Monday, October 17, 2011

How You Create the New Reality of Mankind in the "Now". "I have built my Personal Portal"

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
State-of-Ascension-Report-5: How You Create the New Reality of Mankind in the "Now". "I have built my Personal Portal"
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 13-Oct-2011 02:22:58

Breaking Astral News:
State-of-Ascension-Report-5: How You Create the New Reality of Mankind in the "Now". "I have built my Personal Portal"
On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-5, October 11, 2011

How You Create the New Reality of Mankind in the "Now"
by Georgi Stankov, October 11, 2011

State-of-Ascension-Report-5: How You Create the New Reality of Mankind in the "Now". "I have built my Personal Portal" - Stank

Message from Montague Keen - October 16, 2011 "Be prepared for a few surprises."

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - October 16, 2011 "Be prepared for a few surprises."
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 02:28:43

Message from Montague Keen - October 16, 2011
The World Awakens !
"Be prepared for a few surprises."
The evidence of this is heart-warming for all who have worked hard to bring this about. The minority, the psychopaths who control your world, now see their control slipping from their hands. They are being exposed. They have ruthlessly followed The Plan without compassion or even a second thought for those who have lost everything - even their lives - as these evil people waged war across your world. The puppets which they placed in power to be the visible face of The Plan, are now going to have to face the people they set out to destroy. Remember, psychopaths are without souls. They take from countries whatever they want. The moment a country steps out of line, such as the African countries coming together, they quickly stepped in with their war machines and systematically destroyed them.
Part of The Plan also was to destroy the right side of the brain and the pineal gland, with all sorts of poisons and medication. Foolishly, people believed the propaganda which stated that what was being done was for their own good. All this is being exposed. Good people are now providing the correct information so that mankind can step into the Light. Both sides of the human brain will work in harmony once more and will reconnect with their spiritual side. You are powerful Beings of Light who have been tampered with. You have been manipulated without mercy into believing that you are helpless. Nothing can be further from the truth. When Beings of Light come together, they create an energy so powerful and exhilarating, such as at David Icke's gatherings, that it opens minds to how it will be when the Dark have been removed. I urge all those who seek the light to take every opportunity to experience this energy for themselves and David's inspiring words of truth. No man has done more than he, to move your world out of the darkness into light and love. He is much admired on both sides of life.
Many of you are thinking that your minds are playing tricks on you. It is bringing up many incidences from your past. This is a clearing up process. It's all part of the preparation for enlightenment. It is reprogramming and removing what is no longer needed. Your minds have been filled with rubbish so as to keep you occupied and to encourage you to strive for the impossible. You are each an individual in your own right. You should be free to make your own decisions and not be herded like sheep without conscious thoughts of their own. You, my dear, experienced after my passing, how those without conscience operate. They manipulate mercilessly for their own ends. World-wide, you see the very same thing but on a much larger scale. You saw for yourself how it works. It was a massive learning experience for you, my dear. Now you understand fully, how their minds work, and how they manipulate everyone around them. This is a cancer that has to be removed from your world - and it will be !
The world of truth and light that all of you are seeking - those of you who are driven by love of humanity, who want peace and harmony for all - will see the fruits of your endeavors. It just takes brave people to speak up. By speaking up, the Prime Minister of Ireland (Mr Enda Kenny) gave courage to other countries to say to the Vatican, no more will we stand by and see our children raped. This was deliberately done to fragment the minds of these poor, innocent children. The world owes Mr Kenny a big thank you. It was a brave step to take in a country that was ruthlessly suppressed by the Vatican. Only good can come from removing the power of the Vatican from Ireland. The Vatican is a big part of the New World Order. It says so, openly. What is that telling you? It is time to face facts. They preach love, but they deliver FEAR.
Your fellow human beings need you now as never before. Support them in their stand for truth and justice. As the Truth Movement expands, talk to each other. You all want the same thing: no more war. The US is busy planning World War III. They think it will take people's minds off the Truth Movement. We have done much to prevent such a war happening. Again, I say to you, do not believe what your leaders say. Look at their ACTIONS. Only then, will you see the true picture.
The sensitive ones among you are aware of the many changes that are happening. We are gently leading you forward into the Light. For couples, it may cause an imbalance in your relationship, as one experiences the changes and the other does not yet do so. Do not make hasty decisions; but gently, and with love in your hearts, try to open dialogue. Discuss everything openly. Honesty is always the best policy. We must keep our plans secret at the moment, as the Dark would set in motion preventative measures. Be prepared for a few surprises. As Veronica would tell you, I loved surprises, it brings out the child in you.
You are living through difficult times - the battle of light versus dark, good and evil. The New Age of Enlightenment will begin as planned, no matter what they do to try to prevent it. Greater minds than theirs have ordained this. It will be so. Each of you has a role to play in this. You are our team on Earth. You are each playing an important role. It is wonderful what can be achieved when people come together. Be happy, you are nearly there. Create LOVE wherever you go, as this will build the energy of light around you. Always try to be an example to others. We send love and light: embrace it, share it.
My dear, try to rest, you are having a busy time. Together, we will show the world what love can achieve. Your adoring husband, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey / 17-October-2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey / 17-October-2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 02:54:53

