thinking: No Criminal Laws? Well, that can’t be true? A whole lot of people have been tried; convicted and are doing time in American Jails for breaking Criminal Laws!”
And my response to that is: True, they are in Jail because they unknowingly accepted the Criminal Contract on behalf of their Birth Certificate and consented to be imprisoned as a condition of their conviction and punishment. Their lawyer didn’t help any because he reinforced that situation by and through his Notice of Appearance to represent you. It is the Birth Certificate that is under arrest, which I will explain shortly!
NOTE: Criminal Contracts are graded according to the severity of the crime alleged and that grading is identified as either: Summary; Misdemeanour; Felony or Capital offences.
The Criminal Process usually begins with a Police Officer issuing a Citation [or] making an arrest with or without a Warrant [or] the Police Officer [or] County Attorney prepares a complaint based upon a sworn affidavit or an information, which is presented to a Judge and a Warrant is then issued. The defendant is subsequently arrested and is brought before a Judge for arraignment.
The Complaint and Warrant will reflect your [BIRTH NAME] or identify you as a [JOHN DOE], if your name is unknown, which is typed out in all capital letters! This is not a mistake on their part because it is your Birth Certificate that is under arrest and not your living, flesh and blood person. The hope of these pseudo Courts is that the flesh and blood person will be intimidated enough to accept responsibility for the Birth Certificate! Sounds crazy but nothing is what it seems: “It’s all Smoke and Mirrors.”
Most Police Officer’s do not know or have these details and believe in what they are doing and believe the lawyers who counsel them in law like they are Gods! Big mistake on their part because just like everyone else, they too have been vigorously lied to! You can’t trust lawyers to be inherently honest!
Police Officers are instructed to always print or type the Defendants Name in capital letters but they are never told the reason why! As a precaution, you should always carry a copy of your Birth Certificate with you as part of your identification papers, which I will explain in the next paragraph.
At your Arraignment or Trial, the Judge will ask you if you are the named individual [ALL CAPS BIRTH NAME] on the complaint and your natural response will be to answer in the affirmative but that is exactly what you don’t want to do!
Remove your Birth Certificate and respond to him by stating: I am making a Special Limited Appearance on behalf of the defendant who is right here and [hold up your Birth Certificate!]
Then state the following: As I understand this process Judge; the County Attorney (state prosecutor) [or] Police Officer has levelled a criminal charge with the Clerk and against the TRUST, using the ALL CAPS NAME that appears on this BIRTH CERTIFICATE! The use of capital letters is dictated by the US Printing Style Manual, which explains how to identify a CORPORATION.
The Clerk, who is the ADMINISTRATOR of the CESTA QUE TRUST, then, appointed you Judge as the TRUSTEE for the TRUST and since neither of you can be the BENEFICIARY, that leaves me and therefore you are MY TRUSTEE!
So as MY TRUSTEE, I instruct you to discharge this entire matter, with prejudice and award the penalties for these crimes to be paid to me in compensation and damages for my false arrest!
NOTE: The Law of Trusts dictates that an Administrator; Trustee and Beneficiary cannot serve two positions in a Trust. So a Trustee cannot be a Beneficiary too!
The TRUSTEE Judge has no alternative but to honour your demands but you have to get this right and act with confidence! You really need to know this information well, so that you can’t be hoodwinked or confused by either of them! They will or may attempt to play some mind games with you if you display any doubt; stammer or display a lack confidence! Appearances [the pomp and majesty] of these pseudo Courts, is totally for your benefit and is intended to invoke fear and intimidation! If you show fear or intimidation, you get a pony ride!
NOTE: I’ve seen and heard of Judges and Prosecutors interfering with a defendant’s response, which made the defendant, become confused and he was subsequently committed into a mental hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. The Judge and Prosecutor successfully twisted what the defendant was trying to say and then the Judge Ordered a mental evaluation.
Understand that the County Attorney will be forced to pay the Cost of Court out of his own pocket, if the case is discharged, so he isn’t going to give up that easily and the Judge; Clerk and County Attorney, stand to make a pretty penny off of your conviction and incarceration! So don’t screw it up…
