Monday, November 28, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 28, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 28, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 28-Nov-2011 06:38:29

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - November 28, 2011
The amount of love being sent to your beautiful planet is ever increasing and will continue to do so, as it helps you reach a higher level of consciousness. Many great Beings of pure Light are involved and their power is beyond your imagination. They are able to control the flow of Light so that you are not overpowered, and in fact the whole process of Ascension is very carefully arranged to ensure maximum success. Because in general terms you have been able to bring the energy to Earth, the grids have been empowered and are helping you raise your levels of consciousness. We cannot sufficiently stress how important these times are for you all, and we urge you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to ascend that is being offered to you. Not for a long time will there be such a focused energy centered upon Earth, that will offer every single soul the means of upliftment. All it requires initially is the intent to change your life to one where you see all souls as One with you, and treat them accordingly with love and caring as you would wish for yourself.
Nothing else in your life is as important as your spiritual evolution, and unless you desire to remain within the lower vibrations you must look forward to finding out how to raise your consciousness to a higher level. Whatever you may feel, you have within a natural urge to seek the purpose of life and it will propel you ever onwards. Set aside the comments from people who are unable to comprehend the idea that you are more than your body, and know that there is part of you that is indestructible and is the real you. Experiencing as physical Human Being in the 3rd. dimension is just part of a great adventure, that is now ending with completion of the cycle of duality. From thereon for those who ascend, it will move to a new experience in a body of crystalline based cells that will carry a greater degree of consciousness. All of the previous drawbacks that were affecting you such as aging, will no longer occur and life will be much more pleasant and rewarding.
You cannot really stand still where your evolution is concerned even although you do not perceive change within you. Everything around you is evolving and you cannot help but be influenced by what is happening. In the long run you will want to move beyond your present level, having learnt from experience and seeking a new one. The changes ahead of you will leave you in no doubt that the old paradigm has ceased to be of value, and that the new one offers you so much more opportunity to evolve. It is not a random occurrence but part of the Creator's plan for you, carried out by Beings that have returned to the Source. When we of the Galactic Federation finally appear and can converse with you, it will give you the opportunity to have your questions answered. We are your mentors for this period of time, and have already opened your hearts and minds to a more expansive understanding through our earlier contacts with you.
There has been a need for you to take more responsibility for your own spiritual development, and gain more knowledge from within. Hitherto you have been largely dependant on others for it, and in many instances been directed along the wrong track which has severely retarded your ability to progress towards the truth. We find that where beliefs are very strong, it is difficult to break down the resistance to change but there are times coming when the truth will be hard to reject. We shall put over the truth about your history in such a way it will be very difficult to deny, as it will be accompanied with irrefutable evidence. This will not affect your freewill as it is a God given gift that no one can take away.
What is going to be convincing for everyone will be the ability to show you past events as they actually happened. In this way there can be no denial of the truth, and your history can be rewritten according to how it actually took place. This is important so that you fully understand the way in which your lives were controlled, by the negative influences that occur in your Universe. However, when you ascend they will no longer have such power over you, as their vibrations are too low to exist at such a level.
Bit by bit you are beginning to see a far larger picture of where you fit in, and in spite of attempts of the dark Ones to prevent it you are destined to be successful where Ascension is concerned. In fact it is a natural part of your experiences without which you cannot proceed to the higher dimensions. We have attended a number of Ascension processes previously, and yours is by far the most unique one by allowing you to ascend in a physical body. It probably sounds beyond your imagination, yet somewhere in your sub consciousness you have deep memories of earlier times like it. Always remember that you were all once much Higher Beings, and only left such realms to gain experience of a more physical existence.
Dear Ones, the jump from where you are now, to a higher dimension will be quite remarkable because of the speed with which it will take place. We are responsible for much of the progress that will be made, and it stands to reason that we must get started very soon. The timing is flexible, and we do not have the same response as you do to delay. We know exactly when certain events need to commence, so we have the advantage of being able to patiently bide our time until we are allowed to go into action.
The world is in need of a final infusion of Light that will cause the levels of consciousness to increase exponentially, and take you forward to a level that puts you beyond the influence of the dark Ones. To put you in such a position that you can fully concentrate on the final steps that will lead you to Ascension. Already you are on that path and we shall give you whatever help you need to continue going forward. It will be the glorious victory that you have worked for over eons of time, and always knew was going to be yours.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we are keeping our promise to make you more aware of our presence in your skies. It is our intention to make more contact with you, and greater displays of our craft. It should bring disclosure much nearer, which we will welcome as the first step towards further revelations.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project by Richard K. Moore
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Monday, 28-Nov-2011 05:52:49

