Thursday, October 6, 2011

3 Messages from St. Germain - Ascended Master on Ascension

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3 Messages from St. Germain - Ascended Master on Ascension
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Oct-2011 15:18:34

Choosing Ascension, Again
4 October 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )

When the ascension dates arrive, a call to all who chose to ascend will be made. Those who answer that call will know whether they are able to ascend or not, because they will once again be choosing to be the angel they incarnated to be. Are they willing to disappear to the world they know to ascend? Those who cannot are the ones who are not ready. Fear, doubt or desire for more of Earth's challenges will decide which mandate they will follow. Clear uncluttered minds will be the first to leave. Choice will not be a challenge for these, but it will be for those who are not yet able to agree.
My predictions are the advance call. When the call actually comes, those who are able to determine its content and its meaning will have an advantage over those who are not aware of what I have said about the next days and ascension. Can this prediction discredit my messages? Of course, because no ascension can occur without man's full agreement. When the call comes we will need that agreement once again. Saying "yes" will give us permission to activate the dematerialization of bodies. No number is required. Those not hesitating are going to ascend.
What will happen to you is your choice. Can you decide now and then alter that decision? Yes, and any one who does this can get on the next wave. But, are you going to give up an opportunity to live the best life you can make for others as well as yourself? You are the ones that can alter the fate of those not ascending. Only this big drama can get an absolute change in direction for all who need more awareness. Are they the reason to ascend? Yes. One of you ascending can deepen the light for them. Many ascending can manifest a new drama in their lives. We do not ask you to leave those you love. We want them to make the ascension with you.
All of my messages are my words, not those of my channel. She has no desires or concerns about any of these messages or their content and cannot determine their accuracy. We of the Great White Brotherhood are grateful to her for giving an unattached delivery of our words.
Can we have others deliver messages when we don't have this blog? Yes. Please do, but do so from an unafraid and unbiased clarity. No messages of this kind are to be delivered to those who are not clear. Channeling is not difficult for those with an open mind.
Can the comet destroy this planet? Yes. Will it? No, it will only make things more challenging. Will an asteroid deliver a final mass destruction? No, Earth will continue to exist with an opportunity to be energized again. When this energizing is complete there will be a New Earth.
Will you accept the offer to ascend when it comes? No details are missing from these messages. All countries have ascension candidates, even those with negative dictators. This choice is not the country's determination, it is yours alone.
Follow the lead of your heart. Making the choice to ascend is the heart's choice. An awakened one will not be led by an active ego. Count the days now. Enjoy all of your moments. Get ready. Put your affairs in order. Get a master plan to those who are going to assist with the next day's tasks. Place no one above the call of your heart, and depend on no one to answer for you. Be with the angels and claim the destiny you chose to have. Make this call the one you aspire to.
Ascended Master Saint Germain

Nibiru Contact is a Myth
4 October 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
My messages have all been about the next days and ascension. My dear ones, your curiosity about future events does nothing to advance these two awarenesses that are most needed today.
Nibiru is neither a galactic death constellation nor a contributor to the axis change. It does not exist in your universe. Have the conspiracy theorists been able to concoct a new planet to frighten you? Apparently they have, at least it appears so.

Can you turn your attention away from current events or controller fear dynamics, including the threat of death to the planet from this or any other contact mechanism? None of these creative dramas are accurate. My comet communication was to tell you there will be many changes, not total destruction. No comet or other method of destroying Earth is needed—man has already provided an activation of destruction that needs no assistance.
Are you ready to drop your fear so you can ascend? Fear cancels the ability to accept the amount of light needed to dematerialize a body. Cancel your dream that includes death and destruction. Believe in one thing only: I AM THAT I AM. Nothing else is accurate.
The Masters and angels are all clamoring for ascension. No other detail that can deter ascension needs attention. Are you able to accept ascension as a reality? Are you afraid of this? Make a commitment to ascend before there are no days left to do this. Practice meditation or another form of being quiet. Allow the God within to make all your choices, and let gratitude be your approach to life, not complaints.
Make no mistake, when the call comes you will be notified as a candidate to ascend IF you have done what my messages have asked. My words about this have been clear. Your choices are the difference between ascension or not.
Being calm, clear, awake and aware are the candidates most important details. Fake gossip about anything and everything calls for your attention. Be clear that only inner direction is to get your attention.
My fellow contributors to these messages and the Masters and Mankind blog do not want to control or disturb anyone, only prepare you to make the most informed choices. Now is the time to be very careful about accepting any man's conclusions about the future. Nothing is carved in concrete to be made an absolute. All can be altered at God's call.
Many of you are able to ascend. Count the days now, as only days are left. Weeks? Maybe. Months? No more to be counted. During October on your calendar there will be an amazing door to ascension. Are you able to go through this door?
Be with the angels as you go. Be one of the angels and lead others. Be as you are, an angel in human clothing. Remember this concept and let others know: "All of humanity is matter that will go back to dust."
All the best.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Awaken and Ascend
4 October 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )

Concentrate on the conspiracy theories and you will not awaken and ascend. Not that these are not accurate, most of them are contributing credible facts to man's cabal awareness. But this is not to be the focus of those wanting to ascend. Why? Because this helps negative attitudes grow. Anything "against" counts as negativity, no matter what topic is being attacked. When man chooses any opinion that is "against" another, his mind is caught in the dream.
Nowhere does it say this dream is Reality. Man does not have any understanding of Reality. Are you concerned about any conspiracy or controller dialog mentioned by this blog, or from other sources? Then you are not awake yet. All of these things are part of the dream, my messages as well as every other contact with Masters and angels.
An awakening is to master life with no belief in the dream. When you awaken, you become aware that the dream is a dream, and all of those still dreaming are not awake. "Am I going to ascend?" is a question the dreamer asks. "Are we going to awaken?" is a more aware question.
All the conspiracies are not theories. Most are accurate accounts of the dream that is being acted out as a dream. None of the "hands on" descriptions are being made up by those delivering them to man's mind—except the official ones. No official claim about man's condition comes from an accurate account, only from manufactured data to lead you away from what is accurate. But, neither of these two scenarios will take you to the awakened condition. Both are distractions! Mental conviction for either matrix of materialization contains no accuracy in the big picture, only in the keyhole you are observing it through.
My message today is not about whether there is a conspiracy or no conspiracy. It is about the dream or no dream.
Chances are you do not agree with anything being claimed by me today. Why? Because we are talking about waking up to a more accurate picture than the one that is meeting your eye when it is seen through the keyhole.
Please don't allow your mind to cancel this message before it learns the next attributes of being awake:
1. Clarity about how the dream is mesmerizing the mass consciousness.
2. Awareness of the Truth that mind cannot grasp.
3. Change in the consciousness of an adept to awareness of the higher realms
And beyond.
4. Cancellation of those attitudes that have defeated the ascension.
5. Answers to all questions about the dream.

Making a leap in consciousness can be a direct result of discontinuing your mental concerns about the drama being enacted by all dreamers. Placing all of these dramas in a category of "dream not Reality" is a good way to begin. Next, move your attention away from all the deliverers of control vs. Victim material. All of this is part of the dream and you can detach from it. Convincing yourself (or anyone else) about the accuracy of any data is mental destruction of the light.
You only deliver light from the essence of your being. Your guide to awakening is in the core of that light—in your deepest inner depths—not in the mind. Forget all the change data, all the mesmerizing conspiracy theories, all the data about human affairs, and go to this depth for your reality check. Not just for a casual glimpse, but for a deep, clear acceptance of what is found in the awareness of your own heart.
Allow the dream to be your entertainment, not part of your ongoing creation. The mind is your director of mis-understanding. Clear your mind of all outer news and open the heart for awakened awareness. We need more awakenings for the change of mass consciousness in the dream to be achieved.
We are near the ascension, and we are not content with less than all of those who chose ascension to be on this next wave. Are you awake? No? When the ascension occurs you will not be leaving.
You can awaken NOW—it needs nothing other than what I just told you in this message.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

United States Chooses to Ignore the Precautionary Principle, Embrace Monsanto's GM Foods

