Monday, October 17, 2011

Fulford - 10-18-11 -- Rothschild family offers $25 trillion to go away!

Benjamin Fulford today - October 18, 2011

Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.

October 18, 2011
The high level banksters known as the Rothschild family offered the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,” they answered, without hesitation, “sure whatever you want.” The problem is the WDS cannot accept either stolen money or money that was fraudulently created. In any case, the Rothschilds and the Bush crime syndicate are just playing for time because they are both still trying to start WW3. Israel has been given the green light by Obama gang boss Rahm Emmanuel to attack Iran. Bush/Rothschild agent Ahmadinejad will then be given the green light to destroy most of Israel, according to high level Pentagon sources. They hope this tragic course of events would then set off their Gog/Magog fake end times scenario. The Israeli people need to prevent this insanity ASAP by removing the gangster Benjamin Netanyahu from power.
The situation in the US, meanwhile, is moving closer to open revolt. The legal actions against Obama Justice Department head Eric Holder are meant to remove the first legal obstacle to impeaching Obama and his cabinet, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. This legal action is being reported by Murdoch’s Fox TV but not by other corporate media outlets. Murdoch is currently allied with the WDS.
The lawsuit involving the theft of funds belonging to the non-aligned nations of the world is also being readied for filing in early November. This lawsuit is supposed to lead to hundreds if not thousands of elite arrests, according to the filers but, it has been delayed often and the proof will be in the pudding.
The Chicago branch the Rothschild/Bush fascist crime syndicate headed by Rahm Emmanuel (related to Italian fascist king Victor Emmanuel?) has provided Israel, against Pentagon objections, with the cluster bombs and bunker busting bombs it needs to attack Iran. The Mossad operation involving a fake Iranian plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador is supposed to be the reason for this assault. Bush/Mossad agent Iranian President Ahmadinejad will then use the assault to trigger “Armagedon” in Israel, the Pentagon sources say.

However, even if Israel is sacrificed by these fascists, the attack will not trigger their desired World War 3.
The Pentagon and CIA sources have also added that one of the reasons for the holocaust of European Jews is that they refused to hand over their gold to the royal families of Europe. The royal families wanted to monopolize the world’s gold in order to take over the global financial system, these sources say. World War II’s main purpose was to confiscate all the global gold supplies not under the control of these families.
The WDS has also been contacted by a group claiming to be the “real illuminati.” They say their order was founded by King Solomon and Pythagoras and is opposed to an ancient Satanic cult run by the Royal Families. Their representative claims this “illuminati” group was behind the French, American and Russian revolutions. They say their membership consists of 6,000 highly influential individuals who are not part of the old dynastic families (the 13 bloodlines, also called “illuminati bloodlines” by some writers).
It is worth nothing the people from the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy also called themselves “illuminati,” even though their leadership consisted of ancient inbred Roman aristocratic families.
We have been able to independently confirm that this individual, who calls himself Alexander Romanoff, is connected to MI6, KGB, the Australian Security Police, Canadian military intelligence and the international drug mafia. We confirmed this through multiple sources including members of all of the above mentioned agencies and groups.
Romanoff says he helped former world chess Champion Bobby Fischer when he was arrested in Japan in 2004. He got Fischer an Icelandic passport to prevent him from being deported to the United States. Fischer then informed Romanoff he was a “grandmaster of the illuminati.” Romanoff also says Fischer told him he was the original mastermind behind the 911 terrorist attack against the US. The ultimate motive of this attack was to provoke a revolution in the US against royalist control, who they refer to as the “old world order,” as opposed to the “new world order,” this illuminati group stands for.
Given the use of the phrase “new world order,” by bloodline member Bush and his ilk, my advice to this individual was that his group needed to change the name of the regime they plan to set up to something that has fewer negative associations.
Romanoff says his group supports meritocracy, or rule by the most competent, and opposes hereditary rule by inbred families. It is interesting to note that Asian triads and yakuza groups are also opposed to nepotism.
The son of a yakuza boss would never be allowed to inherit control of his father’s gang although he might be allowed to join a different gang.
In Japan meanwhile, the Yakuza and the Japanese military police have informed this author that the Bushes are trying to get a North Korean agent to kill him. The agent they send is likely to be linked to the drug-smuggling, gun-running gang known as the Unification Church. Their ranch is next to the Bushes ranch in Paraguay.