If the County Attorney (state prosecutor) begins to act too cocky with you, you can take the wind out of his sails by asking him to produce the 1040 (tax filing) for this case? If he denies the need to do such a thing, inform him that you will be taking care of that for him ASAP [as soon as possible]! He may move for a discharge at that point because you are a little too dangerous or smart! The last thing that Prosecutor wants is the IRS (SARS) examining his files for the last seven years because he makes money on every conviction but he doesn’t pay TAXES on them as a Rule! He usually only declares the salary he receives.
Also: Should you accidentally find yourself in a mental hospital; the Psychiatrist who is assigned or appointed to evaluate you is just as corrupt as the Judge; Clerk and County Attorney and he will falsify all of your responses to him, just so that you are recommitted back into the mental facility with a review in six months! So lie to him and deny that you ever made such remarks! Of course, if you accept the criminal charges against your Birth Certificate, then you will instantly be deemed SANE!
Sorry that I had to be the one to tell you this but this is how corrupt many of my fellow Judges truly are and it should explain why my conscience caused me to retire early! Before I learned what was really going on; I believed that my duties and performance were entirely Constitutional. I was lied too also!
The CITATION process can be handled much easier; through the mail. When a Police Officer issues you a CITATION, he is actually requesting you to CONTRACT with him! He is alleging that you violated a corporate regulation in writing, which you have accepted by signing and thus requires you to respond.
The Police Officer is instructed to explain that your signature is merely an acknowledgment that you received a copy of the CITATION but in actuality, your signature is notification to the Court and Judge that you have accepted or CONSENTED to this offer to CONTRACT, which also grants the Judge CONSENT; PERSONAM and SUBJECT MATTER jurisdiction over you and the case!
You can cancel that CONTRACT however by rescinding your CONSENT. The Federal Truth in Lending Act provides that any party to a CONTRACT may rescind his CONSENT, within three business days of entering into such a CONTRACT. So across the face of the CITATION you should print or type in large print, the following words:
Use blue ink [for admiralty] or purple ink [for royalty]. Admiralty is the Court and Royalty represents your Sovereignty. Either way is appropriate. Sign your signature underneath in blue or purple ink and in front of a Notary and under your signature type: Without prejudice, UCC 1-308. This is another way to declare that you may not be held responsible for this Contract pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code.
Serve Cancelled Citation back it on the Clerk / Court, along with a Certificate of Service, by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. This kills the CITATION; removes your CONSENT and removes the JURISDICTION of the Court, all at the same time. It really is that simple!
NOTE: A Certificate of Service is a letter that first identifies the Citation and then defines how and when you returned the document to the Court and is signed. If not denied, it becomes a truth in commerce by Tacit Procuration.
Remember to keep a copy of everything, in case the Clerk attempts to trash your response, which certainly will not happen with a Certificate of Service or if it is mailed back by the Notary. The Notary is actually a Deputy Secretary of State and is more powerful than the Court Clerk!
Public Notaries originate from the time of the Egyptian and Roman Scribes who were the purveyors of certified documents, which are sworn affidavits. Certified documents and sworn affidavits are truth in commerce. [e.g.] Birth Certificates are certified documents on bonded paper. The word bonded is derived from bondage as in slavery, which makes all of us Bond Slaves to whoever retains custody of our original Birth Certificates. I bet you believed that the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves and it did for a short time and then the Birth Certificate and the 14th Amendment enslaved us all!
The SUMMONS process, whether it is defined a Civil or Criminal Action, is once again an offer to CONTRACT, despite what words are used to command your appearance or response. It too can be cancelled just by following the same procedure as the CITATION process above. A million dollar lawsuit is no different than a CITATION and both can be cancelled! Hard to believe, isn’t it?
Does your lawyer know about this? You bet he does but he is not permitted to embarrass the Court and besides, Court is where he makes his money!
NOTE: How many of you have ever attempted to avoid Jury Duty? All you had to do was cancel the SUMMONS [OFFER to CONTRACT]; Notarise it and mail it back to the Jury Commissioner. Don’t worry, they won’t bother you because you are obviously too smart and may influence their Jury! The Jury [controls] the Court and not the Prosecutor and Judge and if you know that, they lose and the defendant wins, which is why they prefer only the dumbed down candidates to serve on a Jury.
