Tuesday, July 28, 2015


The following was received by me earlier today.  It does NOT make me 'happy' to post this message for all our readers but, after several hours of my own prayer and contemplation about whether to do so, I am deeply moved to post this. What is relayed here confirms what I, too, have been receiving in recent months. Please save 'fear porn' and 'bullshit' comments - they will NOT be posted and only once again show ignorance and crassness.  I don't want your blood on my account should this come to pass and you be one of the unsuspecting victims because I decided I didn't want to warn you and risk your ugly responses. Those who this applies to know full well who they are.  I care deeply about one and all. OO


Shalom dear friends.  The Lord is speaking through the mouth of adults and children, warning and pleading to make ready.  Let's take heed and be ready.

                                                                     THE COMING STORM

"The following info was very pertinent and confirms what many are saying is coming this fall....."

Mena Lee Grebin’s Revelations – provide us with a fuller understanding of what is about to transpire.  Mena is a black woman who grew up in Chicago.  In 1987,  at the age of seven, she had a vivid vision in which she was told, “
A president will come out of Chicago who will destroy the freedom of this nation.”  In the vision she saw herself as an adult in the apartment she was growing up in in Chicago. She was ironing a shirt and getting ready for work.  On the TV there was chaos – scenes of riots, war, murder, and famine all over the news.  She went out on the street and saw that the wind was blowing and tearing up and carrying away flyers that were piled up on three newsstands.  She went over and saw that on the first stand the flyers had a picture of George Washington on the front.  On the second, there was a picture of Abraham Lincoln, and  on the third a picture of Martin Luther King.  Next to those was an actual newspaper whose headline read, “American Freedom Has Been Stripped.” People were running past her and crying, “The end is near. Run for your lives.”

This was a very frightening first supernatural vision for a seven year old and neither she nor her mother, who was also a prophet, fully understood it.  In 2012, the Lord brought this vision back to her and told her that
all the three men she had seen in the flyers referenced key events of freedom in this nation. At that time, the Lord told her that our current president would be the last president and lead our nation into the Tribulation.

In 2008 at the time of the president’s first election, she saw ride out in a vision the red horse and rider of Revelations 6, the second of the four horseman of the apocalypse. As we read in Revelations, “Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other” (Rev 6:4 NIV). In that vision, she saw people in our nation and around the world cheering the president’s victory, and especially many Muslims cheering and shooting off guns...

At the end of 2013, Mena began to see a great increase in the dreams and visions she was receiving.  
She began to see that Russia would become a growing threat and that ISIS would arise and she was shown the spirit behind it.
In the spring of 2014, the Lord began to speak to her in the 3rd and 4th watches of the night (12:00-3:00 AM and 3:00-6:00 AM). During that time she heard.......
“death to finances” and saw the black horse and the third horseman of the apocalypse ride out. This is the one that brings famine (Rev 6:5-6).  She was told that a recession within a recession was coming to America. The stock market would crash, small businesses would fail and those that depend on food stamps, welfare, section 8 and other government benefits would see them dry up.  She was shown a calendar with the months of September through December highlighted, meaning that this was when this vision would come to pass.  At that time the Lord told her, “Those who are in me will be sustained, but not everyone who says they belong to me, belongs to me.”

Beginning in January of 2015,
the Lord began to say repeatedly to her that the September thru December onset of the crises she was shown will take place in 2015.  
She was told to begin to stock up on food for her family, ministry and others so that she could share what she had stored up during the coming time of need. She was also told that these preparations must be completed by the end of the summer.
In mid-February the Lord gave her a weighty word to warn His people. He told her that she was to say, “Thus sayeth the Lord,” to make it clear that these were His words and not her words. Here is the message:

"What is coming upon the nation will affect many who claim to follow me.  This is because not everyone who is a part of the church I call my bride
.  Many believe that they will be shielded from the judgment when, in fact, they will go through it.  Not everyone who calls upon My name will enter into My kingdom.  For every ten people who pray to me and claim me as their Lord, I only know one.
Thus sayeth the Lord God, I have sent My prophets to warn you of your disobedience and your pride, and you have rejected them. You have chosen to follow those who only speak smooth words and deception and I have not sent them. They are not my prophets. Therefore, when I pass judgment on this nation, you will feel it. Repent says the Lord of hosts. Turn to me and seek My face, for the day of the Lord is at hand and know that even in my judgement, I am merciful.