Subject: United States Chooses to Ignore the Precautionary Principle, Embrace Monsanto's GM Foods
By Dr. Mercola
When it comes to products with the potential to devastate the planet, Monsanto takes the cake.
This company has single-handedly created some of the most destructive products known to man, including polychlorinated biphenyls, known as PCBs, and dioxin (Agent Orange). They are also the world leader in genetically modified (GM) seeds -- and if we don't take action soon, the entire planet could soon become contaminated with these toxic seeds, leading to the complete destruction of the natural food supply.

full story, click the link

Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4D Earth

Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 8:48 PM
Subject: Timing of shift to 4th dimensional Earth -MORE Andromeda Council
September 30, 2011

Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4D Earth

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med
This is the 3rd article in a series of articles on information of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released Sept. 30, 2011 a self-described representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, discussed the purported timing and nature of a transformation via dimensional shift of our Sol solar system from a 3rd dimension to a 4th dimensional state, along with key aspects of life on a 4th dimensional Earth.

Timing of shift to 4th dimensional Earth
Addressing the reported timing of this dimensional shift, the Andromeda Council representative stated that the process of our solar system’s and Earth’s transformation via dimensional shift is scheduled to accelerate starting in mid-October 2011, and be completed by January 2014.

Key aspects of life on 4th dimensional Earth
Regarding the specific key aspects of life on 4th dimensional Earth, the Andromeda Council representative stated,  “Again, the most important thing to realize is that this coming transformation, this transition, from 3D human to 4D human will be smooth, ‘seamless’, painless. Again, there is no death involved. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure from the slower, denser, heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate you have today, to a higher, faster 4D vibratory rate. You will have a body that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight & density, and lighter in terms of being infused with light.
“Keep in mind, your body’s molecular cellular structure will change. Think crystal based molecules. Your 4D body, the cellular structure of your new 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. Your existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Within the center of each cell, it will be full of light. Earth people, your 4D bodies will really be very translucent.”

About the Andromeda Council
Information as to what the Andromeda Council is and who Tolec (a reported Earth human representative of the Council) is can be found by clicking below.

Watch ExopoliticsTV interview with reported Andromeda Council representative
Readers can watch exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with reported Andromeda Council representative embedded above in the article or at the following URL.
Transformation to a 4th dimensional Earth
In his ExopoliticsTV interview Tolec discusses key aspects of the transformation to a 4th dimensional Earth.  A written summary of this transformation, according to the reported Andromeda Council, is below.

FAQ: Molecular & Cellular transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life

3D – 3rd dimension
4D – 4th dimension
5D – 5th dimension

“QUESTION 1. Tolec, you’ve said the people you communicate with on the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held – that they are “excited” about our solar system & our planet’s migration into the 4th dimension. Why are they so excited about this change we are about to experience?

“ANSWER: First off, please understand, these original 5,000, now 50,000+ crew members, & their families, on this biosphere, and on the other biospheres, they’ve traveled a long way to help Earth with this coming shift. They are excited to be here & to help. And, up until recently it’s been a very challenging, difficult time because first they had to win a very hard war in space against an alliance of Orion Greys, Hydra, & Alpha Draconis Reptilians.
Which they’ve done.

“And in the cleanup process down on Earth, various affiliated Andromeda Council races, especially those from Procyon, used highly focused sonic energy beams to bust-up & collapse underground bases including the ones around your nation’s capital leading up to the hills in Virginia, ones in Colorado, and northern New Mexico. Again, these were highly focused, pinpointed, sonic energy beam blasts meant to cripple the tunnel systems & underground bases where the Greys & Reptilians have been hiding. They had been warned many, many times to leave, and didn’t. So, a positive intervention. My contacts called these tunnels & base a “lattice network”. They’re destroyed, collapsed & inoperable... and closed off. These were not nuclear blasts. They said, and I quote: “ we would never used nuclear weapons, we don’t need to. We are far beyond this kind of technology. Moreover, use of nuclear weapons would absolutely endanger the lives of the people on the planet surface. And, even worse, nuclear radiation is poisonous to all humans, to all life on Earth. These were not nuclear weapons but highly focused,
pin-pointed, sonic energy beam blasts.”

