Monday, October 10, 2011

CGI's Maryhrt: Oathkeepers to occupy the occupation!!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

CGI's Maryhrt: Oathkeepers to occupy the occupation!!
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2011 11:12:36
I strongly suggest that you visit the web page below as there are many fine videos and other resources available.
EDITED ANNOUNCEMENT (Edited by Stewart Rhodes, October 7, 2001, 2pm Eastern)
Oath Keepers has an assessment of what is currently happening in America regarding the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, which is spreading. On Tuesday, October 04, 2011, we came up with a plan, a new initiative which shall be Oath Keepers’ response to the demonstrations billed as “Occupy Wall Street”.
Our initiative is to place Oath Keepers’ message of Constitutionality in front of the demonstrators who show up at the rallies.
Oath Keepers is not involved in the leadership of “Occupy Wall Street”, but we have a keen interest in some subtle forces at play in all this, and we have a plan for countering those forces.
We have had numerous reports from our people who have attended some of these rallies, from Occupy Seattle to Occupy Los Angeles to Occupy Boston. Our reports indicate that many of the youth showing up at these events are people who have been suddenly awakened to the realization that this nation is in serious trouble. Many are frightened, more are angry, and most are confused. Oath Keepers notes that certain forces (socialists and Marxists) are attempting to co-opt their awakening by pointing a finger at Wall Street and using the very real and well documented corruption there, which is certainly obvious to all, to attack “capitalism”. They are using the sins of corporatism, a.ka. Crony capitalism, to attach the ideal of a free market and economic freedom in general, in order to persuade our youth that socialism (a soft form of communism) is to be preferred over the madhouse tactics of berserk corporate America, or, “Wall Street”. They are presenting them a false choice between fascism (which is the proper name for a marriage between big government and big business) and Marxism, while totally ignoring the free market and sound money that our Constitutional Republic is supposed to have.
This is a lie being sold to our nation’s youth. Oath Keepers intends to redirect that lie back to the truth, which is the fact that the Federal Reserve is at the heart of the problem and without the Fed the bad boys of Wall Street could not do so much damage to our country.
Therefore, Oath Keepers sees good reason to stand in the streets with these awakening souls and protect their right to free speech, to peacefully assemble, and to redress their grievances to their government, as the Constitution prescribes for all Americans. That is one thing. Another facet of our initiative is to use these public gatherings to reach and teach many who now hunger for the truth – we can show them how the Constitution will protect them better than an oversized, bloated Federal behemoth hell-bent on controlling every aspect of each citizen’s life.
To point this out to the masses, Oath Keepers is organizing a joint effort along with Alex Jones of Infowars dot com (who himself called for an Occupy the Fed movement); Steven Vincent of End The Fed; Danny Panzella’s Truth Squad TV; Brandon Smith of; Gary Franch of Restore The Republic; and others as quickly as we can contact them. Remember Bob Dwyer, the guy who started the first Tea Party to launch the Ron Paul revolution? He’s in. The forces of Constitutional rule of law must muster now to deflect the bile being belched forth by the socialist/statist extremists who work for Soros and his ilk. Soros wants our youth to believe that capitalism is the enemy within, while in truth it is the Federal Reserve. Oath Keepers has the message American youth need. If we do not go out into the street and give them the truth, can we really say we’re still honoring our Oath?
Maybe it’s time we all got up off the sofa, turned off the damned TV set, and get out there with all the other Oath Keepers to share our message with the awakening masses. If there is any question, please pause right now and read this article by Dr. Edwin Vieira, and then come back here and think on what’s below.
Here is a quotation from Dr. Vieira’s article at that above link -
Political loyalties move on a two-way street. Masses of economically deprived, socially dislocated, and politically disenfranchised, disgruntled, and disgusted people—who have next to nothing left and therefore almost nothing more to lose—are unlikely to entertain any obligation to the political system under which they happen to live, or to the political parties, politicians, and special-interest groups that run that system for their own parochial benefit. When America’s economy slips into the free-fall of hyperinflation or depression, impoverished people will rebel. First, against ever-worsening conditions, by demanding that public officials correct the situation. Then, when their protests accomplish little or nothing, they will rebel against incumbent officials at the next election. Finally, when they discover that the two major political parties are really one party with an empty cranium and a pair of duplicitous faces, and that changing the political personalities in office does not ameliorate the conditions that arise out of the government’s hare-brained economic policies, they will rebel against this country’s governmental institutions as a whole.
Oath Keepers is planning to “Occupy The Fed Now!” and publicize this to remind the Occupy Wall Street people that the Fed is the source problem, without which the Wall Street criminals would be set back a hundred years. I will be posting our press release and a longer list of groups and orgs who will be joining Oath Keepers in this initiative.
