Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Obama Gives Turkey Green Light

STUNNING: Obama Gives Turkey Green Light to Bomb Former US Soldiers Fighting ISIS

Jim Hoft
Gateway Pundit
July 27, 2015

Retired US Marine Jordan Matson joined the YPG Kurdish fighters to fight ISIS in September 2014.

Jordan told Greta Van Susteren in February that there are 40-50 Americans fighting with Kurdish forcesagainst ISIS.

He also said the Kurds are very hospitable to Christians and Yazidis.

 Christian US veteran fighting alongside

British ex-soldiers are also fighting with Kurdish forces against the Islamic State.

             british forces against ISIS
James Hughes, 26, and Jamie Read, 24, are fighting alongside other foreign volunteers with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units.

This week Obama gave a green light to Turkey to bomb the Kurds.

Turkish jets struck camps belonging to Kurdish militants in northern Iraq this weekend. This was Turkey’s first strike on the Kurds since a 2013 peace deal.

Americans and British soldiers are fighting with Kurds against ISIS.








Global Derivatives: $1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb


Global Research, July 26, 2015


When investing becomes gambling, bad endings follow. The next credit crunch could make 2008-09 look mild by comparison. Bank of International Settlements(BIS) data show around $700 trillion in global derivatives. 

Along with credit default swaps and other exotic instruments, the total notional derivatives value is about $1.5 quadrillion – about 20% more than in 2008, beyond what anyone can conceive, let alone control if unexpected turmoil strikes.

The late Bob Chapman predicted it. So does Paul Craig Roberts. It could “destroy Western civilization,” he believes. Financial deregulation turned Wall Street into a casino with no rules except unrestrained making money. Catastrophic failure awaits. It’s just a matter of time.
Ellen Brown calls the “derivatives casino…a last-ditch attempt to prop up a private pyramid scheme” – slowly crumbling under its own weight.

For years, Warren Buffett called derivatives “financial time bombs” – for economies and ordinary people.
Unless collateralized or guaranteed, their worth depends on the creditworthiness of counter-parties. Earnings on derivatives are “wildly overstated,” Buffett explains – because they’re “based on estimates whose inaccuracy may not be exposed for many years.”

When corporate bosses ask financial executives how profits look in any quarter, they, in turn, ask how much do you want, then manipulate things to oblige when told.
Since 2008, too-big-to-fail banks consolidated to much greater size than ever. They’re financial and political powerhouses controlling world economies to their own advantage.

Civilization’s only hope is smashing them – dismantling them into small, impotent pieces, or ideally putting money back in public hands where it belongs.

It’s too important to be privately controlled. Financial predators entrap small/weak nations into unrepayable debt peonage like Greece, bleed them dry, and thirdworldize developed ones into dystopian backwaters – while they grow richer and more powerful than ever ahead of the whole corrupt system going bust, decimating billions worldwide in greater human misery than already.

Washington Post editors support what demands condemnation. Don’t worry, be happy, they say. On July 23, they headlined “The Fed’s stance on banks and capital makes good sense.”

Half-intelligent economics students know better. The Wall Street owned, controlled and operated Fed is the problem, not the solution. Monied interests buy politicians like toothpaste. They write business friendly legislation, getting Congress to pass it in return for generous campaign contributions and other special favors.

America’s economy and financial system are house-of-cards disasters waiting to happen. Not according to WaPo editors.

“(T)he US financial system has made significant progress toward being less bailout-prone since” the dust settled on the 2008-09 crisis, they said.

“(B)ig banks are considerably better capitalized than” half a decade earlier – enough to “withstand (another) ‘Great Recession.”

The source: The Wall Street controlled Fed’s last ‘stress test’ assessment made public in March – ignoring the monstrous derivatives ticking time bomb weighing them all down along with the entire financial system.
WaPo editors endorse too-big-to-fail banks. They tout so-called “economies of scale and greater ‘soft power’ for US foreign policy.

Near the end of his tenure, Bill Clinton signed legislation repealing Glass-Steagall (the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act – letting insurance, investment and commercial banking merge) and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (permitting unregulated commodity and derivatives trading).

A casino culture of anything goes persists. When counter-parties don’t have funds to pay on demand, bubbles begin deflating. It’s just a matter of time before current market mania ends.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net .  
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” 
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.  
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.  
It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

Dr. William Mount: >>John McCain's "True" Military History

William Mount
John McCain's True Military History
Sun Jul 26, 2015

Following is a true history of John McCain's Military History.

(((Please pray that those plotting to destroy America are destroyed themselves immediately)))

Before I take a shot over the bow please, not that Senator McCain
does as he is told, his staff is very helpful, and after the Supposed Currency Exchange he may be the one responsible for allowing
Seniors and Retired Soldiers to keep some semblance of Pension.

So in light of the recent comments by "Your Fired" Trump -
who gave $100,000 to the Hilary Foundation last year.

Here is the story written  by an Active Duty Marine:

McCain has never really earned anything. He is from a wealth pampered background and not fit to lead this nation.

A “war hero” doesn’t finished 894th out of 899 and still get stationed at a Navy champagne unit and promoted ahead of
all but two of his 898 other classmates.

A “war hero” doesn’t crash three U.S. Navy jets out of sheer incompetence and ineptitude, including two during non-combat training sessions.

