Saturday, August 27, 2011

GateKeepers - Anyone know anything about them?

We need your help on this one - Does anyone know anything about the GATEKEEPERS Organization? Please comment below or send me an email. She needs your help!

John MacHaffie


Dear John,

If this is all what I think it is, then the information MUST be made public. I will help with any information.

Unfortunately, we (my husband & I) need your intelligence assistance .

In April, we joined a network of supposedly high level folks, in order to have our mortgage foreclosure taken care of. To make a long story short, we were required to sign much documentation...none of which would have any bearing on present circumstance. I brought in a friend, who also paid the required dues of $15,000.00 cash money. My friend paid the same. We cashed in our gold to do this, my husband's pension. My friend cashed in his military payment for injuries sustained during the Viet Nam War.

I was ill when I joined and they know this, but I became close to actual death. Although we were NEVER told we MUST recruit, we are being told that we agreed to do so. They are saying (applicable to both me and my friend) that illness has no effect upon our commitment.We still must continue to recruit. They knew I joined because I was sick and unable to do the job myself. But that is not all, There is a host of other stupid and moronic issues that make no sense. They even told us that if ONE of our leaders leaves for any reason, anyone below them are we never paid $15,000.

I have a feeling this is a psyops operation from the start. They build you up and tear you down and then ask you to BEG for forgiveness by agreeing to whatever they said one did. Well. I have refused to go along and I have got myself in big trouble...yet not over any real issue. We have good reason to believe that the "leader" over me has also got into trouble. His home was saved nearly a year ago. Now suddenly the home will be sold to the Sheriff's sale.

Poof knows as I asked him his opinion. He said follow my gut.

I need to know something definite. I will not allow this to rest. We had many others wanting in, yet I put them off as I did not want others to be scammed.

Here is my question: being that you have connections to lots of Intel, do you know anyone who might be able to find out anything about this organization called GateKeepers? I am able to provide additional info, if necessary.Supposedly, the organization is world wide and has been around since the late thirties or early 40's. THERE IS NOTHING ON THE INTERNET. I have received information which pretty much assures me that if I am not careful, I might be please be careful.

My best to you and yours. I pray for you every day. I feel good that the IQD with revalue soon. Okie was not wrong.

With much fondness, I remain



Touching You

Subject: Touching You



Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.

I got to thinking one day about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back. From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.

How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?

How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television?

I cannot count the times I called my sister and said , 'How about going to lunch in a half hour?' She would gas up and stammer, 'I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain' And my personal favorite: 'It's Monday.' She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.

Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches.. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!

We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Steve toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.

Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of 'I'm going to,' 'I plan on,' and 'Someday, when things are settled down a bit.'

When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.

Now...go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to...not something on your SHOULD DO list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

Make sure you read this to the end; you will understand why I sent this to you.

Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask 'How are you?' Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? Ever told your child, 'We'll do it tomorrow.' And in your haste, not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die? Just call to say 'Hi'?

When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.

Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND including me if you consider me a friend. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.

To those I have sent this to... I cherish our friendship and appreciate all you do. We have some history together.

'Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!

"Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles that we don't have time to count our blessings."

Friday, August 26, 2011

Encountering The Unknown

Staten Island, NY

Encountering The Unknown

August 26, 2011

The Lord says, I have impregnated you with gifts but you have aborted them. I have placed callings on your lives but you have desserted them. Now is the time for you to step out of your comfort zones. Do not fear the unknown. Do not be afraid to step out into the uncharted waters. Do not fear the turbulent seas.

I have gifted you and I desire to release you into the ministry that has been assigned to you, but some of you are becoming weary and fearful along the journey. Don't let the battle weaken you and don't be discouraged by unexpected things that come your way. It is time for My army to rise up from their weariness and stir themselves up. I am looking for a body that is strong and courageous in battle. I am looking for one who will stand up in the face of adversity. Shake off all weakness and banish all fear.

Lay aside the weights of sin and cast off the burdens that are trying to weigh you down. I am looking for people who will run the race with endurance and stand strong when the winds and waves of adversity arise. I am looking for Gideon's Army to arise once again. I will take the weakest from among you and strengthen them above the norm. I am looking for David's mighty men and women of valor who have exceptional strength, who are fearless and dedicated to My Word to pursue, overtake and recover all.

Do not be afraid to step out. I am looking for those who will learn to tarry with Me and not be concerned with the cares of this world that are worthless and unfruitful. Refuse to be disappointed or discouraged. Trust Me to bring My promises to pass because I am with you and I will sustain you as a mighty warrior, says that Lord.

Matthew 14:28-33 And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!" And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.Then those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, "Truly You are the Son of God."

Hebrews 12:12-13 Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.

2 Timothy 1:6-7 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Know your Enemy

August 18, 2011

The Lord has been showing me for some time now how the enemy is trying to trap Christians, trip them up and entice them back into their old ways. It is imperative that we recognize satan's ungodly plots.

The Lord says it is time to regroup, readjust your focus, and reconsider your intentions. Take every thought in to obedience to My word so that you do not fall prey to satan's devices. Watch for the tricks of the enemy that try to pull you back in to the very thing that you have been delivered from. Allow Me to continue the work that I have began in you. I will never fail you.

Avoid temptation at all cost. Be as wise as a serpent, yet gentle as a dove when approached by those that try to throw you off course. Do not lose your footing as you are ascending to another level. Do not allow anything to derail you off the straight and narrow path into your future. Take heed to what you hear and consider the voices that are speaking into your life. Not every voice is speaking the truth.

It is time to let go of all disagreements that you may have had with other church members. Release those family members that you have had disagreement with. Do not get entangled in dissension and quarreling over issues that are meaningless. Avoid arrogant and hostile people.

Don't be moved by adverse circumstances but keep your eyes on things above. As trials develop in your life, stay strong. Don't allow calamities that arise overwhelm you but take control of your thoughts and use these adverse situations as an opportunity to strengthen yourself. Don't be mastered by fear and refuse to give in to anxiety when confronted with stressful situations.

As you place your focus straight ahead rather than what is happening around you, you will see things as a dove which does not have peripheral vision. Adjust your focus on what lies ahead and the plans that I have for you. Just as a horse with blinders on has restricted vision, keep your focus on your destination and I will surely meet you in this place and establish My plans for your life says the Lord.

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Colossians 3:1-3 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Subject: P.U.S.H. !!!

A man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly his room
filled with light, and God appeared.

The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a
large rock in front of his cabin.

The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with
all his might...

So, this the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from

sunup to sundown, his shoulders set squarely against the cold,
massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his might!

Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling

that his whole day had been spent in vain.

Since the man was showing discouragement, the Adversary (Satan)
decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the man's weary
mind. (He will do it every time!)

"You have been pushing against that rock for a long time and it hasn't

moved." Thus, he gave the man the impression that the task was
impossible and that he was a failure.

These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man.

Satan said, "Why kill yourself over this? Just put in your time, giving

just the minimum effort, and that will be good enough."

That's what the weary man planned to do, but decided to make it a

matter of prayer and to take his troubled thoughts to the Lord.

"Lord," he said, "I have labored long and hard in Your Service, putting

all my strength to do that which you have asked.

Yet, after all this time, I have not even budged that rock by half a
millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I failing?"

The Lord responded compassionately, "My friend, when I asked you

to serve Me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push
against the rock with all of your strength, which you have done.

Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it.
Your task was to push.

And now you come to Me with your strength spent, thinking that you
have failed. But, is that really so? Look at yourself.

Your arms are strong and muscled, your back shiny and brown;
your hands are callused from constant pressure, your legs have become
massive and hard. Through opposition you have grown much, and your
abilities now surpass that which you used to have. True, you haven't
moved the rock.

But your calling was to be obedient and to push and to exercise your

faith and trust in My wisdom.

That you have done. Now I, my friend, will move the rock.."

At times, when we hear a word from God, we tend to use our own

intellect to decipher what He wants, when actually what God wants
is just simple obedience and faith in Him.

By all means, exercise the faith that moves mountains, but know that

it is still God Who moves the mountains.

When everything seems to go wrong.................................Just P.U.S.H.

When the job gets you down...............................................Just P.U.S.H.

When people don't do as you think they should.................Just P.U.S.H.

When your money is "gone" and the bills are due..............Just P.U.S.H.

When people just don't understand you..............................Just P.U.S.H.

P = Pray
U = Until
S = Something
H = Happens

Pass this on to all your loved ones and friends who may need it,

they may get it just in time."

Though no one can go back and make a **brand new start**,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have

trouble remembering how to fly.

May God Abundantly Bless You.

May your day be a treasure bringing Increase and Plenty to your door.

This is Our hour to shine!



Today the Father has prompted me to go back and share several prophetic words that were foresights almost a year ago, and warnings for us. Now it is like looking at headlines 'spiritual' headlines of today This one was from November 19, 2010. Selah, pause and calmly think on it!

The Spirit of the Lord says:

There is a storm that is coming, and the winds that will accompany this storm will have diverse affects. For those who have stood on My Word and refuse to compromise my Word, this storm will be used to blow you back on course. Many who have slipped or taken missteps will be rectified by the power of the winds that will issue forth. For those who have been hardhearted and stiff necked and would not obey Me, they will find My Word harder to accept and understand. Yet, I will still keep calling you back and wooing you, for My tender mercies and My longsuffering are in pursuit of the backslider. I desire you to come back and be faithful, to the True Lover. You have spent endless hours and days trying to make yourself happy. By now you should know that I Am the only real Joy. The great deceiver has spent energy and time to try and make you believe the lie that your happiness depends on others and outward circumstances.

Many who seek My face on a daily basis know the season and can perceive in their inner selves that they must redeem the time. They are walking with purpose and pursuing My will and having no part with the deeds of darkness. Truth, My Truth has been distorted by heresies and teachings that are only half truths. I Am raising up those who have My heart and I will give to them My voice. They will move in a new arena of signs and wonders, that will shake up the 'religious' world, yet these signs will come to approve My Word that was spoken. There will come a divide, because the enemy has come in secretly and sown tares in My field. I have allowed the tares to grow together with My wheat, so as not to destroy My wheat. I Am the husbandman of My field and My garden, and I Am about to call for the reapers to separate the two.

Let your ears be attentive to My voice and your eyes open to the changes that I Am doing on the inside of you, My garden. I have raised you up to be able to bring a fresh aroma to a world that is wafting in the midst of the smell of degradation and sin. I have placed rare and unique fruits and plants in My garden, you are one of these. You are not like everyone, don't try to be either. Those who attend to My Word are consistently washed and kept pure from the storm of destruction. I will blow and their strong aroma of faith and love will begin to change their course. So stay rooted and grounded and you will be gently directed to the course that I place you on. The winds will be strong enough to shift you onto the right path if you have halted between two opinions. Those whose choice is to walk in the name of the Lord of Hosts, then I will assemble the lame, and all those that have been afflicted by choosing righteousness. I will make the lame a remnant, and the afflicted and those who were rejected, will become a strong nation. Even now I Am turning your captivity, and I bring you acclaim, acknowledgment, and distinction in every territory where there was shame. This is Our hour to shine!

Scripture References: S.O.S. 4:16; Mtt. 13:38-39; Ephes. 5:16-17

What does this word mean? Obama using Dhimmitude

Subject: What does this word mean?
Let me make your day. Just what do we have in the White House? God help us all if he gets re-elected and has four (more) years of unstoppable power.

What does this word mean?

Check Snopes and Google, but don't stop there; take the time to visit your Library.

Obama used it in the health care bill.

Now isn't this interesting? It is used in the health care law.

Dhimmitude -- I had never heard the word until now. Type it into Google and start reading. Pretty interesting. It's on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists. It is a REAL word.

Word of the Day: Dhimmitude

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.

ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States. Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.

How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.

I recommend sending this onto your contacts. American citizens need to know about it --


I realized after a very interesting discussion last night on a weekly call, regarding the code violations fight going on around the country that the people involved, indeed even the organized groups fighting this beast do not understand it's very insidious, planned and well orchestrated roots. This entire issue is a result of the International Property Maintenance Code located in the BELLY OF THE BEAST, AGENDA 21.

I don't think it is inaccurate to say that most if not all of the people suffering the attacks of the IPMC, have never even heard of Agenda 21, much less read it. It is my contention that you cannot conquer an enemy if you do not understand it's nature, it's intent and it's structure. To that end I have put together some links below in hopes that each of you will read the plan which is being implemented around the globe but specifically here in the United States as a direct result of G.W.H. Bush's declaration before the UN council on Sustainable Development in 1992 that the American People have SWORN THEIR ALLEGIANCE TO THE U.N.!!!!!

After watching these videos if you do not take the time to read this PLAN FOR GLOBAL DE POPULATION in order to usher in the twisted goal of a few thousand self appointed elite to rule, breed, control, kill and dominate the entire planet, you have no right to object to its contents or resist the actions of cock roaches disguised as human elected officials used to carry it out.




another source....

I will include some more links below this message, at least those that have not been whisked off the internet under the false claim of copyright infringement. Imagine that, they don't want you to understand the true nature of this initiative. I was not surprised to find that some of the best videos I had bookmarked on this subject have suddenly disappeared. Agenda 21 is;









Please folks there has never before in human history been a greater need for self education and awareness! The few thousand most twisted minds on the planet are now initiating the 21st century version of "Hitler's" FINAL SOLUTION. If we do not educate ourselves and stand en masse against this final move to dominate our world not only will most of us be dead probably fairly soon, but our children and grandchildren will likely either die with us or become forever herded, controlled, tortured and sold into an existence none of us would tolerate seeing perpetrated on a rabid dog! Our current Corporate Regime makes NAZI GERMANY look like a Grimm's Fairy Tale and perhaps the true identity of Bush Sr. explains why. While we are focused on the issues provided by mainstream media designed to hold our attention, our very world is being destroyed and once again America is key to the dark, sick and twisted plans of a few despicable excuses for human beings. ARE WE GOING TO ALLOW IT?

Nobody wins in this insidious plan. All those being used to implement it are expendable and indeed will meet the same fate as those they are targeting. The self appointed elite are an exclusive club and none of minority races, religious faith or high integrity and honor will be allowed to survive unless in total slavery and misery. Mr. Obama is sorely mistaken if he believes for a single moment they intend to include him in the end.

Agenda 21 has been building and infiltrating our lives without our awareness since Bush41 brought back and implemented his promise to the rest of the elite crew. Every president since has been heavily involved and have done their part to lay the groundwork for what we are now seeing; rogue government, police state enforcement, complete disregard for our Constitution, unlawful and illegal arrests and incarcerations, UN enforcement on our soil, wide open borders resulting in violent invasion of drug cartels and extremist Islamic groups, blatant theft of private property by courts and government just to name part of it.





H.A.A.R.P., Agenda 21 and Google's Role In The Sinister DNA Plan - Mature Content

Biodiversity" Map From U.N. Shows Plan For Depopulated U.S.-Agenda21