Friday, February 11, 2011


INTEL 2/11 10:00 am
WARNING - Discernment advised.


Now appears that this roller coaster ride is coming to an end.
I wish to thank several of my ‘Cleaning Ladies’ surfacing and saying what they know on the GET Conference Calls. Contact 2 is a good friend and a confident. He is a patriot of the highest character and integrity.  This is an example of the Real Intel which Our LORD has blessed me with connecting to.
I have been having continuous intel conference calls from all over the world thanks to Skype. I have been extremely busy lately and fully focused to get her done.
Also would like to thank Poofness and his efforts over the years. We all realize that he is but a messenger and like myself get bum info from time to time. But he is a good soul and that is what counts.
Per Intel gathering towards I am headed towards my personal goal of reaching the prosperity programs distribution and the republic announcement.
I will be shortly stepping off this roller coaster and moving on to the OP COMPASSION, OP PROJECTS and OP JUSTICE Operations.
Not leaving yet as a few twists and turns are still left in the last run to to the station – but we are getting there. I hate roller coasters!

I have received several reports of confirmed deliveries of the program envelopes. Stop and Go, Stop and Go, Stop and Go! Still to volatile and dangerous to reveal the details.
Trustees have been compromised by the Dark Cabal and being weeded out as discovered. White Knights are doing a super job!
I have been informed that there are 23000 envelopes in the Omega Program alone. 87,000 total for North America in over 60 programs.
All should be done by now per the Chinese directions. IF NOT – The Trustees who were appointed by Bush are directly accountable! They are the only ones authorized to stop it now!
Trustees were called into Richmond VA BOA this morning for the status reviews after deliveries. Waiting to hear the news.
 The Chinese have what we use to have – determination!

CMKX Program
E/R Economic Receipt (Or Release Of Funds) to follow the deliveries of the envelopes per protocol.  Cottrell was funded and the amounts are showing up on their computer screens – and he is only awaiting a phone call for access to these funds.
Government and the private Federal Reserve bank has been continuously lying to the CMKX shareholders and should also be held accountable.

Was hearing R/V Announcement and cash-in this morning. The question remains which morning? The only possible blockage now are due to the actions of the private federal reserve bank and there dark cabal operatives. Remember -- PP deliveries first and then Dinar RV (Revalue).
The Forex which contains currencies world wide valuations has the dinar Frozen for the last 5 days. The guideline was max 24 hrs hold which has been violated by the private Federal Reserve bank and it’s operatives.

It can STILL AGAIN be confirmed by Tim Turner’s response (or lack thereof) that
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Military Support
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Financial Support
Tim Turner – PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
His team says the presentation of the Independence video before the Super Bowl was proof of the military support of the republic. On this I agree. But then TT supporters claim that it also shows that the military supports TT.
My response is Nonsense. There was NO connection neither defined nor implied for support to TT in that presentation.
Per TT’s claim of Financial Support – the only support on record is from an Asian who is rumored under arrest for financial misdeeds. TT support from the Mormons has also evaporated.
And also a certain Central American law firm actively supported TT is rumored to be money launderer for a certain alphabet agency involved in drug running.
To repeat again – I support the REPUBLIC of the people which has already been established by the military and recognized by the World Court. The Republics and there governors are in control for the future.

John MacHaffie – HIS humble servant

Dinar Intel

Dinar Update News - Thursday

[LDC CORP] Stylen Posted Today, 03c:05 pm butch asked me to post this for him if you will remember from last week butch has a brother who is ex-military for over 20 years and his banker gave him some great info about the rv of the iraqi dinar. That the bank rate would be 5+ and cbi 6+ well butch's brother called and said he was told iraq signed off on the rv and the us and several other countries but that there were 3 that had not yet, russia/france and possibly china? If they could get this wrapped up we are within a 72 hour window to see the rv, if not it would get pushed to next week they are looking good for the next couple of days butcch went back and the banker is standing firm on the rate $5+ on the bank side and $6+ on the cbi side please be kind to this person who just wants to pass along what was shared with him