A “war hero” doesn’t get written up on drunk-and-disorderly, fraternization, disobeying orders, and insubordination charges more than two dozen times in less than three years.

A “war hero” doesn’t get promoted to squadron commander of the air field named after his own grandfather immediately after crashing his third airplane.

A “war hero” doesn’t have all the military records that cover his time in Vietnam and all disciplinary actions against him censored and sealed “as a matte r of national security.”

A “war hero” doesn’t get 28 medals awarded all after-the-fact “for bravery” for no other reason than being shot down and captured and then go on a celebrity public relations tour because he’s the son of two acclaimed Navy admirals. A “war hero” doesn’t repeatedly cheat on the wife who’s back in the states waiting for him, and then cheat on her more when he returns to the states, and then divorce and abandon her.

A “war hero” doesn’t systematically vote against every single pay and benefit increase for military and veterans throughout his entire political career, all the while claiming to be “the soldier’s Congressman,” and then take credit for the passage of a G.I. benefits bill he that voted AGAINST.

A “war hero” McCain III lost jet number one in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay while practicing landings. He was knocked unconscious by the impact coming to as the plane settled to the bottom. McCain’s second crash occurred while he was deployed in the Mediterranean. “Flying too low over the Iberian Peninsula,” Timberg wrote, “he took out some power lines [reminiscent of the 1998 incident in which a Marine Corps jet sliced through the cables of a gondola at an Italian ski resort, killing 20] which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was predictably identified as the son of an admiral.”

McCain’s third crash three occurred when he was returning from flying a Navy trainer solo to Philadelphia for an Army-Navy football game. Timberg reported that McCain radioed, “I’ve got a flameout” and went through standard relight procedures three times before ejecting at one thousand feet. McCain landed on a deserted beach moments before the plane slammed into a clump of trees.

McCain’s fifth loss happened during his 23rd mission over North Vietnam on Oct. 26, 1967, when McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. McCain ejected from the plane breaking both arms and a leg in the process and subsequently parachuted into Truc Bach Lake near Hanoi. For 23 combat missions (an estimated 20 hours over enemy territory), the U.S. Navy awarded McCain a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit for Valor, a Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars, two Commendation medals plus two Purple Hearts and a dozen service medals.

“McCain had roughly 20 hours in combat,” explains Bill Bell,
a veteran of Vietnam and former chief of the U.S. Office for POW/MIA Affairs — the first official U.S. representative in
Vietnam since the 1973 fall of Saigon.

“Since McCain got 28 medals,” Bell continues, “that equals out to about a medal-and-a-half for each hour he spent in combat. There were infantry guys — grunts on the ground — who had more than 7,000 hours in combat and I can tell you that there were times and situations where I’m sure a prison cell would have looked pretty good to them by comparison.

The question really is how many guys got that number of medals for not being shot down.” For years, McCain has been an unchecked master at manipulating an overly friendly and biased news media. The former POW turned Congressman, turned U.S. Senator, has managed to gloss over his failures as a pilot by exaggerating his military service and lying about his feats of heroism. McCain has sprouted a halo and wings to become America’s POW-hero presidential candidate.

This article was written by an active, unnamed Marine. It was published by Gale Toensing founder of the Corner Report.com and she sent it to me. It is a true account of McCain’s real war record and evidence of his lack of fitness for the office of President.

The True Military Record of John McCain Written by an Active Marine » LASTEELSHOW.ORG

Senator John McCain at least did serve and spent an eternity in the Hanoi Hilton.

Did I mention President Obama gave Vietnam 12 Nuclear Weapons several years ago.....................
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Dr Wilson - When Dope is legalized in Europe it will be a huge hit against the MOB.

The idea behind this legalization is to get as many people high as possible as they rob us blind and build their underground cities ----
so --- it is a double edged sword.

So keep visualizing those who are destroying planet Earth are immediately and completely immobilized for life.

Dr. William Mount: >>>Statue Of Satan To Be Unveiled In Detroit

William Mount
Statue Of Satan To Be Unveiled In Detroit
Sun Jul 26, 2015

The Detroit Church of Satan is about to unveil an 8 foot
Bronze Statue of Satan in Detroit in a few days.

(((Please pray that those doing this immediately become
violently sick for life)))

The event will be attended by all who pay $25 and they should be
ready for a night of: "Chaos, Noise and Debauchery as they
Dance With The Devil."

The statue was planned for the Oklahoma City but after the
Oklahoma Supreme Court banned the Ten Commandments from
being displayed on their Capitol Grounds they changed the
location to Detroit - Governor Perv Snyder's State of Michigan.

The Governor Perv Snyder of Michigan has no comment.

Is is any wonder America is about to be destroyed?

The Satanic Temple is set to unveil its Baphomet monument in
Detroit. (Credit: The Satanic Temple/Facebook)

Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit During
‘Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History’ « CBS Detroit



The Satanic Temple is set to unveil its Baphomet monument in Detroit. (Credit: The Satanic Temple/Facebook)
The Satanic Temple is set to unveil its Baphomet monument in Detroit. (Credit: The Satanic Temple/Facebook)
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

                                            WHY DETROIT?
                                            WHO MAKES THESE DECISIONS?