From reader Steve:
"Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes the laws."
– Baron Mayor Amschel Rothschild
Pax Americana & Bretton Woods: a regime-change precedent
For more nearly five centuries, ever since European expansionism began c. 1492, the world order could be described as competitive imperialism: European powers competing over colonial and economic territories. The various wars between European powers were one expression of this competition. Wars would arise periodically, when one power felt it could expand its imperial realms at the expense of another.
A radically different world order was established after Word War 2, based on the Bretton Woods institutions (UN, IMF, World Bank, ...), the dissolution of separate European empires, and Pax Americana. This new world system can be described as collective imperialism, with the Pentagon acting as imperial enforcer in the 'Free World' on behalf of Western capital generally. This new global regime opened the way for the greatest growth period in history, while at the same time removing the motivation for wars among European powers.
This paradigm shift in systems did not just happen: it was the outcome of a project. The new postwar paradigm was designed and planned in a series of meetings, by a handful of people selected from the Council on Foreign Relations, at the invitation of President Roosevelt. The CFR is a policy research & development organization, in service to the central banking cabal: the postwar world order was designed specifically to serve the interests of those central bankers.
The new regime came with a PR mythology: imperialism was dying; the nations of the world were being liberated; democracy was spreading; economic development would raise everyone's standard of living.
The reality was different: imperialism was being pursued more efficiently and systematically; nations were freed of colonial rule, but were still subject to destabilization and intervention if they didn't cooperate with Western corporate interests; democracy was the exception rather than the rule in the newly independent nations; widespread economic exploitation and poverty continued, much as under colonialism.
This postwar growth era became a victim of its own success in pursuing economic development. It was so effective, and so global in its reach, that it finally began to run into hard environmental constraints. By the 1970s it became clear that the postwar growth machine was running out of steam. Not that growth couldn't continue for some time, but the overall return on investments was beginning to decline.
Cycles of boom and bust have always occurred in the history of capitalism. The banking cabal makes money from investments and loans during a growth phase, they engage in looting and short-selling as the growth declines, and they extend their hard-asset ownership portfolios at bargain prices during the bust phase. The postwar growth cycle peaked in the 1970s, neoliberal looting began in the 1980s, and we're now well into the bust phase, with hard assets being grabbed at bargain prices via IMF-mandated privatization.
Always before the bust was temporary. There were always 'new worlds to conquer', some way to launch a new and grander growth cycle. This time, with hard environmental limits being encountered, a new and grander growth cycle just isn't possible.
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
– David Rockefeller
The post-capitalist regime-change project
No one has been more aware of this final end to the growth-cycle paradigm than the banking cabal. David Rockefeller himself was the principal founder of the Club of Rome, which published its Limits to Growth already in 1972. Ever since then, and even before, plans and preparations have been in the works for a successor global regime, not based on growth, but still under the thumb of the bankster cabal.
As described in the first article of this series, 'The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order', the new global system is to be based on a centralized world government, managed by already-established bureaucracies, including the UN, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC).
These bureaucracies will be accountable to the cabal, with no real kind of democratic input. The new order can be characterized as the whole world becoming the private fiefdom of the banking cabal clique, who become the equivalent of an extended global royal family. It's essentially a return to a pre-Enlightenment ancien régime.
As with the postwar regime, the new regime will have a PR mythology, quite different from the reality. We already have many clues about the nature of the new mythology, and the first article outlines what that mythology will probably be like.
As described in the second article of this series, 'The Great Carbon Credit Deception', the new economic paradigm will be based on centrally-micromanaged resource allocations, and this is beginning already with carbon credits. On our finite planet, a resource-based economy makes a great deal of sense, but not one that is centrally managed for the purpose of controlling the people of the world.
The general destruction wreaked by World War 2 'cleared the building site' so that the new postwar world order could be constructed. The cabal is now systematically clearing the building site once again, to enable the construction of the post-capitalist world order.
"Of course there is a class war, but it's my class, the rich class, that is waging the war, and we're winning."
– Warren Buffet
Full-Spectrum Dominance
As Warren Buffet quips, we are in a class war – and the regime-change project is the cabal's war plan to win a total and lasting victory over the rest of humanity. It is important that those of us in the 99% under-class realize we're under systematic attack. And it's important that we realize that the core principle of modern warfare is full-spectrum dominance: pro-active control over every domain of engagement. We need to be aware of the many ways in which we're being attacked.
We've seen the principle of full-spectrum dominance in Iraq for example, where first the air-defenses are taken out, then the communications infrastructure, then transport, and so on, each domain of engagement being dominated in its turn. In such military engagements, domestic public opinion is also a domain of engagement, and dominance there has been pursued via embedded journalism, media propaganda, and lies by officials.
In the regime-change project – the class war – there are many domains of engagement over which dominance must be achieved and maintained.
Russia and China
Russia and China are a very special case. They are cooperating closely in pursuing their national interests in opposition to the cabal's plans, while at the same time gaining as much advantage as possible from the existing global marketplace. They are seeking a stable multi-polar world order, and have formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the BRICS alliance. Because of their size, wealth, and military clout,
Russia and China
pose the only serious geopolitical obstacle to the establishment of the cabal's centralized global regime.
Full-spectrum dominance is being pursued
against Russia and China in several different domains.
One of these is the domain of destabilization, particularly in the case of Russia. Russia took a major hit
, for example,
with the breakup of the Soviet Union – which was facilitated, according to Brzezinski, by the CIA-sponsored war between the Soviets and Afghanistan, which fatally over-stretched the Soviet economy and brought Yeltsin to power, an agent of the West, who did all he could to destroy what was left of the Russian economy. Subsequently we've had the CIA-sponsored 'Colored Revolutions', aimed at aligning Russia's neighbors with the West.
In the military domain the US has been encircling Asia with military bases and anti-missile systems, while meanwhile developing and deploying
space-based and other hi-tech
weapons systems. All of this adds up to a first-strike capacity, enabling the US to initiate a hi-tech assault while inhibiting an effective response.
China, in order to support its growing economy, needs access to oil and other resources. To ensure that access, China has been making investments and long-term trade deals, particularly in Africa. In response the US has set up AFRICOM, with the mission of nullifying those investments and trade deals via regime-change projects, as we've seen recently in Libya. Such actions represent direct attacks on Chinese strategic interests.
The AFRICOM initiatives and the encirclement programs are preliminary acts of war, and
Russia and China are well aware of this.
Russia and China will either need to yield sovereignty over their national destiny, or else military force will be used to neutralize them as competing powers.
This is how the building site is being cleared for regime change, one way or the other, in the case of Russia and China.
The Third World
As John Perkins explains in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, the Third World has long been under attack by an aggressive campaign of debt entrapment. As a condition of receiving IMF refinancing packages, nations must submit to restructuring agreements, which open up the nation's assets to privatization, and essentially bring the nations under direct cabal management, via the IMF.
In those cases where this approach does not succeed, regime-change projects are being pursued, as we've seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, and most recently Libya. Syria, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea are on the list for future regime-change initiatives, whenever the Pentagon judges the timing to be right.
Various pretexts are being used in order to achieve acceptance of these regime-change projects in the domain of Western public opinion. With Iraq, we had phony claims about weapons of mass destruction; with Libya, we had phony reports that Gaddafi was bombing civilians; with Iran, we have phony reports that Iran is developing a nuclear weapons capability. And always with such regime-change projects, the claim of 'humanitarian intervention' is used.
This is how the building site is being cleared
for regime change
, in the case of the Third World.
Western nations
Western governments were long ago corrupted and seduced into joining the neoliberal globalization bandwagon, which has systematically undermined the vitality of Western economies, and whose 'free-trade' laws have taken away regulatory sovereignty. In this way the West's
manufacturing capacity has been decimated, and Western nations have
become dependent on the global economy for their very survival.
Meanwhile, the cabal has used the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group to indoctrinate Western leaders into the cabal agenda. We've gotten to the point, as with Sarkosy and Merkel, where candidates are selected at Bilderberger meetings, and then promoted into power by well-funded political campaigns.
All of this set the stage for the
orchestrated economic collapse of September 2008. Instead of doing the sensible thing, which would have been to put the failed banks into receivership ala Iceland, the indoctrinated leaders accepted the absurd doctrine of 'too big to fail', and committed themselves to bailing out the banks. While the public was told the collapse was only a liquidity crisis, insiders knew that in fact the whole banking system was insolvent. There was no way the nations could afford those bailouts.
Thus the insolvency of the banks was transformed into the insolvency of Western treasuries. Once this was achieved, the cabal began incrementally bringing Western nations under the direct management of cabal agents, first Ireland, and more recently Greece, Italy and Spain. By means of the bailout scam the economic-hitman strategy crossed the Rubicon from the Third World to the West, bringing with it draconian austerity and wholesale privatization.
Germany has been the most resistant to these destabilization programs, retaining a strong economy and a robust manufacturing sector, and enjoying a highly profitable export trade. At the same time, German banks are heavily invested in the failed banks and in the bonds of the bankrupt European nations, and as the global economy continues to collapse,
Germany will be gradually but inevitably pulled down with the rest of Europe.
The US seems to be standing outside this scenario, with the dollar continuing as a de facto global reserve currency. But in fact the US is totally bankrupt, with astronomical budget and trade deficits. In order to keep operating, the Federal Reserve is simply printing money, and it is getting by with it because of the dollar's reserve currency status.
The rug can be pulled out from under the US economy any time the cabal so chooses.
In this regard, it is important to understand exactly how the the collapse of 2008 was brought about. The vulnerabilities, in terms of over-extended banks and toxic-derivative holdings, had been present for some time. But the vulnerabilities were hidden because the banks were permitted to pretend on their books that the toxic assets were sound assets. Rockefeller's Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland then pulled the plug: it announced
the 'mark-to-market' rule –
the toxic assets must be put on the books at their actual market value. Thus the whole house of cards came down all at once.
Similarly, there is now another house of cards that can be brought down at any time. There are $600 trillion of paper wealth tied up in derivatives and credit-default swaps. Whenever the cabal chooses, the plug can be pulled. It is only necessary to tighten the rules, and force banks and investors to start settling their derivative accounts. When this happens, there is nowhere that those
$600 trillion
can be found, as the world's total annual GDP is only $65 trillion. The final and total collapse of the global economy will come all at once, bringing the US down with it.
This is how the building site is being cleared
for regime change
, in the case of the Western nations.