“The Andromeda Council’s goal is to eliminate as many of these remaining ‘rats under the wood pile’ as soon as possible... before your migration & complete immersion into the 4th dimensional area of space. As I’ve mentioned, we are about 90-92% complete in the wrapping up of the ‘cleanup’ phase of the last holdouts
of these Grey & Reptilian menaces here on Earth.

So, back to the shift. Comparatively, this coming shift is nothing like anyone has experienced in a long, long, long time. A lot of things are happening with your solar system, all at once, which we are paying close attention to. And, this transformation you are about to experience is totally different because a whole solar system, your planet & its people get to become 4th dimensional human beings without having to “die”.

Now, let me explain. From time memorial, normally humans on 3D planets like Earth get to live long or short lives, to have whatever overall learning experiences are best needed for their souls. When they die, rather when their bodies die their original birth spiritual essence, their soul, usually goes off planet for a while & decides, chooses, where it will incarnate next. Another 3D world like Earth, or Earth again. Or, if they feel they’ve really learned as much as they can over the course of many 3D lifetimes they can choose instead to migrate & live their lives in the 4th dimension on any number of 4D worlds. Or they can go back to their original 4D home world. This is the norm.
“Again, in the case of this coming shift, this transformation of your solar system and planet no one, nobody’s 3D body has to die to become a 4th dimensional human.
“QUESTION 2. That’s great. You’ve said on the Andromeda Council web site
that as part of our transition into becoming 4th dimensional beings - people from planets affiliated with the Andromeda Council are coming here to Earth, will quietly land, and visit with us. What will these people be like?
“ANSWER: The people you can expect to meet are likely to come from four (4) affiliated Andromeda Council planets: Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka and Ritol. The people from all four planets are human just like you & I are. Here are the following physical traits and descriptions of all four:

“The people from this planet Ventra {Ven-tra} have white porcelain type skin, beautiful emerald green looking eyes or dark bluish purple eyes. They have fine strawberry blonde hair. The women are petite, about 5’ tall. The men are about 6’ – 6’ 2”.

“The people from this planet Nikotae {Nee-koe-tay} have light creamy, to mid-mocha color skin. They would look to be very much like a person of mixed Caucasian & African races on your planet. These people are in fact of mixed races. Hair ranges in color from black to brown, of all different textures, short & tight to long & light curly & flowing. Their eyes are all colors of brown, dark to light, and some times people with the lighter colored brown eyes – they have gold flecks in their eyes. The women are generally about ’ tall. And the men range from about 6’5 - ’7”.

“The people from this planet Toleka {Toe-lecka} have beautiful, pale, very light green skin, with light blue almost aquamarine eyes. Their fine hair ranges from being almost silvery to very light blonde. With both the women & men, they would be considered have an average range of Earth human height. Their ears are slightly pointed. Think of the fictional “Vulcans” from your STAR TREK television shows.

“The majority of the original people from this planet Ritol {Ree tole} have light blue skin. They have thick full white hair. They have really deep, deep purple eyes.
“These people have also inter-mixed marriages with Caucasian looking people from a planet in the Tau Ceti star system, Loeki {Loke-ee} as a result, their light blue skin color gets even lighter. They have all different eye colors because of the inter-mixing of the races. Their hair is either black or red, also full & thick in appearance.
“For those people who have inter-mixed marriages with people you would consider to be ‘Native American’ looking, people from the planet Dakote, their look becomes a more ‘muted’ blue look. They have also married people from the planet Nikotae, people who have the light creamy to mid-mocha color skin. They have retained the texture of thick full hair. These people overall are very tall in height. They women are generally 7’ – 7’ 2” tall. The men are usually between 8’ – 8’2” tall.
Ritol is very much a ‘melting pot’ kind of a planet, much like Earth.

“QUESTION 3. How will we be able to speak with these people who are from other planets?
“ANSWER: In order to be able to speak with you they will all be wearing ‘universal translators’ so they can converse in all Earth languages.

