Friday, May 22, 2015

Fwd: LBMA Data Proves Fraudulent Trading By Participants of the Gold and Silver Price Fix

(Please post this link all around the internet

The insanity of what gold and silver exchanges expect us to digest everyday is astounding!

Check out this headline from one of the fractional reserve gold and silver storage companies...Kitco.

LBMA: Trading Activity in Gold and Silver Drop Sharply in April

"Trading activity fell sharply last month despite higher prices, according to the latest data from the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). The latest clearing statistics reported 16.9 million ounces of gold was traded on a daily basis last month, “the lowest level since September 2014” and down 10% compared to March’s daily average of 18.7 million ounces. At the same time, the LBMA noted that gold’s average price last month rose 1.6% to $1,197.91 an ounce."

"Looking at the silver market, the LBMA said that April trading activity was also lackluster. The data showed an average of 112.9 million ounces was transferred on a daily basis, down more than 25% from March’s daily average of 149.7 million ounces, “its lowest level since November 2013.” The association noted that the silver average price in April was $16.32 an ounce, up only 0.6% from March’s average price of $16.22 an ounce."


Pretty bleak tone in this article right?

Or maybe much gold and silver are we talking about here that was transferred from buyer to seller?

Do the Frickin MATH!!

Gold Transferred on the LBMA:

16.9 million ounces per day
16,900,000 x 250 trading days/year = 4.225 BILLION ounces per year!

*Considering there has only been around 6 billion ounces EVER MINED throughout history these numbers are STAGGERING! And the LBMA only publishes NET TRANSFERS and has estimated that the average gross transfers are 3x higher.

Rounding the numbers puts the LBMA Transfers at 12B ounces of gold per year or 200% of the total amount of gold ever mined in history!

And the Silver numbers are even more distorted...

Silver Transferred on the LBMA:

112.9 million ounces
112,900,000 x 250 trading days/year = 28.225 BILLION ounces per year!

*Considering there has only been an estimated 50 billion ounces of silver EVER MINED throughout history these numbers are also STAGGERING! And the NET TRANSFERS grossed up is also 3x higher.

Rounding the silver numbers puts the LBMA Transfers at 85B ounces or 170% of the total gold ever mined in history!

Staggering right?

WAIT!! Although most of the gold ever mined is still in bullion form - most of the silver is GONE FOREVER as it is consumed in everything from iPhones to Smart Bombs to Flat Screen TVs to Solar panels!!

Although Ted Butler puts the amount of available physical silver in the market at around 1B ounces, my arch nemesis Jeff Christian of CPM group claims there is around 3B ounces of physical silver in the world.

I'll give Christian the benefit of the doubt just because the numbers are so massively distorted already.

With 3 Billion ounces of physical silver available for trade in the world the LBMA is claiming it is transferring 2,800% of all the silver in the world....every year!!

Clearly these numbers are false so who is making them up? Let's go to the source of the new Silver Price Fix. Meet the current Silver Rigging Cabal!

LBMA Accredited Price Participants

"Six price participants have been accredited to contribute to the LBMA Silver Price are as follows: HSBC Bank USA NA, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Mitsui & Co Precious Metals Inc, The Bank of Nova Scotia - ScotiaMocatta, The Toronto Dominion Bank and UBS AG."
These are the very same banks that rigged the LIBOR and Forex markets.

So why am I showing you this?

Because we need to WAKE everyone up and prove once and for all that there ARE NO PHYSICAL SILVER MARKETS and the price of silver is a fabrication by the Banking Cabal to keep their system up and running!

We also need to tell Kitco to change the title of their article to:

"LBMA Data Proves Fraudulent Trading By Participants of the Silver Price Fix!!""

It's all in the numbers.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir
PS - *Buy the book as it tells you all about who, how, why and WHEN!
The Book: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"




These folks are the EXPERTS with CREDENTIALS !!



Alfred Lambremont Webre
Leuren Moret

September 2015: AGENDA
( for you to refer to )
9-23 Pope visits White House
9-23 Newton's prediction for the end of time
9-23 Day of Atonement
9-24 Shemitah years end
9-24 Financial Collapse
9-24 The end of the 500 days until Climate Chaos
9-24 100% probability of Asteroid Hit
9-24 fake nuclear false flag
9-25 Pope visits Obama, Congress then UN
9-28 Blood Moon
and the POLE SHIFT.


Several very informative video's will tell you all you must know
Take the time - BE PATIENT and listen to them...PLEASE!
It will be well worth it !!