Western public opinion
Although the cabal is quite willing to use whatever force is necessary to achieve its objectives, up to and including orchestrating major wars, it never relies exclusively on force. A way is always sought to bring Western public opinion into alignment with those objectives. Thus military interventions are portrayed as 'humanitarian', bailouts are portrayed as 'unfortunately necessary', and austerity is portrayed as a 'path to growth recovery'. Such false portrayals are sold to the public by propaganda from the cabal-controlled mass media, and by the lies of government officials.
Such measures have succeeded, for the most part, in getting Western populations to grudgingly accept the orchestrated collapse process. However, as the impact of the collapse is beginning to affect more and more people directly, public opinion is becoming increasingly angry and frustrated with the state of affairs. Media propaganda and official lies are failing to neutralize this growing anger. One is tempted to conclude that the cabal is losing its touch, that it is failing in this case to successfully manage public opinion.
Such a conclusion, however, would be mistaken. We need to keep in mind that the agenda of the cabal is quite different this time around. In the past, the cabal, by means of media propaganda and government lies, was always seeking to maintain support for the system they control: capitalism and Western governments. This time around, the agenda of the cabal is to discard capitalism and national governments, and replace them with the new centralized, non-growth system. Public anger and frustration feeds directly into this agenda – provided it is channeled appropriately.
The formula is an old one, known as 'problem, reaction, solution'. That's how the Federal Reserve was brought into existence back in 1913. First cabal-agent JP Morgan manufactured the problem (a run on the banks), then the cabal waited for the expected reaction (a public outcry that 'something be done'), and finally they offered their 'solution' (the cabal-owned Federal Reserve). By the time people started realizing that the solution was worse than the problem, it was too late.
With the regime-change project, the manufactured 'problem' includes not just the economic crisis itself, but also the fact that banks are responsible for the crisis, and governments are failing to do anything to alleviate the crisis. The desired 'reaction' is not just that people cry out for 'something be done' about the collapse, but that they also cry out for something be done about corrupt and incompetent governments, and that something be done about the power of banks and corporations. That is to say, the desired reaction is that people cry out for regime change.
In order to achieve this desired reaction, the cabal is employing sophisticated mind-control techniques – called psy-ops in the trade – involving the Internet and grassroots movements. The first clear example I saw of this was 'Zeitgeist', a viral YouTube video that was soon followed by the 'Zeitgeist Addendum', and a Zeitgeist Movement. At first I too was taken in by Zeitgeist, because the initial video gives one of the smoothest and most comprehensive descriptions of the evils of our age that I had ever seen. It is very professionally presented, and it pulls no punches about false-flag operations, the power of the banks, and the corruption of governments. I thought to myself, “Wow, this is a wake-up call that can really make a difference".
However my illusions were soon shattered, when the Addendum came out. While Zeitgeist is an example of 'stating the problem', the Addendum is an example of 'appropriately channeling' the resulting reaction. The Addendum is based on Jasque Fresco's Venus Project, which envisions a sci-fi technocratic future, with shiny meg-lev trains, futuristic cities that operate like beehives, and where the entire globe is organized into a monoculture with society's decisions to be made by a centralized group of elitist engineering technocrats. Indeed, Fresco suggests that global decisions should eventually be made by computers.
The Addendum doesn't mention the Soviet-style attitude-adjustment centers that would be needed to deal with those who couldn't stomach such a regimented society. Nor does it say anything about how the technocrats would be selected, or how their priorities would be determined. It's an unrealistic and frightening vision, but many of those who were captured by the initial Zeitgeist video have been successfully channeled into embracing that vision.
Subsequently the Zeitgeist Movement has distanced itself from the Venus Project, however the Zeitgeist Mission Statement continues along the same lines:
This "Resource-Based Economic Model" is about taking a direct technical approach to social management as opposed to a Monetary or even Political one. It is about updating the workings of society to the most advanced and proven methods Science has to offer, leaving behind the damaging consequences and limiting inhibitions which are generated by our current system of monetary exchange, profits, corporations and other structural and motivational components.
The Zeitgeist Movement is alive and well, with chapters in all 50 US states, and in 48 nations around the world. We see here a perfect example of the 'problem, reaction, solution' paradigm in action. Those who have bought into the Movement are eager to abandon the current system, and they can be expected to readily accept the cabal's new world order – as long as it is sold to them with appropriate propaganda spin.
A more recent Internet psy-op is the 'Anonymous Movement'. This is designed to appeal to those with more anarchistic tendencies, who would be unlikely resonate with visions of a regimented beehive future. As with the Zeitgeist Movement, Anonymous is based on a total rejection of the existing system:
"ANONYMOUS declares war on the system! JOIN THE RESISTANCE!"
Anonymous describes itself as a leaderless, spontaneous, unorganized, grassroots movement. How anyone can believe this is beyond me, given the professional quality of the videos, the consistency of the style and content of the videos, and the sophisticated branding techniques, such as the 'V for Vendetta' masks. The words in the videos are spoken by computer software, giving the impression that the authors are successfully hiding their identities from the authorities. One needs to be incredibly naive to think the authors couldn't be tracked down, and the videos taken down, if the authorities actually felt threatened by Anonymous.
The credibility of Anonymous is somewhat enhanced by various successful hacker attacks that have been attributed to it. But again, only the naive could believe the authorities couldn't put a stop to this, if the perpetrators really were grassroots activists trying to take down the system. In fact, the hacker attacks, as well as Anonymous itself, are undoubtedly false-flag operations of the Pentagon's new Cyber Warfare division, carrying out its part in the class war against we the people.
Apart from propagating an anti-system message, and channeling the attention of some number of naive people, it is not clear what the real purpose of Anonymous is. My best guess at this point is that a really outrageous and unpopular hacker attack will come along, Anonymous will claim credit, and that will be used as an excuse to seriously crack down on the use of the Internet by genuine activists. The Internet would then be politically sterilized, giving Internet psy-ops a clear field.
Let us now turn our attention to the rapidly growing Occupy Movement, which has captured the imagination and energy of activists, and a great many ordinary citizens, around the world. The home page of the Zeitgeist Movement, as of this writing, prominently displays support for the Occupy Movement. As with Zeitgeist and Anonymous, Occupy is based on a radical critique of the existing system, as we can read on the Occupy Together website:
Global civil society is being threatened by a system based on power and not on human values. Day after day it represses basic freedoms and consistently favors the greed of the few over the needs of the many. This power finances wars, food and pharmaceutical monopolies, it sponsors dictatorial regimes across the globe, destroying environments, manipulating and censoring information flow and transparency.
The movement was inspired by the Arab Spring movements, particularly Egypt's Tahir Square Movement. Occupy burst on the scene all at once in mid September, following a call to action from Adbusters magazine, which has ties to George Soros. It rapidly became the dominant global protest movement. According to the Occupy Together website, the movement now has a visible presence in over 2,000 towns and cities worldwide.
The movement manifests as encampments, as in Tahir Square, where people stand around holding signs demanding an end to this and that abuse by the system. The movement has a specific decision-making process, based on General Assemblies, using an awkward consensus process. This pattern was established at the original Wall Street encampment, by a leadership clique that knew exactly how they wanted things to operate, and the pattern has been faithfully adopted by subsequent encampments as the movement grew.
The main agenda of the movement seems to be managing its own encampments. It has no specific manifesto of demands, no vision of any particular system to replace the current one, and no strategy for actually bringing about change. In essence, it amounts to a global Tahir Square gathering – a mass of people waiting around for someone to announce a regime change. As in Egypt, the people will get a regime change, and as in Egypt, it won't be a regime they will be happy with.
This is how the building site is being cleared for regime change, in the case of the Western public opinion.
Managing the Transition
Just as the old world system is being systematically dismantled, so is the transition process to the new regime being systematically managed. Indeed, with the globalist bureaucracies established and operating, the carbon-credit system launched, the IMF managing many of the world's national economies, and top Western leaders indoctrinated by the cabal's forums (Bilderberger Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations), the transition process is already well underway.
The UN will of course need to be 'reformed' as part of the transition. The General Assembly is far too democratic to suit the purposes of the cabal, and the Security Council is plagued by that pesky veto process. Already the US is pushing for reform, seeking for power to be centralized in the UN's Secretary General. With Russia and China out of the picture, it will be easy for the cabal to push through whatever reforms they deem appropriate, so as to enable the cabal to dictate policy, free of constraint.
The US has long been under the control of the cabal, with the cabal-owned Federal Reserve managing monetary policy, and the political system totally corrupted. JFK made a valiant attempt to restore genuine sovereignty, and after eliminating him the cabal tightened its grip still further. The US, and particularly the Pentagon and the CIA, have served as essential tools of the cabal as they have been pursuing their plans for global domination.
The EU was a cabal project from the very beginning, and its founding charter, the Maastricht Treaty, was drawn up by cabal-controlled finance ministers, not heads of state. The purpose of the EU has been to help manage the transition of Europe into the new world system, by incrementally undermining national sovereignty and bringing Europe under the bureaucratic control of the cabal-dominated Brussels regime.
As the economic collapse dramatically worsens, civil unrest will dramatically increase. Harsh suppression of Western populations will be necessary in order to get through the transition process. The various false-flag 'terrorist' events, such as 9/11 and the London tube bombings, have provided the excuse to implement the police-state infrastructures that will enable the necessary suppression. The same false-flag events have also provided excuses for the various military interventions that have been necessary in order to 'clear the building site' in the third world.
Is another future possible?
Time is running very short, if we the people hope to do anything to change this course of events. Our collective activist energy has certainly been aroused, as evidenced by the Arab Spring uprisings, the Occupy Movement, and the various protests we've seen in Europe. But we will need to find new ways of organizing our energies if we want to be effective. It is the responsibility of us in the West to create a different future, if there is to be one. For as long as the West, with its dominant military power, is under the control of the cabal, there is little hope the rest of the world can make a difference.
The purpose of this series of articles has been to help us understand the magnitude of the task that faces us, if we do want a different future. In particular, we need to understand that protesting, regardless of the scale, is not going to help. Those in power don't care and aren't listening. And whatever we do, it must be based on non-violence, as the authorities are very well prepared to suppress any kind of violent uprising.
It is beyond the scope of this article to go much further with suggestions for overcoming cabal power. If these articles have enhanced your understanding of the problems, I hope they also encourage you to think afresh of how we might pursue overcoming them.
My own thinking has led me to the conclusion that our organizing, and our vision for the future, both need to be based on localism and inclusiveness. Globalism and mass media are the natural province of elites. Community and face-to-face communication are the natural province of we the people. Let me leave you with the thought that we are all in this together: left and right are illusions foisted on us to keep us divided.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Hope You Dance... '