There are a few matters or issues that are next to impossible to circumvent or quash because of the depth of corruption within these pseudo Courts, such as child custody and the division of property resulting from a divorce. The Birth State claims the custody of your children pursuant to the Birth Certificate and records them under the Department of Transportation as a State owned Vessel!
A marriage is a CONTRACT and all that is required is a PRE-NUPTIAL AGREEMENT to complete the marriage but if you are sufficiently indoctrinated to believe that a Judge or Mayor or a Minister or Priest, must join you in holy matrimony and you subsequently applied for a LICENSE; now you both have married the STATE as well! Now the State is entitled to its fair share of the division of your marital property should the marriage not work out or should you die [called probate]! Some people might say that a divorce should be included on this list of impossible issues but then they don’t know what I know!
An Action in Divorce is a request to break the LICENSED MARRIAGE CONTRACT. If you desire a divorce and your spouse refuses to consent to a divorce, no State Judge will grant you a Divorce Decree because the Judge has not been granted the CONSENT of both parties! There is a way around this however, which your lawyer will never admit to because he cannot make any money from giving you truthful or sound advice!
NOTE: Puerto Rico is a United States Territory acquired from Spain and it still operates under Spanish Law. This was never changed by the Corporate United States when Puerto Rico became a US Territory, so first you need to fly to Puerto Rico.
Once in Puerto Rico, you can establish residency by simply opening a Post Office Box for a period of three days. Just after opening the Post Office Box, hire a local Paralegal to prepare an Action in Divorce for you. The Paralegal will file the divorce petition immediately, which is generally a certified form document and it will be heard by a Puerto Rican Judge within three days.
Under Spanish law, your spouse is not required to be served the divorce petition; only the divorce decree. Five days after the Decree, your former spouse will receive the divorce decree in the mail, written entirely in Spanish, which cannot be contested and must be honoured by all US Federal and State Courts!
NOTE: Immediately after the Puerto Rican Judge declares you divorced, if you choose, you can marry again by Contract or by License. Both are legitimate, but no one will ever tell you that!
The division of marital property and custody of children is a much more complicated issue but at least the divorce cannot be utilized as leverage against you to divide up your property, less than proportionately, which is exactly why American Judges will not bifurcate the issues involved in a divorce. [e.g.] Divorce; division of property; custody; support/alimony. The hope is that your desire to obtain a divorce is worth more to you than anything else you own, now or in the future!
If you are involved in a FORECLOSURE or you are thinking about filing for BANKRUPTCY protection to buy you more time, instead of trying to defeat the corrupt Bank and your Creditors in a State or Federal Court, where the cards are certainly stacked against you, plan to file for BANKRUPTCY and do it this way, too insure that you come out on top!
All BANKRUPTCY FORMS are printable; can be obtained on line and they can be completed in longhand with an ink pen. The Forms to use are: B-1 through and including B-8. You only need to prepare and file the first five or six pages to obtain a Case Number and then you must sit through a Credit Counselling session, which can be done all in a day. When you are completely finished with preparing your petition, you should have filed about 58 pages in total and the filing fee is around $280.00.
Here’s the reason for using the Bankruptcy Courts:
List all your debts on one schedule and when it comes to listing your assets include your BIRTH CERTIFICATE and its CUSIP Number. The value of the Mutual Fund Investment for your Birth Certificate can also be found on line using the CUSIP Number under Fidelity Investments. You will discover that it is worth multi-millions but you must have the CUSIP Number on your asset schedule or the Birth Certificate will be discharged as frivolous by the JUDGE or the TRUSTEE.
The Bankruptcy Judge will then appoint a LAWYER TRUSTEE to dissolve the Mutual Fund Investment; pay off your debts and the balance must be paid to you! This procedure usually attracts the attention of the (DOJ) Department of Justice because they don’t want the LAWYER TRUSTEE to screw up and short change the Vatican; the Federal Reserve and the Corporate United States and so they tend to warn or threaten the LAWYER TRUSTEE to be very careful!
