Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Megabanks are trying to prevent bank runs in the United States (Video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

The Megabanks are trying to prevent bank runs in the United States (Video)
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011 10:04:50
Source: Activist Post
Pacific Progress
Megabanks around the world are reeling from their customers removing their capital and closing their accounts. People are standing up worldwide in a non-participational form of civil disobedience in order to do anything possible to bring down these corrupt megabanks.
There was an Italian bank run scare in at the beginning of August that really started the gears in motion for the possibilities of future bank runs.
Financial blogs predicted a run on the French banks during the economic turmoil in the EU and Eurozone countries.] Many corporations in France have moved their money out of French banks and into safer short term holdings for the time being.
Similar bank runs in August occurred in the United States, and the megabank Bank Of America had to employ the assistance of the St. Louis SWAT Team to prevent customers from closing their accounts and moving their money to smaller banks.
The bank run issue even hit mainstream media in the United States, covered here by NPR.
Since the Occupy protests have started, big banks have been the prime target of disgruntled humans for their corrupt practices of taking peoples homes, robbing the elderly, and funding many illicit activities that normal Americans would face prison time over.
On September 30th, families and individual customers of Bank of America had a sit in protest to show civil disobedience against the megabank. 20+ of the protesters were arrested.
Bank of America refuses to let customers close accounts
This was also covered on the local mainstream media news in Boston.
It would seem as if America is done with the megabanks, and for good reason. I came across this blog recently and information that there is a bank run being planned in the United States on December 7th.
Operation Bank Run 7th Of December:
Uploaded by OpBankrun on Oct 9, 2011
We are anonymous

The overwhelming majority of holders of bank accounts, savings accounts or even pension plans, are unaware the way money is created or what the banks are doing with the money that they are given. They know nothing about the principle of money as debt. They do not know the reality behind words like "asset bubbles", "Treasury bills", "Hedge Funds" or "securitization". Hence the media in general make little effort to inform in an objective, transparent and accessible way to all. The only thing the public really understands is that most major financial crimes and insider trading remain mostly unpunished, but they are the first to pay the consequences.
Our politicians can't meet both the interests of financial markets and those of its citizens. So, it is time to remind them who they were elected to serve.
Strikes and demonstrations are no longer useful because whatever we do, we are not heard. And whatever they do, we are not consulted. So we decided to hit the system at its core - THE BANKING SYSTEM.
On December the 7th 2011 we are launching operation Bank Run. On this date we ask you to withdraw all your money from your bank account.
We are especially aware of the consequences that the deregulated and uncontrollable global financial system will have on our jobs, our health, our education, our pensions, our industries, our environment, our future, our dignity, the dignity of the citizens of countries that the system has enslaved by debt that they will never be able to repay to better appropriate their resources.
We are aware of the role this system plays in the prosperity of industrial empires whose interests depend on armed conflicts, diseases, food shortages and poverty prevailing in the countries that provide labor and natural resources at minimal cost. We are aware that this system will never have anything to gain from a world of peace and prosperity and that continuing to entrust our hard and honestly earned money to this sick system, we make ourselves accomplices of its thefts, for its crimes, its wars and the misery war generates.
On the 7th of December, withdraw all your money from your bank accounts.
Operation Bank Run engaged
Operation Bank run
Many have already closed their accounts with the megabanks. I closed mine years ago, after the financial disaster in 2008 and the bank bailouts. Many are closing their accounts today.
In horrendous fashion, Citibank held more than twenty of their customers hostage and imprisoned them until police could come to arrest them all.
The video above shows a well-dressed customer of Citibank outside talking with another customer about having been inside and having tried to close her account.
A plain-clothers officer then starts yelling from behind her and drags her and her friend inside the bank to be arrested with the other Citibank customers.
This is simply egregious activity by the officers in New York and the megacorporation Citigroup.
The end of the international banking cartel, their fiat currency that is imploding society by design, and the revival of sound money is at hand.
But we must first be sure to force these too big to fail banks into oblivion. Let us keep the pressure up on them, and force their monopolies to come down.
If the government and our ‘elected representatives’ won’t stand up for the rule of law, then we must come together to enforce it ourselves through direct democracy and non-participation.

