Saturday, May 23, 2015



Everyone in Europe gets these funnies but not in the US. I'm sure if published in a US newspaper they would have to answer to Holder, IRS, CIA, Hmlnd Security, Valerie Jarrett, the USA/UN military, and every frick'n USA 'government department' in existence. 
These are some good ones. They certainly show the 'great esteem' in Europeans hold for Obama and by extension the modern U.S.A. !

Erdogan Confirmed To Be A Part Of A Strange Homosexual Cult

Erdogan - The Leader Of The Antichrist Nation Of Turkey -  Confirmed To Be A Part Of A Strange Homosexual Cult

By Walid Shoebat

Whether Antichrist will be homosexual has been an ongoing debate for decades, new very strange and revealing reports coming out of Turkey’s media might present a case that Erdogan, the latest candidate for being the Antichrist, might have supernatural influence. Besides Erdogan’s mass hypnosis he is now  mysteriously influencing major media moguls into a type of homo-erotica that is mixed with weird and bizarre spirituality. The latest story is about how Erdogan causes men who have been known to be straight to all of the sudden sexually lust for Erdogan.

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Erdogan’s success to become the sole ruler of Turkey desperately depends on the support of major media moguls who in the past were not part of Erdogan’s cult, but through Erdogan’s mesmerizing powers was able to change major media moguls, as Al-Monitor broke the latest news:
On May 15, the Turkish media were rocked by the words of the media mogul Ethem Sancak, who bluntly declared his love for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a TV interview. Sancak said, “While working on his campaign to get him elected prime minister, from my hometown Siirt, I met him. I saw his honesty and courage. I saw his opposition to oppression, his ability to protect the victim. The more I saw him, I feel in love [with him]. To be honest, during my days as a leftist, I could not understand the love between Mevlana [Jelaluddin Rumi, the poet] and [his companion and spiritual guide] Shams al-Tabrizi. As I got to know Erdogan, I realized that such a kind of divine love between two men is possible. When I [first] declared my love to him, I was already among the top 20 on the Forbes’ list. I did not need to wait for any favors by holding on to Erdogan’s coattails.”

The strange phenomenon can only be explained by what last year has predicted and revealed prior to this report that if Erdogan should be nominated as Antichrist, then the greatest spiritual influence into this movement must stem from none other than the Muslim theologian Jalaluddin Rumi. Ever since our reports things are falling into place that Rumi’s Sufism with all his strange homo-erotica will revive along with it, all the homosexual and pedophile deviances which stemmed from the Ottoman Empire.
The strange worship of Erdogan bewildered the interviewer since Sancak even used such sacrificial oath given to Erdogan that belonged only to the prophet of Islam himself. The famous Hadith Biabi anta wa-ummi ya rasul-Allah, in English, “to thee [Oh prophet] I sacrifice my mother and father” has now become the vow of many, not to the prophet of Islam as commonly understood, but to Erdogan instead:
The TV host tried to make sense of it all, as Sancak was obviously trying to clarify why a few days earlier at a rally in Rize he had gone on the record as saying, “An Arabic proverb says, ‘May my parents be sacrificed for you.’ I say to Erdogan: May my mom, dad, wife and children be sacrificed for you.”
Sancak’s words have elicited a wide range of criticism and comments, not just from opposition groups in Turkey, but also from pious Muslims.
Conservative pundits argued that Sancak has substituted Erdogan for the Prophet Muhammad and they are correct. The leader of the conservative Nationalist Action Party, Devlet Bahceli, echoed similar sentiments May 15 and commented further on extreme forms of dedication to Erdogan. Bahceli said, “They claim it is divine to touch Erdogan. They almost declared him a prophet. They called Erdogan ‘​the messenger of God.’”
Bahceli went further at a May 16 rally in Konya, the province from which Rumi and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu come. He asked, “What does this protege of Erdogan try to tell us? What does this treasurer for Erdogan aim to do?” Bahceli was particularly taken by the implication that Rumi and his companion may have had a love affair. Indeed, several commentators through Internet postings and social media warned Sancak that according to legend, Rumi’s companion Tabrizi was murdered by none other than Rumi’s son. Of note, historians still debate what happened to Tabrizi. Some claim his disappearance was related to Rumi’s jealous followers.
The outspoken fashion designer, and LBGT activist Barbaros Sansal tweeted, with a colorful photo, “I have been a gay man for fifty years. I have never seen a gay affair like this.”
This is because Sansal does not understand the spiritual dynamo of all this which stems from the weirdest of spirituality called Sema. In our Islam Is A Homosexual Cult and prior to this recent report, exposed how in Sufism, corrupting the Shema (Hear O Israel) in their own deprived version, Sema (to listen, hear) is now regarding pedophile trance:
The very disturbing ritual called “Sema” in which Sufi mystics would surround young boys and stare at them until they fell into a demonic trance (as Hurriyet Daily News, a Turkish media) revealed: “Some of the Sufis even organized what were known as “sema” during which ceremonies, they would sit in a circle and concentrate on the beautiful young boys in the center, concentrating to such an extent on what they perceived as beauty that they might fall into a trance.”
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Sancak owns the Star Daily and Kanal 24. Recently, he also acquired the dailies Aksam and Gunes and SKY 360 TV through state-run seizures. One can say with certainty that editorial independence has been compromised if, as in Turkey, all media are owned by 10 major conglomerates, and two-thirds of it is in the hands of Erdogan.
And if one thinks this is an isolated incident, Sancak’s statements is neither the first nor the last to publicly reveal strange affection for Erdogan. Indeed, a day after his comments, an Erdogan male supporter waiting for the president to appear at a rally said to a news crew, “I would bite Recep Tayyip Erdogan and lick him” while another Erdogan female Muslim supporter, after cursing the opposition, declared herself and all those in the crowd to be blessed to become the “hair on Erdogan’s bottom”:

No one can argue that such a phenomenon of Erdogan worship is simply one or two isolated cases. An alleged supporter of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) welcomed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan by chanting “Welcome, O Messenger of God,” a phrase commonly used to refer to the Prophet Muhammad, in the latest in a series of similar remarks attributing divine qualities to Erdoğan. In another example, AK Party Bursa deputy Hüseyin Şahin at one point said that touching Erdoğan is a form of prayer, while AK Party Düzce deputy Fevai Arslan said Erdoğan has all the attributes of God.
A billboard  was even erected for Erdogan’s birthday, February 26,  in the Gölbaşı district of adıyaman province inviting people to attend a “holy birthday” event to celebrate the birthday of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, except this celebration is not attributing the festivity for Erdogan as mere man, but as a holy prophet.


To say that Erdogan himself is innocent from what people attribute to him misses that it was Erdogan who allowed homosexual marriages while his Sunni Islamist party the AKP, opposes same-sex marriage. Erdoğan’s support for full equal rights for LGBT citizens stemmed from as far back as 2002, the year he launched his Islamist party. 

The Plan To Divide And Conquer America At The New Madrid Fault; And How We Can Remain Free Of Crisis Engineers

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness.” – James Thurber
by Nicholas West and Zen Gardner
The Powers-That-Be seem to be ramping-up efforts to drive a stake right into America’s heart(land).  Natural disasters are on the rise, and an increasing amount of evidence is leading to the conclusion that these natural disasters might not be completely natural.
Some already have speculated that we are entering a time of weather and earthquake wars, as the incidence of mega disasters has risen across the world.  Is government experimentation simply going awry, or is it being orchestrated on purpose? Are they hiding behind or even amplifying current natural earth changes such as the strong solar cycle and the on-going magnetic pole shift to accomplish some furtive plot?
The hidden hand has always cloaked itself using a wide array of techniques to conceal its divide-and-conquer agenda.  By owning the ultimate weapon — the very climate upon which we all depend — entire regions can now be put under a full spectrum of remote control already served up through climate change, economic instability,  and the military-surveillance complex brought in under the false threat of terrorism.
Let’s first look at the evidence for the manipulation of natural disasters and the proposed government solutions, then move to the massive preparation being undertaken by FEMA indicating that something big is on the way for the area of The New Madrid Fault as indicated by the current cluster of disasters in the region.  We’ll then finish with the solutions at our disposal to thwart the efforts of the elite cabal of gangsters that seeks control over humanity.