Most of these Mutual Fund Investments usually involve a group of between 10 to 25 Birth Certificates and so only a fraction of that Mutual Fund belongs to you! The Bankruptcy Judge will not certify the final disposition until the LAWYER TRUSTEE can prove his math and every aspect of his work because the Judge inherits responsibility for the Trustee’s errors, if he made any!
After the first LAWYER TRUSTEE resigns, you can probably cut a deal with the DOJ or you can proceed on with the same Bankruptcy proceeding and the newly appointed LAWYER TRUSTEE! Now isn’t that easier and better than attacking or defending yourself against the Bank and a bunch of greedy Creditors; knowing full well that the cards are stacked against you because of the Vatican and the Federal Reserve System?
While you are in Bankruptcy, you are protected. No one can proceed against you for any debts or foreclosure, as long as you have a bond or sufficient assets; the Birth Certificate guarantees that aspect and while in Bankruptcy, you won’t have to pay on any of those past debts!
Your debts will eventually be discharged and the balance of the Trust Fund is to go into your pocket! It’s a WIN, WIN situation any way your shake it and the Vatican; Government and Bank loose the Trust Fund assets they planned to steal from you all along!
NOTE: There is a process to follow to determine your CUSIP NO [or] you can ask a Stock Broker friend to help you [or] hire a Broker on the side to assist you. There are people in the Patriot movement who also know how to apply the formula, which converts your Birth Registration Number and or Social Security Number into a CUSIP Number. I paid to have mine done and discovered that I am worth about 167 million. It’s all FIAT money but as long as it can be spent, who cares?
I hope that this entire expose’ has enlightened and elevated your personal knowledge and will benefit you now and in the future.
Pax vobiscum (Peace be with you).
Notes from Heather on ‘debts’
 Almost every loan, if not every loan, is fraud… No loan was made. If no loan was made then no debt could lawfully or legally exist. Was a loan made?
 In order testabily that a loan was made, can you/principal please produce the following:
 1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money you purportedly loaned me;
 2. Produce documentation of the history and origin of funds that you/principal purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to that you purportedly loaned me. It’s my comprehension that banking requires 3 generations at least if not all the way back to issuance/creation of the alleged funds and that this is why banks issue a letter of origin/history of funds.
 3. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds (prior title, ownership, and rights) from loaner to borrower (invoicing/receipts) as there is a difference between a “loan” and “debt”, conceptually and factually.
 Look up the definitions of loan and debt. Look up the difference between statement and invoice…only an invoice has to be paid…however, you would first have to produce documentation as proof that a loan was made.
 If I can prove that there was no loan, then each invoice is fraud, mail fraud, etc. and you might be implicated in the commission of enquiry.
 Regarding other countries saying the UCC is not applicable to them. The Prime Commercial Registry is broken down into branches internationally like a franchise or department. UCC is one of them, through the Principal Agent Doctrine, UCC 1-103, Any and all state, national, and international equivalents. All were served, noticed, and registered by entering the Prime Commercial Registry from any one of its branches/franchises/departments…OPPT entered in through Washington, D.C. … in UK…the branch/franchise is London City. And every country has their own…they hide them well….just Google Commercial Code, Commercial Law, Commercial Regulation, to ferret [find] out the particulars for any specific country …however as stated above it was already lawfully and legally taken through the branch right to the Prime Commercial Registry and is applicable to each and every branch/franchise/department of that Prime Commercial Registry on the planet.
 Heather: You ARE the CVAC…your knowingly, willingly and intentionally BE’ing responsible and liable for all that you DO = value and any specific DO’ing, inclusive of creating a heart repair business, IS, and those you CO-DO or DO for in that business, you are liable to them and them to you as mutually agreed/contracted…if you feel you need a transition tool from that old paradigm of “licensing” under the private corporations that were foreclosed…one option is to REGISTER your business on the COMMERCIAL REGISTRY…BE’ing’s as secured party and the “entity” as Debtor party…THEN you can use that registration UCC File No. as the entities “IDENTITY NUMBER” so that people can find it and confirm you BE/DO with full responsibility and liability.
 Question: Technically, we shouldn’t have to file in court, it’s a living soul to living soul interaction. No foreclosed courts needed.