'I Hope You Dance... '

This was written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend. 
*The last line says it all. *
Dear Bertha,
I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the  
garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.
Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.
I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.
I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.
"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now
I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favorite food was.
I'm guessing; I'll never know.
It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days.Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special.
Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a gift from God.

If you received this, it is because someone cares for you. If you're too busy to take the few minutes that it takes right now to forward this, would it be the first time you didn't do the little thing that would make a difference in your relationships? I can tell you it certainly won't be the last.
Take a few minutes to send this to a few people you care about, just to let them know that you're thinking of them.
"People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there."

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance


    Be Blessed  Prayer changes things

An unemployed graduate woke up one morning and checked his pocket. All he had left was $10. He decided to use it to buy food and then wait for death as he was too proud to go begging. He was frustrated as he could find no job, and nobody was ready to help him.

He bought food and as he sat down to eat, an old man and two little children came along and asked him to help them with food as they had not eaten for almost a week. He
looked at them.. They were so lean that he could see their bones coming out. Their eyes had gone into the socket. With the last bit of compassion he had, he gave them the food. The old man and children prayed that God would bless and prosper him and then gave him a very old coin . The young graduate said to them 'you need the prayer more than I do'.

With no money, no job, no food, the young graduate went under the bridge to rest and wait for death. As he was about to sleep, he saw an old newspaper on the ground. He picked it up, and suddenly he saw an advertisement for people with old coins to come to a certain address.

He decided to go there with the old coin the old man gave him. On getting to the place, he gave the proprietor the coin. The proprietor screamed, brought out a big book and showed the young graduate a photograph. This same old coin was worth 3 million dollars. The young graduate was overjoyed as the proprietor gave him a bank draft for 3 million do llars within an hour.. He collected the Bank Draft and went in se arc h of the old man and little children.

By the time he got to where he left them eating, they had gone.. He asked the owner of the canteen if he knew them. He said no but they left a note for you. He quickly opened the note thinking it would lead him to find them.

This is what the note said: 'You gave us your all and we have rewarded you back with the coin,' signed God the Father. 
1 Kings 17:10 -16; Matthew 11:28 -30

Here is your financial blessing! It's a simple prayer, you've got 30 seconds. If you need a financial blessing, continue reading this e-mail.

Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God,
I pray to you that you abundantly Bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother husband and wife, but all Who believe a nd trust in you.

Father, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the person who sent this to me, but for Me and all that I have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything.

I thank you in advance for your blessings.
Father God, deliver the person reading this right now and those who will read it in the near future from debt and debt burdens. Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me Father, for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk in Your word and have the faith of a Mustard seed that You will pour out blessings.
I thank You now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come Because I know You are not done with me yet.
In Jesus name, I pray,


"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come."

Poofness - 11/27/11 --- What Happens Now

Subject: What Happens Now?
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 15:07:46 -0500

The Fall

Artist: Joe Cocker

Strange how this world works
I don't care about your place
You better believe you're gonna get her
You gotta let go, it's out of your hands

One day you're gonna look back
See the reason that you got back

It's all in the fall
That's when you find out what you're all about
We've all been hurt, we've all been burnt
You get knocked down, kicked around, then you get back up
It's all in the fall, starting over again, starting over again.

Somebody once told me
Trouble is, trouble's gonna be coming your way
When the world gets dark and lonely
You might stumble and fall but you get thru it all
It's gonna be okay

One day you're gonna look back
And see it all happen so damn fast, so fast.

It's all in the fall
That's when you find out what you're all about
We've all been hurt, we've all been burnt
You get knocked down, kicked around and then you get back up
It's all in the fall

You don't know who you are til it all come tumbling down
Next thing you know you've found

That it's all in the fall,
That's when you find out what you're all about
Yes, it's all in the fall
That's when you find out what you're all about

We've all been hurt, we've all been burnt
You get knocked down, kicked around
and then you get back up

It's all in the fall, it's all in the fall,
Starting over again, starting over again

Greetings and Salutations;

For all these years, I've been hinting at the real history of banking and finally it has gone public, which I view as a pre announcement thing so the public won't be fully stunned and they'll be more open to hear what they have been conditioned not to believe. As we have all heard, 'they who have the gold rule'.

[Begin text from Fulford's post, found here: ]

November 24th, 201

A lawsuit was filed today (November 23rd US time) that could end the secret government that has ruled Western civilization for at least the past 300 years. The lawsuit claims that close to $1 trillion was stolen by, among others, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and the UN, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government, Giancarlo Bruno and the Davos World Economic forum and others believed to include many of the owners of the US Federal Reserve Board. The lawsuit was filed in New York by Neil Keenan, acting as representative of the Dragon family, a reclusive group of wealthy Asian families. This filing is the result of extensive evidence gathering by international police and law-enforcement agencies including Interpol, the CIA, the Japanese Security Police, Eastern European secret services and has the backing of the Pentagon as well as the armed forces of Russia and China.

The ultimate defendants in this legal action are believed to be the same cabal behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and many other major international crimes.

This particular lawsuit was triggered by the illegal detainment of two Japanese citizens, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe, as well as the seizure of $134.5 billion in bonds they were holding in Italy on June 3, 2009. After the bonds were stolen, self-described 33rd degree Freemason Leo Zagami contacted this writer and said the Montecarlo P2 masonic lodge could cash the bonds with the help of Vatican banker Daniel Dal Bosco. This writer forwarded the information, via a member of the UK Royal family, to the dragon family who entrusted a further $1 trillion worth of similar bonds to the plaintiff Neil Keenan. Keenan then, after much negotiation, entrusted the bonds to Dal Bosco.

Dal Bosco subsequently absconded with the bonds and was followed 24-hours a day by various intelligence service agents to see what he would do with them. The Dal Bosco trail led to the Davos World forum, the UN, the Italian government and the Vatican, among other places. Following this, Keenan was approached by a who’s who of powerful figures including top Vatican officials, Wall Street bankers, European nobles and former US presidents, most offering him astronomical bribes to go away. He was also poisoned with ricin and nearly killed.

According to Keenan “The roots of this case go back to between 1927 and 1938, when, under arrangements made between T.V. Soong (Finance Minister of China) and Henry Morgethau, Secretary of the Treasury, The United States Government purchased some 50 million ounces of silver and leased vast amounts of gold from the Nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. For all the treasure handed in, certificates were given to those who surrendered their precious metals.”

Many of the bonds seized by Dal Bosco are backed with the Chinese gold taken by the Federal Reserve Board during those years and never returned to its legal owners.

Other bonds seized were Kennedy bonds. These bonds were backed by gold held in trust for the people of the planet and were supposed to be used to finance the economic development of the world. Instead they have mostly been stolen and misused by members of the cabal that has seized control of the Western financial system on behalf of private interests.

The original signatory to the Kennedy bonds was former Indonesian President Soekarno. Soekarno’s heir Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto has given Keenan power of attorney to return their rightful owners the Kennedy bonds and other property allocated to the people of the world via something known as the global collateral accounts.

The lawsuit is only the first salvo in a legal battle to restore control of the global financial system to the people and governments of the world as well as the rightful owners of historical assets that have been seized by members of the banking cartel.

The lawsuit has been filed as Civil Action #8500 at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on November 23, 2011.

Background information on the problems with the global financial system

The entire cause of the problem.
The United States is a private corporation owned by the British Crown (Rothchilds), the Bank of England (Rothchilds) and the Vatican (Rothchilds again). It was previously called the Virginia Company until 3/9/33 when it was dissolved by Roosevelt under the Emergency Banking Act. On 5/5/33 Congress elected to dissolve the Gold Standard and Sovereign Authority of the U.S. and all of its official capacities including government offices, departments and officers. The U.S. is a corporation, not a nation. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor a Reserve. It is a private counterfeiting organization run by Jewish bankers who lend the money they print out of thin air at interest while we keep on paying these criminals to fleece the People.

That technology of theft and deception that has been exported from the United States through their promotion of this fraud as the paradigm of global finance is an obscenity that has set the seeds of its own destruction.

This has been compounded by the refusal of ordinary people to realize, know and understand that it is the duplicity of Governments and the deceit and endless greed of bankers that combined to simply fleece them like the apathetic sheep they are. Apathy and ignorance of the truth, creates belief in the lie. The truth is self-evident, but most people choose to neither hear it nor understand it. The debts of the Federal Reserve are the debts of a private corporation that is robbing the people of the United States.

The United States Dollar is a Federal Reserve Note and the obligations against the currency are the obligations of the Federal Reserve, not the people of the United States.
Understanding the History

1. Between 1927 and 1938, under arrangements made between T.V.Soong (Finance Minister of China) and Henry Morgethau, Secretary of the Treasury, The United States Government purchased some 50 million ounces of silver and leased vast amounts of gold from the Nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. During this period China was partly occupied by Japanese troops and there was the fear of China being overrun by the Japanese.

2. For all the treasure handed in, certificates were given to those who surrendered their precious metals. The surrendered precious metals and gemstones were sent to the United States under a lease agreement made between T.V. Soong and Henry Morgenthau. The Certificates became the underlying funds of the Kuomintang and were good and accepted securities.

3. In 1934 a new Securities Act was promulgated in the United States, together with the Gold Act, which required all bullion gold and gold coin to be surrendered to the Federal Reserve, a private corporation chartered to operate as the Central Bank of the United States and to be the issuer of the currency known as the United States Dollar.

4. Domestically owned gold was purchased. Foreign Gold held by the Treasury was also surrendered to the Federal Reserve, so, was leased to the Federal Reserve. This began the series 1934 Notes issued by the Federal Reserve. These have never been redeemed and the interest cost was met by further issuances of the 1934 series FRN’s.

5. These 1934 FRN’s guarantee the lease payments and to allow the Chinese Government to continue financially. These came under the control of the Kuomintang, the Nationalist Government in China from whom the Gold had been received. Many were left in China when the Kuomintang had to flee to Taiwan. The Gold had been nationalized by the Kuomintang who moved much of the FRN’s (but not all) to Taiwan which was built on these notes. These Notes were the underlying wealth of Taiwan and they were good for value as they were backed by gold.

