Monday, September 5, 2011

GFOL & Ashtar Command – Special Message (9-2-2011)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
GFOL & Ashtar Command – Special Message (9-2-2011)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 21:21:31

GFOL & Ashtar Command – Special Message (9-2-2011)
We of the Ashtar command bring you a special message. Dear ones you are at a time of great change. There are many factions who at this time take this opportunity to “hitch a ride” off of your empowerment, in turn and at the same time lowering your vibration and removing your focus from unity. Dear ones, now is no longer a moment of separation, instead it is a journey to oneness. The road may not be easy for many but rest assured however that progress is being made, the war dear ones was won long ago at the start of your millennium. We have been protecting your Earth for eons however it wasn’t until your new millennium that we were allowed to act. The lesson of duality had to be played out. It was a battle that involved many, many races. The battle was difficult but ended more peacefully then expected.
The rogue alliance (which involved more then the reptilians and grey race) was neutralized with the combined efforts of the archs [archangels], and various other benevolent inter-galactic alliances. A great council meeting was held on the first day of your new millennium, during which time the rogue alliances were notified that Earth was being surrounded by various command ships and protection fleets and they were informed that their contract with the Earth leaders was terminated and well as their access to this region of space.
As months and years of your time passed these rogue alliances became increasingly desperate. Their resources were depleted and their access to various other star system and planets continued to decrease. In time these rebel forces had no other choice but to join the forces of light, not all joined the command or federation, but all became part of the benevolent alliances. Upon their request to serve the light and other civilizations they were spiritually cleansed and healed, their frequency is now at 5D and higher, they have broken all ties to the negative energies that were consuming them and have moved past duality.
They are now under the direction of Christ/Sananda, El Moyra and other ascended masters who have been working with them to help them understand their past actions and the roles they played. This as you know dear ones was a lesson, a lesson they both learned and taught, the nature of duality and the return to unity and the construct of fear and how it affects consciousness. It is the lesson the people of your Earth have experienced for so long. But rejoice dear ones, as stated before, now is a time of rebirth. Not just for your planet but for all of creation including creation [source] itself.
What would be learned brothers and sisters by rejecting and shunning the teachers? without teachers there can be no students, and with out students there can be no teachers, and thus life becomes void. We can not remove or ignore what is an aspect of ourselves. Remember brothers and sisters, your master Christ walked with those of your world who were lost the most. He walked with the beggars and the women who were called prostitutes. Christ loved all people, and called them all to his table. All were welcomed to break bread with beloved Master Christ. Likewise, all are welcome to join our command and the side of their benevolent sisters and brothers. Should they refuse, they will be found in direct violation of the universal laws and held by our protection fleets, once held by our protection fleets they are then brought before the great council.
While beings are held several master healers and teachers work with them.
Channeled Message From A Universal Protection Fleet Commander (Received several months ago):
Greetings to the people of Earth I am the head of an extra-dimensional protection fleet designed to protect universes and all the galaxies and planets therein. There are several billion fleets each with their own fleets (this is just to give an example of how many of our ships there are), our fleet has been assigned since 2000 to protect your universe and in doing so your planet. My reason for contacting you at this time is to share the truth about what has happened to your planet and what will soon happen. Before this year there were many who had free reign of your planet due to a treaty between your governments and beings who did not have the best interest of your people in mind.

However at the start of the shift on earth in this year* there were certain agreements put in to place to end the harvesting of the human race and to allow humanity to evolve and ascend as they were meant to. This is when the abductions ceased and the mutilations ended. Your entire universe is protected by a very large amount of our ships which assures that only those who are service to others can access. Our ships are not visible but they exist there, we also watch the operations of your NASA and make sure that no more attempts are made which do not have your best interest in mind, they have the same technology that we of the higher realms do, however it is not made public, their technology comes from the treaty between governments and service to self races.
by this year he means 2000*
You should know that your NASA has traveled to deep space, beyond and back. Have lived on other planets and have returned sometime performing the abductions themselves, but this has been forbidden and no longer can continue, this directive has come from the highest source and will be enforced at any cost, violence is always the last option, it is preferred that they meet with the great council. Though, rest assured that there will be no threat to the human race. The many anomalies that were seen upon your planet which are known as the spirals, were evidence of our removing certain beings from your planet through the portal, therefor removing that lower energetic vibration and the powers they had over your people thus allowing certain events to take place such as the rise of power of the human race over the tyranny of their planet.
Events such as these will continue to occur removing the negative implants that were embedded upon Gaia in each country in the world, once these events have been fulfilled all over the planet removing those who cause the most destruction energy wise, there will be a greater shift than could be imagined, though when this will occur can not be shared, it is up to Gaia to decide this fate, her communication with the source is the deciding factor.
The hearts of the people who remained and are service to self but not destructive in energetic nature will be transformed by the incredible amount of what I call lifting of the planet, an event in which the entire planet itself will be lifted and become lighter, and less dense, it will not be seen but felt, and it will happen soon, regardless of the attempts by those who wish to hold on to the power that has given them purpose, their attempt to keep humanity in a dense vibration will not succeed, even through the many attempts to promote a fearful and thus heavy heart and soul, because it is source who works through us all and it is source who is the one ascending to a higher vibrational reality, the ascension of ONE

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Blessed and Safe Holiday Weekend

You all have a very blessed and safe holiday weekend. My family is taking this weekend off too!

I be back on Monday evening.

GOD Bless You & Yours,

John MacHaffie

Sheldan Nidle Update 8-30-11

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
4 Ik, 15 Uo, 8 Manik
Aug. 30, 2011
We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your unalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and causing major governments to alter key elements of their foreign policies. These changes are creeping up quickly on the dark cabal even as the illuminoids meet in secret to discuss how to react to what is shortly to transpire. Our Agarthan cousins have seen to it that their special liaisons oversee and inform these dark ones that their time in power has finished and that a grand denouement is at hand. The agreements to transfer financial responsibility from the US Federal Reserve to the new Treasury Banks are now being executed. Moreover, the new hard-currency financial system is in the process of final implementation. This new system restores monetary policy to the people and returns this world to a sound and true economy exchange. Nevertheless, this only scratches the surface of the changes to come!
The crucial element involves returning government to the people. Over the centuries, governments have favored those who had the time or money to develop 'special relationships' with members of the legislature and/or the executive branch. These special relationships have warped government and need to be dissolved. Our Earth allies have created a taskforce to come up with solutions to this fundamental dilemma to modern governance. We have asked that the new caretaker governments immediately implement those items approved by this taskforce, and these have now been included in the agreements that were officially signed a few months ago by more than 160 nations. Our desire is to see your governments become capable of 'listening,' and then enacting laws that are agreed upon by the vast majority of their citizenry. The era of government by and for a select, affluent few needs to be swiftly ended. This constitutes an essential step toward the way galactic society governs itself.
The arrest and coming trial of this dark cabal is being done to make a very important point. The karma created by the dark since the end of the Second World War needs to be properly addressed by the Light. This war saw the ascendency of the illuminoid factions of the United States, while Europe took a back seat to the interaction between the Anunnaki overlords and the American cabal. This situation encouraged these US factions to defy their off-world masters when these ones departed, and to disregard their injunction to follow their lead and allow those individuals seeking the return of the Light to be given the reins of command. This bidding was strongly resisted and resulted in the 'difficulties' that are only now being successfully abated. It is this prolonged mêlée which has created the karma that the coming trials are to wash away. The new caretaker governments will move your reality in the proper direction, the one leading to disclosure and the path to full consciousness for Gaia and for each one of you!
Disclosure, as we often remind you, will be a decisive threshold in your history. After disclosure, your world will be opened up to the wonders of this galaxy. You will learn about your origins in different regions of the galaxy and about the large human contingent in the Galactic Federation of Light. As you become more conversant in these matters, you can then be introduced to the other Beings who make up the grand diversity that is the Milky Way Galaxy. It is advisable for you to absorb this information in stages, and in this way, be prepared for the immense amount of data we need to pass on to you. In one swoop, you will be transformed from xenophobic Beings who fear the unknown to ones who welcome your diverse spiritual, space, and Inner Earth families. Our dossiers on you show clearly that most of you are deeply curious about the truth of who you really are and why we are here. We intend to answer these questions, and then begin a wide-ranging, open discussion between us, which will quickly set the stage for your return to full consciousness.
We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to inform you that the time for your deliverance arrives. The dark has done all that it can do to delay the inevitable. Our associates have completed their preliminaries, and the time is upon us for the unveiling of your new reality! We have watched as our Agarthan friends beat down the many plans hatched by the dark that were designed to perpetrate their reign. We are preparing ourselves for first contact and the wonderful announcements that are to follow. Meanwhile, those assigned to take charge of your various new temporary governments are ready to assume command. The first broadcasts they make will address those measures necessary to transition you from your present state of disorder into the joyous realm that awaits you. This new realm is your glorious destiny! Here is where we can all meet and celebrate the return to your world of the Light in its full glory!
What we wish to do is to get you to remember the wisdom of self-healing and the ways to enlightenment. Long ago, we ascended and began our journey as the divine intercessors between Heaven and Earth. We taught our spiritual disciplines and described the grand day when Heaven was to descend to Earth and turn a dark world back to the Light. This magic moment is now upon us! You are the beneficiaries of the Creator's infinite grace. We know our new teachings of the Masters will be received by you with great Love and divine appreciation. All of us have prepared our devotees for this, and we are serenely in joy about what we can now tell you. Many mysteries that we have learned can now be shown and explained. We intend to do this and to bring with us many Councils and Orders that make up our shared, divine lineages.
The journey that remains will be an easy one for any person who accepts the path to Ascension with Love and grace. Love one another deeply in the way that you Love yourself. Become aware of how your reality is subtly changing. Each moment, a grand blessing from Heaven raises your world's frequency level slightly, causing her to reform and become what the Divine is flooding her with. Realities are like water: when you combine Love with divine intention in your blessings, it alters the characteristics of water and even its composition. The same is true of a reality. As a reality is reshaped by your collective Love and divine intentions, it begins to transform swiftly into something more suitable for a return to full consciousness. This is now happening, and you are inexorably on a fast track to full consciousness. Namaste!
Today, we discussed the happenings on your world. Numerous events are ready to manifest which will literally morph your reality, and which will provide a huge impetus to the transition of your political domain and an opening to the Divine. A great spiritual catharsis is ready to uplift your world and lead you back to the Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Ben Fulford, Aug 30 video message to the cabal: "YOU MUST SURRENDER...THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING" (5 mins)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 02:13:56
Hi, Folks -
Thanks to Reader R. for forwarding this. :) Here's Benjamin Fulford in a video message to certain world leaders and the controlling cabal, recorded August 30, 2011, pursuant to the reported meeting of 57 countries.
NOTE that he makes reference to the Global Collateral Accounts, regarding which a certain amount of confusion continues to exist. For that reason, and also because as Raye has said, "It's impossible to tell the white hats from the black hats without a program - and the program changes every day," discernment is advised.


Ascension of the not so self important

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Ascension of the not so self important
Posted By: afriend [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 02:17:37
For Your consideration

Here is the primer, the processes begins with a profound metaphysical experience which may include enlightenment, Surrender, Rebirth or some other spiritually transforming event all leading to the state known as awakening. Further development of other special abilities in post awakening such as second sight, lucid dreaming or other inter-connective means of accessing the metaphysical self follow further improving the connection. In the human realm, once awakening is achieved the link becomes stronger and less contaminated through rigorous self discipline aimed toward right living. Various forms of suffering also accompany awakening. In time the awakened abandon the dualistic theory of awareness for singularity. Singularity being that we are three concurrent parts, physical and spiritual connected by a link of some unknown origin making each of us singular and unified with our spiritual selves.


Message from SaLuSa, September 2, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

(BACK AGAIN) Message from SaLuSa, September 2, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 04:34:36

SaLuSa, September 2, 2011
Dear Ones, how wonderful it was to see the great Light that resulted from your desire to help one of your fellow travellers, in his time of need. I refer of course to Michael who was overwhelmed by your generosity, and as a result has been enabled to quickly overcome his computer crash. How often it happens that when one of you are faced with adversity your deepest love surfaces. Often there is a coming together that transcends any differences that might otherwise place a barrier between you. Be aware that such occasions raise the levels of your consciousness, and its effect is far reaching. Right now it is awakening many who have slumbered through their life, without understanding the true purpose for being on Earth. For them it will be a testing time as the truth for all its beauty, can be a sudden shock when it tries to replace long held beliefs. The upliftment is intentionally carried out in such a way that there is normally a gentle awakening, but time is no longer your friend and is passing more quickly than ever.
When at a higher level of consciousness, you are expressing yourself quite spontaneously and you live in your Light. That means your feet are firmly on the path to Ascension, and you are progressing towards that desirable level of Unconditional Love. It is what you have been working towards for eons of time and as you near the finishing tape, tremendous help is being given from many quarters. It is why every soul is being given every encouragement to break out of the rigid set of beliefs that hold them back. However, if they choose to remain in the lower vibrations, one may assume that they are not ready to grasp the life line being thrown to them. Although you are all One, you have come together by following many different paths and do not necessarily arrive at your destination at the same time, but your experiences will serve you well. At any given time you are influenced by them, and in reality you cannot fail to progress.
What has been noticeable and very welcome is that the mass consciousness levels have risen quite dramatically, and it is an indication that you are breaking away from the lower energies that are fed by the actions of the dark Ones. They no longer have such a strong influence as before, and in fact it is weakening very quickly. Be assured they know what is in store for them and that they cannot stop the eventual coming of Ascension. In fact since we last left a message our plans are so near to fruition, and our allies are on the verge of forcing the dark Ones into a corner. We do therefore expect a favorable outcome, that will allow us to forge ahead with some of the first moves that will lead to the changes necessary to march onwards.
For some time now we have been approaching your world leaders with a view to gaining their support for the changes that we will introduce. There are no other options, and there is no way that the old paradigm can be resurrected. It has run its time and as painful as it must seem to some people who are still unprepared, you must move forward. Most people have yet to learn of what the future really holds, but would become extremely happy if they did. The dark Ones of course have done their best to keep the truth from you, but for them it is a losing battle as it will come out regardless of anything they can do.
The Cities of Light of which you are now becoming aware, will give you a sample of what it is like in the higher dimensions. Yet they are more in the nature of Healing Centres specifically prepared to help you raise your consciousness levels. You will take the fast track to remove all the vestiges of your present dimension that have kept you within it. Know that the lower energies cannot exist beyond a certain level, and that is where you are destined to be. We amongst others are here to ensure that you do, and soon you will have no doubt about it whatsoever. We leave you with our Love and Blessings for an exciting and fulfilling experience.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Dick Cheney fears trial as war criminal

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

'Dick Cheney fears trial as war criminal' says Colin Powell aide
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 2-Sep-2011 06:02:59
'Dick Cheney fears trial as war criminal' says Colin Powell aide | Mail Online

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"So Poof Are We Still Imminent?"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader BS: "So Poof Are We Still Imminent?"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Sep-2011 15:25:00
Hi, Folks -
Right now, 'Cosmic Awareness' is on Radio RMN with Rayelan, and among other things they're discussing how the Powers That Were have controlled the world by creating and inducing fear in the hearts and minds of the people.
Week after week, the messenger we know as Poof has written to us of the certainty and assuredness of victory, of changes-for-the-better in the world we share. This has served as a steady pulse, a heartbeat, helpful in dispelling that fear.
Reader BS writes to express:
So Poof Are We Still Imminent?
Exactly a year ago your Sunday update proclaimed that deliveries were imminent and now, one year later they are no where to be found. For years now you have supplied us with our weekly and many times daily hopium to no avail. What happened Poof, were you being fed misinformation or just making this up as you went along?
If deliveries were imminent a year ago, then why didn’t you know that first some French person had to swipe some card several times, or that some big man had to travel someplace with a suitcase chained to his wrist with body guards in attendance? But yet you know through your myriad of contacts that all was done at the end of last August?
I know Poof, its way above your pay grade and your only given certain information for the mushrooms to consume at the appropriate time. How many years have you been at this? Two weeks ago it was your last update for sure and yet last week it was Irene that held back all those wonderful delivery people. Let me guess Poof, this week it’s the clean up after Irene. After all you can’t make those deliveries with bridges and roads out and houses under water can you?
Way back in June of 2010 I had mentioned that this wouldn’t happen for quite a while, but each week your sources as mysterious as they are, were certain it was time to fasten out seat belts and place the trays in the upright position as this was really, really, really the moment we had long awaited. Six months ago I told you it could well be another Christmas that comes and goes without resolution and the clock continues to tick away.
No doubt the world’s economy is in turmoil and something will have to be done. Which do you think will happen first Poof? The RV of the Dinar or the release of the WGS and Prosperity Programs, as we as a society race to financial oblivion?
When those that control all things on this planet want something done, it gets done Poof. Would you agree? So one might wonder Poof, why was it imminent a year ago? Why do you continue to tell us week after week that what we have all waited for is ready when obviously it was not? There always seems to be just one more item to be taken care of and then just our dumb luck an earthquake, Hurricane or some other disaster seems to stall all the progress you told us about just the Sunday before.
Since your fond of telling us that you were a hand picked messenger to get us though all of this and get us to the promised land, do you have any idea Poof where these elusive deliveries are? Oh well Poof, some day you will guess it right and sadly as mentioned before, a broken clock has had a better track record than the information you have provided. Only 116 days to Christmas shoppers. It’s going to be a very interesting run to the end of yet another year with stockings stuffed with printed Sunday Hopium updates to re-read as we ring in the New Year.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

CASPER for SEPT 1: "Sometimes its darkest right before the dawn. Many say this is the status of things."
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Sep-2011 15:14:21
In Response To: POOF for JULY 31: Get That Black man out of the WH! (hobie)
Hi, Folks -
Received from Wendy via e-mail - discernment is advised:

Hi !

· How long has it been since I reminded you to remember ? Please remember, they are working for ‘We The People’ and they need our help.
· So first, we have a ‘Committee of Twelve’ announced and now we have the President re-appearing and announcing that he will address A JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS on Sept the 7th during prime time and the Republican Debate scheduled that night can go to hell. Boehner says ‘Screw You’ and the Pres moves his speech to the night of the 8th.
· Add these two items and we have, in my best opinion and my best Cherokee, “ Big Chit Coming Down”.
· At this time all the messengers who say “Now” are continuing to say “Now”.
OUR Intell, on the other hand, continues to say “Funds Frozen, they can be moved around but not accessed”. Not one penny by anyone anywhere.
This is a time when we should, IMO, “PAY ATTENTION” to the goings on in the world. The puzzle pieces are being presented by Fourwinds and RMN. It is up to us to connect the dots.
· Regarding the Fulford Report and attendant ‘threads’ on RMN, WE can confirm the meeting but not the outcome. Important players were present.
· WE observe the ongoing distribution of unlimited sums of Fiat spread worldwide daily by the existing Monetary System led by the Fed Res, something WE view as a continuation of the Status Quo and the opposite of what we are awaiting. Previously WE reported that our Intell says the Fed ‘distributed’ 100T since the fall of ’08, not the 16T acknowledged in the documents acquired via FOIR, Freedom of Information Request. If true this would mean this Private Corporation which controls our money supply is intentionally miss-leading the Congress and the American people not with ‘little white lies’ but with a massive cover-up of the QE they are pouring into the Domestic and International Financial System ‘on the sly’ as they attempt to save it and themselves. Now WE hear, since reporting the above, that this scam is even bigger, even more deceitful, even more dangerous and out of control BECAUSE, WE hear, they (Bernanke, Geithner, Obama) are moving 4.3 TRILLION DOLLARS into the five Vault Banks, ‘Investment Banks’, EVERY MORNING AT FOUR A.M. to prop up the stock market and lord knows for what other nefarious uses. Government by Gangsters. The Corporation, the Banks, the Fed, the Treasury, the Executive, all doing whatever they wish with Trillions of Dollars of Thin Air Money Daily and delivering the tab to generations of taxpayers.
· Furthermore, WE hear, Geithner, while running the New York Fed, diverted all funds in escrow at Fannie and Freddie for Insurance Cost and Claims to other unknown uses and then obtained a ten year gag order signed by a Federal Judge to hide his actions.
· Meanwhile another Federal Judge (Lamberth), this week made fun of a Plaintiff in a lawsuit attempting to get to the bottom of the various Obama cover-ups saying, ‘This is not your lucky day’. How many Federal Judges do you suppose have Vatican Bank Accounts?
· As was happening in Wisconsin, Public Employee Union Pensions are bankrupting Cities and Counties across the nation. In San Francisco a Police Officer retired with $516K in immediate payments and $240K year pension for the rest of his life. California and San Francisco are already bankrupt. Today it was announced that the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) has ordered ALL COMPANIES TO DISPLAY UNION P.R. MATERIALS IN THEIR PLACES of BUSINESS. “Workers of the World Unite” is the Communist Slogan of Lenin and the Obama Administration which was put in office by the Unions, Welfare Recipients, Acorn and huge contributions from foreign Muslim Donors.
· While the economy and the people continue to suffer with ever greater unemployment and inflation there seems to be no limit to the amounts of thin air money flooding the Banks and Wall Street and no limits to the Bonuses they continue to pay themselves.
· Sometimes its darkest right before the dawn. Many say this is the status of things.
Casper 9-1-11


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 1-Sep-2011 11:26:59
DECEMBER 24, 1919.

(Law, Banking and Business. Copyright, 1918, by THE JOHN A. HERTEL CO., Copyright 1921 by THE JOHN A . HERTAL CO.)

Growth of Foreign Commerce.-- Even prior to the World War, American commerce had been pushing its way into the four corners of the globe. It was true that it had been carried almost entirely in foreign ships, but the thing that seemed to satisfy us for the moment, was the fact that it went, and the manner of its gong was something of lesser importance.
This growth in our foreign commerce has kept pace with our own growth in manufactured products which we have been turning out in quantities in excess of our own demands, and our manufacturers have been forced to look to a foreign market.

War Expansion.--- In the early months of the war, the United States was the one great neutral manufacturing nation as well as the world's granary, inasmuch as the merchant ships of the warring nations were practically swept off the seas. The United States manufacturers and exporters of all kinds rushed into the vacuum thus caused by the war and American goods were in greater demand than ever, not only by the warring nations, but by the neutral nations cut off from other foreign sources of supply.
Even during our participation in the war the amount of exports piled up to unheard -of aggregates, so that the balance of trade was strongly in our favor and the United States became the creditor nation of the world.

Foreign Banking Facilities.--- As our foreign commerce grew, the nation began to realize its handicap in the matter of foreign banking facilities. Foreign nations have their own methods of transacting business, their own and customary terms of credit and payments, and our competitors in the foreign field had been long used to doing business with these nations in their own way.
The South American trade, for example, has been used to buying on long credits, from six to twelve months, and France, England and Germany as well as the other nations of Europe have been taking the lion's share of this trade on these terms.
To facilitate the handling and financing of the great volume of such foreign business, these countries extended their banking facilities to these foreign fields, and with the result that our own exporters were at a decided disadvantage, losing their competitors the trade that was not in a position or willing to make payment in New York against bills of lading.

(note no. 1. These Bills of Lading is in regards to the Peruvian Manuevo Guano-Nitrate "Bonds" which W.R. GRACE, J.P. MORGAN, the English Rothschild Banking "Tripod" bankrupted the Latin American Nations, Peru included through "SHORT BILLING Bills of Lading" which they, in turn, foreclosed on Peru obtaining a 60 year receivership on the Natural Resources of Peru, her Rail Roads etc. W.R. Grace alleged to have "purchased all the outstanding bonds of Peru." He missed the ONE TIME ONLY BONUS "3392-181" owned by the DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) whereas said Debt of Peru was "assumed" through the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Dept. of State through the 1856 GUANO ACT; Resolved by the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate 1905-06.)
(note no. 2.) This is the main thrust of Ben Bernanke's toasting of Milton Friedman, Governor of the Board of Governor's of the Federal Reserve Bank, "90th Birthday toast" "Sure, We caused the great depression"..which was published on or about December 9th, 2002 Business news.)
Expanding the Federal Reserve Act.--- Our own banking system having been so successfully reconstructed and expanded through the Federal Reserve Act, creating the Federal Reserve Banks and enlarging their financial stress, having proven so beneficial, Congress, in 1919 amended the act authorizing the creation of banks within the United States to do foreign banking business, by what is known as the Edge, or Foreign Banking Act, approved December 24, 1919.
Provisions of the Act.--- The Act amends the Federal Reserve Act by adding a new section (25), and owing to its importance, is given in full as follows:
"Banking corporations authorized to do foreign banking business.
"Sec. 25. (a) Corporations to be organized for the purpose of engaging in international or foreign banking or other international or foreign financial operations, or in banking or other financial operations in a dependency or insular possession of the United States, either directly or through the agency, ownership or control of local institutions in foreign countries, or in such dependencies or insular possessions as provided by this section,and to act when required by the secretary of the treasury as fiscal agents of the United States, may be formed by any number of natural persons, not less in any case than five.
"Such persons shall enter into articles of association which shall specify in general terms the objects for which the association is formed and may contain any other provisions not inconsistent with law which the association may see fit to adopt for the regulation of its business and the conduct of its affairs.
Organization Certificate.--- "Such articles of association shall be signed by all of the persons intending to participate in the organization of the corporation and, thereafter, shall be forwarded to the federal reserve board and shall be filed and preserved in its office. The persons signing the said articles of association shall, under their hands, make an organization certificate which shall specifically state:
"1. The name assumed by such corporation, which shall be the subject of the approval of the federal reserve board.
"2. The place or places where its operations are to be carried on.
"3. The place in the United States where its home office is to be located.
"4. The amount of its capital stock and the number of shares into which the same shall be divided.
"5. The names and places of business or residence of the persons executing the certificate and number of shares to which each has subscribed.
"6. The fact that the certificate is made to enable the persons subscribing the same, and all other persons, firms, companies and corporations who or which may thereafter subscribe to or purchase shares of the capital stock of such corporation, to avail themselves of the advantages of this section.
Completing the Organization.--- "The persons signing the organization certificate shall duly acknowledge the execution thereof before a judge of some court of record or notary public, who shall certify thereto under the seal of such court or notary, and thereafter the certificate shall be forwarded to the federal reserve board to be filed and preserved in its office. Upon duly making and filing articles of association and an organization certificate, and after the federal reserve board has approved the same and issued a permit to begin business, the association shall become a body corporate and as such and in the name designated therein shall have power to adopt and use a corporate seal which may be changed at the pleasure of its board of directors; to have succession for a period of twenty years unless sooner dissolved by the act of the shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock, or by an act of congress or unless its franchises become forfeited by some violation of law; to make contracts; to sue and be sued, complain or defend in any court of law or equity; to elect or appoint directors, all of whom shall be citizens of the United States; and, by its board of directors, to appoint such officers and employees as may be deemed proper, define their authority and duties, require bonds of them, and fix the penalty there of, dismiss such officers or employees, or any thereof, at pleasure and appoint others to fill their places; to prescribe, by its board of directors, bylaws not inconsistent with law or with the regulations of the federal reserve board regulating the manner in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers and employees appointed, its property transferred, and the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed.
Scope of Operations.--- "Each corporation so organized shall have power, under such rules and regulations as the federal reserve board may prescribe:
"(a) To purchase, sell, discount and negotiate, with or without its indorsement or guaranty, notes, drafts, checks, bills of exchange, acceptances, including bankers' acceptances, cable transfers and other evidences of indebtedness; to purchase and sell, with or without its indorsement or guaranty, securities, including the obligations of the United States or of any state thereof but not including shares of stock in any corporation except as herein provided; to accept bills or drafts drawn upon it subject to such limitations and restrictions as the federal reserve board may impose; to issue letters of credit; to purchase and sell coin, bullion and exchange; to borrow and to lend money; to issue debentures, bonds and promissory notes under such general conditions as to security and such limitations as the federal reserve board may prescribe, but in no event having liabilities outstanding thereon at any one time exceeding ten times its capital stock and surplus; to receive deposits outside of the United States and to receive only such deposits within the United States as may be incidental to or for the purpose of carrying out transactions in foreign countries or dependencies or insular possessions of the United States; and generally to exercise such powers are incidental to the powers conferred by this act or as may be usual, in the determination of the federal reserve board, in connection with the transaction of the business of banking or other financial operations in the countries, colonies, dependencies or possessions in which it shall transact business not inconsistent with the powers specifically granted herein.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the federal reserve board, under its power to prescribe rules and regulations, from limiting the aggregate amount of liabilities or any or all classes incurred by the corporation and outstanding at any one time. Whenever a corporation organized under this section receives deposits in the United States authorized by this section it shall carry reserves in such amounts as the federal reserve board may prescribe, but in no event less than 10 per centum of its deposits.
Branches.--- "(b) To establish and maintain for the transaction of its business branches or agencies in foreign countries, their dependencies or colonies, and in the dependencies or insular possessions of the United States, at such places as may be approved by the federal reserve board and under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe, including countries or dependencies not specified in the original organization certificate.
Holding Other Stocks.--- "(c) With the consent of the federal reserve board to purchase and hold stock or other certificates of ownership in any other corporation organized under the provisions of this section, or under the laws of any foreign country or a colony or dependency, or insular possession of the United States but not engaged in the general business of buying or selling goods, wares, merchandise or commodities in the United States, and not transacting any business in the United States except such as in the judgment of the federal reserve board may be incidental to its international or foreign business: Provided, however, That, except with the approval of the federal reserve board, no corporation organized hereunder shall invest in any one corporation an amount in excess of 10 per centum of its own capital and surplus, except in a corporation engaged in the business of banking, when 15 per centum of its capital and surplus may be so invested:
Provided, further, That no corporation organized hereunder shall purchase, own, or hold stock or certificates of ownership in any other corporation organized hereunder or under the laws of any state which is substantial competition therewith, or which holds stock or certificates of ownership in corporations which are in substantial competition with the purchasing corporation.
Stock Held for Debt.--- "Nothing contained herein shall prevent corporations organized hereunder form purchasing and holding stock in any corporation where such purchase shall be necessary to prevent a loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith; and stock so purchased or acquired in corporations organized under this section shall within six months from such purchase be sold or disposed of at public or private sale unless the time to so dispose of same is extended by the federal reserve board.
No Commercial Business.--- (read this one very carefully) "No corporation organized under this section shall engage in commerce or trade in commodities (this includes gold) except as specifically provided in this section, nor shall it either directly or indirectly control or fix or attempt to fix the price of any such commodities.
The charter of any corporation violating this provision shall be subject to forfeiture in the manner hereinafter provided in this section. It shall be unlawful for any director, officer, agent or employee of any such corporation to use or to conspire to use the credit, the funds or the power of the corporation to fix or control the price of any such commodities, and any such person violating this provision shall be liable to a fine of not less than $`1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment of not less than one year and not exceeding five years, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Amount of Capital.--- "No corporation shall be organized under the provisions of this section with a capital stock of less than $2,000,000, one quarter of which must be paid in before the corporation may be authorized to begin business, and the remainder of the capital stock of such corporation shall be paid in installments of at least 10 per centum on the whole amount to which the corporation shall be limited as frequently as one installment at the end of each succeeding two months from the time of the commencement of its business operations until the whole of the capital stock shall be paid in. The capital stock of any such corporation may be increasted at any time, with the approval of the federal reserve board, by a vote of two-thirds of its shareholders or by unanimous consent in writing of the shareholders without a meeting without a formal vote, but any such increase of the capital shall be fully paid within ninety days after such approval and may be reduced in like manner, provided that in no event shall it be less than $2,000,000.
No corporation except as herein proided, shall during the time it shall continue its operations withdraw or permit to be withdrawn, either in form of dividends or otherwise, any portion of its capital. Any national banking association may invest in the stock of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section, but the aggregate amount of stock held in all corporations engaged in business of the kind described in this section and in section 25 of the federal reserve act as amended shall not exceed 10 per centum of the subscribing bank's capital and surplus.
Nationality of Stockholders.--- "A majority of the shares of the capital stock of any such corporations shall at all times be held and owned by citizens of the United States, by corporations the controlling interest in which is owned by citizens of the United States, chartered under the laws of the United States or of a state of the United States, or by firms or companies the controlling interest in which is owned by citizens of the United States.
The provisions of section 8 of the act approved October 15, 1914, entitled 'An act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes, as amended by the acts of May 15, 1916, and Sept. 7, 1916, shall be construed to apply to the directors, other officers, agents or employees of corporations organized under the provisions of this section: Provided,however, That nothing herein contained shall (1) prohibit any director or other officer, agent or employe of any member bank who has procured the approval of the federal reserve board from serving at the same time as a director or other officer, agent or employee of any corporation organized under the provision of this section in whose capital stock such member bank shall have invested; or (2) prohibit any director or other officer, agent or employee of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section who has procured the approval of the federal reserve board from serving at the same times as a director or other officer, agent or employe of any such other corporation in whose capital stock such first-mentioned corporation shall have invested under the provisions of this section.
Members Federal Reserve Board.--- "No member of the federal reserve board shall be an officer or director of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section, or of any corporation engaged in similar business organized under the laws of any state, nor hold stock in any such corporation, and before entering upon his duties as a member of the federal reserve board he shall certify under oath to the secretary of the treasury that he has complied with this requirement.
Stockholders' Liability.--- "Shareholders in any corporation organized under the provisions of this section shall be liable for the amount of their unpaid stock subscriptions. No such corporation shall become a member of any federal reserve bank.
Forfeiture of Charter.--- "Should any corporation organized hereunder violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section all of its rights, privileges and franchises derived here from may thereby be forfeited.
Before any such corporation shall be declared dissolved, or its rights, privileges and franchises forfeited, any noncompliance with, or violation of such laws shall, however, be determined and adjudged by a court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, in a suit brought for that purpose in the district or territory in which the home office of such corporation is located, which suit shall be brought by the United States at the instance of the federal reserve board or the attorney-general.
Upon adjudication of such noncompliance or violation, each director and officer who participated in, or assented to, the illegal act or acts, shall be liable in his personal or individual capacity for all damages which the said corporation shall have sustained in consequence thereof. No dissolution shall take away or impair any remedy against the corporation, its stockholders or officers for any liability or penalty previously incurred.
Receivership in Insolvency.--- "Whenever the federal reserve board shall become satisfied of the insolvency of any such corporation it may appoint a receiver who shall take possession of all the property and assets (This is why ALL MORTGAGES and U.S. TITLE INSTRUMENTS were removed from the United States Depository Trust Co.) December 2002, moved to ROTHSCHILD BANKING "LONDON HOUSE" then moved to the French Branch of Rothschild Banks in France last month of February 2003) of the corporation it may appoint a receiver who shall take possession of all of the property assets of the corporation and exercise the same rights, privileges, powers and authority with respect thereto as are now exercised by receivers of national banks appointed by the comptroller of the currency of the United States: Provided, however, That the assets of the corporation subject to the laws of other countries or jurisdictions shall be dealt with in accordance with the terms of such laws.
Annual Meetings; Reports.--- "Every corporation organized under the provisions of this section shall hold a meeting of its stockholders annually upon a date fixed in its by-laws, such meeting to be held at its home office in the United States.
Every such corporation shall keep at its home office books containing the names of all stockholders thereof, and the names and addresses of the members of its board of directors, together with copies of all reports made by it to the federal reserve board.
Every such corporation shall make reports to the federal reserve board at such times and in such form as it may require; and shall be subject to examination once a year and at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the federal reserve board by examiners appointed by the federal reserve board, the cost of such examination, including the compensation of the examiners, to be fixed by the federal reserve board and to be paid by the corporation examined.
Dividends.--- "The directors of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section may, semi annually, declare a dividend of so much of the net provits of the corporaion as they shall judge expedient; but each corporation shall, before the declaration of a dividend, carry one-tenth of its net profits of the preceding half year to its surplus fund until the same shall amount to 20 per centum of its capital stock.
Liability for Taxes.--- "Any corporation organized under the provisions of this section shall be subject to tax by the state which its home office is located in the same manner and to the same extent as other corporations organized under laws of that state which are transacting as imiliar character of business. The shares of stock in such corporation shall also be subject to tax as the personal property of the owners or holders thereof in the same manner and to the same extent as the shares of stock in similar state corporations.
Extension of Charter.--- "Any corporation organized under the provisions of this section may at any time within the two years next previous to he date of the expiration of its corporate existence, by a vote of the shareholders owning two thirds of its stock, apply to the federal reserve board for its approval to extend the period of its corporate existence for a term of not more than twenty years, and upon certified approval of the federal reserve board such corporation shall have its corporate existence for such extended period unless sooner dissolved by the act of the shareholders owning two thirds of its stock, or by an act of congress or unless its franchise becomes forfeited by some violation of law. (note no. 3. "Original U.S. Immigration Law. "No person, individual (company) shall own property in the United States without having first taken the Oath, and having become a Citizen of the United States.")
(note no. 4. "Foreign, Predatory Banks, indulging in Predatory Banking Practices" are, and have operated within the United States, under the federal reserve bank's "authorization", stealing homes, lands, water-rights and other "property" of the Citizens of the United States, while "in violation of this Act known as The Foreign Banking Act by Act of Congress, in violation of the Organic Law of the United States i.e., The U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights?).

Existing Banks May Come Under Act.--- "Any bank or banking institution, principally engaged in foreign business, incorporated by special law of any state or of the United States or organized under the general laws of any state or of the United States and having an unimpaired capital sufficient to entitle it to become a corporation under the provisions of this section may, by the vote of the shareholders owning not less than two-thirds of the capital stock of such bank or banking association, with the approval of the federal reserve board, be converted into a federal corporation of the kind authorized by this section with any name approved by the federal reserve board: Provided, however, that said conversion shall not be in the contravention of the state law. In such case the articles of association and organization certificate may be executed by a majority of the directors of the bank or banking association, and the certificate shall declare that the owners of at least two-thirds of the capital stock have authorized the directors to make such certificate and to change or convert the bank or banking association into a federal corporation. (note no. 5. State Civil Codes of most states historically, "Prohibited foreign Banks from coming into the states. Equally, prohibiting Foreign Utility Companies from crossing state lines. The federal reserve "violated the Civil Laws of the States" by "abuse of federal power as contained in this Foreign Banking Act") A majority of the directors, after executing the articles of association and the organization of certificate, shall have power to execute all other papers and to do whatever may be required to make its organization perfect and complete as a federal corporation. The shares of any such corporation may continue to be for the same amount of each as they were before the conversion, and the directors may continue to be directors of the corporation until others are elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
When the federal reserve board has given to such corporation a certificate that the provisions of this section have been complied with, such corporation and all its stockholders, officers and employees shall have the same powers and privileges, and shall be subject to the same duties, liabilities and regulations, in all respects, as shall have been prescribed by this section for corporations originally organized hereunder.
Penalties.--- "Every officer, director, clerk, employe or agent of any corporation organized under this section who embezzles, abstracts, or willfully misapplies any of the moneys, funds, credits, securities, evidences of indebtedness, or assets of any character of such corporation; or who, without authority from directors, issues or puts forth any certificate of deposit, draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any acceptance, assigns any note, bond, debenture, draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment or decree; or who makes any false entry in any book, report or statement of such corporation with intent in either case to injure or defraud such corporation or any other company, body politic or corporate, or any individual person, or to deceive any officer of such corporation, the federal reserve board or any agent or examiner appointed to examine the affairs of any such corporation; and ever receiver of any such corporation and every clerk or employe of such receiver who shall embezzle, abstract or wilfully misapply or wrongfully convert to his own use any moneys, funds, credits, or assets of any character which may come into his possession or under his control in the execution of his trust or the performance of the duties of his employment; and every such receiver or clerk or employe of such receiver who shall, with intent to injure or defraud any person, body politic or corporate, or to misled the federal reserve board, or any agent or examiner appointed to examine the affairs of such receiver, shall make any false entry in any book, report or record of any matter connected with the duties of such receiver; and every person who with like intent aids or abets any officer, director, clerk, employe or agent of any corporation organized under this section, or receiver or clerk or employe of such receiver as aforesaid in any violation of this section, shall upon conviction thereof be imprisoned for not less than two years nor more than ten years, and may also be fined not more than $5,000 in the discretion of the court.
"Who ever being connected in any capacity with any corporation organized under this section represents in any way that the United States is liable for the payment of any bond or other obligation, or the interest thereon, issued or incurred by any corporation organized hereunder, or that the United States incurs any liability in respect of any act or omission of the corporation, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 and by imprisonment for not more than five years."
You know? I have found no where in the before-mentioned, the Act of Congress of The Foreign Banking Act, Dec. 24, 1919 whereas; Allowances for THE UNLAWFUL CONVERSION of THE GOLD COLLATERAL INTEREST DUE to the DURHAM HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) or the murder of the former CEO of COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; Russell Herman, or the FORGERY of his signature, or the Allowing of Agreements to SPLIT 50-50 with the AL QAEDA-AL KADDA, ABBU SAYEFF, MILF the "UNLAWFUL CONVERSION" Gold Collateral Interest.. Or the BRADY BONDS, or, or, or..--? Perhaps I missed something in that Act of Congress of December 24, 1919?
Something else I did not see in that December 24, 1919 Act of Congress. I did not see the allowance for the Federal Reserve Board Chairman to go outside the United States and set up a COMPETITIVE BANKING SYSTEM called the EURO DOLLAR with deliberate intentions of BANKRUPTING THE UNITED STATES DOLLAR with about "80%" underwriting in BOGUS BONUS 3392-181 GOLD INSTRUMENTS" written on our GOLD COLLATERAL, THE DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES "without our permission?" Did you?
to be continued later.. V.K. DURHAM, CEO
Durham [Intl. Ltd;] Holding Trust, Tias 12087