 Heather: All private Courts operating under the guise of public courts already foreclosed…they have to establish standing, authority, and law before they can even get to the point of “you are required to come” bit.
 Heather: did “they” produce the documentation of their standing, authority, law and the original wet-ink signature accommodation agreement that this guy signed (not).
 Heather: OPPT took care of the old stuff…the CN’s are you BE’ing and DO’ing responsible and liable without confrontation, with grace. It appears they walk all over you and they hope that you will accept that as truth so that they don’t have to answer…what DO you consciously choose…if they DO not answer then they cannot enforce as a matter of law, matter of fact and as a matter of public policy…you cannot stop them from making their free will choice to BE corrupt or ignorant, which are THEIR terms and conditions of offer to contract with you…but you can keep them liable and responsible by giving them your terms and conditions of offer to contract with fee schedules for what it costs them to be corrupt, irresponsible and ignorant, inclusive of failing to produce their standing, authority, law and a an accommodation agreement (that says you agree/belong to a corporation) with your wet-ink signature…give them your terms and conditions and offer to contract with courtesy notice of what was done by OPPT, the one people of the planet…by their own former “legal rules” they lose as a matter of law, fact and public policy that they all brought under UCC.
 Heather: They know they can’t just take the homes at this point as they had been DO’ing…the best option they concluded they had was to get the people to come into the private courts and consent (albeit unknowingly, unwillingly, and unintentionally) to a revised contract, re-aging of the accounts revised model (that is why purported collection agencies demand that people pay even just five dollars over the phone (no cash) so that they can leverage the value that was just given them) (chuckle) similar to the TARP and mortgage programs that failed…the beginning of the investigations focused on that sham and the purpose of that…the value from that “program” 700+ billion USD had already been paid out to large fraudulent securities holders CHINA and others so that they wouldn’t tell..
 Heather: [G]o[ing] in to (foreclosed) private court is consent to their offer to contract and terms and conditions (most tacit aka hidden or presumed without giving notice or transparency)…did they accept your offer to contract? if it is on-going matter, did you cancel the securities they cut/issued from your case? They use your signatures as the underwriting for securities…begin when you open a case or when you answer their complaint. Examples of collapsing the underwriting of the securities, known and unknown:
 Heather: This is about responsibility and liability…as a former attorney…we are trained to do “on behalf of”..what they don’t tell you is that “on behalf of” establishes the incompetence of the one you are intent on helping…hence, purported judges instance on labelling and recording you as “pro se” and not “pro per”….pro se=appearing on behalf of one’s self (FICTION) vs. pro per = appearing as yourself (BE’ing).
 Heather: AND who is asking for payment (purported taxes)? Did you require them to produce their standing, authority, law, and the accommodation agreement with your wet-ink signature? They have to show those before they can demand something.
 Heather: penal code..criminal code…all codes are private corporate rules operating under the guise of government, unless they can produce documentation of their standing, authority, law and your accommodation agreement with your wet-ink signature….”no one goes to jail without their consent” (from a retired judge).
 Heather: Is this about her and her story or is this about her saying to them “what is your standing, authority, law, and the original accommodation agreement with my wet-ink signature?” If they produced any of those documents then you would understand exactly how they got you to unknowingly, unwillingly, and intentionally consent to something you did not have the material facts to…and in the same instance they give you the evidence of their own “crimes” (chuckle)
 Heather: ask for identification interview…they cannot lawfully and legally stop or deny any one the right to travel…unless you consent to them doing so.
 Heather: your car was still in the system prior to OPPT filings? there was a process to take it out of system (all car titles were held by agents of PTW…WB/IMF/BIS, etc.)…OPPT took care of all that in the filings…Courtesy Notices reference all of that and gives them the terms and conditions to engage with you and your car (chuckle)…
 Heather: Send them a courtesy notice with your terms and conditions to contract in order to engage with you…inclusive of condition to produce documentation of their standing, authority, law and original accommodation agreement with your wet-ink signature.