Alfred Lambremont Webre
and Leuren Moret

I-Leuren Moret: Jesuit's origin in Babylon; Are Satanic Knights Templar for one world govt


I - Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation+GMOs+Vaccines+GeoEng+$Collapse+Transhuman
ll- LeurenMoret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation+GMO's+Vaccines+GeoEng+$Collapse+Tramsjuman

Part III-Leuren Moret: Putins Plan-HAARP the radiation out of Russia. BRICS saves from $collapse


Leuren Moret: Antichrist in Greece.
Depopulation in USA. Putin's role - Collapse Western economy


2-:Leuren Moret: Russia aids humanity against Jesuitism - Tsar Alexander II & Putin
    ( Preventing WWIII )

Leuren Moret: Jade Helm, Homeland Security, Domestic Pacification,
Mind Control & the Bigger Picture

Chemtrails, Napolitano, FEMA, Radiation, White Slavery, Frequency Weapons


Alfred Lambremont Webre and Peter Kling

Panel: 9/28/15 Tetra Eclipse false flag - Jade Helm, Pope, Congress, Obama, UN ?

you posted inditments for obmmer and billery, where is the followup


 I would suggest you contact the author of that article for the answers.  This is an awareness blog. I just pass the articles on to the readers at nesaranews.

Fwd: ZeroHedge Frontrunning: May 22

Frontrunning: May 22

  • U.S. vows to continue patrols after China warns spy plane (Read More)
  • Bank of Japan Chief Cheers On Tokyo's Surging Stocks (Read More)
  • Merkel Stamps Out Optimism on Greece After Tsipras Talks (Read More)
  • Greece sees reforms deal with lenders in next 10 days (Read More)
  • Why Greece's Syriza party is not sticking to the script on an IMF deal (Read More)
  • Why Does Putin Care Who Runs a Tiny Balkan Nation? Gas Pipelines (Read More)
  • U.S. Stock-Index Futures Are Little Changed Before Yellen Speech (Read More)
  • German Business Confidence Declines as Risks Cloud Outlook (Read More)
  • Brazil's Economic Downturn, Corruption Scandals Shake Leader (Read More)
  • Clinton Foundation reveals up to $26 million in additional payments (Read More)
  • Uber in Talks for $1 Billion Credit Facility With Banks (Read More)
  • Yellen Haunted by Taper Tantrum as Fed Rate Rise Draws Closer (Read More)
  • Greece Submerges as Crisis Fallout Worse Than Emerging Markets (Read More)
  • U.S. bird flu causing egg squeeze, emergency measures (Read More)
  • Baltimore grand jury indicts police in death of Freddie Gray (Read More)


There was talk that Colorado
pulled out of JADE HELM.

Not so. In fact the largest
war game since World War 2
is about to occur there. So
I filed this report for you.

A global trend is occuring.
War games and drills of the
and scope not seen since the

Pure craziness.

The report is linked below.
Please watch and share to
your lists.

ONGOING reminder...
We're still asking everyone
who sees our JADE HELM
DECODED report
 to participate
in the "Crowdsourced Reporting"
of the event by sharing your
own observations in the
comment section at this video:

Please keep sharing our emails and
videos. You are making a HUGE
difference when you do.
Thank you!

Forever Vigilant - Forever Free,

Gary Franchi
Executive Producer
Next News Network

PS. Here is the direct link to the
new JADE HELM investigation
that you must see:

And here is the link to our latest reports:

New Documents Show U.S. Smuggled Weapons to Terrorists in Syria

New Documents Show


    Smuggled Weapons to Terrorists in Syria

Electronic Money and the Rise of Antichrist


Electronic Money and the Rise of Antichrist

The shackles of an electronic slavery have finally appeared. Our masters tell us that we will not notice them, and most of us probably won’t – until the day comes, when our most cherished freedoms have disappeared. This marks yet another step towards the awful coming of the Antichrist.
Other steps towards the coming of the Beast seem to be moving along quickly. Europe gangs up against Greece. ISIS rampages through Iraq and Syria. Tyranny and martial law beckon from their Jade Helms. China and Russia rise in the East. And, complete financial collapse continues to be utterly certain.
I continue to pray that you will be ready for this.
Subscribe to The Shock Letter and receive my articles in your inbox:

Electronic Money and the Rise of Antichrist

I used to be puzzled by this passage:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I understood the part about the mark and the number and the name, but…
…how was the Antichrist going to make it impossible to buy or sell?
There were a number of possibilities, but nothing stood out as an answer. Well, I think that we now know what they are going to do:
Ban Cash