“QUESTION 4. Is this still scheduled to happen soon?
ANSWER: Yes, they are pretty much on schedule to do this. It’s still very likely to happen this autumn.
I believe sometime before October [2011] is finished. But, don’t hold me to this date.
“Because we are discussing timing happening around major cosmic events, the matter of "timing" concerning their initial contact & visitation date tends to be much more fluid. Therefore, I would ask people to please be patient about this particular topic.

“QUESTION 5. O.K. then. So the Andromeda Council web site talks about all sorts of important things they have to share with us. What’s the big deal: what don’t we know about ourselves?
“ANSWER: Great question. Primarily you’ll learn about your own true heritage, the truth of your origin, of your original human physical form, where among the various stars & planets across the Universe that Earth people originally came from, who your - cousins, brothers and sisters are, who your ancestors truly are and why you are so special. You’ll learn about the truth and reality of the human spiritual origin and its true essence. You’ll learn about the reality, creation & sacredness of the human soul, and its connection with the Creation, and all sentient life throughout the Universe.
“There is much more of course. But, that’s their job. I’ll let them tell you.

“QUESTION 6. Well, ok. All right. So, back to our new 4D bodies then. So, January 1, 2014 arrives and we begin living as 4th dimensional people. How will Earth people change in terms of their body structure as new 4D humans?

“ANSWER: Again, the most important thing to realize is that this coming transformation, this transition, from 3D human to 4D human will be smooth, ‘seamless’, painless. Again, there is no death involved. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure from the slower, denser, heavier, existing 3D vibratory rate you have today, to a higher, faster 4D vibratory rate. You will have a body that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight & density, and lighter in terms of being infused with light.
“Keep in mind, your body’s molecular cellular structure will change. Think crystal based molecules. Your 4D body, the cellular structure of your new 4D body, will be based on crystalline molecules. Your existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Within the center of each cell, it will be full of light. Earth people, your 4D bodies will really be very translucent.
For all the living adults who choose to remain on Earth during this time of change, you will look approximately in the 32 -35 year old age range.
“In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male today at 5’10” the equivalent 4th dimensional male will be about 7ft tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5’ 5” – 5’ 6” 3D Earth woman will likely be about ’6 2” living a 4D life. An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about: 10-15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5-7 pounds. Everyone will be relatively trim, slim in stature. This is simply due to the nature of having a body composed of crystalline cellular structure.
“In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, literally full of light. Earth type 3D diseases will all be literally eradicated.

“QUESTION 7. If we are this healthy, and with the eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D Earth humans?
“ANSWER: You will like this answer, this is a really good answer. Typically, as you currently measure time on Earth, human beings living a 4D life spend a minimum of 5,000 years - to - a maximum of around 10,000 years... living a 4th dimensional life. Also understand, there are 12 octaves of awareness & learning on each dimension, including the 4th. There is a lot to experience. Please keep in mind, the use of these numbers in years is to give you at least an approximation based on how Earth people measure time today. However, also keep in mind, the way you currently measure time on Earth – this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing time... this will virtually go away. Plan for this to completely come into effect by January 2014. In any case, you will live very, very long lives... before you move on to the 5th dimension.

QUESTION 8. What do you mean move on... when do we die?
“ANSWER: No, no, you misunderstand. This too is a really good answer. You don't die. Remember, time doesn't exist from the 4th dimension on upward. You don't experience time. And people living a 4D life do not die.
A person can choose by really extraordinary circumstances to be “extinguished”, but this is very, very rare.
When a 4D person gets to the point when they are 6,000 -10,000 years old', when they feel they have learned enough & contributed enough to society, when the moment is right for them, they simply choose to move on, to transition to the 5th dimension, a slightly higher frequency of vibratory awareness. For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences.
It is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition is simply about first learning, and then moving into 5th dimensional vibration awareness, and capabilities when the moment is right for them. Further, the actual capabilities a person has once they become a 5th dimensional human these are only a few degrees enhanced above the 4th. In any case, moving on from one dimension to the next is about having learned many, many things, and a simple choice to move on, to change. You do not die.”