What will the end of the Mayan calendar mean?

What will the end of the Mayan calendar mean?
By Carl Calleman
Oct 13, 2011 - 11:58:32 PM

Submitted by Carl Calleman on October 6, 2011 - 7:42am

What will the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011 mean?
For some time there has been a discussion as to what is the true end date of the Mayan calendar, October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012, and somewhat paradoxically this has raged without a definition of what the “end” would mean.  As October 28, 2011 is now coming close the definition of this “end” is something that may be important to clarify. The contemporary Maya no longer follow the long cycles of the ancient calendar system and so do not want to take a stand in the matter. The ancient Maya on the other hand has left a message in the Tortuguero monument 6 as to what they expected the end of the calendar to mean. What it says there is essentially that the nine-step, or nine-support, entity of period endings, Bolon Yokte Kuh, will appear in his full regalia. To me at least it is quite clear that this means that the nine levels of consciousness, corresponding to the nine waves of evolution, will then manifest. (Those that want a detailed discussion of this are referred either to my article on the Tortuguero monument on or Mark van Stone’s book 2012 Prophecy and Science of the Ancient Maya).
Hence, the ancient Mayan description of the end of the calendar is quite esoteric, or abstract if you like, and it is in its place to ask for more measurable criteria for what the end of the calendar means. In my understanding, since the ninth of these waves brings a unity consciousness to the world the criteria for the end of the Mayan calendar is that the duality based civilization of the world collapses, which would include not only the systems of rule, but also the capitalist system of the economy. This, I feel is what we have reasons to expect for October 28, 2011 and not only here on our planet, but all over the universe in places that we may have no contact with. The latter is a consequence of the fact that the Mayan calendar is not based on astronomical cycles in our local solar system, but has a truly cosmic, divine, all encompassing origin.
The December 21, 2012 date on the other hand has no real meaning whatsoever even if the archeologists mostly will say that this date, or December 23, 2012, is the end of the calendar. It has surprised me how many people, sometimes called evolutionary leaders, that have uncritically accepted this date without thinking. After all, it has the tzolkin energy of 4 Ahau, which by definition precludes that it is an end date. People, who in my view really should have known better and otherwise may be very critical of established views, have here sided with the archeologists, a group of people that look upon the Mayan calendar as a superstition to begin with. (So why would they be trusted in such a critical matter to humanity?) A true end date must have the energy of 13 Ahau, like October 28, 2011 because only with this energy would all the waves give full transparency to the light of creation. And, one might want to add, only with such a transparency would a collapse of our duality based civilization be likely to occur.
One can also say with some certainty that time as we have experienced it up until now as directed (the so called arrow of time) is likely to come to an end as the Mayan calendar does. This is because up until October 28, 2011 the evolution of our planet and the universe has been driven by nine different waves developing phenomena in a directed manner from seed to mature fruit. It is thus essentially a misunderstanding when people say that the Mayan calendar is cyclical in nature. It is true that the tzolkin, the 260 day sacred calendar, which is the only aspect of the ancient prophetic calendar system still in use among the Maya, is cyclical in nature. But it is not this calendar that we are talking about when we are talking about the Mayan calendar coming to an end at October 28, 2011. What is coming to its fullness are the nine levels of evolution, the nine directed waves that have created the universe on the largest scale. At least regarding its level of consciousness the evolution of the universe will then have been completed and it will then have attained its highest quantum state. I have for a long time been saying that it is much more relevant to talk about the completion of a climb to the highest level of a nine-storied pyramid than to talk about an “end” of the calendar.
There are however still some open questions as to how this attainment of the highest level of consciousness would apply to our experience of time and what calendar, if any, to follow after October 28, 2011. Will for instance the various tzolkin energies continue to influence our personal lives? Will the nine waves continue indefinitely with their current frequencies or will they stop? At closer thought it is probably unlikely that the tzolkin would continue if the waves stop, since the tzolkin is essentially a temporal microcosm of the waves. On the other hand if the waves continue the same would most likely be true for the tzolkin as it represents a microcosm of these waves. If the waves, and especially the ninth wave, continue after October 28, 2011 we should however be aware that this would not mean that evolution continues. Evolution is a phenomenon of both a biological and cultural nature that is generated as the universe has climbed to higher and higher levels of consciousness and through processes in thirteen steps from seed to mature fruit. Because on October 28, 2011 the universe attains its highest quantum state there will however be no higher state to evolve to. Rather if indeed the waves continue indefinitely this would be experienced more like a grinding process of the world and the human beings. This would go on until the unity consciousness of the Ninth wave has finally been established and all phenomena inconsistent with this weeded out.
I do not think it is possible to judge yet if the waves will come to an end or not even if I am increasingly inclined to believe that they will continue indefinitely. Linked to this uncertainty is the question what calendars would be  most meaningful to follow after October 28, 2011. We should then be aware that in the long history of the Mayan calendar many aspects of the calendar system have both come and gone. Depending on the particular era in which people have been living different aspects of the calendar system may or may not have been useful. This is how the Long Count came and went because it was essentially meaningful only in a particular era and then became less strongly experienced by the Maya to the point that they lost it altogether. We have ourselves recently experienced. The same phenomenon of an aspect of the calendar system suddenly becoming useful as it became necessary to follow the Ninth wave with a 18 day period in order to understand the course of events. A few years ago a calendar with 18 days would however not have been very useful and it still remains to be seen what calendar, if any, it will be meaningful to follow after October 28, 2011.
Carl Johan Calleman
4 Etznab, October 6, 2011

