Sunday, November 13, 2011

Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 13-Nov-2011 02:23:17
Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed - YouTube
Read more:
Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed - Seattle exopolitics |

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Zionist State Of Amerika

The Zionist State Of Amerika
By Jim Kirwan

Everything comes to an end eventually, and this day is probably the beginning of that end for America.
The pieces of this global jigsaw puzzle are still moving, barely. But the configurations for the world are nearly all in place. This last huge gambit by the forces of Global-disorder is almost ready for the final act in this global tragedy. And the stage-hands backstage, are just waiting for the call that will raise the curtain on the formal beginnings of World War III.

A huge amount of education has been completed over the last ten years during which a lot of people have been writing and drawing and commenting on the hidden histories behind these trogledian affairs, including me. Here's just one small part of the actual information that too many either haven't been aware of, or they have forgotten just how Iran came to be in the crosshairs: Again! (1)

Beyond this one example, there are literally hundreds of thousands of documents that have outlined just how this nation has finally become

Foremost among the things that the public has finally become aware of is the fact that
"They don't hate us because of our freedoms, they hate us because every day we are funding and committing crimes against humanity. The so-called War on Terror is a cover for our military aggression to gain control of the resources of Western Asia. This is sending the poor of this country to kill the poor of those Muslim countries. This is trading blood for oil, this is genocide and for most of the world we ARE the Terrorists" (2)

Bankers have now replaced political figureheads in both Greece and Italy; who will of course try to ram the blood-drenched policies of the already disgraced 'AUSTERITY' programs down the throats of the captured populations of both Italy and Greece. This will not work either, because it goes against every principle of life and economics and cannot ever work, anywhere! For the criminal-forces of this failing takeover attempt, this amounts to their last straw because Italy and Greece will follow in the footsteps of the now bankrupted MF Global-with many other Western "institutions" that will fail as well: Some far more spectacularly than others. But FAIL THEY WILL, because they cannot actually succeed in crushing the whole world just to pacify the dehumanized criminals at the top of the New World Order and the Zionists-International that has been reaching for the completion of this global crime for the last 88 years, without mercy.

I don't profess to 'know' when exactly this global-nightmare shall begin by raising the curtain on WWIII: but it has become clear to many of us that there is now almost no other way to end the barbarity of this global crime.

The thugs in uniform, in most Amerikan cities now, are pushing very hard for the people they are wounding, and shooting to begin fighting back; because Zionist Amerika wants us to become violent; they need the excuse to begin their hostile takeover in the open with real bullets for anyone that opposes them. I know how tempting it is to just smash the faces of these uniformed-cowards that raid sleeping camps of protestors in the middle of the night, to fondle the women and beat the men repeatedly even though they are the only ones who are armed and dangerous to anyone other than their co-conspirators, in these vastly increasing crimes against the public. But 'IF' they unleash real bullets and real firepower against the veterans and the public in the streets that will trigger the hundreds of millions of gun-owners to respond in kind and that will finish this place as a nation and as a survivable place in which anyone will be able to live for decades, if not for centuries.
There is only one-other-way, but the public still seems to resist the last real chance to avoid Armageddon. All that Americans have to do is to move their money out of the remaining big banks-every last cent of your money needs to be anywhere else; except inside those banks! If the public could do this: Then at least there would be a real chance to end the FEDERAL RESERVE and its entire DEBT-based CRIMINAL SYSTEM by which we have all been captured. Without those banks the FED would have to collapse, and the other eleven Banks in that World Wide System would also immediately be threatened by the FED's collapse.

What is preventing this is some holdover belief that the political system is this county can recover: NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. That political system was designed as a broken system that can never work when it really counts-and that time is NOW! Congress has been reduced from 535 members to 12, plus the TRAITOR in the Oval Office. The Courts are totally compromised and the administration answers to Israel and never to the American people: Hence the new name which is the only valid title for this place now:


We are living in one the most transitional moments in all of history, right now. And what we do in the next few days will affect the next ten generations directly, if that is, there are to be any next generations, anywhere. And for the record: If these non-humans have their way with us this time, there will not be a future, so there won't be any future generations to have to suffer for what we did not prevent. . .