How to evaluate the reality of the reported Andromeda Council scenario for transformation to a 4D Earth
1.  No independent evidence – As Tolec states in his ExopoliticsTV interview, there is no independent evidence of the actual communications from a reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representative regarding the above scenario for transformation of the solar system and of the Earth to a 4th dimension.  What we have are Tolec’s communications to us of experiences and communications he is having with the reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representatives themselves.  One can evaluate the possible reality of the reported Andromeda Council scenario for transformation to a 4D Earth by testing its congruence with other independent findings or reliable assertions.
2.  Nuclear explosions or “sonic energy beam blasts” – As discussed in the ExopoliticsTV interview, the Andromeda Council communication claims that the ‘earthquake’ caused by the August 23, 2011 shallow earthquake was due to its “sonic energy beam blasts” destroying Orion grey and Draco reptilian bases under Washington, DC and Denver Colo.
There is a division of scientific opinion on this issue.  Sterling D. Allan, director of the New Energy Congress, arguing the case for a nuclear explosion for the Aug. 23, 2011 earthquake.  Mr. Allen states, "The sudden spike shown in both the very unusual DC and Denver earthquakes on August 23 are consistent with an explosion from a sub-surface nuclear bomb. A recent interview of Benjamin Fulford by David Wilcock gives some intriguing possibilities about a counter coup, and hope for release of suppressed energy technologies.
"Today I've received a phone call and a number of emails from people referring to an interview that David Wilcock conducted recently with Benjamin Fulford, who asserts that the recent DC and Denver Quakes were spurred by underground nukes wiping out two of the New World Order bunkers by ‘white hat’ elements in the U.S. Pentagon, signaling the end of days for the dark cabal that have been running the planet for millennia. The interview concludes with a discussion about how with this victory over the dark elements of the former powers-that-be, that many hitherto suppressed energy technologies will soon be released.
"It's all a bit difficult to believe, and I probably wouldn't be mentioning it to you were it not for some hard facts that support the key points about the earthquakes not being natural. They have the same seismological signature as what accompanies a nuclear blast detonated a few miles below the Earth's surface."
Another independent scientist notes that the same earthquake signatures are consistent not nuclear weapons, but with directed energy or frequency weapons, or the type of weapons described by the reported Andromeda Council.
3. Transformation from a 3rd dimensional Earth to a 4th dimensional Earth – Researcher David Wilcock argues in his new book, The Source Field Investigations, that humanity finds itself at the convergence of multiple cycles – 25,920 years, 60 million years, and 265 million years - each of which is accompanied by evolutionary transformation.  The transformation described by the Andromeda Council communications of transformation via dimensional shift from a 3rd dimensional Earth to a 4th dimensional Earth could be construed as congruent with the sort of evolutionary change that can be expected in the 2011-13 period as being accompanying the completion of a 25,920 years cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, and the 60 million year and 265 million year cycles for the disappearance of old species and sudden appearance of new species.
4.  Description of the 4th dimensional Earth appears to be congruent with research on the nature of the human ‘afterlife’ or ‘Inter-life’ – As discussed in the ExopoliticsTV interview, the Andromeda Council communications’ description of life in a 4th dimensional Earth seems in significant respects to be congruent with scientific descriptions of the human afterlife or ‘Interlife’, as described in over 7000 cases of hypnotic regression of soul memories of the human afterlife or interlife.
Please see:
Human souls common to extraterrestrials and earthlings, researcher says
One function of the transformation via dimensional shift from a 3D Earth to a 4D Earth, if valid, appears to be the ‘upgrading’ of Earthly life to eliminate physical death (“And death shall have no dominion”), and shift the entire solar system including Earth in to what was formerly described by religious traditions as “Heaven” or “Paradise”.  From this point of view, the transformation via dimensional shift from 3D Earth to a 4D Earth would indeed be perceived by 4D humans as the landing of ‘Paradise on Earth’.
Next interview with Andromeda Council representative: "The facts of Life in a 4th dimensional Earth."
Andromeda Council website
 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions page 

1. ET Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
2. YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council - War with Orion grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
3. Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
4. YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
Part I
Part II

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