The Evidence of a Plan

Predictive Programming — This is where the groundwork is laid for directing people toward an imagined future.  Through books, video games, movies, propaganda placement, and education, the passive receiving of orchestrated information can literally change the future.  Elites have always been obsessed with mind control . . . and the best form is that which is the least obvious.  The unaware are manipulated and controlled without a single shot being fired, or a single piece of legislation written.  However, once one becomes attuned to their methods, it becomes incredibly obvious.  Besides the constant bombardment of mega-disaster and end of the world scenarios, one prime current example is geoengineering (aka chemtrails).  This chemical spraying has now wormed into movies and public places as an example for children to embrace the new normal of planes laying down a tic-tac-toe murky gloom across our skies.

HAARP –The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program based in Gakona Alaska is under constant scrutiny, as researchers track its relationship to weather modification and earthquake activity.  This facility and its substations scattered throughout the U.S. have been tracked by intrepid weather researcher Dutchsinse who has made some startlingly accurate predictions based on the tell-tale radar flares of these facilities, already linked to earthquakes in the area of the New Madrid seismic zone.  Subsequent flooding is so severe and unprecedented that locals are even saying it seems like the whole area is sinking.
It is thought this weather manipulating technology is being tested and fine-tuned for worldwide use, as other such antenna arrays are located in Norway (EISCAT), Australia (Exmouth), and several other countries, as well as via space-based facilities.  Benjamin Fulford is among those who claim to have spoken to insiders about specific threats made to Japan prior its 9.0 event.  Video showing distinct vibrational patterns, as well as purported “punch holes” have been cited as evidence.  Increased HAARP activity seems to correspond and, curiously, the HAARP site has been taken down. While the evidence that exists is somewhat tangential, HAARP’s stated capabilities are indeed ground penetrating.
Geoengineering — This might be the most obvious part of the elite plan for global control.  Books like Ecoscience by Obama’s science czar, John Holdren; the military plans for Owning The Weather by 2025 ; and the recent Royal Society proclamations all point to a relatively small group of selected sociopaths who would love to play God with our climate, backed by ultra-elite front organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As described above, there already has been a conditioning program for people to accept seeing planes spray across the skies.  Now, the evidence is in: it is a chemical cocktail which contains dangerous levels of toxic particulates such as barium and aluminum.  Certainly Monsanto seems to have accepted this reality, as they were quick to develop an aluminum resistant gene to insert into their GM crops. The recent mega-twister outbreak, which has led scientists to conduct a disaster autopsy, might also point to evidence of weather modification experiments that are facilitated by the presence of heavy metals in chemtrails that intensify the effect of manipulative EMFs.
The Ground Wave Emergency Network
Electromagnetic Control — It is known the toxic soup of electo-magnetic waves already in place through power lines, cell towers, WiFi, radio, television and a host of other broadcasting devices has a seriously deleterious effect on human health and mental well being. HAARP and its various localized outposts and GWEN towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network) has the known capability to affect human thought.
Another even more sinister capability using other inaudible ELF and UHF (extra low and ultra high frequency) electromagnetic signals is also in place since the 1990’s. This sinister program nicknamed the “sounds of silence” operates within the  frequencies the brain operates on, and the the PTBs have been piggy-backing inaudible, subliminal programming to manipulate humanity. No wonder so many are entranced by the media and the country appears to be so upset, confused, fearful and divided.
The  Department of Defense even tested this Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) technology during the first Iraq war, causing unwary battle-tested Iraqi soldiers to act like submissive children running to American troops for protection. It’s also in use in the private sector and goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and is used as an advanced marketing technique, among other things. It is believed this technology is one of the PTBs main tools being used for the subjugation of the American people.
Big Oil and Gas Fracking — Since September of 2010, nearly 800 earthquakes rattled Arkansas and the New Madrid Fault Line. The entire state only experienced 38 quakes in 2009.  The New Madrid Zone is believed to be a part of a complex of faults that extends down the Mississippi Valley into The Gulf of Mexico.  In fact, the oil volcano that was unleashed by the BP disaster last year is thought to be at the southern tip of this volatile area.  Not only are oil and gas being extracted from beneath this zone at enormous rates, but an extraction process called fracking is further exacerbating seismic activity in the region and might even trigger a mega-quake.  Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) pumps water and chemicals  into the ground at a pressurized rate exceeding what the bedrock can  withstand, resulting in a microquake that produces rock fractures.  A  close look at Arkansas’ history of earthquakes and drilling reveals a  shockingly noticeable surge in quake frequency following advanced  drilling. Fracking is now a global technique for finding natural gas.
Animal Die-offs — Perhaps the most puzzling, and one of the most alarming of unnatural phenomena recently has been the sudden and unexplained animal deaths.  Many factors could be at play, but the increasingly apparent weather modification effort by the powers-that-be seems to be the primary suspect.  Concentrated radio beams, both HAARP and local-based, have been detected in the very regions of these die-offs.  The deliberate war on nature is also displayed by GM poisoning that is now leading bees to seal off parts of their hives as a defense mechanism.