We are currently drawing up our press release regarding our own response to the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon, which will be Oath Keepers’ official statement. We are now planning an official Oath Keepers project which we’ve named “Occupy The Fed Now!”.
Yes, Oath Keepers has seen the need to block the attempted takeover of the populist movement generally referred to as Occupy Wall Street.
In an extensive phone conference on the evening of October 04, 2011, we heard from Oath Keepers who have attended Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Boston, Occupy Los Angeles, and Occupy Seattle. The overall consensus from our people at these rallies is that most people attending the rallies are very open-minded to the Oath Keepers mission/message, and that they are hungry for answers. Indeed, our reports indicate that many Americans right now are awakening, in droves it seems, and they are full of questions for which we have the answer – the Constitution for the united States of America.
Oath Keepers is not going to stand idly by and watch the Soros socialist/collectivist/Big Government crowd claim these newly-awakening Americans as their own. From Michael Moore to a host of other Big Government statists, the Soros faction is trying now to steal the people’s thunder, just the way the Republican Party tried to steal the Tea Party’s thunder by co-opting the Tea Party.
The Soros/socialist/Big Government message is that those evil Capitalists on Wall Street are the problem which now threatens to destroy America. That is an outright lie, and it is being promoted in the mass media by the way they’re covering the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Despite the fact that the “Monopoly Capitalists” are indeed present on Wall Street, and among them are serious corporate threats to America’s sovereignty, the media fails to distinguish the difference between true free-market capitalism and Monopoly Capitalism. Soros and his followers are attempting to misdirect the movement by claiming that capitalism is the problem. We shall expose that lie.
The problem is the Federal Reserve System, Inc. This is the finest and most inclusive video documentary available, and Oath Keepers salutes Bill Still for a remarkable job with this educational documentary -
See Steve Watson’s great article on the mass media / Soros lie about the true culprits of Wall Street –
When it comes to stealing thunder, nobody does it better than the U.S. mass media, which of course takes its marching orders from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). We note that history shows that the same people who created the CFR and the Federal Reserve also gave us the National Education Association (to determine content in public school textbooks), the American Medical Association (the pill-pushers’ lobby), the American Historical Society (the spin doctors for our true history), as well as the Trilateral Commission and numerous “think tanks” in the private sector, such as La Raza and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). This is not being divulged or expounded by the mainstream media, as we know.
The Federal Reserve is not a part of our government, but instead is a private corporation, another danged corporation – and in all actuality the Federal Reserve System, Inc., is the biggest baddest corporation of all.
But wait! Am I saying that corporations are bad? Not at all. Like some snakes, which are not poisonous or aggressive, such as King Snakes which help keep the rodent population in check on farms across America, some corporations are very fine and docile assets for modern America. Like the King Snake, a good corporation carries its weight and benefits the economy locally and nationally by generating wages and taxes while at the same time providing services and/or products which people need or want.
Americans like and want that kind of corporation.
But when a corporation becomes larger than is useful, and seeks to concentrate financial power into the political and governmental spheres, its likeness is no longer the King Snake, but instead is more like a Rattlesnake. At a point we call such corps “Monopoly Capitalists”. By the time a grouping of such Monopoly Capitalist corps are setting U.S. foreign policy, which the arms industry certainly does nowadays, the problem becomes unbearably apparent. Bechtel comes to mind, along with Halliburton, the Carlyle Group, Monsanto, General Electric, et al.
That part of Wall Street is certainly to blame. But that is not “Capitalism”. Instead, it is “Monopoly Capitalism”, and it is now observably moving America into a new world order with intent to place America under the alleged authority of a one-world government. As such, Monopoly Capitalism is un-Constitutional and must be opposed.
Truth: No corporation could threaten America without the help of the Federal Reserve. The Fed is the problem, and Wall Street is merely the symptom of that problem.
For the socialist movement in America to take this new-wave of Tea Party-type energy, the “Occupy” energy wave, and divert it into protesting a mere symptom of the problem is flat-out wrong. Especially when they use the crimes of corporate Monopoly Capitalism to attack American-styled free-market capitalism itself. That is why Oath Keepers is launching the movement to “Occupy The Fed Now!”
We will also be working in conjunction with Alex Jones, who arrived at the decision this past Sunday while doing a live television broadcast. (October 02, 2011) Stewart Rhodes will appear on the Alex Jones show on Friday, October 07, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, to coordinate Oath Keepers and Infowars forces in this effort.
Our new initiative, Occupy The Fed Now!, will have its own website up and running by Friday morning, October 07, 2011. We are also using a Meetup calendar system, and are doing a facebook page for this new initiative.
Stand by for an upcoming article about the entire “Occupy Wall Street” phenomenon and our own Occupy The Fed Now! initiative, right here at Oath Keepers’ national site.
Oath Keepers

“Halal” meat." ALERT!

"The other day I wrote about Costco stocking their meat counters with “Halal” meat."
So yesterday I shopped for groceries at my local Walmart. As usual, I bought a bag of frozen chicken breasts, but this time I checked to make sure the meat was not labeled “Halal”. Here’s why.
Halal is the Islamic term that basically means the meat is lawful to eat for a devout Muslim. What makes it lawful or acceptable is that the meat has been processed in a very specific way. Unlike kosher food, where the physical processing of the meat is the focus, for Islam it is the spiritual component that makes the meat lawful.
For lawful (halal) meat in Islam, the animal must be killed while the butcher faces Mecca, and either the butcher cries “Allah Akbar” or a tape plays the words over a loud speaker.
Ann Barnhardt, is a cattle commodities broker, has more about “Halal."
NEVER buy meat that is marked as “Halal”.
I am in the cattle business, and believe me when I tell you that Halal kill plants are CONSTANTLY being cited and shut down by the USDA for horrific, infractions. Most of these plants are in Michigan and upstate New York.
One of the things that halal kill plants are notorious for is putting already-dead animals in the human consumption line. They will go pick up a dead cow off of a farm or ranch and instead of putting it in their rendering tank where the resulting “tankage” is worth pennies on the dollar as pet food or industrial products, they will shackle the dead animal on the normal kill line and process it as human food which is the highest-dollar product.
Since Islam teaches dishonesty (taqiyyah) and no regard for one’s neighbor, this kind of sickening behavior is standard.
Halal plants are also notorious for general citations for filth and uncleanliness. I have toured normal cattle slaughter plants, and guys, you could eat off of the floor. Everything is white and men walk around with water hoses and steam guns constantly keeping everything in a state of spotlessness.
Halal plants are filthy. A lot of Halal meat is also labeled as “organic”.
Again, don’t be fooled into thinking that “halal” means “better”. It isn’t. I would never, ever knowingly eat halal meat purely from a food safety perspective.

Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2011 08:30:55
The American Revolution, in no small part, was a repudiation of the central banking tyranny exported to the New World by the Bank of England. Few legacies have grown more despotic than the consequences of living under the rule of fractional reserve banking. Many good willed conservatives understand that the system is imploding. Some envision a second American Revolution that expels the remnant Tories that have hijacked our Federalism separation of powers form of government. Woefully, the prospects for a States Rights revolt are slim. However, the scenario of a domestic French Revolution style carnage is brewing with every escalation of the pompous arrogance worthy of a Jean-Joseph, marquis de Laborde or the manipulative usury of the House of Rothschild.
Read the entire article on the BATR archive page

Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum

Bank Of America ----- ALERT!

Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2011 10:45 PM
Subject: BOA - ALERT

By Zaid Jilani on Oct 8, 2011 at 8:00 pm
 As hundreds of people remain encamped on Wall Street in New York City, and thousands of people across the country are taking part in a 99 Percent Movementaimed at battling economic inequality spurred on by enormous income gains by the richest one percent of Americans.
One of the financial institutions being targeted by protesters is foreclosure mill and government bailout recipient Bank of America (BOA). In Boston, thousands of people marched against BOA’s greed and in Los Angeles, numerous people were arrested while staging a sit-in at a local branch.
While many Americans may feel powerless against this banking behemoth, the truth is that Americans have a simple way to protest its greed and corporate malfeasance: simply move your money out of the bank to one of its competitors, such as a local credit union. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) recentlyencouraged Americans to do just that.
ThinkProgress has assembled five reasons why American consumers could consider moving their money and striking a blow to this abusive banking giant:
1. Bank of America Just Unveiled A Shocking New Debit Card Fee: Late last month, BOA announced that it would start charging a $5-a-month fee simply for consumers to use their debit cards for purchases. Although a few of its competitors have started using similar fees in recent times, BOA’s presence as America’s largest banking chain means that if it successfully enacts such a fee, it may be able to set a trend in the industry to make such charges the norm. More than 137,000 Americans have signed an online petition protesting the fee. Most credit unions do not charge for using one’s debit card, and one credit unions, Delta Credit Union based in Atlanta, is even holding a “Switch Day” to encourage BOA’s customers to switch over to its services instead.
2. Bank of America Has Spent Millions Lobbying To Gut Reforms With Your Tax Dollars: Despite being bailed out to the tune of billions of dollars by the federal government, Bank of America has still had the gumption to spend millions of dollars in Washington battling new reforms meant re-regulate the financial sector. It spent nearly $4 million hiring a double-digit number of lobbyists in 2010, mostly aimed at gutting legislation related to banking regulations. Meanwhile, it spent a million dollars on campaign contributions in the 2010 electoral cycle.
3. Bank of America’s Practices Are At The Nexus Of The Foreclosure Crisis: Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan raised eyebrows recently when he excitedly cheered for faster foreclosures of Americans’ homes. Despite being found to be a major user of error-ridden “robo-signing” foreclosure practices last year, the mega-bank only briefly halted its foreclosure proceedings nationwide. It is also facing lawsuits by multiple states over its mortgage practices.
4. Bank of America Just Announced That It Was Laying Off 30,000 People: The “firm’s 30,000 job cuts are more than double what any other U.S.-based employer has announced so far this year, according to a employment tracking group.” The layoffs come after a decision by Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Citigroup earlier this year to “outsource IT and back office projects worth nearly $5 billion this year to India, as they seek to lower costs.”
5. Despite The Poor Economy, Bank Of America Continues To Reward Its Executives With Multi-Million Dollar Salaries: Despite blaming economic woes for layoffs of employees and its new debit card fee, the mega-bank continues to deliver huge paydays to its executives. The bank just announced that two of its former executives, Sallie Krawcheck and Joe Price, will receive a salary of $850,000 and a payment of $5.15 million and a salary of $850,000 and a payment of $4.15 million respectively. Meanwhile, BOA maintained its CEO’s salary of $950,000 plus $9.05 million in performance-based stock awards this year.
Americans do not have to stand by and allow a mega-bank to continue to rip off its consumers, to develop and foster abusive mortgage practices, reward its executives lavishly, and shortchange own workforce. They can strike a blow against this institution by simply moving their money away from it, either to its major competitors or into the country’s large network of community banks and credit unions.
In order to facilitate this process, Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) — shortly after meeting with Occupy Raleigh protesters in Bank of America’s hub city — has introduced the “Freedom and Mobility in Consumer Banking Act,” which would ensure that Americans “have the right to immediately close any account at any insured depository institutions on demand, without cost to the consumer, that consumers receive any balance in their account immediately, and for other purposes.” The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has launched a petition drive in support of Miller’s bill. Sign their petitionhere. For resources on finding a community bank or credit union to store your money, see the “Move Your Money Project.”
Organizers are putting together a “Bank Transfer Day” on November 5th and are encouraging Americans to pull their money out of big banks and put their savings instead into credit unions.
Other organizers are calling for Americans to close accounts at “too big to fail” banks on November 12.


 “All great truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. - Pie in my face, full of bull, etc.!
Second, it is violently opposed. - Hurt feelings, stepped on toes!
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”- Right on! Finally made it!
This Jaguar has been tested by fire and has no "off" button!
____G. Thomas Gulick - Proverbs 24:10


WTC-de-briefing Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Anderson 01.29.2001

Good morning;
The above attachment has been made a part of my personal 911-File & Operation Deep Sleep File as well.
Thought you may like a copy of the finished recorded file. Keep in mind, since 2010 Operation Deep Sleep has
been exposed as planned for over 60+ years. Much of this text includes 'non-published' history making times.
Names and full details took over 30 years to complete the full report. President Harry Truman was a great source
back in 1949.
A non-stop romp thru the last 60 years of U.S. history. . . taking more than
30-years to complete by the reporter & editor of this recorded but unpublished
work including some 150 pages.
Tim, the named author, another like-minded history buff, has done a 'par excellent' job of reporting. But you must read,
discern and decide on your own. Seek first to understand! Get it?
Keep in mind, Tim aged some 30 years during the start to finish Operation Deep Sleep. Today, a selected few of you
have my part of this non-published history with personal comments. It's free!
I have done the job of recording the self-evident truths, as provided, the de-briefing non-published January 29, 2001
meeting of the listed persons. Have also taken time to explain a few of the inserts/comments made 
during this history recorded de-briefing. Even included opinions both positive and negative.
History has now been recorded and is now on file at this Puzzle Palace. Years from now, I can share this with my grandchildren.
Today, you best travel from UNBELIEVABLE to BELIEVABLE! I report and you must decide.
Regrets? Yes. I regret Cheney & Rumsfeld are recorded with their "F-Bombs" but Tim Erickson reports
and I cannot remove history, as recorded, to sound better. It is what it is!
This file is being sent only to a select few. Why? Because you are so special? Yes! Today is October 10th. Only
5-more days and this e-teaching session is over. To my Donn and Don friends, it's been a great time since
January of 2000. To my friend, Hawk. thank you for your support and true friendship. To my Marine buddies in
South Carolina, you best stay in your bunkers! My take has always been if you learn more you will earn more.
The Financial-Health-Wellness e-teaching from this end is, in part, our
H.O.P.E. - Helping Other People Everyday. To my valued clients, our Total Return
Strategy is making money by not losing money!
Today, you are going to learn The Enemy Within plans and knows our future! No its not
a conspiracy! It;s a planned agenda! That's not what freedom means to me. Get it?
If not. . . then get it! Take back our Republic and Constitution! Expose The Enemy Within!
Do something!
Have a great day.
G. Gulick


Response to a Wyoming Senator

Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming , Co-Chair of Obama's deficit commission, calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security" to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats.
Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Wyoming ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!
"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight..

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3 My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero ambition losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud..

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and your ilk pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age 67. NOW, you and your shill commission is proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now you morons propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because you idiots mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you incompetent bastards spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.
To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" on your incompetence. Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU.

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or, as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcases who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers. And for what? Votes. That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you
miserable son of a bitch.

If you like the way things are in America delete this. If you agree with what a fellow Wyoming citizen Patty Myers says, PASS IT

9/11 WTC Building 7

John's Comments --- I am a Civil, Structural Engineer. Bldg 7 was  not connected to the other 2 buildings of the WTC, was NOT struck by an airplane and went down in a 'controlled demolition manner'! THIS WAS A DEMOLITION by murderers! BASTARDS ---- MAY THEY RECEIVE THERE JUST REWARDS!

The planetary financial system is collapsing now

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

New Posting from Clif High: The planetary financial system is collapsing now - Shocking developments emerge on October 1
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2011 04:35:59
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 1:26 PM
Subject: New Posting from Clif High: The planetary financial system is collapsing now - Shocking developments emerge on October 15th..

Reader comment left in....
Clif's site:
For those of you that are familiar with Cliff (webbot) High. Here's a really interesting report he posted. If you haven't read about Cliff High and webbots before, just google it. Looks like the party is about to start, hang on to your hats. ps. the good stuff starts half way down the page. A reminder that on Oct 11th we start the 7th day of the 9th wave on the Mayan Calendar. The 7th Day ends on Oct 28, 2011. -E
Funeral for a Zombie...
Yo, Grunch just ahead!
Employing the word as his hero, Buckminster Fuller, Raven is busily warning, "Yo, Grunch just ahead!!!".

In this next 'tranche' (french word appropriated by banksters that means 'slice' which is what they are doing to all of us), the Giants of Our Age, which includes what i have labeled as Civilization 1/One (which makes us regular terrestrial humans civilization 0/zero), will be out for the Big Score with this next mega theft of resources (in the form of currency) from the global financial system.
In the mind control theater that was 911, the theft of 2.3 trillion dollars was covered up. In the 'financial crisis' of October 2008, there was over 6 trillion dollars sucked out of the planetary wealth. It is my expectation, that the next big score is targeting nearly 16 trillion of the new dollars that Ben (enemy of humanity) Bernanke has just created out of nothing. While it is factual that Bogus Ben Bernanke's bucks have absolutely NO value and are ephemeral at best, he has yet instantly obligated all of the USofA inhabitants to back his illusionary currency with their very real suffering and slavery.
This next Looting Frenzy will erupt within these upcoming few weeks, will last mere hours, but is intended by the giants (= entrenched powers = minions of the banksters) to affect us all for generations. Oh, and they are actively working to kill off most of us (What? You thought Fukashima earthquake,tsunami, and nuke disaster were 'natural'?), and to enslave those of your children that they 'allow' to survive.
These are not regular humans. These are psychopath beings who are so mentally ill as to be a danger to us all. The thinking individual need only examine their edifices, the corporations, and the resulting impact on our homeworld to know these perverted, twisted beings at their core (note, no heart, just a hole).
These are not regular humans. These are psychopath beings who are a danger to us all.
These are not regular humans. These are psychopath beings who are going to crash the planetary (mostly USofA/UK/EU centered) financial system over these next few weeks. Our data suggests that the most likely target date will be October 17th (a Monday), after very shocking developments emerge on October 15th.
The reasons, and goals of the psychopath masters of the banksters and political/military minion classes are not of concern at this moment in the process. We leave such examinations for the show trials of the survivors of the psychopath class later this decade. What is our concern is the immediacy of this pending event.
Wrap your head around the idea: the planetary financial system is collapsing now. The collapse was initiated a long time ago, and cannot be averted by anything that may be done at this point in the process of it falling over dead.
It is also important to note that the collapse of the financial/banking system MUST happen and further is a GOOD thing for most humans albeit on the other side of the suffering that is attendant to the process of this global death. We MUST grieve, but we must also BURY this stinking corpse as it is rotting of corruption!
So, let it die. We will rebuild. Note this. WE will rebuild....not they, the banksters, but we, the humans of earth.
But first, we have a funeral to attend. They, the banksters, and minions, have killed off the banking system. We note that already (October 8, 2011) the rumors of THE derivative swap cotango contagion are eroding 'confidence' in these 'trickster notes' globally. By the 15th of the month when our forecast shows a very sharp and sudden switch to release language that lasts but short days, the poison in the veins of the system should be clear to all. That is when we will all, like it or not, protest or not, be participating in the FUNERAL of the Zombie (planetary) Central Banking system.
The data suggests that as the derivative implosion initiated by the psychopaths erupts from compression to smouldering to flames over October, the 'giants' will be faced by a new competitor as Civilization One will make its move. Their goal is much as the banksters in that they want as much of the 'hard asset' currencies, or other leverage, as may be obtained. In much the same fashion that the Vikings preyed upon the those of more southern Europe, spurred to action by radical climate change, those humans involved in Civilization 1/One (the underground pan global alliance of military industrial complexes centered around reverse engineered space alien technology), are forced by circumstances to prey on terrestrial humanity. Note that the banksters, even those aware that they are serving Civilization 1/one, will be very very surprised by the upcoming series of events involved in this Grunch as they, also, will be victims.
And these days are when the data says reality gets really interesting. It is with tip of the cap to Calleman that we note how close the Grunch, and the subsequent Revealing, and the Unleashing/Unbinding/Free'ing are to his calculations of the Mayan (meso american) Long Count results. As the derivative implosion proceeds, the banksters, and their minion slaves, are going to be attempting to steal every possible 'dollar' of value anywhere obtainable. What will be very interesting for those of us not emotionally involved in the process of death of paper debt will be to watch and wait for the howls of emotional dick crushing when the banksters discover their loot gone missing from their hidey holes. By the way, this absence of the 'loot' is showing in our data as creating 'fatal circumstances' for many of the bankster class who will not be able to pay back when hunted down and taken prisoner over these next few years as the planet transitions to whatever terrestrial humanity will invent of it next.
Thus Raven cries in warning, Grunch just ahead. Watch your step. These giants aren't house trained....
copyright blah blah blah more blah 2011 by clif high blah blah and more blah
By the way if you read this far and have the inclination it may pay you to learn latin as when the vatican sorcerers palace of evil is liberated in the next few years a treasure of latin language based knowledge will be available. Just a thought.

Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the Awlaki Assassination

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the Awlaki Assassination
Posted By: afriend [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2011 01:42:10
Is there ANYTHING the Criminally Insane Association is not involved with in which the word EVIL does not creep into the thinkers mind? Just wondering cause so many circumstances I find myself looking into now,these same 3 letters keep popping up!

September 30, the CIA and Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) assets under the Agency's control, assassinated the alleged "external operations" chief of the Afghan-Arab database of disposable Western intelligence assets, also known as Al-Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki, and a second American citizen, Samir Khan, the 25-year-old editor of Inspire magazine, in a drone strike in Yemen.
As The Washington Post reported last month, the "commingling" of CIA officers, JSOC paramilitary troops and contractors "occupy an expanding netherworld between intelligence and military operations" where "congressional intelligence and armed services committees rarely get a comprehensive view."
Or any "view" at all, which is precisely what the CIA and Pentagon have long desired; an oversight-free zone where American policymakers operate, as Dick Cheney infamously put it, on the "dark side," a position fully-embraced by the "hope and change" administration of Barack Obama.
Awlaki's state-sponsored killing, like the May 2 murder of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, resurface many unanswered questions concerning the 9/11 attacks, the so-called trigger for America's global "War on Terror."
But before turning to those issues, it is necessary to take a detour and examine administration actions; specifically the deliberations undertaken by Obama's national security team which culminated in Awlaki's death.
White House "Death Panel"
Unlike the fantasies of the corporate-controlled Tea Party who charged during the run-up to the White House sell-out of health care reform that the administration would create "death panels" to deny care to the elderly, it has since emerged that Team Obama has stood-up the authentic article.
According to The Washington Post, President Obama's Justice Department "wrote a secret memorandum authorizing the lethal targeting" of Awlaki. The Post reports that the memorandum "was produced following a review of the legal issues raised by striking a U.S. citizen and involved senior lawyers from across the administration. There was no dissent about the legality of killing Aulaqi."
That memorandum, according to The New York Times, was drafted in June 2010, some six months after Awlaki had been placed on the White House hit list, by Office of Legal Counsel attorneys "David Barron and Martin Lederman."
Both former OLC lawyers are prominent "liberals" from prestigious universities; Barron at Harvard and Lederman at Georgetown University.
Ironically enough, in several scholarly articles they had railed against the previous administration's adaptation of the "Unitary Executive Theory" promulgated by "torture memo" authors Jay Bybee and John Yoo.
Under Bush, OLC opinions were used to justify everything from warrantless wiretapping, the domestic deployment of the military to arrest Americans, to the torture and indefinite detention of "terrorist" suspects at the Guantánamo Bay prison gulag and CIA "black sites."
This of course begs the question: if Awlaki's murder was "legal," why then was the authorization to do so reached in camera by officials following a deliberative process which can't be shared with the public because of "national security"?
The answer should be chilling and shocking to all Americans: because the nucleus of a death squad state recalling those stood-up in Chile and Argentina during the "dirty war" period of the 1970s may now exist.
Reuters disclosed that Americans "are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials."
"There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel," reporter Mark Hosenball wrote, "which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council. ... Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate."

Imagine Star Chamber 2,and the gullible...hell that's just a movie...ok anything you say,who can argue with your discernment so far.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 10-Oct-2011 04:40:29

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beware of Corporate-Fascist Military Coup

WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in US?

Beware of pretenders supplied by the establishment to "save us" from collapsing system.
by Tony Cartalucci

September 30, 2011 - The US intelligence community, in conjunction with Wall Street corporate-financier interests, have spent an inordinate amount of time positioning themselves for a possible military coup and martial law take over of the United States. This is being done under the guise of the fraudulent "War on Terror" but in preparation for a very real and inevitable economic collapse. In particular, one personality above all others is being groomed by intelligence operatives and policy wonks, while built-up by the corporate media [1][2] in the eyes of the public to intercede in America's accelerating political, economic, and even global tactical decline. This man is General David Petraeus who served as former head of US Central Command which included combat operations in Iraq and former commander of US forces in Afghanistan before being sworn in as the current director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in September 6, 2011.

Image: Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, on his way to seize power in Rome via a military coup and become the republic's first emperor. America is not immune from suffering a similar prolonged, ignoble death to the extreme, parasitic elitism empire breeds.

Posing as a venerable American hero, "leading" American troops through two wars in service to his nation, Petraeus' ties are in fact to Wall Street and London corporate financier oligarchs. His membership [3] in the corporate-financier Council on Foreign Relations [4] is perhaps the most significant conflict of interest in America's political landscape today. He has been both commander of America's troops and now director of the CIA, all while privately associating with the unelected policy makers of the CFR, an organization that represents the collective interests of the largest banks, private institutions, and corporations on earth. Whether Petraeus is guilty or not of improprieties amidst this enormous conflict of interest is irrelevant. The fact that he hasn't shown the proper judgment to rectify such a conflict of interest by either resigning from his post, or ending his CFR associations, should be alarming to all Americans.

To add further fears regarding the ambitions and agenda of Petraeus, one must examine those that are gravitating around him and indeed prodding him along.

In 2010, Petraeus gave a speech before the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) [5], another private institution funded by corporations, working on behalf of corporations, essentially producing their own self-serving policy and using their vast connections and resources to have it rubber stamped by Congress and executed by the US Government at the American people's expense. In his speech, Petraeus would praise Neo-Conservative policy wonk Frederick Kagan who he credited for developing the "surge" strategy in Iraq.

In fact, almost all military strategy comes not from a large mahogany desk with maps strewn across it with a calculating general hovering above, but rather from institutions like AEI and other corporate-funded think-tanks including the Brookings Institution or the RAND Corporation. Frederick Kagan, along with other "resident scholars" at AEI, have also developed the current strategies being employed in Afghanistan and soon in Pakistan [6]. One might say that Petraeus, and many other lack-luster officers in the United States military are nothing more than empty vessels with administrative and operational capabilities merely carrying corporate-funded, crafted, and serving policies onto the battlefield, while equally empty vessels for politicians sell the policies and their tremendous costs back at home to the American people.

AEI's board of trustees represents a wide variety of corporate-financier interests including those of the notorious Carlyle Group, State Farm, American Express, and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co (also of the CFR). Dick Cheney also acts as a trustee. Joining policy wonk Frederick Kagan as members of AEI’s “research staff” are warmongers Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, Richard Perle, John Yoo, and Paul Wolfowitz. AEI's work is done entirely with the concept of "American exceptionalism" in mind, or in other words, American global hegemony. The AEI's own annual report is rife with talk of US strategic preeminence and its assertion over the sovereignty of foreign nations in the form of sanctions, military operations, invasions, and occupations. The AEI, in tandem with the Heritage Foundation, Foreign Policy Initiative, and many others, all with interconnecting memberships and corporate-financier sponsors, are literally the "Project for a New American Century (PNAC)" in motion.

If a general commanding the summation of America's military might and now America's immense, omnipresent intelligence network, being bent to the will of corporate-financier interests who literally write the script from which he acts isn't frightening enough, then maybe is the fact that these same apparently "Neo-Conservative," "right-wing" organizations are also engineering and executing the latest "liberal-humanitarian" war in Libya.

In fact, as notorious "Neo-Con" Paul Wolfowitz, an AEI "visiting scholar," expounded the merits of "Obama's war" in Libya [7] and the desirable effect it could have on helping topple regimes in Syria and Iran, one might recall Wolfowitz' aspirations back in 1991 where he spoke with General Wesley Clark about an opportunity to clean up the old Soviet "client regimes" before the next super power rose up and challenged western hegemony [8]. Amongst these "client regimes" were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, and Iran. It would appear than one linear agenda serving these corporate-financier interests unfolds regardless of who is in office.

With this in mind, we see that Petraeus is in no shape, form, or way a "political" or "establishment" outsider, or by any means a hero capable of saving America from its decline. He is amongst one of the most entrenched "insiders" there are, with his position in the CIA digging him in even deeper. His, or others like him, potentially entering into the political fray will be nothing more than a dangerous new ploy used to manipulate the American public. As Republican hopefuls flounder in front of an increasingly skeptical and angry public and the path for real political outsiders is being opened, the American people must be ever vigilant against pretenders like Petraeus, or other "military men" who might attempt to cross the proverbial Rubicon and pose as "reformers," or "saviors" here to rescue us from our flawed form of government.

It should be noted, that Republican candidate Rick Perry is also entirely compromised by the special interests described above. Perry, who farcically claimed America "cannot afford four more years of this rudderless leadership," already has the very men currently engineering Obama's multiple wars behind the scenes, lining up behind him for indeed, four more years of what Perry called "rudderless leadership." Foreign Policy reported [9] that notorious "Neo-Cons" including Douglas Feith, William Luti, Andrew McCarthy, Charles Stimson, and Daniel Fata, with the help of certified warmonger Donald Rumsfeld, had been introduced to Rick Perry to help him "brush up" on foreign policy. Also meeting with Perry was Dan Blumenthal of the above mentioned AEI, Peter Brookes of the Fortune 500-funded Heritage Foundation (page 35), and Zalmay Khalizad, a PNAC signatory and a member of the extraterritorial meddling National Endowment for Democracy's board of directors, to help Perry define his "hawk internationalist" foreign policy stance.

By "hawk internationalist," Foreign Policy indicates that it means, "embracing American exceptionalism and the unique role we must play in confronting the many threats we face." This of course is the same "American exceptionalism" promoted by the corporate-financier funded AEI along with the Heritage Foundation, the Brookings Institution, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Foreign Policy Initiative and is nothing more than a misleading way to describe modern day imperialism pursued by these organizations' various corporate sponsors.

It should be clear that the establishment is attempting to supply us with a wide variety of political and non-political poseurs and solutions from which we are to choose, before they continue on in earnest with their agenda. Expending energy fighting over these false choices is beyond futile. Instead, the path to restoring the American Republic starts with each and every one of us. The system is only as corrupt as the amount we continue paying into it. We must recognize the corporations lurking behind this system, seen by many as benign or even beneficial to modern America, and realize that they indisputably dominate both America domestically and all that falls under American influence abroad. Boycott these corporations into destitution and replace them with local, decentralized, practical alternatives based on real markets, real competition, real progress, and technological innovation.

Video: The indispensable Dr. Webster Tarpley discusses Libya, the global economy, and the prospect of General Petraeus' potential role in bringing Bonapartism openly to America's shores. Via

[1] The Telegraph, "David Petraeus for President: Run General, run," April 3, 2010
[2] The Guardian, "Petraeus in profile: the man who could be president," April 27, 2011
[3] Council on Foreign Relations, Membership Roster, letter 'P' for "Petraeus," as of September 30, 2011
[4] Council on Foreign Relations, Company Membership, as of September 29, 2011
[5] AEI Speeches & Testimony, "The Surge of Ideals," May 6, 2010
[6] The Stanley Foundation, "The Case for Larger Ground Forces," by Frederick Kagan & Michael O'Hanlon, April 2007
[7] AEI via the Wall Street Journal, "Why Gadhafi's Fall is in America's Interests," by Paul Wolfowitz, June 23, 2011
[8] Conference Channel, "Wesley Clark: A Time to Lead," October 3, 2007
[9] Foreign Policy Magazine, "Rick Perry, the "hawk internationalist," August 10, 2011