Friday, May 22, 2015

BREAKING: Michigan Passes New Legislation Telling Michelle Obama to Get Lost

Michigan‘s legislature has just passed a bill, which Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to sign into law, that would provide for exemptions for schools to get around Michelle Obama’s strict Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act regulations pertaining to “unhealthy” snacks.
The bill would allow schools two exemptions per week from the regulations, up to 72 exemptions per school year, provided the school sent notification about the snacks to parents. It passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 33-3.

The bill’s sponsor, Republican state Sen. Patrick Colbeck, said the nutritional restrictions put in place by the federal government have “nothing to do with obesity.”
“This is about federal versus local control,” he said.
However, one of the Democrats who voted against the bill said, “These children, one in eight, are obese not just overweight. It is our obligation to make sure that (students) have healthy foods while they’re in school.” (H/T EAGNews).

Right, because the best way to help the one in eight students that may be considered “obese” is to punish the other seven out of eight students who have no such issues with their weight.
Such is the view of progressive Democrats, who would punish everyone for the “crime” committed by a few.
Good for Michigan for standing up to Michelle Obama and her strict lunch rules and for telling her exactly where she can put her banning of bake sales and fundraisers.

What IS this strange sound from the sky?

What IS this strange sound from the sky? Noise heard across the globe for nearly a DECADE - but nobody has an explanation

  • One woman in Canada has recorded chilling sounds several times
  • At its strongest, eerie noises sounds like a trumpet
  • Similar outbursts have been captured on countries around the world including the U.S., Ukraine, Germany and Belarus 
  • One man in the U.S. says he woke up screaming after hearing the sounds

Abel Danger Commodity Backing US$: Drugs - The "War on Drugs" Continues - USMC Cocaine Delivery Services via US Military Aircraft - The Fourth Reich Embedded Deeply in America's Military - The New Semper Fi Code: Marine Colonel James Sabow Ambushed In His Backyard by IRT Team - Estimated Global Trade in Cocaine: US$88 Billion - Need Help Defending That Trade? - Call the Marines

Abel Danger

Posted: 22 May 2015 03:25 AM PDT
Colonel James Sabow USMC 
(August 5, 1939 - January 22, 1991)

Who was Colonel James Sabow?

• Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 5, 1939
• Father, a physician, spent three years as flight surgeon in Army Air Corps - Pacific
• One of three boys - entire family remained very close throughout their lives
• A devout practicing Catholic
• Married for twenty-three years to Sally Townsend of Tucson, AZ.
• Father of David and Deirdre - healthy, bright and successful
• Graduate of Georgetown University, class of '62, with a degree in Economics
• Excellent physical and mental health and known for his positive attitude
• Was financially very solid even without consideration of retirement as colonel with nearly thirty years active duty in Marine Corps
• Found dead in the backyard of his El Toro base house on January 22, 1991
• Within 30 minutes after body was discovered, brother of victim was informed that his brother committed suicide.

Five days prior to his death he was informed that several training flights he took were to be investigated as potentially improper. One day later, the Inspector General of Marine Corps, dropped the investigation.

Colonel James Sabow's Marine Corps Career

• Commissioned in 1963
• After receiving Wings was assigned to A-6 Intruder squadron
• Stationed in Da Nang, Republic of Viet Nam
• Flew 221 Combat missions in one tour of duty
• Recipient of 15 Flight/Strike Air Medals, Bronze Star with Combat "V" (for training ground troops in use of radio air support after traveling deep within enemy territory ) and numerous other decorations
• Official Marine Corps Fitness Reports were outstanding throughout his entire career
• Served as Commander of the Third Marine Air Group, as well as several other major tactical assignments
• At time of death served as G-3(ACS) of Marine Air, Western Area
• Seven days before his death, he was asked to become Chief of Staff but he declined

At 8:30 AM on January 22, 1991 Colonel Sabow's wife, Sally, left the house and returned at 9:20 AM. Entering, she found the house unexpectedly quiet, the TV on mute and Jimmy absent. Then through the kitchen window, she saw his body laying lifeless in the backyard.

How Monsanto Stops GMO Labeling Through Deception

America: We are NOT freed yet from these murderers ........................