Hello,  My  name  Is  Krystael Lynn.  I  live  in  Langley. B.C.  Canada.  I   belong  to  many  Real  News  Sources , Websites, Blogs  and  a  huge  personal  email  list  of  people  from  all  over  the  world  who  report  the  Truth  and  do  not  cover  up  the  truth.  I  am  sending  you  this  report  that  I  recieved  today  from  one  of  those  Sources.  Please  cover  this  story.  Your  TV  Station  reports  the  truth  more  than  any  other  mass  media.  I  Highly  respect  you  for  this.  When  you  did  a  show  on  the  911  cover up  , I  believe  It  was  year  or  two  ago,  I  taped  it  onto  my  VCR  and  then  taped  It  onto  my  cassette  recorder.  I  go  on  world  wide  conferance  Calls  With  people  all  over  the  world  to  discuss  this  kind  of  news  and  I  played  the  entire  recording  of  your  show  Over  the  phone  for  all  to  hear.  The  people  on  the  call  were  Overjoyed  that  there  is  one  TV  Station  who  Is  Waking  people  up  to  the  truth.  The  Mass  Media  has  been  hiding  the  truth  from  the  public  for  years.  You  are  Greatly  Loved  and  Respected  for  your  honesty  and  Courage  by  many  people  around  the  world.
Many  are  asking  me  to  contact  you  to  ask  you  If  there's  some  way  that  they  can  watch  your  news  Programs  on  the  Internet,  like  maybe  You Tube ?  If  they  are  from  out  of  country,  they  cannot  access  your, Website.  Hope  that  you  can  do  something  about  this ? 

As  for  the  Chemtrail  situation,  I  have  many  video's  and  still  pictures  that  I  took  in  Langley,  Surrey  and,  Kelowna. B.C.  that  I  can  supply  you  with.  Unbeleavable  video's  of  huge  thick  low  chemtrails  over  these  Area's  which  are  pouring  poisons  and  toxins  such  as  mercury,  aluminum,  barrium  and  other  dangerous  Chemicals  into  our  air,  water  and  fruits  and  vegtables  and  soil.  Causing  cancer,  respiratory  problems  and  Other  serious  diseases  and  death  to  many *   I  have  had  friends  die  from  being  posoned  by  them.  If  you  want  these  Video's/ Pictures,  Please  contact  me  at  - 604 - 510 - 1053  anytime  after  12:00  Noon.
I  an  usually  up  till  5:00 Am  so  get  some  sleep  in  the  morning  hours.  You  can  also  call  me  anytime  in  the  Evening *  Thank  you *  Sincerly,  Krystael  Lynn

Breaking  News, Please  send  any  pictures/ video's  that  you  have  of  Chemtrails  to  these  News  Stations  as  Soon  as   possible.  I  have  lots  of  pictures  and  video's  of  Chemtrails  that  have  been  sprayed  In  B.C.  Canada  that   I  am  sending  them *  This  Is  what  we  have  been  praying  for  to  get  the  news  out  about  this.  Please  Get  Involved  so  we  can  expose  this  and  have  It  stopped  now *  All  the  contact  numbers  are  inside  This  link *Love  &  Light,  Krystael

Lindsey Williams broadcast at 3:00 pm Friday

Submitted by RW - Thanks

Greetings all,

Important announcement

Lindsey Williams, Lecturer and Author of the book "The Energy Non-crisis" will be a special guest on the Truth & Freedom internet radio broadcast on Friday, February 11 at 3:00 pm EST.

You can access and listen to this show live on the internet by going to:  and clicking on the Truth and Freedom Show, hosted by Bruce & Maryanne Curtis. The show will be recorded and archived, and will be available at the same location by clicking on "Archives".  I understand the show will focus primarily on Lindsey Williams economic forecasts for the next six to nine months for the US, including devaluation of the USD, the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar currency and the escalation of the price of oil as a result of attempted Illuminati manipulation.

For those not familiar with Lindsey Williams, I urge you to review a recent lecture he gave to an international forum by going to:

He was a prior guest on the Truth and Freedom show on August 27, 2010 (see info pasted below), and that show is still available in the archives, as well as many other prior shows that will provide stimulating information useful to open-minded individuals.

That will help you understand the importance of the information that he will share with you tomorrow.
He has been a past guest of George Noory's on Coast to Coast AM and Alex Jones on Prison as well as many other national shows.

Hope you can listen to the live broadcast of the show !!

 ====V============   archived show  ===========V=

Truth and Freedom - 08/27/10

DateAugust 27, 2010
Download this episode (right click and save)
“The plan for the global elite from now through 2012” with Lindsay Williams
Lindsay discusses the secret plans of the global elite for the coming years until 2012 including their plans for energy, the stock market, global currency changes, and war with Iran. What Rev. Williams shares will take place without question, apart from the possibility of divine intervention.
Lindsey Williams, an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Trans-Alaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline. With the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to inside information on plans of the global elite. You may call for more information at 888-799-6111 or visit


