Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Glorious New Day - An Inspired Message For All

Submitted to me on Skype this morning by S - Thanks kindly - VERY APPROPRIATE NOW!

A Glorious New Day

I started writing what was coming thru my heart. Heaven speaks in whispers. 

Thank you and praise you God! Hallelujah!

Love and light dear ones, I come to you this day to celebrate with you the changes occurring all around you. Keep your eyes on the positive and miraculous events that are all around you and the chaos of the old ways dismantling will not affect you. 

You are divine children of the almighty and benevolent creator of this universe. You are victorious in this time already as it has been set up and decreed by GOD for your assured victory over the darkness and the duality that you have incarnated in to experience. All players in this have been living out their karmic roles as each of you has also. You have each had old negative emotional issues to clear and the energies Creator is sending earth now thru the astronomical energetic. 

You have all the energies of love and grace upon you to assist you in every way to stand strong, to move forward, to live totally thru love and and light and grace. Know dear ones you are entering into the hard labor o of mother earth and she has great changes to do yet. We are here by decree of heaven to assist you and earth thru this and although some souls have already chosen to leave during this time many many more souls have incarnated now for just this time and the experience of this magnificent  time in your galactic history. 

Yes dear ones, this is not just about the victory over darkness on earth but in heaven as well. As above, so below and so it is. The battles in heaven are now at peace and so it is too on earth for the battle was raging for for your souls and your planet.  

 As the last of the dark cabal’s game gets cleared from the scene do not dismay. See it as cleaning house and taking out the garbage. When you do this in your own house do you cry out in fear when you sweep the floor wondering how life will go on without the dust? Do you tremble with uncertainty when you wash the dishes and the filth goes down the drain? Exactly. Become more aware of what it is in your life, your reality, that you identify yourself with. All that does not serve you will no longer remain, it simply cannot.  Earth and all in your solar system are moving into a higher dimensional frequency range and that which does not vibrate at that level simply cannot remain stable, or materialized. To phrase it in a precisely concise, it can no longer matter. (Materialize or become manifested in the new frequencies) Take notice all that you may still cling to or identify with in the material world. 

You are my children dear blessed ones and I have for you the most amazing journey of journeys just ahead.  You have nothing to fear and it is important you take that to heart and mind it. It is fear itself that keeps you from my blessings and fulfilling your dreams and being at peace with self and others. Fear cannot exist in the near future and those that cling to it cling to the old ways and if that is the choice then that is what the soul creates and many souls still have experiences in which to learn from. There is so much that is just only beginning to come clear to you and all shall be revealed. The truth of your existence and of earth's and of your own galactic history will be known to you again. You have only to remember and as the frequency veil is shifted all that was hidden will be seen as it has been right in front of you all along.

 I encourage you to let go of preconceive notions and ideas of what you think of leaders and countries and ideologies. All has not been as you have been told for you have been manipulated for decades.
Beginning next month with the spring equinox the energies of unity and love will increase exponentially on earth and each of you are feeling these shifts already. Ponder your own feelings over the past few days and weeks. What have you noticed in yourself and others? Listen again or anew to what you are hearing on our media networks. The tide is changing at last and the talking heads that have been controlled via money now have more freedom to tell the truth instead of the lie.

Events that mark major moments in your reality have occurred in ever increasing frequency and I tell you now that these moments will continue to come in increasing succession. It will make your head spin if our do not stay focused on the promises I have given you. Allow the events to happen, allow the dishes to be washed and allow the scum to clear away. This is taking place on every level from within your own heart and mind, to your local communities to world governments. 

This is a time of rejoicing and celebrations my beloveds as your redemption is upon you now.