6. During the war in China, most owners of the depository notes issued by Chinese Banks were killed by the Japanese, others later being killed by both the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communists, thus the Gold became property of the Nation, especially so, the Kuomintang. In Europe, Jews who had owned wealth were stripped of that wealth through various means and were then eliminated. The gold was taken either by stealth or by force, that is a reality of history.

7. The Kuomintang appointed guardians of this Gold and the securities issued by the United States; they are euphemistically known as the Dragon Family. The Dragon Family is in fact an organization that operates between old families within China and Taiwan, and as such is above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments. Chinese are remarkable in this regard, that old family ties and functions supercede political arrangements which, though they might last for generations, are regarded as inconsequential over the passage of time to most Chinese. Attached to this is the wealth of several nations. The United States in support of the Kuomintang and resistance groups actually printed more of these FRN notes inside China itself. These operations were run by the CIA to buy loyalty of various factions in the fight against the communists, eventually being driven out into Burma around 1960. Largely due to the additional printing of these notes, the additional Notes were given in lieu of interest, but directed to specific persons and parties.

8 At the end of the World War II, with Communist and Kuomintang factions at war in China, the International Community and the Chinese assented to the Gold being placed under the overt control of Indonesian President Soekarno. Soekarno then, on August 17, 1945, came to be known as M1 under United Nations Approval No. MISA 81704 “Operation Heavy Freedom. This was because much of the world’s gold had been delivered into Indonesia and the Philippines. Canada, Australia, Great Britain, India and other British Colonies sent their gold to the so called “impregnable Singapore” The Japanese, as per the arrangements agreed to by Hirohito in the 1921 Pact Between Nations made in London, delivered much of this gold to Indonesia (Then a Dutch Colony) and to Philippines (Then a US Colony) into secret bunkers that had been mostly constructed by the Japanese between 1924 and 1945. This is why the Allied troops in Malaya had no air cover or sufficient supplies to that would have allowed them to resist the Japanese. Singapore had to fall so most of the global wealth could be “lost” into a secret system that made the gold standard redundant and fiat currencies a reality.

This gold was documented into accounts through the Swiss Commercial Bank Union Bank of Switzerland, placed under protection of the Swiss Attorney General, registered through the Swiss National Bank into the Bank for International Settlements International Collateral Combined accounts and then from within the BIS, blocked to form the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts of the Federal Reserve System.

Later President Marcos of the Philippines was appointed and held the position of M1 until 1987 and then the position was transferred to Dr. Ray C. Dam, in October of 1987, under Legal Decadency to Heir RCD1087 Far East Entire with formal Power of Attorney and Assignment of Indonesian Assets signed by Sarinah Soetiwi (holder of the assets on behalf of the Nation of Indonesia as assigned by President Soekarno) in 1992, Dam’s authority later promulgated January 20, 1995. Dam proved to be impossible for the entire system to work with, (either because he refused to allow those who placed him in authority to steal, or because of his personal arrogance…. Difficult to know which is correct) and his authority over the Institutional parent registration Accounts set aside and the system reverted to the three Nations who had controlled these accounts since World war II, United States, Great Britain and France, who systematically and illegally subverted the established system since 1996.

9. From this we can see that there are two functional operations. One was ownership and Depository control by the owners of the Gold and the other a control system set in place to administer and control the Collateral Combined Accounts as an independent Arbiter. Ownership rights are held by the signatory to the Depository Accounts in Commercial Banks and Control Rights have been held by M1.

10. So it was, that the entire world supply of bullion and coinage gold was withdrawn and fiat currencies became the order of the day. However, underneath the notes and money issued by the Federal Reserve was the underlying wealth within a centralized system that Nations was intended to be used equitably, but Bankers determined they would use to raid national economies.

11. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy entered into an Agreement with President Soekarno to provide the funds to allow the United States Treasury to print its own currency, thus subverting the “right” to print the currency held by the Federal Reserve. The Agreement would have transferred some 59,000 tons of gold to underpin this currency. The problem with this was that the US domestic currency would have then been backed by gold which would have been a violation of international agreements meant to stabilize currencies. 11 days after signing this agreement, President Kennedy was assassinated. President Johnson the suspended EO11110 as issued by Kennedy and transferred the bullion to the Federal Reserve. The Green Hilton Agreement was not implemented until 1968 when Soekarno fell from office and when Global Trade made it imperative that the world have a Global Currency. As the Gold had been transferred to the US Treasury in 1968, a series of Bonds known as Kennedy Bonds were issued in order to honor the terms of the Green Hilton Agreement made between Kennedy and Soekarno, the 1968 terms of the gold delivery to the United States being different than made in 1934. When after 30 years, interest had not been paid as promised, a reissue of the bonds in an increased number were issued as commemorative notes and were accepted by the owners of the Gold, the Dragon Family.

12. From copies of Bank documents received by Neil Keenan, within the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, the funds the amounts of gold and platinum are specified. These amounts of gold are certificated and the certificates and ledger copies with full and exact identification and recognition codes are available. These certificates are further proven by the bank reports, copies of which are now held by Neil Keenan. The truth of these instruments can be vigorously defended through documentation in our hands and further through interrogation of the Black Screens where the off ledger collateral is held, together with an interrogation of the grey and blue screens where we will find enormous fraud from the illegal use of these assets.

13. In the few documents we present with this complaint we can see that the assets have been deposited, the counter-assets created and presented to the depositors, the depositors have been cheated for over 70 years through the intentional and fraudulent failure of the Obligor to honor the Agreements.

14. In recent weeks we have come into possession of the books and records of the late President Soekarno, and all the codes and ledgers of the Global Accounts. The size of these accounts can be seen by reviewing the Collective Agreement between the Garuda Memorial Hilton Indonesia and the Green Memorial Hilton Geneva, established, structured and made operational between 1961 and final signature in 1972. Under this Agreement the assets of the international collateral combined were established and brought forward, then, within a short period of time misused to change the operating systems of banks.

15. Reviewing these books, we can now see that Banks set aside the notion of operating under the Charters they hold as banks, instead of being Banks they became like very poor casino operators and traders, selling what they do not own. The records in our possession, signed and registered by the receiving and managing commercial bank, show the underlying funds in numbers and amounts that stagger the imagination. The Green Hilton and Garuda Memorial Agreements demonstrate clearly the value of the global account system.

a) Gold and Platinum Deposits ran into millions of tons.

b) 1934 series Federal Reserve System Bonds, Notes issued in 1928 , Kennedy Bonds ran into Quadrillions of US Dollars, Dragon Bonds are all recorded and acknowledged within the Green Hilton and Memorial Hilton Collective Agreements. Both Assets in the form of Bullion surrendered to the Global Accounts through the United States Government and then entrusted to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve System.

[end of material from Fulford's post; Poof continues:]

The hard doc is here;

I have been told this man is not a white knight or anything but, many of the less than nice guys are doing 'good faith' work, to clean up for past deeds.