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey / 17-October-2011
Not a day goes by without further developments being achieved by our allies, and that is hastening the time when some positive moves can be made to bring a stop to the activities of the dark Ones. Already they are being weakened by losing control of their command bases, and we will continue to assist our allies until the threat to you no longer exists. Various teams are responsible for dealing with the different challenges that face you, and be assured all is well and proceeding to plan. Defeat is not a word that the dark Ones contemplate as they considered themselves invincible. However, they are having to face up to the inevitable loss of power and subsequent collapse. We offer them a way out and believe they will accept, when it becomes apparent that they cannot avoid the net that is closing in upon them.
The sudden changes in power are as much down to the countries that have come together to fight the last cabal, and prevent their insidious plans to annihilate most of your civilization. That danger has now passed, and in any event would not have been allowed. You have awakened so much in recent times that you earnt the right to complete this cycle with Ascension. The possibility of any other result has long been overcome, and divine intervention has ensured that you will travel a safe path to the end time. So there is no place for fear as we are soon to take command of the Earth's activities, and you will enjoy the benefits of all that has been promised to you.
People are always moving home, but in this particular time it has more importance attached to it, as you need to be exactly where you need to be for the final run in to Ascension. Most of you are already established where you are at present, and although you may think of moving if it is not in your interests, it will not go ahead. In fact the whole of your life is subject to your life plan, even to where you work and the friends you make. It may seem that you are always in control and exercising your freewill, but you are aware subconsciously of the decisions you need to make to conform to your plan. You will have already made the big decision as to whether you desire to ascend, even if you are not yet positive of your intentions at this time. Freewill is still your final say in the matter, but you would not normally go outside what you had planned. Also your Guides would do their best to impress upon you what is best when making your decision.
Many people will find it strange and possibly difficult to accept that life is so well organized, but bear in mind that it is necessary if it is to be beneficial. After all, the object of your experiences is to advance your evolution, so that you can raise your vibrations and leave duality. Many, many of you have done so and are already well on the way to Ascension. It makes getting through this present period a lot easier, as it means you can be on the Earth but not of it. You can maintain a calmness around you without any fear whatsoever, and wherever you go spread the Light. Your presence and thousands upon thousands like you, are paving the way for many others to follow. You are so important in the scheme of things, and will be more so once the announcements are made acknowledging our presence. People will have many questions to ask and your services will be well appreciated.
At times you will be overawed at what takes place, as for example when we of the Galactic Federation and the people of the Inner Earth meet you, and your Guides and the Masters are made known. It will be an amazing time that will be so different to anything else you have experienced so far, and one of continual upliftment and happiness. Once the changes get started they will take place very quickly, and there will be a succession of great periods of activity to bring you the benefits you have been promised. Already you can see the direction in which things are going and we know you watch with interest the outcome of the financial problems, that have the world teetering on the edge of collapse. It is quite apparent that you can never return to the old ways, and our allies wait in the wings for the opportunity to step in with a totally new approach.
We promise you that whatever your personal problems or needs, in time all of you will be lifted up to new levels of prosperity. When you leave duality it will be as you say, on a high, because you will by then have taken a quantum leap forward. We will already have met you, and our craft will be as familiar in your skies as other craft are today. Because you have got used to the idea of our presence, coming amongst you will have been made easier. Our exposure will be through the media and we shall be making many appearances to acquaint you with the tasks that lay ahead, and also give you an understanding of our home planets and cultures that you will find are not so far removed from your own. It is not that you have no knowledge at all, as over many years there have been many contacts made with you. Some have been lucky enough to be invited aboard the space craft, and taken on journeys well beyond your Earth.
We believe that you will easily mix with us and we will work together all the way to Ascension. Beyond that time you will have become more like us, and many of you will join the Galactic Federation and travel the Universe with us. You will have become Cosmic Beings with an advanced level of consciousness, and quite different to what you are now. It is then that you will realize that you are every bit as great a Being as we have so often informed you. There will be no distinction between male or female, and in fact you will eventually become androgynous with a perfect balance between both genders. It will come with the body changes and the refinement of it, as it becomes of a much higher vibration. Your bodies are in fact slowly changing now, and will continue to do so as your vibrations are lifted up.
Believe us Dear Ones, you are entering a most wonderful period, and will have the most exciting experiences that will soon put the past well behind you. Of course some earthly experiences are beautiful and you will hold on to some memories. However those of the future will surpass all of them, as life becomes one great blessing full of sheer bliss, joy and happiness. You will better understand the Love that pervades everything around you, and your place with God and from whence you came and where you are going. Religion will not come into it, as you will find your God within along with all knowledge.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have never felt so close to you as our Light merges with yours. Where we are all headed for, everything exists within the Light, and in absolute harmony. You may have to feel it to believe it, but it will take your breathe away when you do. No longer will you feel separated from the Source of All That Is. Many of you are already prepared for what awaits you, and you are living the future now. We love you for what we see, but look beyond your physical body to the real you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Message from The Arcturians - October 16, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from The Arcturians - October 16, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 03:35:14