Dinar Intel Update

Submitted by Dick - Thanks

[athena] Hello all
[athena] did you all notice that Mubarak supposedly stepped down today, well he did not, he was forced out by the military for a reason
[athena] i knew last night he was going to be gone, fox gave a small hint that their may have been a coup
[athena] The people of Egypt were told that the vice president was to take over, this did not work, so the military had to take over and to keep the peace and keep the people happy with the military they moved him out and they pass out food
[athena] worked great, the military is happy and so are the people
[athena] now we go to Megan Kelly on Fox saying that the King of Saudia Arabia had a call with Obama and was given a ear full, yes he was and I was also told this last night
[athena] The rv was delayed because they had to get mubarak out as Egypt holds lots of dinar, govt, and they did not want these to fall in to the hands of Muslim brotherhood, Iran
[athena] Mubarak accounts Swiss froze also, he is moved to his summer home in a resort and being guarded also confirmed on fox news
[athena] 70 billion
[athena] the rate was to go live on Thursday but we had this delay because of Egypt problem
[athena] also there was a delay with the transmission of the signal as you have heard, you have to understand that this has to go live to all
the world in a instant or a country can be wiped out or someone can make a fortune by the lag time
[athena] the problem with the programming has been corrected as of this morning
[athena] It was a 3 step plan to implament the rv, first step shows up on bank screens a couple months ago, swift codes, back screens etc
[athena] second step was it showing on Forex a few weeks ago, shows a managed float
[athena] third and final step is in play now, we heard the signal went out and their was a problem which is fixed, now we wait for the live signal to come out and we have the rv
[athena] so sit back and relax as all is done now
[athena] My source was correct as all I was told has been 100% true
[athena] It showed up on Fox News just as I was told, listen to the small things said not the long explanation they want you too believe
[athena] I have more but am not able to share yet, but you all know we are here now, any minute it can show 


[OKIE_OIL_MAN] M will be replaced by allawai and he will form his own gov within 48 hours [OKIE_OIL_MAN] the iraq gov will handle its own problems without un intervention--they are soverign [OKIE_OIL_MAN] i will leave the country and go over there and kick their you know what [OKIE_OIL_MAN] he is forced this time--its called job security [OKIE_OIL_MAN] i talk with athena daily and his intel is impeccable--proven fact [OKIE_OIL_MAN] 2 trillion now frozen in switzerland--yes it had an effect [OKIE_OIL_MAN] hi tom--no next--done now [cameron1432] question: listening to [lilrayboutte] They said two days ago lady called in and they flipped the switch, but the Antenna didnt work [skysthelimit] thats the PD call she is talkin about [cameron1432] Now they are saying servers don't work [OKIE_OIL_MAN] thats right they did have a glitch--solved same day-- [cameron1432] Now they are pinging again [OKIE_OIL_MAN] ask them--alreadly done--what don't you understand--expound on your statement [kaycee] TamRon400 he was [kaycee] TamRon400 don't believe everything you read [OKIE_OIL_MAN] it is done--period [OKIE_OIL_MAN] france always stick their nose in international affairs and has no effect on iraq or the r/v [cameron1432] Question: wants to know - works offshore in Mexico, Can he pack his bags and come home [OKIE_OIL_MAN] PACK [OKIE_OIL_MAN] today is the day before d-day [cameron1432] OKIE_OIL_MAN THank you so much [cameron1432] Question: would he consider being his Godfather? [dallas] he is our Godfather [OKIE_OIL_MAN] i want to be adopted also by a rich old old old sick rich ole lady [cameron1432] Question: Wants to know Sunday morning or evening [OKIE_OIL_MAN] hi bill--sunday late afternoon probably [ameron1432] They are saying Maliki is under orders to pull the trigger or he looses his job [OKIE_OIL_MAN] he has no choice at this time---that is right [cameron1432] Question: Can okie comment on news about protests in Iraq? [OKIE_OIL_MAN] area code 907--protests are increasing--pressure makes r/v more immenent [OKIE_OIL_MAN] no need for further calls--all is settled and done--redundant question [OKIE_OIL_MAN] 435-no new vote--the new gov under allawai will take effect in 48 hours after maliki gone [OKIE_OIL_MAN] good scenario---papers concluded yesterday with imf--budget passed--watch tomorrow not tuesday [OKIE_OIL_MAN] riots has expedited r/v [OKIE_OIL_MAN] enjoyed guys--god bless you all and godspeed the r/v--bbl be a tri-fecta announcement.

[buckwheat] 4:20 PM PST Feb 12
[poppy2] Ok here is my latest the contact from TX called last night and stated Rev Dan we got this thing whipped Sunday. We should hear the rate and the announcement and by no later than Tuesday it should be activated and ready for our cash in process to start That's it guys and he has never been wrong POPPY2

[buckwheat] From PD - DonnieR - Hey Eagle - Thank you for Confirming! I'm now waiting on confirming some very exciting news we've just received in the last hour. If i can confirm from one of my CEO's contacts in Iraq, none of us are going to sleep tonight! As soon as I hear back that this intel is confirmed, I will post again tonight. Pray for the Iraqi people this is finally over! Donnie

[CAGEtrucker] well my intel is saying by monday

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mubarak ousted by popular people-power

Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Egypt intifada morphs into peaceful revolution. Soft military coup does not run to Western cabal's preferred script. American-sponsored fake pharaoh Mubarak ousted by popular people-power.
On Friday 11th February 2011, the CIA & Mossad agent Omar Suleiman (74), Egypt's famous-for-fifteen-minutes unelected vice-president, made a people-forced announcement. America's bought-and-paid-for Egyptian dictator, Hosni Mubarak (82), had resigned as the President of Egypt and had handed over power to the Egyptian army. A junta of geriatric farts, called the Higher Council of the Armed Forces, had taken over management of US Torture-Central in the Middle East.

The Egyptian defence minister, Field Marshal
Mohammed Hussein Tantawi (75), a staunch Mubarak loyalist, had been appointed head of the ruling military council. Problem: Tantawi was not on the Washington DC slushfund list.

According to the BBC, at around 1719 GMT on the 11th February 2011, the Swiss foreign ministry announced that the Swiss government was freezing "potential Mubarak assets" in Switzerland. The BBC and the Western mainstream media (example
here) did not mention that funds worth an estimated $900 trillion were involved. The corporate media were also discreet on another point. Most of those frozen Swiss funds, although Egypt and Mubarak-linked in certain respects, belonged to major élite officials and politicians in the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Some say that the beginning of The Egyptian Revolution can be dated back to a night in the summer of 2010. At 11.30pm on Sunday 6th June, twenty eight year-old
Khaled Said was beaten to death by Hosni Mubarak's police outside an internet café in Cleopatra, Alexandria. The seething public resentment which germinated and grew from that moment achieved its final manifestation eight months later in Cairo and Switzerland. No significant figure in Washington or the Middle East was left untouched.

Shooting Advice

  Submitted by P - Thanks
Shooting advice by Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch, is a drill instructor (Thunder Ranch is a firearms training facility in Arizona). Here are a few of his observation on tactics, firearms, self defense and life as we know it in the civilized world.
Never let someone or thing that threatens you get inside arms length and never say I got a gun.  If you feel you need to use deadly force for heaven’s sake let the first sound they hear be the safety clicking off and they shouldn't have time to hear anything after that if you are doing your job.

The average response time of a 911 call is over 3 minutes....the response
 time of a .44 magnum is 1400 feet per second.'

The most important rule in a gunfight is:  "Always win and cheat
If necessary."

"Don't forget, incoming fire has the right of way."

"Make your  attacker advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it, cause it's going to be empty."

"If you're not  shootin', you should be loadin'.  If you're not loadin', you should be movin',  if you're not movin',  someone's gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick."

"When you reload in low light encounters, don't put your
Flashlight in your back pocket. If you light yourself up, you'll look like an angel or the tooth fairy and you're gonna be one of 'em pretty soon."

"Do something - It may be wrong, but do something."

"Shoot what's available, as long as it's available, until something else becomes available."

"If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the heck do you have to be paranoid about?"

"Don't shoot fast, unless you also shoot good."

"You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or use any other word you think will work, but I've found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much the universal language."

"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."

"You cannot save the planet but you may be able to save yourself and your family."

"Thunder Ranch will be here as long as you'll have us or until someone makes us go away, and either way, it will be

More Excellent  Gun Wisdom........

The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in
Defense.  The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.

1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to
Fight, he'll just kill you.

2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

3. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.

4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.

5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers.
The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45?' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.'

6. An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity.

7. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol.  Are you expecting trouble?' 'No ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle.'

8. Beware of the man who only has one gun, because he probably knows how to use it very well.

'The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.

'G. K. Chesterton

A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."
-  Thomas Jefferson

If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, please forward.

       "Life's tough... it's even tougher if you're stupid"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hear the Spirit of the Lord;

Hear the Spirit of the Lord;
     This year will be a time to dig deeper in order to experience the new that I have for you.  There will be rare and unique opportunities available to My children to advance the Kingdom.  It is paramount for you to be attentive, for there will be a blowing away of old issues.  Shackles and bonds will fall off, as you continue to meditate on My promises to you.  Decisions and choices that you make will change your course, so make sure that they are formed from My Word.   Holy Spirit will assist you to stay on My course, far from accusing tongues.  My favor will surround you and crown your year with a bountiful harvest, even the hard pathways will overflow in abundance.  This overflow is in various ways, it will affect the whole man.  All who will abide under My shadow, I will lavish My protection upon.
     I hear your voice as you cry out to Me in the night season, I Am your rescue and your deliverance.  I have chosen you and you are My special possession.  My love for you is passionate and strong, I will not let you down.  I will accomplish My will for you, it may seem impossible now, but there is nothing impossible to Me.  I say to you now, be strong and accomplish the work that I have given you to do.  I Am bringing everything together, for it is time, it is all working according to My plan.  Remain faithful to My plan, for a reward awaits all who run to obtain it.
Scripture References: Ephes.1:9-11; 2 Tim. 3:6-8



Yes, these are desperate times; rumors of wars, wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, financial ruins, sickness, and marriage break-ups. In the eyes of man hopelessness and despair is running rampant upon the earth. But, I am a God who is bigger than all the struggles of life; a God of love who cares for the birds of the fields.
Yes, I am a God who cares for you, and who sent My son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that you could be saved and redeemed. Jesus’ life on earth was a divine moment. His whole life is a divine moment that redeems sinners and sets the captives free, and He desires that none should perish. As do I, The Great God Jehovah!
Many like Noah have experienced Godly encounters; yes defining moments that have brought forth change because of the response to that divine encounter. This moment of great encounter with ME, demarcates the old from the new. A defining moment is when the old ceases to exist and the new bursts forth like the spring. A defining moment is when everything changes for the one who has the divine encounter with The One True, Holy and Living God. It is a moment of transformation and transition. The person may look the same on the outside. But after that moment very little is the same at all about them. Those who are sensitive and discerning will notice a tremendous difference in the person; in their moods, their demeanor, their character, their temperament, their perspective, and most of all their faith and their ability to wait upon Me to move out and to do what I want them to do. They will wait patiently until I give them specific instructions to move, or to speak or to act. They will wait upon Me all their days just as Noah waited; patiently, faithfully and obediently.
My wind is blowing, My Holy Spirit is moving and many of you shall receive a divine moment which will bring change. As you yield to Me and do not resist Me. Say “yes” to Me, instead of “no.” Some will raise their hands and be filled with My presence to overflowing. Many will have Godly encounters this year, which will be defining moments; a divine moment where you shall be endued with My power, authority and boldness.
You will have the same boldness that the three exhibited when they spoke to the earthly king, and did not fear the furnace, but trusted completely in Me. You will run with Holy Spirit fire. The trials, tests, struggles and desperate situations serve only to strengthen you and they will depart from you as My goal is achieved.
Things that used to trouble you will no longer bother you at all. You will be like battle wise warriors. Many things that trouble and upset the new warrior are of no concern to the older, wiser and more mature warrior. This is how you will become so that the troubles seem to just disappear. But they are not actually disappearing. The truth is you will have become so much stronger, wiser and experienced by what I have taught you, that the petty annoyances do not capture your attention, or distract your focus, or steal your peace anymore. You will only notice those things that truly represent a threat of some sort and you will very quickly and efficiently deal with them as I lead you to. Yes, indeed things are going to appear much different to you after this divine encounter with Me.
As a result of your divine moment with Me, your Lord. You will be over-comers; speaking forth My words of Life, and walking victoriously in Me ,your Lord. I am calling forth a people who will receive Me and be carriers of My greatness, and be releasers of MY Life. My desire is that none shall perish, but that all will have eternal life. My desire is that all would say “yes” to Me, and be willing to receive all of Me, and the fullness I have for them.
So arise and receive the divine moment. Receive Me and say, “Yes Lord, let the river of God flow through me touching lives for Your glory Lord!”

The Best is Yet to Come

Marianna, Florida
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Listening Ears

The Best is Yet to Come

February 11, 2011

The best is yet to come, beloved. 
Oh, yes, just as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,
the best is yet to come to My beloved.

Many of you are giving up on Me. 
You are saying that you are tired of the words that I am speaking about what is around the corner. 
You are saying that things in the world just look too bad and you cannot imagine anyone doing anything that will draw mankind into a meaningful relationship with the living God. 
Some of you are even giving up on your loved ones!

Stop it!  I say, stop it! 
Stop this faithless behavior. 
Stop this way of talking that is displeasing to your Lord. 
Don’t give up.
Don’t ever give up on Me. 
Nothing is too difficult for Me, nothing.

Be expectant.
Trust in Me and in My ability to move mountains on behalf of My loved ones.
Trust Me to present My best to this lost and dying generation. 
For I tell you, beloved, that the best is yet to come.
Oh, yes!
The best is coming from the hand of your God and it is surely just around the corner!