Rumormill News
Posted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Friday, 11-Feb-2011 07:07:04
DEEP BLACK LIES has written on these issues of "HAMMER" for years
More on "HAMMER"
The Church Of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints ( Mormon Church - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA ) gold transaction notes ( for a period of 6-months during 1985 ) claimed by Daniel V. Hughes Jr. (aka) Daniel Hughes who was mentioned by Earle Cocke during his 2000 sworn testimony deposition ( see 5-pages selected from many pages of transcripts - further below ) identifying, amongst much more, Hughes' uncle, a New Jersey resident Congressman believed to have held - in his residence safe - copies of multiple foreign bank wire transfers involving 'billion dollar single transfers' between multiple international business companies documented amongst other secret documents submitted before United States Senate Hearings surrounding the Iran - Contra affair that reviewed these and other foreign financial institution wire transfer records claimed forensically reviewed by Leo Emil Wanta, a believed 'former underworld information asset' believed relied upon by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) for more.
Documents ( further below ) reveal, amongst other things, mentions of Gary Patterson Esq. ( believed U.S. lawyer ) and Jerry Pyers ( believed collateral trader ) involved in transactional handlings of World War II gold bullion transfers naming CITI BANK N.A. ( New York, New York, USA ), UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND ( UBS AG ), and more. READ MORE AT SOURCE:
At this time these PRIME BANK GURANTEES/Notes/DERIVATIVES are all coming due.. they cannot pay out, nor will they pay out.. they cannot show Lawful "source" of Collateral.. or "Good, Clean, Clear Marketable Funds".. for this MONEY LAUNDERING by the US Fed. R./Dept. of Agriculture abuse of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE 'U.S. Dollar' policy as prescribed and mandated in Gold and Silver for Payment of Debts see: Article 1. Sec. 10 of the Constitution for/of the united States.
THINK ABOUT what is being said in these two profound statements from The Guardian UK.
"What for a poor man is a crust, for a rich man is a securitized asset class." -Futures trader Ann Berg, quoted in The Guardian UK.

It's not just bad harvests and climate change – it's also speculators that are behind record prices. And it's the planet's poorest who pay
Lets take a little walk down 'history's lane' for a bit.. this gets slimy, sleezy and very dirty as: 80000 LOBBYIST PAY YOUR U.S. REPS. TO SELL YOU AND YOUR ... The before mentioned is given its 'alleged' power by those 80000 Lobbyist and we discover Reportedly over 80000 Lobbyist associated with this Tias 12087 camp on the steps of U.S. HOUSE MEMBERS "buying laws". ...
Lets walk back in time a bit..
President JOHN F. KENNEDY issued Ex. Ord. 11109.. Ordering the US House of Representatives to re-open the House of Un-American Activities Investigative Branch and investigate all members back to 1947. JFK was intent on getting to the bottom of which House Members sold the Nation out under the 1947 BRETON WOODS AGREEMENT-IMF-GATT which had been drafted by THE KEYNESIANS and signed before the ink was dry on WWII surrenders?
The CFR and their control over US Presidents since Harry S. Truman’s day worried the hell out of both Jack and Bobby Kennedy.
The CFR, PSB aka OCB aka "The Special Group" (For background See: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD aka THE OPERATIONS COORDINATION BOARD aka THE SPEciaLGROUP at )and the power over US Administrative and Legislative Bodies had worried JFK and RFK for many years.. Both were like dogs worrying a bone.. Both men knew THE U.S. of A. had been sold out and We, the People, our homes, our farms, our jobs, our industry, our manufacturing had been made the supporters of the IMF GATT via the BRETON WOODS AGREEMENT of 1945-47 and both men questioned "How can this be if we won the War?"
[note: CFR involvement: see: ]

Both JFK and RFK were fully aware of FDR's association with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and the frequent visits the Duke and Duchess made to the Roosevelt’s Hyde Park residence.
Both JFK and RFK were fully aware of the Duke and Duchess's friendship with Adolph Hitler and knew of the messages being carried to and fro resulting from these 'visits' with Diplomatic Immunity.
Equally; Both JFK and his brother RFK were fully aware of their own father's friendship with Adolph Hitler.. See: CFR involvement with ADOLPH HITLER at .

Both knew there was a deeper undercurrent than that which was being made public and both men were fully aware No President ever wrote or signed an Executive Order establishing the Special Group. No President had a way of abolishing the Special Group. The Special Group was not established by Executive Order, it established its-self. This was no accident. This was illegal. When Kennedy killed the Operations Coordinating Board, the Special Group operated as normal without the designated Presidential representative.
Both knew WINSTON CHURCHILL had stood before the UK Parliament attempting to gain England’s support for JOE STALIN’S 'RUSSIA'..and said:
"There is no greater proponent of Communism than I myself."