(The Milky Way)

Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
October 16, 2011
Greetings dear ones.
We see so many moving into a deeper sense of life and living. More and more light is pouring forth from your beloved earth. She is supporting you in all you do, for she also is moving quickly into a deeper resonance of Light and truth.
It is a powerful time right now on earth. Much is changing and much is going to change. The energies of the past are quickly fading and will soon disappear for many. Be not afraid of change dear ones, for at this point change is simply a term for newer and higher. There is nothing to fear. There will be still some events of change as Gaia moves old energy in her own process of ascension. Be not afraid and try very hard not to resort into old thinking . This can be difficult because your media simply pushes the fears of an old belief system on you with every newscast. Stay informed but do not glue yourselves to your televisions for what you get is always of the old energy--old solutions, and old ways if believing.
Come out and be separate, living more in what you know to be the truth, whether or not you are seeing or experiencing it at the moment. Experience follows a change of consciousness, and not the other way around. Try not to make yourself a spectacle in this way of living but simply do what needs to be done each day, living out from a higher level of understanding. You go to work, talk with your friends, enjoy your lives, and have fun but within always knowing the truth; that every person, pleasant or unpleasant, is actually a spark of the Divine. That way you bless yourself and you bless them because this recognition can lift them if they are receptive, and it keeps you centered in truth. This does not mean living with no preferences or opinions. It means that you live your individuality out from center, and not from the without.
What is releasing and clearing are the energies of the past. Physically, emotionally, and mentally you are releasing all heavy cellular memory and stored energies from past lives and belief systems that no longer resonate with the new and higher you. You cannot take these with you. It can seem as if you are going backwards when you feel old energies surface to be released. Your job is not to claim them back in as your personal problems (Woe is me, I am so sick, depressed, in pain etc. etc.) but to simply understand that old energy is clearing and that you are feeling it.
We say that you are very close to many events that you will interpret in your world as chaos. Some are of the government, some are of the financial, and some are of Gaia's cleansing process. Stay centered and focused within because you will be better able to help others who do not as of yet understand the shifting energies of this glorious ascension. Soon you will be helping to educate many who will go into fear because they do not understand that this is a good thing, a graduation. There will be some who will refuse to accept any changes within or without. Do not try to change anyone who chooses to stay in the old energy for it is their free will choice to evolve as slowly or quickly as they wish. Many are not yet ready to embrace the higher frequencies, they first need more experiences of the third dimensional energy. Many are choosing to leave earth in order to come back into the higher frequencies of the new earth at a later time. These choices are made on a deeper and usually unconscious level with the help of the Higher Self.
Try not to see or judge anything at face value at this point, for everything now happening is a piece of the glorious puzzle being put together by you, the people of earth. You are doing it, not those of us helping you, dear ones. You have chosen to honor the light. You have said; "Enough." You have said it is time for a better and higher way of living in love and respect for all living things. You dear ones, are now feeling and acting from a consciousness of One manifest as the many.
This new state of consciousness is expressing outwardly as the discontent you see all over your planet. Honor those brave enough to speak out for freedom and peace. Honor those who give their lives for the cause of real freedom for all people of the world and not just one country imposing itself upon another. Many do not understand it, but all are feeling and experiencing a new and higher sense of what life is about-a new state of consciousness is being born.
We say that all is well. All is on track and all is moving quickly. There is nothing to fear for everyone will find themselves exactly where they need to be within and without. The effort to plan and understand everything is simply an old habit because having a plan always created a sense of security. Intense planning is an attempt to make things unfold according to your current concept of how things ought to be. Let this sort of planning go and begin to work from your intuition and your heart center, followed by easily adjusted plans.
The mind is used to being in charge and has been glorified as such. It is time for the mind to take its proper place as an avenue of awareness, not a creator. This is a facet of taking your power back, even from your own mind which has been programmed through many lifetimes in third dimensional energy, to see and interpret according to certain rigid beliefs and concepts.
We say in Love and Light, we are the Arcturian Group

Marilyn Raffaelle