“Something Big Is About To Happen!”

Alex Jones: “Something Big Is About To Happen!” Don’t Miss This Critical Alert!

Monday, May 18, 2015 21:36

Have you ever had a gut feeling that something big and possible bad is about to happen? If you have, you’re not the only one!

In the video below alternative media giant Alex Jones shares his gut feeling about what could be coming! Here is what is stated in his youtube commentary: 
“Scientists have proven that humans and animals can sense events and energy sources that are beyond the reach of the five senses. Alex Jones’ sixth sense has been going off in recent weeks and he wanted to take some time to share what he has been going through mentally and call for a discussion of what the future has in store in for all of us.”
Breaking report by The Alex Jones Channel 

Is it an economic collapse, a war with Russia, World War III, race riots, a coming catastrophe, alien disclosure, or something we haven’t even pondered yet??? 

Study on challenges to military operations in support of U.S. interests


Unconventional Operational Concepts

and the Homeland

March 2009

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
For Acquisitions, Technology and Logistics
Washington, D.C.   20301-3140 

Read this report at:

!!!! DOD Document Spills the Beans !!!!

DOD Document Spills the Beans and Martial Law Pacification at Child Safety Events?


Monday, May 18, 2015 14:06
Lisa Haven
“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.”

That is the unnerving quote found in a government study titled “Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland.”
While America may not yet feel like we are living in the middle of a battlefield, we could very well become caught in the coming battle many are projecting for the the near future…at least that is what the Department of Defense wants citizens to believe.
Considering the United States government has been significantly increasing their training preparations with massive military drills like Jade Helm and the stockpiling of ammo, guns, body armor and the like. The possibility of some type of crisis or the declaration of martial law could become a reality a lot sooner than I would like to believe.
An additional concern is the pacification of society to militarized vehicles. Just a few days ago a tipster sent me a video clip displaying the local police department dressed in SWAT gear with MRAPS, gas masks and riot gear at a Child Safety Event! 