Ironically this time the world will try to have it both ways. It will end with both a whimper and a bang. The whimpering will come from those that refuse to let-go of their addictions to whatever; and 'the bang' will be the sounds of the nuclear missiles landing on nations and people all over the planet, and not just in the Middle-East.
This is apparently what 11-11-11 is all about, and it looks a lot like a final warning to the tens-of-thousands of us that routinely monitor this cesspool that was once our world!

1) Iran War is Immanent
2) The Real Truth of Wars ­ 3min 56 second video
Found at:
[Colour fonts and bolding added.].

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Dinar - Things To Consider

From the PTR forum on 11-12-11
Things To Consider (By Jonnywg)

    Here are some things to consider regarding the “history” of the RV of (especially) the IQD (as disclosed by intel sources who think you have a right to know).

    1) Despite the fact that the RV could have officially been announced several months ago, the economic woes of the rest of the world caused the BIS/IMF and the worlds various Ministers of Finance and governing officials to step in to use the RV as a platform to prevent (for however long it lasts) the destruction of the world economy and the banking infrastructure.

    2) If the RV had actually taken place prior to solving the tremendous issues at hand, any financial gains that “we” (primarily we in the U.S.) might have seen would have been wiped out by the collapse of some of the banks. (The Big 4 were not the only banks that would have been in trouble) The vast majority of you would have then been forced to try to collect from an already broke FDIC.

    3) Despite what your feelings are for the people involved in the delay, the end result of their involvement actually turns out to have been a benefit to all of us since the IQD rate has been forced upward from anything that we would have logically expected if it were left entirely to decisions made by the GOI.

    4) With the coming together of a “deal” between the U.S., China, Russia and several other countries, the details of which can’t be disclosed, the economies of the “deal” participants will be positively affected. Some U.S. debt will be eliminated, the IMF’s emergency fund will be partially replenished and you will see cargo, now sitting in the U.S. harbors, being off-loaded and delivered. (Think Xmas here)

    5) While many have been hurt along the way and many more are struggling or barely hanging on, rest assured that the long awaited, much prayed for and, in some cases, much cursed event is very, very close to becoming a reality.
    P.S. For further reference read Ms. Christine LeGarde speech

    On CNN in the last few hours –

    Christine LeGarde, “China has saved the European union” and somewhat emotional about it

    The bottom lie is that the financial workings of the people in charge has saved millions from catastrophe. We have to accept the pitfalls and delays of our “blessed event” try to accept that the information givers are not trying to mislead us, in fact they are trying to help and guide us.

    Myself and others have been given information that while correct at the time.............turned out wrong or different. In this RV world you have to accept it and move on




Houston, TX
As I was meditating on the significance of today's date, 11-11-11, the Lord quickened that we have reached the threshold of "alignment" of those things that have been ordained for this time. To align is to bring into a proper position. The Lord then took me to Ezekiel 11, in which He pronounced judgment on the evil that was being done in secret in the land:

Ezek.11:1-2 - "Moreover, the Spirit lifted me up and brought me to the east gate of the Lord's house which faced eastward. And behold, there were twenty-five men at the entrance of the gate.... And He said to me, 'Son of man, these are the men who devise iniquity and give evil advice in this city'........"

This is a time that the Lord is exposing and judging those things done in darkness. It has been given to the Body of Christ to "prophesy against them, son of man, prophesy!" (Ezek.11:4) It is an honor for His godly ones to execute the judgments that are written concerning the enemies of God (see Psalm 149:6-9). We are to be participants with Him in the end time events that are unfolding before us.

About a week ago, I heard the Lord say that He was blowing the trumpet for His people, His warriors, to assemble and go forth. He has brought us into the land of our promise, but there are giants to fight and enemies to conquer. Let us be quick to hear the voice of our Commander and to put our hands to the work He has set before us!