Government Preparation

So, there are clearly elitists who wish to control populations en masse, and they are fully aware that much of their scientific experimentation with nature could have unintended consequences.  For the eventuality of such chaos, they seem to be preparing to restore order with a rather harsh approach.
Back in 2009 Shepard Ambellas brought to light a mass grave site in Phoenix, Arizona, replete with plastic coffins and FEMA camp complexes. This has now been confirmed by many independent researchers, and is a theory endorsed by ex-governor and Conspiracy Theory host, Jesse Ventura, who was shocked to learn that this isn’t a theory at all; there really is a continuity of government agenda with 10 proposed FEMA regions to be controlled by selected governors.  In fact, this police state agenda is so real that outside pressure led to the episode being pulled after release, and even remotely erased from the DVRs of TiVo, Comcast, DirectTV and AT&T customers.   Nothing to hide?  No plans?  Right.
Doubters, or those who might feel comforted by the government’s version of disaster preparation, would do well to remember FEMA’s intervention following Hurricane Katrina and how horrendously that worked out for tens of thousands holed up in their stadium concentration camp where children weren’t even immune from rapes and beatings.  By connecting the following dots, one should see that whether or not the chaos is deliberate, accidental, or even natural, one should think twice before entering the FEMA version of Club Med when societal collapse arrives.
–NLE 2011 — FEMA’s largest National Level Exercise in history has commenced. It reportedly involves over 1 million people.  The states that are involved are those that already have experienced record tornado outbreaks, horrendous flooding, and consistent earthquake tremors.  Now, the Army Corps of Engineers has detonated 250 tons of TNT in this fault zone to so-called mitigate flooding .  Residents are now reporting that decontamination units have been set up as part of this “exercise”.
–FEMA has placed a rush order of $1 billion in dehydrated food.
Homeland Security has ordered expedited printing of over 350,000 national
emergency detainee handbooks.

-The U.S. Navy released images of the future geography of America . . . divided nearly down the middle.
As we consider the events that have taken place in this region over the recent past, there clearly is something major going on.  Since Katrina we have witnessed dead birds and fish, increased earthquakes, The BP Disaster, and the worst disaster since Katrina: the mega-tornado outbreak. (Should there be a major seismic event in the New Madrid fault zone, be aware that there are also 15 nuclear reactors along that same fault line.)
Regardless of the theories (and evidence) showing signs of an attempt to orchestrate a divide-and-conquer strategy for America, we would do well to prepare ourselves for an increasing number of these disasters, as well as to prepare for the official response.