It's Happening!

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
It's Happening!
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 19:44:14

It's Happening!
Two major happenings are going on at the moment. While the #Occupy movement is emerging all over the planet, the Galactic Federation is shutting down underground bases of the Dark Cabal. In other words: the people on Earth are rising up, and our galactic friends are coming down. It's just a matter of time before they come together!
It's Happening!

Ron Paul press conference - new budget plan proposal

Announcement from Ron Paul for anyone who is interested - Later today, I’ll hold a press conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, to unveil my budget plan to put our nation back on track, and I don’t want you to miss out on this major event.

Of course, I realize many who would love to be there can’t make it, so my campaign has ensured you can watch it LIVE from your computer!

You can stream it absolutely free, and you only need to click a button to be in on the ground floor of a plan I believe sets a new standard for the budget debate in this country and can restore America’s prosperity.

The press conference starts at 6pm Eastern (3pm Pacific), and you can click here to watch it live.

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you can join in as our campaign continues to lead the way toward restoring America now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul
 Here is the link -

[Occupytimessquare] 1 Marine vs. 30 Cops (Marine Wins)

John's Comments - HONORABLE MARINES! 




The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 12:40:11
Thousands of fraud cases just 'tip of iceberg'
New warning of 'total breakdown in cohesion of American society'

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND

A group that monitors elections in Minnesota and roots out fraudulent votes is warning ballot fraud is on the rise across the nation, and if unchecked, the ultimate consequences would be an electorate that simply doesn't believe the system works and refuses to participate – "a total breakdown in the cohesion of American society."
That's from spokesman Dan McGrath of the Minnesota Majority, which advocates for traditional values in state and federal public policy through grassroots activism. The group also contributes to the work of to focus specifically on elections and voter fraud.
Minnesota Majority reported that its investigations of fraud allegations arising from the 2008 general election in the state so far have resulted in 113 convictions. Another 200 or so cases are being processed or are pending but might not be completed because the statute of limitations expires next month, three years after the election.
And a stunning 2,800 or more cases cannot be prosecuted because of the wording in the state law that essentially requires voter fraud participants to admit they knew what they were doing was illegal in order for a conviction to be obtained, the organization said.
The organization's report on voter fraud said the convictions appear to be the highest number since a scheme in Jackson County, Mo., in 1936 resulted in 259 individuals convicted of voter fraud.
A more recent effort by the U.S. Department of Justice that encompassed five years resulted in just 53 convictions, the group said.
"It's mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the U.S. Department of Justice was able to find in five," said Minnesota Majority president Jeff Davis in a statement on the results.
The group identified a wide range of illegal votes, including incapacitated patients at a mental health home who have guardians and are not eligible to vote to "upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota's 2008 general election."
"These convictions are just the tip of the iceberg," said Davis. "The actual number of illegal votes cast was in the thousands. Most unlawful voters were never charged with a crime because they simply pled ignorance. We have evidence of these people casting illegal ballots, but in Minnesota, ignorance of election law is considered to be an acceptable defense."
It's not just in Minnesota.
The organization lists reports from dozens of locations around the nation where voter fraud cases have been brought, and convictions won, by prosecutors. Among them are a 10-year prison term for an NAACP leader for vote fraud, several cases in Houston, more in Wisconsin and some in Florida.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 11:47:56
UPDATE: Soros and controlled Rebellion-Egypt: Boy Does This Look Familiar.
***I had been looking at CNN videos of the rambunctious protestors in both LA and NY and they had one thing in common. They were manned by predominantly early 20's males who all dressed about the same style and hair. Then after wondering about that and whether they were real protestors, I came across this blog we did about Egypts rebellion that we all know now was a controlled rebellion and now the militry in Egypt is killing Egyptian citizens, because they did not provide to the people what they promised..... and look below who is involved in that rebellion???? LOOKS LIKE ITS SOROS' JOB INTERNATIONALLY to forment those rebellions and over throw governments so they can take direct control of them without spending all that money buying the politicians. Must be expensive to do.
Remember, we also found out Libya was also a controlled rebellion. It was for Rothschild and we know this because the first thing the rebels did when they gained control was to create a whole different and separate banking system that coincidentially was right in line with Rothschild style banking.... FIAT CURRENCY, WORTH NOTHING. The second thing they did was to set up negotiations with British and American oil companies to take over Egypts oil drilling and distribution. Yup, that was a bogus rebellion too. Now read this below and see if you see any similarity. Remember ITS ARROGANT OF US TO BELIEVE THEY COULD NOT DO THIS TO US. Do I believe there are good honest rebels, yes, I do, but not in leadership positions. The control of it is firmly in Soros hands. NOT ONE SINGLE SIGN ABOUT AUDITING THE FED OR DOING AWAY WITH IT. NOT ONE. Don't you find that odd??? Do I think the real protestors could take it over? Yes, I do, but then no more Soros's donation of free food and drinks. Its when you pay out of your pocket and aren't working, that rebellion becomes a very different animal.
(original article 2-5-11)
Vatic Note: This will come as no surprise to Vatic Readers. On one of our blogs about this issue we stated that if the powers that be wanted to crush this rebellion they could easily have done so with very little cost to them. So I asked 'Why have they not crushed it?" Two speculations were; 1. The powers that be were using this as an excuse to disappear into their underground facilities for some cosmic reason, such as nibiru is here or coming, polar shifts getting ready to occur, and 2. It was a trial run for pretending to rid the country of an elite bad guy, only to replace him with an elite controlled good guy, who would serve his masters while also fooling the people. I mentioned that this was a ploy to overthrow governments so the khazar bankers could fully take them over. Remember, studies by the various mass psych groups hav e shown that its far less expensive to manage a large group of slaves IF THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE FREE, even if they are not, than to have them KNOW THEY ARE SLAVES and end up costing much more to control and keep down. However, this is a mix of reasons. I based my speculation on surrounding facts and written plans that were almost 100 years old, and on the past 10 years and recent renewal of the Patriot Act that they were not going to renew, remember???? But this one is even better since he has facts that lead us to believing that in fact, the elite khazars are indeed in control of the opposition that created this revolution. We still don't know "why"? Notice the "Economist" is making remarks about this and guess who owns the economist??? ROTHSCHILD. So now we know the rest of the story.