Here is the breaking report… 


The Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland Report was prepared as part of the Defense Science Board 2007 Summer Study on Challenges to Military Operations in Support of National Interests. It delves into the possibility of a catastrophe or crisis here at home while our military is deployed abroad at war or some other military issue. If that happens, then the DOD will be called upon to act here in America. This document ensures preparations for that. (AND the military has been PURPOSELY DEPLOYED OUT OF THE US)
Here are a few important points contained in the report: 
Page iii- 
“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.” 
Page vii- 
Assuring Deployment and Supply: Three areas seemed most important for DOD attention: (1) critical infrastructure protection and/or resiliency, (2) logistics, and (3) family and individual preparedness. A fourth area, military installation protection and preparedness, was the subject of a recent DSB task force.  
Page xiii-  
“In the interagency arena, a positive example of how things should work can be found in the Joint Interagency Task Force – South. This pairing of military and civilian government agencies under a unified command structure provides for routine interaction between the entities that will need to work together effectively during a crisis.” 
Page xvi- 
“Possibly the most neglected member of the homeland security/defense team is the private sector. The private sector owns most of the infrastructure and will be the most effective in protecting (given timely and adequate threat information) and restoring its function after an attack. As such, it must be an integral member of the team alongside government actors in federal planning and information-sharing activities.
Relationships between sector owners and operators and their federal agency interfaces are uneven—a striking condition that emerged during the course of this study. In some cases, especially where there is a history of a non-regulatory partnership, like the defense industrial base and energy sectors, relationships were positive, characterized by open and frequent communication and information sharing. Others were more one-way, with the federal “partner” more controlling and didactic. The realization that the sectors have more intimate knowledge of not only their own sectors, but their ties to other sectors, has yet to be well understood and embraced at the federal level.” 
Page xvi- 
“Secretary of Defense leadership in the interagency is needed to address current deficiencies in national plans and strategies and support for domestic threat assessment.”
Page 4 and 5-
Consequences of Catastrophe, how our America will fall apart: 
1. Failure of critical infrastructure- lack of goods and services 
2. Insufficient professional resources to deal with multiple catastrophes
3. National Will hard to focus- Public anger manifested through misguided, vigilante-style attacks.
4. Impaired ability of national, state, and local gov to govern- lack of, or confusing, communications, fractured local authority, insufficient, disorganized emergency response. 
Without adequate preparedness at all levels of government, across the private sector, and among the populace, the post-attack results could indeed become catastrophic. Some outcomes might include: 
 - Flight. Remaining in place would prove untenable for many people for actual or perceived reasons.
 - Breakdown of mutual aid agreements. Resource-intensive incidents are typically handled through mutual aid agreements within the National Guard, first responder, and medical communities. When under attack, however, leaders in unaffected regions might opt not to support interregional common aid agreements and to conserve their resources in case they are needed locally.
 - Breakdown of civil order. Looting, vigilante actions, gang violence, riots, and civil disobedience would further stress first responders.
 - Failure of quarantine. Many will be reluctant to stay confined.
-  Hoarding. People will rush to amass excess goods to stock up after the attack.
- “Shoot your neighbor.” As people perceive the social and civil situation
deteriorating, they will escalate the force they use as a first resort to protect home and family from interlopers (“shoot first, ask questions later”).
 - Rampant rumors. Media will promulgate messages from many sources without confirmation. 
- Population center “meltdowns.” Many U.S. population centers are located where life without infrastructure services will be difficult to sustain, such as in the desert southwest in summer and northern cities in winter. 
Page 10-  
“The study found nothing in legislation, directives, or other documents to prevent a more aggressive posture and engagement by DOD.”
Page 11- 
The Posse Comitatus Act is typically viewed as a restriction on DOD engagement since it punishes those who “…except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully use any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws….” A statutory exception to posse comitatus allows the President or other key government officials special authorizations for engaging the military in domestic situations. That authority has been exercised sparingly; examples include granting the U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement authorities and allowing the military to share information and equipment with civilian law enforcement, while prohibiting its ability to make arrests or conduct searches and seizures. 
Page 12- 
“After the incidents on September 11, 2001, the nation was forced into a new level of national preparedness against attack on the homeland. The Department of Homeland Security was created to take the lead role in homeland security.” 
Page 20- Hypothetical scenario and what they will do… 
For purposes of this discussion, the study assumed a multi-point attack on the United States that is severe enough for the President to declare the nation “under attack,” with federal authorities in overall control. Under such conditions, national resources will be stretched to the point where demands for national and international requests will go unmet. Local resources will also be overwhelmed and could face societal panic, if people feel localities are unable to provide law and order, medical care, municipal services (water, refuse), food, energy, trade, transportation, information system availability, and protection from the elements. Under such a scenario, two critical warfighting requirements occur simultaneously: defending against domestic catastrophe and ensuring deployment and supply. Domestic catastrophes occur in an environment of a large, undisciplined population, and these violent attacks can have a destabilizing effect on society. On the other hand, military deployment and supply take place in a disciplined organization, trained to accomplish the mission. Yet the two are linked—military deployment and supply is critically dependent on infrastructure elements that may be destroyed or severely compromised in a domestic catastrophe. Furthermore, both missions will draw on many of the same people and equipment, as discussed in the previous chapter. The protection challenge for the U.S infrastructure is significant, as illustrated in Table 5. 