THRIVE - What On Earth Will It Take --- 11/11/11 Debut ----- New Theme Song

Dear Friends,
Thank you for all the positive feedback THRIVE has been receiving on Facebook and YouTube. We are thrilled by your response.
We are excited to announce the release of the THRIVE theme song video.  Please click here to view and listen to the video!
We are also deeply touched by the number of requests from people all across the planet asking how they can help.
One of the best ways to participate is to host your own screening of the movie. On 11/11/11, THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take? will be released in 10 languages online for streaming or DVD purchase at Can you imagine the planet lighting up with your own home and public screenings of THRIVE? We have the kits to hook you up with everything you need.
Thanks for your support in helping to create a world where everyone has a chance to thrive.
- Foster, Kimberly, and the THRIVE team
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Message from Wanderer of the Skies - October 15, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Wanderer of the Skies - October 15, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011 00:56:47

Message from Wanderer of the Skies - October 15, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
We come again to fill in the gaps in information you have been receiving of late. It appears that more and more is happening on your world and that those matters you have been preparing for are accelerating at a rapid pace. That is as it was designed to be. You now find yourselves at the beginning of the changes that are taking place that have been discussed for so long. If all seems tumultuous, it is so because that is the way it is.
For some time, the Illuminati have tried to determine what we were up to and what our plans for the future of mankind were. They have tried in every conceivable way to determine this information. They have tried to monitor those we have been contacting over the years; they have attempted to shoot down our craft not only for the technology, but also for the chance that they could gain access to a Federation member in the hopes of “extracting” information from that entity, and they have used psychic warriors to telepathically “listen in” on our activities as we have worked around your world in orbit and in our various bases. On this note, they did not anticipate that our technology could detect such “remote viewing” and block them at will. In every way they have tried and have been unsuccessful.
The anniversary of our “date” given to you three years ago has just passed. This date was given for a number of reasons. While we had every intention of honoring that date, we also knew that it would be monitored quite closely by the Illuminati and as such we observed what they did in response and why they did it. More details on this cannot be given at this time. We have, nonetheless, been able to now anticipate all of the moves that can be made given the limited capacity for the Illuminati to act.
Everywhere, Light workers wait in anticipation of some outward sign that plans are moving forward. We say, look around you now, for all that you see is part of this plan and a blatant sign. The destruction of the underground bases, the movement of large amounts of people unified in protest against injustice around your globe, the media’s reflection on these events, the reaction of the elite, and a multitude of other facts are out there for your consideration. Keep focusing on Disclosure in a positive and deterministic way and it will occur.
There will shortly be another “correction” in Gaia’s energy flow which will allow further energy to be redirected in her favor. You will not be able to ignore its impact but it is not of the man-made variety and there is no need for fear or panic. Also, keep a watchful eye on events in your media as to the treatment of the multiple sightings that are occurring across your world. There is a subtle shift in the way this news is presented. It will affect the way larger issues are discussed in the near future and ultimately acts as a beacon for change in these affairs.
We are always thinking of you in these final moments leading up to these major changes on your world. We are proud to be your brethren and send you our love.
Be at peace.
Channel: Wanderer of the Skies

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Foreclosure - How you can wipe out your mortgage with the stroke of a pen, next week

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

CGI's Johneye: How you can wipe out your mortgage with the stroke of a pen, next week
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 15-Oct-2011 21:36:39
A guy called Robb Ryder has uncovered, by researching Blackstone's commentaries of English law, that there is a crucial element which is lacking in virtually every deed of trust/warranty deed in this country. That is, that you never acknowledged the deed, and without it, the deed is not complete, that is, it has no effect. Even if your house is paid off, if you haven't acknowledged the deed, you still don't own it, and some lying scum can just file their own claim and take your house - or the previous owner can come back and say 'it's still mine'.
So, especially if you're in foreclosure, you really need to research this, which is easy to understand, and easy to accomplish. Go to or email You can read of the success of someone who no longer has any liens, who is the sole owner. This is spreading like wildfire, and is one thing that we can do to immediately impact the banks and insurance companies, by wiping assets off their books. Did I hear a 'crash'?

99% have taken to the streets to protest the bankers

Reports are coming in from all around the world that the 99% have taken to the streets to protest against anything and everything related to the Banksters. In every mainstream media outlet in the world this is front page news! Here's just some of the reports:









This is a VERY, VERY big deal. Up until now the fight has been behind the scenes but as of today the "Cat Is Out of the Bag"...and there's NO WAY to put it back!

The reason this is such a big deal is that the movements WILL NOT DIE but rather grow exponentially through the following weeks and months as revelations of Bankster fraud are uncovered.

This is it! It is US against THEM and...


Buckle up for a rocky week in the markets.

May the Road WE choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Stages of communist takeover


A brief video showing the warnings of a former KGB agent who describes the stages of a Communist takeover.

Steve Cooper
The Conservative

Let me repeat...

The International LEFT are trying to spark a GLOBAL MARXIST REVOLUTION.

If you deny this you are either a brainwashed fool or a lying communist that is trying to deceive your friends and family. Come out of the closet because I EXPOSED YOU ALL.

Why is the media afraid to say that this is a PRO-COMMUNISM PROTEST? Why is it okay to say that "Capitalism is evil, but not okay to say that Communism is evil?" Who is censoring the news? (Fox News included).

Why is everyone afraid to say the words socialist or communist? Maybe it is because Communism is ALREADY HERE? I am not only talking about the USA.

I am talking about Global Communism. It was Lenin's dream and it is HERE....

Click here for MORE

Share this story

3 Carrier Fleets --- New Plane - - New World Trade Center Ship

Check this out. Also check out the FEMALE test pilot for the new plane. Awesome.

Do You Know Who Owns Your Car?

Subject: Do You Know Who Owns Your Car?
If you or anyone you know is anticipating purchasing a new car then you need to read the information below.  Very revealing what we don't know and take for granted.  It actually applies to your "house" as well as you are only a "tenant in common" and are basically leasing it "for the property tax".  Even if you have the house "paid for" it is not yours.  Check it out!
This is true for any state....... ........
On February 10, 1987, Tennessee Department of Revenue Operations Supervisor Denise Rottero told Judge Geer how Tennessee's auto registration works.
The process begins with the "surrender" of the Manufacturer' s Statement of Origin (MSO) by the auto dealer to the Department of Revenue in exchange for Certificate of Title. Asked if a MSO is proof of ownership -Legal title -to the automobile. Ms. Rottero said, "Yes"
"Are you telling me that the ownership of an automobile is NOT title; it's merely evidence that title exists. Your car's legal TITLE is the MSO, which the dealer surrendered to the state. Ms. Rottero said the MSO is put on microfilm for permanent keeping, the original destroyed.
After the trial, spectators expressed shock that their personal automobiles were actually owned by the state. "No wonder state law officers stop people for no reason!" said a housewife. "If your car's got a Tennessee plate, it's theirs, and they can do anything they like to you." That's the law, but it's volutary, No one but Judge Greer has dared say that if you don't surrender your car to the state in exchange for plates, you go to jail.
Ed. Note : This is true not only for Tennessee, but for the other 49 states as well. When purchasing a new automobile, the buyer is required to sign fine print which authorized the dealer to obtain plates and registration for the vehicle. Purchaser need only to read this fine print to see that by doing this they are authorizing the dealer to act a power of attorney, and by doing so the prospective buyer is signing away his rights to that vehicle. When buying a used vehicle, the title already has been signed over to the state.
-From The Investigative Reporter, October 1996

Worldwide 'Occupy' Protests TODAY! - People of the World, Rise Up!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Worldwide 'Occupy' Protests TODAY! - People of the World, Rise Up!
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Oct-2011 08:12:25
Worldwide 'Occupy' protests held over financial crisis
Protesters in cities across the world are taking to the streets to demonstrate against alleged corporate greed and government cutbacks.
Organisers say rallies will be held in 951 cities in 82 countries from Asia and the Americas, to Africa and Europe.
Hundreds of people have already protested in Australia and New Zealand as well as other Asian cities.
Many protest groups are taking their names from the high-profile Occupy Wall Street rally in New York.
Organisers of the 15 October worldwide protests said on their website that the aim was to "initiate the global change we want".
"United in one voice, we will let politicians, and the financial elites they serve, know it is up to us, the people, to decide our future," it said.

In the Australian city of Sydney, some 2,000 people - including representatives of Aboriginal groups, communists and trade unionists - took to the streets outside the central Reserve Bank of Australia, Reuters news agency reports.
Around 1,000 people gathered in Melbourne, and hundreds were marching in the New Zealand cities of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
'Occupy' protests were also being held in South Korea, the Phillipines and in Hong Kong.
As many as 1,500 people had said, via Facebook, they would participate in the "Occupy Taipei" protest planned outside Taiwan's tallest building.
The BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei says such a demonstration is unusual for Taiwan, which has a tradition of looking to family rather than the state for welfare support.
But, our correspondent says, the island's wealth gap is at its worst in history and many middle-class Taiwanese have begun to question whether the system is fair.
Large protests are expected later in the day in the European cities of Madrid, London, Rome and Athens.
15 October - United for Global Change

New School Prayer by a 15 yr school kid - who got an A+

By a 15 yr. OLD SCHOOL KID, who got an A+ for this entry

Since the Pledge of Allegiance And The Lord's Prayer Are not allowed in most Public schools anymore….AND
Because the word 'God' is mentioned....a kid in Arizona wrote the attached - 
NEW School Prayer  
Now I sit me down in school  
Where praying is against the rule.
For this great nation under God  
Finds mention of Him very odd.    
If scripture now the class recites,  
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow  
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,  
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.  
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.    
For praying in a public hall  
Might offend someone with no faith at all.  
In silence alone we must meditate,  
God's name is prohibited by the state.    
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,  
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.  
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.  
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We  can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,  
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.  
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,  
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong
We can get our condoms and birth controls,     Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.  
No word of God must reach this crowd.    
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed.

It's scary here I must confess,  
When chaos reigns, the school's a mess.  
So, Lord, this silent plea I have to make:  
Should I be shot; My soul please take!  

From The FALL of the Roman Empire…Fall of the USA!

  From The FALL of the Roman Empire…Fall of the USA!

This is really clever.   Somebody spent a lot of time doing this.

Party guests from left to right:
Tim Geithner, John Kerry, KSM, Oprah, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Axelrod, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama,
Hillary Clinton, Party Crashers #1, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Party Crashers #2, Harry Reid, John Edwards,
Bluto, Andy Stern, Bill Clinton, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Barney Frank, Kevin Jennings
Statues left to right: Che Guevara, Saul Alinsky, Obama, Chairman Mao, Lenin

Friday, October 14, 2011


The latest from David Wilcock

Here is an excerpt relating to the financial system changeover.  Seems consistent with what Sheldan Nidle has stated, if I remember correctly  WHAT, EXACTLY, ARE THEY DOING?

This is the first article I've written since finding out that the international coalition Fulford spoke about is using the exact same blueprint for financial reform that I've been discussing, off and on, for so long now -- with my own insiders.

Now that I know how it all fits together, I'm even more excited about it than I was already. Fulford's sources have now gotten a very significant validation from my own... and I believe this is no accident.

This will be the most substantial reformatting of the world's financial system since the time of Babylon, where all the problems first originated... at least on this planet, in our so-called "modern" times.

In the new system, if you have 20 dollars -- either in paper money or in your bank account -- you can visit any one of a variety of warehouses storing materials and goods, and withdraw 20 dollars' worth of assets from the warehouse.

You could get 20 dollars worth of corn. Or wheat. Or potatoes. Or silver. Or gold. Or rice. Et cetera. The coin money will already be made of precious metals. (Putin has had the vast majority of the Russian military secretly mining precious metals for years now.)


This might not sound any different than going to the grocery store, but the difference is extremely substantial. No currency in the world will be issued unless it has the direct backing of hard assets -- held in storage as collateral against the value of the money.

This is not unlike the idea of a Gold Standard -- and in fact, gold will be used in tiny coins -- but there is not enough gold to run the world's financial systems appropriately at this point. That problem will only intensify as growth continues.

It is very important that all money is tied in with real things: stuff that actually exists, has real value, and sits in a warehouse somewhere, and / or is contained within the money itself, so that anyone who uses the money has real value to gain from it.

Technically, the term I heard is that every financial system in the world will be "tethered to a basket of commodities."

This one simple move will utterly crush the Illuminati and all other shadow factions. The playing field will finally be leveled.

CNN Report Covers NESARA

~CNN Report Covers NESARA~

Wanderer of The Skies has said in a recent message that high-powered media had made behind-the-scenes negotiations and would now be covering things they’ve never covered before. This is an iReport from CNN (not one of their reporters) but it was posted on Oct 12, and as yet has not been taken down. This may be one of the signals we have been told to look out for.
The report is by Beth Trutwin of Galactic Roundtable.

The Enactment of NESARA Law will fix whats wrong with Wall Street

By   galacticrt October 12, 2011 | New York, New York
iReport —
What is NESARA Law?
Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks.
The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA including all those in government and the courts who will go to jail for crimes of High Treason. If giving 16 Trillion to the banks for their recovery is not a sign that this is real, I do not know how else to show you. Many White Knights working to enact NESARA have been assassinated. They are reported as having a massive heart attack or suicide, or a tragic car accident. Tim Russert understood there were problems with the 911 story. He was the first to interview Dick Cheney at Camp David after 911. He questioned him that night because he recognized the inaccuracies in the story from the beginning. The interview is very telling and the video is out there. Watching it in hind sight helps us see NESARA is hard to fathom, but completely true. The NESARA petition will open the door to President Obama to Announce and Enact NESARA Law.
In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving‘ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.
Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.
Some of the authors of NESARA Law are Ron Paul, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Paul Wellstone, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangle and Dennis Kucinich. All of the authors of the law were put under a gag order, as were the court officials and those briefed on it such as certain news broadcasters. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.
If fear isn’t enough to keep Washington in line, money is.  Routine bribes are offered to governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet.  Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation.
What does NESARA Law do?
NESARA implements the following changes:
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
2. Abolishes the income tax.
3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.
6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.
8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.
9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restores financial privacy.
15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
17. Establishes peace throughout the world.
18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

How did  NESARA Law come about?
Read this, its short
Why Sign The NESARA Petition?
Now that NESARA has been signed into law, The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA including all those in government and the courts who will go to jail for crimes of High Treason. If giving 16 Trillion to the banks for their recovery is not a sign that this is real, I do not know how else to show you. Many White Knights working to enact NESARA have been assassinated. Using the Petition and obtaining 5,000 signatures by October 28, 2011 may be the only way to get a comment from President Obama about NESARA Law. This may be our last chance after ten years, don’t you think we deserve to know the truth?
How Do I Sign The NESARA Petition?
One may go to the White House We The People website to sign the petition.
Create an Account, Confirm your email address, Sign. Two minutes. Done.
Click on this link and do it now!
Anyone over the age of 13-it is OK to ask your children over 13 to sign. Anyone living on Planet Earth in ANY country may sign. From October 10, to October 11, 2011 70 more people signed. We are in trouble if we keep up this rate. The deadline to obtain 5,000 signatures is October 28, 2011. That means we need about 200 signatures a day to make it. Wouldn’t it be sad after all these years not to meet the threshold? This means we need everybody reading this to Email, FaceBook and/or  Twitter  your list and ask everyone you know to sign. You may send this NESARA Fact Sheet and you may send the PDF at the beginning of this article.  There is more you can do. If you have 1/2 hour a day to help on a larger scale get the word out, please Email me at and I will help you do more.
After decades and decades and many working together to get NESARA Law announced it has come down to the last and final step. Thank you for Occupying America. I am very pleased and proud of your sacrifice. Keep the momentum going and know that in order for this to be a success you absolutely MUST spread the word in every way possible.
Thank you.
Elizabeth Trutwin, Oct 11, 2011 ~30 day vigil to Peace portal Opening 11.11.11

Rothschild syndicate ---- Puppet Masters!

Friday, October 14, 2011
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Oliver Letwin - Rothschild agent-in-place - UK Cabinet Office London

The Right Honourable Oliver Letwin MP, UK Minister of State at the Cabinet Office, Whitehall, London, has been caught on camera being careless with sensitive Government papers. Letwin is the Rothschild minion who controls the UK Government for the City of London Corporation (Western Cabal City State).

The London line management of the Money-out-of-Nothing Rothschild syndicate is understood to be Jacob RothschildNathaniel Rothschild (N.M.Rothschild & Sons Limited, New Court, St Swithin's Lane, London EC4P 4DU) ► Oliver LetwinGeorge Osborne (British Chancellor of the Exchequer). The Rothschild syndicate is said to have covert control of the US Federal Reserve Board cashflows.

Spirit Of The LORD - 10-14-11


The Spirit of the Lord says:

Restoration of health, your tranquility, your deliverance, will be as a refreshing wind that blows upon your way. Salvation is My rescue of you, and I complete and perfect all that I touch. I leave nothing incomplete, I will completely restore and cure all that concerns you. Your sons and daughters shall come from afar and return to the God of their fathers and mothers. Many lies have been told you concerning your seed and your seed's seed, but I Am a God that keeps covenant with all that love and obey Me. I will not allow one of My good promises that I have given to you concerning salvation for your household to fall to the ground. Even now I Am performing My Word concerning you. Haven't you read that before that great and terrible day comes, that I will turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers and turn the fathers heart back to their children. Though the enemy has been stout against them to try and destroy the vine and lay waste to the tree that I purposed them to be, remember I heal from the root in order to produce better fruit. Because you do not cease to cry out and believe Me for their lives, I hear and answer. The assignment against them has been canceled by your diligent pursuit of Me and hearkening to obey Me.