The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 11:56:55
The Modern-Day British East India Company: The CIA
Contributors Note: This is about the CIA and its billion dollar drug trafficing.
Vatic Note: Add to this above, the fact that the CIA incorporated in Delaware some years ago as a for profit corporation. Now how in the world did that happen when they are supported by public funds??? Is it because of their side business? How do we know??? The CIA functions off public funds, but then has CAFR accounts that show they have millions in investments in unrestricted funds. That must come from their drug running business. I am trying to get a copy of their 2010 financials so we know how much exactly they have ratholed that they do not include in their budget revenues since the bankers make money off investing it for the CIA and probably steal a fair share periodically while also charging them for that priviledge. That does not include the money the bankers make off money laundering. LOL Lets not forget the series we are doing on the Queen whose British MI6 helped create the so called independant CIA that no President has been able to corral or control. Only the British and Israel's Mossad are in control. THIS IS YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER, NOW! HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?
The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade

Friday, 14. October 2011, The Boiling Frogs Post, Contributed to Vatic by Anonymous, Cambodia
The Modern-Day British East India Company: The CIA
Just as the British Empire was in part financed by their control of the opium trade through the British East India Company, so too has the CIA been found time after time to be at the heart of the modern international drug trade. From its very inception, the CIA has been embroiled in the murky underworld of drug trafficking.