Solutions: It all comes down to self-sufficiency

Once we are alert to the machinations of the elite overlords, we can then devise our own plans for preparation and eliminate the fear that they require for our subservience.  The system needs dependence from the population; we must, therefore, do all we can to reduce our dependence and render our would-be controllers impotent.  Here are the 4 key areas where we can help ourselves, our families, and our neighbors break free from the elite stranglehold:
Of all the scams, the worldwide banking system is one of the most  mind-boggling. Once you “buy into it” you’re already ensnared, and it’s either eat, or be eaten. That’s their design.  Never mind the entire false premise of fiat money and the  debt system — vast amounts of this illusory “currency” get shifted  every micro-second in a wave of deceit and piracy.  If we are to break free of our engineered financial shackles we must develop and promote competing currencies and barter systems.  They are already trying to imprison people for doing just that, which is a sure sign that it is an Achilles heel.  They can’t lock up everyone, so get started now developing your own private currency and discussing alternatives to The Federal Reserve fiat system.
Food and Water
This is the second main method of control the world over.  Globalists use the IMF to literally use food as a weapon, which is exactly what was proposed in State Department Memorandum 200 from 1974 where Henry Kissinger addresses much of what we see happening across the globe in 2011.  Food inflation already has begun in earnest, while environmental destruction is impacting food and water quality planet-wide.  By all means begin by filtering your water .  And it’s never too late to learn off-the-grid methods for food production such as aquaponics and permaculture.  If you find that food growing is simply not possible, then learn where your local growers are so that you can support the strength of the community that can help you best in times of crisis.
Shelter and Skills
Much has been made of the massive rise in doomsday bunker purchases, as well as purchases to enter self-sustaining underground communities.  This path is certainly not for everyone, as the most serious disasters could last for an indeterminate length of time.  Perhaps a better path is to stay mobile, rather than fixed.  It is sad that many people have lost their permanent homes during the financial collapse; however, for those in such a position you might just be best suited toward survival.  The ability to pick up and go has proven to be important as the fallout from the Fukushima disaster has circled the globe.  There is always someplace safe; it is important to identify where that is and be prepared to move when necessary.  Rather than “running for one’s life” as a cowardly act, this should be viewed as running toward better opportunities when presented with adversity beyond one’s control.  All true survivalism depends on one’s ability to physically adapt, then to have the mental fortitude to make the best from unfortunate circumstances.  Some key areas of focus are radiation protection, plug-in scalar technology, orgonite and EMP protection.  With recent news from NASA that Comet Elenin is affecting Earth , it would be wise to also move to higher ground if possible.
We saved the best survival tactic for last.  Ironically, the pooling of resources is the single most effective and inexpensive strategy to ensure your own independence.  Disaster preparation can seem like an overwhelming task to take on single-handedly — much better to befriend people who are already skilled (and well-stocked) in certain areas.  Every community already has people well-trained in mechanics, craftsmanship, food production, and tactical weapons.  Rather than try the nearly impossible task of gaining skills in all of these areas, offer your current skills, property, or ideas to other key people and strategize about what-if scenarios.  Just such a project has begun in New Hampshire.  The Free State project is a recruitment for liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire.  You can read their statement of intent to decide if this might be the path for you.  This is a brilliant plan for people to connect with other like-minded individuals and carry out a shared goal.  This erases the feeling of being alone, which lead so many people to inaction as they see their current neighbors turn a blind-eye to the problems we have outlined above.
We all sincerely hope that we don’t have to encounter a collapse scenario, but simple wishful thinking might not be enough; best to balance continued optimism with sound preparation.
* Nicholas West is a frequent contributor to Activist Post writing on topics such as HAARP, predictive programming, and government conspiracies real and imagined.
* Zen Gardner is the Contributing Editor for Alternative News at Before It’s News, and also posts at


By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
May 22, 2015
© 2015

The same people involved in gun-smuggling to Mexico that became known as the "Fast and Furious" Scandal were also responsible for smuggling weapons from Libya to the Syrian terrorists trying to overthrow Syria’s Assad Regime, according to information finally revealed this week. (You're really NOT surprised, are you?  Crooks and murderers are crooks and murders no matter what part of the world they are currently manipulating for their own end.)

Newly obtained documents released by a watchdog group that investigates and exposes corruption and criminal activity by government officials and agencies provides evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials, as well as President Barack Obama, deceived - LIED TO - the American people regarding the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi U.S. consulate massacre. The pages released show that top administration officials were handed intelligence reports within hours of the attack that stated the Islamic terrorists' actions had been planned up to 10 days before the attack and the goal was simply to to assassinate as many Americans as possible.
The documents also confirms the suspicions that U.S. government officials were well aware of weapons being shipped from Benghazi to Syria for use by rebel forces against the Al-Assad regime, according to Judicial Watch. In addition, the document-release contains an August 2012 analysis of intelligence that predicted the meteoric rise of al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists who morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It also the predicted failure of Obama's foreign policy aimed at regime change in Syria.
In an overly redacted copy of a memorandum dated Sept. 12, 2012 -- the day after the Bengahzi slaughter of four Americans including a U.S. ambassador -- the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported to Hillary Clinton, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Islamic terrorists planned their attack about 10 or more days prior to the slaughter that occurred on the day the U.S. acknowledged the 11th Anniversary of the attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that killed about 3,000 people.
The terrorists intended to attack the sparsely protected U.S. diplomatic mission and to assassinate as many American officials as possible. The motive for the attack appeared to be revenge for U.S. killing of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a high-level Al Qaida terrorist killed by U.S. drone strikes in North Waziristan.
According to Judicial Watch's analysis of the documents, the Benghazi attack was planned and perpetrated by members of the Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador, they have approximately 120 members.” Rahman [a/k/a "The Blind Sheik"] is currently locked up in a federal prison in New York for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six people in New York. He is serving a life sentence.
The redacted DIA memo identified the leader of BCOAR as being Abdul Baset (AZUZ). The memo reveals that he was sent to Libya to "core" al-Qaida’s replacement for Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawhari, to being creating al-Qaeda bases and training camps in Libya. Baset is described as not being "a charismatic leader, but rather just a violent radical.” The memo also states that the majority of BCOAR’s members are “under the age of 28 with a large number between the ages of 17-21 years of age.”
The DIA reported that BCOAR built their headquarters and a training facility in Libyan city of Derna. “They train in the mountains surrounding Derna where they have large caches of weapons. Some of these weapons are disguised as feeding troughs for livestock. They have SA-7 and SA-23/4 MANPADS, as well as unidentified missiles over two meters in length,” the memo states.
Judicial Watch, a group that has been successful in breaching the government's "stonewalls," obtained the documents after U.S. District Court Judge Katanji Brown Jackson ordered their release after the watchdog group’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Defense had been denied. Judicial Watch was then forced to file a lawsuit for the requested documents and related material.
The documents totally contradict statements made by Hillary Clinton and other national security and diplomatic officials appointed by President Obama about the Benghazi attack. They claims the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, and the destruction of American property was a result of anger by Muslim civilians who were enraged by obscure YouTube video by an American filmmaker that denigrated the Muslim religion.
"These documents... point to [the] connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton.