Pro-GMO groups backed by Monsanto are already playing dirty
How Monsanto Stops GMO Labeling Through Deception
From the New York Times to Reuters and the Washington Post, all of the major publications agree: the general public is in full support of GMO labeling initiatives.
Quite simply, they want to know what they’re giving to both themselves and their family. Time and time again, we see poll results demonstrating that more than 90% of the US population is in favor of  GMO labeling. Yet time and time again, we see GMO labeling initiatives shot down across the country.
Are all of the major polling organizations in the country simply using incorrect statistical algorithms? Obviously, the answer instead lies in the dirty tricks (and even the mainstream media is now calling them out as such) used by mega biotech companies like Monsanto. In tandem with corporate food producers, these tricks are used to shove disinformation into the minds of voters who otherwise would fully support the concept of GMO labeling.
Specifically, we’re talking about pro-GMO lobby groups faking quotes from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that ‘support GMOs’ in the face of labeling initiatives, and even groups falsely claiming that Stanford is on the side of Monsanto amid the labeling debate (when they aren’t and haven’t even commented on the issue).

But before we get into these dirty geurilla tactics and their use in the informational war over GMOs, let’s really look at the truly overwhelming support for GMO labeling in this country based upon the estimates of major polling groups.

The New York Times: 93% found to be in support of labeling GMOs
MSNBC: 96% in support
Reuters/NPR: 93% in support of full labeling
Washington Post: 95% in support of full labeling
Consumer Reports: 95% agree GM animals should be labeled
ABC News: 93% want federal GM labeling mandate
So with these stats being reported virtually unanimously, what could Monsanto possibly be doing to sway voters outside of blatantly manipulating the actual polling results? As it turns out, and as we wrote about back in 2012, Monsanto has actually been caught not only misusing an FDA logo — but blatantly fabricating an FDA quote in order to suppress California’s notorious Prop 37 GMO labeling bill. From the report back in November of 2012:


“Misuse of a United States government seal can lead to a $250,000 fine, twenty years in prison, and three years of supervised release — unless you’re a campaign organization funded by major corporations like Monsanto. In a move completely ignored by the mainstream media (many of which have financial ties to such corporations), the anti-GMO labeling No on 37 Committee paid for and disseminated a physical piece of direct mail that not only entirely misused the FDA logo but even sported a fabricated quote.

A quote that even the FDA has stated on record that was never stated. That is because it would actually be illegal to do so. You see federal agencies cannot take a stance on Proposition 37, which means that the Monsanto-funded No on 37 campaign literally created the quote and FDA support out of thin air. In other words, the organization leaders blatantly violated 8 U.S.C. §§ 506 and 1017 by misusing the FDA seal and writing a quote out of thin air to support their political campaign to keep Monsanto rolling in the billions.”

And that’s only a portion of what was needed to crush California’s highly anticipated GMO labeling bill. As Huffington Post points out, much more was also discovered:

“They used the Stanford logo in TV ads and mailers, when the University also did not take a stand on the issue. And they said that Henry I. Miller, their hired gun, is a professor at Stanford when in reality, he works for the Hoover Institution — which rents office space on the campus.

They paid a PR firm with expertise in fighting recycling legislation (on behalf of the soda pop industry) to generate a misleading “study” that was designed to show the proposition raising food prices by hundreds of dollars per state resident per year.

They said there have never been any documented ill-effects from GMO consumption. But many allege that 37 direct human deaths and 1,500 disabilities linked to a toxic batch of the supplement Tryptophan were caused by a genetically engineered strain of bacteria used in production. And there are numerous reports of livestock that have died as a result of grazing on GMO cotton.”

Outside of deeply manipulating vote counts, pro-GMO groups backed by Monsanto are already playing dirty and spreading what amounts to complete misinformation into the public spotlight. And they’re doing it with millions in funding.