Breaking: 30 Citibank customers arrested for closing their account [With Citibank Statement Update]

True US History
Breaking: 30 Citibank customers arrested for closing their account [With Citibank Statement Update]
By DuvalDem
Oct 15, 2011 - 11:59:34 PM
Sat Oct 15, 2011 at 12:17 PM PDT

Breaking: 30 Citibank customers arrested for closing their account [With Citibank Statement Update]

Was just watching Global Revolution live stream where they were live at a Citibank in LaGuardia watching the police holding 30 customers in a Citibank branch where they were in line to close their bank accounts.  There was a large group of protesters outside chanting various rejoinders to the bank officals and the police, who seemed to be their in force.  The livestream chat is still buzzing about the arrests and you can see various Citibank numbers passing by to call in protest, especially the Citibank customer relations number.
I must say this is strange considering the number of people outside with video recorders and this live stream.  I'm not sure what Citibank is thinking here but this seems to be a panic move on their part for taking this rather drastic action.  My wife and I are plotting now to move our Bank of America accounts to a local bank or credit union in town now.  I know this move from our little family won't have much of an impact but it will at least help me sleep at night.
Here is the link for the live stream:

Update:  Global Revolution live stream is now confirming 17 customers arrested.  Perhaps because they planned this move as a group Citibank didn't like it so they acted.  Whatever, because now their actions have apparently lit up twitter and they are suddenly trending.  Go to twitter and search #citibank and viola!  Citibank marketing nightmare.  Great move guys...
Update II:  Ok, here is the youtube video of the arrest as requested by some of the commenters.  I have to say I'm now seeing this every where on twitter, facebook, LinkIn... This is going to be bad for Citibank marketing wise...
Update III:  Ok, Citibank issues a statement 8 hours later denying anyone was trying to close their account and only there to disrupt business and eventually calling 911 to remove them.  If one gives them the benfit of the doubt that seems reasonable.  The raw live stream I happen to catch had witnesses saying otherwise as several people indicated they had friends inside closing their accounts.  Let's see what the protesters that were arrested have to say...

Also republished by Occupy Wall Street.

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CIA drone shot down U.S. Special Forces Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan..

Subject: CIA drone shot down U.S. Special Forces Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan..
Home » World news » CIA drone shot down U.S. Special Forces Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan..

CIA drone shot down U.S. Special Forces Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan..

Posted by PC World news Saturday, October 15th, 2011 

According to a White House insider a CIA drone downed the Special Forces Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011, not a rocket propelled grenade (RPG).  Former CIA director and current Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was authorized to send a CIA drone to SEAL the fate of the eye witnesses to Barack Obama’s killing of bin Laden on Pakistani soil. 

Military officials in Afghanistan have claimed that the U.S. military helicopter carrying special operations forces to a night-raid in the Tangi Valley of Wardak Province, was brought down by a rocket-propelled grenade.  According to military officials the Taliban fired a ‘lucky shot’ in the downing of the Chinook helicopter that killed 25 American special operations personnel, five Army National Guard crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, one Afghan interpreter and a U.S. military dog. Of the 25 American Special Forces, 15 Navy SEALs from the elite ‘Team Six’ unit that killed Osama bin Laden were killed. 

Unbeknown to the American people is that the entire Navy SEAL team that was sent to kill bin Laden was wiped out. What a lucky shot in deed for Barack Hussein Obama if a Taliban was truly responsible for the Chinook downing.  Because of that “lucky shot” there are no “boots on the ground” eye witnesses to the unlawful killing of bin Laden on Pakistani soil. No one is left who can be called before a tribunal, Congressional hearing or International Criminal Court to give testimony.  I for one don’t believe a RPG  “lucky shot” downed the Chinook.  I can, however, believe that the United States government would order the CIA to down the Chinook helicopter and murder their own people just to permanently silence all witnesses to the unlawful killing of bin Laden on Pakistani soil.  U.S. military officials have gone to great lengths to cover up the fact that the team that Obama ordered to unlawfully  infiltrate Pakistan and murder bin Laden was also murdered.  Plausible?  Yes.  Beyond reasonable doubt?  You decide.

The U.S. military is now controlled by the CIA – it is headed by former CIA director Leon Panetta.   Immediately after it became known that bin Laden’s killers (SEAL Team Six) were among the dead the CIA controlled Pentagon was quick to issue a contradicting statement that “none of those killed had participated in the bin Laden operation”.   They claimed the team that killed bin Laden was conducted by members of DEVGRU’s Red Squadron.  The wiped out SEAL Team Six was formed from members of DEVGRU’s Red Squadron.  SEAL Team Six members and DEVGRU’s Red Squadron members are one and the same people.  A civilian doesn’t know this but a grunt would know.  Every special mission team is made up of members from a number of different groups.  Only those with a specific mission critical skill are temporarily taken from their regular group to form a “special mission team”.  Team members rarely go on more than one mission together.  As soon as the mission is completed the Team ceases to exist – for security reasons.  That is until August 6, 2011.   On August 6, 2011 the Pentagon (CIA) broke protocol and ordered everyone who took part in the killing of bin Laden to board the same aircraft.   They put all their eggs in one basket and downed it – intentionally.  Why?   To protect Obama and the White House. 