Wachovia Busted

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Video: Wachovia Busted - Why George Carlin Was Heart Attacked
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Sep-2011 10:18:51
In Response To: Video: The Need To Repeat The Basics Over and Over (Lion)
Business as usual.
Buffet forks over 160 Million to the other crooks at the DOJ, and all is forgiven.
Uploaded by MidNightRider2001 on Mar 19, 2010
US Government Lets Bank Off The Hook
Wachovia Bank (Wells Fargo Corp. - Warren Buffet) reached a $160 million settlement with the Justice Department over allegations that a failure in bank controls enabled drug traffickers to launder drug money by transferring money from Mexican currency-exchange houses to the bank.
Under a deferred-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors in Miami, Wachovia, which is owned by Wells Fargo & Co., "admitted failure to identify, detect, and report suspicious transactions in third-party payment processor accounts," according to the Justice Department.
Prosecutors said the bank processed $420 billion in transactions without using proper money-laundering detection.
In a statement, Wachovia said it "has made significant enhancements to its [anti-money laundering] and [Bank Secrecy Act] compliance program that have strengthened its ability to guard against unlawful use of its system by wrongdoers."
Wachovia has spent $42 million improving its compliance program, the bank said.
Wells Fargo Drugs Money Laundering US Government George Carlin Execute White Bankers Wachovia Laundered Cocaine Mexico Colombia Coke Laundering Drug Trafficking Dealers Law Narcotraficantes

Uploaded by: MidNightRider2001
Wachovia Busted Laundering Drug Money

The Calm After the Storm

The Calm After the Storm

September 1, 2011
I was watching the weather channel the other day after a hurricane hit the East Coast of America. They were showing video clips of the damage from this massive storm as it hit many states with huge floods, uprooted trees and caused a lot of devastation. The forecaster then said that tomorrow will be the calm after the storm. He than explained that just as there is a calm before a storm, there is always a calm after a storm. As I listened, the Lord gave me this word.

The Lord says, many of you have been going through devastating storms in your personal lives. The seas have been raging and things have been uprooted in your life, but I am bringing restoration to every area that has been ravaged by the enemy. I am the Repairer of the Breach and those things that appeared to be destroyed and lost forever will be restored and returned to you as you abide in Me.

The sickness that has attached itself to your bodies will be dismantled. The finances that have been stolen from you will be replenished. Don't fear the future of your family members but put them in My hands. The people that have brought disruption and destruction into your life will be cut off. Don't look back as Lot's wife did at what once was, but look ahead to the future that I have for you.

Do not fear what you see in the natural. Do not be shaken of what is to come. As times are changing and things are shifting, I will always keep you protected as you stay connected. Don't be concerned about how these things will come about but simply trust in Me as you abide in the Secret Place, refrain from compromise and I will bring this to pass says the Lord.

Joel 2:23-26
Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you- The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. " So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame.

Matthew 7:24-27
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Dinar Intel - Poppy2 - 8-31-11