1973. The Group formally set up their global base of operations as THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, 58 E. 68th Street, NY, NY, 10021.
Equally; JFK, Jr. known affectionately to all Americans as JOHN JOHN was aware also, and was preparing to expose the entire matter. He was murdered also. A witness to the CFR and WH decision to murder JOHN JOHN KENNEDY can be found at TOM FLOCCOS site .
(This should make every American Sick to his/her stomach and ASHAMED!)

JOHN F. KENNEDY further issued Ex. Ord. 11110. He intended for the Nation to go back on the Gold and Silver standards under TREASURY, and get rid of the Fed. R. Banking.
by tenavision.

Along comes the Bay of Pigs... The man the CIA put in power in CUBA suddenly was 'not the good guy'..something was wrong with him; He kicked out the Meyer Lanski Las Vegas Operation out of CUBA, and the US of A quit supporting Mr. Castro.
This left the door open for CHINA & RUSSIA to move in on what was formerly protected by THE MONROE DOCTRINE.
This sort of stirred up a 'sleeping hornets nest'.. South of our Borders. As the French slugged it out in Viet Nam and Cambodia..somehow..the U.S. Was 'suckered in' to that war also. JFK wanted, if necessary "a quick exit" from the Nam-Cambodia exercise.
THE SALT DOMES came into play..that meant "OIL" in Cambodia and Nam.
1967 the PHOENIX PROGRAM comes into play with precise ways to destroy the Banking, Financing and Infra-structure-Economics of the Far East, Cambodia, Nam etc. You can study the documents provided by Douglas Valentine at THE MEMORY HOLE at
and .

Read more:
The 'scuttle-butt' going around.. The US House and Senate [Corporate] intend to pass The Patriot Act again..
By the end of this week, everyone in the U.S. House needs to know they will have to answer for trampling on the Fourth Amendment if they vote to throw your civil liberties out the window because it's supposedly the "politically popular" thing to do.

Just exactly what is THE PATRIOT ACT? This so called "Patriot Act" is used the same way The Chicago Mob of Big Al Capone, and the New York Mobs terrorized this nation years ago.. Robbing, Stealing, Killing.. The 'Mob Operation' just moved into the Executive Branch, Office of the President, US House and Senate, Judges, Law Enforcement and on down to our State Levels of Branch's of Govt. The PATRIOT ACT made it 'legal'... Not LAWFUL.. but 'legal.' And there is a difference.
What do you know about Accepting Bribe Money while in Office of Public Trust? Lets go back to the Nixon Adm. [snip]:
Spiro Theodore Agnew (Greek: Σπύρος Θεόδωρος Άγκνιου, Spiros Theódoros Agkniou) (pronounced /ˈspɪroʊ ˈæɡnuː/; November 9, 1918 – September 17, 1996) was the 39th Vice President of the United States, serving under President Richard Nixon, and the 55th Governor of Maryland. He was also the first Greek American to hold these offices.
During his fifth year as Vice President, in the late summer of 1973, Agnew was under investigation by the United States Attorney's office in Baltimore, Maryland, on charges of extortion, tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy. In October, he was formally charged with having accepted bribes totaling more than $100,000, while holding office as Baltimore County Executive, Governor of Maryland, and Vice President of the United States. On October 10, 1973, Agnew was allowed to plead no contest to a single charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, with the condition that he resign the office of Vice President. read more at source
This MONEY LAUNDERING and Corruption in U.S. Public Offices did not start 'yesterday'.. or did you think it did?!
snip: BCCI-founder Abedi to Bert Lance, Carter's Director of the Office of Management and Budget, whom Stephens had met through Jimmy Carter, his old roommate from Naval Academy days. (Lance and Stephens, two Southern Baptists, had hit it off.) Lance ... knew the people at Financial General, for it was Financial General that had sold to Lance controlling interest in the National Bank of Georgia in 1975.
Jackson Stephens’ Stephens Group financially staked Sam Walton when he started Wal-Mart in 1970. Stephens ... financed Tyson Foods to become the agribusiness global giant it is today. Jon Jacoby, as senior executive of the Stephens Group, had arranged the 1970 Wal-Mart deal. Jon E.M. Jacoby and Jackson Stephens went way back.
That name, Jackson Stephens... connects with the Clintons of Arkansas. Another nexus linking the Bush Family of Connecticut with the Clintons of Arkansas is the Lafarge connection. Lafarge is a French industrial company specialising in cement, concrete, and gypsum wallboard. (Wikipedia, Dec. 19, 2007) In the early 1990s, Hillary Clinton was paid over $30,000 per year by Lafarge. ("What You May Not Know About Hillary Clinton," Washington Post, Dec. 9, 2007, p. A23). And a "substantial owner" of Lafarge was George H.W.
BCCI and Jackson Stephens, chairman of the Stephens Group of Arkansas were well known to one another. Stephens Group board member, Jon E.M. Jacoby, today Chairman of Delta & Pine Land, and still a Vice Director of The Stephens Group, was a very senior, trusted member of the Stephens’ inside circle for more than 35 years.
Besides financial brokering, Stephens ... excels as a power broker. For decades, he and his brother Witt, who together built the family's investment empire, were recognized as kingmakers in Arkansas politics, and the most powerful members of the state's oligopoly of corporate interests. According to The American Spectator, Orval Faubus, Arkansas' segregationist governor in the '50s and '60s, remembered the two as the state's "most powerful single political force."
One witness identified John Wesley Ragin and Travis Williams as having been at the scene of the crimes along with Stephens and four conspirators. The four conspirators pleaded guilty the day Stephens went to trial and were sentenced to 18 months in prison.
Source: read more at source:
THE MOB PRESIDENT The Mob Helped Clinton get Started In Politics. It is Now Helping Him Escape the Law