Immediately after Barack Obama arrogantly boasted that he had killed bin Laden and dumped his body in the sea the International community started to question the legality of the killing.   The killing raised concerns Internationally that the United States may have gone too far in acting as policeman, judge and executioner of the world’s most wanted man. International Law experts are calling the killing unlawful.  Why?  The first legality red flag was raised when the World heard that bin Laden was killed in Pakistan.  The United States is at war with Afghanistan and Iraq, not Pakistan.  The Pakistani government and military forces are not at war with the United States.  Pakistan’s sovereignty was violated by the United States.  The United States government usurped the Pakistan political and legal authority when they sent armed U.S. Special Forces inside Pakistan to murder bin Laden.

International law experts were then alarmed when the White House stated that bin Laden was not armed when he was killed, contradicting an earlier U.S. account that he had taken part in a firefight. If bin Laden was unarmed he didn’t pose a threat to the heavily armed and highly trained (elite) SEAL team.  The statement by the White House reveals that bin Laden was murdered which according to International Law is a very serious crime – even during war.  Murder is not lawful in peace time, nor war time. The Geneva Conventions which govern armed conflict explicitly notes that international humanitarian law applies to such conflicts. This means countries can’t go around killing people simply because they think they are a terrorist. Due process has to be applied to such people.

The Geneva Conventions apply in wars between two or more sovereign states. Article 5 of the Third Geneva Convention states that the status of a detainee may be determined by a “competent tribunal.” Until such time, he is to be treated as a prisoner of war. After a “competent tribunal” has determined that an individual detainee is an unlawful combatant, the “detaining power” may choose to accord the detained unlawful combatant the rights and privileges of a prisoner of war as described in the Third Geneva Convention, but is not required to do so. An unlawful combatant who is not a national of a neutral State, and who is not a national of a co-belligerent State, retains rights and privileges under the Fourth Geneva Convention so that he must be “treated with humanity and, in case of trial, shall not be deprived of the rights of fair and regular trial.

The killing of bin Laden was not done by the Americans in the heat of battle, or as an act of self defense. Instead he was killed in a well executed raid by the United States military and security personnel.  As bin Laden was unarmed there was a clear alternative to killing Bin Laden available to the U.S.  Special Forces and that would have been to capture him, interrogate him and then, if there were sufficient evidence charge him with any number of serious offenses.

The Geneva Convention forbids treachery, which it defines as “killing a leader outside of the battle space.” Attacks on leaders are prohibited by Article 23b of the Hague Convention of 1899, which outlaws “treacherous attacks on adversaries,” and by the Protocol Addition to the Geneva Convention of 1949.
In addition to international law, U.S. policy has prohibited the use of assassination since 1976 when President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905, which states, “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.

In Obama’s defense Greg Kehoe, a U.S. lawyer who advised the Iraqi Special Tribunal formed to prosecute Saddam Hussein, has stated that this was a war action and not a police action. And, in a war situation, any commander in chief is a “fair-game target,” and bin Laden was the commander in chief of an organization at war with the U.S. In that sense, the international war laws side with the U.S..
Do you believe International Law and Executive Order 11905 applies to Barack Hussein Obama or do you agree with Greg Kehoe?  If you agree with Kehoe you would also have to agree that Barack Hussein Obama is a also a “fair-game target”.  Obama is the current commander in chief of the United States military and seeing as it was the United States commander in chiefs who decided to unlawfully go to war with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and order military strikes and assassinations inside Pakistan then Barack Hussein Obama can be lawfully killed by any Afghani, Iraqi, Libyan or Pakistani civilian, military personnel or political leader.  I wonder if a sniper from either Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Pakistan would get a “luck shot” at their “fair-game target”.

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