Dinar --- what its really all about! To Create and Transfer Wealth

It is very important to understand how something could be made from nothing. I heard a
famous money advisor on the radio this week saying the dinar was a scam, based on the
uncertainty of the Iraqi government and the current value of the dinar. Under normal
economic circumstances, this is ABSOLUTELY correct. Today, we have no normal
circumstance whatsoever, so all bets are off. The Euro is about to implode, the third
largest economy in Europe is collapsing, and the funds for illegal banking are being frozen.
The dinar was created to print wealth. If I give you a dollar for a loaf of bread, you now
understand that things similar to loaf of bread cost a dollar. That dollar is then traded to
other things for about the same value. If secretly, I have a printing press in my garage that
spits out dollars, I can spend those dollars for things also of a similar value. However, if I
print too many dollars on my press, the neighbors may grow weary of me buying all their
stuff. The demand for dollars drops. This is called inflation.
To combat inflation and create value out of nothing, all I have to do is get everyone to
use my dollars and not use anyone else's. The ultimate goal would be to get the world to
use my dollars. Then I could never spend too much, because there would be an
enormous demand for my dollars. This is precisely what the Federal Reserve has done
since 1913.
Over the last ten years, however, the world has reached its capacity for dollars. Those
holding them, must keep them tied up or the value would drop to near zero. So the plan
is to trade dollars amongst the privileged, while maintaining high demand if possible from
the economy. Thus, the economy must be kept dollar poor to keep the demand high. In
the backdrop, those with the press have printed quadrillions of dollars simply by making
entries on a computer screen, and funneled it into strategic bank accounts. Those
account owners know that releasing too much money at once will devalue their own
holdings and reveal who they are. It is a vicious circle.
Asset backed wealth is the antidote. It cannot be revalued easily because the supply is
limited and the demand is steady or growing. It cannot be created at will, but requires a
production and the economic engine to gather together. I predict that the current
economy will never be restored until the move to asset backed wealth is made.The
currency could be gold or silver or toenails or belly button lint. I don't care which. It just
can't be paper. Some of you need to take my Class 201 - Paper Mache Castles.
If you are still tracking me, there was a time when the current system really took off.
After the surrender of Japan took place on the USS Missouri in late 1945, a secret
agreement was made. The right to print the money in Japan was given over to a wing of
the Agency. The asset backed wealth was put into reserve, and eventually turned
over to an international holding bank. Prior to that in China, the reserve of gold was
shipped to America for "safe keeping" and bonds were printed in the Philippines as a
promise to repay. They did this to avoid Japan looting their wealth. These reserves of
asset backed wealth were looted by the banking cabal instead, as it was rising to power
and taking advantage of the effects of the war. There are always winners and losers.
When China's loan came due, China demanded the delivery of the gold. The western
bankers would not return it and my guess is that much of it was lost to private accounts
and reserves when they were supposed to be keeping it safe. They were given 50 years
to steal it, and so they did. China complained to the international court and won. Much of
the gold and paperwork concerning this repayment was kept in the twin towers....and now
we are into conspiracy. I will leave it at that... but no one can review the evidence that is
out there now and not determine that there is much more to 9/11 that what the news told us.
Nevertheless, these Asian reserves are vast and not limited to what was stolen over the
years. They are the collections from dynasties, hidden in huge reserves in Asia and
elsewhere. The Federal Reserve did not steal it all, but when there has been a release of
these assets, great attempts have been made to steal it. If you think about the $2~3 trillion
USD that China is holding today, you have to recognize the quandary that China is in. They
are sitting on vast assets, which they cannot move for fear of being stolen, and the money
they are holding is US dollars, which if they spend it now its value will collapse faster than
they can spend it. I don't think that is much of an exaggeration. Thus, enter the dinar. It is
merely a vehicle to get US dollars transferred from the holdings of the banking elite to the
main street. It is driven by international interests to jump start the economy and get liquidity
back in the hands of the people who will spend it to live.
You had to make this currency vehical cheap or else no normal person could afford to
invest much. It had to be available, which is why so much was shipped to the US and
elsewhere. You had to make the gain big, because giving a few dollars to anyone would
have no impact on fixing things. Then you had to force the banks to revalue it. The enemy
holds the control over that button. Why would they push the button willingly? They wouldn't.
Their toxic paper was made toxic on purpose, to be bought for a song and held long enough
to allow the default to take place. Foreclosures are up again in November, on purpose.
So the good guys, who used to be the bad guys according to our news and good guys,
are forcing the hand of the banks. It is getting serious and will eventually come to pass.
Hang in there. Keep in mind that it is now known by most governments around the world
that this banking control is intentional and deliberately focused on controlling assets and
existing wealth. This is why you see defectors now in European governments and the
inability of the elite to rectify the money problems. It is also why you saw people being
arrested for closing their accounts in the big banks during the occupy protests. It is why
you saw Obama levying a Christmas Tree tax, (they are desperate). It is why there is this
general disgust for America amongst the nations. It is not America, however, but those
who represent their own banking and money interests. The world is waking up. The house
of cards is falling down.
Strong international powers sent Interpol into the United States, starting in 2010. There
were like 7 plane loads of international police that came here to audit the Fed. This is not
our government being audited, but the private banking system that controls every
politician. They were deputized by the President, but I believe this was his hand being
forced. The executive order is #12425 if you care to research it. When the Fed was
recently audited, it was discovered that like $16 Trillion was given out to special interests
and foreign banks. When you understand that, you know that they do not wish to get the
economy going again and release all the debtors. Plain and simple. Conspiracy? No, not
really. It is about greed and control. If you on main street prosper, their machine collapses.
It has taken a lot of work to get you in this position without you knowing it.
This Executive Order above is the president being drug along kicking and screaming. The
release of these police in the US has uncovered much of the illegal banking practices, the
false flag attacks, the phony war stories, and so forth. Many of the trusted leaders are
going to jail soon and many Americans are going to feel quite foolish for being on the
wrong side. Doesn't matter which political affiliation you are. 2012 promises to be a
dramatic year, so believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Hopefully you
do that already.
I still strongly maintain that the dinar will be revalued. It is not a matter of investment. Don't
call it that, because it is not. There is no investment that repays 3000 to 1 in normal
circumstances. The dinar was created for the sole purpose of transferring wealth and to
create a windfall tax for the US government. It was planned from the beginning. It will not
be decided by the Iraqi government and it will not depend on some law to be passed.
Those are all distractions. This will take place when the timing is right those who are
blocking it are
out of the way.
It is close now, keep watch..Interpol is about to make some moves behind the scenes.
You will see these come out as scandals and offenses of the crazy kind. Don't get
tangled up in any of it. The agency has a dossier on everyone in Washington. It is
simply a matter of time.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
Patrick Henry

Friday, November 11, 2011

1-11-11 Prophecy of Redemption

Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

1-11-11 Prophecy of Redemption
November 11, 2011
   This is a day of redemption, redeeming the times. This is a day of import, for I will move on this day to empower My people. They are a holy vessel, groomed and trained to contain My power. Just as David overcame and prevailed in warfare, having had a victory mindset, so My people will prevail easily over the forces of the enemy.

   The Day is come for victory, even victory over My enemies, and I will use My people to achieve this victory. Powers of darkness will fall. Towers of established strength of the enemy will crumble, as did the Twin Towers crumble, as My people move in to take the land, their land, given to them by Me.

   So fear not the turbulence, the upset, the change to come, for it is all good. The blood of the martyrs at the Twin Towers speaks. I will avenge that blood in America by destroying the enemy forces which caused that disaster. It was not Me but Satan who planned that attack, to diminish and bring despair on America, because he knew her time of glory, revival and awakening is at hand. For I say, where sin abounds, grace shall more abound. Amen.
Note: An impression came that the enemy's twin towers ready to come down in America are power and greed.

The reference to David's victory comes from 1 Chronicles 19:1-19.


Dinar Update - 11-11-11 PTR CALL

PTR CALL 11-11-11 with TONY and GARY


1- BANKS will be the last people to know about the RV so no need to call them YOU WILL KNOW FIRST.
2- GIANT Iraqi Contractor (name withheld) got a GOI signed contract with the with first payment due to this contractor on November 15th.
3- CONFIRMED USDollars being pulled out of the country now
4- 30,000 troops are gone now so sovereignty can be confessed
5- IN IRAQ - There was a vote taken yesterday about immunity and vote on final removal of 3 zeros, and its about the revalue of the dinar
6- There is a meeting going on right now ON US SOIL involving 9 countries involving what you and I care the most about and they are here to put an end to it whether it comes this afternoon tomorrow or Sunday that is what is most important
7- TONY STATES - I can almost, practically, with everything I know guarantee you the VND will be over .05.
8- TONY STATES - Can guarantee dinar will be significantly over 3 or 4 dollars to START with and remember it comes in first then changes higher later
9- TONY STATES – today could be a banner day – tomorrow or a MONDAY for sure one way or another - and I have told you a lot of info without giving you TOO much info here - but be excited – it’s all good
10- TONY STATES - This could be a special day to remember. Every day is, but this could be very special. IF the announcement of the RV is not made today I can guarantee you that final decisions are being made about this RIGHT NOW...
11- TONY STATES - after this RV stick around new ventures coming up, not as troublesome as this one.
12- TONY STATES - there was an agreement made last week where each country could and go a % above the rate as that is what their Country needed to recover and they would pay the people but would still get what was coming to them from Iraq to stimulate their own country economy.
13- Know those world leaders didn’t just fly in here to say happy Veterans Day to Obama – SOMETHING IS HAPPENING

TONY STATES – Going to start this off a little different today. We're going have a good day. I have info I want you guys to know about. Got notes from friends from conversations. Believe me, yesterday a whole lot of info flying around…I was on the phone probably for 16 hours yesterday, talking to people here, DC, AZ, Iraq. All the pieces were being fitted together. Banking people are excited….
The regular bankers have never seen this stuff on the screens…when we say the banking industry is doing things that doesn’t mean u can walk in your bank and see it!!! We're not at that point yet. When we're at that point you'll be cashing out. Believe me, they are going to be the last people to know. Those people right there. When we get to that bank and the teller sees it, you will be cashing out...they will be the LAST PEOPLE TO KNOW! So, when someone tells you something is going on in the banking, FOREX, UST. It has to be coming from higher up sources, restricted areas. See some arguing about what is possible and what’s not…Things happen every day. There is a level of secrecy in our GOV that you will never know about. The guy at the bank has never been involved in this….Things are totally different from one country RVing to 150 countries RVing…There's a lot more levels of involvement…I got what I consider proof from the banking industry. They sent me a copy of a bank screen. Not going tell you all it said, but things are possible. Something is happening in that industry. I love hearing that. It means we're at the end. Past all the politics, the bs, the laws over there….the countries and later you will love what i have to say...I’m going tell u in a minute.. Even though I just said that I'm going tell you what's happening today….There is so many things that have to go into it...that’s where we are ….

TONY STATES – we heard from a contractor about his contract that the different in this contract is that he is an Iraq citizen with a contract and there is a difference and his contract is for three provinces Baghdad Kurdistan region and very large and with a great industry that it has been signed by the Iraq government – IT HAS BEEN SIGNED – this is the different – others are waiting and THIS ONE Has been signed and things are shipped over and first payment due November 15th…We hear this morning that our USD is being pulled out of the country – yes we heard this before months ago but yet it was still there and now announcements have been made on a lot larger scale of this… AS OF This morning the last 72 hours over 30,000 US TROOPS have left Iraq and a small portion is left 3 or 4 thousand troops – and its significant as article says today that they declare themselves a sovereign nation and that’s how they do this…. There was a vote taken yesterday about immunity and vote on final removal of 3 zeros, and it’s about the revalue of the dinar and also you know to understand where we are and even though they removed those out there is an agreement in place…. Trying to tell you everything so you understand where we're at. Even though they moved those guys out there is an agreement in place, but it is different. Most realize that it’s important for a country to save face, to move everyone out and then invite you back. Until we're gone, we have invaded them and never left. But if invited back, it’s a whole different story

TONY STATES – can’t tell you who they are but there is a meeting going on right now ON US SOIL involving 9 countries involving what you and I care the most about and they are here to put an end to it whether it comes this afternoon tomorrow or Sunday that is what is most important…IT WILL HAPPEN! A LOT OF THINGS are going to change!!!

TONY STATES - nobody knew 100% what was going to happen when or how –we all got bits and pieces of info in what we are waiting for. We all got bits and pieces of info. A guy called me yesterday and said somebody told me in March that it wasn't going happen til the troops leave Iraq… We said you're crazy, this is getting ready to go. But here we are, and as far as all are concerned, the troops have left Iraq, except for those at the embassy. Guess what, they were right. Don't mind saying that… Even though we though they could never survive until now, here we are….

TONY STATES - I can almost, practically, with everything I know guarantee you the VND will be over .05. I can almost guarantee you that. Don't ask me how. Can guarantee dinar will be significantly over 3 or 4 dollars to START with and remember it comes in first then change later- remember what I told you…. Heard a lot in the past about what can or can't be. We never knew. We were all just getting info. It’s about to create a huge change in our world and society when it happens. You're not going appreciate this, but I'm going tell you. The number we heard has gone so far crazy, but I said I hope it doesn't come out at that number. He said, Tony, quit being so greedy. I have a strategy, if it comes out at 3 or 4 dollars, I will multiply that by 20… This is a once in a lifetime thing. You better take advantage of it. Can you imagine someone having 3M in their hand you have never had 3K in the bank and the fear its going create. People are starting to worry someone is going to take your money.

TONY STATES – today could be a banner day – tomorrow or a MONDAY for sure one way or another - and I have told you a lot of info without giving you TOO much info here - but be excited – it’s all good and I am having a great vets day and my 15 years in the military and it’s a great day due to the calls and levels of contacts in all level f sources and they are not in the same agencies and not even in the same state or same the country and they are All saying the same thing. That gives it credence….and I can breathe easy and am saying man just another day or two and wow – enjoy life…


TONY STATES - This could be a special day to remember. Every day is, but this could be very special. IF the announcement of the RV is not made today I can guarantee you that final decisions are being made about this RIGHT NOW...

I'm not going to do that on this call what’s next to look out for, but I am going do that. Got to figure out how I'm going do it to tell you the truth. Not something everyone can do. It’s based on the rate it comes out at. Key people in our group already have the info on the next opportunity. Not as big as this. It will be a world event and coming real soon. Will be much easier. You'll be Millionaires already. The key is to hang around. If you can't do it in the next 30 days. My strategy is for the next 30 days. You can always look for the next opportunity. Whole cycle is less than 1 year. They might tell me to shut up. Don't want as many people in it. Will share IPO's, in Feb or March… 
when Facebook goes public, it will be the biggest thing ever. If you're setting up your account at your bank, I would advise you to tell them to get you involved. Chase and JP Morgan is in charge of more IPO's than any other bank out there. Its something to get yourself educated on right now.

CALLER STATES - had a biz partner involved in different things. Started investing himself and shared with me. Been in for about a year. Desperately need this. Biz went south. Collectors calling all the time. Trying to keep an even keep, PTR is helping a lot with that.

TONY STATES - Well thank you. If you can keep an even keel, its the best thing for you. Stress affects you physically. I don't bounce up and down. I'm up every day. Excited with every little bit of info. Some people can't do that. Stay in the middle range and just be excited knowing its going to happen. 
WE ARE Closer than ever right now.

CALLER ASKS - we just have to be patient...I know that...because it is taking so much longer it seems the rate is higher because of it?

TONY STATES - there was an agreement made last week where each country could do something and it was told to go a certain percentage above based on their requirements an base on the whole EURO deal and go a % above as that is what their Country needed to recover and they would pay the people but would still get what was coming to them from Iraq to stimulate their own country economy…The numbers will be different per country – this is a totally different plan from what they wrote back then and things Changed and some things were NOT publicized until it happens – Countries have increased and the rate dollar amounts the last 2 months have increased from the starting point to where it’s going to end from the info I have been getting…. 

CALLER ASKS - will there be a short cash time 
TONY STATES - ? He says absolutely NOT…

CALLER ASKS - Walking on air, know its going to happen. Enjoy the calls. Just sit back and let it happen.

TONY STATES TO CALLER - I absolutely agree and when it happens you will ALL be shocked!
I'm excited not by what I've told you, but by what I haven't told you. ONE OF OUR members put on our forum that everybody has their own puzzle not the same but their own and own info coming in and where it makes sense for them – putting a puzzle together with no borders has been this but now it is coming together – this whole process has been new info new pieces and someone brings it one at a time and we try to fit this piece of the puzzle in – and now I want to say I do have some border pieces now I surely do.


TONY STATES – I Want to apologize for this morning, the misunderstanding about the delay of the call. Hopefully we got everyone back so they could participate. If not it is recorded. Hopefully the info makes your day, helps you get through it a little better. If something comes out of today, what we want you'll get a text message today… 
Know those world leaders didn’t just fly in here to say happy Veterans Day to Obama – SOMETHING IS HAPPENING

Finally, a Judge Stands Up to Wall Street

Finally, a Judge Stands Up to Wall Street
By Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
10 November 11
“Federal judge Jed Rakoff, a former prosecutor with the U.S. Attorney’s office here in New York, is fast becoming a sort of legal hero of our time. He showed that again yesterday when he shat all over the SEC’s latest dirty settlement with serial fraud offender Citigroup, refusing to let the captured regulatory agency sweep yet another case of high-level criminal malfeasance under the rug.
The SEC had brought an action against Citigroup for misleading investors about the way a certain package of mortgage-backed assets had been chosen. The case is very similar to the notorious Abacus case involving Goldman Sachs, in which Goldman allowed short-selling billionaire John Paulson (who was betting against the package) to pick the assets, then told a pair of European banks that the “designed to fail” package they were buying had been put together independently.
This case was similar, but worse. Here, Citi similarly told investors a package of mortgages had been chosen independently, when in fact Citi itself had chosen the stuff and was betting against the whole pile.
This whole transaction actually combined a number of Goldman-style misdeeds, since the bank both lied to investors and also bet against its own product and its own customers. In the deal, Citi made a $160 million profit, while its customers lost $700 million…

CGI's Swami: All kinds of stuff going on behind the scenes

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

CGI's Swami: All kinds of stuff going on behind the scenes

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Friday, 11-Nov-2011 05:37:10

"The rumor is, JPMorgan shorted the stock of MF Global prior to the decision, that Greece is a non-credit event. And what he's saying here, is that the firm in MF operations which was closest to them was JPMorgan. And they saw what was going on. So they shorted the stock. The stock isn't trading. And that means they don't have to cover their short. Everything that they shorted is pure profit. And he says that Jamie Dimon is the one who was the mastermind behind this. And also involved Mary Shapiro, who is the head of the SEC; Gary Gensler, who is the head of the CFTC; Eric Holder who is the attorney general; and William Daley. And he says that William Daley, Obama's chief of staff, left his post. Ya know, he's stepping down, because of this scandal. And, so there's all kinds of stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't know about."

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"We have noted again and again that the seemingly single-minded effort to avoid a credit-event or involuntary restructuring is yet another one of the actions of an ignorant and ill-informed elite who simply do not understand the unintended consequences of any and everything they do to calm a desperate banking system. Today saw Willem Buiter, of Citigroup, agree with our perspective in terms of both the realistic lack of impact from a CDS event on Greece (per se) and moreover his perspective that the lack of a credit event could throw bond markets into a chaotic state as seemingly worthless CDS contracts and CTD bonds are tossed like hot potatoes from one smart banker to another smart hedge fund."


"He notes:

Not triggering CDS in a deep Greek sovereign debt restructuring would likely be more damaging than triggering

In that case, the value of CDS as an asset class – which retains a significant hedging and risk management role – would be much impaired

The lengthy Citigroup prose is summarized rather simply as avoiding the trigger when it is obviously a trigger-worthy event (using our vernacular) could cause far more trouble than any they are seeking to avoid for fear of contagion and losses. Peter Tchir, of TF Market Advisors, added this evening:

Given the number of European Leaders who are still up and making statements, it would seem we finally have a deal. Either that or they were all clubbing together, which can't be completely ruled out.

50% haircut for banks. Will the banks actually be forgiving Greece 50% of their obligations or are the banks about to get some super cool security that has lots of bells and whistles, so they can say it is a 50% write-down? I'm betting the latter, which just means EFSF funds get used up more quickly.

This will NOT be a Credit Event. As I sent earlier, it doesn't fit the legal definition of Credit Event in the ISDA documentation. I would expect the "basis" to go out of control, as banks sell useless CDS hedges. I am not sure what the immediate impact on the broader sovereign bond market will be. It may try to react positively to the "deal" and the CDS tightening, but I would be careful as sophisticated banks will be busy selling their bonds now too. The "dumb" banks will probably try and sell as much sovereign CDS as they can and cut bond exposures in other countries, because this is now the best risk-free asset on the planet :) The CDS does remain outstanding, so it doesn't go away if it doesn't trigger."

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The $593 million shortfall in client money at MF Global Holdings Ltd., the broker that filed for bankruptcy on Oct. 31, appears to result from a “massive hide- and-seek ploy,” Bart Chilton, a commissioner at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said today.

The agency took the rare step of publicly announcing its investigation, which began on Oct. 31, saying it was in the public interest to confirm the enforcement action. Jill E. Sommers was named as the senior commissioner during the probe, after Gary Gensler, the agency’s chairman, recused himself.

“This isn’t just a lost and found inquiry; it’s a full-on effort to get to the bottom of what appears to be a massive hide-and-seek ploy,” Chilton, a Democrat, said in an e-mail.

“It’s a distinct possibility, some would say probability, that somebody has done something with the money, and that it’s not going to be ‘all of a sudden discovered’ with an innocent explanation,” Chilton said. “If that’s the case, it’s patently illegal. I don’t know yet. Our investigation will uncover that, and we’re aggressively pursuing this.”

Gensler recused himself from the investigation because of his history with Jon S. Corzine, the former head of MF Global. Gensler worked with Corzine at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and during his time as a Senate aide, while Corzine represented New Jersey as a U.S. senator.
‘Get to the Bottom’

“I have complete confidence in the dedicated men and women in enforcement to carry out the necessary investigation to get to the bottom of what happened,” Sommers, a Republican, said in a statement.

The probe of MF Global’s cash movements is being conducted by the U.S. Justice Department, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the bankruptcy trustee’s staff in cooperation with the Securities Investor Protection Corp., James W. Giddens, the trustee, said on his website.

The CFTC also began a review of futures brokers to determine if client funds are properly segregated. The initial review will include between 10 and 12 futures brokers and the CFTC hasn’t set a deadline for the review, a person familiar with the review said.

Diana DeSocio, a spokeswoman for MF Global, didn’t respond to requests for comment. Steven Goldberg, a spokesman for Corzine in New York, said he had no immediate comment.


"Led by former Goldman Sachs (GS: 99.50, -0.17, -0.17%) chief Jon Corzine, MF Global collapsed under pressure from a bank run caused by clients and counterparties scared about more than $6 billion in net exposure to the risky bonds of euro-zone nations like Portugal, Italy and Greece.

Hubris Clouds Vision

In many ways, the MF Global collapse proves that at least some Wall Street executives haven’t learned one of the principal lessons from the ’08 disaster: too much leverage -- which magnifies winnings as well as losses -- can kill you.

“Wall Street will always push the envelope. It’s part of the DNA of Wall Street,” said James Gellert, CEO of Rapid Ratings, an independent ratings company.

Just before the euro-zone crisis deepened, Corzine, who was attempting to transform MF Global into a mini-Goldman Sachs, directed his traders to make more than $6.3 billion in bullish bets on these assets.

These positions represented an enormous bet when compared with his company’s relatively small size: With $40 billion in assets and $1.4 billion in equity, MF Global was levered up an alarming 30 to 1. That’s not far from the 38 to 1 level of borrowing at Bear Stearns before it collapsed in 2008."


"“It’s absolutely not a failure of regulation. It’s a failure of the firm to make rationale and intelligent investment decisions and to bear the responsibility for the investment decisions it made,” SEC chairman Mary Schapiro told FOX Business this week.

Still, it’s troubling to some that regulators appear intimidated by big-name CEOs, even in today’s anti-Wall Street environment and armed with the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul laws.

“If regulators don’t have the nerve to do it now, when are they going to?” said Geisst."