I Am calling all who call on My name from a pure heart to return to your first love. For intimacy with Me will cause you to be close enough to hear My whispered order. Sanctify yourselves for the day by purifying your ways as well as your thoughts. I Am your Helper! I will send to all that will be zealous, new wine and your vats shall begin to overflow with fresh oil. You will find that I Am fresh in giving to you new and creative ideas, concepts, and plans to deliver all that would be saved from the valley of indecision. Always remember that My ways are higher than your ways. You must not try to use the power of your hand to deliver, only the power of My hand can truly deliver. In order that you may know that it is I the Lord that dwells in the Holy place who will drip down new wine from the mountains and cause the hills in your life to flow with new milk, I will send it now in the valleys, and they will be filled with My blessings. You will begin to ascend to the high places, bringing all of the treasured souls with you. The plowmen will overtake the reapers, so be ready by staying intimate with Me and My Word. There in the secret place I will speak to you and you will hear and obey Me and the world will quake under the power of us being united. My purpose will be fulfilled, and all who love and obey Me will walk under the umbrella of My grace.

Scripture References: Malachi 4:5-6; Joel 2:24

Goldman Sachs involved in 9-11 money laundering evidence obstruction and likely a whole lot else

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 14-Oct-2011 09:43:17
-Goldman Sachs involved in 9-11 money laundering evidence obstruction and likely a whole lot else
"Grassley, King and their congressional aides have seen substantial and credible evidence of obstruction of justice regarding mass murder on 9.11; however, both have failed to publicly pressure New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau to commence a 9.11 criminal probe despite obvious jurisdiction, venue and receipt of the identical evidence made available to Grassley and King by Durham. If the United States Code is still being enforced, this evidence will subject all four public officials to charges of obstruction of justice and misprison of treason. [Failure of a public official to give notice of a felony or treason by refusing to act on information and evidence: 18 U.S.C. 4 via the Federal Crime Reporting Act]

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE / MISPRISON OF TREASON #2 GROUP: "...transaction in California provides potential U.S. jurisdiction and venue for another citizen grand jury should obstruction of justice continue in New York City where Spitzer and Morgenthau refuse to probe the suspect $240 billion dollar financial transaction which came due at Cantor-Fitzgerald two days after the 9.11 attacks...."
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE / MISPRISON OF TREASON #3: [Other] executives [who] received copies delineating the alleged bank fraud were Goldman's Chairman (at the time) Stephen Friedman who is now President Bush's Assistant for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council, and also Goldman Senior Partner (at the time) and former Clinton Administration Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin, who is currently Citigroup's Chairman of the Executive Committee.
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE / MISPRISON OF TREASON #4: evidence provides a paper trail suggesting that current high Clinton and Bush officials, members of Congress, and the New York Attorney General and Manhattan DA (all with jurisdiction, venue, oversight responsibility or power--were and are aware of allegedly significant fraudulent banking activities at Goldman Sachs which is linked to transactions along the time-line of the 9.11 attacks--and an ongoing ONI intelligence probe where the investigators died at the Pentagon, information literally screaming for a separate grand jury investigation in and of itself.
the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush's presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission.
There is evidence that Colonel Hermann's and V. K. Durham's signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds--purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001--the day after the 9.11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm [whose offices on floors 101-105 in the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) were destroyed on 9.11 along with the Brady bond evidence].

Note that Goldman Sachs thus as a DIRECT INTEREST in destroying evidence of this 240 billion dollar currency fraud, linked to itself, on a forged Goldman Sachs bank account (fraudulent) certification. Little wonder it funded Silverstein's quick move to buy up the WTCs.
D' Aquisto sent copies of the letter to two important individuals--describing alleged Goldman Sachs tax ID number improprieties and evidence of $5+ million in missing funds which would likely lead to more evidence of unaccounted for transfers as part of a $240 billion dollar currency exchange involving numerous scheduled tranches (allocations) in brokerages like Goldman Sachs and linked to 10-year Brady bonds purchased along the 9.11 timeline.