It wasn't until faced with overwhelming evidence that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other members of the administration finally conceded that the attack was perpetrated by a group of Islamic terrorists.

In response to the documents, Judicial Watch's President Tom Fitton said, “These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaida terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda?"
"These documents also point to [the] connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”
NOTE:  And the Clintons were recently observed meeting secretly with Maj Gen Thomas Harwood, new appointment to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at an Arkansas airport, discussing ????? We don't go by what they (Gen's staff) says - BUT BY WHAT THEY DO

GOA Victory in the U.S. Supreme Court

Gun Owners of America (GOA) Victory in the U.S. Supreme Court

Decision is a win for private property and the Second Amendment
Gun Owners of America (GOA) Victory in the U.S. Supreme Court
Gun Owners of America (GOA) Victory in the U.S. Supreme Court
Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America
Washington, DC -( The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday decided Henderson v. United States — a case where Gun Owners of America and its foundation have been very active.
The Court’s unanimous (9-0) ruling further protects Second Amendment rights and erects a higher barrier against the confiscation of firearms. The case involved Tony Henderson, a former Border Patrol agent with a previous pot conviction. Because of his felony, the government tried to take his firearms collection, which totaled more than $3,500.
“In protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms, the Second Amendment secures a right of private property in those arms that are protected by the Amendment.” — GOA brief in Henderson v. United States, (p. 19)
Gun Owners of America went to bat for Mr. Henderson and argued he should be able to sell his guns, which at the time, were in the FBI’s possession.
After Henderson had been convicted on an unrelated marijuana conviction, he sold his ownership rights in the firearms to an unrelated third party who was legally eligible to possess the firearms. The third party asked the FBI to turn the guns over to the purchaser, but the FBI refused.
The government used a theory of “constructive possession” to claim that Mr. Henderson’s firearms could not be transferred, even to a third party, without violating the felon-in-possession ban. The trial court and the court of appeals agreed with this legal fiction, preventing Mr. Henderson from selling his firearms to the unrelated third party.
Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided in favor of Tony Henderson. The high Court held that the government’s “constructive possession” theory was unsustainable and inconsistent with the purpose of the statute, which is a position consistent with our amicus brief.
Our amicus brief (Section II) also argued that the government did not have a superior property interest in Mr. Henderson’s firearms. This is why, GOA said, the government could not use a forfeiture proceeding to take all of Mr. Henderson’s firearms.
As a “right protecting against both public and private violence,” GOA argued in its brief, it is an “essential principle” that the Second Amendment protect the right of private property in firearms — otherwise, tyrants would be free to “simply tak[e] away the people’s arms” on the basis of any pretext. (p. 20-21)
The court’s decision is a victory for private property rights, and helps to further erect a barrier against the confiscation of firearms.
The only constraint the Court imposed in this case was that a felon could not sell his collection to someone who later would allow him to control the firearms.
About Gun Owners of America (GOA)
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul.

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