Page 32- 
“Americans have been conditioned over many decades to assume disaster relief assistance will come from communities adjacent to military installations and that other federal and state assets will be available. 
“In the event of coordinated asymmetric attacks in many parts of the country and/or simultaneously with a natural disaster or avian flu pandemic, emergency responders and relief organizations may not be able to move across local or state borders. Resources will be severely strained and responders will be busy dealing with or preparing to deal with disaster on their home turf.” 

Page 36: 
“According to FEMA, there are over 2,200 Citizens Corp Councils serving areas containing 75 percent of the total U.S. population.”
Page 43- Fusion Centers
“Since 9/11 many state and local jurisdictions have established “fusion” centers for the purpose of collecting information on terrorist threats from a wide range of sources—including criminal investigations, the media, and tips from the public.” 
“Today 46 states and the District of Columbia have operating fusion centers to create a fuller picture of potential threats in their area.”
Page 44- 
“The consensus among these sectors suggested that the GCC/SCC “partnership” concept is good because it provides an opportunity to build trust among all stakeholders.”

Global Earthquake Forecast and update — Volcanic seismic unrest showing

New post on Dutchsinse

5/21/2015 — Global Earthquake Forecast and update — Volcanic seismic unrest showing

by Michael Janitch

The West coast of the United States is showing multiple dormant volcanic earthquakes , as well as a new oil pipeline rupture along the coast of Santa Barbara (South California).
Internationally,  this forecast is mainly focusing a new look on Taiwan.  Specifically, keep watch South of Japan going into North Philippines.
past 7 days of earthquake major unrest may 19 2015
May 19, 2015 past 7 days of 4.0M+ earthquakes internationally, and 2.5M+ in the United States shows major unrest taking place over the past 7 days.
Also, now we're on serious watch along the Coast of the Pacific Northwest , Washington State to BC... since it did NOT move this past week as expected, movement should occur over the next 7 days.
In addition to the area North of the United States, we are now watching SOUTH of Baja California near Mexico City for a possible large earthquake, sure hope I'm wrong on that.
Turkey and Greece.. keep watch for 6.0M+ earthquake activity.
New volcanic eruptions should pop off in Chile again.. and a large earthquake should strike Colombia into Panama (above 6.0M)
East coast United States now needs to be on SERIOUS watch for either a swarm of earthquakes , or a single larger event from Virginia North along the edge of the Craton to South Quebec / New Brunswick. Could either be a series of smaller swarms, or a single event that gets everyones attention (above 4.0M).
Texas.. Oklahoma, Kansas.... you can expect the swarms to spread across the Texas craton edge... Oklahoma + Kansas.. due for mid-upper 4.0M earthquakes that should shake everything up. Keep watch.
Far West Pacific, watch the asthenosphere movement for any additional activity, watch for more unexpected eruptive volcanic blasts in the West Pacific as well.
Download a copy of earthquake 3D here:
Very odd geologic steam plume event across the West coast captured by tatoott1009:

Salton Sea California volcanic swarm:
Oil pipeline rupture near Los Angeles CA:
Swarm of earthquakes in Los Angeles due East of Oil Pipeline rupture:
New Yellowstone magma chamber activity:
Mount Hood Oregon dormant volcano earthquake:
Glacier Peak dormant volcano earthquake:
Two Sisters (Twin Peaks) dormant volcano earthquake:
Mammoth Mountain dormant volcano earthquake:
Markagunt Plateau volcano earthquake:
Bitner Butte volcano earthquake:
New eruption off the coast of Oregon: