BREAKING: Emergency Update As The World Turns 3/3
P. P. S. Message to Israeli Mossad stooge Donald Trump: You are a piece of manure and a moron. You will cease and desist your criticism of one of America's greatest patriots, Ron Paul of Texas. I am telling you right now, punk Trump, shut up!
If Ron Paul was 30 years younger he would kick your New York ass.
It should be noted that most of Trump's wealth was gained by Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy scams aka ponzi schemes; and, over the last five years, he has regularly appeared on cable television wrestling shows in which punk Trump sprays whipped cream on alleged wrestlers aka studio actors in exchange for massive financial compensation.
From this moment forward, punk Trump, we declare you as a direct enemy of the American People, the American Republic, the American Constitution and the American Revolution in the 21st century.
It is important that REAL American Patriots disrupt and stop the WWF alleged Donald Trump Republican debate, a circus side show.
In closing we should note that it is none other than Rupert Murdoch Greenberg's FOX News and its gestapo mouthpiece Sean Hannity, as well as MSNBC Hardball's 'tweety bird' pedophile Chrissy Pooh Matthews, that are promoting this Donald Trump crap.
Personal message to Chrissy Pooh Matthews: If you are such an admirer of John F. Kennedy why is it you regularly allow Israeli Mossad asset and known bank stooge, former Governor Ed Rendell to appear on your program.
Rendell conspired with loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and TIME magazine journalist, Israeli Mossad agent Joe "True Colors" Klein to smear the daughter of the late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Caroline, when she sought the appointment to the New York U.S. Senate seat in 2008 vacated by Hillary when Barack Obama appointed her as Secretary of State.
It should also be noted Penn State pedophile enabler Ed Rendell actually engaged in blackmail against then year 2000 duly elected president Al Gore Jr. telling him to quite the race and allow election stealing, nation wrecking George W. BushFRAUD to take office illegally.
In closing Chrissy Pooh, when are you going to report that Bill Clinton was a recipient of $50,000 a month compensation from MF Global for doing absolutely nothing at all.
This is the kind of crap that is absolutely enraging the American People as we head into the New American Revolution in the 21st century.