The Antichrist And The Ban On Cash

It’s still hard to believe that they are actually going to do it. And, up until now, it was even harder to believe that the average person would actually cooperate. But, it appears that the governments of the world really ARE going to ban the use of cash, and we really will cooperate with that ban – at least, most of us.
How utterly amazing. We sit and stare mindlessly at our televisions, as evil cretins tell us that we need to get rid of cash for our own good. And, we do absolutely nothing about it.
This electronic currency will be the ultimate tyranny. The government will be the bank, and no one will be able to do ANYTHING without the consent of our masters. They wouldn’t even need the NSA, anymore – because they would have our money records.
Where’s the outrage?
Where are the screams and yells of indignation that ANYONE would dare to suggest such evil?
Even sheep complain when they are sheared. We don’t even do THAT. Steve Quayle’s dumb-unto-death springs to mind, and I wish that it didn’t.

Too Late To Scream

Of course, it’s too late to do such screaming. It was too late, when we allowed that foul person of uncertain parentage, Bill Clinton, sign away the protections of the Glass-Steagall Act. It was too late, when we allowed the explanation of 9/11 go unchallenged. It was too late when we allowed George Bush bail out the banks in 2008.
And frankly, we did it to ourselves. We became corrupt, and didn’t mind when our politicians did the same. We unfortunately deserve everything that is coming to us.
The good thing is that there is a God, and He will force a pause in the process that seems to roll inexorably towards Satanic tyranny. That ‘pause’ will be a solar flare that will knock key parts of our civilization back to the stone age – temporarily. That temporary pause will allow those of us who have prepared, some breathing room. Not much. Some.
I document this, here:
Ezekiel’s Fire
There’s a part of me that wishes that I did not know that Ezekiel’s Fire was coming. But, once the truth becomes clear, there’s no avoiding it.
But, back to our electronic slavery.

Electronic Slavery

The fact that there has been no public outcry against the banning of cash, the global elites will see this as permission to move forward. They’ll set up the infrastructure and provide more scripts to the talking heads – about how wonderful it will be to have a cashless world. And then, when the dollar dies, they’ll be ready to bring this ‘new’ money – free of that evil, tree-killing paper. But, they’ll be extra careful to make sure that you really, Really, REALLY want it.
The French have a saying:
La faim est le meilleur condiment
(Hunger is the best sauce)

Hunger Is The Best Sauce

We will all be VERY hungry when the global elites propose their ever-so-special answer to all of our problems. And, our empty bellies and the cries of our children will compel us to grasp at anything packaged with such a hopeful message.
A new electronic currency
A new global system
Saved at last

The Current Plan To Ban Cash

But, not all are unconcerned by these new electronic shackles. A few hardy souls have voiced their own warnings about what our masters have planned for us:
“Cash Is Coined Freedom”: War on Cash Becomes Official in Germany, Reaches G-7, Draws Withering Fire
Abolishing Cash – New Age of Economic Totalitarianism
Why Europe Will Lead the Charge to Eliminate Cash – the Next Step in a Global Meltdown
(Think Antichrist and 9/11)
Leading German Keynesian Economist Calls For Cash Ban
Economist: Force Everyone to Have a Government-Controlled Bank Account
The Secret Fed Paper Calling For a “Carry Tax” On Cash
Once Cash Is Banned They Will Be Able To Force You To Buy Products: “Just Tax Their Excess Account Balance”
Denmark Preparing to be the First to Eliminate Cash
Why the War on Cash is really a War on Freedom
EU to get rid of cash – new economic totalitarian regime
What A Cashless Society Would Look Like
Time Is Quickly Running Out To Escape The System As The War On Cash Destroys The Last Vestiges Of Freedom
That last one should make you sit up and take notice. There isn’t much time left. The noose IS tightening. You must get off of the platform, and out of harm’s way. We’ve been asleep far too long.
Here is John Rubino, being interviewed by Kerry Lutz from the Financial Survival Network:

John Rubino–When Cash Is Outlawed The Banksters Have Won #2647
YouTube shortlink:
Here’s the page for the interview:
John Rubino – When Cash Is Outlawed The Banksters Have Won
The above YouTube video is also in a much smaller mp3 form. You can can play the mp3, here:
Or, you can copy and paste the following into your browser:

Cash-Sniffing Dogs

Okay, all of that is bad, but AllNewsPipeline adds an interesting wrinkle that I hadn’t thought about:
Cash-Sniffing Dogs
Yes. That’s right. Dogs that are trained to detect if you have cash on your person. If I didn’t know awful the world was, already, I wouldn’t have believed it.
Here’s the article:
The Financial Noose Is Tightening – Time To Leave The US Is Now – Time Is Of The Essence