Among the "legitimate corporations" that noticed the possibilities with the rapidly ascending governor thirsting for power and money were front corporations for the intelligence services of the People's Republic of China. The Lippo empire came to Arkansas that year.
By then, Bill Clinton's ties to organized crime had become well- known. His half-brother Roger Clinton was convicted of cocaine distribution in association with Mob figure and Clinton money man Dan Lasater.
In the years that followed, Arkansas became a major cocaine trans-shipment point for the Mafia, crossing paths with the famous CIA Contra resupply operation at Mena.
Bill Clinton had found a most successful formula in U.S. politics: financial backing from a coalition of organized crime and hostile foreign governments.
So successful was this formula, that in 1992 Bill Clinton used it to reach the highest office, the office of the U.S. Presidency. In return for large campaign donations, the crime families would be represented in the Clinton administration. The New York Mob paid $56 million [1] and won the slot of Deputy Chief of Staff for its lawyer Harold Ickes. The Dixie Mafia paid an undisclosed amount and obtained slots for Patsy Thomasson and Buddy Young. The Chicago political machine sent Rahm Emanuel and David Wilhelm.
Harold Ickes proved his value to the Mob when he held his hand over Mob puppets Arthur Coia and Ron Carey who were under separate RICO investigations by the Justice Department. Patsy Thomasson, in charge of White House drug testing policy, saw to it that criminal figures on the White House staff would not be bothered about past and current drug use.
The People's Republic of China, in return for at least a $3 million loan through Worthen Bank, won a slot for its spy John Huang at the Commerce Department. Later followed access to advanced U.S. military technology, access to the Long Beach Naval Base, MFN trade status, and more campaign contributions.
Back in 1993 there was an ONI/USCG/UST investigation involving money laundering and drug running out of MENA ARKANSAS. The investigation discovered Vince Foster and a 'considerable amount of money' being taken to Switzerland for then president Clintons accounts. The Money was put back into Treasury, Lead investigating agent was sprayed with what was believed to be Serine as he mowed his lawn. He became ill. Refused to go into the hospital. Finally he relented because his wife was being threatened.. He went into the hospital, was kidnapped and tortured by those attempting to force him to 'sign off' and 'sign over' property he did not own.
Mid July 1994.. We were threatened when we refused Hillary Clinton's 'agents' which Hillary Clinton sent her representatives for her pet project and "Underwriting of the National Health Care Scheme."
The before mentioned kidnapping resulted in his ultimate Murder .. See:
There are laws in place regarding Kidnapping. See: TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 55 > § 1201
When the individual returned home from the Kidnapping, Rape and Torture episode.. the individual called the FBI talked to the Agent in Charge.. in Swansea Illinois, told the Agent about the kidnapping incident. The FBI responded: "It is unfortunate you were kidnapped and taken acorss state lines. It is unfortunate the situation is as you have explained. However; In "Your Instance" we cannot investigate. All our allocated funds have been depleated setting up our offices in Moscow."
Now! THATS TERRORISM! Terrorism is rampant due to over 80,000 Lobbyist 'BUYING OFF US HOUSE AND SENATE MEMBERS' to write laws which are in CONFLICT with the LAW OF THE LAND and the 'protection' of WE THE PEOPLE against ACTS NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH LAW which is allowed when memorandums such as DOJ Jamie Gorelick can put out a "DO NOT INVESTIGATE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY" such as this