Last week ended up being a sting operation and it was sold well, the info on delivery starting caused the cockroaches to come out of their holes preparing to make a huge haul on the unsuspecting public. Thus they found themselves in a trick bag and being dragged away to undisclosed locations, some getting 'dirty rice' for turkey day and funny colored water. There is a huge 'perp walk' in the offing, which I suspect will be like the nuremberg trials after ww2. From the activities this past week, there are many in america trying to get into a deep hole right now, before the wholesale arrests begin over here. I'm seeing now how they are making that promise fulfilled, 'the bad guys would not even sniff this money'. This is how you perform the 'Art of War'. Your future is not being determined by politrix. The widows and orphans will not be compromised by plutocrats and they who work for them.

This planet is much more advanced technologically then the populace has been allowed to know. We will now enter the Jetson's world and leave the stone age behind. They have been able to clone humans since 1947, think about that one and it's implications.The trouble with that is they have a short shelf life. The drug companies have been dispensing poisons to people and have been willfully doing it because it fits the agenda of the elite, 'thin the population', that ends too. As smart a these guys have been, they don't grasp their own limits and have pushed an agenda that was always doomed to fail. They can't control nature, there's always a snap back effect, if you try.

There's much more coming but I'm leaving that up to the official folks whose job it is to announce it, in both east and west. Word from the rafters says this is it...finally, and the countries, like 133 of them having their currencies revalued, will engage this week coming. Despite info out here to the contrary, the Rothschild were the first to deal with money they borrowed from the dragons, the cockroaches that didn't, oh well, Bye see ya have nice life eating crackers and government cheese. Should have followed the big r familiy's lead.

Love and Kisses,


Derivatives Disaster - Rothschilds banking cartel needs to suck it up!


$707,568,901,000,000: How (And Why) Banks Increased Total Outstanding Derivatives By A Record $107 Trillion In 6 Months
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/26/2011 20:44 -0500
“While everyone was focused on the impending European collapse, …the Bank of International Settlements reported a number that quietly slipped through the cracks of the broader media. Which is paradoxical because it is the biggest ever reported in the financial world: the number in question is $707,568,901,000,000 and represents the latest total amount of all notional Over The Counter (read unregulated) outstanding derivatives reported by the world’s financial institutions to the BIS for its semi-annual OTC derivatives report titled “OTC derivatives market activity in the first half of 2011.”

The World Economy is Saved!!! THE DINARS

The World Economy is Saved!!!
By Dene McGriff

The economy looks pretty bleak at the moment. As I have written in the last three articles, there is way too much money and debt sloshing around in the world, too many entitlements, too much complaining and too little production. Interest rates are increasing in Italy, Spain and even France. The debt/death spiral has begun. But what if I told you that we have a temporary fix? Just remember, you heard it here first. I’m not going to back this up with a bunch of links because no one is talking about it and no one is supposed to even know about it. This is hush-hush. But the “powers that be” are about to come upon trillions of new dollars.

Let’s all say it together: “Now wait a Wall Street minute . . . how could that be?” Printing money and monetizing debt will only lead to ruinous hyperinflation. What you see is what you get. There is no unfound wealth left in the world and gold’s nearly at $2,000 per troy ounce. Ah, grasshoppers, but what if there is and you just don’t know about it? What if the government doesn’t want you to know about it?

What if this little secret changes the course of history?
_Before I get to the meat of this, let me ask you a question: Just how did Bill Clinton not only balance the budget but come up with surpluses in his last couple of years in office? These surpluses were in terms of how the budget is computed. There were no real surpluses if you count unfunded liabilities.

Notwithstanding, for the first time in years, these “surpluses” showed up out of nowhere.

Now, let me ask you: Is that because President Clinton was such a frugal spender? Was it because Congress all of the sudden got fiscal religion and stopped spending? Sure, there were military cutbacks, but there was much more involved.
The First Gulf War was paid for – not just by the Saudis but also by the Kuwaitis and America actually made a profit!

During the war the value of the Kuwaiti Dinar collapsed to pennies, but the U.S. and a few speculators accumulated hundreds of billions. There is no way of knowing exactly how much but that is the main source for the Clinton surplus. It took seven or eight years to see it, but it finally paid off. The dinar went from pennies to about $3.60 to one dinar, making it one of the most valuable currencies in the world!

When the second Gulf conflict began, Bush and Cheney assured us all that the war would pay for itself.

Bush set a plan in motion. When the first Gulf war began, the Iraqi Dinar was at $3.22 to one dollar. It dropped to a fraction of a cent and stayed there for the past two decades. The Iraqi Dinar is still absolutely worthless. It is currently at about 1280 dinars to the dollar. There are many other currencies that are worth much more than their current value; the most notable is China’s Yuan Renmimbi, which is worth about 6.8 to the dollar. China has a competitive advantage because it is keeps their currency at a low value. Another example is the Vietnamese Dong which is worth about one hundred dollars per million Dong. Many believe the value is more like 20 Dong to the dollar. That is quite a difference, i.e., 0.0001 vs. .20 – an astonishing differential.

Now, let’s shift gears back to the world monetary system for a moment before we come back to Iraq.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) realizes that the system of fiat currency (worthless paper money) isn’t working because it is based on the “good faith” of the individual government printing the currency and governments have proved down through the ages they can’t be trusted. There is too great a temptation to deflate the value.

Meanwhile, there is a hue and cry to return to the gold standard because it at least bases value on something tangible and keeps government honest. The problem with the gold standard is that there isn’t enough gold to base a world economy on it. So, what to do?

Over the past few years the IMF has been working on complex formulas which would determine the value of a country’s currency based on their resources and productive capacity. This could mean agricultural, mineral or other natural resources or manufacturing output, intellectual resources (e.g. those who create technology) and so forth. The idea is to come up with objective, quantifiable criteria.

They are currently in the process of revaluing 133 national currencies. Some could go up and some could go down. If this were done on a fair basis, every country would get credit for whatever they produced and their currency would reflect that value.

Now let me ask you: What would happen if all of the sudden a currency worth next to nothing gained a tremendous amount in value?
What if the Chinese currency suddenly went up by thirty percent? That would mean there is a lot more money in circulation. We see references in the news about how the IMF and the central banks are trying to come up with a scheme to inject needed cash into the system before the Euro-zone implodes. They have a plan but you will never know how they did it!

Now let’s go back to little Iraq. Iraq is one of the best kept secrets. Could it be that had something to do with two Gulf wars? Little Iraq is number three in the world in oil reserves. Only about one quarter of Iraq has been explored. Now they are up to about 40 percent and the amount of reserves continues to grow. The strange thing is that Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves never seem to go down even though they have been pumping oil like crazy for the past 100 years. When drilling for oil in Iraq, you are more likely to hit oil than water, and it is sweet crude, the best in the world. Some think it will end up being number one in the world. It is already the first in natural gas. Iraq is also rich in minerals and has historically been the bread basket of the Middle East. It is the site of the original Garden of Eden with the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flowing through it year round. After decades of being ravaged by war, it can once again become a major agricultural producer.

So what does this mean? Based on IMF calculations, the value of the Iraqi Dinar should be around the $2+ range. This is not unreasonable considering other Middle Eastern oil producing countries average about $3 to $1. “So what?” you say. It is estimated that the U.S. government is holding 3.5 trillion Iraqi Dinar (IQD). If it were to revalue to the $3 level, that would be $10 trillion new found dollars (US)! Imagine what fun our legislators would have with that? Of course, they could pay down the national debt, but I suspect they would just rather spend it and look like heroes instead of balancing the budget. We can also safely assume that France, Germany, England and even the PIIGS are sitting on IQD. That would really help as well. But no one will ever say it in public.