The Perfect Storm
 At the beginning of April of 2015,  an angel came to her and said, "The countdown has begun.” She saw a digital clock showing 30 seconds before midnight.
In a separate vision her mother heard the same words and saw a similar clock counting down from 30 seconds before midnight. Three times her mother heard this phrase, “Tell my children that time is running out.”
In her mother’s vision she was flying over the United States and saw a massive earthquake registering 8.4 hit California leaving nothing but massive rubble. She saw lights rising up from the rubble and angels catching them. She was told that many would die in the earthquake and these were the souls of Christians who had perished in the quake. The earthquake was so strong that it was felt in Arizona, Nevada and parts of Mexico.

This info is from the book,
'The Coming Storm and the Rising Ecclesia' by Scott Flanagan

Please take heed to this message, as it rings true to many that the Lord has been sending out in recent months for America. In His great mercy, He has once again issued His warning to America.  Prepare as you can with food, water, etc. and especially in spending your personal quiet time before Him.

Obama says he’ll be gunning for people’s guns in his remaining months in office.




BOZO:  'Biggest frustration' inability to make sweeping changes for 'public safety'



Monday, July 27, 2015


HR 1599 - the "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act"
This is very urgent need for the people to let Congress know the huge negative impact on this nation by passing this bill!

See info below for a sample letter to send to senators and link to their phone numbers

Dear Health Freedom Advocate:
On July 23, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 1599, the  "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act."  This bill is grossly misnamed because it seeks to keep Americans in the dark about food ingredients while blocking the implementation of state laws that would require foods containing genetically engineered (GE also sometimes referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMO) ingredients to be labeled to reveal those ingredients.  
In short, if passed into law, this Bill will prevent consumers at the point of sale from knowing whether a food has GMOs in it or not.  
Backed by big agricultural interests like Monsanto, Bayer and DuPont, this law harms consumers by keeping them in the dark as to what is in the foods they buy.  
For that reason, it has been called the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know).
House Members, using industry prepared talking points stated there was scientific consensus that GE ingredients are safe, which is not true.  They also stated that allowing states to pass their own laws would drive the cost of food up, but the truth is that the system they seek to implement, with new certification procedures will increase the cost to farmers with a result of higher food costs.
What can you do?   We need you to phone, email, and write to your two U.S. Senators and tell them to oppose this awful bill.  Ask your senators to oppose any Bill or Amendment that would curtail state's rights and leave GE labeling voluntary. Make it meaningful, let them know that you will oppose their re-election if they do not oppose this bill.  Here's how to get the address information and emails for your Senators:

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M7.0 earthquake strikes West Pacific

New post on Dutchsinse

7/27/2015 — Large M7.0 earthquake strikes West Pacific in Papua New Guinea — Unrest showing

by Michael Janitch
Another large earthquake has struck the Pacific plate.
Yet again, a M7.0 earthquake has struck , this time in the West Pacific on the island of Papua New Guinea.
7.0m earthquake july 27 2015
This large seismic event follows a M6.9 earthquake less than 24 hours ago which occurred near Cleveland Volcano in Alaska.
Overall, to see TWO M7.0 earthquakes strike in one days time, this lets us know that major movement is taking place in the Pacific, and we should expect movement in North America as "compensation" resulting from this overall Pacific plate movement.
After the M6.9 in Alaska, just as we expected, new M4.0+ activity struck the United States (two back to back M4.5 + M4.0 earthquakes occurred at the fracking operations in Oklahoma).
As I warned in my video last week, that THIS COMING week we'd most likely see a ramping up of events, and would begin seeing multiple M7.0 earthquakes ---- this is starting to occur now.
Here is the video warning for this week to see coming M7.0 earthquake activity (after over a month without any occurring):
Information on this M7.0 earthquake from the USGS:

M7.0 - 234km W of Abepura, Indonesia

Magnitude7.0 mwp
Location/uncertainty2.690°S 138.479°E± 6.4 km
Depth/uncertainty52.9 km± 6.0
Origin Time2015-07-27 21:41:22.510 UTC
Number of Stations
Number of Phases103
Minimum Distance693.07 km (6.23°)
Travel Time Residual1.30 sec
Azimuthal Gap16°
FE RegionPapua, Indonesia (201)