Checkout the details of who exactly is pumping cash into efforts to defeat your ability to know what you’re eating:

Monsanto – $7,100,500
DuPont – $4,900,000
Pepsi – $2,145,400
Bayer – $2,000,000
Dow – $2,000,000
BASF – $2,000,000
Syngenta – $2,000,000
Kraft Foods – $1,950,000
Coca-Cola – $1,455,500
Nestle – $1,315,600
General Mills – $1,135,000
ConAgra – $1,077,000
Kellogg’s – $790,000
Smithfield – $684,000

And here’s a list of companies that have supported Prop 37: – $1,115,000
Nature’s Path – $610,000
Dr. Bronner’s – $369,000
Lundberg – $251,000
Udis/EarthBalance/Glutino – $102,000
Clif Bar- $100,000
Organic Valley – $100,000
Amy’s – $100,000
Annie’s – $50,000
Nutiva – $50,000
Frey Vineyards – $35,000

Anthony Gucciardi is a natural health & self-development speaker, writer, and author. His writings have appeared in #1 selling books and top 100 websites.


Communists Call For ‘Red Terror’ Murder Campaign to Exterminate America’s Middle Class

Statement raises concern over politically-inspired violence this summer when more riots are expected
by Kit Daniels | | May 22, 2015
A communist group advocated the death of “bourgeois” middle-class Americans as part of a “Red Terror” murder campaign, raising concerns over the possibility of politically-motivated violence this summer as communists are increasingly leading anti-police protests across America.
Red Guard Austin, whose members physically attacked radio host Alex Jones on Thursday, said that “Red Terror,” the communist campaign of mass killings, torture, and systematic oppression targeting the “capitalist” middle-class and political dissidents, is a “necessary function leading up to a socialist construction.”
“Red Terror is the state of revolution after the bourgeois [middle-class] dictatorship has been smashed and a dictatorship of the proletariat [working-class] has been established…” Red Guard Austin stated on the group’s official Facebook page.
Jones was repeatedly assaulted by Red Guard Austin members while live on-air during Thursday’s #BlackLivesMatter pro-life demonstration outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Austin, Texas.
“The moment Alex Jones crosses my mind is the moment I remember how I long for Red Terror,” one Red Guard member said.
At the pro-life rally, the communists initially attempted to censor free speech of demonstrators by blocking their signs with black tarps. When that didn’t work, they attacked Jones, stole Infowars equipment, yelled satanic chants and even littered on private property.


I have armpit hair, I kill my children, I f*cking love Satan… I f*cking love Satan so f*ck you!” One of the female communists screamed.
The communists have also advocated war against cops.

Numerous “Red Terror” campaigns occurred over the past 100 years during communist uprisings in Russia, China, Spain, Hungary and other countries.

Perhaps the most famous “red terror” campaign occurred right after the Russian Revolution of 1917 when the Bolsheviks killed anywhere from 50,000 to two million political dissidents.

According to historian Robert Wilde:
The aims of the Red Terror were twofold: because Lenin’s dictatorship seemed in danger of failing, the Terror allowed them to control the state and reforge it through terror. They also aimed to remove whole classes of state ‘enemies’, to wage a war by the workers against bourgeois Russia.
To this end a massive police state was created, which operated outside the law and which could arrest seemingly anyone, at anytime, who was judged a class enemy. Looking suspicious, being in the wrong time at the wrong place, and being denounced by jealous rivals could all lead to imprisonment.
Hundreds of thousands were locked up, tortured and executed.

These seriously troubled individuals need some SERIOUS HELP, including restrictions in behavior and medical / psychiatric assistance.  WHERE are they going to stay?  WHAT are they going to eat and drink?  WHEN they eliminate the working American middle class whose tireless efforts to support themselves and their families have 'taxes' extorted from them to provide all the free bennies to these mentally ill people?  America - be on guard and take whatever steps are necessary to DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES FROM THESE PSYCHOPATHS.

Powerful Resurrection Testimony at the UN! Must watch only 6 minutes

Earthquakes strike the Craton Edge — Plate pressure obvious

New post on Dutchsinse

5/22/2015 — West Coast, East Coast, Southern US Earthquakes strike the Craton Edge — Plate pressure obvious

by Michael Janitch
After issuing a forecast for the United States to begin showing major seismic movement, we now see the movement has begun.
east coast earthquakes
A series of 4.0M+ earthquakes began to occur up the West coast of the United States over the past day (May 21-22) , multiple events in a short amount of time across California, Oregon, into Canada.
The West coast movement has now been followed by movement along the edge of the craton extending across the United States (as we would expect - seismic pressure is transferring EAST across the plate edge).
Since issuing the earthquake forecast, we have now seen a 5.4 magnitude earthquake strike South Nevada, and several smaller events strike the Southern, and Eastern portion of the craton across Alabama, South Carolina, and up the East coast in Maine.
Watch the most current earthquake forecast for the United States here:

Information on the East coast events from the USGS here:

M2.3 - 21km NW of Eutaw, Alabama

Magnitude / uncertainty2.3 md± 0.0
Location / uncertainty32.947°N 88.075°W± 3.3 km
Depth / uncertainty8.0 km± 1.5
Origin Time2015-05-21 22:25:47.420 UTC
Number of Stations8
Number of Phases10
Minimum Distance2.94 km (0.03°)
Travel Time Residual0.18 sec
Azimuthal Gap167°
FE RegionAlabama (505)

M1.7 - 3km NNW of Summerville, South Carolina

Magnitude / uncertainty1.7 md± 0.2
Location / uncertainty33.047°N 80.188°W± 0.3 km
Depth / uncertainty5.9 km± 0.6
Origin Time2015-05-22 05:02:48.700 UTC
Number of Stations9
Number of Phases13
Minimum Distance6.66 km (0.06°)
Travel Time Residual0.1 sec
Azimuthal Gap72°
FE RegionSouth Carolina (511)

M2.0 - 7km E of Peru, Maine

Michael Janitch | May 22, 2015 at 5:40 pm | Tags: aardbeving, ज्वालामुखी, भूकंप, विस्फोट, Bulkan, de vulcão, earth, earthquake, Earthquakes, erdbeben, Erupção, erupce, eruzione, σεισμός, του, έκρηξη, ηφαιστείου, jordskælv, jordskjelv, l'éruption du volcan, lava, magma, quake, quakes, sopky, terremoto, tremblement de terre, volcanic, volcano, volcanoes, volcanos, vulcano, Vulkaan, vulkaanuitbarsting, Vulkanausbruch, vulkanudbruddet, zemětřesení, 地震火山噴火 | Categories: earthquakes and volcano activity, earthquakes and volcanoes | URL:

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Extremely rare earthquake strikes South Nevada

New post on Dutchsinse

5/22/2015 — Extremely rare 5.4 magnitude earthquake strikes South Nevada

by Michael Janitch
After a flurry of West coast earthquake activity yesterday going into this morning (May 22), now an extremely rare 5.4M earthquake has struck South Nevada.
5.4m south nevada may 22 2015
The location in Nevada appears to be an ancient dormant volcanic butte. The nearby dormant volcano is surely the culprit for this 5.4M earthquake today.
Search the coordinates, then look at the cliff sides to the East of the epicenter, you will see the old basalt flows, and the higher dome of the butte.
37.296°N 114.703°W
A west coast earthquake watch was issued yesterday.  We have been watching the multiple dormant volcanoes show movement in the region, this 5.4 magnitude in Nevada.
The Markagunt volcanic plateau moved in South Utah, and now this dormant volcanic butte (unnamed) shows activity in South Nevada.
See the full forecast here:


M5.4 - 39km SSW of Caliente, Nevada

Magnitude5.4 ml
Location37.296°N 114.703°W
Depth19.4 km
Origin Time2015-05-22 18:47:43.020 UTC
Number of Stations36
Number of Phases35
Minimum Distance38.07 km (0.34°)
Travel Time Residual
Azimuthal Gap233.29°
FE RegionNevada (41)
Michael Janitch | May 22, 2015 at 2:19 pm | Tags: aardbeving, ज्वालामुखी, भूकंप, विस्फोट, Bulkan, de vulcão, earth, earthquake, Earthquakes, erdbeben, Erupção, erupce, eruzione, σεισμός, του, έκρηξη, ηφαιστείου, jordskælv, jordskjelv, l'éruption du volcan, lava, magma, quake, quakes, sopky, terremoto, tremblement de terre, volcanic, volcano, volcanoes, volcanos, vulcano, Vulkaan, vulkaanuitbarsting, Vulkanausbruch, vulkanudbruddet, zemětřesení, 地震火山噴火 | Categories: earthquakes and volcano activity, earthquakes and volcanoes | URL:

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