Many countries will see their currencies go up. This has been alluded to in the news. This would certainly help solve the immediate crisis. It would inject much needed cash into the Euro-zone, America and the rest of the world. But will it solve the world economic problems? I seriously doubt it. In the short run but not in the long run. It may support a nice little recovery for a few years. That won’t deal with the problem of excess liquidity – too much money and in this case, even more of it sloshing around in the world.
Our leaders have shown that rather than let banks and countries fail and restructure, as in “work the debt out;” instead, they pour more good money after bad, only greasing the pockets of the bankers and the elites. No wonder the “Occupy” movements are so upset!

You won’t read about this in the newspapers, CNN, CNBC, Fox or Bloomberg. This is a little secret the politicians will pull out to save the economy, save Obama and save their legislative posteriors. People will think they are brilliant and re-elect them.
Currencies led by Iraq, China, Vietnam and a few others will revalue, injecting trillions into the world economy. This will put a temporary patch on Europe and even the US, only postponing the pain for a few more years.

Again, the revaluation of these currencies around the world is designed by the IMF (whose engagement is “international monetary policy”) to reflect tangible (minerals, resource assets) and intangible (intellectual, technological capital) worth of a nation’s currency –
the more assets, resources and intellectual capital a nation possesses, the greater will be its currency’s worth…most nation states will find themselves in a strengthened currency (more valuable) – some, like Vietnam and Iraq will reap a bonanza. This temporary fix will alter the course of the elections.

This is just my little prediction. The IMF, the central banks and the governments of the world will ride high for a few more years while the real trouble brews in the Holy Land!
Dene McGriff 

(The below link was emailed in by Eagle Has Landed of the original story)

Jefferson's prophesy has come true.

To All,"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

Jefferson's prophesy has come true.

Under the Constitution re-delegation of delegated authority is a felony breach.An Expose On The Legal Fraud Perpetrated On All Americans


The concept of DEBTORS and CREDITORS is very important to understand.

Every legal action where you are brought before the court: e.g. traffic ticket, property dispute or permits, income tax, credit cards, bank loans or anything else government might dream up to charge you where you find yourself in front of a court. It is an equity court, administrating commercial law having a debtor-creditor law as the controlling law. Today, we have an equity court but not an equity court as defined by the Constitution of the United States or any other legal documents before 1938.

All the courts of this once great land have been changed starting with the Supreme Court decision of 1938 in ERIE V. THOMPKINS. I'll give you background which led to this decision. There is a terrible FRAUD being perpetrated on all Americans. Please understand that this fraud is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, year after year continuous fraud. This fraud is constantly upon you all your life. It doesn't just happen once in a while. This fraud is perpetually and incessantly upon you and your family. Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests.The Independent Treasury Act of 1921 suspended the de jure (meaning "by right of legal establishment") Treasury Department of the United States government. Our Congress turned the treasury department over to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve and their agents. The bulk of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well kept secret from the American Citizen, is held by these banking interests:

Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York 

The Federal Reserve is at the root of most of our present laws. Basically, the Federal Reserve is the "STATE" of the United States.

See "Our Enemy, The STATE" by Albert J. Nock - 1935, his Classic Critique Distinguishing "Government" from the "STATE."

See Also Charts in Text Format of Interlocking Directorships and Family Linkages taken from "Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976." All our law is private law, written by The National Law Institute, Law Professors, and the Bar Association, the Agents of Foreign Banking interests. They have come to this position of writing the law by fraudulently deleting the "Titles of Nobility and Honour" Thirteenth Amendment from the Constitution for the United States, creating an oligarchy of Lawyers and Bankers controlling all three branches of our government. Most of our law comes directly through the Hague or the U.N. Almost all U.N. treaties have been codified into the U.S. codes. That's where all our educational programs originate. The U.N. controls our education system.

The Federal Register Act was created by Pres. Roosevelt in 1935. Title 3 sec. 301 et seq. by Executive Order. He gave himself the power to create federal agencies and appoint a head of the agency. He then re-delegated his authority to make law (statutory regulations) to those agency heads. One big problem there, the president has no constitutional authority to make law. Under the Constitution re-delegation of delegated authority is a felony breach.

The president then gave the agencies the authority to tax. We now have government by appointment running this country. This is the shadow government sometimes spoken about, but never referred to as government by appointment. This type of government represents taxation without representation.

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$707,568,901,000,000 Outstanding derivatives

$707,568,901,000,000 Outstanding derivatives; A $107 trillion increase in notional in half a year!!! Found out Why This is Not In Mainstreammedia
European collapse, the latest soon to be refuted rumors of a quick fix from the Welt am Sonntag notwithstanding, the Bank of International Settlements reported a number that quietly slipped through the cracks of the broader media.

Which is paradoxical because it is the biggest ever reported in the financial world: the number in question is $707,568,901,000,000 and represents the latest total amount of all notional Over The Counter (read unregulated) outstanding derivatives reported by the world's financial institutions to the BIS for its semi-annual OTC derivatives report titled "OTC derivatives market activity in the first half of 2011."

Said otherwise, for the six month period ended June 30, 2011, the total number of outstanding derivatives surged past the previous all time high of $673 trillion from June 2008, and is now firmly in 7-handle territory: the synthetic credit bubble has now been blown to a new all time high. What is probably just as disturbing is that in the first 6 months of 2011, the total outstanding notional of all derivatives rose from $601 trillion at December 31, 2010 to $708 trillion at June 30, 2011.

$107 trillion increase in notional in half a year. Needless to say this is the biggest increase in history. So why did the notional increase by such an incomprehensible amount? Simple: based on some widely accepted (and very much wrong) definitions of gross market value (not to be confused with gross notional), the value of outstanding derivatives actually declined in the first half of the year from $21.3 trillion to $19.5 trillion (a number still 33% greater than US GDP).

Which means that in order to satisfy what likely threatened to become a self-feeding margin call as the (previously) $600 trillion derivatives market collapsed on itself, banks had to sell more, more, more derivatives in order to collect recurring and/or upfront premia and to pad their books with GAAP-endorsed delusions of future derivative based cash flows.

Because derivatives in addition to a core source of trading desk P&L courtesy of wide bid/ask spreads (there is a reason banks want to keep them OTC and thus off standardization and margin-destroying exchanges) are also terrific annuities for the status quo. Just ask Buffett why he sold a multi-billion index put on the US stock market. The answer is simple - if he ever has to make good on it, it is too late.

Good Found From Zero Hedge:
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U heeft vast wel eens het gevoel dat er iets niet klopt aan een bepaald bericht zoals bijvoorbeeld de vele aardbevingen die op het moment plaats vinden, vulkaanuitbarstingen, uw gezondheid en welzijn, over de kracht van de zon, het weer, etc. Wij zijn op zoek naar de waarheid achter deze berichten en om het voor u allemaal zo duidelijk mogelijk te maken, proberen wij u zo alles duidelijk te maken en het voor u op Verborgen Nieuws te plaatsen. De wereld ondergaat een grote verandering, daarom laten wij u zien wat er daadwerkelijk plaats vind op onze wereld!

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